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  • Unlinkable Delivery System for Interactive Dramas

    Shingo OKAMURA  Yoshiyuki KONISHI  Maki YOSHIDA  Toru FUJIWARA  


    E88-A No:1

    We consider delivering interactive dramas. A viewer interacts with a contents provider by answering multiple-choice questions and the answers to these questions influence the plot of delivered story. All possible plots can be represented by a directed graph such that every plot corresponds to some path of the graph. A delivery should be controlled according to the directed graph such that each viewer's history of answered choices forms a path of the graph. On the other hand, because some character of a viewer is known to a contents provider from his history of choices, a viewer tries to prevent even a contents provider from linking choices made by him. In this paper, we introduce unlinkable delivery for an interactive drama and propose such a delivery system for interactive dramas that viewer's choices are unlinkable and delivery is controlled according to the directed graph.

  • Tamper-Resistant Software System Based on a Finite State Machine



    E88-A No:1

    Many computer systems are designed to make it easy for end-users to install and update software. An undesirable side effect, from the perspective of many software producers, is that hostile end-users may analyze or tamper with the software being installed or updated. This paper proposes a way to avoid the side effect without affecting the ease of installation and updating. We construct a computer system M with the following properties: 1) the end-user may install a program P in any conveniently accessible area of M; 2) the program P contains encoded instructions whose semantics are obscure and difficult to understand; and 3) an internal interpreter W, embedded in a non-accessible area of M, interprets the obfuscated instructions without revealing their semantics. Our W is a finite state machine (FSM) which gives context-dependent semantics and operand syntax to the encoded instructions in P; thus, attempts to statically analyze the relation between instructions and their semantics will not succeed. We present a systematic method for constructing a P whose instruction stream is always interpreted correctly regardless of its input, even though changes in input will (in general) affect the execution sequence of instructions in P. Our framework is easily applied to conventional computer systems by adding a FSM unit to a virtual machine or a reconfigurable processor.

  • An Extension of GHS Weil Descent Attack

    Tsutomu IIJIMA  Mahoro SHIMURA  Jinhui CHAO  Shigeo TSUJII  

    PAPER-Public Key Cryptography

    E88-A No:1

    The Weil descent attack, suggested by Frey, has been implemented by Gaudry, Hess and Smart (the so-called GHS attack) on elliptic curves over finite fields of characteristic two and with composite extension degrees. Recently, Diem presented a general treatment of the GHS attack to hyperelliptic curves over finite fields of arbitrary odd characteristics. This paper shows that Diem's approach can be extended to curves of which the function fields are cyclic Galois extensions. In particular, we show the existence of GHS Weil restriction, triviality of the kernel of GHS conorm-norm homomorphism, and lower/upper bounds of genera of the resulting curves.

  • Likelihood Function for QRM-MLD Suitable for Soft-Decision Turbo Decoding and Its Performance for OFCDM MIMO Multiplexing in Multipath Fading Channel

    Hiroyuki KAWAI  Kenichi HIGUCHI  Noriyuki MAEDA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  Takumi ITO  Yoshikazu KAKURA  Akihisa USHIROKAWA  Hiroyuki SEKI  


    E88-B No:1

    This paper proposes likelihood function generation of complexity-reduced Maximum Likelihood Detection with QR Decomposition and M-algorithm (QRM-MLD) suitable for soft-decision Turbo decoding and investigates the throughput performance using QRM-MLD with the proposed likelihood function in multipath Rayleigh fading channels for Orthogonal Frequency and Code Division Multiplexing (OFCDM) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multiplexing. Simulation results show that by using the proposed likelihood function generation scheme for soft-decision Turbo decoding following QRM-MLD in 4-by-4 MIMO multiplexing, the required average received signal energy per bit-to-noise power spectrum density ratio (Eb/N0) at the average block error rate (BLER) of 10-2 at a 1-Gbps data rate is significantly reduced compared to that using hard-decision decoding in OFCDM access with 16 QAM modulation, the coding rate of 8/9, and 8-code multiplexing with a spreading factor of 8 assuming a 100-MHz bandwidth. Furthermore, we show that by employing QRM-MLD associated with soft-decision Turbo decoding for 4-by-4 MIMO multiplexing, the throughput values of 500 Mbps and 1 Gbps are achieved at the average received Eb/N0 of approximately 4.5 and 9.3 dB by QPSK with the coding rate of R = 8/9 and 16QAM with R = 8/9, respectively, for OFCDM access assuming a 100-MHz bandwidth in a twelve-path Rayleigh fading channel.

