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  • Detection Method of Fat Content in Pig B-Ultrasound Based on Deep Learning

    Wenxin DONG  Jianxun ZHANG  Shuqiu TAN  Xinyue ZHANG  

    PAPER-Smart Agriculture

    E106-D No:5

    In the pork fat content detection task, traditional physical or chemical methods are strongly destructive, have substantial technical requirements and cannot achieve nondestructive detection without slaughtering. To solve these problems, we propose a novel, convenient and economical method for detecting the fat content of pig B-ultrasound images based on hybrid attention and multiscale fusion learning, which extracts and fuses shallow detail information and deep semantic information at multiple scales. First, a deep learning network is constructed to learn the salient features of fat images through a hybrid attention mechanism. Then, the information describing pork fat is extracted at multiple scales, and the detailed information expressed in the shallow layer and the semantic information expressed in the deep layer are fused later. Finally, a deep convolution network is used to predict the fat content compared with the real label. The experimental results show that the determination coefficient is greater than 0.95 on the 130 groups of pork B-ultrasound image data sets, which is 2.90, 6.10 and 5.13 percentage points higher than that of VGGNet, ResNet and DenseNet, respectively. It indicats that the model could effectively identify the B-ultrasound image of pigs and predict the fat content with high accuracy.

  • An Improved BPNN Method Based on Probability Density for Indoor Location

    Rong FEI  Yufan GUO  Junhuai LI  Bo HU  Lu YANG  

    PAPER-Positioning and Navigation

    E106-D No:5

    With the widespread use of indoor positioning technology, the need for high-precision positioning services is rising; nevertheless, there are several challenges, such as the difficulty of simulating the distribution of interior location data and the enormous inaccuracy of probability computation. As a result, this paper proposes three different neural network model comparisons for indoor location based on WiFi fingerprint - indoor location algorithm based on improved back propagation neural network model, RSSI indoor location algorithm based on neural network angle change, and RSSI indoor location algorithm based on depth neural network angle change - to raise accurately predict indoor location coordinates. Changing the action range of the activation function in the standard back-propagation neural network model achieves the goal of accurately predicting location coordinates. The revised back-propagation neural network model has strong stability and enhances indoor positioning accuracy based on experimental comparisons of loss rate (loss), accuracy rate (acc), and cumulative distribution function (CDF).

  • Learning Pixel Perception for Identity and Illumination Consistency Face Frontalization in the Wild

    Yongtang BAO  Pengfei ZHOU  Yue QI  Zhihui WANG  Qing FAN  

    PAPER-Person Image Generation

    E106-D No:5

    A frontal and realistic face image was synthesized from a single profile face image. It has a wide range of applications in face recognition. Although the frontal face method based on deep learning has made substantial progress in recent years, there is still no guarantee that the generated face has identity consistency and illumination consistency in a significant posture. This paper proposes a novel pixel-based feature regression generative adversarial network (PFR-GAN), which can learn to recover local high-frequency details and preserve identity and illumination frontal face images in an uncontrolled environment. We first propose a Reslu block to obtain richer feature representation and improve the convergence speed of training. We then introduce a feature conversion module to reduce the artifacts caused by face rotation discrepancy, enhance image generation quality, and preserve more high-frequency details of the profile image. We also construct a 30,000 face pose dataset to learn about various uncontrolled field environments. Our dataset includes ages of different races and wild backgrounds, allowing us to handle other datasets and obtain better results. Finally, we introduce a discriminator used for recovering the facial structure of the frontal face images. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results show our PFR-GAN can generate high-quality and high-fidelity frontal face images, and our results are better than the state-of-art results.

  • Multi-Scale Correspondence Learning for Person Image Generation

    Shi-Long SHEN  Ai-Guo WU  Yong XU  

    PAPER-Person Image Generation

    E106-D No:5

    A generative model is presented for two types of person image generation in this paper. First, this model is applied to pose-guided person image generation, i.e., converting the pose of a source person image to the target pose while preserving the texture of that source person image. Second, this model is also used for clothing-guided person image generation, i.e., changing the clothing texture of a source person image to the desired clothing texture. The core idea of the proposed model is to establish the multi-scale correspondence, which can effectively address the misalignment introduced by transferring pose, thereby preserving richer information on appearance. Specifically, the proposed model consists of two stages: 1) It first generates the target semantic map imposed on the target pose to provide more accurate guidance during the generation process. 2) After obtaining the multi-scale feature map by the encoder, the multi-scale correspondence is established, which is useful for a fine-grained generation. Experimental results show the proposed method is superior to state-of-the-art methods in pose-guided person image generation and show its effectiveness in clothing-guided person image generation.

