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  • Competitive Analysis for the 3-Slope Ski-Rental Problem with the Discount Rate

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Shunsuke SATOU  Toshihiro FUJITO  


    E99-A No:6

    In the 3-slope ski-rental problem, the player is asked to determine a strategy, that is, (i) whether to buy a ski wear and then a ski set separately, or to buy them at once for a discount price, and (ii) when to buy these goods. If the player has not got any thing, he/she can rent it for some price. The objective is to minimize the total cost, under the assumption that the player does not know how many times he/she goes skiing in the future. We reveal that even with a large discount for buying at once available, there is some price setting for which to buy the goods separately is a more reasonable choice. We also show that the performance of the optimal strategy may become arbitrarily worse, when a large discount is offered.

  • The Convex Configurations of “Sei Shonagon Chie no Ita,” Tangram, and Other Silhouette Puzzles with Seven Pieces



    E99-A No:6

    The most famous silhouette puzzle is the tangram, which originated in China more than two centuries ago. From around the same time, there is a similar Japanese puzzle called Sei Shonagon Chie no Ita. Both are derived by cutting a square of material with straight incisions into seven pieces of varying shapes, and each can be decomposed into sixteen non-overlapping identical right isosceles triangles. It is known that the pieces of the tangram can form thirteen distinct convex polygons. We first show that the Sei Shonagon Chie no Ita can form sixteen. Therefore, in a sense, the Sei Shonagon Chie no Ita is more expressive than the tangram. We also propose more expressive patterns built from the same 16 identical right isosceles triangles that can form nineteen convex polygons. There exist exactly four sets of seven pieces that can form nineteen convex polygons. We show no set of seven pieces can form at least 20 convex polygons, and demonstrate that eleven pieces made from sixteen identical isosceles right triangles are necessary and sufficient to form 20 convex polygons. Moreover, no set of six pieces can form nineteen convex polygons.

  • Quadratic Compressed Sensing Based SAR Imaging Algorithm for Phase Noise Mitigation

    Xunchao CONG  Guan GUI  Keyu LONG  Jiangbo LIU  Longfei TAN  Xiao LI  Qun WAN  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E99-A No:6

    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery is significantly deteriorated by the random phase noises which are generated by the frequency jitter of the transmit signal and atmospheric turbulence. In this paper, we recast the SAR imaging problem via the phase-corrupted data as for a special case of quadratic compressed sensing (QCS). Although the quadratic measurement model has potential to mitigate the effects of the phase noises, it also leads to a nonconvex and quartic optimization problem. In order to overcome these challenges and increase reconstruction robustness to the phase noises, we proposed a QCS-based SAR imaging algorithm by greedy local search to exploit the spatial sparsity of scatterers. Our proposed imaging algorithm can not only avoid the process of precise random phase noise estimation but also acquire a sparse representation of the SAR target with high accuracy from the phase-corrupted data. Experiments are conducted by the synthetic scene and the moving and stationary target recognition Sandia laboratories implementation of cylinders (MSTAR SLICY) target. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed SAR imaging algorithm.

  • Low-Complexity FBMC/OQAM Transmission System Based on Fast Filter Bank

    Jinguang HAO  Dianli HOU  Honggang WANG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E99-A No:6

    A novel scheme to implement a filter bank multicarrier/offset quadrature amplitude modulation (FBMC/OQAM) transmission system is proposed. This is achieved by replacing the existing polyphase filter banks based on FFT/IFFT with fast filter bank (FFB) in order to utilize its good properties such as cascaded structure and high frequency selectivity with a comparable complexity as FFT/IFFT. Although this topic is not addressed in the literature, the impulse response of the prototype filter for each stage within FFB can still be obtained by using an optimization technique, which is used to minimize the distortion caused by intersymbol and interchannel interferences (ISI and ICI) of the proposed FBMC/OQAM transmission system, subject to allowable ripples in the passband and stopband. As a result, the relationship between two-path prototype filters in each subfilter should be modified with a general form accordingly. Simulations show that the number of multiplications required by the proposed scheme is smaller than that needed by the polyphase filter banks solution based on FFT/IFFT. Furthermore, the suitability of the design of prototype filters and the validation can be also supported by the results.

