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  • HiPeer: A Highly Reliable P2P System

    Giscard WEPIWE  Plamen L. SIMEONOV  

    PAPER-Peer-to-Peer Computing

    E89-D No:2

    The paper presents HiPeer, a robust resource distribution and discovery algorithm that can be used for fast and fault-tolerant location of resources in P2P network environments. HiPeer defines a concentric multi-ring overlay networking topology, whereon dynamic network management methods are deployed. In terms of performance, HiPeer delivers of number of lowest bounds. We demonstrate that for any De Bruijn digraph of degree d 2 and diameter DDB HiPeer constructs a highly reliable network, where each node maintains a routing table with at most 2d+2 entries independent of the number N of nodes in the system. Further, we show that any existing resource in the network with at most d nodes can be found within at most DHiPeer = log d(N(d-1)+d)-1 overlay hops. This result is as close to the Moore bound [1] as the query path length in other outstanding P2P proposals based on the De Bruijn digraphs. Thus, we argue that HiPeer defines a highly connected network with connectivity d and the lowest yet known lookup bound DHiPeer. Moreover, we show that any node's "join or leave" operation in HiPeer implies a constant expected reorganization cost of the magnitude order of O(d) control messages.

  • A Multicast Based Anonymous Information Sharing Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Systems

    Baoliu YE  Minyi GUO  Jingyang ZHOU  Daoxu CHEN  

    PAPER-Peer-to-Peer Computing

    E89-D No:2

    A fundamental problem in a pure Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing system is how to protect the anonymity of peer nodes when providing efficient data access services. Most of existing work mainly focus on how to provide the initiator anonymity, but neglect the anonymity of the responder. In this paper, we propose a multicast-based protocol, called Mapper, for efficient file sharing with mutual anonymity. By seamlessly combining the technologies of multi-proxy and IP multicast together, the proposed protocol guarantees mutual anonymity during the entire session of file retrieval. Furthermore, Mapper replicates requested files inside the multicast group, so file distribution can be adjusted adaptively and the cost for multicast can be further reduced. Results of both simulations and theoretical analyses demonstrate that Mapper possesses the merits of scalability, reliability, and high adaptability.

  • Bi-Connectivity Augmentation for Specified Vertices of a Graph with Upper Bounds on Vertex-Degree Increase

    Toshiya MASHIMA  Takanori FUKUOKA  Satoshi TAOKA  Toshimasa WATANABE  

    PAPER-Graph Algorithm

    E89-D No:2

    The 2-vertex-connectivity augmentation problem for a specified set of vertices of a graph with degree constraints, 2VCA-SV-DC, is defined as follows: "Given an undirected graph G = (V,E), a specified set of vertices S ⊆V with |S|3 and a function g:V→Z+∪{∞}, find a smallest set E' of edges such that (V,E ∪E') has at least two internally-disjoint paths between any pair of vertices in S and such that vertex-degree increase of each v ∈V by the addition of E' to G is at most g(v), where Z+ is the set of nonnegative integers." This paper shows a linear time algorithm for 2VCA-SV-DC.

  • PChord: Improvement on Chord to Achieve Better Routing Efficiency by Exploiting Proximity

    Feng HONG  Minglu LI  Minyou WU  Jiadi YU  

    PAPER-Peer-to-Peer Computing

    E89-D No:2

    Routing efficiency is the critical issue when constructing peer-to-peer overlay. However, Chord has often been criticized on its careless of routing locality. A routing efficiency enhancement protocol on top of Chord is illustrated in this paper, which is called PChord. PChord aims to achieve better routing efficiency than Chord by exploiting proximity of the underlying network topology. The simulation shows that PChord has achieved lower RDP per message routing.

  • Measuring the Perceived Importance of Speech Segments for Transmission over IP Networks Open Access

    Yusuke HIWASAKI  Toru MORINAGA  Jotaro IKEDO  Akitoshi KATAOKA  


    E89-B No:2

    This paper presents a way of using a linear regression model to produce a single-valued criterion that indicates the perceived importance of each block in a stream of speech blocks. This method is superior to the conventional approach, voice activity detection (VAD), in that it provides a dynamically changing priority value for speech segments with finer granularity. The approach can be used in conjunction with scalable speech coding techniques in the context of IP QoS services to achieve a flexible form of quality control for speech transmission. A simple linear regression model is used to estimate a mean opinion score (MOS) of the various cases of missing speech segments. The estimated MOS is a continuous value that can be mapped to priority levels with arbitrary granularity. Through subjective evaluation, we show the validity of the calculated priority values.

