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  • Experiments on Coherent Multicode DS-CDMA

    Tomohiro DOHI  Yukihiko OKUMURA  Akihiro HIGASHI  Koji OHNO  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-CDMA and multiple access technologies

    E79-B No:9

    Direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) is a promising candidate for 3rd generation mobile communications systems. We recently proposed a coherent multicode DS-CDMA (CM-CDMA) scheme that uses pilot symbol-aided coherent RAKE, interference power measurement based transmit power control, orthogonal multicode transmission, and concatenated channel coding. We have implemented a CM-CDMA test-bed for a series of laboratory and field tests using the 2 GHz band. This paper describes the test-bed system and experimental results are presented. It is confirmed that pilot symbol-aided coherent RAKE can reduce the required signal energy per bit-to-interference plus background noise spectrum density ratio (Eb/Io) by 2-3 dB from that achievable with differential detection. Also shown is that by using both RAKE combining and SIR-based power control the transmit power of mobile stations can be significantly reduced. Measurement results show that the required Eb/Io degrades only slightly when 24 code-channels (768 kbps) are used since orthogonal Gold sequences are used as short spreading codes.

  • Effects of the Access Timing Delay on CDMA Unslotted ALOHA with Channel Load Sensing

    Takeshi SATO  Hiraku OKADA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  

    PAPER-CDMA and multiple access technologies

    E79-B No:9

    Throughput analysis of CDMA Unslotted ALOHA with channel load sensing protocol (CLSP) is presented in consideration of the effect of the access timing delay. The access timing delay is defined as the sum of the process time and the propagation time for the packet access control. As CLSP is the scheme to control packet generation by the channel state information from the hub station, the effect of the access timing delay is significant. In our analysis, we extend a continuous-time Markov chain model and queueing systems. As a result, we found degradations of the throughput performance due to the access timing delay. For the value of CLSP threshold, we show that it is smaller than the case without the access timing delay in order to achieve satisfactory throughput. Furthermore, for a large access timing delay, CLSP makes no sense and the throughput is worse than the system without employing CLSP.

  • Call Routing and Data Model for Inter-Network Roaming in PCS

    Shigefusa SUZUKI  Takao NAKANISHI  

    PAPER-Network architecture, signaling and protocols for PCS

    E79-B No:9

    Personal communication systems (PCS) have more signalling traffic than conventional fixed networks and require large-scale databases to manage users' profiles, which are sets of data items, such as the location the user is currently visiting and the user's authentication key, necessary for a PCS user to be provided with PCS services. This paper focuses on inter-network roaming in PCS environments. In designing a PCS supporting roaming service, it is essential to avoid increased signalling traffic and data searching time in the database. We first identify the appropriate domains for three routing schemes-Direction Routing, Redirection Routing, and Look-ahead Routing-from the viewpoints of the number of signals for inter-network roaming and roaming probability. We do this for two kinds of PCS database network architecture, Home Location Register (HLR) and Visitor Location Register (VLR), and show that Look-ahead Routing is the best scheme for the HLR network architecture (considering the number of signals for intra-network and inter-network database access) and that in the VLR network architecture, the decreasing of the roaming probability expands domains for which Redirection Routing is appropriate. We also propose a generic PCS data model that inter-network roaming interfaces can use to search effectively for a user's profile. The data model clarifies the contents of a set of data items which share certain characteristics, data items that the contents compose, and the relationships (data structures) between sets of data items. The model is based on the X. 500 series recommendations, which are applied for an Intelligent Network. We also propose a data structure between sets of data items using the directory information tree and show the ASN. 1 notations of the data model.

  • Individual Identification by Unifying Profiles and Full Faces

    Hiroto SHINGAI  Ryuzo TAKIYAMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:9

    An individual identification system is developed. In this system, we unify profile curve identification and full face image identification to obtain more successful recognition rate. In profile cruve identification process, the P-type Fourier descriptor is made use of. In full face image identification process, mosaic density values are made use of. A combination of the two processes shows higher recognition rates than those obtained by each single process.

  • A Direct Relation between Bezier and Polynomial Representation

    Mohamed IMINE  Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  Takeshi AGUI  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:9

    In this paper, a new explicit transformation method between Bezier and polynomial representation is proposed. An expression is given to approximate (n + 1) Bezier control points by another of (m + 1), and to perform simple and sufficiently good approximation without any additional transformation, such as Chebyshev polynomial. A criterion of reduction is then deduced in order to know if the given number of control points of a Bezier curve is reducible without error on the curve or not. Also an error estimation is given only in terms of control points. This method, unlike previous works, is more transparent because it is given in form of explicit expressions. Finally, we discuss some applications of this method to curve-fitting, order decreasing and increasing number of control points.

