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  • Regularized Kernel Representation for Visual Tracking

    Jun WANG  Yuanyun WANG  Chengzhi DENG  Shengqian WANG  Yong QIN  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:4

    Developing a robust appearance model is a challenging task due to appearance variations of objects such as partial occlusion, illumination variation, rotation and background clutter. Existing tracking algorithms employ linear combinations of target templates to represent target appearances, which are not accurate enough to deal with appearance variations. The underlying relationship between target candidates and the target templates is highly nonlinear because of complicated appearance variations. To address this, this paper presents a regularized kernel representation for visual tracking. Namely, the feature vectors of target appearances are mapped into higher dimensional features, in which a target candidate is approximately represented by a nonlinear combination of target templates in a dimensional space. The kernel based appearance model takes advantage of considering the non-linear relationship and capturing the nonlinear similarity between target candidates and target templates. l2-regularization on coding coefficients makes the approximate solution of target representations more stable. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the superior performances in comparison with state-of-the-art trackers.

  • Nested Circular Array and Its Concentric Extension for Underdetermined Direction of Arrival Estimation

    Thomas BASIKOLO  Koichi ICHIGE  Hiroyuki ARAI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E101-B No:4

    In this paper, a new array geometry is proposed which is capable of performing underdetermined Direction-Of-Arrival (DOA) estimation for the circular array configuration. DOA estimation is a classical problem and one of the most important techniques in array signal processing as it has applications in wireless and mobile communications, acoustics, and seismic sensing. We consider the problem of estimating DOAs in the case when we have more sources than the number of physical sensors where the resolution must be maintained. The proposed array geometry called Nested Sparse Circular Array (NSCA) is an extension of the two level nested linear array obtained by nesting two sub-circular arrays and one element is placed at the origin. In order to extend the array aperture, a Khatri-Rao (KR) approach is applied to the proposed NSCA which yields the virtual array structure. To utilize the increase in the degrees of freedom (DOFs) that this new array provides, a subspace based approach (MUSIC) for DOA estimation and l1-based optimization approach is extended to estimate DOAs using NSCA. Simulations show that better performance for underdetermined DOA estimation is achieved using the proposed array geometry.

  • Static Representation Exposing Spatial Changes in Spatio-Temporal Dependent Data

    Hiroki CHIBA  Yuki HYOGO  Kazuo MISUE  

    PAPER-Elemental Technologies for human behavior analysis

    E101-D No:4

    Spatio-temporal dependent data, such as weather observation data, are data of which the attribute values depend on both time and space. Typical methods for the visualization of such data include plotting the attribute values at each point in time on a map and displaying series of the maps in chronological order with animation, or displaying them by juxtaposing horizontally or vertically. However, these methods are problematic in that they compel readers interested in grasping the spatial changes of the attribute values to memorize the representations on the maps. The problem is exacerbated by considering that the longer the time-period covered by the data, the higher the cognitive load. In order to solve these problems, the authors propose a visualization method capable of overlaying the representations of multiple instantaneous values on a single static map. This paper explains the design of the proposed method and reports two experiments conducted by the authors to investigate the usefulness of the method. The experimental results show that the proposed method is useful in terms of the speed and accuracy with which it reads the spatial changes and its ability to present data with long time series efficiently.

  • Harvest-Then-Transceive: Throughput Maximization in Full-Duplex Wireless-Powered Communication Networks

    KyungRak LEE  SungRyung CHO  JaeWon LEE  Inwhee JOE  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E101-B No:4

