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[Keyword] HOC(320hit)


  • An Audio-Video Multipath Streaming Scheme with Media Synchronization Control: Application-Level QoS Assessment in a Wireless Ad Hoc Network

    Toshiro NUNOME  Shuji TASAKA  


    E88-B No:9

    This paper proposes the MultiPath streaming scheme with Media Synchronization control (MPMS) for audio-video transmission in wireless ad hoc networks. In many audio-video streaming applications, media compensate each other from a perceptual point of view. On the basis of this property, we treat the two streams as separate transport streams, and then the source transmits them into two different routes if multiple routes to the destination are available. The multipath transmission disturbs the temporal structure of the streams; in MPMS, the disturbance is remedied by media synchronization control. In order to implement MPMS in this paper, we enhance the existing Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol. We compare the application-level QoS of MPMS and three other schemes for audio-video transmission by simulation with ns-2. In the simulation, we also assess the influence of the multipath transmission on other traffic. The simulation result shows that MPMS is effective in achieving high QoS at the application-level.

  • A Link Heterogeneity-Aware On-Demand Routing (LHAOR) Protocol Utilizing Local Update and RSSI Information

    Suhua TANG  Bing ZHANG  Masahiro WATANABE  Shinsuke TANAKA  


    E88-B No:9

    Many routing protocols have been proposed for mobile ad hoc networks. Among these protocols, the on-demand routing protocols are very attractive because they have low routing overhead. However, few of the existing on-demand routing protocols have considered the link heterogeneity, such as the different communication rate, different Packet Error Ratio (PER). As a result, the routes tend to have the shortest hop count and contain weak links, which usually provide low performance and are susceptible to breaks in the presence of mobility. In this paper, we analyze the existing on-demand routing protocols and propose a Link Heterogeneity Aware On-demand Routing (LHAOR) protocol, where the link quality and mobility are considered. Specifically, the Local Update (LU) is proposed and the link metric is inversely related with the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). By using the LU method and RSSI information, the routes adapt to the topology variation and link quality changes, and reach the local optimum quickly, which contains strong links and has a small metric. Simulation and experiment results show that our LHAOR protocol achieves much higher performance than the classical on-demand routing protocols.

  • A Distributed User Revocation Scheme for Ad-Hoc Networks

    Jun ANZAI  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E88-B No:9

    This paper proposes a user revocation scheme for decentralized networks. User revocation is a method to distribute a group decryption key that is shared by n users in a group so that all but d revoked users can obtain the key. In decentralized networks such as ad-hoc networks, mesh networks, and Peer to Peer (P2P) networks, a sender should revoke the access of a dishonest user or an unauthorized user as soon as possible to protect the security of group communication. However, if the sender distributes the group key to all users aside from the revoked user, it would take a long time to revoke a user in a large group. In addition, users must set shared group keys for each user without a privileged center. We propose a scheme in which the amount of transmission and the key storage of each user are small.

  • Test-Bed Based Research on Ad Hoc Networks in Japan

    Sadao OBANA  Bokuji KOMIYAMA  Kenichi MASE  


    E88-B No:9

    The development of ad hoc networking is now being watched with keen interest, because it is a key technology for realizing ubiquitous networks and ubiquitous society. In Japan, on ad hoc network, much R&D and related works have been done and on going in academia, industries and governments. Test-bed based research is an important aspect of research on ad hoc networks. The performance of ad hoc networks in real-world situations typically depends on many complex phenomena. This paper introduces a few topics of test-bed based ad hoc network research activities in Japan.

  • Cross-Layer Design Improves TCP Performance in Multihop Ad Hoc Networks

    Yongkang XIAO  Xiuming SHAN  Yong REN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:8

    TCP performance in the IEEE 802.11-based multihop ad hoc networks is extremely poor, because the congestion control mechanism of TCP cannot effectively deal with the problem of packet drops caused by mobility and shared channel contention among wireless nodes. In this paper, we present a cross-layer method, which adaptively adjusts the TCP maximum window size according to the number of RTS (Request To Send) retry counts of the MAC layer at the TCP sender, to control the number of TCP packets in the network and thus decrease the channel contention. Our simulation results show that this method can remarkably improve TCP throughput and its stability.

