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  • Fabrication of Quantum Wire Structures on Non-Planer InP Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

    Takeyoshi SUGAYA  Tadashi NAKAGAWA  Yoshinobu SUGIYAMA  


    E79-C No:11

    The fabrication of InAlAs wire structures and InGaAs quantum wire structures on non-planer InP substrates with truncated ridges by molecular beam epitaxy is demonstrated. Indium-rich InAlAs epitaxial layers grown on top of ridges exhibit self-formation of electron-confining InAlAs wire structures. The InAlAs layers on top of the ridges lattice-matched to the substrate are obtained by the control of In flux during the growth. The InGaAs quantum wire structures have been fabricated on thus composition-controlled InAlAs barrier layers. The optical properties of the InGaAs quantum wires with composition-controlled InAlAs barrier layer are found to be better than that of the wires without compositional control.

  • Negative-Resistance Analysis of Colpitts Crystal Oscillators with a Tank Circuit

    Masayuki HANAZAWA  Yasuaki WATANABE  Hitoshi SEKIMOTO  


    E79-A No:11

    This paper describes a circuit analysis technique that includes all circuit elements used in transistor Colpitts quartz crystal oscillators. This technique is applied to a quartz crystal oscillator that has a tank circuit for selecting the oscillation frequency. The results obtained with this technique are compared with SPICE simulation results. Good agreement in the results clearly shows the validity of our technique.

  • On Unstable Saddle-Node Connecting Orbit in a Planer Autonomous System

    Tetsushi UETA  Hiroshi KAWAKAMI  


    E79-A No:11

    We found a novel connecting orbit in the averaged Duffing-Rayleigh equation. The orbit starts from an unstable manifold of a saddle type equilibrium point and reaches to a stable manifold of a node type equilibrium. Although the connecting orbit is structurally stable in terms of the conventional definition of structural stability, it is structually unstable since a one-deimensional manifold into which the connecting orbit flows is unstable. We can consider the orbit is one of global bifurcations governing the differentiability of the closed orbit.

  • Introduction of Economic-Oriented Fairness to Process Algebras

    Shigetomo KIMURA  Yoshihiko EBIHARA  


    E79-A No:11

    Fairness is one of the important notion for programming language, such as process algebras like CCS, that includes concurrency (or parallelism) and nondeterminism. This ensures that while repeatedly choosing among a set of alternatives, no alternative will be postponed forever. However, the fairness does not mention at what frequency these alternatives are selected. In this paper, we propose a quantitative fairness, which is called economic-oriented fairness, to each alternatives. This fairness ensures that the expected number of selection for each alternatives are same. We give a condition for probability assignment of selection of each alternative to be satisfied for economic-oriented fairness. First we show a simple probability assignment rule. In this assignment, between any two alternatives, if an alternative is selected n times and the other m times then the probability to select the former alternative is (m + 1)/(n + 1) times the probability for the latter. We prove that this assignment satisfies the condition of economic-oriented fairness. For a model of the economic-oriented fairness, we adopt a probabilistic process algebra. Finally, we elaborate with two process models of the economic-oriented fairness. The first one is a server and client model, where each client communicates only with the server, but not among them. In this model, the expected number of communication by each client are equal. The second model considers communication between two processes. In practice, a process has several subprocesses. Each subprocess communicates via a communication port, In the second model, there is economic-oriented fairness where the expected number of communications via each communication port are equal.

  • A Circularly Polarized Omnidirectional Antenna

    Koichi SAKAGUCHI  Tohru HAMAKI  Nozomu HASEBE  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E79-B No:11

    A circularly polarized omnidirectional antenna consisting of a vertical sleeve dipole and three pairs of titled parasitic elements set around it is proposed. The antenna is useful to mobile communication because the use of circular polarization allows us to suppress the effect of multi-path reflection waves (inverse rotation) caused by building walls and surface of the ground. The antenna with an omnidirectional pattern has a simple structure without a feeding network for radiating circular polarization. To understand the radiation characteristics of the proposed antenna, an approximation theory using the induced electromotive force method is introduced. As an example, using a fixed spacing of a quarter wave-length between the vertical dipole and the parasitic elements, the possibility of generation of circular polarization is examined. Then the computational results of the axial ratio and the input impedance are compared with the results of the numerical analysis using the moment method and the experimental result. The radiation characteristics of the antenna can be understood by using the approximation theory introduced here. As a summary of the study, the contour map of the axial ratio of circular polarization is depicted using the moment method. For practical design of this antenna, a small correction factor should be multiplied to the calculated results. From the experimental results, the proposed antenna has a gain of 2 dBi and 3 dB band-width with an axial ratio of about 8%.

