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[Keyword] RNS(68hit)


  • Towards the Identification of Cross-Cutting Concerns: A Comprehensive Dynamic Approach Based on Execution Relations

    Dongjin YU  Xiang SU  Yunlei MU  

    PAPER-Software System

    E97-D No:5

    Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) helps to solve the problem of low scalability and high maintenance costs of legacy systems caused by code scattering and tangling by extracting cross-cutting concerns and inserting them into aspects. Identifying the cross-cutting concerns of legacy systems is the key to reconstructing such systems using the approach of AOSD. However, current dynamic approaches to the identification of cross-cutting concerns simply check the methods' execution sequence, but do not consider their calling context, which may cause low precision. In this paper, we propose an improved comprehensive approach to the identification of candidate cross-cutting concerns of legacy systems based on the combination of the analysis of recurring execution relations and fan-ins. We first analyse the execution trace with a given test case and identify four types of execution relations for neighbouring methods: exit-entry, entry-exit, entry-entry and exit-exit. Afterwards, we measure the methods' left cross-cutting degrees and right cross-cutting degrees. The former ensures that the candidate recurs in a similar running context, whereas the latter indicates how many times the candidate cross-cuts different methods. The final candidates are then obtained from those high fan-in methods, which not only cross-cut others more times than a predefined threshold, but are always entered or left under the same running context. The experiment conducted on three open source systems shows that our approach improves the precision of identifying cross-cutting concerns compared with tradition ones.

  • An Inconsistency Management Support System for Collaborative Software Development

    Phan Thi Thanh HUYEN  Koichiro OCHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E97-D No:1

    In collaborative software developments, many change processes implementing change requests are executed concurrently by different workers. The fact that the workers do not have sufficient information about the others' work and complicated dependencies among artifacts can lead to unexpected inconsistencies among the artifacts impacted by the changes. Most previous studies concentrated only on concurrent changes and considered them separately. However, even when the changes are not concurrent, inconsistencies may still happen if a worker does not recognize the impact of the changes made by other workers on his changes or the impact of his changes on other workers' changes. In addition, the changes in a change process are related to each other through their common target of realizing the change request and the dependencies among the changed artifacts. Therefore, to handle inconsistencies more effectively, we concentrate on both concurrent and non-concurrent changes, and the context of a change, i.e. the change process containing the change, rather than the ongoing changes only. In this paper, we present an inconsistency awareness mechanism and a Change Support Workflow Management System (CSWMS) that realizes this mechanism. By monitoring the progress of the change processes and the ongoing changes in the client workspaces, CSWMS can notify the workers of a (potential) inconsistency in advance along with the context of the inconsistency, that is, the changes causing the inconsistency and the change processes containing these changes. Based on the information provided by CSWMS, the workers can detect and resolve inconsistencies more easily and quickly. Therefore, our research can contribute to building a safer and more efficient collaborative software development environment.

  • Texture Representation via Joint Statistics of Local Quantized Patterns

    Tiecheng SONG  Linfeng XU  Chao HUANG  Bing LUO  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E97-D No:1

    In this paper, a simple yet efficient texture representation is proposed for texture classification by exploring the joint statistics of local quantized patterns (jsLQP). In order to combine information of different domains, the Gaussian derivative filters are first employed to obtain the multi-scale gradient responses. Then, three feature maps are generated by encoding the local quantized binary and ternary patterns in the image space and the gradient space. Finally, these feature maps are hybridly encoded, and their joint histogram is used as the final texture representation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art LBP based and even learning based methods for texture classification.

