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  • Multiparallel MMT: Faster ISD Algorithm Solving High-Dimensional Syndrome Decoding Problem

    Shintaro NARISADA  Kazuhide FUKUSHIMA  Shinsaku KIYOMOTO  


    E106-A No:3

    The hardness of the syndrome decoding problem (SDP) is the primary evidence for the security of code-based cryptosystems, which are one of the finalists in a project to standardize post-quantum cryptography conducted by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST-PQC). Information set decoding (ISD) is a general term for algorithms that solve SDP efficiently. In this paper, we conducted a concrete analysis of the time complexity of the latest ISD algorithms under the limitation of memory using the syndrome decoding estimator proposed by Esser et al. As a result, we present that theoretically nonoptimal ISDs, such as May-Meurer-Thomae (MMT) and May-Ozerov, have lower time complexity than other ISDs in some actual SDP instances. Based on these facts, we further studied the possibility of multiple parallelization for these ISDs and proposed the first GPU algorithm for MMT, the multiparallel MMT algorithm. In the experiments, we show that the multiparallel MMT algorithm is faster than existing ISD algorithms. In addition, we report the first successful attempts to solve the 510-, 530-, 540- and 550-dimensional SDP instances in the Decoding Challenge contest using the multiparallel MMT.

  • Security Evaluation of Initialization Phases and Round Functions of Rocca and AEGIS

    Nobuyuki TAKEUCHI  Kosei SAKAMOTO  Takanori ISOBE  


    E106-A No:3

    Authenticated-Encryption with Associated-Data (AEAD) plays an important role in guaranteeing confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity in network communications. To meet the requirements of high-performance applications, several AEADs make use of AES New Instructions (AES-NI), which can conduct operations of AES encryption and decryption dramatically fast by hardware accelerations. At SAC 2013, Wu and Preneel proposed an AES-based AEAD scheme called AEGIS-128/128L/256, to achieve high-speed software implementation. At FSE 2016, Jean and Nikolić generalized the construction of AEGIS and proposed more efficient round functions. At ToSC 2021, Sakamoto et al. further improved the constructions of Jean and Nikolić, and proposed an AEAD scheme called Rocca for beyond 5G. In this study, we first evaluate the security of the initialization phases of Rocca and AEGIS family against differential and integral attacks using MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) tools. Specifically, according to the evaluation based on the lower bounds for the number of active S-boxes, the initialization phases of AEGIS-128/128L/256 are secure against differential attacks after 4/3/6 rounds, respectively. Regarding integral attacks, we present the integral distinguisher on 6 rounds and 6/5/7 rounds in the initialization phases of Rocca and AEGIS-128/128L/256, respectively. Besides, we evaluate the round function of Rocca and those of Jean and Nikolić as cryptographic permutations against differential, impossible differential, and integral attacks. Our results indicate that, for differential attacks, the growth rate of increasing the number of active S-boxes in Rocca is faster than those of Jean and Nikolić. For impossible differential and integral attacks, we show that the round function of Rocca achieves the sufficient level of the security against these attacks in smaller number of rounds than those of Jean and Nikolić.

  • Linear Algebraic Approach to Strongly Secure Ramp Secret Sharing for General Access Structures with Application to Symmetric PIR



    E106-A No:3

    Ramp secret sharing is a variant of secret sharing which can achieve better information ratio than perfect schemes by allowing some partial information on a secret to leak out. Strongly secure ramp schemes can control the amount of leaked information on the components of a secret. In this paper, we reduce the construction of strongly secure ramp secret sharing for general access structures to a linear algebraic problem. As a result, we show that previous results on strongly secure network coding imply two linear transformation methods to make a given linear ramp scheme strongly secure. They are explicit or provide a deterministic algorithm while the previous methods which work for any linear ramp scheme are non-constructive. In addition, we present a novel application of strongly secure ramp schemes to symmetric PIR in a multi-user setting. Our solution is advantageous over those based on a non-strongly secure scheme in that it reduces the amount of communication between users and servers and also the amount of correlated randomness that servers generate in the setup.

