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[Keyword] CTI(8214hit)


  • A Study on LiNbO3 Light Modulator Using the Resonant YBa2Cu3Oy Superconducting Electrode

    Kiichi YOSHIARA  Fusaoki UCHIKAWA  Takashi MIZUOCHI  Tadayoshi KITAYAMA  Katsuhiro IMADA  Iwao KAWAMATA  Shigeru MATSUNO  Shin UTSUNOMIYA  


    E75-C No:1

    The characteristics of a LiNbO3 light modulafor using the resonant YBa2Cu3Oy superconducting electrode were studied on the basis of the calculated results of surface resistances and transmission losses. The two-fluid model and the conventional transmission theory were used for the calculations. It was found that the modulation depth of this modulator using the YBCO electrode at 77 K was 7.5 times that using the Al electrode at room temperature. The drive voltage for the phase modulation of π radians was estimated to be a very low value of 2.3 V.

  • A New MOS Linear Operational Transconductance Amplifier and Its Application to OTA-C Filters

    Takahiro INOUE  Fumio UENO  Mikio KAWASAKI  Yoshinori ARAMAKI  Sonoe NODA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E75-C No:1

    A new MOS linear operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) for the up-to-4 MHz range OTA-C filters is proposed. The proposed OTA is designed using a new linearizing technique based on bias-current modulation, to compensate nonlinearities in the transfer characteristic of the conventional current-source-biased source-coupled pair. The design and SPICE simulation are presented in detail, assuming the implementation by the typical p-well CMOS process. The simulation of a 3.58 MHz OTA-C band-pass filter built with the proposed OTAs showed close agreement with the desired performance.

  • A Study on LiNbO3 Light Modulator Using the Resonant YBa2Cu3Oy Superconducting Electrode

    Kiichi YOSHIARA  Fusaoki UCHIKAWA  Takashi MIZUOCHI  Tadayoshi KITAYAMA  Katsuhiro IMADA  Iwao KAWAMATA  Shigeru MATSUNO  Shin UTSUNOMIYA  


    E75-A No:1

    The characteristics of a LiNbO3 light modulator using the resonant YBa2Cu3Oy superconducting electrode were studied on the basis of the calculated results of surface resistances and transmission losses. The two-fluid model and the conventional transmission theory were used for the calculations. It was found that the modulation depth of this modulator using the YBCO electrode at 77 K was 7.5 times that using the Al electrode at room temperature. The drive voltage for the phase modulation of π radians was estimated to be a very low value of 2.3 V.

  • Vertical to Surface Transmission Electro-Photonic Device (VSTEP) and Its Application to Optical Interconnection and Information Processing

    Kenichi KASAHARA  Takahiro NUMAI  Hideo KOSAKA  Ichiro OGURA  Kaori KURIHARA  Mitsunori SUGIMOTO  


    E75-A No:1

    The VSTEP concept and its practical application in the form of an LED-type pnpn-VSTEP demonstrating low power consumption through electro-photonic operational modes are both shown. Further, with focus primarily on the new laser-mode VSTEP with high-intensity light output and narrow optical beam divergence, the design features such as threshold gain and optical absorptivity, device fabrication, and characteristics are explained. The possibility of ultimate performance based mainly on electrical to optical power conversion efficiency, important from the application viewpoint of optical interconnection, are also discussed. Also, as two examples of functional optical interconnection achieved by VSTEP, serial-to-parallel data conversion and optical self-routing switches are shown. Finally, future opto-electronic technologies to be developed for two-dimensionally integrable surface-type optical semiconductor devices, including the VSTEP, are discussed.

  • Image Compression by Vector Quantization of Projection Data

    Hee Bok PARK  Choong Woong LEE  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E75-D No:1

    In this paper, we present a new image compression scheme, Projection-VQ, based on reconstruction from vector quantized projections. We can easily deal with the blocks of larger size in Projection-VQ than in conventional VQ schemes, because the dimension of vectors in projection domain is, in general, much smaller than that in the spatial domain. In Projection-VQ, the image can be reconstructed without destroying edge sharpness in the process since the projection data having the edge information are preferentially transmitted. There are several good algorithms of reconstructing an image from projections. However, we use a new modified reconstruction algorithm suitable for a variable bit rate image coding system. We allocate the bits depending on the characteristics of the block images. Our simulation results show that the performances are superior to the ordinary VQ schemes in PSNR, and that the improvement in subjective image quality is substantial.

  • Optical Information Processing Systems

    W. Thomas CATHEY  Satoshi ISHIHARA  Soo-Young LEE  Jacek CHROSTOWSKI  


    E75-A No:1

    We review the role of optics in interconnects, analog processing, neural networks, and digital computing. The properties of low interference, massively parallel interconnections, and very high data rates promise extremely high performance for optical information processing systems.

  • A Characterization of PC=P

    Mitsunori OGIWARA  


    E75-D No:1

    We study the computational power of PC=P. We give a characterization of the class via single Turing machines. Based on the characterization, we give combinatorial problems that are Pm-complete for the class.