  • A Novel Pedestrian Detector on Low-Resolution Images: Gradient LBP Using Patterns of Oriented Edges

    Ahmed BOUDISSA  Joo Kooi TAN  Hyoungseop KIM  Takashi SHINOMIYA  Seiji ISHIKAWA  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E96-D No:12

    This paper introduces a simple algorithm for pedestrian detection on low resolution images. The main objective is to create a successful means for real-time pedestrian detection. While the framework of the system consists of edge orientations combined with the local binary patterns (LBP) feature extractor, a novel way of selecting the threshold is introduced. Using the mean-variance of the background examples this threshold improves significantly the detection rate as well as the processing time. Furthermore, it makes the system robust to uniformly cluttered backgrounds, noise and light variations. The test data is the INRIA pedestrian dataset and for the classification, a support vector machine with a radial basis function (RBF) kernel is used. The system performs at state-of-the-art detection rates while being intuitive as well as very fast which leaves sufficient processing time for further operations such as tracking and danger estimation.

  • Optimization of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cluster-Based Cognitive Radio Networks with Soft Data Fusion

    Ying WANG  Wenxuan LIN  Weiheng NI  Ping ZHANG  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E96-B No:11

    This paper addresses the sensing-throughput tradeoff problem by using cluster-based cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) schemes in two-layer hierarchical cognitive radio networks (CRNs) with soft data fusion. The problem is formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem involving both discrete and continuous variables. To simplify the solution, a reasonable weight fusion rule (WFR) is first optimized. Thus, the problem devolves into a constrained discrete optimization problem. In order to efficiently and effectively resolve this problem, a lexicographical approach is presented that solving two optimal subproblems consecutively. Moreover, for the first optimal subproblem, a closed-form solution is deduced, and an optimal clustering scheme (CS) is also presented for the second optimal subproblem. Numerical results show that the proposed approach achieves a satisfying performance and low complexity.

  • Improving Natural Language Requirements Quality Using Workflow Patterns

    Ye WANG  Xiaohu YANG  Cheng CHANG  Alexander J. KAVS  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E96-D No:9

    Natural language (NL) requirements are usually human-centric and therefore error-prone and inaccurate. In order to improve the 3Cs of natural language requirements, namely Consistency, Correctness and Completeness, in this paper we propose a systematic pattern matching approach supporting both NL requirements modeling and inconsistency, incorrectness and incompleteness analysis among requirements. We first use business process modeling language to model NL requirements and then develop a formal language — Workflow Patterns-based Process Language (WPPL) — to formalize NL requirements. We leverage workflow patterns to perform two-level 3Cs checking on the formal representation based on a coherent set of checking rules. Our approach is illustrated through a real world financial service example — Global Equity Trading System (GETS).

  • Bidirectional Local Template Patterns: An Effective and Discriminative Feature for Pedestrian Detection

    Jiu XU  Ning JIANG  Satoshi GOTO  


    E96-A No:6

    In this paper, a novel feature named bidirectional local template patterns (B-LTP) is proposed for use in pedestrian detection in still images. B-LTP is a combination and modification of two features, histogram of templates (HOT) and center-symmetric local binary patterns (CS-LBP). For each pixel, B-LTP defines four templates, each of which contains the pixel itself and two neighboring center-symmetric pixels. For each template, it then calculates information from the relationships among these three pixels and from the two directional transitions across these pixels. Moreover, because the feature length of B-LTP is small, it consumes less memory and computational power. Experimental results on an INRIA dataset show that the speed and detection rate of our proposed B-LTP feature outperform those of other features such as histogram of orientated gradient (HOG), HOT, and covariance matrix (COV).

  • Joint Rate Adaption, Power Control, and Spectrum Allocation in OFDMA-Based Multi-Hop CRNs

    Mui Van NGUYEN  Sungwon LEE  Choong Seon HONG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:1

    The overall performance of multi-hop cognitive radio networks (MHCRNs) can be improved significantly by employing the diversity of orthogonal licensed channels in underlay fashion. However, the mutual interference between secondary links and primary links and the congestion due to the contention among traffic flows traversing the shared link become obstacles to this realizing technique. How to control congestion efficiently in coordination with power and spectrum allocation optimally in order to obtain a high end-to-end throughput is motivating cross-layer designs for MHCRNs. In this paper, by taking into account the problem of joint rate adaption, power control, and spectrum allocation (JRPS), we propose a new cross-layer optimization framework for MHCRNs using orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA). Specifically, the JRPS formulation is shown to be a mix-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem, which is NP-Hard in general. To solve the problem, we first develop a partially distributed algorithm, which is shown to converge to the global optimum within a reasonable time interval. We next propose a suboptimal solution which addresses the shortcomings of the first. Using numerical results, we finally demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.

