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  • Validation of Rain/No-Rain Discrimination in the Standard TRMM Data Products 1B21 and 1C21

    Yuji OHSAKI  


    E84-B No:8

    The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) is a United States-Japan joint project to measure rainfall from space. The first spaceborne rain radar is aboard the TRMM satellite. Rain/no-rain discrimination for the TRMM provides useful information for on-line data processing, storage, and post-processing analysis. In this paper, rain/no-rain discrimination for the TRMM has been validated through simulation and theory for the no-rain condition and by comparison with the ground-based radar data for rain conditions.

  • The Distributed Management Mechanism of the Active HYpermedia Delivery System Platform

    Frederic ANDRES  Kinji ONO  


    E84-D No:8

    The Active HYpermedia Delivery System (AHYDS) facilitates the access to multimedia information over a large-scale network and wide spectrum of media. We developed intelligent access facilities that build on the access paradigms supported by current web applications. This facility generalizes not only different kinds of logical data models (relational, object, hyperlink), but also access mechanisms of multimedia applications to make them customizable and scalable. This paper proposed the distributed management mechanism of the AHYDS platform. The major contribution of this paper is the mechanism for distributed multimedia delivery management over large-scale network and heterogeneous environment. We also propose the mechanism to manage huge multimedia data.

  • Call Admission and Efficient Allocation for Delay Guarantees

    Yen-Ping CHU  Chin-Hsing CHEN  Kuan-Cheng LIN  


    E84-D No:8

    ATM networks are connection-oriented. Making a call requires first sending a message to do an admission control to guarantee the connections' QoS (quality of service) in the network. In this paper, we focus on the problem of translating a global QoS requirement into a set of local QoS requirements in ATM networks. Usually, an end-user is only concerned with the QoS requirements on end-to-end basis and does not care about the local switching node QoS. Most of recent research efforts only focus on worst-case end-to-end delay bound but pay no attention to the problem of distributing the end-to-end delay bound to local switching node. After admission control, when the new connection is admitted to enter the network, they equally allocate the excess delay and reserve the same bandwidth at each switch along the path. But, this can not improve network utilization efficiently. It motivates us to design a novel local QoS requirement allocation scheme to get better performance. Using the number of maximum supportable connections as the performance index, we derive an optimal delay allocation (OPT) policy. In addition, we also proposed an analysis model to evaluate the proposed allocation scheme and equal allocation (EQ) scheme in a series of switching nodes with the Rate-controlled scheduling architecture, including a traffic shaper and a non-preemptive earliest-deadline-first scheduler. From the numerical results, we have shown the importance of allocation policy and explored the factors that affect the performance index.

  • AI3 Satellite Internet Infrastructure and the Deployment in Asia

    Tomomitsu BABA  Hidetaka IZUMIYAMA  Suguru YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Satellite Internet

    E84-B No:8

    A lot of efforts have been made to develop the international Internet environment. In order to achieve a better and efficient information infrastructure around the globe, there are very strong urgent demands in the area of Asia and Pacific for a practical working environment where engineers and researchers in related fields work cooperatively. Our AI3 Project was started in 1995 by WIDE Project and JSAT. It has been operating a satellite based testbed network in Southeast Asia and conducting a series of research activities using the testbed. In this paper, we explain AI3 satellite Internet infrastructure and describe our efforts of the deployment in Asia using our developed technology. Furthermore, we evaluate our testbed network from the aspect of sustainable international collaboration.

  • Single-Parameter Characterizations of Schur Stability Property

    Takehiro MORI  Hideki KOKAME  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E84-A No:8

    New equivalent characterizations are derived for Schur stability property of real polynomials. They involve a single scalar parameter, which can be regarded as a freedom incorporated in the given polynomials so long as the stability is concerned. Possible applications of the expressions are suggested to the latest results for stability robustness analysis in parameter space. Further, an extension of the characterizations is made to the matrix case, yielding one-parameter expressions of Schur matrices.

