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  • Neighbor-Interactive Bee Colony for Problems with Local Structures

    Phuc Nguyen HONG  Chang Wook AHN  Jaehoon (Paul) JEONG  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E100-A No:9

    In this letter, we integrate domain information into the original artificial bee colony algorithm to create a novel, neighbor-interactive bee colony algorithm. We use the Hamming distance measure to compute variable dependency between two binary variables and employ the Gini correlation coefficient to compute variable relation between integer variables. The proposed optimization method was evaluated by minimizing binary Ising models, integer Potts models, and trapped functions. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperformed the traditional artificial bee colony and other meta-heuristics in all the testing cases.

  • A New Scheme of Distributed Video Coding Based on Compressive Sensing and Intra-Predictive Coding

    Shin KURIHARA  Suguru HIROKAWA  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  


    E100-D No:9

    Compressive sensing is attractive to distributed video coding with respect to two issues: low complexity in encoding and low data rate in transmission. In this paper, a novel compressive sensing-based distributed video coding system is presented based on a combination of predictive coding and Wyner-Ziv difference coding of compressively sampled frames. Experimental results show that the data volume in transmission in the proposed method is less than one tenth of the distributed compressive video sensing. The quality of decoded video was evaluated in terms of PSNR and structural similarity index as well as visual inspections.

  • Design of Closed-Loop Fuzzy FES Controller and Tests in Controlling Knee Extension Movements

    Takashi WATANABE  Takumi TADANO  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E100-D No:9

    Fuzzy controller can be useful to realize a practical closed-loop FES controller, because it is possible to make it easy to design FES controller and to determine its parameter values, especially for controlling multi-joint movements by stimulating many muscles including antagonistic muscle pairs. This study focused on using fuzzy controller for the closed-loop control of cycling speed during FES cycling with pedaling wheelchair. However, a designed fuzzy controller has to be tested experimentally in control performance. In this paper, a closed-loop fuzzy FES controller was designed and tested in knee extension movements comparing to a PID controller with healthy subjects before applying to FES cycling. The developed fuzzy controller showed good control performance as a whole in comparing to PID controller and its parameter values were determined through simple control tests of the target movement.

  • Commutation Phenomena and Brush Wear of DC Motor at High Speed Rotation

    Masayuki ISATO  Koichiro SAWA  Takahiro UENO  


    E100-C No:9

    Many DC commutator motors are widely used in automobiles. In recent years, as compact and high output DC motors have been developed due to advanced technology, the faster the rotational speed is required and the commutation arc causes a high rate of wear/erosion of brush and commutator. Therefore, it is important how the motor speed influences commutation phenomena such as arc duration, residual current and erosion and wear of commutator and brush in order to achieve high reliability and extensive lifespan. In this paper waveforms of commutation voltage and current are measured at the rotation speed of 1000 to 5000min-1and the relation between rotation speed and arc duration / residual current is obtained. In addition long term tests are carried out at the rotation speed of 1000 to 5000min-1 the change of arc duration and effective commutation period is examined during the test of 20hours. Further, brush wear is evaluated by the difference of brush length between before and after test. Consequently, it can be made clear that as the speed increases, the effective commutation period decreases and the arc duration is almost same at the speed up to 3000min-1 and is around 42µsec.

  • Computational Soundness of Asymmetric Bilinear Pairing-Based Protocols

    Kazuki YONEYAMA  


    E100-A No:9

    Asymmetric bilinear maps using Type-3 pairings are known to be advantageous in several points (e.g., the speed and the size of a group element) to symmetric bilinear maps using Type-1 pairings. Kremer and Mazaré introduce a symbolic model to analyze protocols based on bilinear maps, and show that the symbolic model is computationally sound. However, their model only covers symmetric bilinear maps. In this paper, we propose a new symbolic model to capture asymmetric bilinear maps. Our model allows us to analyze security of various protocols based on asymmetric bilinear maps (e.g., Joux's tripartite key exchange, and Scott's client-server ID-based key exchange). Also, we show computational soundness of our symbolic model under the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption.

