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[Keyword] Rician(31hit)


  • Adaptive Zero-Padding with Impulsive Training Signal MMSE-SMI Adaptive Array Interference Suppression

    He HE  Shun KOJIMA  Kazuki MARUTA  Chang-Jun AHN  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E106-A No:4

    In mobile communication systems, the channel state information (CSI) is severely affected by the noise effect of the receiver. The adaptive subcarrier grouping (ASG) for sample matrix inversion (SMI) based minimum mean square error (MMSE) adaptive array has been previously proposed. Although it can reduce the additive noise effect by increasing samples to derive the array weight for co-channel interference suppression, it needs to know the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in advance to set the threshold for subcarrier grouping. This paper newly proposes adaptive zero padding (AZP) in the time domain to improve the weight accuracy of the SMI matrix. This method does not need to estimate the SNR in advance, and even if the threshold is always constant, it can adaptively identify the position of zero-padding to eliminate the noise interference of the received signal. Simulation results reveal that the proposed method can achieve superior bit error rate (BER) performance under various Rician K factors.

  • Spatial Vectors Effective for Nakagami-m Fading MIMO Channels Open Access

    Tatsumi KONISHI  Hiroyuki NAKANO  Yoshikazu YANO  Michihiro AOKI  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E105-A No:3

    This letter proposes a transmission scheme called spatial vector (SV), which is effective for Nakagami-m fading multiple-input multiple-output channels. First, the analytical error rate of SV is derived for Nakagami-m fading MIMO channels. Next, an example of SV called integer SV (ISV) is introduced. The error performance was evaluated over Nakagami-m fading from m = 1 to m = 50 and compared with spatial modulation (SM), enhanced SM, and quadrature SM. The results show that for m > 1, ISV outperforms the SM schemes and is robust to m variations.

  • On the Performance of Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Cooperative Networks with Different Combining Schemes

    Guoqiang CHENG  Qingquan HUANG  Zhi LIN  Xiangshuai TAO  Jian OUYANG  Guodong WU  


    E102-B No:10

    In this paper, we consider a hybrid satellite terrestrial cooperative network with a multi-antenna relay where the satellite links follows the shadowed-Rician fading and the terrestrial link undergoes the correlated Rayleigh fading. Specifically, two different channel state information (CSI) assumptions are considered: 1) full CSI at the relay; 2) full CSI of satellite-relay link and statistical CSI of relay-destination link at the relay. In addition, selection combining (SC) or maximal ratio combining (MRC) are used at the destination to combine the signals from direct link and relay link. By considering the above four cases, we derived the closed-form expressions for the outage probability (OP) respectively. Furthermore, the asymptotic OP expressions at high signal-to-noise (SNR) are developed to reveal the diversity orders and the array gains of the considered network. Finally, numerical results are provided to validate our analytical expressions as well as the system performance for different cases.

  • Open-Loop Correlation Reduction Precoding in Overloaded MIMO-OFDM Systems

    Hikari MATSUOKA  Yoshihito DOI  Tatsuro YABE  Yukitoshi SANADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:1

    This paper proposes an open-loop correlation reduction precoding scheme for overloaded multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. In overloaded MIMO-OFDM systems, frequency diversity through joint maximum likelihood (ML) decoding suppresses performance degradation owing to spatial signal multiplexing. However, on a line-of-sight (LOS) channel, a channel matrix may have a large correlation between coded symbols transmitted on separate subcarriers. The correlation reduces the frequency diversity gain and deteriorates the signal separation capability. Thus, in the proposed scheme, open-loop precoding is employed at the transmitter of an overloaded MIMO system in order to reduce the correlation between codewords transmitted on different signal streams. The proposed precoding scheme changes the amplitude as well as the phase of the coded symbols transmitted on different subcarriers. Numerical results obtained through computer simulation show that the proposed scheme improves the bit error rate performance on Rician channels. It is also shown that the proposed scheme greatly suppresses the performance degradation on an independent Rayleigh fading channel even though the amplitude of the coded symbols varies.