  • Enhanced Full Attention Generative Adversarial Networks

    KaiXu CHEN  Satoshi YAMANE  

    LETTER-Core Methods

    E106-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose improved Generative Adversarial Networks with attention module in Generator, which can enhance the effectiveness of Generator. Furthermore, recent work has shown that Generator conditioning affects GAN performance. Leveraging this insight, we explored the effect of different normalization (spectral normalization, instance normalization) on Generator and Discriminator. Moreover, an enhanced loss function called Wasserstein Divergence distance, can alleviate the problem of difficult to train module in practice.

  • Bearing Remaining Useful Life Prediction Using 2D Attention Residual Network

    Wenrong XIAO  Yong CHEN  Suqin GUO  Kun CHEN  

    LETTER-Smart Industry

    E106-D No:5

    An attention residual network with triple feature as input is proposed to predict the remaining useful life (RUL) of bearings. First, the channel attention and spatial attention are connected in series into the residual connection of the residual neural network to obtain a new attention residual module, so that the newly constructed deep learning network can better pay attention to the weak changes of the bearing state. Secondly, the “triple feature” is used as the input of the attention residual network, so that the deep learning network can better grasp the change trend of bearing running state, and better realize the prediction of the RUL of bearing. Finally, The method is verified by a set of experimental data. The results show the method is simple and effective, has high prediction accuracy, and reduces manual intervention in RUL prediction.

  • Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Fusion Features on Scalp EEG Signals

    Qixin LAN  Bin YAO  Tao QING  

    LETTER-Smart Healthcare

    E106-D No:5

    Epileptic seizure prediction is an important research topic in the clinical epilepsy treatment, which can provide opportunities to take precautionary measures for epilepsy patients and medical staff. EEG is an commonly used tool for studying brain activity, which records the electrical discharge of brain. Many studies based on machine learning algorithms have been proposed to solve the task using EEG signal. In this study, we propose a novel seizure prediction models based on convolutional neural networks and scalp EEG for a binary classification between preictal and interictal states. The short-time Fourier transform has been used to translate raw EEG signals into STFT sepctrums, which is applied as input of the models. The fusion features have been obtained through the side-output constructions and used to train and test our models. The test results show that our models can achieve comparable results in both sensitivity and FPR upon fusion features. The proposed patient-specific model can be used in seizure prediction system for EEG classification.

  • Prediction of Driver's Visual Attention in Critical Moment Using Optical Flow

    Rebeka SULTANA  Gosuke OHASHI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E106-D No:5

    In recent years, driver's visual attention has been actively studied for driving automation technology. However, the number of models is few to perceive an insight understanding of driver's attention in various moments. All attention models process multi-level image representations by a two-stream/multi-stream network, increasing the computational cost due to an increment of model parameters. However, multi-level image representation such as optical flow plays a vital role in tasks involving videos. Therefore, to reduce the computational cost of a two-stream network and use multi-level image representation, this work proposes a single stream driver's visual attention model for a critical situation. The experiment was conducted using a publicly available critical driving dataset named BDD-A. Qualitative results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed model. Moreover, quantitative results highlight that the proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art visual attention models according to CC and SIM. Extensive ablation studies verify the presence of optical flow in the model, the position of optical flow in the spatial network, the convolution layers to process optical flow, and the computational cost compared to a two-stream model.

  • OPENnet: Object Position Embedding Network for Locating Anti-Bird Thorn of High-Speed Railway

    Zhuo WANG  Junbo LIU  Fan WANG  Jun WU  

    LETTER-Intelligent Transportation Systems

    E106-D No:5

    Machine vision-based automatic anti-bird thorn failure inspection, instead of manual identification, remains a great challenge. In this paper, we proposed a novel Object Position Embedding Network (OPENnet), which can improve the precision of anti-bird thorn localization. OPENnet can simultaneously predict the location boxes of the support device and anti-bird thorn by using the proposed double-head network. And then, OPENnet is optimized using the proposed symbiotic loss function (SymLoss), which embeds the object position into the network. The comprehensive experiments are conducted on the real railway video dataset. OPENnet yields competitive performance on anti-bird thorn localization. Specifically, the localization performance gains +3.65 AP, +2.10 AP50, and +1.22 AP75.