  • Performance of Adaptive Multistage Fuzzy-Based Partial Parallel Interference Canceller for Multi-Carrier CDMA Systems

    Yung-Fa HUANG  

    PAPER-Interference Canceller

    E88-B No:1

    In this paper, we propose an adaptive multistage fuzzy-based partial parallel interference cancellation (FB-PPIC) multiuser detector for multi-carrier direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) communication systems over frequency selective fading channels. The partial cancellation tries to reduce the cancellation error in parallel interference cancellation (PIC) schemes due to the wrong interference estimations in the early stages and thus outperforms the conventional PIC (CPIC) under the heavy load for MC-CDMA systems. Therefore, in this paper, the adaptive cancellation weights are inferred from a proposed multistage fuzzy inference system (FIS) to perform effective PPIC multiuser detection under time-varying frequency selective fading channels in MC-CDMA systems. Simulation results show that the proposed adaptive four-stage FB-PPIC scheme outperforms both CPIC and constant weight PPIC (CW-PPIC) schemes, especially in near-far environments.

  • MMLRU Selection Function: A Simple and Efficient Output Selection Function in Adaptive Routing

    Michihiro KOIBUCHI  Akiya JOURAKU  Hideharu AMANO  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E88-D No:1

    Adaptive routing algorithms, which dynamically select the route of a packet, have been widely studied for interconnection networks in massively parallel computers. An output selection function (OSF), which decides the output channel when some legal channels are free, is essential for an adaptive routing. In this paper, we propose a simple and efficient OSF called minimal multiplexed and least-recently-used (MMLRU). The MMLRU selection function has the following simple strategies for distributing the traffic: 1) each router locally grasps the congestion information by the utilization ratio of its own physical channels; 2) it is divided into the two selection steps, the choice from available physical channels and the choice from available virtual channels. The MMLRU selection function can be used on any type of network topology and adaptive routing algorithm. Simulation results show that the MMLRU selection function improves throughput and latency especially when the number of dimension becomes larger or the number of nodes per dimension become larger.

  • Design of Quadrature Hybrids and Directional Couplers Based on the Equivalent Admittance Approach

    Isao OHTA  Tadashi KAWAI  


    E88-C No:1

    This paper presents a design procedure of a directional coupler consisting of a twofold symmetric four-port circuit with four identical matching networks at each port. The intrinsic power-split ratio and the equivalent admittance of the directional coupler are formularized in terms of the eigenadmittances of the original four-port without the matching networks. These formulas are useful for judgment on the realizability of a directional coupler in a given circuit structure and for design of the matching networks. Actually, the present procedure is applied to designing various quadrature hybrids and directional couplers, and its practical usefulness as well as several new circuit structures are demonstrated.

  • Weak Security Notions of Cryptographic Unkeyed Hash Functions and Their Amplifiability

    Shoichi HIROSE  

    PAPER-Symmetric Key Cryptography

    E88-A No:1

    Cryptographic unkeyed hash functions should satisfy preimage resistance, second-preimage resistance and collision resistance. In this article, weak second-preimage resistance and weak collision resistance are defined following the definition of weak one-wayness. Preimage resistance is one-wayness of cryptographic hash functions. The properties of weak collision resistance is discussed in this article. The same kind of results can be obtained for weak second-preimage resistance. Weak collision resistance means that the probability of failing to find a collision is not negligible, while collision resistance means that the success probability is negligible. It is shown that there really exist weakly collision resistant hash functions if collision resistant ones exist. Then, it is shown that weak collision resistance is amplifiable, that is, collision resistant hash functions can be constructed from weakly collision resistant ones. Unfortunately, the method of amplification presented in this article is applicable only to a certain kind of hash functions. However, the method is applicable to hash functions based on discrete logarithms. This implies that collision resistant hash functions can be obtained even if the discrete logarithm problem is much easier than is believed and only weakly intractable, that is, exponentiation modulo a prime is weakly one-way.

  • Parameter Acquisition Techniques for Multiuser Detection with ISI Cancellation in a Quasi-Synchronous Reverse Link MC-CDMA System


    PAPER-Interference Canceller

    E88-B No:1

    In a quasi-synchronous reverse link multicarrier code division multiple access system, the signal detection is vulnerable to the interference due to the insufficient guard interval. A multiuser detection with intersymbol interference cancellation is a potential solution to overcome this problem. In this paper, we proposes a parameter acquisition technique based on a specially designed training sequence for the receiver. The concerned parameters are the transformed signature sequences and the ISI generation sequences. We analyze a criterion for the training sequences to achieve the minimum mean square error and propose the systematic generation of the optimum training sequences. We also propose the noise variance estimator for providing information about noise variance to some classes of multiuser detection. Simulation results prove relevant benefits of the proposed techniques and give useful insights into the system designs.