  • Regional Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff

    Won-Yong SHIN  Koji ISHIBASHI  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E94-B No:10

    The concept of regional diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) is introduced by extending the asymptotic outage probability expression for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels. It is shown that for both Rayleigh and Rician MIMO channels, the regional diversity gain is a linear function of the regional multiplexing gain and that the original DMT curve can be obtained from the set of regional DMT lines. As a result, vital information for capturing both finite and infinite signal-to-noise ratio characteristics in terms of DMT is provided.

  • Statistical Characteristics of OFDM Systems over Frequency-Selective Rician Fading Channels and Its Application to BER Study

    Zhiwei MAO  Julian CHENG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:9

    Some statistical characteristics, including the means and the cross-correlations, of frequency-selective Rician fading channels seen by orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) subcarriers are derived in this paper. Based on a pairwise error probability analysis, the mean vector and the cross-correlation matrix are used to obtain an upper bound of the overall bit-error rate (BER) in a closed-form for coded OFDM signals with and without inter-carrier interference. In this paper, the overall BER is defined as the average BER of OFDM signals of all subcarriers obtained by considering their cross-correlations. Numerical examples are presented to compare the proposed upper bound of the overall BERs and the overall BERs obtained by simulations.

  • Efficient Interference Cancellation Detector in Sparse Rician Frequency Selective Fading Channels

    Jieling WANG  Yinghui ZHANG  Hong YANG  Kechu YI  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:7

    In this letter, the interference cancellation technique is introduced to single carrier (SC) block transmission systems in sparse Rician frequency selective fading channels, and an effective equalizer is presented. Hard decision on the transmitted signal is made by commonly used SC equalizers, and every multipath signal can be constructed by the initial solution and channel state information. Then, final demodulation result is obtained by the line-of-sight component in the received signal which can be achieved by cancelling the other multipath signals in the received signal. The solution can be further used to construct the multipath signals allowing a multistage detector with higher performance to be realized. It is shown by Monte Carlo simulations in an SUI-5 channel that the new scheme offers dramatically higher performance than traditional equalization schemes.

  • Performance Analysis of Semi-Blind Amplify-and-Forward Relay System in Mixed Nakagami-m and Rician Fading Channels

    Wei XU  Jianhua ZHANG  Yi LIU  Ping ZHANG  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E93-B No:11

    Performance analysis of a dual-hop semi-blind amplify-and-forward (AF) relay system in mixed Nakagami-m and Rician fading channels, is proposed. We derived the closed-form expression for the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the equivalent end-to-end signal to noise ratio (SNR), based on which the exact outage probability and symbol error probability (SEP) are investigated. The theoretical analysis is validated by Monte Carlo simulation results.

  • MAP Source-Controlled Channel Decoding with Interleavers for MPEG-4 Image Indoor Wireless Transmission Systems



    E92-B No:10

    In the modern day, MPEG-4 image compression technique have been commonly applied in various indoor wireless communication systems. The efficient system design mostly relies on the joint source channel coding algorithms, which aim to reduce the complexity of channel coding process, while maintaining the quality of the receiving images. In this paper, we design the MAP source-controlled channel decoders with both random and semirandom interleavers for Rician slow flat block-fading channels. The MAP-Viterbi decoder employs the residual redundancy from zerotree symbol sequences of MPEG-4 HFS packets. The interleaving processes are done after the overall channel coding process to combat the block-fading effects. The computer simulations summarize the system performance in terms of average WER and PSNR (dB). With the interleavers, the significant improvement in PSNR of about 15-17 dB is obtained for both ML and MAP decoding. Also in many cases, we obtain more improvement of about 0.2-0.4 dB for using MAP decoding with the interleavers.

  • BER Performance Evaluation in 22 MIMO Spatial Multiplexing Systems under Rician Fading Channels

    Yutaka MURAKAMI  Takashi MATSUOKA  Masayuki ORIHASHI  

    PAPER-Communication Theory

    E91-A No:10

    In this paper, BER (Bit Error Rate) performance in 22 MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) spatial multiplexing systems under Rician fading channels is evaluated. We examine BER performances employing inverse channel detection (ICD) under Rician fading channels, adding the phase of the direct path and Rician factor as a parameter. The results clearly indicate that the phase of the direct path and Rician factor have a great influence on BER performances employing ICD under Rician fading channels.