  • Face Representation and Recognition with Local Curvelet Patterns

    Wei ZHOU  Alireza AHRARY  Sei-ichiro KAMATA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E95-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose Local Curvelet Binary Patterns (LCBP) and Learned Local Curvelet Patterns (LLCP) for presenting the local features of facial images. The proposed methods are based on Curvelet transform which can overcome the weakness of traditional Gabor wavelets in higher dimensions, and better capture the curve singularities and hyperplane singularities of facial images. LCBP can be regarded as a combination of Curvelet features and LBP operator while LLCP designs several learned codebooks from patch sets, which are constructed by sampling patches from Curvelet filtered facial images. Each facial image can be encoded into multiple pattern maps and block-based histograms of these patterns are concatenated into an histogram sequence to be used as a face descriptor. During the face representation phase, one input patch is encoded by one pattern in LCBP while multi-patterns in LLCP. Finally, an effective classifier called Weighted Histogram Spatially constrained Earth Mover's Distance (WHSEMD) which utilizes the discriminative powers of different facial parts, the different patterns and the spatial information of face is proposed. Performance assessment in face recognition and gender estimation under different challenges shows that the proposed approaches are superior than traditional ones.

  • Directivity Control by Asymmetrically Fed Dipole Antenna with PIN Diode Switches

    Yuuya HOSHINO  Akira SAITOU  Kazuhiko HONJO  


    E95-B No:1

    A feed-point-selective, asymmetrically fed dipole antenna has been proposed for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) applications. By using PIN diode switches, an asymmetrical antenna feed is realized so as to control antenna directivities. The two basic requirements for MIMO antenna radiation patterns, namely, a decrease in overlap and control in direction, have been achieved. Additionally, to enhance directivities for the antenna with PIN diodes, a reflector has been introduced. The gain toward the reflector decreased by 2 dB, while the gain in the direction of the maximum gain increased by 2 dB. The developed antenna can correspond to a variable power angular spectrum (PAS).

  • Signal Activity Detection of Offset-QPSK in Colored Gaussian Noise

    Sayed Jalal ZAHABI  Mohammadali KHOSRAVIFARD  Ali A. TADAION  T. Aaron GULLIVER  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E94-A No:11

    This letter considers the problem of detecting an offset quadrature phase shift keying (O-QPSK) modulated signal in colored Gaussian noise. The generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) is employed for detection. By deriving the GLRT, it is shown that the assumption of colored Gaussian noise results in a more complicated problem than with the white noise assumption that was previously examined in the literature. An efficient solution for the detection maximization problem is proposed, based on which the GLRT is implemented. Performance results are presented to illustrate the detector performance.

  • A General Reverse Converter Architecture with Low Complexity and High Performance


    PAPER-Computer System

    E94-D No:2

    This paper presents a general architecture for designing efficient reverse converters based on the moduli set {2α, 22β+1-1, 2β-1}, where β < α ≤ 2β, by using a parallel implementation of mixed-radix conversion (MRC) algorithm. The moduli set {2α, 22β+1-1, 2β-1} is free from modulo (2k+1)-type which can result in an efficient arithmetic unit for residue number system (RNS). The values of α and β can be selected to provide the required dynamic range (DR) and also to adjust the desired equilibrium between moduli bit-width. The simple multiplicative inverses of the proposed moduli set and also using novel techniques to simplify conversion equations lead to a low-complexity and high-performance general reverse converter architecture that can be used to support different DRs. Moreover, due to the current importance of the 5n-bit DR moduli sets, we also introduced the moduli set {22n, 22n+1-1, 2n-1} which is a special case of the general set {2α, 22β+1-1, 2β-1}, where α=2n and β=n. The converter for this special set is derived from the presented general architecture with higher speed than the fastest state-of-the-art reverse converter which has been designed for the 5n-bit DR moduli set {22n, 22n+1-1, 2n-1}. Furthermore, theoretical and FPGA implementation results show that the proposed reverse converter for moduli set {22n, 22n+1-1, 2n-1} results in considerable improvement in conversion delay with less hardware requirements compared to other works with similar DR.

