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  • An Unwrapping of Signals in Transform Domain and Its Application in Signal Reconstruction

    Pavol ZAVARSKY  Nobuo FUJII  Noriyoshi KAMBAYASHI  Masahiro IWAHASHI  Somchart CHOKCHAITAM  


    E84-A No:7

    An unwrapping of signal coefficients in transform domain is proposed for applications in which a lossy operation is performed on the coefficients between analysis and synthesis. It is shown that the unwrapping-based modification of signal-to-additive-signal ratio can employ the fact that an implementation of a biorthogonal decomposition is characterized by a mutually orthogonal eigenvectors. An example to illustrate the benefits of the presented approach in lossy image compression applications is shown.

  • A Numerical Algorithm for Feedback Linearization of Single Input Nonlinear Systems Using the C.I.R Method and Tensor Product Splines

    YuJin JANG  Sang Woo KIM  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E84-A No:7

    It is very difficult to obtain a linearizing feedback and a coordinate transformation map, even though the system is feedback linearizable. It is known that finding a desired transformation map and feedback is equivalent to finding an integrating factor for an annihilating one-form. In this paper we develop a numerical algorithm for an integrating factor involving a set of partial differential equations and corresponding zero-form using the C.I.R method. We employ a tensor product splines as an interpolation method to data which are resulted from the numerical algorithm in order to obtain an approximate integrating factor and a zero-form in closed forms. Next, we obtain a coordinate transformation map using the approximate integrating factor and zero-form. Finally, we construct a stabilizing controller based on a linearized system with the approximate coordinate transformation.

  • A Design of Self-Tuning Predictive PID Controllers

    Masako ASANO  Toru YAMAMOTO  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E84-A No:7

    PID control schemes based on the classical control theory, have been widely used for various real control systems. However, in practice, since it is considerably difficult to determine the PID parameters suitably, lots of researches have been reported with respect to tuning schemes of PID parameters. Furthermore, several self-tuning and auto-tuning techniques in the PID control have been reported for systems with unknown or slowly time-varying parameters. On the other hand, so-called a generalized predictive control (GPC) scheme has been reported as a useful self-tuning control technique for unknown and/or time variant delay systems. In this paper, a new self-tuning predictive PID control algorithm based on a GPC criterion is proposed.

  • A Hopfield Network Learning Algorithm for Graph Planarization

    Zheng TANG  Rong Long WANG  Qi Ping CAO  

    LETTER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E84-A No:7

    A gradient ascent learning algorithm of the Hopfield neural networks for graph planarization is presented. This learning algorithm uses the Hopfield neural network to get a near-maximal planar subgraph, and increases the energy by modifying parameters in a gradient ascent direction to help the network escape from the state of the near-maximal planar subgraph to the state of the maximal planar subgraph or better one. The proposed algorithm is applied to several graphs up to 150 vertices and 1064 edges. The performance of our algorithm is compared with that of Takefuji/Lee's method. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is much better than Takefuji/Lee's method in terms of the solution quality for every tested graph.

  • A Learning Algorithm with Activation Function Manipulation for Fault Tolerant Neural Networks

    Naotake KAMIURA  Yasuyuki TANIGUCHI  Yutaka HATA  Nobuyuki MATSUI  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerance

    E84-D No:7

    In this paper we propose a learning algorithm to enhance the fault tolerance of feedforward neural networks (NNs for short) by manipulating the gradient of sigmoid activation function of the neuron. We assume stuck-at-0 and stuck-at-1 faults of the connection link. For the output layer, we employ the function with the relatively gentle gradient to enhance its fault tolerance. For enhancing the fault tolerance of hidden layer, we steepen the gradient of function after convergence. The experimental results for a character recognition problem show that our NN is superior in fault tolerance, learning cycles and learning time to other NNs trained with the algorithms employing fault injection, forcible weight limit and the calculation of relevance of each weight to the output error. Besides the gradient manipulation incorporated in our algorithm never spoils the generalization ability.

  • A Secure Communication System Using Biometric Identity Verification

    Yasushi YAMAZAKI  Naohisa KOMATSU  


    E84-D No:7

    This paper describes a biometric-based key generation method and its application to a secure communication system. In the proposed method, a personal key which is unique to each user is generated by extracting his/her biometric information. Using the generated personal key, a secure communication system which has the functions of confidentiality and user authentication is realized. As an example of the proposed method, we introduce a personal key generation method based on one's handwriting, and a secure telewriting system which enables the encryption of handwriting information as well as the authentication of a writer. Some simulation results indicate the possibility of realizing the above functions by using a writer's personal key.