  • Radiation Fields of a Printed-Dipole on a Semi-Infinite Substrate

    Tomotaka WADA  Masanobu KOMINAMI  Hiroji KUSAKA  


    E79-A No:11

    The printed dipole on a semi-infinite substrate is investigated. The solution is based on the moment method in the Fourier transform domain. We analyze far-field and near-field radiation patterns for a printed dipole. Therefore, we make radiation fields clear.

  • Operation Speed Consideration of Resonant Tunneling Logic Gate Based on Circuit Simulation

    Yutaka OHNO  Shigeru KISHIMOTO  Takashi MIZUTANI  Koichi MAEZAWA  


    E79-C No:11

    We analyzed the operation speed of the resonant tunneling logic gate, MOBILE, using a simple equivalent circuit model and varying parameters of I-V characteristics and capacitance of RTTs(resonant tunneling transistors). The switching time for large peak-to-valley(P/V)current ratios is smaller at small Vbmax(maximum bias voltage), but larger at large Vbmax than that for small P/V ratios in the case of present I-V characteristics with flat valley current. It is also demonstrated that the MOBILE operation fails if the bias voltage rises too fast, when the capacitance of the load and the driver is different due to the displacement current through the capacitance. These behaviors can be explained by considering the potential diagrams of the circuit.

  • A High-Level Petri Net for Accurate Modeling of Reactive and Concurrent Systems

    Naoshi UCHIHIRA  Shinichi HONIDEN  


    E79-A No:11

    This paper concerns a Petri-net-based model for describing reactive and concurrent systems. Although many high-level Petri nets have been proposed, they are insufficiently practical to describe reactive and concurrent systems in the detail modeling, design and implementation phases. They are mainly intended to describe concurrent systems in the rough modeling phase and lack in several important features (e.g., concurrent tasks, task communication/synchronization, I/O interface, task scheduling) which the most actual implementations of reactive and concurrent systems have. Therefore it is impossible to simulate and analyze the systems accurately without explicitly modeling these features. On the other hand, programming languages based on Petri nets are deeply dependent on their execution environments and not sophisticated as modeling and specification languages. This paper proposes MENDEL net which is a high-level Petri net extended by incorporating concurrent tasks, task communication/synchronization, I/O interface, and task scheduling in a sophisticated manner. MENDEL nets are a wide-spectrum modeling language, that is, they are suitable for not only modeling but also designing and implementing reactive and concurrent systems.

  • Individual Carrier Traps in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs Heterostructures

    Toshitsugu SAKAMOTO  Yasunobu NAKAMURA  Kazuo NAKAMURA  


    E79-C No:11

    We study individual carrier traps in a GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs heterostructure by observing random telegraph signals. A narrow channel, which is formed in a split gate device, is shifted by independently controlling the voltage applied to each part of the split gate. RTSs can be observed only when the traps are close to the channel and the energy levels of the traps are within a few kBT of the Fermi level. This type of measurement reveals the locations and the energy distributions of the traps. We also discuss the situation in which two trap levels are at the Fermi level simultaneously. In this condition the two RTSs do not occur at the same time, but they do interact with each other. This implies that there is an electrostatic interaction between the two trappings.

  • Visible Light Emission from Nanocrystalline Silicon Embedded in CaF2 Layers on Si(111)

    Masahiro WATANABE  Fumitaka IIZUKA  Masahiro ASADA  


    E79-C No:11

    We report on the formation technique and the first observation of visible light emission from silicon nanoparticles (<10nm) embedded in CaF22 Iayers grown on Si(111) substrates by using codeposition of Si and CaF2. It is shown that the size and density of silicon particles embedded in the CaF2 layer can be controlled by varying the substrate temperature and the evaporation rates of CaF2 and Si. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra of Si nanoparticles embedded in CaF2 thin films were investigated. The blue or green light emissions obtained using a He-Cd laser (λ=325nm) could be seen with the naked eye even at room temperature for the first time. It is shown that the PL intensity strongly depends on growth conditions such as the Si:CaF2 flux ratio and the growth temperature. The PL spectra were also changed by in situ annealing process. These phenomena can be explained qualitatively by the quantum size effect of Si nanoparticles embedded in CaF2 barriers.