  • Effective and Efficient Image Copy Detection with Resistance to Arbitrary Rotation

    Zhili ZHOU  Ching-Nung YANG  Beijing CHEN  Xingming SUN  Qi LIU  Q.M. Jonathan WU  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E99-D No:6

    For detecting the image copies of a given original image generated by arbitrary rotation, the existing image copy detection methods can not simultaneously achieve desirable performances in the aspects of both accuracy and efficiency. To address this challenge, a novel effective and efficient image copy detection method is proposed based on two global features extracted from rotation invariant partitions. Firstly, candidate images are preprocessed by an averaging operation to suppress noise. Secondly, the rotation invariant partitions of the preprocessed images are constructed based on pixel intensity orders. Thirdly, two global features are extracted from these partitions by utilizing image gradient magnitudes and orientations, respectively. Finally, the extracted features of images are compared to implement copy detection. Promising experimental results demonstrate our proposed method can effectively and efficiently resist rotations with arbitrary degrees. Furthermore, the performances of the proposed method are also desirable for resisting other typical copy attacks, such as flipping, rescaling, illumination and contrast change, as well as Gaussian noising.

  • A Visible Watermarking with Automated Location Technique for Copyright Protection of Portrait Images


    PAPER-Information Network

    E99-D No:6

    A visible watermarking technique to provide copyright protection for portrait images is proposed in this paper. The proposal is focused on real-world applications where a portrait image is printed and illegitimately used for commercial purposes. It is well known that this is one of the most difficult challenges to prove ownership through current watermark techniques. We propose an original approach which avoids the deficiencies of typical watermarking methods in practical scenarios by introducing a smart process to automatically detect the most suitable region of the portrait image, where the visible watermark goes unnoticed to the naked eye of a viewer and is robust enough to remain visible when printed. The position of the watermark is determined by performing an analysis of the portrait image characteristics taking into account several conditions of their spatial information together with human visual system properties. Once the location is set, the watermark embedding process is performed adaptively by creating a contrast effect between the watermark and its background. Several experiments are performed to illustrate the proper functioning of the proposed watermark algorithm on portrait images with different characteristics, including dimensions, backgrounds, illumination and texture, with the conclusion that it can be applied in many practical situations.

  • Compressed Sensing for Range-Resolved Signal of Ballistic Target with Low Computational Complexity

    Wentao LV  Jiliang LIU  Xiaomin BAO  Xiaocheng YANG  Long WU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E99-A No:6

    The classification of warheads and decoys is a core technology in the defense of the ballistic missile. Usually, a high range resolution is favorable for the development of the classification algorithm, which requires a high sampling rate in fast time, and thus leads to a heavy computation burden for data processing. In this paper, a novel method based on compressed sensing (CS) is presented to improve the range resolution of the target with low computational complexity. First, a tool for electromagnetic calculation, such as CST Microwave Studio, is used to simulate the frequency response of the electromagnetic scattering of the target. Second, the range-resolved signal of the target is acquired by further processing. Third, a greedy algorithm is applied to this signal. By the iterative search of the maximum value from the signal rather than the calculation of the inner product for raw echo, the scattering coefficients of the target can be reconstructed efficiently. A series of experimental results demonstrates the effectiveness of our method.

  • Error Propagation Analysis for Single Event Upset considering Masking Effects on Re-Convergent Path

    Go MATSUKAWA  Yuta KIMI  Shuhei YOSHIDA  Shintaro IZUMI  Hiroshi KAWAGUCHI  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E99-A No:6

