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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Microwave CT Imaging for a Human Forearm at 3GHz

    Takayuki NAKAJIMA  Hiroshi SAWADA  Itsuo YAMAURA  


    E78-B No:6

    This paper describes the imaging method for a human forearm in the microwave transmission CT at 3GHz. To improve the spatial resolution, the correction method of the diffraction effects is adopted and the high directivity antennas are used. A cross-sectional image of the human forearm is obtained in vivo.

  • Routing Domain Definition for Multiclass-of-Service Networks

    Shigeo SHIODA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:6

    This paper proposes two algorithms for defining a routing domain in multiclass-of-service networks. One an off-line-based method, whose objective is to optimize dynamic routing performance by using precise knowledge on the traffic levels. The algorithm of the proposed method takes into account the random nature of the traffic flow, which is not considered in the network flow approach. The proposed method inherits the conceptual simplicity of the network flow approach and remains applicable to large and complex networks. In simulation experiments, the proposed off-line-based method performs better than the method based on the network flow approach, but has a similar the computation time requirement. The other method proposed here is an on-line-based method for application to B-ISDNs, where precise traffic data is not expected to be available. In this method, the routing domain is defined adaptively according to the network performance (call-blocking probability) measured in real-time. In simulation experiments, the performance of this method is comparable to that of the off-line-based method--especially when highly efficient dynamic routing is used. This paper also derives and describes methods for approximating the implied costs for multiclass-of-service networks. The approximations are very useful not only for off-line-based routing domain definition (RDD) methods but also for other kinds of network controls or optimal network dimensioning based on the concept of revenue optimization.

  • A Learning Fuzzy Network and Its Applications to Inverted Pendulum System

    Zheng TANG  Yasuyoshi KOBAYASHI  Okihiko ISHIZUKA  Koichi TANNO  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E78-A No:6

    In this paper, we propose a learning fuzzy network (LFN) which can be used to implement most of fuzzy logic functions and is much available for hardware implementations. A learning algorithm largely borrowed from back propagation algorithm is introduced and used to train the LFN systems for several typical fuzzy logic problems. We also demonstrate the availability of the LFN hardware implementations by realizing them with CMOS current-mode circuits and the capability of the LFN systems by testing them on a benchmark problem in intelligent control-the inverted pendulum system. Simulations show that a learning fuzzy network can be realized with the proposed LFN system, learning algorithm, and hardware implementations.

  • Multimodal Interaction in Human Communication

    Keiko WATANUKI  Kenji SAKAMOTO  Fumio TOGAWA  


    E78-D No:6

    We are developing multimodal man-machine interfaces through which users can communicate by integrating speech, gaze, facial expressions, and gestures such as nodding and finger pointing. Such multimodal interfaces are expected to provide more flexible, natural and productive communications between humans and computers. To achieve this goal, we have taken the approach of modeling human behavior in the context of ordinary face-to-face conversations. As the first step, we have implemented a system which utilizes video and audio recording equipment to capture verbal and nonverbal information in interpersonal communications. Using this system, we have collected data from a task-oriented conversation between a guest (subject) and a receptionist at company reception desk, and quantitatively analyzed this data with respect to multi-modalities which would be functional in fluid interactions. This paper presents detailed analyses of the data collected: (1) head nodding and eye-contact are related to the beginning and end of speaking turns, acting to supplement speech information; (2) listener responses occur after an average of 0.35 sec. from the receptionist's utterance of a keyword, and turn-taking for tag-questions occurs after an average of 0.44 sec.; and (3) there is a rhythmical coordination between speakers and listeners.

  • New Error Probability Upper Bound on Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation for Intersymbol Interference Channels

    Hiroshi NOGAMI  Gordon L. STÜBER  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E78-A No:6

    A new upper hound on the error probability for maximum likelihood sequence estimation of digital signaling on intersymbol interference channels with additive white Gaussian noise is presented. The basic idea is to exclude all parallel error sequences and to exclude some of the overlapping error events from the union bound. It is shown that the new upper bound can be easily and efficiently computed by using a properly labeled error-state diagram and a one-directional stack algorithm. Several examples are presented that compare the new upper bound with bounds previously reported in the literature.