  • Perfectly Secure Oblivious Priority Queue

    Atsunori ICHIKAWA  Wakaha OGATA  


    E106-A No:3

    An Oblivious Priority Queue (OPQ) is a cryptographic primitive that enables a client to outsource its data to a dishonest server, and also to securely manage the data according to a priority queue algorithm. Though the first OPQ achieves perfect security, it supports only two operations; Inserting an element and extracting the top-priority element, which are the minimal requirement for a priority queue. In addition, this OPQ allows an adversary to observe operations in progress, which leaks the exact number of elements in the data structure. On the other hand, there are many subsequent works for OPQs that implement additional operations of a priority queue, hide the running operations, and improve efficiency. Though the recent works realize optimal efficiency, all of them achieve only statistical or computational security. Aiming to reconcile perfect security of the first OPQ with all functions (including the operation hiding) supported by recent OPQs, we construct a novel perfectly secure OPQ that can simulate the following operations while hiding which one is in progress; Inserting an element, extracting the top-priority one, deleting an element, and modifying the priority of an element. The efficiency of our scheme is O(log2 N), which is larger than that of the best known statistically secure OPQ but is the same as the known perfectly secure scheme.

  • Profiling Deep Learning Side-Channel Attacks Using Multi-Label against AES Circuits with RSM Countermeasure

    Yuta FUKUDA  Kota YOSHIDA  Hisashi HASHIMOTO  Kunihiro KURODA  Takeshi FUJINO  


    E106-A No:3

    Deep learning side-channel attacks (DL-SCAs) have been actively studied in recent years. In the DL-SCAs, deep neural networks (DNNs) are trained to predict the internal states of the cryptographic operation from the side-channel information such as power traces. It is important to select suitable DNN output labels expressing an internal states for successful DL-SCAs. We focus on the multi-label method proposed by Zhang et al. for the hardware-implemented advanced encryption standard (AES). They used the power traces supplied from the AES-HD public dataset, and reported to reveal a single key byte on conditions in which the target key was the same as the key used for DNN training (profiling key). In this paper, we discuss an improvement for revealing all the 16 key bytes in practical conditions in which the target key is different from the profiling key. We prepare hardware-implemented AES without SCA countermeasures on ASIC for the experimental environment. First, our experimental results show that the DNN using multi-label does not learn side-channel leakage sufficiently from the power traces acquired with only one key. Second, we report that DNN using multi-label learns the most of side-channel leakage by using three kinds of profiling keys, and all the 16 target key bytes are successfully revealed even if the target key is different from the profiling keys. Finally, we applied the proposed method, DL-SCA using multi-label and three profiling keys against hardware-implemented AES with rotating S-boxes masking (RSM) countermeasures. The experimental result shows that all the 16 key bytes are successfully revealed by using only 2,000 attack traces. We also studied the reasons for the high performance of the proposed method against RSM countermeasures and found that the information from the weak bits is effectively exploited.

  • Automorphism Shuffles for Graphs and Hypergraphs and Its Applications

    Kazumasa SHINAGAWA  Kengo MIYAMOTO  


    E106-A No:3

    In card-based cryptography, a deck of physical cards is used to achieve secure computation. A shuffle, which randomly permutes a card-sequence along with some probability distribution, ensures the security of a card-based protocol. The authors proposed a new class of shuffles called graph shuffles, which randomly permutes a card-sequence by an automorphism of a directed graph (New Generation Computing 2022). For a directed graph G with n vertices and m edges, such a shuffle could be implemented with pile-scramble shuffles with 2(n + m) cards. In this paper, we study graph shuffles and give an implementation, an application, and a slight generalization. First, we propose a new protocol for graph shuffles with 2n + m cards. Second, as a new application of graph shuffles, we show that any cyclic group shuffle, which is a shuffle over a cyclic group, is a graph shuffle associated with some graph. Third, we define a hypergraph shuffle, which is a shuffle by an automorphism of a hypergraph, and show that any hypergraph shuffle can also be implemented with pile-scramble shuffles.