  • Distributed Leader Election on Chordal Ring Networks

    Koji NAKANO  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  Nobuki TOKURA  


    E75-D No:1

    A chordal ring network is a processor network on which n processors are arranged to a ring with additional chords. We study a distributed leader election algorithm on chordal ring networks and present trade-offs between the message complexity and the number of chords at each processor and between the message complexity and the length of chords as follows:For every d(1dlog* n1) there exists a chordal ring network with d chords at each processor on which the message complexity for leader election is O(n(log(d1)nlog* n)).For every d(1dlog* n1) there exists a chordal ring network with log(d1)nd1 chords at each processor on which the message complexity for leader election is O(dn).For every m(2mn/2) there exists a chordal ring network whose chords have at most length m such that the message complexity for leader election is O((n/m)log n).

  • Interactive Bi-proof Systems and Undeniable Signature Schemes

    Atsushi FUJIOKA  Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  Kazuo OHTA  


    E75-D No:1

    This paper proposes a new construction of the minimum knowledge undeniable signature scheme which solves a problem inherent in Chaum's scheme. We formulate a new proof system, the minimum knowledge interactive bi-proof system, and a pair of languages, the common witness problem, based on the random self-reducible problem. We show that any common witness problem has the minimum knowledge interactive bi-proof system. A practical construction for undeniable signature schemes is proposed based on such a proof system. These schemes provide signature confirmation and disavowal with the same protocol (or at the same time).

  • Optical Information Processing Systems

    W. Thomas CATHEY  Satoshi ISHIHARA  Soo-Young LEE  Jacek CHROSTOWSKI  


    E75-C No:1

    We review the role of optics in interconnects, analog processing, neural networks, and digital computing. The properties of low interference, massively parallel interconnections, and very high data rates promise extremely high performance for optical information processing systems.

  • Leaf Reduction Theorem on Time- and Leaf-Bounded Alternating Turing Machines

    Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  


    E75-D No:1

    There have been several studies related to a reduction of the amount of computational resources used by Turing machines. As consequences, Linear speed-up theorem", tape compression theorem" and reversal reduction theorem" have been obtained. In this paper, we discuss a leaf reduction theorem on alternating Turing machines. Recently, the result that one can reduce the number of leaves by a constant factor without increasing the space complexity was shown for space- and leaf-bounded alternating Turing machines. We show that for time- and leaf-bounded alternating Turing machines, the number of leaves can be reduced by a constant factor without increasing time used by the machine. Therefore, our result says that a constant factor on the leaf complexity does not affect the power of time- and leaf-bounded alternating Turing machines.

  • An RNC Algorithm for Finding a Largest Common Subtree of Two Trees

    Tatsuya AKUTSU  


    E75-D No:1

    It is known that the problem of finding a largest common subgraph is NP-hard for general graphs even if the number of input graphs is two. It is also known that the problem can be solved in polynomial time if the input is restricted to two trees. In this paper, a randomized parallel (an RNC) algorithm for finding a largest common subtree of two trees is presented. The dynamic tree contraction technique and the RNC minimum weight perfect matching algorithm are used to obtain the RNC algorithm. Moreover, an efficient NC algorithm is presented in the case where input trees are of bounded vertex degree. It works in O(log(n1)log(n2)) time using O(n1n2) processors on a CREW PRAM, where n1 and n2 denote the numbers of vertices of input trees. It is also proved that the problem is NP-hard if the number of input trees is more than two. The three dimensional matching problem, a well known NP-complete problem, is reduced to the problem of finding a largest common subtree of three trees.

  • Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organics in Comparison with Semiconductors and Dielectrics

    Takayoshi KOBAYASHI  


    E75-C No:1

    The nonlinear optical properties of organics with unsaturated bonds were compared with those of inorganics including semiconductors and dielectrics. Because of the mesomeric effect, namely quantum mechanical resonance effect among configurations, aromatic molecules and polymers have larger optical nonlinear parameters defined as δ(n)X(n)/(X(1))n both for the second (n2) and third-order (n3) nonlinearities. Experimental results of ultrafast nonlinear response of conjugated polymers, especially polydiacetylenes, were described and a model is proposed to explain the relaxation processes of photoexcitations in the conjugated polymers. Applying the model constructed on the basis of the extensive experimental study, we propose model polymers to obtain ultrafast resonant optical nonlinearity.

  • Computational Power of Memory-Based Parallel Computation Models with Communication

    Yasuhiko TAKENAGA  Shuzo YAJIMA  


    E75-D No:1

    By adding some functions to memories, highly parallel computation may be realized. We have proposed memory-based parallel computation models, which uses a new functional memory as a SIMD type parallel computation engine. In this paper, we consider models with communication between the words of the functional memory. The memory-based parallel computation model consists of a random access machine and a functional memory. On the functional memory, it is possible to access multiple words in parallel according to the partial match with their memory addresses. The cube-FRAM model, which we propose in this paper, has a hypercube network on the functional memory. We prove that PSPACE is accelerated to polynomial time on the model. We think that the operations on each word of the functional memory are, in a sense, the essential ones for SIMD type parallel computation to realize the computational power.