  • An Improved Power Saving Mechanism for MAC Protocol in Ad Hoc Networks

    Shojiro TAKEUCHI  Kaoru SEZAKI  Yasuhiko YASUDA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E88-B No:7

    Ad hoc networks have recently become a hot topic. In ad hoc networks, battery power is an important resource, since most terminals are battery powered. Terminals consume extra energy when their network interfaces are in the idle state or when they overhear packets not destined for them. They should, therefore, switch off their radio when they do not have to send or receive packets. IEEE802.11 features a power saving mechanism (PSM) in Distributed Coordination Function(DCF). In PSM for DCF, nodes must stay awake for a fixed time, called ATIM window (Ad-Hoc Traffic Indication Map window). If nodes do not have data to send or receive, they enter the doze state except for during ATIM window. However, ad hoc networks with PSM have longer end-to-end delays to deliver packets and suffer lower throughput than the standard IEEE802.11. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a protocol that reduces delay and achieves high throughput and energy efficiency. Simulation results show that our proposal outperforms other PSMs in terms of throughput, end-to-end delay and energy efficiency.

  • Vehicular-Collision Avoidance Support System (VCASS) by Inter-Vehicle Communications for Advanced ITS

    Jumpei UEKI  Sentarou TASAKA  Yuji HATTA  Hiromi OKADA  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E88-A No:7

    In advanced ITS, on-board intelligent systems by the Inter-Vehicle Communications (IVC) is essential technology to achieve a safe automotive society. We aim to avoid the vehicular collisions under almost all situations such as intersections, highways, and blind corners by using IVC technology through wireless ad hoc networks. The objectives of this paper are to develop Vehicular Collision Avoidance Support System (VCASS), and to show its performance by various experiments with two real vehicles. We have installed personal computers, telecommunication equipments, and GPS in two vehicles. In this system, the vehicles exchange the location information and the velocity vectors by the UDP broadcast with each other, and calculate the relative position/speed. The vehicles make the warning for drivers with the possibility of the collision. We verify the validity and the effectiveness of VCASS by the experiments.

  • Collision Avoidance and Recovery for Multicast Communications in Ad Hoc Networks

    Kwan Shek LAU  Derek C.W. PAO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:7

    The basic carrier sense multi-access control scheme for multicast communications in wireless ad hoc networks suffers from the well know hidden terminal problem. The data packet collision probability is relatively high, and the packet delivery ratio is sensitive to the network topology, nodes distribution and traffic load. In this paper, we generalize the virtual carrier sense collision avoidance approach to reduce packet collisions in multicast communications. The sender and receivers exchange RTS and CTS packets to reserve the channel. When more than one receivers reply with CTS packets, the sender will detect an "expected" collision which may be interpreted as a valid "clear-to-send" signal provided the collision satisfies the given timing requirements. Together with a receiver-initiated local recovery mechanism, the reliability and packet delivery ratio can be improved to close to 100%.

  • A Power Adapted MAC (PAMAC) Scheme for Energy Saving in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

    Azman-Osman LIM  Susumu YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E88-A No:7

    Nowadays, numerous Medium Access Control (MAC) contention protocols for ad hoc networks typically use a fixed transmit power level without using any transmit power control. In this paper, we present an enhancement scheme, called Power Adapted Medium Access Control (PAMAC) scheme for achieving energy conservation, which allows a node to vary its own transmit power on a packet basis. The primary objective of this scheme is to use suitable transmit power level for Clear-To-Send (CTS), DATA, and Acknowledgement (ACK) that still allows to achieve a correct reception of a packet despite intervening path loss, noise and interference. The evaluation of the throughput efficiency per node, energy consumption per node and energy per successfully transmitted bit is performed by a computer simulation. Simulation results indicate that the proposed PAMAC scheme can achieve a high reduction of the energy consumption and energy per successfully transmitted bit and also an improvement in the throughput efficiency per node compared to the conventional Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol.