  • An Improvement of Scalar Multiplication by Skew Frobenius Map with Multi-Scalar Multiplication for KSS Curve

    Md. Al-Amin KHANDAKER  Yasuyuki NOGAMI  


    E100-A No:9

    Scalar multiplication over higher degree rational point groups is often regarded as the bottleneck for faster pairing based cryptography. This paper has presented a skew Frobenius mapping technique in the sub-field isomorphic sextic twisted curve of Kachisa-Schaefer-Scott (KSS) pairing friendly curve of embedding degree 18 in the context of Ate based pairing. Utilizing the skew Frobenius map along with multi-scalar multiplication procedure, an efficient scalar multiplication method for KSS curve is proposed in the paper. In addition to the theoretic proposal, this paper has also presented a comparative simulation of the proposed approach with plain binary method, sliding window method and non-adjacent form (NAF) for scalar multiplication. The simulation shows that the proposed method is about 60 times faster than plain implementation of other compared methods.

  • Generic Transformation for Signatures in the Continual Leakage Model

    Yuyu WANG  Keisuke TANAKA  


    E100-A No:9

    In ProvSec 2014, Wang and Tanaka proposed a transformation which converts weakly existentially unforgeable (wEUF) signature schemes into strongly existentially unforgeable (sEUF) ones in the bounded leakage model. To obtain the construction, they combined leakage resilient (LR) chameleon hash functions with the Generalised Boneh-Shen-Waters (GBSW) transformation proposed by Steinfeld, Pieprzyk, and Wang. However, their transformation cannot be used in a more realistic model called continual leakage model since secret keys of LR chameleon hash functions cannot be updated. In this paper, we propose a transformation which can convert wEUF signature schemes into sEUF ones in the continual leakage model. To achieve our goal, we give a new definition of continuous leakage resilient (CLR) chameleon hash function and construct it based on the CLR signature scheme proposed by Malkin, Teranishi, Vahlis, and Yung. Although our CLR chameleon hash functions satisfy the property of strong collision-resistance, due to the existence of the updating algorithm, an adversary may find the kind of collisions such that messages are the same but randomizers are different. Hence, we cannot combine our chameleon hash functions with the GBSW transformation directly, or the sEUF security of the transformed signature schemes cannot be achieved. To solve this problem, we improve the original GBSW transformation by making use of the Groth-Sahai proof system and then combine it with CLR chameleon hash functions.

  • New Security Proof for the Boneh-Boyen IBE: Tight Reduction in Unbounded Multi-Challenge Security

    Nuttapong ATTRAPADUNG  Goichiro HANAOKA  Shota YAMADA  


    E100-A No:9

    Identity-based encryption (IBE) is an advanced form of public key encryption and one of the most important cryptographic primitives. Of the many constructions of IBE schemes, the one proposed by Boneh and Boyen (in Eurocrypt 2004) is quite important from both practical and theoretical points of view. The scheme was standardized as IEEE P1363.3 and is the basis for many subsequent constructions. In this paper, we investigate its multi-challenge security, which means that an adversary is allowed to query challenge ciphertexts multiple times rather than only once. Since single-challenge security implies multi-challenge security, and since Boneh and Boyen provided a security proof for the scheme in the single-challenge setting, the scheme is also secure in the multi-challenge setting. However, this reduction results in a large security loss. Instead, we give tight security reduction for the scheme in the multi-challenge setting. Our reduction is tight even if the number of challenge queries is not fixed in advance (that is, the queries are unbounded). Unfortunately, we are only able to prove the security in a selective setting and rely on a non-standard parameterized assumption. Nevertheless, we believe that our new security proof is of interest and provides new insight into the security of the Boneh-Boyen IBE scheme.

  • On the Security of Non-Interactive Key Exchange against Related-Key Attacks

    Hiraku MORITA  Jacob C.N. SCHULDT  Takahiro MATSUDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Tetsu IWATA  


    E100-A No:9

    Non-Interactive Key Exchange (NIKE) is a cryptographic primitive that allows two users to compute a shared key without any interaction. The Diffie-Hellman key exchange scheme is probably the most well-known example of a NIKE scheme. Freire et al. (PKC 2013) defined four security notions for NIKE schemes, and showed implications among them. In these notions, we consider an adversary that is challenged to distinguish a shared key of a new pair of users from a random value, using only its knowledge of keys shared between other pairs of users. To take into account side-channel attacks such as tampering and fault-injection attacks, Bellare and Kohno (Eurocrypt 2003) formalized related-key attacks (RKA), where stronger adversaries are considered. In this paper, we introduce four RKA security notions for NIKE schemes. In these notions, we consider an adversary that can also manipulate the secret keys of users and obtain shared keys computed under the modified secret keys. We also show implications and separations among the security notions, and prove that one of the NIKE schemes proposed by Freire et al. is secure in the strongest RKA sense in the random oracle model under the Double Strong Diffie-Hellman (DSDH) assumption over the group of signed quadratic residues, which is implied by the factoring assumption.