  • Basic Design for Stable Fiber-Clamping in Multi-Fiber Ribbon Mechanical Splice

    Toshiaki KATAGIRI  Masao TACHIKURA  Yasuji MURAKAMI  

    PAPER-Optical Fiber

    E84-B No:8

    In mechanical splice technology, loss change during temperature cycling is mainly caused by fiber slippage or shift at the interface between fibers and fiber clamping substrates. The upper limit of the fabrication accuracy of the fibers and substrates restricts the total number of fibers in a splice. To overcome this, we propose a novel fiber clamping method using the elasticity of the substrate surface. We clamp the fibers more strongly at the fiber clamping ends, where the fibers need a greater friction force than around the butt-joint, to hold them in position. Taking the case of an 8-fiber ribbon splice, we compared linear marks on the substrates with the boundary linewidth curves for the onset of slippage. We achieved an insertion loss change of less than 0.1 dB during a temperature cycling test in accordance with Telcordia Technologies test specification. When we clamp fibers using the plasticity of the substrate surface, we can also reduce the required fabrication accuracy. However, insufficient accuracy causes an unexpected loss change due to fiber shift as a result of a plastic flow on the substrate surface in contact with the fibers.

  • Functional Decomposition with Application to LUT-Based FPGA Synthesis

    Jian QIAO  Kunihiro ASADA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E84-A No:8

    In this paper, we deal with the problem of compatibility class encoding, and propose a novel algorithm for finding a good functional decomposition with application to LUT-based FPGA synthesis. Based on exploration of the design space, we concentrate on extracting a set of components, which can be merged into the minimum number of multiple-output CLBs or LUTs, such that the decomposition constructed from these components is also minimal. In particular, to explore more degrees of freedom, we introduce pliable encoding to take over the conventional rigid encoding when it fails to find a satisfactory decomposition by rigid encoding. Experimental results on a large set of MCNC91 logic synthesis benchmarks show that our method is quite promising.

  • Towards Agents which are Suggestive of "Awareness of Connectedness"

    Takeshi OHGURO  


    E84-D No:8

    As Information Technology progresses, our daily lives are getting "connected" more and more. At the same time, however, problems are appearing. The center of these problems can be captured as the "Communication Overflow. " To cope with such problems, we propose an approach that tries to provide a communication environment that assists users in managing their communication activities. The key notion of this approach is to enhance the "Awareness of Connectedness. " Here, agents which are suggestive of awareness of connectedness play an important role. In this paper, we describe the key notion and introduce a brief road-map towards the environment for the awareness of connectedness. Two candidate tools for the environment are described. The first one is a visualization tool for communication media that provides feedback of users' communication activities. Its purpose is to enhance the awareness for communication. The second tool is a simple, intuitive interactive media that exchanges the statuses of users. It is an alternative network communication media that might be suitable for very light-weight, almost-acknowledge-only communication mode. Some results on an experiment of these two tools are also reported.

  • Capacity Estimation for an Uplink Synchronised CDMA System with Fast TPC and Two-Antenna Diversity Reception

    Duk Kyung KIM  Seung-Hoon HWANG  Een-Kee HONG  Sang Yun LEE  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E84-B No:8

    An uplink synchronised CDMA system through transmission timing control at mobile users has been proposed to improve the uplink capacity. This Letter mathematically investigates its capacity, considering perfect fast TPC and two antenna diversity reception in a single cell environment and compares it with that of a conventional CDMA system.

  • Improving the Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol by Using Signcryption

    Goichiro HANAOKA  Yuliang ZHENG  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E84-A No:8

    In the past few years, we have seen the emergence of a large number of proposals for electronic payments over open networks. Among these proposals is the Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) protocol promoted by MasterCard and VISA which is currently being deployed world-widely. While SET has a number of advantages over other proposals in terms of simplicity and openness, there seems to be a consensus regarding the relative inefficiency of the protocol. This paper proposes a light-weight version of the SET protocol, called "LITESET. " For the same level of security as recommended in the latest version of SET specifications, LITESET yields a 56.2/51.4% reduction in the computational time in message generation/verification and a 79.9% reduction in communication overhead. This has been achieved by the use of a new cryptographic primitive called signcryption. We hope that our proposal can contribute to the practical and engineering side of real-world electronic payments.