  • Distributed Dynamic Channel Assignment for Multi-Hop DS-CDMA Virtual Cellular Network

    Eisuke KUDOH  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:6

    In this paper, the channel segregation dynamic channel allocation (CS-DCA) scheme is applied to a multi-hop DS-CDMA virtual cellular network (VCN). After all multi-hop routes are constructed over distributed wireless ports in a virtual cell, the CS-DCA is carried out to allocate the channels to multi-hop up and down links. Each wireless port is equipped with a channel priority table. The transmit wireless port of each link initiates the CS-DCA procedure and selects a channel among available ones using its channel priority table to check. In this paper, the channel allocation failure rate is evaluated by computer simulation. It is shown that CS-DCA reduces remarkably the failure rate compared to FCA. The impact of propagation parameters on the failure rate is discussed.

  • ISMANET: A Secure Routing Protocol Using Identity-Based Signcryption Scheme for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    Bok-Nyong PARK  Wonjun LEE  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E88-B No:6

    Mobile ad-hoc networks consist of mobile nodes interconnected by multihop path that has no fixed network infrastructure support. Due to the limited bandwidth and resource, and also the frequent changes in topologies, ad-hoc network should consider these features for the provision of security. We present a secure routing protocol based on identity-based signcryption scheme. Since the proposed protocol uses an identity-based cryptosystem, it does not need to maintain a public key directory and to exchange any certificate. In addition, the signcyption scheme simultaneously fulfills both the functions of digital signature and encryption. Therefore, our protocol can give savings in computation cost and have less amount of overhead than the other protocols based on RSA because it uses identity-based signcryption with pairing on elliptic curve. The effectiveness of our protocol is illustrated by simulations conducted using ns-2.

  • Mobile IP Assistance in Ad Hoc Routing Security Using Geometric Properties of Lines

    Ting-Yi CHANG  Chou-Chen YANG  Chia-Meng CHEN  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E88-B No:6

    Recently, the integration of wired and wireless networks has become an interesting issue. The introduction of extending Mobile IP to mobile ad hoc networks not only helps the mobile nodes connect to the Internet but also broadens the scope of the ad hoc networks and increases their application. However, these hybrid schemes faces several security problems from the inherent weakness of ad hoc routing. In this paper, we propose a hybrid authentication scheme of Mobile IP assistance for ad hoc routing security. The regular Mobile IP registration scheme has been refined to an ad hoc key-aided version and now incorporates a novel routing packet authentication mechanism in the ad hoc routing operation. A distinct character of this hybrid scheme is that a Mobile Agent can form a secure ad hoc network where the mobile hosts can be authorized and authenticated by the refined Mobile IP registration scheme. In these findings, we shall propose that the mobile hosts can follow a novel routing packet authentication mechanism to secure the routing packets by using the cryptography of the simple geometric properties of lines. Since the novel routing authentication mechanism does not need digital signatures for completing the routing packet integrity, in this hybrid authentication scheme, the cryptographic computation cost on the mobile hosts' side is relatively minimized.

  • An Optimal Certificate Dispersal Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    Hua ZHENG  Shingo OMURA  Jiro UCHIDA  Koichi WADA  


    E88-A No:5

    In this paper, we focus on the problem that in an ad hoc network, how to send a message securely between two users using the certificate dispersal system. In this system, special data called certificate is issued between two users and these issued certificates are stored among the network. Our final purpose on this certificate dispersal problem is to construct certificate graphs with lower dispersability cost which indicates the average number of certificates stored in each node in an ad hoc network. As our first step, when a certificate graph is given, we construct two efficient certificate dispersal algorithms for strongly connected graphs and directed graphs in this paper. We can show that for a strongly connected graph G =(V, E) and a directed graph H =(V ′, E ′), new upper bounds on dispersability cost on the average number of certificates stored in one node are O(DG +|E|/|V|) and O(pG dmax +|E ′|/|V ′|) respectively, where DG is the diameter of G, dmax is the maximum diameter of strongly connected components of H and pG is the number of strongly connected components of H. Furthermore, we give some new lower bounds for the problem and we also show that our algorithms are optimal for several graph classes.