  • A Computationally Efficient Card-Based Majority Voting Protocol with Fewer Cards in the Private Model

    Yoshiki ABE  Takeshi NAKAI  Yohei WATANABE  Mitsugu IWAMOTO  Kazuo OHTA  


    E106-A No:3

    Card-based cryptography realizes secure multiparty computation using physical cards. In 2018, Watanabe et al. proposed a card-based three-input majority voting protocol using three cards. In a card-based cryptographic protocol with n-bit inputs, it is known that a protocol using shuffles requires at least 2n cards. In contrast, as Watanabe et al.'s protocol, a protocol using private permutations can be constructed with fewer cards than the lower bounds above. Moreover, an n-input protocol using private permutations would not even require n cards in principle since a private permutation depending on an input can represent the input without using additional cards. However, there are only a few protocols with fewer than n cards. Recently, Abe et al. extended Watanabe et al.'s protocol and proposed an n-input majority voting protocol with n cards and n + ⌊n/2⌋ + 1 private permutations. This paper proposes an n-input majority voting protocol with ⌈n/2⌉ + 1 cards and 2n-1 private permutations, which is also obtained by extending Watanabe et al.'s protocol. Compared with Abe et al.'s protocol, although the number of private permutations increases by about n/2, the number of cards is reduced by about n/2. In addition, unlike Abe et al.'s protocol, our protocol includes Watanabe et al.'s protocol as a special case where n=3.

  • Secure Revocation Features in eKYC - Privacy Protection in Central Bank Digital Currency

    Kazuo TAKARAGI  Takashi KUBOTA  Sven WOHLGEMUTH  Katsuyuki UMEZAWA  Hiroki KOYANAGI  


    E106-A No:3

    Central bank digital currencies require the implementation of eKYC to verify whether a trading customer is eligible online. When an organization issues an ID proof of a customer for eKYC, that proof is usually achieved in practice by a hierarchy of issuers. However, the customer wants to disclose only part of the issuer's chain and documents to the trading partner due to privacy concerns. In this research, delegatable anonymous credential (DAC) and zero-knowledge range proof (ZKRP) allow customers to arbitrarily change parts of the delegation chain and message body to range proofs expressed in inequalities. That way, customers can protect the privacy they need with their own control. Zero-knowledge proof is applied to prove the inequality between two time stamps by the time stamp server (signature presentation, public key revocation, or non-revocation) without disclosing the signature content and stamped time. It makes it possible to prove that the registration information of the national ID card is valid or invalid while keeping the user's personal information anonymous. This research aims to contribute to the realization of a sustainable financial system based on self-sovereign identity management with privacy-enhanced PKI.

  • mPoW: How to Make Proof of Work Meaningful

    Takaki ASANUMA  Takanori ISOBE  


    E106-A No:3

    Proof of Work (PoW), which is a consensus algorithm for blockchain, entails a large number of meaningless hash calculations and wastage of electric power and computational resources. In 2021, it is estimated that the PoW of Bitcoin consumes as much electricity as Pakistan's annual power consumption (91TWh). This is a serious problem against sustainable development goals. To solve this problem, this study proposes Meaningful-PoW (mPoW), which involves a meaningful calculation, namely the application of a genetic algorithm (GA) to PoW. Specifically, by using the intermediate values that are periodically generated through GA calculations as an input to the Hashcash used in Bitcoin, it is possible to make this scheme a meaningful calculation (GA optimization problem) while maintaining the properties required for PoW. Furthermore, by applying a device-binding technology, mPoW can be ASIC resistant without the requirement of a large memory. Thus, we show that mPoW can reduce the excessive consumption of both power and computational resources.

  • A Study of The Risk Quantification Method of Cyber-Physical Systems focusing on Direct-Access Attacks to In-Vehicle Networks

    Yasuyuki KAWANISHI  Hideaki NISHIHARA  Hideki YAMAMOTO  Hirotaka YOSHIDA  Hiroyuki INOUE  