    This paper proposes the mesh-topology based wireless-powered communication network (MT-WPCN), which consists of a hybrid-access point (H-AP) and nodes. The H-AP broadcasts energy to all nodes by wireless, and the nodes harvest the energy and then communicate with other nodes including the H-AP. For the communication in the MT-WPCN, we propose the harvest-then-transceive protocol to ensure that the nodes can harvest energy from the H-AP and transmit information selectively to the H-AP or other nodes, which is not supported in most protocols proposed for the conventional WPCN. In the proposed protocol, we consider that the energy harvesting can be interrupted at nodes, since the nodes cannot harvest energy during transmission or reception. We also consider that the harvested energy is consumed by the reception of information from other nodes. In addition, the energy reservation model is required to guarantee the QoS, which reserves the infimum energy to receive information reliably by the transmission power control. Under these considerations, first, we design the half harvest-then-transceive protocol, which indicates that a node transmits information only to other nodes which do not transmit information yet, for investing the effect of the energy harvesting interruption. Secondly, we also design the full harvest-then-transceive protocol for the information exchange among nodes and compatibility with the conventional star-topology based WPCN, which indicates that a node can transmit information to any network unit, i.e., the H-AP and all nodes. We study the sum-throughput maximization in the MT-WPCN based on the half and full harvest-then-transceive protocols, respectively. Furthermore, the amount of harvested energy is analytically compared according to the energy harvesting interruption in the protocols. Simulation results show that the proposed MT-WPCN outperforms the conventional star-topology based WPCN in terms of the sum-throughput maximization, when wireless information transmission among nodes occurs frequently.

  • Investigative Report Writing Support System for Effective Knowledge Construction from the Web

    Hiroyuki MITSUHARA  Masami SHISHIBORI  Akihiro KASHIHARA  

    PAPER-Creativity Support Systems and Decision Support Systems

    E101-D No:4

    Investigative reports plagiarized from the web should be eliminated because such reports result in ineffective knowledge construction. In this study, we developed an investigative report writing support system for effective knowledge construction from the web. The proposed system attempts to prevent plagiarism by restricting copying and pasting information from web pages. With this system, students can verify information through web browsing, externalize their constructed knowledge as notes for report materials, write reports using these notes, and remove inadequacies in the report by reflection. A comparative experiment showed that the proposed system can potentially prevent web page plagiarism and make knowledge construction from the web more effective compared to a conventional report writing environment.

  • G-HBase: A High Performance Geographical Database Based on HBase

    Hong Van LE  Atsuhiro TAKASU  


    E101-D No:4

    With the recent explosion of geographic data generated by smartphones, sensors, and satellites, a data storage that can handle the massive volume of data and support high-computational spatial queries is becoming essential. Although key-value stores efficiently handle large-scale data, they are not equipped with effective functions for supporting geographic data. To solve this problem, in this paper, we present G-HBase, a high-performance geographical database based on HBase, a standard key-value store. To index geographic data, we first use Geohash as the rowkey in HBase. Then, we present a novel partitioning method, namely binary Geohash rectangle partitioning, to support spatial queries. Our extensive experiments on real datasets have demonstrated an improved performance with k nearest neighbors and range query in G-HBase when compared with SpatialHadoop, a state-of-the-art framework with native support for spatial data. We also observed that performance of spatial join in G-HBase is on par with SpatialHadoop and outperforms SJMR algorithm in HBase.

  • Workflow Extraction for Service Operation Using Multiple Unstructured Trouble Tickets

    Akio WATANABE  Keisuke ISHIBASHI  Tsuyoshi TOYONO  Keishiro WATANABE  Tatsuaki KIMURA  Yoichi MATSUO  Kohei SHIOMOTO  Ryoichi KAWAHARA  


    E101-D No:4

    In current large-scale IT systems, troubleshooting has become more complicated due to the diversification in the causes of failures, which has increased operational costs. Thus, clarifying the troubleshooting process also becomes important, though it is also time-consuming. We propose a method of automatically extracting a workflow, a graph indicating a troubleshooting process, using multiple trouble tickets. Our method extracts an operator's actions from free-format texts and aligns relative sentences between multiple trouble tickets. Our method uses a stochastic model to detect a resolution, a frequent action pattern that helps us understand how to solve a problem. We validated our method using real trouble-ticket data captured from a real network operation and showed that it can extract a workflow to identify the cause of a failure.

