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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • New Construction Methods for Binary Sequence Pairs of Period pq with Ideal Two-Level Correlation

    Xiumin SHEN  Yanguo JIA  Xiaofei SONG  Yubo LI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E101-A No:4

    In this paper, a new generalized cyclotomy over Zpq is presented based on cyclotomy and Chinese remainder theorem, where p and q are different odd primes. Several new construction methods for binary sequence pairs of period pq with ideal two-level correlation are given by utilizing these generalized cyclotomic classes. All the binary sequence pairs from our constructions have both ideal out-of-phase correlation values -1 and optimum balance property.

  • Block-Matching-Based Implementation of Affine Motion Estimation for HEVC

    Chihiro TSUTAKE  Toshiyuki YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E101-D No:4

    Many of affine motion compensation techniques proposed thus far employ least-square-based techniques in estimating affine parameters, which requires a hardware structure different from conventional block-matching-based one. This paper proposes a new affine motion estimation/compensation framework friendly to block-matching-based parameter estimation, and applies it to an HEVC encoder to demonstrate its coding efficiency and computation cost. To avoid a nest of search loops, a new affine motion model is first introduced by decomposing the conventional 4-parameter affine model into two 3-parameter ones. Then, a block-matching-based fast parameter estimation technique is proposed for the models. The experimental results given in this paper show that our approach is advantageous over conventional techniques.

  • Hardware Accelerated Marking for Mark & Sweep Garbage Collection

    Shinji KAWAMURA  Tomoaki TSUMURA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E101-D No:4

    Many mobile systems need to achieve both high performance and low memory usage, and the total performance of such the systems can be largely affected by the effectiveness of GC. Hence, the recent popularization of mobile devices makes the GC performance play one of the important roles on the wide range of platforms. The response performance degradation caused by suspending all processes for GC has been a well-known potential problem. Therefore, GC algorithms have been actively studied and improved, but they still have not reached any fundamental solution. In this paper, we focus on the point that the same objects are redundantly marked during the GC procedure implemented on DalvikVM, which is one of the famous runtime environments for the mobile devices. Then we propose a hardware support technique for improving marking routine of GC. We installed a set of tables to a processor for managing marked objects, and redundant marking for marked objects can be omitted by referring these tables. The result of the simulation experiment shows that the percentage of redundant marking is reduced by more than 50%.

  • Having an Insight into Malware Phylogeny: Building Persistent Phylogeny Tree of Families

    Jing LIU  Pei Dai XIE  Meng Zhu LIU  Yong Jun WANG  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E101-D No:4

    Malware phylogeny refers to inferring evolutionary relationships between instances of families. It has gained a lot of attention over the past several years, due to its efficiency in accelerating reverse engineering of new variants within families. Previous researches mainly focused on tree-based models. However, those approaches merely demonstrate lineage of families using dendrograms or directed trees with rough evolution information. In this paper, we propose a novel malware phylogeny construction method taking advantage of persistent phylogeny tree model, whose nodes correspond to input instances and edges represent the gain or lost of functional characters. It can not only depict directed ancestor-descendant relationships between malware instances, but also show concrete function inheritance and variation between ancestor and descendant, which is significant in variants defense. We evaluate our algorithm on three malware families and one benign family whose ground truth are known, and compare with competing algorithms. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves a higher mean accuracy of 61.4%.

  • Detecting Regularities of Traffic Signal Timing Using GPS Trajectories

    Juan YU  Peizhong LU  Jianmin HAN  Jianfeng LU  

    PAPER-Technologies for Knowledge Support Platform

    E101-D No:4

    Traffic signal phase and timing (TSPaT) information is valuable for various applications, such as velocity advisory systems, navigation systems, collision warning systems, and so forth. In this paper, we focus on learning baseline timing cycle lengths for fixed-time traffic signals. The cycle length is the most important parameter among all timing parameters, such as green lengths. We formulate the cycle length learning problem as a period estimation problem using a sparse set of noisy observations, and propose the most frequent approximate greatest common divisor (MFAGCD) algorithms to solve the problem. The accuracy performance of our proposed algorithms is experimentally evaluated on both simulation data and the real taxi GPS trajectory data collected in Shanghai, China. Experimental results show that the MFAGCD algorithms have better sparsity and outliers tolerant capabilities than existing cycle length estimation algorithms.