  • Compact Multimode Horn with Coaxial Corrugation for Circular Coverage

    Takashi KOBAYASHI  Hiroyuki DEGUCHI  Mikio TSUJI  Kouhei OMORI  


    E93-C No:1

    For achieving low cross-polarization component in addition to circular-coverage pattern in compact structure, this paper proposes a novel multimode horn with arbitrary coaxial-corrugation configuration which plays two roles of mode converters and chokes. The proposed horn can be designed by iteration of non-linear optimization procedure based on generalized scattering matrices pre-calculated by the mode-matching technique. We show a compact horn with four coaxial corrugations for shaping circular-coverage beam over frequency range of bandwidth 20%. The effectiveness of the designed horn is discussed by evaluating VSWR and radiation characteristics in X-band numerically and experimentally.

  • Efficient MRC-Based Residue to Binary Converters for the New Moduli Sets {22n, 2n -1, 2n+1 -1} and {22n, 2n -1, 2n-1 -1}

    Amir Sabbagh MOLAHOSSEINI  Chitra DADKHAH  Keivan NAVI  Mohammad ESHGHI  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E92-D No:9

    In this paper, the new residue number system (RNS) moduli sets {22n, 2n -1, 2n+1 -1} and {22n, 2n -1, 2n-1 -1} are introduced. These moduli sets have 4n-bit dynamic range and well-formed moduli which can result in high-performance residue to binary converters as well as efficient RNS arithmetic unit. Next, efficient residue to binary converters for the proposed moduli sets based on mixed-radix conversion (MRC) algorithm are presented. The converters are ROM-free and they are realized using carry-save adders and modulo adders. Comparison with the other residue to binary converters for 4n-bit dynamic range moduli sets shown that the presented designs based on new moduli sets {22n, 2n -1, 2n+1 -1} and {22n, 2n -1, 2n-1 -1} are improved the conversion delay and result in hardware savings. Also, the proposed moduli sets can lead to efficient binary to residue converters, and they can speed-up internal RNS arithmetic processing, compared with the other 4n-bit dynamic range moduli sets.

  • TTN: A High Performance Hierarchical Interconnection Network for Massively Parallel Computers

    M.M. Hafizur RAHMAN  Yasushi INOGUCHI  Yukinori SATO  Susumu HORIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E92-D No:5

    Interconnection networks play a crucial role in the performance of massively parallel computers. Hierarchical interconnection networks provide high performance at low cost by exploring the locality that exists in the communication patterns of massively parallel computers. A Tori connected Torus Network (TTN) is a 2D-torus network of multiple basic modules, in which the basic modules are 2D-torus networks that are hierarchically interconnected for higher-level networks. This paper addresses the architectural details of the TTN and explores aspects such as node degree, network diameter, cost, average distance, arc connectivity, bisection width, and wiring complexity. We also present a deadlock-free routing algorithm for the TTN using four virtual channels and evaluate the network's dynamic communication performance using the proposed routing algorithm under uniform and various non-uniform traffic patterns. We evaluate the dynamic communication performance of TTN, TESH, MH3DT, mesh, and torus networks by computer simulation. It is shown that the TTN possesses several attractive features, including constant node degree, small diameter, low cost, small average distance, moderate (neither too low, nor too high) bisection width, and high throughput and very low zero load latency, which provide better dynamic communication performance than that of other conventional and hierarchical networks.