  • Polynomial Time Learnability of Graph Pattern Languages Defined by Cographs

    Takayoshi SHOUDAI  Yuta YOSHIMURA  Yusuke SUZUKI  Tomoyuki UCHIDA  Tetsuhiro MIYAHARA  


    E101-D No:3

    A cograph (complement reducible graph) is a graph which can be generated by disjoint union and complement operations on graphs, starting with a single vertex graph. Cographs arise in many areas of computer science and are studied extensively. With the goal of developing an effective data mining method for graph structured data, in this paper we introduce a graph pattern expression, called a cograph pattern, which is a special type of cograph having structured variables. Firstly, we show that a problem whether or not a given cograph pattern g matches a given cograph G is NP-complete. From this result, we consider the polynomial time learnability of cograph pattern languages defined by cograph patterns having variables labeled with mutually different labels, called linear cograph patterns. Secondly, we present a polynomial time matching algorithm for linear cograph patterns. Next, we give a polynomial time algorithm for obtaining a minimally generalized linear cograph pattern which explains given positive data. Finally, we show that the class of linear cograph pattern languages is polynomial time inductively inferable from positive data.

  • Person Identification Using Pose-Based Hough Forests from Skeletal Action Sequence

    Ju Yong CHANG  Ji Young PARK  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E101-D No:3

    The present study considers an action-based person identification problem, in which an input action sequence consists of 3D skeletal data from multiple frames. Unlike previous approaches, the type of action is not pre-defined in this work, which requires the subject classifier to possess cross-action generalization capabilities. To achieve that, we present a novel pose-based Hough forest framework, in which each per-frame pose feature casts a probabilistic vote to the Hough space. Pose distribution is estimated from training data and then used to compute the reliability of the vote to deal with the unseen poses in the test action sequence. Experimental results with various real datasets demonstrate that the proposed method provides effective person identification results especially for the challenging cross-action person identification setting.

  • A Color Restoration Method for Irreversible Thermal Paint Based on Atmospheric Scattering Model

    Zhan WANG  Ping-an DU  Jian LIU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E101-D No:3

    Irreversible thermal paints or temperature sensitive paints are a kind of special temperature sensor which can indicate the temperature grad by judging the color change and is widely used for off-line temperature measurement during aero engine test. Unfortunately, the hot gases flow within the engine during measuring always make the paint color degraded, which means a serious saturation reduction and contrast loss of the paint colors. This phenomenon makes it more difficult to interpret the thermal paint test results. Present contrast enhancement algorithms can significantly increase the image contrast but can't protect the hue feature of the paint images effectively, which always cause color shift. In this paper, we propose a color restoration method for thermal paint image. This method utilizes the atmospheric scattering model to restore the lost contrast and saturation information, so that the hue can be protected and the temperature can be precisely interpreted based on the image.

  • An Efficient Parallel Coding Scheme in Erasure-Coded Storage Systems

    Wenrui DONG  Guangming LIU  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E101-D No:3

    Erasure codes have been considered as one of the most promising techniques for data reliability enhancement and storage efficiency in modern distributed storage systems. However, erasure codes often suffer from a time-consuming coding process which makes them nearly impractical. The opportunity to solve this problem probably rely on the parallelization of erasure-code-based application on the modern multi-/many-core processors to fully take advantage of the adequate hardware resources on those platforms. However, the complicated data allocation and limited I/O throughput pose a great challenge on the parallelization. To address this challenge, we propose a general multi-threaded parallel coding approach in this work. The approach consists of a general multi-threaded parallel coding model named as MTPerasure, and two detailed parallel coding algorithms, named as sdaParallel and ddaParallel, respectively, adapting to different I/O circumstances. MTPerasure is a general parallel coding model focusing on the high level data allocation, and it is applicable for all erasure codes and can be implemented without any modifications of the low level coding algorithms. The sdaParallel divides the data into several parts and the data parts are allocated to different threads statically in order to eliminate synchronization latency among multiple threads, which improves the parallel coding performance under the dummy I/O mode. The ddaParallel employs two threads to execute the I/O reading and writing on the basis of small pieces independently, which increases the I/O throughput. Furthermore, the data pieces are assigned to the coding thread dynamically. A special thread scheduling algorithm is also proposed to reduce thread migration latency. To evaluate our proposal, we parallelize the popular open source library jerasure based on our approach. And a detailed performance comparison with the original sequential coding program indicates that the proposed parallel approach outperforms the original sequential program by an extraordinary speedups from 1.4x up to 7x, and achieves better utilization of the computation and I/O resources.