  • Global Dynamic Behaviour of a Parallel Blower System

    Hideaki OKAZAKI  Hideo NAKANO  Takehiko KAWASE  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E78-A No:6

    A parallel blower system is quite familiar in hydraulic machine systems and quite often employed in many process industries. It is dynamically dual to the fundamental functional element of digital computer, that is, the flip-flop circuit, which was extensively studied by Moser. Although the global dynamic behaviour of such systems has significant bearing upon system operation, no substantial study reports have hitherto been presented. Extensive research concern has primarily been concentrated upon the local stability of the equilibrium point. In the paper, a piecewise linear model is used to analytically and numerically investigate its manifold global dynamic behaviour. To do this, first the Poincar map is defined as a composition boundary map, each of which is defined as the point transformation from the entry point to the end point of any trajectory on some boundary planes. It was already shown that, in some parameter region, the system exhibits the so-called chaotic states. The chaos generating process is investigated using the above Poincar map and it is shown that the map contains the contracting, stretching and folding operations which, as we often see in many cases particularly in horse shoe map, produce the chaotic states. Considering the one dimensional motions of the orbits by such Poincar map, that is, the stretching and folding operations, a one dimensional approximation of the Poincar map is introduced to more closely and exactly study manifold bifurcation processes and some illustrative bifurcation diagrams in relation to system parameters are presented. Thus it is shown how many types of bifurcations like the Hopf, period doubling, saddle node, and homoclinic bifurcations come to exist in the system.

  • Fast Solutions for Consecutive 2-out-of-r-from-n: F System



    E78-A No:6

    The previous literature on consecutive k-out-of-r-from-n: F systems give recursive equations for the system reliability only for the special case when all component probabilities are equal. This paper deals with the problem of calculating the reliability for a (linear or circular) consecutive 2-out-of-r-from-n: F system with unequal component probabilities. We provide two new algorithms for the linear and circular systems which have time complexity of O(n) and O(nr), respectively. The results of some computational experiments are also described.

  • Recent Trends in Medical Microwave Radiometry

    Shizuo MIZUSHINA  Hiroyuki OHBA  Katsumi ABE  Shinya MIZOSHIRI  Toshifumi SUGIURA  


    E78-B No:6

    Microwave radiometry has been investigated for non-invasive measurement of temperature in human body. Recent trends are to explore the capability of retrieving a temperature profile or map from a set of brightness temperatures measured by a multifrequency radiometer operating in a 1-6GHz range. The retrieval of temperature from the multifrequency measurement data is formulated as an inverse problem in which the number of independent measurement or data is limited (7) and the data suffer from considerably large random fluctuations. The standard deviation of the data fluctuation is given by the brightness temperature resolution of the instrument (0.04-0.1K). Solutions are prone to instabilities and large errors unless proper solution methods are used. Solution methods developed during the last few years are reviewed: singular system analysis, bio-heat transfer solution matched with radiometric data, and model-fitting combined with Monte Carlo technique. Typical results obtained by these methods are presented to indicate a crosssection of the present-state-of-the-development in the field. This review concludes with discussions on the radiometric weighting function which connects physical temperatures in object to the brightness temperature. Three-dimensional weighting functions derived by the modal analysis and the FDTD method for a rectangular waveguide antenna coupled to a four layered lossy medium are discussed. Development of temperature retrieval procedures incorporating the 3-D weighting functions is an important and challenging task for future work in this field.