  • A Map Matching Method with the Innovation of the Kalman Filtering

    Takashi JO  Miki HASEYAMA  Hideo KITAJIMA  


    E79-A No:11

    This letter proposes a map-matching method for automotive navigation systems. The proposed method utilizes the innovation of the Kalman filter algorithm and can achieve more accurate positioning than the correlation method which is generally used for the navigation systems. In this letter, the performance of the proposed algorithm is verified by some simulations.

  • Proposal and Analysis of a Three-Terminal Photon-Assisted Tunneling Device Operating in the Terahertz Frequency Range

    Masahiro ASADA  


    E79-C No:11

    A three-terminal quantum device utilizing photon-assisted tunneling in a multilayer structure is proposed and analyzed in terms of its high frequency amplification characteristics. The operation principle of this device includes photonassisted tunneling at the input, formation of a propagating charge wave due to the beat of tunneling electrons and its acceleration, and radiation of electromagnetic waves at the output. Analysis of these operations, discussion of similarities and dissimilarities to classical klystrons, and estimation of the power gain and its frequency dependence are given. A simple example demonstrates that amplification up to the terahertz frequency range is possible using this device.

  • Reduction of Computational Complexity in the IA Algorithm

    Isao NAKANISHI  Yoshio ITOH  Yutaka FUKUI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E79-A No:11

    For reduction of computational complexity in the IA algorithm, the thinned-out IA algorithm in which only one step size is updated every iteration is proposed and is complementarily switched with the HA algorithm according to the convergence. The switching is determined by using the gradient of the error signal power. These are investigated through the computer simulations.

  • A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Kleenean Functions

    Noboru TAKAGI  Kyoichi NAKASHIMA  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E79-D No:11

    The paper deals with Kleenean functions defined as fuzzy logic functions with constants. Kleenean functions provide a means of handling conditions of indeterminate truth value (ambiguous states) which ordinary classical logic (binary logic) cannot cope with. This paper clarifies a necessary and sufficient condition for a function to be a Kleenean function. The condition is provided with a set of two conditions, and it will be shown that they are independent of each other.

  • Examination of Criterion for Choosing a Run Time Method in GN Hash Join Algorithm

    Miyuki NAKANO  Masaru KITSUREGAWA  


    E79-D No:11

    The join operation is one of the most expensive operations in relational database systems. So far many researchers have proposed several hash-based algorithms for the join operation. In a hash-based algorithm, a large relation is first partitioned into several clusters. When clusters overflow, that is, when the size of the cluster exceeds the size of main memory, the performance of hash-based algorithms degrade substantially. Previously we proposed the GN hash algorithm which is robust in the presence of overflown clusters. The GN hash join algorithm combines the Grace hash join and hash-based nested-loop join algorithms. We analyze the performance of the GN hash join algorithm when applied to relations with a non-uniform Zipf-like data distribution. The performance is compared with other hash-based join algorithms: Grace, Hybrid, nested-loop, and simple hash join. The GN hash join algorithm is found to have higher performance on non-uniformly distributed relations. In this paper, the robustness of the GN hash algorithm from the point of choosing a run time method is verified. In the GN hash algorithm, the criterion for selecting a run time method from the two algorithm is determined by using the value calculated from the I/O cost formula of the two algorithms. This criterion cannot be guaranteed to be optimal under every data distribution, that is, the optimal criterion may change depending on the data distribution. When the data distribution is unknown, all data has to be repartitioned in order to get an accurate optimal criterion. However, from the view of choosing a method at run time, it is necessary for the GN hash algorithm to determine an appropriate criterion regardless of the data distribution. Thus, we inspect the criterion adopted in our algorithm under a simulation environment. From simulation results, we find that the range of the criterion is very wide under any data distribution and assure that the criterion determined with the assumption of a uniform data distribution can be used even when the data is highly skewed. Consequently, we can conclude that the GN hash algorithm which dynamically selects the nested-loop and Grace hash algorithms provides good performance in the presence of data skew and its performance is not sensitive to the criterion.