  • Performance Analysis of M-ary Orthogonal Code Shift Keying in Fading Channels

    Masaaki HARADA  Keiji TANIGUCHI  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E91-B No:2

    The average bit error rate performances of M-ary orthogonal code shift keying (CSK) in Rician fading environments are analyzed in this letter. CSK is a digital modulation scheme that uses a code set as M-ary signals. In CSK, one code is selected from a code set containing M codes according to the information data. A signal is modulated by using this code and the effect of fading can be reduced by applying interleaving to the elements of the codes. In the analysis, the bit error probability is derived in closed form expression by using the Chernoff bound. The analysis results show that the error probability decreases when the code length is increased and that an arbitrarily small error probability is achieved as the code length approaches infinity, provided that Eb/N0 exceeds 1.42 dB.

  • MIMO System with Relative Phase Difference Time-Shift Modulation for Rician Fading Environment

    Kenichi KOBAYASHI  Takao SOMEYA  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Sigit P.W. JAROT  Tsuyoshi KASHIMA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:2

    Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems that realize high-speed data transmission with multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver are drawing much attention. In line-of sight (LOS) environments, the performance of MIMO systems depends largely on the difference of the phase difference of direct paths from transmit antennas to each receive antenna. When the phase difference of direct paths are close to each other, the spatial division multiplexing (SDM) channels are not orthogonal to each other so signal detection becomes difficult. In this paper, we propose a MIMO system with relative phase difference time-shift modulation (RPDTM) in Rician fading environments. The proposed scheme transmits independent signals from each antenna at each time slot where the relative phase difference between signal constellations used by transmit antennas varies in a pre-determined pattern. This transmission virtually changes the phase difference of direct paths from transmit antennas to each receive antenna without lowering data rate and without knowledge of the channels. In addition, forward error correction coding (ECC) is applied to exploit the time slots where the receiver can detect the signals easily to improve the detection performance. If there are time slots where the receiver can separate the received signal, the receiver can decode the data by using the time slots and the correlation between data. From the results of computer simulation, we show that MIMO system with RPDTM can achieve the better bit error rate (BER) than the conventional MIMO system. We also show that the MIMO system with RPDTM is effective by about Rician factor K = 10 dB.

  • Asymptotic Performance Analysis of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes in Spatially Correlated Rician Fading Channel

    Kyung Seung AHN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E91-A No:1

    In this letter, we analyze symbol error probability (SEP) and diversity gain of orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBCs) in spatially correlated Rician fading channel. We derive the moment generating function (MGF) of an effective signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver and use it to derive the SEP for M-PSK modulation. We use this result to show that the diversity gain is achieved by the product of the rank of the transmit and receive correlation matrix, and the loss in array gain is quantified as a function of the spatial correlation and the line of sight (LOS) component.

  • Impact of the Line-of-Sight Propagation Component on the Orthogonality Factor of the Synchronous DS-CDMA Uplink

    Seung-Hoon HWANG  Lajos HANZO  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E89-B No:1

    This paper investigates a modifying orthogonality factor for synchronous DS-CDMA uplink in dispersive Rician multipath fading channels, which reflects upon the effects of specular path power as well as decaying channel characteristics. Using this investigation, the orthogonal factors in indoor environments are evaluated and compared with the various parameters such as decaying factor, line-of-sight component, and the number of multipaths.

  • Performance Analysis of Symbol Error Probability for MPSK with an I-Q Unbalance over a Rician Fading Channel

    Jinah PARK  Seungkeun PARK  Kyoung Rok CHO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:4

    Two rotational transformations are used to derive a new expression for the symbol error probability (SEP) of an M-ary phase shift keying (MPSK) with an I-Q unbalance over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rician fading channels. We used the new expression to investigate the effect of the I-Q unbalance on the MPSK SEP performance. Our investigation confirms that this approach is a convenient way to evaluate the average SEP of an MPSK for various cases of the Rician factor.