  • Recent Progress of Electromagnetic Techniques in Hyperthermia Treatment

    Makoto KIKUCHI  


    E78-B No:6

    In the early stage of hyperthermia, a large number of engineering efforts have been done in the development or the improvement of the heating and temperature measuring techniques. However, they were not always satisfactory clinically. Thus, even in this moment, various engineering researches as well as the electromagnetic techniques for hyperthermia should be build up rapidly. This paper describes some of the highlights of developed or ongoing electromagnetic heating techniques in hyperthermia and identities a trend of emerging electromagnetic heating. Furthermore, the author emphasizes that few medical engineering efforts have been done in the boundary field between pure physics and clinics, and the proper way to develop the hyperthermia equipment is the best use of successes in the three essential regions: Physics, Biology and Clinics.

  • Simulation Study on Ground-Based Direction Finding of VLF/ELF Radio Waves by Wave Distribution Functions: a Bayesian Approach

    Mehrez HIRARI  Masashi HAYAKAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E78-B No:6

    In this paper we consider the determination of direction of arrival of VLF/ELF radio waves and their energy distribution at the ionospheric base by means of the inversion of electromagnetic data observed on the ground. The observed data are too limited, leading us to deal with a severely ill-posed problem similar to those encountered in digital image enhancement and computerized tomography. To handle this situation, the a priori information if available, is supposed to bring as much weight as the observed data do. We used a regularization based on Bayesian information criterion to reconstruct the wave distribution function at the ionosphere, that is, to determine the wave arrival direction. Using computer-generated data, two main results were obtained: first, the electromagnetic field data observed on the ground are sufficient to give a good approximation to the exit region of VLF/ELF radio waves and to reconstruct the wave energy distribution nicely at the ionospheric base. Secondly, the Bayesian information criterion is shown efficient and very promising to handle the situations where the data number is too small compared to the number of unknowns which is the case of most reconstruction problems.

  • Coding for Multi-Pulse PPM with Imperfect Slot Synchronization in Optical Direct-Detection Channels

    Kazumi SATO  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Iwao SASASE  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E78-B No:6

    The performance of coded multi-pulse pulse position modulation (MPPM) consisting of m slots and 2 pulses, denoted as (m, 2) MPPM, with imperfect slot synchronization is analyzed. Convolutional codes and Reed-Solomon (RS) codes are employed for (m, 2) MPPM, and the bit error probability of coded (m, 2) MPPM in the presence of the timing offset is derived. In each coded (m, 2) MPPM, we compare the performance of some different code rate systems. Moreover, we compare the performance of both systems at the same information bit rate. It is shown that in both coded systems, the performance of code rate-1/2 coded (m, 2) MPPM is the best when the timing offset is small. Wheji the timing offset is somewhat large, however, uncoded (m, 2) MPPM is shown to perform better than coded (m, 2) MPPM. Further, convolutional coded (m, 2) MPPM with the constraint length k7 is shown to perform better than RS coded (m, 2) MPPM for the same code rate.

  • Analyses of Virtual Path Bandwidth Control Effects in ATM Networks

    Hisaya HADAMA  Ken-ichi SATO  Ikuo TOKIZAWA  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E78-B No:6

    This paper presents a newly developed analytical method which evaluates the virtual path bandwidth control effects for a general topology ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) transport network. The virtual path concept can enhance the controllability of path bandwidth. Required link capacity to attain a specified call blocking probability can be reduced by applying virtual path bandwidth control. This paper proposes an analytical method to evaluate the call blocking probability of a general topology ATM network, which includes many virtual paths, that is using virtual path bandwidth control. A method for the designing link capacities of the network is also proposed. These methods make it possible to design an optimum transport network with path bandwidth control. Finally, a newly developed approximation technique is used to develop some analytical results on the effects of dynamic path bandwidth control are provided to demonstrate its effectiveness.

