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[Keyword] equivalence(35hit)


  • On the Number of Affine Equivalence Classes of Vectorial Boolean Functions and q-Ary Functions

    Shihao LU  Haibin KAN  Jie PENG  Chenmiao SHI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:3

    Vectorial Boolean functions play an important role in cryptography, sequences and coding theory. Both affine equivalence and EA-equivalence are well known equivalence relations between vectorial Boolean functions. In this paper, we give an exact formula for the number of affine equivalence classes, and an asymptotic formula for the number of EA-equivalence classes of vectorial Boolean functions.

  • An Improved Adaptive Algorithm for Locating Faulty Interactions in Combinatorial Testing Open Access

    Qianqian YANG  Xiao-Nan LU  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E105-A No:6

    Combinatorial testing is an effective testing technique for detecting faults in a software or hardware system with multiple factors using combinatorial methods. By performing a test, which is an assignment of possible values to all the factors, and verifying whether the system functions as expected (pass) or not (fail), the presence of faults can be detected. The failures of the tests are possibly caused by combinations of multiple factors assigned with specific values, called faulty interactions. Martínez et al. [1] proposed the first deterministic adaptive algorithm for discovering faulty interactions involving at most two factors where each factor has two values, for which graph representations are adopted. In this paper, we improve Martínez et al.'s algorithm by an adaptive algorithmic approach for discovering faulty interactions in the so-called “non-2-locatable” graphs. We show that, for any system where each “non-2-locatable factor-component” involves two faulty interactions (for example, a system having at most two faulty interactions), our improved algorithm efficiently discovers all the faulty interactions with an extremely low mistaken probability caused by the random selection process in Martínez et al.'s algorithm. The effectiveness of our improved algorithm are revealed by both theoretical discussions and experimental evaluations.

  • A Field Equivalence between Physical Optics and GO-Based Equivalent Current Methods for Scattering from Circular Conducting Cylinders

    Ngoc Quang TA  Hiroshi SHIRAI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E103-C No:9

    Plane wave scattering from a circular conducting cylinder and a circular conducting strip has been formulated by equivalent surface currents which are postulated from the scattering geometrical optics (GO) field. Thus derived radiation far fields are found to be the same as those formulated by a conventional physical optics (PO) approximation for both E and H polarizations.

  • Consistency Checking between Java Equals and hashCode Methods Using Software Analysis Workbench

    Kozo OKANO  Satoshi HARAUCHI  Toshifusa SEKIZAWA  Shinpei OGATA  Shin NAKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Software System

    E102-D No:8

    Java is one of important program language today. In Java, in order to build sound software, we have to carefully implement two fundamental methods hashCode and equals. This requirement, however, is not easy to follow in real software development. Some existing studies for ensuring the correctness of these two methods rely on static analysis, which are limited to loop-free programs. This paper proposes a new solution to this important problem, using software analysis workbench (SAW), an open source tool. The efficiency is evaluated through experiments. We also provide a useful situation where cost of regression testing is reduced when program refactoring is conducted.

  • Translation Equivalence of Boolean Functions Expressed by Primitive Element

    Yindong CHEN  Liu ZHANG  Deng TANG  Weihong CAI  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:4

    In recent years, algebraic attacks and fast algebraic attacks have received a lot of attention in the cryptographic community. There are three Boolean functions achieving optimal algebraic immunity based on primitive element of F2n. The support of Boolean functions in [1]-[3] have the same parameter s, which makes us have a large number of Boolean functions with good properties. However, we prove that the Boolean functions are affine equivalence when s takes different values.

  • A New Interpretation of Physical Optics Approximation from Surface Equivalence Theorem

    Hieu Ngoc QUANG  Hiroshi SHIRAI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E101-C No:8

    In this study, the electromagnetic scatterings from conducting bodies have been investigated via a surface equivalence theorem. When one formulates equivalent electric and magnetic currents from geometrical optics (GO) reflected field in the illuminated surface and GO incident field in the shadowed surface, it has been found that the asymptotically derived radiation fields are found to be the same as those formulated from physical optics (PO) approximation.

