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[Keyword] CTI(8214hit)


  • DS-CDMA Non-linear Interference Canceller with Multiple-Beam Reception

    Kazuto YANO  Susumu YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum

    E89-A No:10

    In this paper, a multistage parallel interference canceller (MPIC) with multiple-beam reception for a DS-CDMA system is proposed to suppress multiple access interference (MAI) effectively. Its aim is to reduce the computational complexity of the conventional MPIC cascaded with an adaptive array antenna. It employs multiple fixed beams based on phased array and selects suitable beams to demodulate the transmitted signal of each user. Then it suppresses residual interference signals by the MPIC cascaded with multiple-beam receiver. Its bit error rate (BER) performance is evaluated by computer simulations assuming an uplink single-chip-rate multiple-spreading-factor DS-CDMA system over both exponentially decaying 5-path and equal average power 2-path Rayleigh distributed channels. When there are 16 users in an 120-sectored single cell, the proposed receiver with 6-element array antenna and 2-stage MPIC shows better or comparable BER performance compared with that of the conventional receiver. Moreover, the proposed receiver with 8 beams can reduce the number of complex multiplications to about 40% of that of the complexity-reduced conventional receiver over 5-path channels.

  • A Security Analysis of Double-Block-Length Hash Functions with the Rate 1

    Shoichi HIROSE  


    E89-A No:10

    In this article, the security of double-block-length hash functions with the rate 1 is analyzed, whose compression functions are composed of block ciphers with their key length twice larger than their block length. First, the analysis by Satoh, Haga and Kurosawa is investigated, and it is shown that there exists a case uncovered by their analysis. Second, a large class of compression functions are defined, and it is shown that they are at most as secure as those of single-block-length hash functions. Finally, some candidate hash functions are given which are possibly optimally collision-resistant.

  • On the S-Box Architectures with Concurrent Error Detection for the Advanced Encryption Standard

    Shee-Yau WU  Huang-Ting YEN  


    E89-A No:10

    In this paper, we present a new low-cost concurrent error detection (CED) S-Box architecture for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Because the complexity and the nonlinearity, it is difficult to develop error detection algorithms for the S-Box. Conventionally, a parity checked S-Box is implemented with ROM (read only memory). In some applications, for example, smart cards, both chip size and fault detection are demanded seriously. ROM-based parity checking cannot meet the demands. We propose our CED S-Box (CEDSB) architecture for two reasons. The first is to design a S-Box without ROM. The second is to obtain a compact S-Box with real time error detection. Based on the composite field, we develop the CEDSB architecture to implement the fault detection for the S-Box. The overhead of the CED for the S-Boxes in GF((24)2) and in GF(((22)2)2) are 152 and 132 NAND gates respectively. The amount of extra gates used for the CEDSB is nearly equal to that of the ROM-based CED S-Box (131 NAND gates). The chip area of the ROM-based CED S-Box, the CEDSBs in GF((24)2), and in GF(((22)2)2) are 2996, 558, and 492 NAND gates separately. The chip area of the CEDSB is more compact than a ROM-based CED S-Box.

  • Layer Error Characteristics of Lattice-Reduction Aided V-BLAST Detectors

    Tien Duc NGUYEN  Xuan Nam TRAN  Tadashi FUJINO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E89-A No:10

    Recently, lattice reduction aided (LRA) detectors have been introduced into Vertical Bell-Labs Layered Space-Time (V-BLAST) systems to obtain nearly optimal bit error rate (BER) performance for only small additional complexity. In this paper, the layer error characteristics of LRA-V-BLAST detectors are investigated and compared with those of conventional V-BLAST ones. Two important conclusions are drawn for the LRA-V-BLAST detectors. First, the variation of their mean square error (MSE) within each detection iteration is not as large as in conventional V-BLAST detectors. Second, thanks to lattice reduction there exists an inherent sub-optimal detection order from the last to the first layer. These conclusions allow LRA-V-BLAST detectors to avoid optimal ordering to further reduce the complexity. LRA-V-BLAST detectors without optimal ordering are shown to obtain almost the same BER performance of LRA-V-BLAST detector with optimal ordering.