    E106-A No:3

    Cyber-physical systems, in which ICT systems and field devices are interconnected and interlocked, have become widespread. More threats need to be taken into consideration when designing the security of cyber-physical systems. Attackers may cause damage to the physical world by attacks which exploit vulnerabilities of ICT systems, while other attackers may use the weaknesses of physical boundaries to exploit ICT systems. Therefore, it is necessary to assess such risks of attacks properly. A direct-access attack in the field of automobiles is the latter type of attacks where an attacker connects unauthorized equipment to an in-vehicle network directly and attempts unauthorized access. But it has been considered as less realistic and evaluated less risky than other threats via network entry points by conventional risk assessment methods. We focused on reassessing threats via direct access attacks in proposing effective security design procedures for cyber-physical systems based on a guideline for automobiles, JASO TP15002. In this paper, we focus on “fitting to a specific area or viewpoint” of such a cyber-physical system, and devise a new risk quantification method, RSS-CWSS_CPS based on CWSS, which is also a vulnerability evaluation standard for ICT systems. It can quantify the characteristics of the physical boundaries in cyber-physical systems.

  • On the Limitations of Computational Fuzzy Extractors

    Kenji YASUNAGA  Kosuke YUZAWA  


    E106-A No:3

    We present a negative result of fuzzy extractors with computational security. Specifically, we show that, under a computational condition, a computational fuzzy extractor implies the existence of an information-theoretic fuzzy extractor with slightly weaker parameters. Our result implies that to circumvent the limitations of information-theoretic fuzzy extractors, we need to employ computational fuzzy extractors that are not invertible by non-lossy functions.

  • Packer Identification Method for Multi-Layer Executables Using Entropy Analysis with k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

    Ryoto OMACHI  Yasuyuki MURAKAMI  


    E106-A No:3

    The damage cost caused by malware has been increasing in the world. Usually, malwares are packed so that it is not detected. It is a hard task even for professional malware analysts to identify the packers especially when the malwares are multi-layer packed. In this letter, we propose a method to identify the packers for multi-layer packed malwares by using k-nearest neighbor algorithm with entropy-analysis for the malwares.

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Hiroki KOGA  


    E106-A No:3
  • Proximal Decoding for LDPC Codes

    Tadashi WADAYAMA  Satoshi TAKABE  

    PAPER-Coding Theory and Techniques

    E106-A No:3

    This paper presents a novel optimization-based decoding algorithm for LDPC codes. The proposed decoding algorithm is based on a proximal gradient method for solving an approximate maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoding problem. The key idea of the proposed algorithm is the use of a code-constraint polynomial to penalize a vector far from a codeword as a regularizer in the approximate MAP objective function. A code proximal operator is naturally derived from a code-constraint polynomial. The proposed algorithm, called proximal decoding, can be described by a simple recursive formula consisting of the gradient descent step for a negative log-likelihood function corresponding to the channel conditional probability density function and the code proximal operation regarding the code-constraint polynomial. Proximal decoding is experimentally shown to be applicable to several non-trivial channel models such as LDPC-coded massive MIMO channels, correlated Gaussian noise channels, and nonlinear vector channels. In particular, in MIMO channels, proximal decoding outperforms known massive MIMO detection algorithms, such as an MMSE detector with belief propagation decoding. The simple optimization-based formulation of proximal decoding allows a way for developing novel signal processing algorithms involving LDPC codes.

  • Multi Deletion/Substitution/Erasure Error-Correcting Codes for Information in Array Design

    Manabu HAGIWARA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory and Techniques

    E106-A No:3

    This paper considers error-correction for information in array design, i.e., two-dimensional design such as QR-codes. The error model is multi deletion/substitution/erasure errors. Code construction for the errors and an application of the code are provided. The decoding technique uses an error-locator for deletion codes.

  • Construction of High-Rate Convolutional Codes Using Dual Codes

    Sen MORIYA  Hiroshi SASANO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory and Techniques

    E106-A No:3

    In this study, we consider techniques for searching high-rate convolutional code (CC) encoders using dual code encoders. A low-rate (R = 1/n) CC is a dual code to a high-rate (R = (n - 1)/n) CC. According to our past studies, if a CC encoder has a high performance, a dual code encoder to the CC also tends to have a good performance. However, it is not guaranteed to have the highest performance. We consider a method to obtain a high-rate CC encoder with a high performance using good dual code encoders, namely, high-performance low-rate CC encoders. We also present some CC encoders obtained by searches using our method.