  • Design and Realization of Variable IIR Digital Filters as a Cascade of Identical Subfilters

    Georgi STOYANOV  Ivan UZUNOV  Masayuki KAWAMATA  

    PAPER-Digital Filter

    E84-A No:8

    A new approach to design variable IIR digital filters by using a cascade of N identical individual filters of any order n is proposed in this paper. First, the approximation method for lowpass filter specifications is outlined, then the general limitations of the new method are investigated and a compact formula is derived. Next, the limitations for the main canonic approximations (Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptic) are investigated and compared and convenient expressions for design and evaluation are obtained. New first- and second-order filter sections, permitting very easy tuning of the cutoff frequency by recalculating and reprogramming of a single multiplier coefficient value, are developed and the design and tuning strategies for highpass, bandpass and bandstop filters are proposed. Finally design examples are given and the sound superiority of the new method compared to other known is demonstrated experimentally.

  • Recovering the 3D B-Spline Control Points of the Free Curves for Shape Reforming

    Myint Myint SEIN  Hiromitsu HAMA  


    E84-D No:8

    This paper presents an accurate method for finding the 3D control points of the B-Spline curves. This method can automatically fit a set of data points with piecewise geometrically continuous cubic B-Spline curves. Iterating algorithm has been used for finding the 2D control points. And a new approach for shape reconstruction based on the control points of the curves on the object's surface is proposed. B-Spline patch, the extension of the B-Spline curves to surface, provides recovering the shape of the object in 2D approach. The 3D control points of the cubic B-Spline curves are computed from the factor decomposition of the measurement matrix of 2D control points. The multiple object approach is also proposed to reconstruct the 3D shape of each curves of an object. Some experiments are demonstrated to confirm the effectiveness of our proposed method.

  • A New Transformed Input-Domain ANFIS for Highly Nonlinear System Modeling and Prediction

    Elsaid Mohamed ABDELRAHIM  Takashi YAHAGI  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Signal Processing

    E84-A No:8

    In two- or more-dimensional systems where the components of the sample data are strongly correlated, it is not proper to divide the input space into several subspaces without considering the correlation. In this paper, we propose the usage of the method of principal component in order to uncorrelate and remove any redundancy from the input space of the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). This leads to an effective partition of the input space to the fuzzy model and significantly reduces the modeling error. A computer simulation for two frequently used benchmark problems shows that ANFIS with the uncorrelation process performs better than the original ANFIS under the same conditions.

  • A Method for Compensation of Image Distortion with Image Registration Technique

    Toru TAMAKI  Tsuyoshi YAMAMURA  Noboru OHNISHI  


    E84-D No:8

    We propose a method for compensating distortion of image by calibrating intrinsic camera parameters by image registration which does not need point-to-point correspondence. The proposed method divides the registration between a calibration pattern and a distorted image observed by a camera into two steps. The first step is the straightforward registration from the pattern in order to correct the displacement due to projection. The second step is the backward registration from the observed image for compensating the distortion of the image. Both of the steps use Gauss-Newton method, a nonlinear optimization technique, to minimize residuals of intensities so that the pattern and the observed image become the same. Experimental results show the usefulness of the proposed method. Finally we discuss the convergence of the proposed method which consists of the two registration steps.

  • Resolution Enhancement Techniques for High-Speed Multi-Stage Pipelined ADC's Based on a Multi-Bit Multiplying DAC

    Joon-Seok LEE  Se-Hoon JOO  Seung-Hoon LEE  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E84-C No:8

    This paper proposes resolution enhancement techniques for high-speed multi-stage pipelined analog-to-digital converters (ADC's) based on a multi-bit/stage multiplying digital-to-analog converter. The proposed techniques increase ADC resolution and simultaneously minimize chip area, power dissipation, and circuit complexity by removing the gain-proration procedure, which is required in conventional digitally calibrated multi-stage ADC's to reduce unavoidable gain errors between stages with more than two stages calibrated. The resolution of the proposed ADC can be extended furthermore by combining a conventional commutated feedback-capacitor switching scheme with the digital-domain self calibration.