  • Zero-Knowledge and Correlation Intractability

    Satoshi HADA  Toshiaki TANAKA  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E89-A No:10

    The notion of correlation intractable function ensembles (CIFEs) was introduced in an attempt to capture the "unpredictability" property of random oracles [12]: If O is a random oracle then it is infeasible to find an input x such that the input-output pair (x,O(x)) has some desired property. In this paper, we observe relationships between zero-knowledge protocols and CIFEs. Specifically, we show that, in the non-uniform model, the existence of CIFEs implies that 3-round auxiliary-input zero-knowledge (AIZK) AM interactive proofs exist only for BPP languages. In the uniform model, we show that 3-round AIZK AM interactive proofs with perfect completeness exist only for easy-to-approximate languages. These conditional triviality results extend to constant-round AIZK AM interactive proofs assuming the existence of multi-input CIFEs, where "multi-input" means that the correlation intractability is satisfied with respect to multiple input-output pairs. Also, as a corollary, we show that any construction of uniform multi-input CIFEs from uniform one-way functions proves unconditionally that constant-round AIZK AM interactive proofs with perfect completeness only for easy-to-approximate languages.

  • Efficient DSP Architecture for Viterbi Decoding with Small Trace Back Latency

    Weon Heum PARK  Myung Hoon SUNWOO  Seong Keun OH  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E89-B No:10

    This paper proposes efficient DSP instructions and their hardware architecture for the Viterbi algorithm. The implementation of the Viterbi algorithm on a DSP chip has been attracting more interest for its flexibility, programmability, etc. The proposed architecture can reduce the Trace Back (TB) latency and can support various wireless communication standards. The proposed instructions perform the Add Compare Select (ACS) and TB operations in parallel and the architecture has special hardware, called the Offset Calculation Unit (OCU), which automatically calculates data addresses for acceleration of the trellis butterfly computations. When the constraint length K is 5, the proposed architecture can reduce the decoding cycles about 17% compared with Carmel DSP and about 45% compared with TMS320C55x.

  • Numerical Analysis of Wall Material Effect on Indoor MIMO Channel Capacity

    Xiao Peng YANG  Qiang CHEN  Kunio SAWAYA  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:10

    Effects of wall material on the channel capacity of an indoor multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system are investigated using a hybrid technique of the method of moments (MoM) and the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method with consideration of the Ricean K factor and the effective degrees of freedom (EDOF) of multiple paths.

  • Local Partial Least Squares Multi-Step Model for Short-Term Load Forecasting

    Zunxiong LIU  Xin XIE  Deyun ZHANG  Haiyuan LIU  

    PAPER-Modelling, Systems and Simulation

    E89-A No:10

    The multi-step prediction model based on partial least squares (PLS) is established to predict short-term load series with high embedding dimension in this paper, which refrains from cumulative error with local single-step linear model, and can cope with the multi-collinearity in the reconstructed phase space. In the model, PLS is used to model the dynamic evolution between the phase points and the corresponding future points. With research on the PLS theory, the model algorithm is put forward. Finally, the actual load series are used to test this model, and the results show that the model plays well in chaotic time series prediction, even if the embedding dimension is selected a big value.

  • Diffraction Amplitudes from Periodic Neumann Surface: Low Grazing Limit of Incidence (II)

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  Kazuhiro HATTORI  Yasuhiko TAMURA  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E89-C No:9

    The diffraction of a transverse magnetic (TM) plane wave by a perfectly conductive surface made up of a periodic array of rectangular grooves is studied by the modal expansion method. It is found theoretically that the reflection coefficient approaches -1 but no diffraction takes place when the angle of incidence reaches a low grazing limit. Such singular behavior is shown analytically to hold for any finite values of the period, groove depth and groove width and is then demonstrated by numerical examples.

  • An Efficient User Selection Algorithm for Zero-Forcing Beamforming in Downlink Multiuser MIMO Systems

    Haibo ZHENG  Xiang CHEN  Shidong ZHOU  Jing WANG  Yongxing ZHOU  James Sungjin KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:9

    In this letter, we propose an efficient user selection algorithm aiming to select users with less spatially correlation and meet the user number limit of zero-forcing beamforming in downlink multiuser MIMO systems. This algorithm yields a considerable complexity reduction with only a small loss in performance and it only needs partial users' CSI feedback. Coupled with the algorithm, a null space updating method in O(K2) time and a modified proportional fair scheduling algorithm are also proposed.

