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  • Fast Estimation of NBTI-Induced Delay Degradation Based on Signal Probability

    Song BIAN  Michihiro SHINTANI  Masayuki HIROMOTO  Takashi SATO  


    E99-A No:7

    As technology further scales semiconductor devices, aging-induced device degradation has become one of the major threats to device reliability. Hence, taking aging-induced degradation into account during the design phase can greatly improve the reliability of the manufactured devices. However, accurately estimating the aging effect for extremely large circuits, like processors, is time-consuming. In this research, we focus on the negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) as the aging-induced degradation mechanism, and propose a fast and efficient way of estimating NBTI-induced delay degradation by utilizing static-timing analysis (STA) and simulation-based lookup table (LUT). We modeled each type of gates at different degradation levels, load capacitances and input slews. Using these gate-delay models, path delays of arbitrary circuits can be efficiently estimated. With a typical five-stage pipelined processor as the design target, by comparing the calculated delay from LUT with the reference delay calculated by a commercial circuit simulator, we achieved 4114 times speedup within 5.6% delay error.

  • A Study on Single Polarization Guidance in Photonic Band Gap Fiber with Anisotropic Lattice of Circular Air Holes

    Kazuki ICHIKAWA  Zejun ZHANG  Yasuhide TSUJI  Masashi EGUCHI  


    E99-C No:7

    We propose a novel single polarization photonic band gap fiber (SP-PBGF) with an anisotropic air hole lattice in the core. An SP-PBGF with an elliptical air hole lattice in the core recently proposed can easily realize SP guidance utilizing the large difference of cutoff frequency for the x- and y-polarized modes. In this paper, in order to achieve SP guidance based on the same principle of this PBGF, we utilize an anisotropic lattice of circular air holes instead of elliptical air holes to ease the fabrication difficulty. After investigating the influence of the structural parameters on SP guidance, it is numerically demonstrated that the designed SP-PBGF has 381 nm SP operating band.

  • A Multi-Scenario High-Level Synthesis Algorithm for Variation-Tolerant Floorplan-Driven Design

    Koki IGAWA  Masao YANAGISAWA  Nozomu TOGAWA  


    E99-A No:7

    In order to tackle a process-variation problem, we can define several scenarios, each of which corresponds to a particular LSI behavior, such as a typical-case scenario and a worst-case scenario. By designing a single LSI chip which realizes multiple scenarios simultaneously, we can have a process-variation-tolerant LSI chip. In this paper, we propose a multi-scenario high-level synthesis algorithm for variation-tolerant floorplan-driven design targeting new distributed-register architectures, called HDR architectures. We assume two scenarios, a typical-case scenario and a worst-case scenario, and realize them onto a single chip. We first schedule/bind each of the scenarios independently. After that, we commonize the scheduling/binding results for the typical-case and worst-case scenarios and thus generate a commonized area-minimized floorplan result. At that time, we can explicitly take into account interconnection delays by using distributed-register architectures. Experimental results show that our algorithm reduces the latency of the typical-case scenario by up to 50% without increasing the latency of the worst-case scenario, compared with several existing methods.

  • Value-Driven V-Model: From Requirements Analysis to Acceptance Testing

    Youngsub HAN  Dong-hyun LEE  Byoungju CHOI  Mike HINCHEY  Hoh Peter IN  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E99-D No:7

    The goal of software testing should go beyond simply finding defects. Ultimately, testing should be focused on increasing customer satisfaction. Defects that are detected in areas of the software that the customers are especially interested in can cause more customer dissatisfaction. If these defects accumulate, they can cause the software to be shunned in the marketplace. Therefore, it is important to focus on reducing defects in areas that customers consider valuable. This article proposes a value-driven V-model (V2 model) that deals with customer values and reflects them in the test design for increasing customer satisfaction and raising test efficiency.

  • Reputation-Based Collusion Detection with Majority of Colluders

    Junbeom HUR  Mengxue GUO  Younsoo PARK  Chan-Gun LEE  Ho-Hyun PARK  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E99-D No:7

    The reputation-based majority-voting approach is a promising solution for detecting malicious workers in a cloud system. However, this approach has a drawback in that it can detect malicious workers only when the number of colluders make up no more than half of all workers. In this paper, we simulate the behavior of a reputation-based method and mathematically analyze its accuracy. Through the analysis, we observe that, regardless of the number of colluders and their collusion probability, if the reputation value of a group is significantly different from those of other groups, it is a completely honest group. Based on the analysis result, we propose a new method for distinguishing honest workers from colluders even when the colluders make up the majority group. The proposed method constructs groups based on their reputations. A group with the significantly highest or lowest reputation value is considered a completely honest group. Otherwise, honest workers are mixed together with colluders in a group. The proposed method accurately identifies honest workers even in a mixed group by comparing each voting result one by one. The results of a security analysis and an experiment show that our method can identify honest workers much more accurately than a traditional reputation-based approach with little additional computational overhead.