  • OFDM Mobile Packet Transmission System with Multiuser Detection and Metric Combining ARQ

    Riichiro NAGAREDA  Kazuhiko FUKAWA  Hiroshi SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Interference Canceller

    E88-B No:1

    This paper proposes an OFDM mobile packet transmission scheme that increases throughput by using nonlinear multiuser detection (MUD) and automatic repeat request (ARQ) with metric-combining. The scheme identifies users by detecting user identification (ID) symbols located at the head of a packet, and can separate packets that have collided by using MUD. It also forces the respective transmitters to retransmit the same packets so as to reproduce the collision if the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) detects some errors, and it uses metric-combining to decrease the number of retransmissions. The results of computer simulations show that the proposed scheme can provide twice the throughput of the conventional schemes.

  • An MMSE Multiuser Detector for Space-Time Block Coded OFDM

    Xuan Nam TRAN  Tadashi FUJINO  Yoshio KARASAWA  

    PAPER-Interference Canceller

    E88-B No:1

    In this paper, we propose a multiuser detection (MUD) scheme for space-time block coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (STBC-OFDM) systems. We derive the optimum weight matrix used to decouple simultaneously signals from active multiple access users using the minimum mean square error (MMSE) multiuser detection method. The proposed scheme provides good performance over different models of the frequency selective fading channel. It is also to show that if the length of the cyclic prefix is larger than that of the channel, the performance of the detector depends on only the total energy extracted from multipath components but not the employed channel model, the number of multipath components or the delay of each multipath component.

  • On the Linear Complexity of Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences of Order Four Over Zpq

    Enjian BAI  Xiaotong FU  Guozhen XIAO  

    LETTER-Information Security

    E88-A No:1

    In this letter we first introduce a new generalized cyclotomic sequence of order four with respect to pq, then we calculate the linear complexity and minimal polynomial of this sequence. Our results show that the new binary sequence is quite good from the linear complexity viewpoint.

  • Design of Steerable Linear and Planar Array Geometry with Non-uniform Spacing for Side-Lobe Reduction

    Ji-Hoon BAE  Kyung-Tae KIM  Cheol-Sig PYO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E88-B No:1

    In this paper, we present a noble pattern synthesis method of linear and planar array antennas, with non-uniform spacing, for simultaneous reduction of their side-lobe level and pattern distortion during beam steering. In the case of linear array, the Gauss-Newton method is applied to adjust the positions of elements, providing an optimal linear array in the sense of side-lobe level and pattern distortion. In the case of planar array, the concept of thinned array combined with non-uniformly spaced array is applied to obtain an optimal two dimensional (2-D) planar array structure under some constraints. The optimized non-uniformly spaced linear array is extended to the 2-D planar array structure, and it is used as an initial planar array geometry. Next, we further modify the initial 2-D planar array geometry with the aid of thinned array theory in order to reduce the maximum side-lobe level. This is implemented by a genetic algorithm under some constraints, minimizing the maximum side-lobe level of the 2-D planar array. It is shown that the proposed method can significantly reduce the pattern distortion as well as the side-lobe level, although the beam direction is scanned.

  • Perturbation Analysis and Experimental Verification of Intermodulation and Harmonic Distortion for an Anti-Series Varactor Pair

    Qing HAN  Keizo INAGAKI  Takashi OHIRA  


    E88-C No:1

    Nonlinear distortions in an anti-series varactor pair (ASVP) are analyzed by a perturbation method. To the authors' knowledge, this paper presents the first derivation of an analytical expression that explicitly shows intermodulation and harmonic distortions of the ASVP. In addition to canceling the expected even-order distortion, the third-order distortion can be suppressed simultaneously when a certain condition is satisfied. We also find that the second- and third-order distortions can be greatly suppressed without dependence on dc bias voltage if the varactors in the ASVP have an ideal abrupt p-n junction. These theoretical predictions are verified by measuring the second- and third-order harmonic distortions of an ASVP. The experimental results show that the second-order harmonic distortion is suppressed by approximately 20 dB. The third-order harmonic distortion is suppressed to the same extent in the theoretically predicted dc bias voltage range.

  • Cell Selection Based on Shadowing Variation for Forward Link Broadband OFCDM Packet Wireless Access

    Akihito MORIMOTO  Sadayuki ABETA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  

    PAPER-Cell Selection

    E88-B No:1

    This paper proposes cell selection (CS) based on shadowing variation for the forward-link Orthogonal Frequency and Code Division Multiplexing (OFCDM) packet wireless access. We clarify its effects using a broadband propagation channel model in a comparison with fast cell selection (FCS), which tracks the instantaneous fading variation, and with the conventional slow CS, which tracks only the distance-dependent path loss, based on radio link level simulations that take into account time-varying instantaneous fading and shadowing variations. The simulation results show that the achievable throughput with FCS improves slightly in a broadband channel with an increasing number of paths when the average path-loss difference between two cells is greater than 2 dB. Nevertheless, we show that the optimum CS interval becomes approximately 100 msec, because the interval can track the time-varying shadowing variation considering low-to-high mobility up to the maximum Doppler frequency of 200 Hz. Consequently, we show that the throughput by employing the CS based on shadowing variation with the selection interval of 100 msec is increased by approximately 5 and 15% compared to that using the conventional slow CS with the selection interval of 1 sec, for the maximum Doppler frequency of 20 and 200 Hz, respectively.