  • More New Classes of Differentially 4-Uniform Permutations with Good Cryptographic Properties

    Jie PENG  Chik How TAN  Qichun WANG  Jianhua GAO  Haibin KAN  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:6

    Research on permutation polynomials over the finite field F22k with significant cryptographical properties such as possibly low differential uniformity, possibly high nonlinearity and algebraic degree has attracted a lot of attention and made considerable progress in recent years. Once used as the substitution boxes (S-boxes) in the block ciphers with Substitution Permutation Network (SPN) structure, this kind of polynomials can have a good performance against the classical cryptographic analysis such as linear attacks, differential attacks and the higher order differential attacks. In this paper we put forward a new construction of differentially 4-uniformity permutations over F22k by modifying the inverse function on some specific subsets of the finite field. Compared with the previous similar works, there are several advantages of our new construction. One is that it can provide a very large number of Carlet-Charpin-Zinoviev equivalent classes of functions (increasing exponentially). Another advantage is that all the functions are explicitly constructed, and the polynomial forms are obtained for three subclasses. The third advantage is that the chosen subsets are very large, hence all the new functions are not close to the inverse function. Therefore, our construction may provide more choices for designing of S-boxes. Moreover, it has been checked by a software programm for k=3 that except for one special function, all the other functions in our construction are Carlet-Charpin-Zinoviev equivalent to the existing ones.

  • Formal Verification-Based Redundancy Identification of Transition Faults with Broadside Scan Tests

    Hiroshi IWATA  Nanami KATAYAMA  Ken'ichi YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Formal techniques

    E100-D No:6

    In accordance with Moore's law, recent design issues include shortening of time-to-market and detection of delay faults. Several studies with respect to formal techniques have examined the first issue. Using the equivalence checking, it is possible to identify whether large circuits are equivalent or not in a practical time frame. With respect to the latter issue, it is difficult to achieve 100% fault efficiency even for transition faults in full scan designs. This study involved proposing a redundant transition fault identification method using equivalence checking. The main concept of the proposed algorithm involved combining the following two known techniques, 1. modeling of a transition fault as a stuck-at fault with temporal expansion and 2. detection of a stuck-at fault by using equivalence checking tools. The experimental results indicated that the proposed redundant identification method using a formal approach achieved 100% fault efficiency for all benchmark circuits in a practical time even if a commercial ATPG tool was unable to achieve 100% fault efficiency for several circuits.

  • On the Nonlinearity and Affine Equivalence Classes of C-F Functions

    Lei SUN  Fangwei FU  Xuang GUANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E99-A No:6

    Since 2008, three different classes of Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity have been proposed by Carlet and Feng [2], Wang et al.[8] and Chen et al.[3]. We call them C-F functions, W-P-K-X functions and C-T-Q functions for short. In this paper, we propose three affine equivalent classes of Boolean functions containing C-F functions, W-P-K-X functions and C-T-Q functions as a subclass, respectively. Based on the affine equivalence relation, we construct more classes of Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity. Moreover, we deduce a new lower bound on the nonlinearity of C-F functions, which is better than all the known ones.

  • Some Properties of Binary Matrices and Quasi-Orthogonal Signals Based on Hadamard Equivalence

    Ki-Hyeon PARK  Hong-Yeop SONG  


    E95-A No:11

    We apply the Hadamard equivalence to all the binary matrices of the size mn and study various properties of this equivalence relation and its classes. We propose to use HR-minimal as a representative of each equivalence class, and count and/or estimate the number of HR-minimals of size mn. Some properties and constructions of HR-minimals are investigated. Especially, we figure that the weight on an HR-minimal's second row plays an important role, and introduce the concept of Quasi-Hadamard matrices (QH matrices). We show that the row vectors of mn QH matrices form a set of m binary vectors of length n whose maximum pairwise absolute correlation is minimized over all such sets. Some properties, existence, and constructions of Quasi-orthogonal sequences are also discussed. We also give a relation of these with cyclic difference sets. We report lots of exhaustive search results and open problems, one of which is equivalent to the Hadamard conjecture.