  • A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Finding a Minimally Generalized Linear Interval Graph Pattern

    Hitoshi YAMASAKI  Takayoshi SHOUDAI  


    E92-D No:2

    A graph is an interval graph if and only if each vertex in the graph can be associated with an interval on the real line such that any two vertices are adjacent in the graph exactly when the corresponding intervals have a nonempty intersection. A number of interesting applications for interval graphs have been found in the literature. In order to find structural features common to structural data which can be represented by intervals, this paper proposes new interval graph structured patterns, called linear interval graph patterns, and a polynomial time algorithm for finding a minimally generalized linear interval graph pattern explaining a given finite set of interval graphs.

  • Analysis of the Energy-QoS Tradeoff for Contention-Based Wireless Sensor Networks with Synchronous Wakeup Patterns

    Jun LUO  Ling-ge JIANG  Chen HE  


    E91-B No:8

    To conserve energy, periodic active/sleep dynamics is adopted in wireless sensor networks. At the same time, the QoS guarantees, such as packet delay, packet loss ratio and network throughput need to be satisfied. We develop a finite queuing model for sensor nodes and derive network performance for contention-based wireless sensor networks with synchronous wakeup patterns. Furthermore, the impact of active/sleep duty cycle, time scale and node buffer size on the tradeoff between energy efficiency and QoS guarantees is studied based on the model. Simulation results well match our analytical results and validate the accuracy of our model and approach.

  • Random Texture Defect Detection Using 1-D Hidden Markov Models Based on Local Binary Patterns



    E91-D No:7

    In this paper a novel method for the purpose of random texture defect detection using a collection of 1-D HMMs is presented. The sound textural content of a sample of training texture images is first encoded by a compressed LBP histogram and then the local patterns of the input training textures are learned, in a multiscale framework, through a series of HMMs according to the LBP codes which belong to each bin of this compressed LBP histogram. The hidden states of these HMMs at different scales are used as a texture descriptor that can model the normal behavior of the local texture units inside the training images. The optimal number of these HMMs (models) is determined in an unsupervised manner as a model selection problem. Finally, at the testing stage, the local patterns of the input test image are first predicted by the trained HMMs and a prediction error is calculated for each pixel position in order to obtain a defect map at each scale. The detection results are then merged by an inter-scale post fusion method for novelty detection. The proposed method is tested with a database of grayscale ceramic tile images.

  • Efficient VLSI Design of Residue-to-Binary Converter for the Moduli Set (2n, 2n+1 - 1, 2n - 1)

    Su-Hon LIN  Ming-Hwa SHEU  Chao-Hsiang WANG  

    LETTER-Computer Systems

    E91-D No:7

    The moduli set (2n, 2n+1-1, 2n-1) which is free of (2n+1)-type modulus is profitable to construct a high-performance residue number system (RNS). In this paper, we derive a reduced-complexity residue-to-binary conversion algorithm for the moduli set (2n, 2n+1-1, 2n-1) by using New Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). The resulting converter architecture mainly consists of simple adder and multiplexer (MUX) which is suitable to realize an efficient VLSI implementation. For the various dynamic range (DR) requirements, the experimental results show that the proposed converter can significantly achieve at least 23.3% average Area-Time (AT) saving when comparing with the latest designs. Based on UMC 0.18 µm CMOS cell-based technology, the chip area for 16-bit residue-to-binary converter is 931931 µm2 and its working frequency is about 135 MHz including I/O pad.

  • Design Pattern Detection by Using Meta Patterns

    Shinpei HAYASHI  Junya KATADA  Ryota SAKAMOTO  Takashi KOBAYASHI  Motoshi SAEKI  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E91-D No:4

    One of the approaches to improve program understanding is to extract what kinds of design pattern are used in existing object-oriented software. This paper proposes a technique for efficiently and accurately detecting occurrences of design patterns included in source codes. We use both static and dynamic analyses to achieve the detection with high accuracy. Moreover, to reduce computation and maintenance costs, detection conditions are hierarchically specified based on Pree's meta patterns as common structures of design patterns. The usage of Prolog to represent the detection conditions enables us to easily add and modify them. Finally, we have implemented an automated tool as an Eclipse plug-in and conducted experiments with Java programs. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our approach.