  • Efficient Route Discovery Scheme in Ad Hoc Networks Using Routing History

    Mika MINEMATSU  Masato SAITO  Hiroto AIDA  Hideyuki TOKUDA  


    E88-B No:3

    In this paper, we propose an efficient route discovery scheme for mobile ad hoc networks called Hop-Wise Limited broadcast (HoWL). Since nodes do not identify the location of other nodes, some of the routing protocols proposed for mobile ad hoc networks use network-wide broadcasts to discover a route. In contrast, HoWL limits the area of a route discovery by predicting the current location of the destination node using history of hop counts of previously used routes. We also introduce Characterized Environmental Indicators (CEI) which characterize environments for networks of mobile nodes. Specifically, environments can be characterized by three indicators: node density, average hop count of utilized routes, and frequency of link failure. We have implemented HoWL as an extension to DSR on GloMoSim network simulator. Quantitative and qualitative performance comparisons were evaluated between HoWL and its related work, Expanding Ring Search (RING) and LAR. The simulations show that HoWL performs best when low communication overhead is desired where up to 20% decrease over RING and three-fold decrease over LAR in the overhead were demonstrated. Thus, HoWL is most effective in overhead sensitive environments such as battery-limited sensor networks.

  • Controlling Network Topology in Forming Bluetooth Scatternet

    Hongyuan CHEN  T.V.L.N. SIVAKUMAR  Leping HUANG  Tsuyoshi KASHIMA  


    E88-B No:3

    Topology of a network greatly affects the network performance. Depending on the purpose of a network, a specific topology may perform much better than any other topologies. Since the ad hoc networks are formed for a specific purpose, determining, and constructing the network topology based on the application requirements will enhance system performance. This paper proposes Bluetooth scatternet forming protocol in which the network topology is determined by three parameters. The parameters affecting the topology are the number of maximum slaves in a piconet, the number of maximum piconets that a gateway Bluetooth device can service, and the number of loops needed in the formed scatternet. These parameters can be read from a script file prior to the network formation. This process of reading the important parameters from the file would give users freedom in determining the network topology. The proposed protocol also includes a role negotiation process to accommodate different capabilities of the participating devices. The negotiation process of the protocol allows the resource-limited nodes to participate in the network. Different types of scatternet topologies like star, mesh, ring and line can be formed by specifying the parameters. This paper also discusses theoretical information necessary for calculating network topologies in detail. The protocol is verified with help of simulations, and implementations using commercially available Bluetooth devices. The detailed results are also presented in this paper.

  • Game-Theoretic Approach to Capacity and Stability Evaluations of Decentralized Adaptive Route Selections in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

    Koji YAMAMOTO  Susumu YOSHIDA  


    E88-B No:3

    A game-theoretic analysis is applied to the evaluation of capacity and stability of a wireless ad hoc network in which each source node independently chooses a route to the destination node so as to enhance throughput. First, the throughput of individual multihop transmission with rate adaptation is evaluated. Observations from this evaluation indicate that the optimal number of hops in terms of the achievable end-to-end throughput depends on the received signal-to-noise ratio. Next, the decentralized adaptive route selection problem in which each source node competes for resources over arbitrary topologies is defined as a game. Numerical results reveal that in some cases this game has no Nash equilibria; i.e., each rational source node cannot determine a unique route. The occurrence of such cases depends on both the transmit power and spatial arrangement of the nodes. Then, the obtained network throughput under the equilibrium conditions is compared to the capacity under centralized scheduling. Numerical results reveal that when the transmit power is low, decentralized adaptive route selection may attain throughput near the capacity.

  • A New Routing Protocol Using Route Redundancy in Ad Hoc Networks

    Sangkyung KIM  Sunshin AN  


    E88-B No:3

    This paper proposes a new ad hoc routing protocol using route redundancy as one of route selection criteria. It is important to provide redundancy for the route from source to destination in mobile ad hoc networks that are susceptible to failure. Route redundancy implies the relative possibility that redundant paths will exist on a route to be built up. Our proposal aims to establish a route that contains more redundant paths toward a destination node by involving intermediate nodes with relatively more adjacent nodes in a possible route. Our approach can localize the effects of route failures, and reduce control traffic overhead and route reconfiguration time by enhancing the reachability to the destination node without source-initiated route rediscoveries at route failures. We show the route setup procedure considering link redundancy and the route reconfiguration procedures employing redundant path information at the intermediate nodes. Further, this paper presents a new route maintenance protocol. Most of existing ad hoc routing protocols re-initiate a route query procedure when a destination node moves away and a route failure occurs. However, our scheme makes the destination node find a neighbor node that knows the way to the source node and establish a partial route to the neighbor node. If the destination node can find any and connect to it, the route will be recovered. This produces less control overhead than a source-initiated route discovery. We show the performance of our routing schemes through simulations using the Network Simulator 2 (ns-2).