  • Designs of Zero Correlation Zone Sequence Pair Set with Inter-Subset Uncorrelated Property

    Xiaoli ZENG  Longye WANG  Hong WEN  


    E100-A No:9

    An inter-subset uncorrelated zero-correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence pair set is one consisting of multiple ZCZ sequence pair subsets. What's more, two arbitrary sequence pairs which belong to different subsets should be uncorrelated sequence pairs in this set, i.e., the cross-correlation function (CCF) between arbitrary sequence pairs in different subsets are zeros at everywhere. Meanwhile, each subset is a typical ZCZ sequence pair set. First, a class of uncorrelated ZCZ (U-ZCZ) sequence pair sets is proposed from interleaving perfect sequence pairs. An U-ZCZ sequence pair set is a type of ZCZ sequence pair set, which of most important property is that the CCF between two arbitrary sequence pairs is zero at any shift. Then, a type of inter-subset uncorrelated ZCZ sequence pair set is obtained by interleaving proposed U-ZCZ sequence pair set. In particular, the novel inter-subset uncorrelated ZCZ sequence pair sets are expected to be useful for designing spreading codes for QS-CDMA systems.

  • Time-of-Arrival-Based Indoor Smartphone Localization Using Light-Synchronized Acoustic Waves

    Takayuki AKIYAMA  Masanori SUGIMOTO  Hiromichi HASHIZUME  

    PAPER-Measurement Technology

    E100-A No:9

    We describe SyncSync, a time-of-arrival (ToA)-based localization method for smartphones. In general, ToA measurements show better precision than time-difference-of-arrival (TDoA) measurements, although ToA systems require a synchronization mechanism between anchor and mobile nodes. For this synchronization, we employ modulated LED light with an acoustic wave for time-of-flight distance measurements. These are detected by the smartphone's video camera and microphone. The time resolution in consumer video cameras is typically only a few tenths of a second, but by utilizing a CMOS image sensor's rolling shutter effect we obtain synchronization resolutions of a few microseconds, which is sufficient for precise acoustic ToA measurements. We conducted experiments to confirm operation of the system, and obtained ToA localization errors within 10mm. The characteristics of the error distributions for both TDoA and ToA measurements were explained by dilution of precision.

  • Dynamic Power Allocation Based on Rain Attenuation Prediction for High Throughput Broadband Satellite Systems

    Shengchao SHI  Guangxia LI  Zhiqiang LI  Bin GAO  Zhangkai LUO  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E100-A No:9

    Broadband satellites, operating at Ka band and above, are playing more and more important roles in future satellite networks. Meanwhile, rain attenuation is the dominant impairment in these bands. In this context, a dynamic power allocation scheme based on rain attenuation prediction is proposed. By this scheme, the system can dynamically adjust the allocated power according to the time-varying predicted rain attenuation. Extensive simulation results demonstrate the improvement of the dynamic scheme over the static allocation. It can be concluded that the allocated capacities match the traffic demands better by introducing such dynamic power allocation scheme and the waste of power resources is also avoided.

  • Computationally Efficient Reflectance Estimation for Hyperspectral Images

    Takaaki OKABE  Masahiro OKUDA  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E100-D No:9

    The Retinex theory assumes that large intensity changes correspond to reflectance edges, while smoothly-varying regions are due to shading. Some algorithms based on the theory adopt simple thresholding schemes and achieve adequate results for reflectance estimation. In this paper, we present a practical reflectance estimation technique for hyperspectral images. Our method is realized simply by thresholding singular values of a matrix calculated from scaled pixel values. In the method, we estimate the reflectance image by measuring spectral similarity between two adjacent pixels. We demonstrate that our thresholding scheme effectively estimates the reflectance and outperforms the Retinex-based thresholding. In particular, our methods can precisely distinguish edges caused by reflectance change and shadows.

  • A Family of at Least Almost Optimal p-Ary Cyclic Codes

    Xia LI  Deng TANG  Feng CHENG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E100-A No:9

    Cyclic codes are a subclass of linear codes and have applications in consumer electronics, data storage systems, and communication systems as they have efficient encoding and decoding algorithms compared with the linear block codes. The objective of this letter is to present a family of p-ary cyclic codes with length $ rac{p^m-1}{p-1}$ and dimension $ rac{p^m-1}{p-1}-2m$, where p is an arbitrary odd prime and m is a positive integer with gcd(p-1,m)=1. The minimal distance d of the proposed cyclic codes are shown to be 4≤d≤5 which is at least almost optimal with respect to some upper bounds on the linear code.

