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  • Closed-Form Approximations for Gaussian Sum Smoother with Nonlinear Model

    Haiming DU  Jinfeng CHEN  Huadong WANG  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E99-A No:3

    Research into closed-form Gaussian sum smoother has provided an attractive approach for tracking in clutter, joint detection and tracking (in clutter), and multiple target tracking (in clutter) via the probability hypothesis density (PHD). However, Gaussian sum smoother with nonlinear target model has particular nonlinear expressions in the backward smoothed density that are different from the other filters and smoothers. In order to extend the closed-form solution of linear Gaussian sum smoother to nonlinear model, two closed-form approximations for nonlinear Gaussian sum smoother are proposed, which use Gaussian particle approximation and unscented transformation approximation, separately. Since the estimated target number of PHD smoother is not stable, a heuristic approximation method is added. At last, the Bernoulli smoother and PHD smoother are simulated using Gaussian particle approximation and unscented transformation approximation, and simulation results show that the two proposed algorithms can obtain smoothed tracks with nonlinear models, and have better performance than filter.

  • Photoplethysmography Measurement Algorithm for a Smartphone Camera

    Sangjoon LEE  Chul Geun PARK  Kuk Won KO  


    E99-B No:3

    In this study, we propose a method for measuring a photoplethysmograph using a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor image sensor (CMOS) or smartphone camera for the adaptation of a mobile health (m-health) services. The proposed algorithm consists of six procedures. Before measuring the photoplethysmograph, the human fingertip must make contact with the smartphone camera lens and turn on the camera light. The first procedure converts the red-green-blue (RGB) to a gray image from a camera image, Then, region of interest (ROI) must be detected from the obtained image. The third procedure calculates the baseline level to reduce direct current (DC) offset effect, before extracting the photoplethysmograph from the camera image. The baseline is filtered, and the last step oversamples the resulting baseline filtered data using cubic spline interpolation. The proposed algorithm has been tested on six people using CMOS image sensors of several smartphones, which can effectively acquire a PPG signal in any situation. We believe that the proposed algorithm could easily be adapted into any m-health system that used a CMOS image sensor.

  • Modulation Format Conversion of OOK to PAM Signals Using Balanced Detection and Intensity Modulation

    Koichi TAKIGUCHI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Optoelectronics

    E99-C No:3

    I report modulation format conversion technology that maps on-off keying to 4-level pulse amplitude modulation signals. The conversion technology is based on balanced detection and intensity modulation. Two input optical on-off keying signals into a balanced photo detector produce an electrical signal that drives an intensity modulator to generate an optical pulse amplitude modulation signal. Two 20Gbit/s on-off keying signals were successfully converted into a 40Gbit/s pulse amplitude modulation signal.

  • Online Weight Balancing on the Unit Circle

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Takahiro SEKI  Toshihiro FUJITO  


    E99-D No:3

    We consider a problem as follows: Given unit weights arriving in an online manner with the total cardinality unknown, upon each arrival we decide where to place it on the unit circle in $mathbb{R}^{2}$. The objective is to set the center of mass of the placed weights as close to the origin as possible. We apply competitive analysis defining the competitive difference as a performance measure. We first present an optimal strategy for placing unit weights which achieves a competitive difference of $ rac{1}{5}$. We next consider a variant in which the destination of each weight must be chosen from a set of positions that equally divide the unit circle. We give a simple strategy whose competitive difference is 0.35. Moreover, in the offline setting, several conditions for the center of mass to lie at the origin are derived.

  • Protein Fold Classification Using Large Margin Combination of Distance Metrics

    Chendra Hadi SURYANTO  Kazuhiro FUKUI  Hideitsu HINO  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E99-D No:3

    Many methods have been proposed for measuring the structural similarity between two protein folds. However, it is difficult to select one best method from them for the classification task, as each method has its own strength and weakness. Intuitively, combining multiple methods is one solution to get the optimal classification results. In this paper, by generalizing the concept of the large margin nearest neighbor (LMNN), a method for combining multiple distance metrics from different types of protein structure comparison methods for protein fold classification task is proposed. While LMNN is limited to Mahalanobis-based distance metric learning from a set of feature vectors of training data, the proposed method learns an optimal combination of metrics from a set of distance metrics by minimizing the distances between intra-class data and enlarging the distances of different classes' data. The main advantage of the proposed method is the capability in finding an optimal weight coefficient for combination of many metrics, possibly including poor metrics, avoiding the difficulties in selecting which metrics to be included for the combination. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated on classification experiments using two public protein datasets, namely, Ding Dubchak dataset and ENZYMES dataset.