  • A Contour-Based Approach for Determining the Motion of 3-D Objects from a Sequence of Images

    Kazuho ITO  Kiyomi KANAZAWA  Yoshihiko SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:9

    This paper addresses the problem of estimating 3-D motion of a rigid object from a sequence of monocular 2-D images. The surface of object is assumed to be modeled with several patches, each of which is expressed by an implicit equation. The proposed method estimates the pose (i.e., the location and orientation) of object that corresponds to each image in the sequence: The sequence of the estimated poses gives the motion of the object. The estimation is done by solving a system of equations, each of which is typically an algebraic equation of low degree, that is derived from the expressions of the surface patches and image contours data: so the method does not require establishing the correspondence between successive two frames in the image sequence or computing optic flow. Allowing several-patch models for objects enables the proposed approach to deal with a great variety of objects. The paper includes a numerical example, where our aproach has been applied to a polyhedral object modeled with several patches.

  • Time Delay Spread in Microcellular Environment for Personal Communication Systems

    Tatsuo FURUNO  Tokio TAGA  

    PAPER-Radio propagation and channel modeling

    E79-B No:9

    Microcellular systems are suitable as personal mobile communication systems because of their high channel re-use efficiency and low transmission power. To implement a microcellular system, the antennas of base stations should be low enough, compared to the buildings around them, to reduce the interference to or from other base stations. In high-speed digital mobile radio communications, the time delay spread caused by multipath propagation is a significant factor in determining the maximum data transmission rate. In the case of a low-antenna-height microcellular system, the propagation characteristics rapidly change when the mobile terminal moves from a line-of-sight (LOS) location to a non-line-of-sight (NLOS) location. In this paper, the time dealy spread characteristics under LOS and NLOS conditions are examined using a geometrical street model which has a reflecting wall at one end of the street on which the base station is located. The RMS delay spreads are calculated using optical ray theory, taking into consideration the wedge diffraction on the street corner. If a reflecting wall exists, the RMS delay spread increases as the mobile terminal moves away from the base station under LOS conditions, or away from the street corner under NLOS conditions. The calculated results agree with the experimental results if measuring equipment noise is taken into consideration.

  • Estimation of Two-Dimensional DOA under a Distributed Source Model and Some Simulation Results

    Seong Ro LEE  Iickho SONG  Yong Up LEE  Taejoo CHANG  Hyung-Myung KIM  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E79-A No:9

    Most research on the estimation of direction of arrival (DOA) has been performed based on the assumption that the signal sources are point sources. In some real surroundings, signal source localization can more adequately be accomplished with distributed source models. When the signal sources are distributed over an area, we cannot directly use well-known DOA estimation methods, because these methods are established based on the point source assumption. In this paper, we propose a 3-dimensional distributed signal source model, in which a source is represented by two parameters, the center angle and degree of dispersion. Then, we address the estimation of the elevation and azimuth angles of distributed sources based on the parametric distributed source modeling in the 3-dimensional space.

  • On a Class of Byte-Error-Correcting Codes from Algebraic Curves and Their Fast Decoding Algorithm

    Masazumi KURIHARA  Shojiro SAKATA  Kingo KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E79-A No:9

    In this paper we propose a class of byte-error-correcting codes derived from algebraic curves which is a generalization on the Reed-Solomon codes, and present their fast parallel decoding algorithm. Our algorithm can correct up to (m + b -θ)/2b byte-errors for the byte length b, where m + b -θ + 1dG for the Goppa designed distance dG. This decoding algorithm can be parallelized. In this algorithm, for our code over the finite field GF (q), the total complexity for finding byte-error locations is O (bt(t + q - 1)) with time complexity O (t(t + q - 1)) and space complexity O(b), and the total complexity for finding error values is O (bt(b + q - 1)) with time complexity O (b(b + q - 1)) and space complexity O (t), where t(m + b -θ)/2b. Our byte-error-correcting algorithm is superior to the conventional fast decoding algorithm for randomerrors in regard to the number of correcting byte-errors in several cases.

  • Recognition of Handprinted Thai Characters Using Loop Structures

    Surapan AIRPHAIBOON  Shozo KONDO  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:9

    A method for the recognition of handprinted Thai characters input using an image scanner is presented. We use methods of edge detection and boundary contour tracing algorithms to extract loop structures from input characters. The number of loops and their locations are detected and used as information for rough classification. For fine classification, local feature analysis of Thai characters is presented to discriminate an output character from a group of similar characters. In this paper, four parts of the recognition system are presented: Preprocessing, single-character segmentation, loop structure extraction and character identification. Preprocessing consists of pattern binarization, noise reduction and slant normalization based on geometrical transformation for the forward (backward) slanted word. The method of single-character segmentation is applied during the recognition phase. Each character from an input word including the character line level information is subjected to the processes of edge detection, contour tracing and thinning to detect loop structures and to extract topological properties of strokes. The decision trees are constructed based on the obtained information about loops, end points of strokes and some local characteristics of Thai characters. The proposed system is implemented on a personal computer, and a high recognition rate is obtained for 1000 samples of handprinted Thai words from 20 subjects.