  • Reduced-Complexity Belief Propagation Decoding for Polar Codes

    Jung-Hyun KIM  Inseon KIM  Gangsan KIM  Hong-Yeop SONG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E100-A No:9

    We propose three effective approximate belief propagation decoders for polar codes using Maclaurin's series, piecewise linear function, and stepwise linear function. The proposed decoders have the better performance than that of existing approximate belief propagation polar decoders, min-sum decoder and normalized min-sum decoder, and almost the same performance with that of original belief propagation decoder. Moreover, the proposed decoders achieve such performance without any optimization process according to the code parameters and channel condition unlike normalized min-sum decoder, offset min-sum decoder, and their variants.

  • Compact X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar for 100kg Class Satellite Open Access

    Hirobumi SAITO  Prilando Rizki AKBAR  Hiromi WATANABE  Vinay RAVINDRA  Jiro HIROKAWA  Kenji URA  Pyne BUDHADITYA  


    E100-B No:9

    We proposed a new architecture of antenna, transmitter and receiver feeding configuration for small synthetic aperture radar (SAR) that is compatible with 100kg class satellite. Promising applications are constellations of earth observations together with optical sensors, and responsive, disaster monitoring missions. The SAR antenna is a deployable, passive, honeycomb panel antenna with slot array that can be stowed compactly. RF (radio frequency) instruments are in a satellite body and RF signal is fed to a deployable antenna through non-contacting choke flanges at deployable hinges. This paper describes its development strategy and the present development status of the small spaceborne SAR based on this architecture.

  • Constructions of Gaussian Integer Periodic Complementary Sequences with ZCZ

    Deming KONG  Xiaoyu CHEN  Yubo LI  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E100-A No:9

    This letter presents two constructions of Gaussian integer Z-periodic complementary sequences (ZPCSs), which can be used in multi-carriers code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) systems to remove interference and increase transmission rate. Construction I employs periodic complementary sequences (PCSs) as the original sequences to construct ZPCSs, the parameters of which can achieve the theoretical bound if the original PCS set is optimal. Construction II proposes a construction for yielding Gaussian integer orthogonal matrices, then the methods of zero padding and modulation are implemented on the Gaussian integer orthogonal matrix. The result Gaussian integer ZPCS sets are optimal and with flexible choices of parameters.

  • A Survey on Modeling of Human States in Communication Behavior Open Access

    Sumaru NIIDA  Sho TSUGAWA  Mutsumi SUGANUMA  Naoki WAKAMIYA  


    E100-B No:9

    The Technical Committee on Communication Behavior Engineering addresses the research question “How do we construct a communication network system that includes users?”. The growth in highly functional networks and terminals has brought about greater diversity in users' lifestyles and freed people from the restrictions of time and place. Under this situation, the similarities of human behavior cause traffic aggregation and generate new problems in terms of the stabilization of network service quality. This paper summarizes previous studies relevant to communication behavior from a multidisciplinary perspective and discusses the research approach adopted by the Technical Committee on Communication Behavior Engineering.

  • Progress in and Prospects of On-Board Communication Equipment Technologies for Communications Satellites in Japan Open Access

    Masazumi UEBA  Akihiro MIYASAKA  Yoshinori SUZUKI  Fumihiro YAMASHITA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Satellite Communications

    E100-B No:9

    Communications satellites have been the primary mission from the early period of Japanese space development and their on-board communication equipment are the core devices to realize satellite communications systems. The technologies for this equipment have been developed to meet the requirements of high capacity and high functionality under the severe satellite-imposed constraints. This paper summarizes progress in on-board communication equipment technologies developed and verified by using Engineering Test Satellites and commercial satellites in Japan and describes their prospects.

  • Overlapped Filtering for Simulcast Video Coding

    Takeshi CHUJOH  


    E100-D No:9

    In video coding, layered coding is beneficial for applications, because it can encode a number of input sources efficiently and achieve scalability functions. However, in order to achieve the functions, some specific codecs are needed. Meanwhile, although the coding efficiency is insufficient, simulcast that encodes a number of input sources independently is versatile. In this paper, we propose postprocessing for simulcast video coding that can improve picture quality and coding efficiency without using any layered coding. In particular, with a view to achieving spatial scalability, we show that the overlapped filtering (OLF) improves picture quality of the high-resolution layer by using the low-resolution layer.