  • Automatic Language Identification Using Sequential Information of Phonemes

    Takayuki ARAI  


    E78-D No:6

    In this paper approaches to language identification based on the sequential information of phonemes are described. These approaches assume that each language can be identified from its own phoneme structure, or phonotactics. To extract this phoneme structure, we use phoneme classifiers and grammars for each language. The phoneme classifier for each language is implemented as a multi-layer perceptron trained on quasi-phonetic hand-labeled transcriptions. After training the phoneme classifiers, the grammars for each language are calculated as a set of transition probabilities for each phoneme pair. Because of the interest in automatic language identification for worldwide voice communication, we decided to use telephone speech for this study. The data for this study were drawn from the OGI (Oregon Graduate Institute)-TS (telephone speech) corpus, a standard corpus for this type of research. To investigate the basic issues of this approach, two languages, Japanese and English, were selected. The language classification algorithms are based on Viterbi search constrained by a bigram grammar and by minimum and maximum durations. Using a phoneme classifier trained only on English phonemes, we achieved 81.1% accuracy. We achieved 79.3% accuracy using a phoneme classifier trained on Japanese phonemes. Using both the English and the Japanese phoneme classifiers together, we obtained our best result: 83.3%. Our results were comparable to those obtained by other methods such as that based on the hidden Markov model.

  • A Note on One-way Auxiliary Pushdown Automata

    Yue WANG  Jian-Liang XU  Katsushi INOUE  Akira ITO  

    LETTER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E78-D No:6

    This paper establishes a relationship among the accepting powers of deterministic, nondeterministic, and alternating one-way auxiliary pushdown automata, for any tape bound below n. Some other related results are also presented.

  • A Partially Ferrites Loaded Waveguide Applicator for Local Heating of Tissues

    Yoshio NIKAWA  Yasunori TOYOFUKU  Fumiaki OKADA  


    E78-B No:6

    A partially ferrites and dielectric loaded water filled waveguide applicator is presented which can be used for microwave heating of tissues. The applicator can change its heating pattern by changing the external DC magnetic field applied to the ferrites. The electromagnetic (EM) field distribution inside the applicator is obtained theoretically and the simulated EM field inside the applicator is checked experimentally using 430MHz. Furthermore, on the basis of the EM field distribution inside the applicator, simulations of SAR distribution inside lossy homogeneous human tissue as muscle are performed using finite difference time domain (FD-TD) method. Simulated data of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) distribution is compared with the experimental ones. Simulations of temperature distribution are also performed using heat transfer equation. Simulated data of temperature elevation distribution is compared with the experimental ones. The simulated results agree well with the experimental ones and it is confirmed that the heating pattern can be changed by external DC magnetic field applied to the applicator. The results obtained here show that the partially ferrites and dielectric loaded water filled waveguide applicator which operates at 430 MHz can change its heating pattern without changing its setup and can heat local target on the human body for hyperthermia treatment.

  • Application of Biotelemetry Technique for Advanced Emergency Radio System

    Koichi SHIMIZU  Seiji MATSUDA  Isao SAITO  Katsuyuki YAMAMOTO  Takeshi HATSUDA  


    E78-B No:6

    With a view toward the improvement of life-saving rate, the advancement of emergency radio system was attempted. The telemetry technique was introduced to the mobile communication from a running ambulance. A system was newly developed which enables us to transmit the information of an emergency patient from an ambulance to an emergency room of a hospital. This system can transmit an audio signal, physiological signals such as an ECG and a blood oxygen level, as well as a color image. In the experiment, the feasibility of this technique was verified. In the test of its practical usefulness, the following points were evaluated using a mobile telephone line and an emergency radio link. With the regular condition of the communication link, the stability of signal transmission was reasonably well. The fidelity of the transmitted signal was satisfactory for the use of an emergency medicine.