  • Robust Scene Extraction Using Multi-Stream HMMs for Baseball Broadcast

    Nguyen Huu BACH  Koichi SHINODA  Sadaoki FURUI  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E89-D No:9

    In this paper, we propose a robust statistical framework for extracting scenes from a baseball broadcast video. We apply multi-stream hidden Markov models (HMMs) to control the weights among different features. To achieve a large robustness against new scenes, we used a common simple structure for all the HMMs. In addition, scene segmentation and unsupervised adaptation were applied to achieve greater robustness against differences in environmental conditions among games. The F-measure of scene-extracting experiments for eight types of scene from 4.5 hours of digest data was 77.4% and was increased to 78.7% by applying scene segmentation. Furthermore, the unsupervised adaptation method improved precision by 2.7 points to 81.4%. These results confirm the effectiveness of our framework.

  • Outage Probability Based Optimal Transmission of Space Time Block Codes over Correlated Distributed Antennas

    Shuangfeng HAN  Shidong ZHOU  Ming ZHAO  Jing WANG  Kyung PARK  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:9

    Aiming to optimally transmit space-time block codes (STBCs) over distributed antennas (DAs), this paper examines downlink transmit antenna subset selection with power allocation for STBCs in non-ergodic Rayleigh fading channels with receive antenna correlations. Closed-form outage probability is first derived, which is a function of data rate, rate of STBCs, transmit power, large-scale fading (shadowing and path loss), power allocation weights to each DA and receive antenna correlation. However, achieving the optimal power allocation solution is computationally demanding and the use of sub-optimal techniques is necessitated. Assuming feedback of eigenvalues of transmit and receive antenna correlation matrix at the transmitter and accurate channel state information (CSI) at the receiver, an antenna subset selection with sub-optimal power allocation scheme is proposed, whose performance approaches optimal. The effectiveness of this sub-optimal method has been demonstrated by numerical results.

  • Improving Disk I/O Load Prediction Using Statistical Parameter History in Online for Grid Computing

    DongWoo LEE  Rudrapatna Subramanyam RAMAKRISHNA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E89-D No:9

    Resource performance prediction is known to be useful in resource scheduling in the Grid. The disk I/O workload is another important factor that influences the performance of the CPU and the network which are commonly used in resource scheduling. In the case of disk I/O workload time-series, the adaptation of a prediction algorithm to new time-series should be rapid. Further, the prediction should ensure that the prediction error is minimum in the heterogeneous environment. The storage workload (i.e., the disk I/O load) is a dynamic variable. A prediction parameter based on the characteristics of the current workload must be prepared for prediction purposes. In this paper, we propose and implement the OPHB (On-Line Parameter History Bank). This is a method that stabilizes the incoming disk I/O workload time-series fairly quickly with the help of accurately determined ESM (Exponential Smoothing Method) parameters. The parameters are drawn from a history database. In the case of forecasting with ESM, a smoothing parameter must be specified in advance. If the parameter is statically estimated from observed data found in previous executions, the forecasts would be inaccurate because they do not capture the actual I/O behavior. The smoothing parameter has to be adjusted in accordance with the shape of the new disk I/O workload. The ESM algorithms utilise one of the accumulated parameter histories chronicled by OPHB's Deposit operation. When a new time-series is started, an appropriate parameter value is looked up in the Bank by OPHB's Lookup operation. This is used for the time-series. This process is fully adaptive. We evaluate the proposed method with SES (Single Exponential Smoothing) and ARRSES (Auto-Responsive SES) methods.

  • Objective Function Adjustment Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

    Hiroki TAMURA  Zongmei ZHANG  Zheng TANG  Masahiro ISHII  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E89-A No:9

    An improved algorithm of Guided Local Search called objective function adjustment algorithm is proposed for combinatorial optimization problems. The performance of Guided Local Search is improved by objective function adjustment algorithm using multipliers which can be adjusted during the search process. Moreover, the idea of Tabu Search is introduced into the objective function adjustment algorithm to further improve the performance. The simulation results based on some TSPLIB benchmark problems showed that the objective function adjustment algorithm could find better solutions than Local Search, Guided Local Search and Tabu Search.

  • Two-Dimensional Analysis of Guided Modes in a Metallic Electromagnetic Crystal Waveguide

    Hongting JIA  Kiyotoshi YASUMOTO  


    E89-C No:9

    A rigorous and simple method is proposed for analyzing guided modes of metallic electromagnetic crystal waveguides. The method is a combination of generalized reflection and transmission matrices and the mode-matching technique. Fast convergence, low computer cost, and high calculating precision are main advantages of the proposed method. This method can easily avoid the relative convergence phenomena than a classical mode-matching method, and the proposed formulation is very suitable to analyzing multilayered problems with very low computer cost. The existence of H-polarized modes in metallic electromagnetic crystal waveguides has been verified.