  • Effects of Frequency and Timing Offsets on the FFH-MA System Over a Rician Fading Channel

    Jeungmin JOO  Kanghee KIM  Hyunduk KANG  Kiseon KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:4

    The bit error rate (BER) degradations of fast frequency hopping multiple access (FFH-MA) systems due to the frequency and timing offsets are investigated over a Rician fading channel. It is shown that as the received average SNR increases, the BER is affected much larger by frequency and timing offsets. When the frequency offset or the timing offset exists alone, the BER of the FFH-MA system is degraded much more due to the timing offset than due to the frequency offset. The BER degradation due to both the frequency offset and the timing offset is larger than the sum of the degradations due to each offset.

  • Sensitivity Analysis of Fast Frequency Hopping Multiple Access Systems due to the Frequency Offset under Rician Fading

    Jeungmin JOO  Chiho LEE  Sungdon MOON  Yeomin YOON  Kiseon KIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:9

    In order to investigate the sensitivity of fast frequency hopping-multiple access (FFH-MA) systems due to the frequency offset under Rician fading, we evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance of the FFH-MA system using noncoherent M-ary frequency shift keying (FSK) with the hard decision decoding and the majority logic decision. Numerical results show that for satisfying the BER performance of 10-5 at a given normalized frequency offset of 0.2, the additional signal to noise ratio (SNR) of about 4 dB is required with the 8-ary FSK signaling compared to the case of the perfect frequency synchronization. While the frequency offset increases at a given SNR, the BER is more severely degraded, and subsequently, the BER performance is saturated at the normalized frequency offset of 0.5 regardless of fading environments. For the SNRs of more than 15 dB, the threshold level of the receiver suffering from normalized frequency offsets of less than 0.4 should be larger than that of the perfectly frequency synchronized receiver.

  • Approximate Expression of BER Performance in DS-CDMA Systems over Multi-Path Fading Channels

    Fumihito SASAMORI  Shiro HANDA  Fumiaki MAEHARA  Fumio TAKAHATA  Shinjiro OSHITA  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:8

    The transmission quality in mobile wireless communication systems is affected by not only AWGN but also multi-path fading. Particularly, the Doppler frequency, the delay spread and the Rician factor have a great influence upon the quality over fading channels. This letter proposes the approximate equation for easily calculating the BER in DS-CDMA systems over multi-path fading channels. The validity of the approximate equation is confirmed from the fact that the BER calculated by the equation coincides with that by the computer simulation.

  • Performance Comparison of FH-MFSK System with Various Diversity Combining Schemes under Worst Case Partial Band Jamming

    Sungdon MOON  Yeomin YOON  Jeungmin JOO  Kwangeog LEE  Kiseon KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:4

    In fast frequency hopped (FFH) non-coherent MFSK systems, the diversity combining scheme can be used effectively in order to combat the interference, especially jamming noise. In this paper, we simulate and discuss the BER performance of FH/MFSK system for different diversity combining schemes, such as linear combining, clipped-linear combining, normalized envelop detection (NED), order statistics (OS) NED and product combining receiver (PCR), in the presence of both the worst case partial band jamming (PBJ) and the fading channel. The performances of those combining schemes except for linear combining are similar each other in the worst case PBJ without the fading. In the existence of both the worst case PBJ and the fading channel, the clipped-linear combining scheme suffers a larger drop in performance than other combining schemes. It is noteworthy that the performances of OSNED and PCR are the best in Rayleigh fading channel among those combining schemes.

  • New Evaluation on Maximum Ratio Diversity Reception of M-ary QAM Signals over Rician Fading Channels

    Changhwan KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:11

    When M-ary QAM (MQAM) signals experience the Rician fading channels, diversity schemes can minimize the effects of these fadings since deep fades seldom occur simultaneously during the same time intervals on two or more paths. The symbol error probability of MQAM systems using L-branch maximum ratio combining (MRC) diversity reception is derived theoretically over frequency-nonselective slow Rician fading channels with an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). This derived evaluation is expressed as the infinite series composed of hypergeometric and gamma functions. These performance evaluations allow designers to determine M-ary modulation methods for Rician fading environments.