  • Effectiveness of Feature Extraction System for Multimodal Sensor Information Based on VRAE and Its Application to Object Recognition

    Kazuki HAYASHI  Daisuke TANAKA  

    LETTER-Object Recognition and Tracking

    E106-D No:5

    To achieve object recognition, it is necessary to find the unique features of the objects to be recognized. Results in prior research suggest that methods that use multiple modalities information are effective to find the unique features. In this paper, the overview of the system that can extract the features of the objects to be recognized by integrating visual, tactile, and auditory information as multimodal sensor information with VRAE is shown. Furthermore, a discussion about changing the combination of modalities information is also shown.

  • 3D Multiple-Contextual ROI-Attention Network for Efficient and Accurate Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation

    He LI  Yutaro IWAMOTO  Xianhua HAN  Lanfen LIN  Akira FURUKAWA  Shuzo KANASAKI  Yen-Wei CHEN  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E106-D No:5

    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become popular in medical image segmentation. The widely used deep CNNs are customized to extract multiple representative features for two-dimensional (2D) data, generally called 2D networks. However, 2D networks are inefficient in extracting three-dimensional (3D) spatial features from volumetric images. Although most 2D segmentation networks can be extended to 3D networks, the naively extended 3D methods are resource-intensive. In this paper, we propose an efficient and accurate network for fully automatic 3D segmentation. Specifically, we designed a 3D multiple-contextual extractor to capture rich global contextual dependencies from different feature levels. Then we leveraged an ROI-estimation strategy to crop the ROI bounding box. Meanwhile, we used a 3D ROI-attention module to improve the accuracy of in-region segmentation in the decoder path. Moreover, we used a hybrid Dice loss function to address the issues of class imbalance and blurry contour in medical images. By incorporating the above strategies, we realized a practical end-to-end 3D medical image segmentation with high efficiency and accuracy. To validate the 3D segmentation performance of our proposed method, we conducted extensive experiments on two datasets and demonstrated favorable results over the state-of-the-art methods.

  • Maximizing External Action with Information Provision Over Multiple Rounds in Online Social Networks

    Masaaki MIYASHITA  Norihiko SHINOMIYA  Daisuke KASAMATSU  Genya ISHIGAKI  


    E106-D No:5

    Online social networks have increased their impact on the real world, which motivates information senders to control the propagation process of information to promote particular actions of online users. However, the existing works on information provisioning seem to oversimplify the users' decision-making process that involves information reception, internal actions of social networks, and external actions of social networks. In particular, characterizing the best practices of information provisioning that promotes the users' external actions is a complex task due to the complexity of the propagation process in OSNs, even when the variation of information is limited. Therefore, we propose a new information diffusion model that distinguishes user behaviors inside and outside of OSNs, and formulate an optimization problem to maximize the number of users who take the external actions by providing information over multiple rounds. Also, we define a robust provisioning policy for the problem, which selects a message sequence to maximize the expected number of desired users under the probabilistic uncertainty of OSN settings. Our experiment results infer that there could exist an information provisioning policy that achieves nearly-optimal solutions in different types of OSNs. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate that the proposed robust policy can be such a universally optimal solution.

  • Construction of a Support Tool for Japanese User Reading of Privacy Policies and Assessment of its User Impact

    Sachiko KANAMORI  Hirotsune SATO  Naoya TABATA  Ryo NOJIMA  


    E106-D No:5

    To protect user privacy and establish self-information control rights, service providers must notify users of their privacy policies and obtain their consent in advance. The frameworks that impose these requirements are mandatory. Although originally designed to protect user privacy, obtaining user consent in advance has become a mere formality. These problems are induced by the gap between service providers' privacy policies, which prioritize the observance of laws and guidelines, and user expectations which are to easily understand how their data will be handled. To reduce this gap, we construct a tool supporting users in reading privacy policies in Japanese. We designed the tool to present users with separate unique expressions containing relevant information to improve the display format of the privacy policy and render it more comprehensive for Japanese users. To accurately extract the unique expressions from privacy policies, we created training data for machine learning for the constructed tool. The constructed tool provides a summary of privacy policies for users to help them understand the policies of interest. Subsequently, we assess the effectiveness of the constructed tool in experiments and follow-up questionnaires. Our findings reveal that the constructed tool enhances the users' subjective understanding of the services they read about and their awareness of the related risks. We expect that the developed tool will help users better understand the privacy policy content and and make educated decisions based on their understanding of how service providers intend to use their personal data.