  • On the Outage Performance of Decode-and-Forward Opportunistic Mobile Relaying with Direct Link

    Hui TIAN  Kui XU  Youyun XU  Xiaochen XIA  


    E99-B No:3

    In this paper, we investigate the effect of outdated channel state information (CSI) on decode-and-forward opportunistic mobile relaying networks with direct link (DL) between source node and destination node. Relay selection schemes with different levels of CSI are considered: 1) only outdated CSI is available during the relay selection procedure; 2) not only outdated CSI but also second-order statistics information are available in relay selection process. Three relay selection schemes are proposed based on the two levels of outdated CSI. Closed-form expressions of the outage probability are derived for the proposed relay selection schemes. Meanwhile, the asymptotic behavior and the achievable diversity of three relay selection schemes are analyzed. Finally, simulation results are presented to verify our analytical results.

  • Time Performance Optimization and Resource Conflicts Resolution for Multiple Project Management

    Cong LIU  Jiujun CHENG  Yirui WANG  Shangce GAO  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E99-D No:3

    Time performance optimization and resource conflict resolution are two important challenges in multiple project management contexts. Compared with traditional project management, multi-project management usually suffers limited and insufficient resources, and a tight and urgent deadline to finish all concurrent projects. In this case, time performance optimization of the global project management is badly needed. To our best knowledge, existing work seldom pays attention to the formal modeling and analyzing of multi-project management in an effort to eliminate resource conflicts and optimizing the project execution time. This work proposes such a method based on PRT-Net, which is a Petri net-based formulism tailored for a kind of project constrained by resource and time. The detailed modeling approaches based on PRT-Net are first presented. Then, resource conflict detection method with corresponding algorithm is proposed. Next, the priority criteria including a key-activity priority strategy and a waiting-short priority strategy are presented to resolve resource conflicts. Finally, we show how to construct a conflict-free PRT-Net by designing resource conflict resolution controllers. By experiments, we prove that our proposed priority strategy can ensure the execution time of global multiple projects much shorter than those without using any strategies.

  • Competitive Analysis for the Flat-Rate Problem

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Atsushi MATSUDA  Toshihiro FUJITO  


    E99-D No:3

    We consider a problem of the choice of price plans offered by a telecommunications company: a “pay-as-you-go” plan and a “flat-rate” plan. This problem is formulated as an online optimization problem extending the ski-rental problem, and analyzed using the competitive ratio. We give a lemma for easily calculating the competitive ratio. Based on the lemma, we derive a family of optimal strategies for a realistic class of instances.

  • Color-Enriched Gradient Similarity for Retouched Image Quality Evaluation

    Leida LI  Yu ZHOU  Jinjian WU  Jiansheng QIAN  Beijing CHEN  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E99-D No:3

    Image retouching is fundamental in photography, which is widely used to improve the perceptual quality of a low-quality image. Traditional image quality metrics are designed for degraded images, so they are limited in evaluating the quality of retouched images. This letter presents a RETouched Image QUality Evaluation (RETIQUE) algorithm by measuring structure and color changes between the original and retouched images. Structure changes are measured by gradient similarity. Color colorfulness and saturation are utilized to measure color changes. The overall quality score of a retouched image is computed as the linear combination of gradient similarity and color similarity. The performance of RETIQUE is evaluated on a public Digitally Retouched Image Quality (DRIQ) database. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed metric outperforms the state-of-the-arts.

  • Multi-Layer Perceptron with Pulse Glial Chain

    Chihiro IKUTA  Yoko UWATE  Yoshifumi NISHIO  Guoan YANG  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E99-A No:3

    Glial cells include several types of cells such as astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes apart from the neurons in the brain. In particular, astrocytes are known to be important in higher brain function and are therefore sometimes simply called glial cells. An astrocyte can transmit signals to other astrocytes and neurons using ion concentrations. Thus, we expect that the functions of an astrocyte can be applied to an artificial neural network. In this study, we propose a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with a pulse glial chain. The proposed MLP contains glia (astrocytes) in a hidden layer. The glia are connected to neurons and are excited by the outputs of the neurons. The excited glia generate pulses that affect the excitation thresholds of the neurons and their neighboring glia. The glial network provides a type of positional relationship between the neurons in the hidden layer, which can enhance the performance of MLP learning. We confirm through computer simulations that the proposed MLP has better learning performance than a conventional MLP.

  • Uniformly Random Generation of Floorplans

    Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Shin-ichi NAKANO  


    E99-D No:3

    In this paper, we consider the problem of generating uniformly random mosaic floorplans. We propose a polynomial-time algorithm that generates such floorplans with f faces. Two modified algorithms are created to meet additional criteria.

  • Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Using Sub-Nyquist Sampling in Cognitive Radios

    Honggyu JUNG  Thu L. N. NGUYEN  Yoan SHIN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E99-A No:3

    We propose a cooperative spectrum sensing scheme based on sub-Nyquist sampling in cognitive radios. Our main purpose is to understand the uncertainty caused by sub-Nyquist sampling and to present a sensing scheme that operates at low sampling rates. In order to alleviate the aliasing effect of sub-Nyquist sampling, we utilize cooperation among secondary users and the sparsity order of channel occupancy. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme can achieve reasonable sensing performance even at low sampling rates.

  • Massive MIMO Technologies and Challenges towards 5G Open Access

    Haralabos PAPADOPOULOS  Chenwei WANG  Ozgun BURSALIOGLU  Xiaolin HOU  Yoshihisa KISHIYAMA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:3

    Massive MIMO is widely recognized as an essential technology for 5G. Together with newly allocated spectrum (bandwidth) and network densification (small cells), it is expected to play a key role in coping with the ongoing explosion in data-traffic demand and services. Compared to 4G MIMO technologies, massive MIMO can offer large gains in cell spectral efficiency, which, in combination with small cells and additional bandwidth, can translate into vast gains in throughput per unit area. We briefly overview the most promising TDD and FDD operation modes for massive MIMO, and discuss their potential benefits and challenges considering operation over different tiers and frequency bands. TDD operation is naturally suited to massive MIMO and can offer “massive MIMO” gains, with simple in-cell processing, low overheads and low end-to-end latencies. We also briefly describe some important massive MIMO activities towards 5G, including standardization efforts, system development and experimental trials.

  • Cellular Automata Associated with Σ-Algebras

    Shuichi INOKUCHI  Hitoshi FURUSAWA  Toshikazu ISHIDA  Yasuo KAWAHARA  


    E99-D No:3

    In this paper we present a novel treatment of cellular automata (CA) from an algebraic point of view. CA on monoids associated with Σ-algebras are introduced. Then an extension of Hedlund's theorem which connects CA associated with Σ-algebras and continuous functions between prodiscrete topological spaces on the set of configurations are discussed.

  • Path Feasibility Analysis of BPEL Processes under Dead Path Elimination Semantics

    Hongda WANG  Jianchun XING  Juelong LI  Qiliang YANG  Xuewei ZHANG  Deshuai HAN  Kai LI  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E99-D No:3

    Web Service Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) has become the de facto standard for developing instant service-oriented workflow applications in open environment. The correctness and reliability of BPEL processes have gained increasing concerns. However, the unique features (e.g., dead path elimination (DPE) semantics, parallelism, etc.) of BPEL language have raised enormous problems to it, especially in path feasibility analysis of BPEL processes. Path feasibility analysis of BPEL processes is the basis of BPEL testing, for it relates to the test case generation. Since BPEL processes support both parallelism and DPE semantics, existing techniques can't be directly applied to its path feasibility analysis. To address this problem, we present a novel technique to analyze the path feasibility for BPEL processes. First, to tackle unique features mentioned above, we transform a BPEL process into an intermediary model — BPEL control flow graph, which is proposed to abstract the execution flow of BPEL processes. Second, based on this abstraction, we symbolically encode every path of BPEL processes as some Satisfiability formulas. Finally, we solve these formulas with the help of Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers and the feasible paths of BPEL processes are obtained. We illustrate the applicability and feasibility of our technique through a case study.

  • Peer Review Social Network (PeRSoN) in Open Source Projects

    Xin YANG  Norihiro YOSHIDA  Raula GAIKOVINA KULA  Hajimu IIDA  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E99-D No:3

    Software peer review is regarded as one of the most important approaches to preserving software quality. Due to the distributed collaborations in Open Source Software (OSS) development, the review techniques and processes conducted in OSS environment differ from the traditional review method that based on formal face-to-face meetings. Unlike other related works, this study investigates peer review processes of OSS projects from the social perspective: communication and interaction in peer review by using social network analysis (SNA). Moreover, the relationship between peer review contributors and their activities is studied. We propose an approach to evaluating contributors' activeness and social relationship using SNA named Peer Review Social Network (PeRSoN). We evaluate our approach by empirical case study, 326,286 review comments and 1,745 contributors from three representative industrial OSS projects have been extracted and analyzed. The results indicate that the social network structure influences the realistic activeness of contributors significantly. Based on the results, we suggest our approach can support project leaders in assigning review tasks, appointing reviewers and other activities to improve current software processes.