  • Capacity of Two-Way In-Band Full-Duplex Relaying with Imperfect Channel State Information

    Siye WANG  Mingyao WANG  Boyu JIA  Yonghua LI  Wenbo XU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:4

    In this paper, we investigate the capacity performance of an in-band full-duplex (IBFD) amplify-and-forward two-way relay system under the effect of residual loop-back-interference (LBI). In a two-way IBFD relay system, two IBFD nodes exchange data with each other via an IBFD relay. Both two-way relaying and IBFD one-way relaying could double the spectrum efficiency theoretically. However, due to imperfect channel estimation, the performance of two-way relaying is degraded by self-interference at the receiver. Moreover, the performance of the IBFD relaying is deteriorated by LBI between the transmit antenna and the receive antenna of the node. Different from the IBFD one-way relay scenario, the IBFD two-way relay system will suffer from an extra level of LBI at the destination receiver. We derive accurate approximations of the average end-to-end capacities for both the IBFD and half-duplex modes. We evaluate the impact of the LBI and channel estimation errors on system performance. Monte Carlo simulations verify the validity of analytical results. It can be shown that with certain signal-to-noise ratio values and effective interference cancellation techniques, the IBFD transmission is preferable in terms of capacity. The IBFD two-way relaying is an attractive technique for practical applications.

  • Regularized Kernel Representation for Visual Tracking

    Jun WANG  Yuanyun WANG  Chengzhi DENG  Shengqian WANG  Yong QIN  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:4

    Developing a robust appearance model is a challenging task due to appearance variations of objects such as partial occlusion, illumination variation, rotation and background clutter. Existing tracking algorithms employ linear combinations of target templates to represent target appearances, which are not accurate enough to deal with appearance variations. The underlying relationship between target candidates and the target templates is highly nonlinear because of complicated appearance variations. To address this, this paper presents a regularized kernel representation for visual tracking. Namely, the feature vectors of target appearances are mapped into higher dimensional features, in which a target candidate is approximately represented by a nonlinear combination of target templates in a dimensional space. The kernel based appearance model takes advantage of considering the non-linear relationship and capturing the nonlinear similarity between target candidates and target templates. l2-regularization on coding coefficients makes the approximate solution of target representations more stable. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the superior performances in comparison with state-of-the-art trackers.

  • Energy-Efficient Power Allocation with Rate Proportional Fairness Constraint in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems

    Zheng-qiang WANG  Chen-chen WEN  Zi-fu FAN  Xiao-yu WAN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E101-A No:4

    In this letter, we consider the power allocation scheme with rate proportional fairness to maximize energy efficiency in the downlink the non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) systems. The optimization problem of energy efficiency is a non-convex optimization problem, and the fractional programming is used to transform the original problem into a series of optimization sub-problems. A two-layer iterative algorithm is proposed to solve these sub-problems, in which power allocation with the fixed energy efficiency is achieved in the inner layer, and the optimal energy efficiency of the system is obtained by the bisection method in the outer layer. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

  • Statistical Estimation of Crosstalk through a Modified Stochastic Reduced Order Model Approach

    Tao LIANG  Flavia GRASSI  Giordano SPADACINI  Sergio Amedeo PIGNARI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E101-B No:4

    This work presents a hybrid formulation of the stochastic reduced order model (SROM) algorithm, which makes use of Gauss quadrature, a key ingredient of the stochastic collocation method, to avoid the cumbersome optimization process required by SROM for optimal extraction of the sample set. With respect to classic SROM algorithms, the proposed formulation allows a significant reduction in computation time and burden as well as a remarkable improvement in the accuracy and convergence rate in the estimation of statistical moments. The method is here applied to a specific case study, that is the prediction of crosstalk in a two-conductor wiring structure with electrical and geometrical parameters not perfectly known. Both univariate and multivariate analyses are carried out, with the final objective being to compare the performance of the two SROM formulations with respected to Monte Carlo simulations.