  • Uniform and Non-uniform Normalization of Vocal Tracts Measured by MRI Across Male, Female and Child Subjects

    Chang-Sheng YANG  Hideki KASUYA  


    E78-D No:6

    Three-dimensional vocal tract shapes of a male, a female and a child subjects are measured from magnetic resonance (MR) images during sustained phonation of Japanese vowels /a, i, u, e, o/. Non-uniform dimensional differences in the vocal tract shapes of the subjects are quantitatively measured. Vocal tract area functions of the female and child subjects are normalized to those of the male on the basis of non-uniform and uniform scalings of the vocal tract length and compared with each other. A comparison is also made between the formant frequencies computed from the area functions normalized by the two different scalings. It is suggested by the comparisons that non-uniformity in the vocal tract dimensions is not essential in the normalization of the five Japanese vowels.

  • Speaker-Consistent Parsing for Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition

    Kouichi YAMAGUCHI  Harald SINGER  Shoichi MATSUNAGA  Shigeki SAGAYAMA  


    E78-D No:6

    This paper describes a novel speaker-independent speech recognition method, called speaker-consistent parsing", which is based on an intra-speaker correlation called the speaker-consistency principle. We focus on the fact that a sentence or a string of words is uttered by an individual speaker even in a speaker-independent task. Thus, the proposed method searches through speaker variations in addition to the contents of utterances. As a result of the recognition process, an appropriate standard speaker is selected for speaker adaptation. This new method is experimentally compared with a conventional speaker-independent speech recognition method. Since the speaker-consistency principle best demonstrates its effect with a large number of training and test speakers, a small-scale experiment may not fully exploit this principle. Nevertheless, even the results of our small-scale experiment show that the new method significantly outperforms the conventional method. In addition, this framework's speaker selection mechanism can drastically reduce the likelihood map computation.

  • A Study on Speaker Adaptation for Mandarin Syllable Recognition with Minimum Error Discriminative Training

    Chih-Heng LIN  Chien-Hsing WU  Pao-Chung CHANG  


    E78-D No:6

    This paper investigates a different method of speaker adaptation for Mandarin syllable recognition. Based on the minimum classification error (MCE) criterion, we use the generalized probabilistic decent (GPD) algorithm to adjust interatively the parameters of the hidden Markov models (HMM). The experiments on the multi-speaker Mandarin syllable database of Telecommunication Laboratories (T.L.) yield the following results: 1) Efficient speaker adaptation can be achieved through discriminative training using the MCE criterion and the GPD algorithm. 2) The computations required can be reduced through the use of the confusion sets in Mandarin base syllables. 3) For the discriminative training, the adjustment on the mean values of the Gaussian mixtures has the most prominent effect on speaker adaptation. 4) The discriminative training approach can be used to enhance the speaker adaptation capability of the maximum a posteriori (MAP) approach.

  • Duration Modeling with Decreased Intra-Group Temporal Variation for HMM-Based Phoneme Recognition

    Nobuaki MINEMATSU  Keikichi HIROSE  


    E78-D No:6

    A new clustering method was proposed to increase the effect of duration modeling on the HMM-based phoneme recognition. A precise observation on the temporal correspondences between a phoneme HMM with output probabilities by single Gaussian modeling and its training data indicated that there were two extreme cases, one with several types of correspondences in a phoneme class completely different from each other, and the other with only one type of correspondence. Although duration modeling was commonly used to incorporate the temporal information in the HMMs, a good modeling could not be obtained for the former case. Further observation for phoneme HMMs with output probabilities by Gaussian mixture modeling also showed that some HMMs still had multiple temporal correspondences, though the number of such phonemes was reduced as compared to the case of single Gaussian modeling. An appropriate duration modeling cannot be obtained for these phoneme HMMs by the conventional methods, where the duration distribution for each HMM state is represented by a distribution function. In order to cope with the problem, a new method was proposed which was based on the clustering of phoneme classes with plural types of temporal correspondences into sub-classes. The clustering was conducted so as to reduce the variations of the temporal correspondences in sub-classes. After the clustering, an HMM was constructed for each sub-class. Using the proposed method, speaker dependent recognition experiments were performed for phonemes segmented from isolated words. A few-percent increase was realized in the recognition rate, which was not obtained by another method based on the duration modeling with a Gaussian mixture.