  • A Method of Path Mapping from RTL to Gate Level and Its Application to False Path Identification

    Hiroshi IWATA  Satoshi OHTAKE  Hideo FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E93-D No:7

    Information on false paths in a circuit is useful for design and testing. The use of this information may contribute not only to reducing circuit area, the time required for logic synthesis, test generation and test application of the circuit, but also to alleviating over-testing. Since identification of the false paths at gate level is hard, several methods using high-level design information have been proposed. These methods are effective only if the correspondence between paths at register transfer level (RTL) and at gate level can be established. Until now, giving restriction on logic synthesis is the only way to establish the correspondence. However, it is not practical for industrial designs. In this paper, we propose a method for mapping RTL false paths to their corresponding gate level paths without such a specific logic synthesis; it guarantees that the corresponding gate level paths are false. Experimental results show that our path mapping method can establish the correspondences of RTL false paths and many gate level false paths.

  • NPN-Representatives of a Set of Optimal Boolean Formulas

    Hideaki FUKUHARA  Eiji TAKIMOTO  Kazuyuki AMANO  

    PAPER-Circuit Complexity

    E93-A No:6

    For an arbitrary set B of Boolean functions satisfying a certain condition, we give a general method of constructing a class CB of read-once Boolean formulas over the basis B that has the following property: For any F in CB, F can be transformed to an optimal formula (i.e., a simplest formula over the standard basis {AND, OR, NOT}) by replacing each occurrence of a basis function h ∈ B in F with an optimal formula for h. For a particular set of basis functions B* = {AND,OR,NOT,XOR,MUX}, we give a canonical form representation for CB* so that the set of canonical form formulas consists of only NPN-representatives in CB*.

  • Computer Algebra System as Test Generation System

    Satoshi HATTORI  

    PAPER-Software Testing

    E93-D No:5

    We try to use a computer algebra system Mathematica as a test case generation system. In test case generation, we generally need to solve equations and inequalities. The main reason why we take Mathematica is because it has a built-in function to solve equations and inequalities. In this paper, we deal with both black-box testing and white-box testing. First, we show two black-box test case generation procedures described in Mathematica. The first one is based on equivalence partitioning. Mathematica explicitly shows a case that test cases do no exist. This is an advantage in using Mathematica. The second procedure is a modification of the first one adopting boundary value analysis. For implementation of boundary value analysis, we give a formalization for it. Next, we show a white-box test case generation procedure. For this purpose, we also give a model for source programs. It is like a control flow graph model. The proposed procedure analyzes a model description of a program.

  • New Construction of Generalized Hadamard Matrices

    Fanxin ZENG  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E92-A No:9

    Based on trace function over finite field GF(pn ), new construction of generalized Hadamard matrices with order pn is presented, where p is prime and n is even. The rows in new generalized Hadamard matrices are cyclically distinct and have large linear span, which greatly improves the security of the system employing them as spreading sequences.

  • Word-Level Equivalence Checking in Bit-Level Accuracy by Synthesizing Designs onto Identical Datapath

    Tasuku NISHIHARA  Takeshi MATSUMOTO  Masahiro FUJITA  

    PAPER-Hardware Verification

    E92-D No:5

    Equivalence checking is one of the most important issues in VLSI design to guarantee that bugs do not enter designs during optimization steps or synthesis steps. In this paper, we propose a new word-level equivalence checking method between two models before and after high-level synthesis or behavioral optimization. Our method converts two given designs into RTL models which have same datapaths so that behaviors by identical control signals become the same in the two designs. Also, functional units become common to the two designs. Then word-level equivalence checking techniques can be applied in bit-level accuracy. In addition, we propose a rule-based equivalence checking method which can verify designs which have complicated control structures faster than existing symbolic simulation based methods. Experimental results with realistic examples show that our method can verify such designs in practical periods.

  • A Unified Framework for Equivalence Verification of Datapath Oriented Applications

    Bijan ALIZADEH  Masahiro FUJITA  

    PAPER-Hardware Verification

    E92-D No:5

    In this paper, we introduce a unified framework based on a canonical decision diagram called Horner Expansion Diagram (HED) [1] for the purpose of equivalence checking of datapath oriented hardware designs in various design stages from an algorithmic description to the gate-level implementation. The HED is not only able to represent and manipulate algorithmic specifications in terms of polynomial expressions with modulo equivalence but also express bit level adder (BLA) description of gate-level implementations. Our HED can support modular arithmetic operations over integer rings of the form Z2n. The proposed techniques have successfully been applied to equivalence checking on industrial benchmarks. The experimental results on different applications have shown the significant advantages over existing bit-level and also word-level equivalence checking techniques.