  • Improving Recommendation via Inference of User Popularity Preference in Sparse Data Environment

    Xiaoying TAN  Yuchun GUO  Yishuai CHEN  Wei ZHU  


    E101-D No:4

    The Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithms work fairly well in personalized recommendation except in sparse data environment. To deal with the sparsity problem, researchers either take into account auxiliary information extracted from additional data resources, or set the missing ratings with default values, e.g., video popularity. Nevertheless, the former often costs high and incurs difficulty in knowledge transference whereas the latter degrades the accuracy and coverage of recommendation results. To our best knowledge, few literatures take advantage of users' preference on video popularity to tackle this problem. In this paper, we intend to enhance the performance of recommendation algorithm via the inference of the users' popularity preferences (PPs), especially in a sparse data environment. We propose a scheme to aggregate users' PPs and a Collaborative Filtering based algorithm to make the inference of PP feasible and effective from a small number of watching records. We modify a k-Nearest-Neighbor recommendation algorithm and a Matrix Factorization algorithm via introducing the inferred PP. Experiments on a large-scale commercial dataset show that the modified algorithm outperforms the original CF algorithms on both the recommendation accuracy and coverage. The significance of improvement is significant especially with the data sparsity.

  • Purpose-Feature Relationship Mining from Online Reviews towards Purpose-Oriented Recommendation

    Sopheaktra YONG  Yasuhito ASANO  


    E101-D No:4

    To help with decision making, online shoppers tend to go through both a list of a product's features and functionality provided by the vendor, as well as a list of reviews written by other users. Unfortunately, this process is ineffective when the buyer is confronted with large amounts of information, particularly when the buyer has limited experience with and knowledge of the product. In order to avoid this problem, we propose a framework of purpose-oriented recommendation that presents a ranked list of products suitable for a designated user purpose by identifying important product features to fulfill the purpose from online reviews. As technical foundation for realizing the framework, we propose several methods to mine relation between user purposes and product features from the consumer reviews. Using digital camera reviews on, the experimental results show that our proposed method is both effective and stable, with an acceptable rate of precision and recall.

  • Low-Latency Communication in LTE and WiFi Using Spatial Diversity and Encoding Redundancy

    Yu YU  Stepan KUCERA  Yuto LIM  Yasuo TAN  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E101-B No:4

    In mobile and wireless networks, controlling data delivery latency is one of open problems due to the stochastic nature of wireless channels, which are inherently unreliable. This paper explores how the current best-effort throughput-oriented wireless services might evolve into latency-sensitive enablers of new mobile applications such as remote three-dimensional (3D) graphical rendering for interactive virtual/augmented-reality overlay. Assuming that the signal propagation delay and achievable throughput meet the standard latency requirements of the user application, we examine the idea of trading excess/federated bandwidth for the elimination of non-negligible delay of data re-ordering, caused by temporal transmission failures and buffer overflows. The general system design is based on (i) spatially diverse data delivery over multiple paths with uncorrelated outage likelihoods; and (ii) forward packet-loss protection (FPP), creating encoding redundancy for proactive recovery of intolerably delayed data without end-to-end retransmissions. Analysis and evaluation are based on traces of real life traffic, which is measured in live carrier-grade long term evolution (LTE) networks and campus WiFi networks, due to no such system/environment yet to verify the importance of spatial diversity and encoding redundancy. Analysis and evaluation reveal the seriousness of the latency problem and that the proposed FPP with spatial diversity and encoding redundancy can minimize the delay of re-ordering. Moreover, a novel FPP effectiveness coefficient is proposed to explicitly represent the effectiveness of EPP implementation.

  • Cyber-Physical Hybrid Environment Using a Largescale Discussion System Enhances Audiences' Participation and Satisfaction in the Panel Discussion

    Satoshi KAWASE  Takayuki ITO  Takanobu OTSUKA  Akihisa SENGOKU  Shun SHIRAMATSU  Tokuro MATSUO  Tetsuya OISHI  Rieko FUJITA  Naoki FUKUTA  Katsuhide FUJITA  