  • Dynamic Class Mapping Scheme for Prioritized Video Transmission in Differentiated Services Network

    Gooyoun HWANG  Jitae SHIN  JongWon KIM  


    E89-B No:2

    This paper introduces a network-aware video delivery framework where the quality-of-service (QoS) interaction between prioritized packet video and relative differentiated service (DiffServ) network is taken into account. With this framework, we propose a dynamic class mapping (DCM) scheme to allow video applications to cope with service degradation and class-based resource constraint in a time-varying network environment. In the proposed scheme, an explicit congestion notification (ECN)-based feedback mechanism is utilized to notify the status of network classes and the received service quality assessment to the end-host applications urgently. Based on the feedback information, DCM agent at ingress point can dynamically re-map each packet onto a network class in order to satisfy the desired QoS requirement. Simulation results verify the enhanced QoS performance of the streaming video application by comparing the static class-mapping and the class re-mapping based on loss-driven feedback.

  • Full-Text and Structural Indexing of XML Documents on B+-Tree

    Toshiyuki SHIMIZU  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Contents Technology and Web Information Systems

    E89-D No:1

    XML query processing is one of the most active areas of database research. Although the main focus of past research has been the processing of structural XML queries, there are growing demands for a full-text search for XML documents. In this paper, we propose XICS (XML Indices for Content and Structural search), which aims at high-speed processing of both full-text and structural queries in XML documents. An important design principle of our indices is the use of a B+-tree. To represent the structural information of XML trees, each node in the XML tree is labeled with an identifier. The identifier contains an integer number representing the path information from the root node. XICS consist of two types of indices, the COB-tree (COntent B+-tree) and the STB-tree (STructure B+-tree). The search keys of the COB-tree are a pair of text fragments in the XML document and the identifiers of the leaf nodes that contain the text, whereas the search keys of the STB-tree are the node identifiers. By using a node identifier in the search keys, we can retrieve only the entries that match the path information in the query. The STB-tree can filter nodes using structural conditions in queries, while the COB-tree can filter nodes using text conditions. We have implemented a COB-tree and an STB-tree using GiST and examined index size and query processing time. Our experimental results show the efficiency of XICS in query processing.

  • Non-Audible Murmur (NAM) Recognition

    Yoshitaka NAKAJIMA  Hideki KASHIOKA  Nick CAMPBELL  Kiyohiro SHIKANO  


    E89-D No:1

    We propose a new practical input interface for the recognition of Non-Audible Murmur (NAM), which is defined as articulated respiratory sound without vocal-fold vibration transmitted through the soft tissues of the head. We developed a microphone attachment, which adheres to the skin, by applying the principle of a medical stethoscope, found the ideal position for sampling flesh-conducted NAM sound vibration and retrained an acoustic model with NAM samples. Then using the Julius Japanese Dictation Toolkit, we tested the feasibility of using this method in place of an external microphone for analyzing air-conducted voice sound.

  • Calibration Free Virtual Display System Using Video Projector onto Real Object Surface

    Shinichiro HIROOKA  Hideo SAITO  


    E89-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose a novel virtual display system for a real object surface by using a video projector, so that the viewer can feel as if digital images are printed on the real surface with arbitrary shape. This system consists of an uncalibrated camera and video projector connected to a same PC and creates a virtual object by rendering 2D contents preserved beforehand onto a white object in a real world via a projector. For geometry registration between the rendered image and the object surface correctly, we regard the object surface as a set of a number of small rectangular regions and perform geometry registration by calculating homographies between the projector image plane and the each divided regions. By using such a homography-based method, we can avoid calibration of a camera and a projector that is necessary in a conventional method. In this system, we perform following two processes. First of all, we acquire the status of the object surface from images which capture the scene that color-coded checker patterns are projected on it and generate image rendered on it without distortion by calculating homographies. After once the projection image is generated, the rendered image can be updated if the object surface moves, or refined when it is stationary by observing the object surface. By this second process, the system always offers more accurate display. In implementation, we demonstrate our system in various conditions. This system enables it to project them as if it is printed on a real paper surface of a book. By using this system, we expect the realization of a virtual museum or other industrial application.