  • Biometrics Systems: Anatomy of Performance

    Anil JAIN  Sharath PANKANTI  


    E84-D No:7

    An accurate automatic personal identification is critical to a wide range of application domains such as access control, electronic commerce, and welfare benefits disbursement. Traditional personal identification methods (e.g., passwords, and PIN) suffer from a number of drawbacks and are unable to positively identify a person. Biometrics refers to automatic identification of an individual based on her distinct physiological and/or behavioral traits. While biometrics is not an identification panacea, it is beginning to provide very powerful tools for a variety of new applications (e.g., cellular phones, smart cards and international border control) requiring positive identification. This paper attempts to summarize important research issues in biometrics.

  • Scale Invariant Face Detection and Classification Method Using Shift Invariant Features Extracted from Log-Polar Image

    Kazuhiro HOTTA  Taketoshi MISHIMA  Takio KURITA  


    E84-D No:7

    This paper presents a scale invariant face detection and classification method which uses shift invariant features extracted from a Log-Polar image. Scale changes of a face in an image are represented as shift along the horizontal axis in the Log-Polar image. In order to obtain scale invariant features, shift invariant features are extracted from each row of the Log-Polar image. Autocorrelations, Fourier spectrum, and PARCOR coefficients are used as shift invariant features. These features are then combined with simple classification methods based on Linear Discriminant Analysis to realize scale invariant face detection and classification. The effectiveness of the proposed face detection method is confirmed by experiments using face images captured under different scales, backgrounds, illuminations, and dates. To evaluate the proposed face classification method, we performed experiments using 2,800 face images with 7 scales under 2 different backgrounds and face images of 52 persons.

  • Making Practical High Frequency Electromagnetic Simulators--Past, Present and Future

    James C. RAUTIO  


    E84-C No:7

    Although Maxwell's equations have been known for over 100 years, it was not until the last decade that they have seen regular use in applied high frequency design. The availability of sufficient computer processing capability is only part of the reason Maxwell's equations now enjoy regular application. Other developments requiring considerable effort are needed as well. These include increased attention to robustness, software testing, ease of use, portability, integration with other tools, and support. These developments are detailed in this paper.

  • Analysis of Handset Antennas in the Vicinity of the Human Body by the Electromagnetic Simulator

    Hisashi MORISHITA  Yongho KIM  Kyohei FUJIMOTO  

    PAPER-Applications of Electromagnetics Simulators

    E84-C No:7

    As the capacity of a personal computer and workstation increases rapidly, many electromagnetic simulators solving antenna problems are widely used. In this paper, the IE3D electromagnetic simulator, which is a commercial software product, is applied to the analysis of handset antennas in the vicinity of the human body. Firstly, basic characteristics of popular handset antennas such as whip and planar inverted-F antennas are obtained by the IE3D electromagnetic simulator and calculated results are compared with measured results quoted from the referenced paper. Secondly, on the basis of newly considered design concept for a handset antenna, a loop antenna system for the handset, which we have proposed in order to reduce the influence of human body, is taken as an example of a balance-fed antenna and is analyzed theoretically and experimentally including the influence of the human body. In a result, calculated results by the IE3D electromagnetic simulator are in good agreement with measured results and it is confirmed that the simulator is very effective in analyzing the handset antenna in the vicinity of the human body.

  • Identification Algorithm Using a Matching Score Matrix

    Takuji MAEDA  Masahito MATSUSHITA  Koichi SASAKAWA  


    E84-D No:7

    Recently, biometrics such as a person's fingerprint, face, and voice has come to be used for personal authentication. At present, most biometrics authentication systems depend on verification (one-to-one matching) because such verification takes a short period of time and is expected to provide a quick response. In these systems, however, every single user has to enter an ID number for each authentication session and might feel incovenienced as a result. To improve the operation efficiency, identification (one-to-many matching) is required, but identification is currently assumed to require much more time than verification (i.e., the response time is not practical). After probing these problems, we developed a new method to achieve identification in a short period of time. This method shortens the response time by using a matching score matrix, which is constructed in the enrollment phase. The proposed method is shown to need only about 45 one-to-one matchings to identify data in a database with two thousand fingerprints, a count much less than by conventional methods.