  • Location-Aware Power-Efficient Directional MAC Protocol in Ad Hoc Networks Using Directional Antenna

    Tetsuro UEDA  Shinsuke TANAKA  Dola SAHA  Siuli ROY  Somprakash BANDYOPADHYAY  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:3

    Use of directional antenna in the context of ad hoc wireless networks can largely reduce radio interference, thereby improving the utilization of wireless medium. Our major contribution in this paper is to devise a MAC protocol that exploits the advantages of directional antenna in ad hoc networks for improved system performance. In this paper, we have illustrated a MAC protocol for ad hoc networks using directional antenna with the objective of effective utilization of the shared wireless medium. In order to implement effective MAC protocol in this context, a node should know how to set its transmission direction to transmit a packet to its neighbors and to avoid transmission in other directions where data communications are already in progress. In this paper, we are proposing a receiver-centric approach for location tracking and MAC protocol, so that, nodes become aware of its neighborhood and also the direction of the nodes for communicating directionally. A node develops its location-awareness from these neighborhood-awareness and direction-awareness. In this context, researchers usually assume that the gain of directional antennas is equal to the gain of corresponding omni-directional antenna. However, for a given amount of input power, the range R with directional antenna will be much larger than that using omni-directional antenna. In this paper, we also propose a two level transmit power control mechanism in order to approximately equalize the transmission range R of an antenna operating at omni-directional and directional mode. This will not only improve medium utilization but also help to conserve the power of the transmitting node during directional transmission. Our proposed directional MAC protocol can be effective in both ITS (Intelligent Transportation System), which we simulate in String and Parallel Topology, and in any community network, which we simulate in Random Topology. The performance evaluation on QualNet network simulator clearly indicates the efficiency of our protocol.

  • Enhanced Flooding Algorithms Introducing the Concept of Biotic Growth

    Hideki TODE  Makoto WADA  Kazuhiko KINOSHITA  Toshihiro MASAKI  Koso MURAKAMI  

    PAPER-Software Platform Technologies

    E88-B No:3

    A flooding algorithm is an indispensable and fundamental network control mechanism for achieving some tasks, such notifying all nodes of some information, transferring data with high reliability, getting some information from all nodes, or to reserve a route by flooding the messages in the network. In particular, the flooding algorithm is greatly effective in the heterogeneous and dynamic network environment such as so-called ubiquitous networks, whose topology is indefinite or changes dynamically and whose nodal function may be simple and less intelligent. Actually, it is applied to grasp the network topology in a sensor network or an ad-hoc network, or to retrieve content information by mobile agent systems. A flooding algorithm has the advantages of robustness and optimality by parallel processing of messages. However, the flooding mechanism has a fundamental disadvantages: it causes the message congestion in the network, and eventually increases the processing time until the flooding control is finished. In this paper, we propose and evaluate methods for producing a more efficient flooding algorithm by adopting the growth processes of primitive creatures, such as molds or microbes.

  • Design, Implementation and Application of the CAOSS Adaptive Online Storage System

    Tomohiro INOUE  Takayuki NAKAMURA  Motonori NAKAMURA  Masayasu YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Software Platform Technologies

    E88-B No:3

    Communications in locally structured wireless networks, such as ad hoc networks, will play an important role for network services and applications in the ubiquitous networking environments of the future. Most of the time, however, mobile networks are used in much the same way as fixed networks: most of the time, mobile terminals merely access information which is stored in the backbone network. Applications based on the local exchange of information gathered or generated by mobile terminals will open up many novel possibilities. A new online storage system named CAOSS facilitates such exchange and constitutes a building block for various new applications. CAOSS is a server-less system that provides high availability of data in mobile and wireless network environments. We describe CAOSS and its application in a mobile video-information-sharing system named GT. Thanks to the good performance of CAOSS, the GT system gives users a convenient and easy way to share and accumulate video data in a wireless environment. We confirm that CAOSS has strong enough performance to deal with large volumes of video data.