  • Speech Enhancement Algorithm Using Recursive Wavelet Shrinkage

    Gihyoun LEE  Sung Dae NA  KiWoong SEONG  Jin-Ho CHO  Myoung Nam KIM  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E99-D No:7

    Because wavelet transforms have the characteristic of decomposing signals that are similar to the human acoustic system, speech enhancement algorithms that are based on wavelet shrinkage are widely used. In this paper, we propose a new speech enhancement algorithm of hearing aids based on wavelet shrinkage. The algorithm has multi-band threshold value and a new wavelet shrinkage function for recursive noise reduction. We performed experiments using various types of authorized speech and noise signals, and our results show that the proposed algorithm achieves significantly better performances compared with other recently proposed speech enhancement algorithms using wavelet shrinkage.

  • Transmission Properties of Electromagnetic Wave in Pre-Cantor Bar: Scaling and Double-Exponetiality

    Ryota SATO  Keimei KAINO  Jun SONODA  


    E99-C No:7

    Pre-Cantor bar, the one-dimensional fractal media, consists of two kinds of materials. Using the transmission-line theory we will explain the double-exponential behavior of the minimum of the transmittance as a function of the stage number n, and obtain formulae of two kinds of scaling behaviors of the transmittance. From numerical calculations for n=1 to 5 we will find that the maximum of field amplitudes of resonance which increases double-exponentially with n is well estimated by the theoretical upper bound. We will show that after sorting field amplitudes for resonance frequencies of the 5th stage their distribution is a staircase function of the index.

  • The ASIC Implementation of SM3 Hash Algorithm for High Throughput

    Xiaojing DU  Shuguo LI  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E99-A No:7

    SM3 is a hash function standard defined by China. Unlike SHA-1 and SHA-2, it is hard for SM3 to speed up the throughput because it has more complicated compression function than other hash algorithm. In this paper, we propose a 4-round-in-1 structure to reduce the number of rounds, and a logical simplifying to move 3 adders and 3 XOR gates from critical path to the non-critical path. Based in SMIC 65nm CMOS technology, the throughput of SM3 can achieve 6.54Gbps which is higher than that of the reported designs.

  • Asymmetric Leakage from Multiplier and Collision-Based Single-Shot Side-Channel Attack

    Takeshi SUGAWARA  Daisuke SUZUKI  Minoru SAEKI  


    E99-A No:7

    The single-shot collision attack on RSA proposed by Hanley et al. is studied focusing on the difference between two operands of multiplier. It is shown that how leakage from integer multiplier and long-integer multiplication algorithm can be asymmetric between two operands. The asymmetric leakage is verified with experiments on FPGA and micro-controller platforms. Moreover, we show an experimental result in which success and failure of the attack is determined by the order of operands. Therefore, designing operand order can be a cost-effective countermeasure. Meanwhile we also show a case in which a particular countermeasure becomes ineffective when the asymmetric leakage is considered. In addition to the above main contribution, an extension of the attack by Hanley et al. using the signal-processing technique of Big Mac Attack is presented.

  • Survivable Grouped Routing Optical Networks with Dedicated Path Protection

    Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Yojiro MORI  Ken-ichi SATO  


    E99-B No:7

    A novel resilient coarse granularity optical routing network architecture that adopts finely granular protection and finely granular add/drop is presented. The routing scheme defines optical pipes such that multiple optical paths can be carried by each pipe and can be dropped or added at any node on the route of a pipe. The routing scheme also makes it possible to enhance frequency utilization within pipes, by denser path packing in the frequency domain, as we recently verified. We develop a static network design algorithm that simultaneously realizes the independence of working and backup paths and pipe location optimization to efficiently carry these paths. The design algorithm first sequentially accommodates optical paths into the network, then tries to eliminate sparsely utilized fibers and iteratively optimizes frequency slot/wavelength assignment in each coarse granular pipe so as to limit the impairment caused by dropping the optical paths adjacent in the frequency domain. Numerical experiments elucidate that the number of fibers in a network can be reduced by up to 20% for 400Gbps channels without any modification in hardware.

  • Optimized Binary Search with Multiple Collision Bits Resolution Anti-Collision Algorithm for Efficient RFID Tag Identification

    Younghwan JUNG  Daehee KIM  Sunshin AN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E99-A No:7

    In this paper, we analyze two representative tree-based RFID anti-collision algorithms: the Query Tree protocol and the Binary Search algorithm. Based on the advantages and disadvantages of the two algorithms, we propose and evaluate two optimized anti-collision algorithms: the Optimized Binary Search, which performs better than the Query Tree Protocol with the same tag-side overhead, and the Optimized Binary Search with Multiple Collision Bits Resolution algorithm, which performs the best with an acceptable increase in tag-side processing overhead.