  • Non-Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets: Modeling and Analysis

    Qun JIN  Yoneo YANO  Yoshio SUGASAWA  


    E79-A No:11

    We develop a new class of stochastic Petri net: non-regenerative stochastic Petri net (NRSPN), which allows the firing time of its transitions with arbitrary distributions, and can automatically generate a bounded reachability graph that is equivalent to a generalization of the Markov renewal process in which some of the states may not constitute regeneration points. Thus, it can model and analyze behavior of a system whose states include some non-regeneration points. We show how to model a system by the NRSPN, and how to obtain numerical solutions for the NRSPN model. The probabilistic behavior of the modeled system can be clarified with the reliability measures such as the steady-state probability, the expected numbers of visits to each state per unit time, availability, unavailability and mean time between system failure. Finally, to demonstrate the modeling ability and analysis power of the NRSPN model, we present an example for a fault-tolerant system using the NRSPN and give numerical results for specific distributions.

  • Performance Study of Multistage ATM Switches Using an Accurate Model of the Behavior of Blocked Cells*

    Bin ZHOU  Mohammed ATIQUZZAMAN  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E79-B No:11

    Most of the existing analytical models for multistage ATM switching fabric are not accurate in the presence of a non-uniform traffic at the input of the switch. In this paper, we discuss the issues in modeling a multistage ATM switching fabric, and investigate the effect of independence assumptions in two previous analytical models. A highly accurate 4-state Markov chain model for evaluating the performance of ATM switching fabrics based on multistage switches with 22 finite output-buffered SEs is proposed. The proposed model correctly reflects the correlation of cell movements between two subsequent cycles and states of the buffers of two adjacent stages. By comparing the results obtained from the oroposed model, existing models and simulations, it has been shown that the proposed model is much more accurate than existing models in the presence of a non-uniform traffic in the switch. The results from the existing models are unsatisfactory in the presence of an increased blocking in the switch arising from a non-uniform traffic in the switch. On the contrary, the proposed model is very robust even under severe blocking in the switch.

  • A New Time-Domain Design Method of IIR Approximate Inverse Systems Using All-Pass Filters

    Md. Kamrul HASAN  Takashi YAHAGI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E79-A No:11

    This paper is devoted to a new design method for infinite impulse response approximate inverse system of a nonminimum phase system. The design is carried out such that the convolution of the nonminimum phase polynomial and its approximate inverse system can be represented by an approximately linear phase all-pass filter. A method for estimating the time delay and order of an approximate inverse system is also presented. Using infinite impulse response approximate inverse systems better accuracy is achieved with reduced computational complexity. Numerical examples are included to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Speech Recognition Based on Fusion of Visual and Auditory Information Using Full-Framse Color Image

    Satoru IGAWA  Akio OGIHARA  Akira SHINTANI  Shinobu TAKAMATSU  


    E79-A No:11

    We propose a method to fuse auditory information and visual information for accurate speech recognition. This method fuses two kinds of information by using Iinear combination after calculating two kinds of probabilities by HMM for each word. In addition, we use full-frame color image as visual information in order to improve the accuracy of the proposed speech recognition system. We have performed experiments comparing the proposed method with the method using either auditory information or visual information, and confirmed the validity of the proposed method.

  • On the Power of Reversals Over the Input Tape of Off-Line Turing Machines

    Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E79-D No:11

    For reversal complexity on an off-line Turing machine, which is a Turing machine with a read-only two-way input tape except work-tapes, we can consider two kinds of definition; the first one is a definition in which the number of reversals over the input tape is not counted, and the second one is a definition in which it is counted. Unlike time and space complexities, whether or not there is any difference between these two definitions does not seem to be trivial. In this paper, we will show the following results: (1) let S(n) be any function, and R(n) be an (R(n), S(n)) reversal-space constructible function. Then, DRESPk(R(n), S(n)) IDRESPk+2(R(n) + log(nS(n)), n2R(n)S(n)), (2) let R(n) and S(n) be any functions. Then, NRESPk(R(n), S(n)) INRESPk+1(R(n), n2S(n)), and ARESPk(R(n), S(n)) = IARESPk(R(n), S(n)), where DRESP denotes a deterministic reversal- and space-bounded class under the definition disregarding reversals over the input tape, and IDRESP denotes a deterministic reversal- and space-bounded class under the definition counting it. The suffix k denotes the number of work-tapes. The classes NRESP, INRESP, ARESP and IARESP are also defined similarly for NTMs and ATMs.