  • Wave Scattering from a Periodic Surface with Finite Extent: A Periodic Approach

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  Toyofumi MORIYAMA  Jiro YAMAKITA  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E84-C No:8

    As a method of analyzing the wave scattering from a finite periodic surface, this paper introduces a periodic approach. The approach first considers the wave diffraction by a periodic surface that is a superposition of surface profiles generated by displacing the finite periodic surface by every integer multiple of the period . It is pointed out that the Floquet solution for such a periodic case becomes an integral representation of the scattered field from the finite periodic surface when the period goes to infinity. A mathematical relation estimating the scattering amplitude for the finite periodic surface from the diffraction amplitude for the periodic surface is proposed. From some numerical examples, it is concluded that the scattering cross section for the finite periodic surface can be well estimated from the diffraction amplitude for a sufficiently large .

  • ECG Data Compression by Matching Pursuits with Multiscale Atoms

    Makoto NAKASHIZUKA  Kazuki NIWA  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  

    PAPER-Biomedical Signal Processing

    E84-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose an ECG waveform compression technique based on the matching pursuit. The matching pursuit is an iterative non-orthogonal signal expansion technique. A signal is decomposed to atoms in a function dictionary. The constraint to the dictionary is only the over-completeness to signals. The function dictionary can be defined to be best match to the structure of the ECG waveform. In this paper, we introduce the multiscale analysis to the implementation of inner product computations between signals and atoms in the matching pursuit iteration. The computational cost can be reduced by utilization of the filter bank of the multiscale analysis. We show the waveform approximation capability of the matching pursuit with multiscale analysis. We show that a simple 4-tap integer filter bank is enough to the approximation and compression of ECG waveforms. In ECG waveform compression, we apply the error feed-back procedure to the matching pursuit iteration to reduce the norm of the approximation error. Finally, actual ECG waveform compression by the proposed method are demonstrated. The proposed method achieve the compression by the factor 10 to 30. The compression ratio given by the proposed method is higher than the orthogonal wavelet transform coding in the range of the reconstruction precision lower than 9% in PRD.

  • Silicon Planar Esaki Diode Operating at Room Temperature

    Junji KOGA  Akira TORIUMI  


    E84-C No:8

    Negative differential conductance based on lateral interband tunnel effect is demonstrated in a planar degenerate p+-n+ diode (Esaki tunnel diode). The device is fabricated with the current silicon ultralarge scale integration (Si ULSI) process, paying attention to the processing damage so as to reduce an excess tunnel current that flows over some intermediate states in the tunnel junction. I-V characteristics at a low temperature clearly show an intrinsic electron transport, indicating phonon-assisted tunneling in Si as in the case of the previous Esaki diodes fabricated by the alloying method. In addition, a simple circuit function of bistable operation is demonstrated by connecting the planar Esaki diode with conventional Si metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs). The planar Esaki diode will be a promising device element in the functional library for enhancing the total system performance for the coming system-on-a-chip (SoC) era.

  • A Unified View of Heterogeneous Agents' Interaction

    Hiroyuki ONJO  Behrouz H. FAR  


    E84-D No:8

    In this paper agents' interactions are defined in terms of cooperation, coordination and competition. As for cooperation and coordination problems, we focus on knowledge sharing of agents, define agencies as organizations of agents, propose a method to extract organizational knowledge for interacting agents. In case of competition, knowledge sharing is impossible. Therefore, modeling and formalization of strategic decision making and uncertainty management is required. We present an incomplete game theoretical based decision making method for competitive agents.

  • Circuit and System for Quantum Functional Devices

    Tadashi AE  Hiroyuki ARAKI  


    E84-C No:8

    We believe the quantum functional device to be a future perspective device, if we solve the problems that it has nowadays. We will summarize such problems with several discussions from the viewpoint of circuit and system.