  • A Note on Lempel-Ziv-Yokoo Algorithm

    Junya KIYOHARA  Tsutomu KAWABATA  

    LETTER-Source Coding

    E79-A No:9

    We study Lempel-Ziv-Yokoo algorithm [1, Algorithm 4] for universal data compression. In this paper, we give a simpler implementation of Lempel-Ziv-Yokoo algorithm than the original one [1, Algorithm 4] and show its asymptotic optimality for a stationary ergodic source.

  • Regenerative Pass-Transistor Logic: A Circuit Technique for High Speed Digital Design

    Tsz Shing CHEUNG  Kunihiro ASADA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E79-C No:9

    Regenerative Pass-transistor Logic (RPL), a modular dual-rail circuit technique for high speed logic design that gives reasonably low power consumption, was developed. The technique can be applied to basic logic gates, full adders, multiplier units, and more complicated arithmetic logics like Conditional Carry Select (CCS) circuit. The magnitude of propagation delay time of RPL is smaller than the conventional CPL(Complementary Pass-transistor Logic), or DPL (Double Pass-transistor Logic). Low power consumption can also be achieved by reduced number of transistors and metal interconnections. Simulation and layout data also proved that RPL is advantageous over existing dual-rail logics while considering speed, power consumption and layout area.

  • Proxy Signatures: Delegation of the Power to Sign Messages

    Masahiro MAMBO  Keisuke USUDA  Eiji OKAMOTO  

    PAPER-Source Coding/Security

    E79-A No:9

    In this paper a new type of digital proxy signature is proposed. The proxy signature allows a designated person, called a proxy signer, to sign on behalf of an original signer. Classification of the proxy signatures is shown from the point of view of the degree of delegation, and the necessary conditions of a proxy signature are clarified. The proposed proxy signature scheme is based on either the discrete logarithm problem or the problem of taking the square root modulo of a composite number. Compared to the consecutive execution of the ordinary digital signature schemes, it has a direct from, and a verifier does not need a public key of a user other than the original signer in the verification stage. Moreover, it requires less computational work than the consecutive execution of the signature schemes. Due to this efficiency together with the delegation property, an organization, e.g. a software company, can very efficiently create many signatures of its own by delegating its signing power to multiple employees. Another attractive feature is that the proxy signature based on the discrete logarithm problem is highly applicable to other ordinary signature schemes based on the same problem, For instance, designated confirmer proxy signatures can be constructed. As a stronger form of proxy signature for partial delegation, another type of proxy signature scheme is proposed in which even an original signer cannot create a proxy signature. Furthermore, using a proposed on-line proxy updating protocol, the orignal signer can revoke proxies of dishonest proxy signers.

  • A Fast Neural Network Learning with Guaranteed Convergence to Zero System Error

    Teruo AJIMURA  Isao YAMADA  Kohichi SAKANIWA  

    PAPER-Stochastic Process/Learning

    E79-A No:9

    It is thought that we have generally succeeded in establishing learning algorithms for neural networks, such as the back-propagation algorithm. However two major issues remain to be solved. First, there are possibilities of being trapped at a local minimum in learning. Second, the convergence rate is too slow. Chang and Ghaffar proposed to add a new hidden node, whenever stopping at a local minimum, and restart to train the new net until the error converges to zero. Their method designs newly generated weights so that the new net after introducing a new hidden node has less error than that at the original local minimum. In this paper, we propose a new method that improves their convergence rate. Our proposed method is expected to give a lower system error and a larger error gradient magnitude than their method at a starting point of the new net, which leads to a faster convergence rate. Actually, it is shown through numerical examples that the proposed method gives a much better performance than the conventional Chang and Ghaffar's method.

  • Performance Evaluation of Terminating-Call Reforwarding Schemes for PCS

    Shigefusa SUZUKI  Yoshiaki SHIKATA  Takeshi IHARA  Hiroshi YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Network architecture, signaling and protocols for PCS

    E79-B No:9

    In Perosonal communication systems (PCS), reduction control of call blocking rate on wireless-environments, especially in terminating-call set up, is one of the key technologies to design network architecture. This is because the error rate of transferred messages there is normally much higher than that in wired environments. Terminating-call reforwarding technologies, to forward twice terminating-call messages through paging channels depending on call states, would be essential under such conditions, and in the PCS network architecture there are two possible reforwarding schemes: network-assisted reforwarding (NAR) and cell-station-assisted reforwarding (CAR). We first propose a traffic model for evaluating the performance of terminating-call reforwarding from the viewpoint of reduction of the call blocking rate on PCS, and then we clarify the advocating domains for NAR and CAR. Finally, we present a case study using this evaluation model for the Personal Handy-phone System (PHS), which is a PCS in Japan. The results of this study confirm that NAR is more efficient than CAR.