  • Decision Feedback Chip-Level Maximum Likelihood Detection for DS-CDMA in a Frequency-Selective Fading Channel

    Akihiro SAITO  Shinsuke TAKAOKA  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:9

    In direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA), variable rate transmission can be realized by simply changing the spreading factor SF for the given chip rate. In a frequency-selective fading channel, the transmission performance can be improved by using rake combining. However, when a very low SF is used for achieving a high transmission rate, error floor is produced due to insufficient suppression of inter-chip interference (ICI). In this paper, decision feedback chip-level maximum likelihood detection (DF-CMLD) is proposed that can suppress the ICI. An upper-bound for the conditional bit error rate (BER) is theoretically derived for the given spreading sequence and path gains. The theoretical average BER performance is numerically evaluated by Monte-Carlo numerical computation using the derived conditional BER. The numerical computation results are confirmed by computer simulation of DS-CDMA signal transmission with DF-CMLD.

  • A Mobile Agent-Based Framework for Rapidly Building and Managing Application-Specific Overlay Networks

    Ichiro SATOH  


    E89-B No:9

    A framework for deploying application-specific overlay networking is presented. It enables network protocols for transmitting data and agents to be naturally facilitated as mobile agents. It can also implement the deployment of mobile agent-based protocols within mobile agents. It can customize the deployment of network protocols as well as data transmission by migrating and replacing corresponding mobile agent-based protocols. It provides a self-deployment mechanism for the overlay network. This paper describes the system and its prototype implementation, which uses Java as both the implementation language and the protocol development language.

  • Individual Cell Equalization for Series Connected Lithium-Ion Batteries

    Yuang-Shung LEE  Ming-Wang CHENG  Shun-Ching YANG  Co-Lin HSU  

    PAPER-Energy in Electronics Communications

    E89-B No:9

    A systematic approach to the analysis and design of a bi-directional Cuk converter for the cell voltage balancing control of a series-connected lithium-ion battery string is presented in this paper. The proposed individual cell equalizers (ICE) are designed to operate at discontinuous-capacitor-voltage mode (DCVM) to achieve the zero-voltage switching (ZVS) for reducing the switching loss of the bi-directional DC/DC converters. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed battery equalization scheme can not only enhance the bi-directional battery equalization performance, but also can reduce the switching loss during the equalization period. Two designed examples are demonstrated, the switch power losses are significantly reduced by 52.8% from the MOSFETs and the equalization efficiency can be improved by 68-86.9% using the proposed DCVM ZVS battery equalizer under the specified cell equalization process. The charged/discharged capacity of the lithium-ion battery string is increased by using the proposed ICEs equipped in the battery string.

  • Novel Two-Dimensional Planar Negative Refractive Index Structure

    Naoko MATSUNAGA  Atsushi SANADA  Hiroshi KUBO  


    E89-C No:9

    A novel purely distributed two-dimensional (2D) planar structure with a negative refractive index (NRI) is proposed. The structure consists of a 2D periodic array of unit cells with metal patterns on the both sides of a substrate. The unit cell with the dimension of 55 mm2 is designed at an operation frequency of about 5 GHz by full-wave finite element method simulations. Numerical simulations on the dispersion characteristics are carried out and NRI property of the structure is confirmed. A equivalent circuit taking into account the mutual capacitance between the adjacent ports in the unit cell is introduced, and theoretical investigations based on the equivalent circuit reveals that the anisotropy can be controlled by the mutual capacitance. A 1020 unit-cell NRI material is fabricated and the NRI property has been confirmed experimentally in excellent agreement with Snell's law.

  • Khatri-Rao Unitary Space-Time Modulation

    Lei WANG  Shihua ZHU  Jun WANG  Yanxing ZENG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:9

    Based on the Khatri-Rao matrix product, we propose a novel unitary space-time modulation design called KR-USTM in this paper. Different from existing USTM schemes, such as the systematic approach and space-time frequency-shift keying (ST-FSK), KR-USTM does not require any computer search and can be applied to any number of transmit antennas. Moreover, the special structure of KR-USTM also makes it a high-rate scheme and achieve full antenna diversity as well as lower decoding complexity. Simulation results show that the proposed KR-USTM constellation achieves error performance comparable to existing USTM designs at low rates, while it outperforms them at high rates.
