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  • Behavior of a Multi-User MIMO System in Time-Varying Environments Open Access

    Yasutaka OGAWA  Kanako YAMAGUCHI  Huu Phu BUI  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  


    E96-B No:10

    We evaluated the behavior of a multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system in time-varying channels using measured data. A base station for downlink or broadcast transmission requires downlink channel state information (CSI), which is outdated in time-varying environments and we encounter degraded performance due to interference. One of the countermeasures against time-variant environments is predicting channels with an autoregressive (AR) model-based method. We modified the AR prediction for a time division duplex system. We conducted measurement campaigns in indoor environments to verify the performance of the scheme of channel prediction in an actual environment and measured channel data. We obtained the bit-error rate (BER) using these data. The AR-model-based technique of prediction assuming the Jakes' model was found to reduce BER. Also, the optimum AR-model order was investigated by using the channel data we measured.

  • Demands on Reliable and Robust Wireless Communications under Land-Sea-and-Air Extreme Environments

    Kazuya YOSHIDA  Koji IZUMI  Hiroshi YOSHIDA  Ryu MIURA  Fumie ONO  


    E96-A No:5

    This paper describes an overview of demands on wireless communications from the point of view of robotics, oceanics and aviation technologies. These technologies are mostly applied to extreme environments, where humans cannot easily approach and directly operate equipment. In such environments, reliable and robust wireless communications are highly required to perform missions perfectly. However, there are many issues for wireless technologies to meet those requirements due to poor propagation and large delay conditions. This paper discusses wireless communication technologies required in land-sea-and-air environments based on the recent development challenges of unmanned ground and marine robots and next-generation air-transportation systems. This paper will contribute future wireless communication techniques for unmanned robots and next-generation aviations.

  • Multichannel Two-Stage Beamforming with Unconstrained Beamformer and Distortion Reduction

    Masahito TOGAMI  Yohei KAWAGUCHI  Yasunari OBUCHI  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E96-A No:4

    This paper proposes a novel multichannel speech enhancement technique for reverberant rooms that is effective when noise sources are spatially stationary, such as a projector fan noise, an air-conditioner noise, and unwanted speech sources at the back of microphones. Speech enhancement performance of the conventional multichannel Wiener filter (MWF) degrades when the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the current microphone input signal changes from the noise-only period. Furthermore, the MWF structure is computationally inefficient, because the MWF updates the whole spatial beamformer periodically to track switching of the speakers (e.g. turn-taking). In contrast to the MWF, the proposed method reduces noise independently of the SNR. The proposed method has a novel two-stage structure, which reduces noise and distortion of the desired source signal in a cascade manner by using two different beamformers. The first beamformer focuses on noise reduction without any constraint on the desired source, which is insensitive to SNR variation. However, the output signal after the first beamformer is distorted. The second beamformer focuses on distortion reduction of the desired source signal. Theoretically, complete elimination of distortion is assured. Additionally, the proposed method has a computationally efficient structure optimized for spatially stationary noise reduction problems. The first beamformer is updated only when the speech enhancement system is initialized. Only the second beamformer is updated periodically to track switching of the active speaker. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method can reduce spatially stationary noise source signals effectively with less distortion of the desired source signal even in a reverberant conference room.

  • Cryptanalysis of a Dynamic ID-Based Remote User Authentication Scheme with Access Control for Multi-Server Environments

    Debiao HE  Hao HU  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E96-D No:1

    Recently, Shao et al. [M. Shao and Y. Chin, A privacy-preserving dynamic id-based remote user authentication scheme with access control for multi-server environment, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E95-D, no.1, pp.161–168, 2012] proposed a dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme with access control for multi-server environments. They claimed that their scheme could withstand various attacks and provide anonymity. However, in this letter, we will point out that Shao et al.'s scheme has practical pitfalls and is not feasible for real-life implementation. We identify that their scheme is vulnerable to two kinds of attacks and cannot provide anonymity.

  • Collaborative Access Control for Multi-Domain Cloud Computing

    Souheil BEN AYED  Fumio TERAOKA  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E95-D No:10

    The Internet infrastructure is evolving with various approaches such as cloud computing. Interest in cloud computing is growing with the rise of services and applications particularly in business community. For delivering service securely, cloud computing providers are facing several security issues, including controlling access to services and ensuring privacy. Most of access control approaches tend to a centralization of policy administration and decision by introducing a mediator central third party. However, with the growth of the Internet and the increase of cloud computing providers, a centralized administration is no longer supported. In this paper, we present a new collaborative access control infrastructure for distributed cloud computing environment, supporting collaborative delegations across multiple domains in order to authorize users to access services at a visited domain that does not have a direct cooperative relationship with the user's home domain. For this purpose, we propose an extension of the XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup Language) model with a new entity called Delegation Validation Point (DVP) to support multi-domain delegation in a distributed environment. We describe the new extended model and functionalities of the new component. In addition, we define new XACML messages for acquiring delegation across domains. For exchanging delegation between domains we use SAML (Security Association Markup Language) and Diameter protocol. Two Diameter applications are defined for transporting securely multiple delegation requests and answers and for building a trusted path of cooperation to acquire the chain of delegations. We detail the implemented prototype and evaluate performance within a testbed of up to 20 domains.