  • Biometric Identification Systems with Both Chosen and Generated Secret Keys by Allowing Correlation

    Vamoua YACHONGKA  Hideki YAGI  

    PAPER-Shannon Theory

    E106-A No:3

    We propose a biometric identification system where the chosen- and generated-secret keys are used simultaneously, and investigate its fundamental limits from information theoretic perspectives. The system consists of two phases: enrollment and identification phases. In the enrollment phase, for each user, the encoder uses a secret key, which is chosen independently, and the biometric identifier to generate another secret key and a helper data. In the identification phase, observing the biometric sequence of the identified user, the decoder estimates index, chosen- and generated-secret keys of the identified user based on the helper data stored in the system database. In this study, the capacity region of such system is characterized. In the problem settings, we allow chosen- and generated-secret keys to be correlated. As a result, by permitting the correlation of the two secret keys, the sum rate of the identification, chosen- and generated-secret key rates can achieve a larger value compared to the case where the keys do not correlate. Moreover, the minimum amount of the storage rate changes in accordance with both the identification and chosen-secret key rates, but that of the privacy-leakage rate depends only on the identification rate.

  • Multi-Designated Receiver Authentication Codes: Models and Constructions

    Yohei WATANABE  Takenobu SEITO  Junji SHIKATA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:3

    An authentication code (A-code) is a two-party message authentication code in the information-theoretic security setting. One of the variants of A-codes is a multi-receiver authentication code (MRA-code), where there are a single sender and multiple receivers and the sender can create a single authenticator so that all receivers accepts it unless it is maliciously modified. In this paper, we introduce a multi-designated receiver authentication code (MDRA-code) with information-theoretic security as an extension of MRA-codes. The purpose of MDRA-codes is to securely transmit a message via a broadcast channel from a single sender to an arbitrary subset of multiple receivers that have been designated by the sender, and only the receivers in the subset (i.e., not all receivers) should accept the message if an adversary is absent. This paper proposes a model and security formalization of MDRA-codes, and provides constructions of MDRA-codes.

  • Information Leakage Through Passive Timing Attacks on RSA Decryption System

    Tomonori HIRATA  Yuichi KAJI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:3

    A side channel attack is a means of security attacks that tries to restore secret information by analyzing side-information such as electromagnetic wave, heat, electric energy and running time that are unintentionally emitted from a computer system. The side channel attack that focuses on the running time of a cryptosystem is specifically named a “timing attack”. Timing attacks are relatively easy to carry out, and particularly threatening for tiny systems that are used in smart cards and IoT devices because the system is so simple that the processing time would be clearly observed from the outside of the card/device. The threat of timing attacks is especially serious when an attacker actively controls the input to a target program. Countermeasures are studied to deter such active attacks, but the attacker still has the chance to learn something about the concealed information by passively watching the running time of the target program. The risk of passive timing attacks can be measured by the mutual information between the concealed information and the running time. However, the computation of the mutual information is hardly possible except for toy examples. This study focuses on three algorithms for RSA decryption, derives formulas of the mutual information under several assumptions and approximations, and calculates the mutual information numerically for practical security parameters.

  • A CFAR Detection Algorithm Based on Clutter Knowledge for Cognitive Radar

    Kaixuan LIU  Yue LI  Peng WANG  Xiaoyan PENG  Hongshu LIAO  Wanchun LI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:3

    Under the background of non-homogenous and dynamic time-varying clutter, the processing ability of the traditional constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection algorithm is significantly reduced, as well as the detection performance. This paper proposes a CFAR detection algorithm based on clutter knowledge (CK-CFAR), as a new CFAR, to improve the detection performance adaptability of the radar in complex clutter background. With the acquired clutter prior knowledge, the algorithm can dynamically select parameters according to the change of background clutter and calculate the threshold. Compared with the detection algorithms such as CA-CFAR, GO-CFAR, SO-CFAR, and OS-CFAR, the simulation results show that CK-CFAR has excellent detection performance in the background of homogenous clutter and edge clutter. This algorithm can help radar adapt to the clutter with different distribution characteristics, effectively enhance radar detection in a complex environment. It is more in line with the development direction of the cognitive radar.