    PAPER-Creativity Support Systems and Decision Support Systems

    E101-D No:4

    Performance based on multi-party discussion has been reported to be superior to that based on individuals. However, it is impossible that all participants simultaneously express opinions due to the time and space limitations in a large-scale discussion. In particular, only a few representative discussants and audiences can speak in conventional unidirectional discussions (e.g., panel discussion), although many participants gather for the discussion. To solve these problems, in this study, we proposed a cyber-physical discussion using “COLLAGREE,” which we developed for building consensus of large-scale online discussions. COLLAGREE is equipped with functions such as a facilitator, point ranking system, and display of discussion in tree structure. We focused on the relationship between satisfaction with the discussion and participants' desire to express opinions. We conducted the experiment in the panel discussion of an actual international conference. Participants who were audiences in the floor used COLLAGREE during the panel discussion. They responded to questionnaires after the experiment. The main findings are as follows: (1) Participation in online discussion was associated with the satisfaction of the participants; (2) Participants who desired to positively express opinions joined the cyber-space discussion; and (3) The satisfaction of participants who expressed opinions in the cyber-space discussion was higher than those of participants who expressed opinions in the real-space discussion and those who did not express opinions in both the cyber- and real-space discussions. Overall, active behaviors in the cyber-space discussion were associated with participants' satisfaction with the entire discussion, suggesting that cyberspace provided useful alternative opportunities to express opinions for audiences who used to listen to conventional unidirectional discussions passively. In addition, a complementary relationship exists between participation in the cyber-space and real-space discussions. These findings can serve to create a user-friendly discussion environment.

  • An Ontology-Based Approach to Supporting Knowledge Management in Government Agencies: A Case Study of the Thai Excise Department


    PAPER-Knowledge Representation

    E101-D No:4

    Knowledge management is important for government agencies in improving service delivery to their customers and data inter-operation within and across organizations. Building organizational knowledge repository for government agency has unique challenges. In this paper, we propose that enterprise ontology can provide support for government agencies in capturing organizational taxonomy, best practices and global data schema. A case study of a large-scale adoption for the Thailand's Excise Department is elaborated. A modular design approach of the enterprise ontology for the excise tax domain is discussed. Two forms of organizational knowledge: global schema and standard practices were captured in form of ontology and rule-based knowledge. The organizational knowledge was deployed to support two KM systems: excise recommender service and linked open data. Finally, we discuss some lessons learned in adopting the framework in the government agency.

  • Highly Efficient Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for WDM/OFDM-PON-Based Elastic Optical Access Networks

    Hiroyuki SAITO  Naoki MINATO  Hideaki TAMAI  Hironori SASAKI  


    E101-B No:4

    Capital expenditure (CAPEX) reduction and efficient wavelength allocation are critical for the future access networks. Elastic lambda aggregation network (EλAN) based on WDM and OFDM technologies is expected to realize efficient wavelength allocation. In this paper, we propose adaptive bandwidth allocation (ABA) algorithm for EλAN under the conditions of crowded networks, in which modulation format, symbol rate and the number of sub-carriers are adaptively decided based on the distance of PON-section, QoS and bandwidth demand of each ONU. Network simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively reduce the total bandwidth and achieve steady high spectrum efficiency and contribute to the further reduction of CAPEX of future optical access networks.

  • A 7GS/s Complete-DDFS-Solution in 65nm CMOS



    E101-C No:4

    A 7GS/s complete-DDFS-solution featuring a two-times interleaved RDAC with 1.2Vpp-diff output swing was fabricated in 65nm CMOS. The frequency tuning and amplitude resolutions are 24-bits and 10-bits respectively. The RDAC includes a mixed-signal, high-speed architecture for random swapping thermometer coding dynamic element matching that improves the narrowband SFDR up to 8dB for output frequencies below 1.85GHz. The proposed techniques enable a 7 GS/s operation with a spurious-free dynamic range better than 32dBc over the full Nyquist bandwidth. The worst case narrowband SFDR is 42dBc. This system consumes 87.9mW/(GS/s) from a 1.2V power supply when the RSTC-DEM method is enabled, resulting in a FoM of 458.9GS/s·2(SFDR/6)/W. A proof-of-concept chip with an active area of only 0.22mm2 was measured in prototypes encapsulated in a 144-pins low profile quad flat package.

  • Optimal Design of Notch Filter with Principal Basic Vectors in Subspace

    Jinguang HAO  Gang WANG  Lili WANG  Honggang WANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:4

    In this paper, an optimal method is proposed to design sparse-coefficient notch filters with principal basic vectors in the column space of a matrix constituted with frequency samples. The proposed scheme can perform in two stages. At the first stage, the principal vectors can be determined in the least-squares sense. At the second stage, with some components of the principal vectors, the notch filter design is formulated as a linear optimization problem according to the desired specifications. Optimal results can form sparse coefficients of the notch filter by solving the linear optimization problem. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme can achieve better performance in designing a sparse-coefficient notch filter of small order compared with other methods such as the equiripple method, the orthogonal matching pursuit based scheme and the L1-norm based method.