  • Parallel Encoder and Decoder Architecture for Cyclic Codes

    Tomoko K. MATSUSHIMA  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E79-A No:9

    Recently, the high-speed data transmission techniques that have been developed for communication systems have in turn necessitated the implementation of high-speed error correction circuits. Parallel processing has been found to be an effective method of speeding up operarions, since the maximum achievable clock frequency is generally bounded by the physical constraints of the circuit. This paper presents a parallel encoder and decoder architecture which can be applied to both binary and nonbinary cyclic codes. The architecture allows H symbols to be processed in parallel, where H is an arbitrary integer, although its hardware complexity is not proportional to the number of parallel symbols H. As an example, we investigate hardware complexity for a Reed-Solomon code and a binary BCH code. It is shown that both the hardware complexity and the delay for a parallel circuit is much less than that with the parallel operation of H conventional circuits. Although the only problem with this parallel architecture is that the encoder's critical path length increases with H, the proposed architecture is more efficient than a setup using H conventional circuits for high data rate applications. It is also suggested that a parallel Reed-Solomon encoder and decoder, which can keep up with optical transmission rates, i.e., several giga bits/sec, could be implemented on one LSI chip using current CMOS technology.

  • A Relationship between the Number of Negations and the Circuit Size

    Keisuke TANAKA  Tetsuro NISHINO  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E79-D No:9

    We show a relationship between the number of negations in circuits and the size of circuits. More precisely, we construct a Boolean function Hn, and show that there exists an integer t, which can range over only two different values, such that the removal of one NEGATION gate causes an exponential growth of the optimal circuit size for Hn.

  • Performance Analysis of Parallel Test Generation for Combinational Circuits

    Tomoo INOUE  Takaharu FUJII  Hideo FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E79-D No:9

    The problem of test generation for VLSI circuits computationally requires prohibitive costs. Parallel processing on a multiprocessor system is one of available methods in order to speedup the process for such time-consuming problems. In this paper, we analyze the performance of parallel test generation for combinational circuits. We present two types of parallel test generation systems in which the communication methods are different; vector broadcasting (VB) and fault broadcasting (FB) systems, and analyze the number of generated test vectors, the costs of test vector generation, fault simulation and communication, and the speedup of these parallel test generation systems, where the two types of communication factors; the communication cut-off factor and the communication period, are applied. We also present experimental results on the VB and FB systems implemented on a network of workstations using ISCAS'85 and ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits. The analytical and experimental results show that the total number of test vectors generated in the VB system is the same as that in the FB system, the speedup of the FB system is larger than that of the VB, and it is effective in reducing the communication cost to switch broadcasted data from vectors to faults.

  • Compression Coding Using an Optical Model for a Pair of Range and Grey-Scale Images of 3D Objects

    Kefei WANG  Ryuji KOHNO  

    PAPER-Source Coding/Security

    E79-A No:9

    When an image of a 3D object is transmitted or recorded, its range image as well its grey-scale image are required. In this paper, we propose a method of coding for efficient compression of a pair of a pair of range and grey-scale images of 3D objects. We use Lambertian reflection optical model to model the relationship between a 3D object shape and it's brightness. Good illuminant direction estimation leads to good grey-scale image generation and furthermore effects compression results. A method for estimating the illuminant derection and composite albedo from grey-scale image statistics is presented. We propose an approach for estimating the slant angle of illumination based on an optical model from a pair of range and grey-scale images. Estimation result shows that our approach is better. Using the estimated parameters of illuminant direction and composite albedo a synthetic grey-scale image is generated. For comparison, a comparison coding method is used, in which we assume that the range and grey-scale images are compressed separately. We propose an efficient compression coding method for a pair of range and grey-scale images in which we use the correlation between range and grey-scale images, and compress them together. We also evaluate the coding method on a workstation and show numerical results.

  • Optimal Conic Fitting and Reliability Evaluation

    Yasushi KANAZAWA  Kenichi KANATANI  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:9

    Introducing a mathematical model of image noise, we formalize the problem of fitting a conic to point data as statistical estimation. It is shown that the reliability of the fitted conic can be evaluated quantitatively in the form of the covariance tensor. We present a numerical scheme called renormalization for computing an optimal fit and at the same time evaluating its reliability. We also present a scheme for visualizing the reliability of the fit by means of the primary deviation pair. Our method is illustrated by showing simulations and real-image examples.