  • Fully Verifiable Algorithm for Outsourcing Multiple Modular Exponentiations with Single Cloud Server

    Min DONG  Yanli REN  Guorui FENG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:3

    With the popularity of cloud computing services, outsourcing computation has entered a period of rapid development. Modular exponentiation is one of the most expensive operations in public key cryptographic systems, but the current outsourcing algorithms for modular exponentiations (MExps) with single server are inefficient or have small checkability. In this paper, we propose an efficient and fully verifiable algorithm for outsourcing multiple MExps with single untrusted server where the errors can be detected by an outsourcer with a probability of 1. The theory analysis and experimental evaluations also show that the proposed algorithm is the most efficient one compared with the previous work. Finally, we present the outsourcing schemes of digital signature algorithm (DSA) and attribute based encryption (ABE) as two applications of the proposed algorithm.

  • Cybersecurity Education and Training Support System: CyRIS

    Razvan BEURAN  Cuong PHAM  Dat TANG  Ken-ichi CHINEN  Yasuo TAN  Yoichi SHINODA  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E101-D No:3

    Given the worldwide proliferation of cyberattacks, it is imperative that cybersecurity education and training are addressed in a timely manner. These activities typically require trainees to do hands-on practice in order to consolidate and improve their skills, for which purpose training environments called cyber ranges are used. In this paper we present an open-source system named CyRIS (Cyber Range Instantiation System) that supports this endeavor by fully automating the training environment setup, thus making it possible for any organization to conduct more numerous and variate training activities. CyRIS uses a text-based representation in YAML format to describe the characteristics of the training environment, including both environment setup and security content generation. Based on this description, CyRIS automatically creates the corresponding cyber range instances on a computer and network infrastructure, for simultaneous use by multiple trainees. We have evaluated CyRIS in various realistic scenarios, and our results demonstrate its suitability for cybersecurity education and training, both in terms of features and performance, including for large-scale training sessions with hundreds of participants.

  • Sequentially Iterative Equalizer Based on Kalman Filtering and Smoothing for MIMO Systems under Frequency Selective Fading Channels

    Sangjoon PARK  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:3

    This paper proposes a sequentially iterative equalizer based on Kalman filtering and smoothing (SIEKFS) for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems under frequency selective fading channels. In the proposed SIEKFS, an iteration consists of sequentially executed subiterations, and each subiteration performs equalization and detection procedures of the symbols transmitted from a specific transmit antenna. During this subiteration, all available observations for the transmission block are utilized in the equalization procedures. Furthermore, the entire soft estimate of the desired symbols to be detected does not participate in the equalization procedures of the desired symbols, i.e., the proposed SIEKFS performs input-by-input equalization procedures for a priori information nulling. Therefore, compared with the original iterative equalizer based on Kalman filtering and smoothing, which performs symbol-by-symbol equalization procedures, the proposed SIEKFS can also perform iterative equalization based on the Kalman framework and turbo principle, with a significant reduction in computation complexity. Simulation results verify that the proposed SIEKFS achieves suboptimum error performance as the size of the antenna configuration and the number of iterations increase.

  • Efficient Early Termination Criterion for ADMM Penalized LDPC Decoder

    Biao WANG  Xiaopeng JIAO  Jianjun MU  Zhongfei WANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E101-A No:3

    By tracking the changing rate of hard decisions during every two consecutive iterations of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) penalized decoding, an efficient early termination (ET) criterion is proposed to improve the convergence rate of ADMM penalized decoder for low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. Compared to the existing ET criterion for ADMM penalized decoding, the proposed method can reduce the average number of iterations significantly at low signal-to-noise ratios with negligible performance degradation.