  • Performance Improvement of IMR-Based NLOS Detection in Indoor Ultra Wide-Band TOA Localization

    Kazutaka FUKUDA  Eiji OKAMOTO  

    PAPER-Sensor Network

    E95-A No:10

    Sensor networks, in which many small terminals are wirelessly connected, have recently received considerable interest according to the development of wireless technology and electronic circuit. To provide advanced applications and services by the sensor networks, data collection including node location is essential. Hence the location estimation is important and many localization schemes have been proposed. Time of arrival (TOA) localization is one of the popular schemes because of its high estimation accuracy in ultra wide-band (UWB) sensor networks. However, a non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environment between the target and the anchor nodes causes a serious estimation error because the time is delayed more than its true one. Thus, the NLOS nodes should be detected and eliminated for estimation. As a well-known NLOS detection scheme, an iterative minimum residual (IMR) scheme which has low calculation complexity is used for detection. However, the detection error exists in IMR scheme due to the measurement error. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new IMR-based NLOS detection scheme and show its performance improvement by computer simulations.

  • Markovian Modeling for Operational Software Reliability Evaluation with Systemability

    Koichi TOKUNO  Shigeru YAMADA  


    E95-A No:9

    In this paper, we discuss the stochastic modeling for operational software reliability measurement, assuming that the testing environment is originally different from the user operation one. In particular, we introduce the concept of systemability which is defined as the reliability characteristic subject to the uncertainty of the field operational environment into the model. First we introduce the environmental factor to consistently bridge the gap between the software failure-occurrence characteristics during the testing and the operation phases. Then we consider the randomness of the environmental factor, i.e., the environmental factor is treated as a random-distributed variable. We use the Markovian imperfect debugging model to describe the software reliability growth phenomena in the testing and the operation phases. We derive the analytical solutions of the several operational software reliability assessment measures which are given as the functions of time and the number of debuggings. Finally, we show several numerical illustrations to investigate the impacts of the consideration of systemability on the field software reliability evaluation.

  • Cryptanalysis of a Smartcard-Based User Authentication Scheme for Multi-Server Environments

    Debiao HE  Hao HU  

    LETTER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E95-B No:9

    Recently, Lee et al. [Y. Lee, E. Kim, S. Seok, and M. Jung, A smartcard-based user authentication scheme to ensure the PFS in multi-server environments, IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol.E95-B, no.2, pp.619–622, 2012] proposed a smartcard-based user authentication scheme for multi-server environments. They claimed that their scheme could withstand various attacks and provide the perfect forward secrecy (PFS). However, in this letter, we will point out that their scheme is vulnerable to three kinds of attacks and cannot provide the PFS.

  • Inertial Estimator Learning Automata

    Junqi ZHANG  Lina NI  Chen XIE  Shangce GAO  Zheng TANG  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E95-A No:6

    This paper presents an inertial estimator learning automata scheme by which both the short-term and long-term perspectives of the environment can be incorporated in the stochastic estimator – the long term information crystallized in terms of the running reward-probability estimates, and the short term information used by considering whether the most recent response was a reward or a penalty. Thus, when the short-term perspective is considered, the stochastic estimator becomes pertinent in the context of the estimator algorithms. The proposed automata employ an inertial weight estimator as the short-term perspective to achieve a rapid and accurate convergence when operating in stationary random environments. According to the proposed inertial estimator scheme, the estimates of the reward probabilities of actions are affected by the last response from environment. In this way, actions that have gotten the positive response from environment in the short time, have the opportunity to be estimated as “optimal”, to increase their choice probability and consequently, to be selected. The estimates become more reliable and consequently, the automaton rapidly and accurately converges to the optimal action. The asymptotic behavior of the proposed scheme is analyzed and it is proved to be ε-optimal in every stationary random environment. Extensive simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm converges faster than the traditional stochastic-estimator-based S ERI scheme, and the deterministic-estimator-based DGPA and DPRI schemes when operating in stationary random environments.