  • Privacy-Preserving Correlation Coefficient

    Tomoaki MIMOTO  Hiroyuki YOKOYAMA  Toru NAKAMURA  Takamasa ISOHARA  Masayuki HASHIMOTO  Ryosuke KOJIMA  Aki HASEGAWA  Yasushi OKUNO  


    E106-D No:5

    Differential privacy is a confidentiality metric and quantitatively guarantees the confidentiality of individuals. A noise criterion, called sensitivity, must be calculated when constructing a probabilistic disturbance mechanism that satisfies differential privacy. Depending on the statistical process, the sensitivity may be very large or even impossible to compute. As a result, the usefulness of the constructed mechanism may be significantly low; it might even be impossible to directly construct it. In this paper, we first discuss situations in which sensitivity is difficult to calculate, and then propose a differential privacy with additional dummy data as a countermeasure. When the sensitivity in the conventional differential privacy is calculable, a mechanism that satisfies the proposed metric satisfies the conventional differential privacy at the same time, and it is possible to evaluate the relationship between the respective privacy parameters. Next, we derive sensitivity by focusing on correlation coefficients as a case study of a statistical process for which sensitivity is difficult to calculate, and propose a probabilistic disturbing mechanism that satisfies the proposed metric. Finally, we experimentally evaluate the effect of noise on the sensitivity of the proposed and direct methods. Experiments show that privacy-preserving correlation coefficients can be derived with less noise compared to using direct methods.

  • Geo-Graph-Indistinguishability: Location Privacy on Road Networks with Differential Privacy

    Shun TAKAGI  Yang CAO  Yasuhito ASANO  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  


    E106-D No:5

    In recent years, concerns about location privacy are increasing with the spread of location-based services (LBSs). Many methods to protect location privacy have been proposed in the past decades. Especially, perturbation methods based on Geo-Indistinguishability (GeoI), which randomly perturb a true location to a pseudolocation, are getting attention due to its strong privacy guarantee inherited from differential privacy. However, GeoI is based on the Euclidean plane even though many LBSs are based on road networks (e.g. ride-sharing services). This causes unnecessary noise and thus an insufficient tradeoff between utility and privacy for LBSs on road networks. To address this issue, we propose a new privacy notion, Geo-Graph-Indistinguishability (GeoGI), for locations on a road network to achieve a better tradeoff. We propose Graph-Exponential Mechanism (GEM), which satisfies GeoGI. Moreover, we formalize the optimization problem to find the optimal GEM in terms of the tradeoff. However, the computational complexity of a naive method to find the optimal solution is prohibitive, so we propose a greedy algorithm to find an approximate solution in an acceptable amount of time. Finally, our experiments show that our proposed mechanism outperforms GeoI mechanisms, including optimal GeoI mechanism, with respect to the tradeoff.

  • MicroState: An Anomaly Localization Method in Heterogeneous Microservice Systems

    Jingjing YANG  Yuchun GUO  Yishuai CHEN  


    E106-D No:5

    Microservice architecture has been widely adopted for large-scale applications because of its benefits of scalability, flexibility, and reliability. However, microservice architecture also proposes new challenges in diagnosing root causes of performance degradation. Existing methods rely on labeled data and suffer a high computation burden. This paper proposes MicroState, an unsupervised and lightweight method to pinpoint the root cause with detailed descriptions. We decompose root cause diagnosis into element location and detailed reason identification. To mitigate the impact of element heterogeneity and dynamic invocations, MicroState generates elements' invoked states, quantifies elements' abnormality by warping-based state comparison, and infers the anomalous group. MicroState locates the root cause element with the consideration of anomaly frequency and persistency. To locate the anomalous metric from diverse metrics, MicroState extracts metrics' trend features and evaluates metrics' abnormality based on their trend feature variation, which reduces the reliance on anomaly detectors. Our experimental evaluation based on public data of the Artificial intelligence for IT Operations Challenge (AIOps Challenge 2020) shows that MicroState locates root cause elements with 87% precision and diagnoses anomaly reasons accurately.