  • Two-Phased Bulk Insertion by Seeded Clustering for R-Trees

    Taewon LEE  Sukho LEE  


    E89-D No:1

    With great advances in the mobile technology and wireless communications, users expect to be online anytime anywhere. However, due to the high cost of being online, applications are still implemented as partially connected to the server. In many data-intensive mobile client/server frameworks, it is a daunting task to archive and index such a mass volume of complex data that are continuously added to the server when each mobile client gets online. In this paper, we propose a scalable technique called Seeded Clustering that allows us to maintain R-tree indexes by bulk insertion while keeping pace with high data arrival rates. Our approach uses a seed tree, which is copied from the top k levels of a target R-tree, to classify input data objects into clusters. We then build an R-tree for each of the clusters and insert the input R-trees into the target R-tree in bulk one at a time. We present detailed algorithms for the seeded clustering and bulk insertion as well as the results from our extensive experimental study. The experimental results show that the bulk insertion by seeded clustering outperforms the previously known methods in terms of insertion cost and the quality of target R-trees measured by their query performance.

  • Attack on the Sun-Chen-Hwang's Three-Party Key Agreement Protocols Using Passwords

    Junghyun NAM  Seungjoo KIM  Dongho WON  


    E89-A No:1

    We show that Sun-Chen-Hwang's three-party key agreement protocols using passwords are insecure against an active adversary. Further, we recommend a small change to the protocols that fixes the security problem.

  • Topology Discovery in Large Ethernet Mesh Networks

    Myunghee SON  Byungchul KIM  Jaeyong LEE  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E89-B No:1

    Automatic discovery of physical topology plays a crucial role in enhancing the manageability of modern large Ethernet mesh networks. Despite the importance of the problem, earlier research and commercial network management tools have typically concentrated on either discovering active topology, or proprietary solutions targeting specific product families. Recent works [1]-[3] have demonstrated that physical topology can be determined using standard SNMP MIB, but these algorithms depend on Filtering Database and rely on the so-called spanning tree protocol (IEEE 802.1d) in order to break cycles, thereby avoiding the possibility of infinitely circulating packets and deadlocks. A previous work [1] requires that Filtering Database entries are completed; however it is a very critical assumption in a realistic Ethernet mesh network. In this paper, we have proposed a new topology discovery algorithm which works without the complete knowledge of Filtering Database. Our algorithm can discover complete physical topology including inactive interfaces eliminated by the spanning tree protocol in LEMNs. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated by an implementation.

  • Replication Methods for Load Balancing on Distributed Storages in P2P Networks

    Hiroshi YAMAMOTO  Daisuke MARUTA  Yuji OIE  

    PAPER-Peer-to-Peer Network

    E89-D No:1

    In a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network, in order to improve the search performance and to achieve load balancing, replicas of original data are created and distributed over the Internet. However, the replication methods which have been proposed so far focus only on the improvement of search performance. In this paper, we examine the load on the storage systems, which is due to writing and reading, and propose two replication methods for balancing the load on the storages distributed over P2P networks while limiting the degradation of the search performance within an acceptable level. Furthermore, we investigate the performance of our proposed replication methods through computer simulations, and show their effectiveness in balancing the load.

  • C/V Segmentation on Mandarin Spontaneous Spoken Speech Signals Using SNR Improvement and Energy Variation

    Ching-Ta LU  Hsiao-Chuan WANG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E89-D No:1

    An efficient and simple approach to consonant/vowel (C/V) segmentation by incorporating the SNR improvement of a speech enhancement system with the energy variation of two adjacent frames is proposed. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme performs well in segmenting C/V for a spontaneously spoken utterance.

  • A Shape Resolution Control of Textured Object Applying Tolerance Caused by Movement

    Daisuke WAKATSUKI  Ikuo ISHII  Akira TAKAHASHI  


    E89-D No:1

    We propose a shape resolution control method applying a tolerance caused by movement to object's shape and texture in order to represent efficiently a textured object that has a detailed structure. It is generally difficult to perceive the error of shape or texture of the object that is moving. Our method applies this error as a tolerance. The efficient object's representation is realized by the shape resolution control that tolerates errors of contour shape and textured surface by the tolerance caused by movement and reduces object's data. It was shown better experimental results of processing time and of the quality of images in comparison with other methods. Thus, it was proved that the method applying the tolerance caused by movement to the object's shape and texture is effective in the representation of textured object that has a detailed structure.