  • A Development of Game-Based Learning Environment to Activate Interaction among Learners

    Ryo TAKAOKA  Masayuki SHIMOKAWA  Toshio OKAMOTO  


    E95-D No:4

    Many studies and systems that incorporate elements such as “pleasure” and “fun” in the game to improve a learner's motivation have been developed in the field of learning environments. However, few are the studies of situations where many learners gather at a single computer and participate in a game-based learning environment (GBLE), and where the GBLE designs the learning process by controlling the interactions between learners such as competition, collaboration, and learning by teaching. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a framework of educational control that induces and activates interaction between learners intentionally to create a learning opportunity that is based on the knowledge understanding model of each learner. In this paper, we explain the design philosophy and the framework of our GBLE called “Who becomes the king in the country of mathematics?” from a game viewpoint and describe the method of learning support control in the learning environment. In addition, we report the results of the learning experiment with our GBLE, which we carried out in a junior high school, and include some comments by a principal and a teacher. From the results of the experiment and some comments, we noticed that a game may play a significant role in weakening the learning relationship among students and creating new relationships in the world of the game. Furthermore, we discovered that learning support control of the GBLE has led to activation of the interaction between learners to some extent.

  • JTAR: Junction-Based Traffic Aware Routing in Sparse Urban VANETs

    Haifeng SUN  Guangchun LUO  Hao CHEN  


    E95-B No:3

    We propose a Junction-Based Traffic Aware Routing (JTAR) protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) in sparse urban environments. A traffic aware optimum junction selection solution is adopted in packet-forwarding, and a metric named critical-segment is defined in recovery strategy. Simulation results show that JTAR can efficiently increase the packet delivery ratio and reduce the delivery delay.

  • Bayesian Radar Detection with Orthogonal Rejection

    Chengpeng HAO  Xiuqin SHANG  Francesco BANDIERA  Long CAI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E95-A No:2

    This letter focuses on the design of selective receivers for homogeneous scenarios where a very small number of secondary data are available. To this end, at the design stage it is assumed that the cell under test (CUT) contains a fictitious signal orthogonal to the nominal steering vector under the null hypothesis; the clutter covariance matrix is modeled as a random matrix with an inverse complex Wishart distribution. Under the above assumptions, we devise two Bayesian detectors based on the GLRT criterion, both one-step and two-step. It is shown that the proposed detectors have the same detection structure as their non-Bayesian counterparts, substituting the colored diagonal sample covariance matrix (SCM) for the classic one. Finally, a performance assessment, conducted by Monte Carlo simulations, has shown that our detectors ensure better rejection capabilities of mismatched signals than the existing Bayesian detectors, at the price of a certain loss in terms of detection of matched signals.

  • On-Body Area UWB Channel Modeling Including Reflection from Surroundings

    Ippei KIMURA  Jianqing WANG  


    E94-B No:9

    This study aims how to contain the environment reflection in a dynamic on-body ultra wideband (UWB) channel model. Based on a measurement approach, it is demonstrated that a complete body area channel model can be regarded as a combination of the on-body propagation characteristic and additional components from the environment. Based on such a channel model, the effect of environment reflection on the average bit error rate performance was investigated for a typical impulse radio UWB system.

  • Adaptive Noise Suppression Algorithm for Speech Signal Based on Stochastic System Theory

    Akira IKUTA  Hisako ORIMOTO  


    E94-A No:8

    Numerous noise suppression methods for speech signals have been developed up to now. In this paper, a new method to suppress noise in speech signals is proposed, which requires a single microphone only and doesn't need any priori-information on both noise spectrum and pitch. It works in the presence of noise with high amplitude and unknown direction of arrival. More specifically, an adaptive noise suppression algorithm applicable to real-life speech recognition is proposed without assuming the Gaussian white noise, which performs effectively even though the noise statistics and the fluctuation form of speech signal are unknown. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed by applying it to real speech signals contaminated by noises.

  • A Compact Loop Antenna System for Monitoring Local Electromagnetic Environments in Geospace

    Satoshi YAGITANI  Mitsunori OZAKI  Hirotsugu KOJIMA  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E94-B No:6

    A sensor network consisting of a number of palm-sized nodes with small electric and magnetic sensors has been proposed to monitor local electromagnetic activities in space plasmas. In the present study, a compact loop antenna system is designed and fabricated for use in sensor nodes that can capture magnetic vector fields from ELF to MF frequencies. The performance of the developed system is shown to be sufficient to allow measurement of the magnetic field activity around artificial structures in addition to intense natural plasma waves in geospace.