  • How to Preserve User Anonymity in Password-Based Anonymous Authentication Scheme

    SeongHan SHIN  Kazukuni KOBARA  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E101-D No:3

    A purpose of password-based anonymous authentication schemes is to provide not only password-based authentication but also user anonymity. In [19], Yang et al., proposed a password-based anonymous authentication scheme (we call it YZWB10 scheme) using the password-protected credentials. In this paper, we discuss user anonymity of the YZWB10 scheme [19] against a third-party attacker, who is much weaker than a malicious server. First, we show that a third-party attacker in the YZWB10 scheme can specify which user actually sent the login request to the server. This attack also indicates that the attacker can link different login requests to be sent later by the same user. Second, we give an effective countermeasure to this attack which does not require any security for storing users' password-protected credentials.

  • A Network-Based Identifier Locator Separation Scheme for VANETs

    Ju-Ho CHOI  Jung-Hwan CHA  Youn-Hee HAN  Sung-Gi MIN  


    E101-B No:3

    The integration of VANETs with Internet is required if vehicles are to access IP-based applications. A vehicle must have an IP address, and the IP mobility service should be supported during the movement of the vehicle. VANET standards such as WAVE or C-ITS use IPv6 address auto configuration to allocate an IP address to a vehicle. In C-ITS, NEMO-BS is used to support IP mobility. The vehicle moves rapidly, so reallocation of IP address as well as binding update occurs frequently. The vehicle' communication, however, may be disrupted for a considerable amount of time, and the packet loss occurs during these events. Also, the finding of the home address of the peer vehicle is not a trivial matter. We propose a network based identifier locator separation scheme for VANETs. The scheme uses a vehicle identity based address generation scheme. It eliminates the frequent address reallocation and simplifies the finding of the peer vehicle IP address. In the scheme, a network entity tracks the vehicles in its coverage and the vehicles share the IP address of the network entity for their locators. The network entity manages the mapping between the vehicle's identifier and its IP address. The scheme excludes the vehicles from the mobility procedure, so a vehicle needs only the standard IPv6 protocol stack, and mobility signaling does not occur on the wireless link. The scheme also supports seamlessness, so packet loss is mitigated. The results of a simulation show that the vehicles experience seamless packet delivery.

  • Efficient Query Dissemination Scheme for Wireless Heterogeneous Sensor Networks

    Sungjun KIM  Daehee KIM  Sunshin AN  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E101-A No:3

    In this paper, we define a wireless sensor network with multiple types of sensors as a wireless heterogeneous sensor network (WHSN), and propose an efficient query dissemination scheme (EDT) in the WHSN. The EDT based on total dominant pruning can forward queries to only the nodes with data requested by the user, thereby reducing unnecessary packet transmission. We show that the EDT is suitable for the WHSN environment through a variety of simulations.

  • Corpus Expansion for Neural CWS on Microblog-Oriented Data with λ-Active Learning Approach

    Jing ZHANG  Degen HUANG  Kaiyu HUANG  Zhuang LIU  Fuji REN  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E101-D No:3

    Microblog data contains rich information of real-world events with great commercial values, so microblog-oriented natural language processing (NLP) tasks have grabbed considerable attention of researchers. However, the performance of microblog-oriented Chinese Word Segmentation (CWS) based on deep neural networks (DNNs) is still not satisfying. One critical reason is that the existing microblog-oriented training corpus is inadequate to train effective weight matrices for DNNs. In this paper, we propose a novel active learning method to extend the scale of the training corpus for DNNs. However, due to a large amount of partially overlapped sentences in the microblogs, it is difficult to select samples with high annotation values from raw microblogs during the active learning procedure. To select samples with higher annotation values, parameter λ is introduced to control the number of repeatedly selected samples. Meanwhile, various strategies are adopted to measure the overall annotation values of a sample during the active learning procedure. Experiments on the benchmark datasets of NLPCC 2015 show that our λ-active learning method outperforms the baseline system and the state-of-the-art method. Besides, the results also demonstrate that the performances of the DNNs trained on the extended corpus are significantly improved.

  • On the Second Separating Redundancy of LDPC Codes from Finite Planes

    Haiyang LIU  Yan LI  Lianrong MA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E101-A No:3

    The separating redundancy is an important concept in the analysis of the error-and-erasure decoding of a linear block code using a parity-check matrix of the code. In this letter, we derive new constructive upper bounds on the second separating redundancies of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes constructed from projective and Euclidean planes over the field Fq with q even.