  • Constructing Voronoi Diagrams in the L1 Metric Using the Geographic Nearest Neighbors

    Youngcheul WEE  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E84-A No:7

    This paper introduces a new approach based on the geographic nearest neighbors for constructing the Delaunay triangulation (a dual of the Voronoi diagram) of a set of n sites in the plane under the L1 metric. In general, there is no inclusion relationship between the Delaunay triangulation and the octant neighbor graph. We however find that under the L1 metric the octant neighbor graph contains at least one edge of each triangle in the Delaunay triangulation. By using this observation and employing a range tree scheme, we design an algorithm for constructing the Delaunay triangulation (thus the Voronoi diagram) in the L1 metric. This algorithm takes O(n log n) sequential time for constructing the Delaunay triangulation in the L1 metric. This algorithm can easily be parallelized, and takes O(log n) time with O(n) processors on a CREW-PRAM.

  • BER Analysis for Multi-Carrier DS CDMA with Multi-Rate Traffic

    Abbas SANDOUK  Masaaki HARADA  Hiraku OKADA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  


    E84-A No:7

    In this letter, we present bit error analysis (BER) of orthogonal multi-carrier direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) system with multi-rate (multimedia) traffic. Analysis is carried out with random signature codes for an AWGN channel. Interference in such a system is severe because all users of all media transmit over the same assigned sub-carriers. This makes the analysis difficult. In our analysis, we divide this interference into different types and carry out our analysis to obtain the BER taking into account all these types. We show that the performance of the system is improved as the number of assigned sub-carriers M increases until a limit where the improvement does not continue even when M increases more. This is because of, as we show, the interference due to other sub-carriers becomes constant even in the case of M , and the interference in a multi-rate multi-carrier system is bigger than that in a single-carrier (M=1) by a factor of π2/3.

  • First Step in Dynamic Channel Assignment for Personal Handy Phone System

    Noriyoshi SONETAKA  


    E84-A No:7

    In the current digital mobile communication that is used in the micro cellular system, a Self-Organized Dynamic Channel Assignment (DCA) Method has been proposed to use frequencies effectively. However, its characteristics and operational matters have not been reported yet. This paper takes up the TDMA/TDD system used in the current PHS system and also evaluates the characteristics and operational matters of this method through the actual operational tests. In addition, this paper aims to propose a new DCA method in order to speed up the Channel Segregation and evaluates its effects through the actual operational tests.

  • Clique Packing Approximation for Analysis of Teletraffic Characteristics of Dynamic Channel Assignment Considering Mobility

    Heun-Soo LEE  Naoyuki KARASAWA  Keisuke NAKANO  Masakazu SENGOKU  


    E84-A No:7

    This paper discusses the teletraffic characteristics of cellular systems using Dynamic Channel Assignment. In general, it is difficult to exactly and theoretically analyze the teletraffic characteristics of Dynamic Channel Assignment. Also, it is not easy to theoretically evaluate influence of mobility on the traffic characteristics. This paper proposes approximate techniques to analyze teletraffic characteristics of Dynamic Channel Assignment considering mobility. The proposed techniques are based on Clique Packing approximation.

  • Optimum Modulation Assignment According to Subband Channel Status for BST-OFDM

    Masayuki MOTEGI  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E84-A No:7

    This paper proposes and investigates optimum modulation assignment and band allocation scheme according to subband channel status for BST-OFDM system. The proposed system can adaptively optimize modulation assignment and band allocation according to the conditional parameter under independently fading subband channels. Specifically, in this paper only two optimization problems are treated in terms of modulation assignment. At first, an optimization criterion is a total Bit Error Rate (BER) subject to the constraint conditions of a desired total information bit rate under a fixed effective bandwidth. Another optimization problem is the maximization of a total information bit rate to satisfy a desired BER under a fixed effective bandwidth. Knowledge of the subband channel status is assumed to be updated by the feedback information from a receiver. This paper shows that the proposed system can overperform the conventional system in which all subbands employ the same modulation schemes in terms of BER. In addition, it is shown that the proposed system improves the overall information bit rate, which is not accomplishable in the conventional system.