  • Extending a Role Graph for Role-Based Access Control

    Yoshiharu ASAKURA  Yukikazu NAKAMOTO  


    E92-D No:2

    Role-based access control (RBAC) is widely used as an access control mechanism in various computer systems. Since an organization's lines of authority influence the authorized privileges of jobs, roles also form a hierarchical structure. A role graph is a model that represents role hierarchies and is suitable for the runtime phase of RBAC deployment. Since a role graph cannot take various forms for given roles and cannot handle abstraction of roles well, however, it is not suitable for the design phase of RBAC deployment. Hence, an extended role graph, which can take a more flexible form than that of a role graph, is proposed. The extended role graph improves diversity and clarifies abstraction of roles, making it suitable for the design phase. An equivalent transformation algorithm (ETA), for transforming an extended role graph into an equivalent role graph, is also proposed. Using the ETA, system administrators can deploy efficiently RBAC by using an extended role graph in the design phase and a standard role graph in the runtime phase.

  • On Almost Perfect Nonlinear Functions

    Claude CARLET  


    E91-A No:12

    A function F:F2n F2n is almost perfect nonlinear (APN) if, for every a 0, b in F2n, the equation F(x)+F(x+a)=b has at most two solutions in F2n. When used as an S-box in a block cipher, it contributes optimally to the resistance to differential cryptanalysis. The function F is almost bent (AB) if the minimum Hamming distance between all its component functions v F, v∈F2n {0} (where "" denotes any inner product in F2n ) and all affine Boolean functions on F2n takes the maximal value 2n-1-2. AB functions exist for n odd only and contribute optimally to the resistance to the linear cryptanalysis. Every AB function is APN, and in the n odd case, any quadratic APN function is AB. The APN and AB properties are preserved by affine equivalence: F F' if F'=A1 F A2, where A1,A2 are affine permutations. More generally, they are preserved by CCZ-equivalence, that is, affine equivalence of the graphs of F: {(x,F(xv)) | x∈ F2n} and of F'. Until recently, the only known constructions of APN and AB functions were CCZ-equivalent to power functions F(x)=xd over finite fields (F2n being identified with F2n and an inner product being x y=tr(xy) where tr is the trace function). Several recent infinite classes of APN functions have been proved CCZ-inequivalent to power functions. In this paper, we describe the state of the art in the domain and we also present original results. We indicate what are the most important open problems and make some new observations about them. Many results presented are from joint works with Lilya Budaghyan, Gregor Leander and Alexander Pott.

  • Satisfiability Checking for Logic with Equality and Uninterpreted Functions under Equivalence Constraints

    Hiroaki KOZAWA  Kiyoharu HAMAGUCHI  Toshinobu KASHIWABARA  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis and Verification

    E90-A No:12

    For formal verification of large-scale digital circuits, a method using satisfiability checking of logic with equality and uninterpreted functions has been proposed. This logic, however, does not consider specific properties of functions or predicates at all, e.g. associative property of addition. In order to ease this problem, we introduce "equivalence constraint" that is a set of formulas representing the properties of functions and predicates, and check the satisfiability of formulas under the constraint. In this report, we show an algorithm for checking satisfiability with equivalence constraint and also experimental results.

  • A New Equivalence Relation of Logic Functions and Its Application in the Design of AND-OR-EXOR Networks

    Debatosh DEBNATH  Tsutomu SASAO  


    E90-A No:5

    This paper presents a design method for AND-OR-EXOR three-level networks, where a single two-input exclusive-OR (EXOR) gate is used. The network realizes an EXOR of two sum-of-products expressions (EX-SOPs). The problem is to minimize the total number of products in the two sum-of-products expressions (SOPs). We introduce the notion of µ-equivalence of logic functions to develop exact minimization algorithms for EX-SOPs with up to five variables. We minimized all the NP-representative functions for up to five variables and showed that five-variable functions require 9 or fewer products in minimum EX-SOPs. For n-variable functions, minimum EX-SOPs require at most 9·2n-5 (n ≤ 6) products. This upper bound is smaller than 2n-1, which is the upper bound for SOPs. We also found that, for five-variable functions, on the average, minimum EX-SOPs require about 40% fewer literals than minimum SOPs.