  • Wide-Range and Fast-Tracking Non-Data-Aided Frequency Offset Estimator for QAM Optical Coherent Receivers

    Tadao NAKAGAWA  Takayuki KOBAYASHI  Koichi ISHIHARA  Yutaka MIYAMOTO  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E99-B No:7

    This paper describes a blind frequency offset estimator (FOE) with wide frequency range for coherent quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) receivers. The FOE combines a spectrum-based frequency offset estimation algorithm as a coarse estimator with a frequency offset estimation algorithm using the periodogram as a fine estimator. To establish our design methodology, each block of the FOE is rigorously analyzed by using formulas and the minimum fast Fourier transform (FFT) size that generates a frequency spectrum for both the coarse and fine estimators is determined. The coarse estimator's main feature is that all estimation processes are carried out in the frequency domain, which yields convergence more than five times faster than that of conventional estimators. The estimation frequency range of the entire FOE is more than 1.8 times wider than that of conventional FOEs. Experiments on coherent optical 64-ary QAM (64-QAM) reveal that frequency offset estimation can be achieved under a frequency offset value greater than the highest value of the conventional estimation range.

  • PAC-k: A Parallel Aho-Corasick String Matching Approach on Graphic Processing Units Using Non-Overlapped Threads

    ThienLuan HO  Seung-Rohk OH  HyunJin KIM  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E99-B No:7

    A parallel Aho-Corasick (AC) approach, named PAC-k, is proposed for string matching in deep packet inspection (DPI). The proposed approach adopts graphic processing units (GPUs) to perform the string matching in parallel for high throughput. In parallel string matching, the boundary detection problem happens when a pattern is matched across chunks. The PAC-k approach solves the boundary detection problem because the number of characters to be scanned by a thread can reach the longest pattern length. An input string is divided into multiple sub-chunks with k characters. By adopting the new starting position in each sub-chunk for the failure transition, the required number of threads is reduced by a factor of k. Therefore, the overhead of terminating and reassigning threads is also decreased. In order to avoid the unnecessary overlapped scanning with multiple threads, a checking procedure is proposed that decides whether a new starting position is in the sub-chunk. In the experiments with target patterns from Snort and realistic input strings from DEFCON, throughputs are enhanced greatly compared to those of previous AC-based string matching approaches.

  • Novel Design of Dual-Band Reconfigurable Dipole Antenna Using Lumped and Distributed Elements

    Shoichi ONODERA  Ryo ISHIKAWA  Akira SAITOU  Kazuhiko HONJO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:7

    A frequency-reconfigurable dipole antenna, whose dual resonant frequencies are independently controlled, is introduced. The antenna's conductor consists of radiating conductors, lumped and distributed elements, and varactors. To design the antenna, current distribution, input impedance, and radiation power including higher-order modes, are analyzed for a narrow-angle sectorial antenna embedded with passive elements. To derive the formulae used, radiation power is analyzed in two ways: using Chu's equivalent circuit and the multipole expansion method. Numerical estimations of electrically small antennas show that dual-band antennas are feasible. The dual resonant frequencies are controlled with the embedded series and shunt inductors. A dual-band antenna is fabricated, and measured input impedances agree well with the calculated data. With the configuration, an electrically small 2.5-/5-GHz dual-band reconfig-urable antenna is designed and fabricated, where the reactance values for the series and shunt inductors are controlled with varactors, each connected in series to the inductors. Varying the voltages applied to the varactors varies the measured upper and lower resonant frequencies between 2.6 and 2.9GHz and between 5.1 and 5.3GHz, where the other resonant frequency is kept almost identical. Measured radiation patterns on the H-plane are almost omni-directional for both bands.

  • Simulational Approach to Realize a Triplexer Based on Bandpass Filters Using Wideband Resonators

    Kosei TANII  Koji WADA  


    E99-C No:7

    A triplexer is presented by using bandpass filters (BPFs) which consist of two-stage of wideband resonator and additional open-circuited stubs. The resonator is firstly proposed by using a coupled-line and an inductive element loaded transmission line. This resonator produces the wide passband by a dual-mode resonance, high attenuation level at stopbands, and the steepness at the edge of the passband due to the attenuation poles. In order to understand the behavior of the resonator, the conditions for resonances and attenuation poles are especially solved and their current densities are analyzed by an electromagnetic simulation. Secondly, three types of wideband BPFs are constituted and finally a wideband triplexer is composed by using these BPFs. The basic characteristics of the proposed BPFs and the matching methodology enable to realize the triplexer whose desired passbands are around 3.1-5.1 GHz, 5.85-7.85 GHz, and 8.6-10.6 GHz with high isolation performance at the other passbands. The proposed triplexer is predominance in the flexible bandwidth or wide operating frequency range. All the BPFs and the triplexer are implemented on a planar printed circuit board assuming the use of the microstrip line structure.