  • High-Speed Human Motion Recognition Based on a Motion History Image and an Eigenspace

    Takehito OGATA  Joo Kooi TAN  Seiji ISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E89-D No:1

    This paper proposes an efficient technique for human motion recognition based on motion history images and an eigenspace technique. In recent years, human motion recognition has become one of the most popular research fields. It is expected to be applied in a security system, man-machine communication, and so on. In the proposed technique, we use two feature images and the eigenspace technique to realize high-speed recognition. An experiment was performed on recognizing six human motions and the results showed satisfactory performance of the technique.

  • Authorization-Limited Transformation-Free Proxy Cryptosystems and Their Security Analyses

    Lihua WANG  Zhenfu CAO  Takeshi OKAMOTO  Ying MIAO  Eiji OKAMOTO  


    E89-A No:1

    In this paper authorization-limited transformation-free proxy cryptosystems (AL-TFP systems) are studied. It is a modification of the original proxy cryptosystem introduced by Mambo et al.[8] in which a ciphertext transformation by the original decryptor is necessary, and also a modification of the delegated decryption system proposed by Mu et al.[10]. In both systems proposed in [8] and [10], the original decryptors have to trust their proxies completely. The AL-TFP system allows the proxy decryptor to do decryption directly without any ciphertext transformation from the original decryptor, so that it can release the original decryptor more efficiently from a large amount of decrypting operations. Moreover, the original decryptor's privacy can be protected efficiently because the authority of proxy decryptor is limited to his duty and valid period. An active identity-based and a directory-based AL-TFP systems from pairings are proposed. Furthermore, an application of directory-based AL-TFP system to electronic commerce is also described. The securities of our schemes introduced are based on the BDH assumption.

  • A Study on the Effect of Grounded Conductive Sheet Placed over PCB for Electromagnetic Noise Shielding

    Motoshi TANAKA  Hisashi TAKITA  Hiroshi INOUE  


    E89-C No:1

    The effect of a grounded conductive sheet placed over a PCB with a microstrip line on the electromagnetic noise shielding is discussed experimentally and with FDTD modeling. The grounding position of the sheet, which is connected with the ground plane of PCB, is changed. In results, the resonance frequency is shifted by the grounding position, and reducing the resonance of the input impedance should make a more effective shielding for EM noise radiation below 1 GHz.

  • An Engineering Change Orders Design Method Based on Patchwork-Like Partitioning for High Performance LSIs


    PAPER-Logic Synthesis

    E88-A No:12

    This paper describes a novel engineering change order (ECO) design method for large-scale, high performance LSIs, based on a patchwork-like partitioning technique. In conventional design methods, even when only small changes are made to the design after the placement and routing process, a whole re-layout must be done, and this is very time consuming. Using the proposed method, we can partition the design into several parts after logic synthesis. When design changes occur in HDL, only the parts related to the changes need to be redesigned. The netlist for the changed design remains almost the same as the original, except for the small changed parts. For partitioning, we used multiple-fan-out-points as partition borders. An experimental evaluation of our method showed that when a small change was made in the RTL description, the revised circuit part had only about 87 gates on average. This greatly reduces the re-layout time required for implementing an ECO. In actual commercial designs in which several design changes are required, it takes only one day to redesign.

  • A Simplified Illustration of Arbitrary DAC Waveform Effects in Continuous Time Delta-Sigma Modulators

    Hossein SHAMSI  Omid SHOAEI  


    E88-A No:12

    In this paper a straight-forward approach to extract the equivalent loop-gain of a continuous time Delta-Sigma modulator with an arbitrary DAC waveform in z-domain is presented. In this approach the arbitrary DAC waveform is approximated by the infinite number of rectangular pulse shapes. Then simply using the transformations available in literatures for a rectangular DAC pulse shape and applying superposition on each rectangular pulse shape, the loop-gain of the system is derived in z-domain.