  • Ubiquitous Services: Enhancing Cyber-Physical Coupling with Smart Enablers Open Access

    Hideyuki TOKUDA  Jin NAKAZAWA  Takuro YONEZAWA  


    E94-D No:6

    Ubiquitous computing and communication are the key technology for achieving economic growth, sustainable development, safe and secure community towards a ubiquitous network society. Although the technology alone cannot solve the emerging problems, it is important to deploy services everywhere and reach real people with sensor enabled smart phones or devices. Using these devices and wireless sensor networks, we have been creating various types of ubiquitous services which support our everyday life. In this paper, we describe ubiquitous services based on a HOT-SPA model and discuss challenges in creating new ubiquitous services with smart enablers such as smart phones, wireless sensor nodes, social media, and cloud services. We first classify various types of ubiquitous service and introduce the HOT-SPA model which is aimed at modeling ubiquitous services. Several ubiquitous services, such as DIY smart object services, Twitthings, Airy Notes, and SensingCloud, are described. We then address the challenges in creating advanced ubiquitous services by enhancing coupling between a cyber and a physical space.

  • Propagation Channel Modeling in the Mixture of NLOS and LOS Environments for MIMO-MRC System and Its Application to ITS-IVC

    Yi WANG  Kenji ITO  Yoshio KARASAWA  

    PAPER-MIMO Propagation

    E94-B No:5

    This paper presents a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) propagation model for independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) channels in the mixture of none-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) and Line-of-Sight (LOS) environments. The derived model enables to evaluate the system statistical characteristics of Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) for MIMO transmission based on Maximal Ratio Combing (MRC). An application example applying the model in 22 configuration to ITS Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) system is introduced. We clarify the effectiveness of the proposed model by comparisons of both computer simulations and measurement results of a field experiment. We also use the model to show the better performance of SNR when applying MIMO to IVC system than SISO and SIMO.

  • Exploring the Teaching Efficiency of Integrating an Animated Agent into Web-Based Multimedia Learning System

    Kai-Yi CHIN  Yen-Lin CHEN  Jong-Shin CHEN  Zeng-Wei HONG  Jim-Min LIN  


    E94-D No:4

    In our previous project, an XML-based authoring tool was provided for teachers to script multimedia teaching material with animated agents, and a stand-alone learning system was designed for students to display the material and interact with animated agents. We also provided evidence that the authoring tool and learning system in computer-assisted learning systems successfully enhances learning performance. The aim of this study is to continue the previous project, to develop a Web-based multimedia learning system that presents materials and an animated agent on a Web browser. The Web-based multimedia learning system can provide an opportunity for students to engage in independent learning or review of school course work. In order to demonstrate the efficiency of this learning system, it was applied to one elementary school. An experimental material, `Road Traffic Safety', was presented in two learning systems: a Web-based PowerPoint learning system and a Web-based multimedia learning system. The experiment was carried out in two classes that had a total of thirty-one 3rd-grade students. The results suggest that using our authoring tool in a Web-based learning system can improve learning, and in particular, enhance learners' problem-solving ability. Students with higher achievement on the post-test showed better comprehension in problem-solving questions. Furthermore, the feedback from the questionnaire surveys show students' learning interest can be fostered when an animated agent is integrated into multimedia teaching materials, and that students prefer to adopt the Web-based multimedia learning system for independent learning after school.

  • A Relay Selection Based on Eigenvalue Decomposition for Cooperative Communications in Indoor Ubiquitous Sensor Networks

    Sekchin CHANG  


    E93-B No:11

    A new best-relay selection scheme is proposed in this letter in order to maintain a reliable cooperative communications for ubiquitous sensor networks in indoor environments. The suggested technique relies on eigenvalue decomposition to select the best relay. The simulation results confirm that the performance of the proposed approach is better than that of the previous scheme in indoor environments.

  • Performance Evaluation of Spatial Correlation Characteristics for Handset Antennas Using Spatial Fading Emulator Based on Clarke's Model

    Hiroshi IWAI  Kei SAKAGUCHI  Tsutomu SAKATA  Atsushi YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Mobile Propagation

    E93-B No:10

    This paper describes a spatial fading emulator based on Clarke's model that can evaluate spatial correlation characteristics between signals received by handset antennas including human-body effect under emulated multipath propagation environments. The proposed model is composed of scatterers, phase-shifters and attenuators. The scatterers are located at equal intervals on the circumference of a circle. Phase shifters and attenuators in a control circuit are used to control the phase and amplitude of each wave radiated from the scatterers in order to emulate multi-path propagation environments, such as Rayleigh or Nakagami-Rice distribution, to be generated at their center. In this paper, the maximum distance between receiving antennas that could be used to evaluate spatial correlation characteristics between antennas was investigated experimentally. The measurement results show that 15 scatterers with a radius of 1.5 m are sufficient to evaluate spatial correlation characteristics within the branch separation of 1.7 λ when parallel dipole antennas are used as receiving antennas.