  • Modelling and Stability Analysis of Binary ABR Flow Control in ATM Network

    Fengyuan REN  Chuang LIN  Bo WEI  


    E88-B No:1

    Available Bit Rate (ABR) flow control is an effective measure in ATM network congestion control. In large scale and high-speed network, the simplicity of algorithm is crucial to optimize the switch performance. Although the binary flow control is very simple, the queue length and allowed cell rate (ACR) controlled by the standard EFCI algorithm oscillate with great amplitude, which has negative impact on the performance, so its applicability was doubted, and then the explicit rate feedback mechanism was introduced and explored. In this study, the model of binary flow control is built based on the fluid flow theory, and its correctness is validated by simulation experiments. The linear model describing the source end system how to regulate the cell rate is obtained through local linearization method. Then, we evaluate and analyze the standard EFCI algorithm using the describing function approach, which is well-developed in nonlinear control theory. The conclusion is that queue and ACR oscillations are caused by the inappropriate nonlinear control rule originated from intuition, but not intrinsic attribute of the binary flow control mechanism. The simulation experiments validate our analysis and conclusion. Finally, the new scheme about parameter settings is put forward to remedy the weakness existed in the standard EFCI switches without any change on the hardware architecture. The numerical results demonstrate that the new scheme is effective and fruitful.

  • A Low-Loss Serial Power Combiner Using Novel Suspended Stripline Couplers

    Yukihiro TAHARA  Hideyuki OH-HASHI  Kazuyuki TOTANI  Moriyasu MIYAZAKI  Sei-ichi SAITO  Osami ISHIDA  


    E88-C No:1

    A low-loss serial power combiner using suspended stripline is described. It consists of novel broadside-coupled directional couplers which have shunt capacitances at the edges of the coupled sections. These additional shunt capacitances compensate for poor directivities of the couplers because of inhomogeneous dielectric in suspended stripline structure. The fabricated three-way power combiner has achieved good performance with insertion loss less than 0.23 dB over a bandwidth of 10% in 2 GHz band.

  • Fully CAD-Based Design of a Mode Transformer between NRD Guide and Vertical Strip Line and Its Applications to Junction Circuits at 60 GHz

    Futoshi KUROKI  Makoto KIMURA  Tsukasa YONEYAMA  


    E88-C No:1

    A mode transformer between the NRD guide and the vertical strip line was developed and applied to the right angle corner, T-junction, and 3-port junction at 60 GHz. Emphasis was placed on a fully CAD-based design procedure by using an electromagnetic field simulator. Agreement between the simulated and measured performances of the junction circuit was obtained, and thus the validity of the design procedure was confirmed. A well-balanced transmission coefficient of the 3-port junction, found to be 4 0.5 dB, was observed in the bandwidth of 2 GHz around a center frequency of 60 GHz.

  • Fast Modular Reduction over Euclidean Rings and Its Application to Universal Hash Functions

    Xiangyong ZENG  Lei HU  


    E88-A No:1

    In this letter, we propose a fast modular reduction method over Euclidean rings, which is a generalization of Barrett's reduction algorithm over the ring of integers. As an application, we construct new universal hash function families whose operations are modular arithmetic over a Euclidean ring, which can be any of three rings, the ring of integers, the ring of Gauss integers and the ring of Eisenstein integers. The implementation of these families is efficient by using our method.

  • PGV-Style Block-Cipher-Based Hash Families and Black-Box Analysis

    Wonil LEE  Mridul NANDI  Palash SARKAR  Donghoon CHANG  Sangjin LEE  Kouichi SAKURAI  

    PAPER-Symmetric Key Cryptography

    E88-A No:1

    In [1] it was proved that 20 of 64 PGV hash functions based on block cipher are collision-resistant and one-way in the black-box model of the underlying block cipher. Here, we generalize the definition of PGV-hash function into a hash family and we will prove that, aside from the previously reported 20 hash functions, we have 22 more collision-resistant and one-way hash families. As all these 42 families are keyed hash family, these are also target-collision-resistant. All these 42 hash families have tight upper and lower bounds on (target) collision-resistant and one-way-ness.