  • Wide-Area and Long-Term Agricultural Sensing System Utilizing UAV and Wireless Technologies

    Hiroshi YAMAMOTO  Shota NISHIURA  Yoshihiro HIGASHIURA  


    E106-D No:5

    In order to improve crop production and efficiency of farming operations, an IoT (Internet of Things) system for remote monitoring has been attracting a lot of attention. The existing studies have proposed agricultural sensing systems such that environmental information is collected from many sensor nodes installed in farmland through wireless communications (e.g., Wi-Fi, ZigBee). Especially, Low-Power Wide-Area (LPWA) is a focus as a candidate for wireless communication that enables the support of vast farmland for a long time. However, it is difficult to achieve long distance communication even when using the LPWA because a clear line of sight is difficult to keep due to many obstacles such as crops and agricultural machinery in the farmland. In addition, a sensor node cannot run permanently on batteries because the battery capacity is not infinite. On the other hand, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that can move freely and stably in the sky has been leveraged for agricultural sensor network systems. By utilizing a UAV as the gateway of the sensor network, the gateway can move to the appropriate location to ensure a clear line of sight from the sensor nodes. In addition, the coverage area of the sensor network can be expanded as the UAV travels over a wide area even when short-range and ultra-low-power wireless communication (e.g., Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)) is adopted. Furthermore, various wireless technologies (e.g., wireless power transfer, wireless positioning) that have the possibility to improve the coverage area and the lifetime of the sensor network have become available. Therefore, in this study, we propose and develop two kinds of new agricultural sensing systems utilizing a UAV and various wireless technologies. The objective of the proposed system is to provide the solution for achieving the wide-area and long-term sensing for the vast farmland. Depending on which problem is in a priority, the proposed system chooses one of two designs. The first design of the system attempts to achieve the wide-area sensing, and so it is based on the LPWA for wireless communication. In the system, to efficiently collect the environmental information, the UAV autonomously travels to search for the locations to maintain the good communication properties of the LPWA to the sensor nodes dispersed over a wide area of farmland. In addition, the second design attempts to achieve the long-term sensing, so it is based on BLE, a typical short-range and ultra-low-power wireless communication technology. In this design, the UAV autonomously flies to the location of sensor nodes and supplies power to them using a wireless power transfer technology for achieving a battery-less sensor node. Through experimental evaluations using a prototype system, it is confirmed that the combination of the UAV and various wireless technologies has the possibility to achieve a wide-area and long-term sensing system for monitoring vast farmland.

  • A Fast Handover Mechanism for Ground-to-Train Free-Space Optical Communication using Station ID Recognition by Dual-Port Camera

    Kosuke MORI  Fumio TERAOKA  Shinichiro HARUYAMA  


    E106-D No:5

    There are demands for high-speed and stable ground-to-train optical communication as a network environment for trains. The existing ground-to-train optical communication system developed by the authors uses a camera and a QPD (Quadrant photo diode) to capture beacon light. The problem with the existing system is that it is impossible to identify the ground station. In the system proposed in this paper, a beacon light modulated with the ID of the ground station is transmitted, and the ground station is identified by demodulating the image from the dual-port camera on the opposite side. In this paper, we developed an actual system and conducted experiments using a car on the road. The results showed that only one packet was lost with the ping command every 1 ms near handover. Although the communication device itself has a bandwidth of 100 Mbps, the throughput before and after the handover was about 94 Mbps, and only dropped to about 89.4 Mbps during the handover.

  • Parallelization on a Minimal Substring Search Algorithm for Regular Expressions

    Yosuke OBE  Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  Hiroshi FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E106-D No:5

    Let us consider a regular expression r of length m and a text string T of length n over an alphabet Σ. Then, the RE minimal substring search problem is to find all minimal substrings of T matching r. Yamamoto proposed O(mn) time and O(m) space algorithm using a Thompson automaton. In this paper, we improve Yamamoto's algorithm by introducing parallelism. The proposed algorithm runs in O(mn) time in the worst case and in O(mn/p) time in the best case, where p denotes the number of processors. Besides, we show a parameter related to the parallel time of the proposed algorithm. We evaluate the algorithm experimentally.

  • High-Precision Mobile Robot Localization Using the Integration of RAR and AKF

    Chen WANG  Hong TAN  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E106-D No:5

    The high-precision indoor positioning technology has gradually become one of the research hotspots in indoor mobile robots. Relax and Recover (RAR) is an indoor positioning algorithm using distance observations. The algorithm restores the robot's trajectory through curve fitting and does not require time synchronization of observations. The positioning can be successful with few observations. However, the algorithm has the disadvantages of poor resistance to gross errors and cannot be used for real-time positioning. In this paper, while retaining the advantages of the original algorithm, the RAR algorithm is improved with the adaptive Kalman filter (AKF) based on the innovation sequence to improve the anti-gross error performance of the original algorithm. The improved algorithm can be used for real-time navigation and positioning. The experimental validation found that the improved algorithm has a significant improvement in accuracy when compared to the original RAR. When comparing to the extended Kalman filter (EKF), the accuracy is also increased by 12.5%, which can be used for high-precision positioning of indoor mobile robots.