  • A 60 GHz Hybrid Analog/Digital Beamforming Receiver with Interference Suppression for Multiuser Gigabit/s Radio Access

    Koji TAKINAMI  Hiroyuki MOTOZUKA  Tomoya URUSHIHARA  Masashi KOBAYASHI  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Masataka IRIE  Takenori SAKAMOTO  Yohei MORISHITA  Kenji MIYANAGA  Takayuki TSUKIZAWA  Noriaki SAITO  Naganori SHIRAKATA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E99-C No:7

    This paper presents a 60 GHz analog/digital beamforming receiver that effectively suppresses interference signals, targeting the IEEE 802.11ad/WiGig standard. Combining two-stream analog frontends with interference rejection digital signal processing, the analog beamforming steers the antenna beam to the desired direction while the digital beamforming provides gain suppression in the interference direction. A prototype has been built with 40 nm CMOS analog frontends as well as offline baseband digital signal processing. Measurements show a 3.1 dB EVM advantage over conventional two-stream diversity during a packet collision situation.

  • A Compact Millimeter-Wave Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Using Substrate-Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Dual-Mode Cavities

    Kaida DONG  Jingyan MO  Yuhong HE  Zhewang MA  Xuexia YANG  


    E99-C No:7

    A compact millimeter-wave three-pole dual-band bandpass filter (BPF) by using substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) dual-mode cavities is developed in this paper. The proposed filter consists of three SIW dual-mode cavities, in which the TE201 and TE102 modes are used to form two passbands. The center frequencies of the two passbands can be readily changed by varying the lengths and/or widths of the SIW cavities. Meanwhile three transmission zeros are produced with appropriate design of the input and output of the SIW cavities, which increase significantly the isolation between the two passbands and their roll-off rate of attenuations. The dual-band BPF filter is designed, fabricated and measured. The measured center frequencies of the two passbands are 26.75GHz and 31.55GHz, respectively. The 3dB-passbands are 26.35-27.15GHz (3%) and 31.29-31.81GHz (1.6%), respectively, with maximum insertion loss of 2.64dB and 4.2dB, respectively, and return loss larger than 12dB in both passbands. A good agreement between the simulated and measured filter characteristics is obtained.

  • Analysis of Two- and Three-Dimensional Plasmonic Waveguide Band-Pass Filters Using the TRC-FDTD Method

    Jun SHIBAYAMA  Yusuke WADA  Junji YAMAUCHI  Hisamatsu NAKANO  


    E99-C No:7

    Two plasmonic band-bass filters are analyzed: one is a grating-type filter and the other is a slit-type filter. The former shows a band-pass characteristic with a high transmission for a two-dimensional structure, while the latter exhibits a high transmission even for a three-dimensional structure with a thin metal layer.

  • A Heuristic Expansion Framework for Mapping Instances to Linked Open Data

    Natthawut KERTKEIDKACHORN  Ryutaro ICHISE  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E99-D No:7

    Mapping instances to the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud plays an important role for enriching information of instances, since the LOD cloud contains abundant amounts of interlinked instances describing the instances. Consequently, many techniques have been introduced for mapping instances to a LOD data set; however, most of them merely focus on tackling with the problem of heterogeneity. Unfortunately, the problem of the large number of LOD data sets has yet to be addressed. Owing to the number of LOD data sets, mapping an instance to a LOD data set is not sufficient because an identical instance might not exist in that data set. In this article, we therefore introduce a heuristic expansion based framework for mapping instances to LOD data sets. The key idea of the framework is to gradually expand the search space from one data set to another data set in order to discover identical instances. In experiments, the framework could successfully map instances to the LOD data sets by increasing the coverage to 90.36%. Experimental results also indicate that the heuristic function in the framework could efficiently limit the expansion space to a reasonable space. Based upon the limited expansion space, the framework could effectively reduce the number of candidate pairs to 9.73% of the baseline without affecting any performances.

  • Mode Crosstalk Evaluation Method by Using MMI Mode Filter for Optical Mode Switch

    Ryan IMANSYAH  Tatsushi TANAKA  Luke HIMBELE  Haisong JIANG  Kiichi HAMAMOTO  


    E99-C No:7

    We have proposed and demonstrated the principle of optical mode switch. However, the crosstalk between modes has not yet reported due to the difficulty of mode recognition and distinction. To accomplish this mode crosstalk evaluation, we integrated multimode interference (MMI) mode filter with the optical mode switch in this work. As a result, for the both TE and TM modes, the crosstalk of approximately -10 dB has been evaluated experimentally.