  • Performance Evaluation of Coherent High-Speed TD-OFCDM Broadband Packet Wireless Access in Forward Link Employing Multi-Level Modulation and Hybrid ARQ

    Hiroyuki ATARASHI  Sadayuki ABETA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  


    E84-A No:7

    This paper evaluates high-speed broadband packet wireless access in the forward link using coherent Time Division-Orthogonal Frequency and Code Division Multiplexing (TD-OFCDM) by applying time-multiplexed pilot symbol assisted channel estimation and integrating efficient multi-level modulation, hybrid automatic repeat request (ARQ), and code-multiplexing over a 50-100 MHz bandwidth. Computer simulation results first clarify that the common time-multiplexed pilot symbols with the transmit power of 6 dB higher than that of data symbols should be placed at both the beginning and end of a packet, and that the optimum averaging interval of channel estimates in the frequency domain is different according to the delay spread of a channel. Based on these optimized parameters for packet transmission, we show that the orthogonality among the code-multiplexed channels is destroyed due to severe frequency selective (multipath) fading and the accumulation of spread signals using equal gain combining (EGC) in the frequency domain. This degrades the achievable throughput performance especially when employing multi-level modulation and a high coding rate. Consequently, coherent TD-OFCDM with 8PSK data modulation and the convolutional coding of rate R = 2/3 employing sixteen-code multiplexing (spreading factor (SF) is 16) achieves the highest throughput of approximately 105 Mbps at the average received Eb/N0 (signal energy per bit-to-noise power spectrum density ratio) of approximately 24 dB in a 3-path Rayleigh fading channel (rms delay spread, σ= 0.1 µsec). Furthermore, in coherent TD-OFCDM with QPSK and R = 4/5 or 8PSK and R = 1/2, throughput performance greater than 80 Mbps is achieved at the average received Eb/N0 of approximately 20 dB even in a 24-path Rayleigh fading channel (σ= 0.2 µsec).

  • Performance of Data Compression in Terms of Hausdorff Dimension

    Kouki HOJO  Boris Ya. RYABKO  Joe SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E84-A No:7

    Currently, the most popular model in data compression theory is that of stationary ergodic sources. But there do exist sequences each of which is not emitted from any stationary ergodic source but can be compressed sufficiently by a certain algorithm. We estimate the size of the set of such sequences in terms of Hausdorff dimension.

  • On Dynamic Service Integration in VNA Architecture

    Jin NAKAZAWA  Yoshito TOBE  Hideyuki TOKUDA  


    E84-A No:7

    In forthcoming home network environment, computation capability will be embedded invisibly in home appliances, sensors, walls, ceilings, and floors. People will conduct various tasks using multiple devices simultaneously without consciousness of using computers. In this paper, first, we propose an application model named Virtual Network Appliance (VNA) model which simplify and expand device utilization. In the model, each device has VNA runtime system and function objects, called VNA components, running on it. A user task is defined in an application called VNA which is a logical appliance consisting of abstract function requirements and a message graph among them. Second, we propose Virtual Plug&Play mechanism which is a dynamic service integration mechanism in VNA model implementation. When a user conducts a task, he/she makes a VNA runtime system on a user-side terminal load a VNA definition appropriate for the task. Virtual Plug&Play dynamically discovers required VNA components and establishes the message graph as defined. Since XML documents are used to describe a VNA, users can share and customize it easily. We call the device integration done by Virtual Plug&Play top-down integration, which existing middleware do not aim at. Finally, we show that Virtual Plug&Play affords practical performance for top-down integration by performance evaluation.

  • A New Effective Analysis for Wireless CSMA/CA LANs Supporting Real-Time Voice and Data Services

    Wuyi YUE  Yutaka MATSUMOTO  


    E84-A No:7

    Wireless LANs have been used for realizing fully-distributed users in a multimedia environment that has the ability to provide real-time bursty traffic (such as voice or video) and data traffic. In this paper, we present a new realistic and detailed system model and a new effective analysis for the performance of wireless LANs which support multimedia communication with non-persistent carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol. In this CSMA/CA model, a user with a packet ready to transmit initially sends some pulse signals with random intervals within a collision avoidance period before transmitting the packet to verify a clear channel. The system model consists of a finite number of users to efficiently share a common channel. Each user can be a source of both voice traffic and data traffic. The time axis is slotted, and a frame has a large number of slots and includes two parts: the collision avoidance period and the packet transmission period. A discrete-time Markov process is used to model the system operation. The number of slots in a frame can be arbitrary, dependent on the chosen lengths of the collision avoidance period and packet transmission period. Numerical results are shown in terms of channel utilization and average packet delay for different packet generation rates. They indicate that the network performance can be improved by adequate choice of ratios between the collision avoidance period and transmission period, and the pulse transmission probability.