    As technology nodes continue to shrink, the impact of radiation-induced soft error on processor reliability increases. Estimation of processor reliability and identification of vulnerable flip-flops requires accurate soft error rate (SER) analysis techniques. This paper presents a proposal for a soft error propagation analysis technique. We specifically examine single event upset (SEU) occurring at a flip-flop in sequential circuits. When SEUs propagate in sequential circuits, the faults can be masked temporally and logically. Conventional soft error propagation analysis techniques do not consider error convergent timing on re-convergent paths. The proposed technique can analyze soft error propagation while considering error-convergent timing on a re-convergent path by combinational analysis of temporal and logical effects. The proposed technique also considers the case in which the temporal masking is disabled with an enable signal of the erroneous flip-flop negated. Experimental results show that the proposed technique improves inaccuracy by 70.5%, on average, compared with conventional techniques using ITC 99 and ISCAS 89 benchmark circuits when the enable probability is 1/3, while the runtime overhead is only 1.7% on average.

  • High-Throughput Rapid Single-Flux-Quantum Circuit Implementations for Exponential and Logarithm Computation Using the Radix-2 Signed-Digit Representation

    Masamitsu TANAKA  Kazuyoshi TAKAGI  Naofumi TAKAGI  


    E99-C No:6

    We present circuit implementations for computing exponentials and logarithms suitable for rapid single-flux-quantum (RSFQ) logic. We propose hardware algorithms based on the sequential table-lookup (STL) method using the radix-2 signed-digit representation that achieve high-throughput, digit-serial calculations. The circuits are implemented by processing elements formed in systolic-array-like, regularly-aligned pipeline structures. The processing elements are composed of adders, shifters, and readouts of precomputed constants. The iterative calculations are fully overlapped, and throughputs approach the maximum throughput of serial processing. The circuit size for calculating significand parts is estimated to be approximately 5-10 times larger than that of a bit-serial floating-point adder or multiplier.

  • Robust Object Tracking with Compressive Sensing and Patches Matching

    Jiatian PI  Keli HU  Xiaolin ZHANG  Yuzhang GU  Yunlong ZHAN  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E99-D No:6

    Object tracking is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision. However, there is still a need to improve the overall capability in various tracking circumstances. In this letter, a patches-collaborative compressive tracking (PCCT) algorithm is presented. Experiments on various challenging benchmark sequences demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against several state-of-the-art algorithms.

  • A Generalized Construction of Non-Square M-QAM Sequences with Low PMEPR for OFDM Systems

    Dongxu MA  Zilong WANG  Hui LI  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E99-A No:6

    Controlling the peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR) of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexed (OFDM) transmissions is a significant obstacle in many low-cost applications of OFDM. An coding approach proposed by H.R. Sadjadpour presents non-square M-QAM symbols as a combination of QPSK and BPSK signals when M=22n+1, and then uses QPSK and BPSK Golay (or Golay-like) sequences with a constant PMEPR to generate M-QAM sequences. This paper proposes a new scheme in which M-QAM sequences are generated by QPSK and BPSK sequences with variable PMEPRs. In other words, this new scheme is a general case of the existing approach. As a result, the code rate of the new sequence is significantly improved, while the upper bound of its PMEPR remains at a comparative level.

  • Micro-Expression Recognition by Regression Model and Group Sparse Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning

    Ping LU  Wenming ZHENG  Ziyan WANG  Qiang LI  Yuan ZONG  Minghai XIN  Lenan WU  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E99-D No:6

    In this letter, a micro-expression recognition method is investigated by integrating both spatio-temporal facial features and a regression model. To this end, we first perform a multi-scale facial region division for each facial image and then extract a set of local binary patterns on three orthogonal planes (LBP-TOP) features corresponding to divided facial regions of the micro-expression videos. Furthermore, we use GSLSR model to build the linear regression relationship between the LBP-TOP facial feature vectors and the micro expressions label vectors. Finally, the learned GSLSR model is applied to the prediction of the micro-expression categories for each test micro-expression video. Experiments are conducted on both CASME II and SMIC micro-expression databases to evaluate the performance of the proposed method, and the results demonstrate that the proposed method is better than the baseline micro-expression recognition method.