  • k Nearest Neighbor Classification Coprocessor with Weighted Clock-Mapping-Based Searching

    Fengwei AN  Lei CHEN  Toshinobu AKAZAWA  Shogo YAMASAKI  Hans Jürgen MATTAUSCH  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E99-C No:3

    Nearest-neighbor-search classifiers are attractive but they have high intrinsic computational demands which limit their practical application. In this paper, we propose a coprocessor for k (k with k≥1) nearest neighbor (kNN) classification in which squared Euclidean distances (SEDs) are mapped into the clock domain for realizing high search speed and energy efficiency. The minimal SED searching is carried out by weighted frequency dividers that drastically reduce the normally exponential increase of the worst-case search-clock number with the bit width of vector components to only a linear increase. This also results in low power dissipation and high area-efficiency in comparison to the traditional method using large numbers of adders and comparators. The kNN classifier determines the class of an unknown input sample with a majority decision among the k nearest reference samples. The required majority-decision circuit is integrated with the clock-mapping-based minimal-SED searching architecture and proceeds with the classification immediately after identification of each of the k nearest references. A test chip in 180 nm CMOS technology, which can process 8 dimensions of 32 reference vectors in parallel, achieves low power dissipation of 40.32 mW (at 51.21 MHz clock frequency and 1.8 V supply voltage). Significantly, the distance search circuit consumes only 5.99 mW. Feature vectors with different dimensionality up to 2048 dimensions can be handled by the designed coprocessor due to a dimension extension circuit, enabling large flexibility for usage in different application.

  • Performance of an Inline RZ-DPSK Pulse Compression Using Raman Amplifier and Its Application in OTDM Tributary



    E99-C No:2

    We experimentally investigate the performance of a distributed Raman amplifier (DRA)-based pulse compressor for a phase modulated signal. A 10 Gb/s return-to-zero (RZ)-differential phase shift keying (DPSK) signal is compressed to picosecond range after transmission. Pulsewidth is continuously compressed in a wide range from 20 to 3.2 ps by changing the pump power of the DRA while the compressed waveforms are well-matched with sech2 function. Error-free operations at bit-error-rate (BER) of 10-9 are achieved for the compressed signals of various pulsewidths with low power penalties within 2.3 dB compared to the back-to-back. After the compression, the 10 Gb/s signal is used to generate a 40 Gb/s RZ-DPSK optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) signal. This 40 Gb/s OTDM signal is then successfully demultiplexed to 10 Gb/s DPSK signal by using an optical gate based on four-wave mixing (FWM) in a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF).

  • A SOI Cache-Tag Memory with Dual-Rail Wordline Scheme

    Nobutaro SHIBATA  Takako ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E99-C No:2

    Cache memories are the major application of high-speed SRAMs, and they are frequently installed in high performance logic VLSIs including microprocessors. This paper presents a 4-way set-associative, SOI cache-tag memory. To obtain higher operating speed with less power dissipation, we devised an I/O-separated memory cell with a dual-rail wordline, which is used to transmit complementary selection signals. The address decoding delay was shortened using CMOS dual-rail logic. To enhance the maximum operating frequency, bitline's recovery operations after writing data were eliminated using a memory array configuration without half-selected cells. Moreover, conventional, sensitive but slow differential amplifiers were successfully removed from the data I/O circuitry with a hierarchical bitline scheme. As regards the stored data management, we devised a new hardware-oriented LRU-data replacement algorithm on the basis of 6-bit directed graph. With the experimental results obtained with a test chip fabricated with a 0.25-µm CMOS/SIMOX process, the core of the cache-tag memory with a 1024-set configuration can achieve a 1.5-ns address access time under typical conditions of a 2-V power supply and 25°C. The power dissipation during standby was less than 14 µW, and that at the 500-MHz operation was 13-83 mW, depending on the bit-stream data pattern.

  • An Improved Indirect Attribute Weighted Prediction Model for Zero-Shot Image Classification

    Yuhu CHENG  Xue QIAO  Xuesong WANG  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E99-D No:2

    Zero-shot learning refers to the object classification problem where no training samples are available for testing classes. For zero-shot learning, attribute transfer plays an important role in recognizing testing classes. One popular method is the indirect attribute prediction (IAP) model, which assumes that all attributes are independent and equally important for learning the zero-shot image classifier. However, a more practical assumption is that different attributes contribute unequally to the classifier learning. We therefore propose assigning different weights for the attributes based on the relevance probabilities between the attributes and the classes. We incorporate such weighed attributes to IAP and propose a relevance probability-based indirect attribute weighted prediction (RP-IAWP) model. Experiments on four popular attributed-based learning datasets show that, when compared with IAP and RFUA, the proposed RP-IAWP yields more accurate attribute prediction and zero-shot image classification.