  • QoS Guaranteed Power and Sub-Carrier Allocation for Uplink OFDMA Networks

    Guowei LI  Qinghai YANG  Kyung Sup KWAK  


    E101-B No:4

    The widespread application of mobile electronic devices has triggered a boom in energy consumption, especially in user equipment (UE). In this paper, we investigate the energy-efficiency (EE) of a UE experiencing the worst channel conditions, which is termed worst-EE. Due to the limited battery of the mobile equipment, worst-EE is a suitable metric for EE fairness optimization in the uplink transmissions of orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) networks. More specifically, we determine the optimal power and sub-carrier allocation to maximize the worst-EE with respect to UEs' transmit power, sub-carriers and statistical quality-of-service (QoS). In order to maximize the worst-EE, we formulate a max-min power and sub-carrier allocation problem, which involves nonconvex fractional mixed integer nonlinear programming, i.e., NP-hard to solve. To solve the problem, we first relax the allocation of sub-carriers, formulate the upper bound problem on the original one and prove the quasi-concave property of objective function. With the aid of the Powell-Hestenes-Rockfellar (PHR) approach, we propose a fairness EE sub-carrier and power allocation algorithm. Finally, simulation results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed algorithm.

  • Songrium Derivation Factor Analysis: A Web Service for Browsing Derivation Factors by Modeling N-th Order Derivative Creation

    Kosetsu TSUKUDA  Keisuke ISHIDA  Masahiro HAMASAKI  Masataka GOTO  


    E101-D No:4

    Creating new content based on existing original work is becoming popular especially among amateur creators. Such new content is called derivative work and can be transformed into the next new derivative work. Such derivative work creation is called “N-th order derivative creation.” Although derivative creation is popular, the reason an individual derivative work was created is not observable. To infer the factors that trigger derivative work creation, we have proposed a model that incorporates three factors: (1) original work's attractiveness, (2) original work's popularity, and (3) derivative work's popularity. Based on this model, in this paper, we describe a public web service for browsing derivation factors called Songrium Derivation Factor Analysis. Our service is implemented by applying our model to original works and derivative works uploaded to a video sharing service. Songrium Derivation Factor Analysis provides various visualization functions: Original Works Map, Derivation Tree, Popularity Influence Transition Graph, Creator Distribution Map, and Creator Profile. By displaying such information when users browse and watch videos, we aim to enable them to find new content and understand the N-th order derivative creation activity at a deeper level.

  • A 11.3-µA Physical Activity Monitoring System Using Acceleration and Heart Rate

    Motofumi NAKANISHI  Shintaro IZUMI  Mio TSUKAHARA  Hiroshi KAWAGUCHI  Hiromitsu KIMURA  Kyoji MARUMOTO  Takaaki FUCHIKAMI  Yoshikazu FUJIMORI  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  


    E101-C No:4

    This paper presents an algorithm for a physical activity (PA) classification and metabolic equivalents (METs) monitoring and its System-on-a-Chip (SoC) implementation to realize both power reduction and high estimation accuracy. Long-term PA monitoring is an effective means of preventing lifestyle-related diseases. Low power consumption and long battery life are key features supporting the wider dissemination of the monitoring system. As described herein, an adaptive sampling method is implemented for longer battery life by minimizing the active rate of acceleration without decreasing accuracy. Furthermore, advanced PA classification using both the heart rate and acceleration is introduced. The proposed algorithms are evaluated by experimentation with eight subjects in actual conditions. Evaluation results show that the root mean square error with respect to the result of processing with fixed sampling rate is less than 0.22[METs], and the mean absolute error is less than 0.06[METs]. Furthermore, to minimize the system-level power dissipation, a dedicated SoC is implemented using 130-nm CMOS process with FeRAM. A non-volatile CPU using non-volatile memory and a flip-flop is used to reduce the stand-by power. The proposed algorithm, which is implemented using dedicated hardware, reduces the active rate of the CPU and accelerometer. The current consumption of the SoC is less than 3-µA. And the evaluation system using the test chip achieves 74% system-level power reduction. The total current consumption including that of the accelerometer is 11.3-µA on average.