  • Performance of All-Optical Amplify-and-Forward WDM/FSO Relaying Systems over Atmospheric Dispersive Turbulence Channels

    Phuc V. TRINH  Ngoc T. DANG  Truong C. THANG  Anh T. PHAM  


    E99-B No:6

    This paper newly proposes and theoretically analyzes the performance of multi-hop free-space optical (FSO) systems employing optical amplify-and-forward (OAF) relaying technique and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The proposed system can provide a low cost, low latency, high flexibility, and large bandwidth access network for multiple users in areas where installation of optical fiber is unfavorable. In WDM/FSO systems, WDM channels suffer from the interchannel crosstalk while FSO channels can be severely affected by the atmospheric turbulence. These impairments together with the accumulation of background and amplifying noises over multiple relays significantly degrade the overall system performance. To deal with this problem, the use of the M-ary pulse position modulation (M-PPM) together with the OAF relaying technique is advocated as a powerful remedy to mitigate the effects of atmospheric turbulence. For the performance analysis, we use a realistic model of Gaussian pulse propagation to investigate major atmospheric effects, including signal turbulence and pulse broadening. We qualitatively discuss the impact of various system parameters, including the required average transmitted powers per information bit corresponding to specific values of bit error rate (BER), transmission distance, number of relays, and turbulence strength. Our numerical results are also thoroughly validated by Monte-Carlo (M-C) simulations.

  • Adaptive Perceptual Block Compressive Sensing for Image Compression

    Jin XU  Yuansong QIAO  Zhizhong FU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E99-D No:6

    Because the perceptual compressive sensing framework can achieve a much better performance than the legacy compressive sensing framework, it is very promising for the compressive sensing based image compression system. In this paper, we propose an innovative adaptive perceptual block compressive sensing scheme. Firstly, a new block-based statistical metric which can more appropriately measure each block's sparsity and perceptual sensibility is devised. Then, the approximated theoretical minimum measurement number for each block is derived from the new block-based metric and used as weight for adaptive measurements allocation. The obtained experimental results show that our scheme can significantly enhance both objective and subjective performance of a perceptual compressive sensing framework.

  • Predicting Performance of Collaborative Storytelling Using Multimodal Analysis

    Shogo OKADA  Mi HANG  Katsumi NITTA  


    E99-D No:6

    This study focuses on modeling the storytelling performance of the participants in a group conversation. Storytelling performance is one of the fundamental communication techniques for providing information and entertainment effectively to a listener. We present a multimodal analysis of the storytelling performance in a group conversation, as evaluated by external observers. A new multimodal data corpus is collected through this group storytelling task, which includes the participants' performance scores. We extract multimodal (verbal and nonverbal) features regarding storytellers and listeners from a manual description of spoken dialog and from various nonverbal patterns, including each participant's speaking turn, utterance prosody, head gesture, hand gesture, and head direction. We also extract multimodal co-occurrence features, such as head gestures, and interaction features, such as storyteller utterance overlapped with listener's backchannel. In the experiment, we modeled the relationship between the performance indices and the multimodal features using machine-learning techniques. Experimental results show that the highest accuracy (R2) is 0.299 for the total storytelling performance (sum of indices scores) obtained with a combination of verbal and nonverbal features in a regression task.

  • Sparse Trajectory Prediction Method Based on Entropy Estimation

    Lei ZHANG  Leijun LIU  Wen LI  


    E99-D No:6

    Most of the existing algorithms cannot effectively solve the data sparse problem of trajectory prediction. This paper proposes a novel sparse trajectory prediction method based on L-Z entropy estimation. Firstly, the moving region of trajectories is divided into a two-dimensional plane grid graph, and then the original trajectories are mapped to the grid graph so that each trajectory can be represented as a grid sequence. Secondly, an L-Z entropy estimator is used to calculate the entropy value of each grid sequence, and then the trajectory which has a comparatively low entropy value is segmented into several sub-trajectories. The new trajectory space is synthesised by these sub-trajectories based on trajectory entropy. The trajectory synthesis can not only resolve the sparse problem of trajectory data, but also make the new trajectory space more credible. In addition, the trajectory scale is limited in a certain range. Finally, under the new trajectory space, Markov model and Bayesian Inference is applied to trajectory prediction with data sparsity. The experiments based on the taxi trajectory dataset of Microsoft Research Asia show the proposed method can make an effective prediction for the sparse trajectory. Compared with the existing methods, our method needs a smaller trajectory space and provides much wider predicting range, faster predicting speed and better predicting accuracy.

  • Alignment Tolerance in Multiple-Stream Transmission Using Orthogonal Directivities under Line-of-Sight Environments

    Maki ARAI  Tomohiro SEKI  Ken HIRAGA  Kazumitsu SAKAMOTO  Tadao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:6

    A method for increasing alignment tolerance in simple multiple-stream transmission is described. Its use of π-shifted antenna directivity phase enables it to cancel interference even when antenna placement deviations occur. The interference cancellation by using π-shifted directivities provides higher alignment tolerance than that with conventional fixed weight methods. It also provides smaller channel gain variation than can be obtained using fixed weights even when antenna displacement occurs. An objective function is described that is determined by the alignment tolerance. The function is defined to maximize the alignment tolerance. The method's validity is confirmed by an experimental analysis of two-stream transmission in which the alignment tolerance of the proposed method is compared to that of conventional fixed weight methods.

  • Rate-Distortion Optimized Distributed Compressive Video Sensing

    Jin XU  Yuansong QIAO  Quan WEN  

    LETTER-Multimedia Environment Technology

    E99-A No:6

    Distributed compressive video sensing (DCVS) is an emerging low-complexity video coding framework which integrates the merits of distributed video coding (DVC) and compressive sensing (CS). In this paper, we propose a novel rate-distortion optimized DCVS codec, which takes advantage of a rate-distortion optimization (RDO) model based on the estimated correlation noise (CN) between a non-key frame and its side information (SI) to determine the optimal measurements allocation for the non-key frame. Because the actual CN can be more accurately recovered by our DCVS codec, it leads to more faithful reconstruction of the non-key frames by adding the recovered CN to the SI. The experimental results reveal that our DCVS codec significantly outperforms the legacy DCVS codecs in terms of both objective and subjective performance.

  • D-MENTOR Algorithm for OSPF Protocol under Delay Constrain Supporting Unicast and Multicast Traffic

    Annop MONSAKUL  


    E99-B No:6

    Designing a backbone IP network, especially to support both unicast and multicast traffic under delay constraints, is a difficult problem. Real network design must consider cost, performance and reliability. Therefore, a simulator can help a network designer to test the functionality of the network before the implementation. This paper proposes a heuristic design algorithm called D-MENTOR, and the algorithm was developed by programming based on Mesh Network Topological Optimization and Routing Version 2 (MENTOR-II) to integrate as a new module of DElite tool. The simulation results show that, in almost all test cases, the proposed algorithm yields lower installation cost.

  • Inductance and Current Distribution Extraction in Nb Multilayer Circuits with Superconductive and Resistive Components Open Access

    Coenrad FOURIE  Naoki TAKEUCHI  Nobuyuki YOSHIKAWA  


    E99-C No:6

    We describe a calculation tool and modeling methods to find self and mutual inductance and current distribution in superconductive multilayer circuit layouts. Accuracy of the numerical solver is discussed and compared with experimental measurements. Effects of modeling parameter selection on calculation results are shown, and we make conclusions on the selection of modeling parameters for fast but sufficiently accurate calculations when calibration methods are used. Circuit theory for the calculation of branch impedances from the output of the numerical solver is discussed, and compensation for solution difficulties is shown through example. We elaborate on the construction of extraction models for superconductive integrated circuits, with and without resistive branches. We also propose a method to calculate current distribution in a multilayer circuit with multiple bias current feed points. Finally, detailed examples are shown where the effects of stacked vias, bias pillars, coupling, ground connection stacks and ground return currents in circuit layouts for the AIST advanced process (ADP2) and standard process (STP2) are analyzed. We show that multilayer inductance and current distribution extraction in such circuits provides much more information than merely branch inductance, and can be used to improve layouts; for example through reduced coupling between conductors.
