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[Keyword] Ti(30728hit)


  • On the Hilberts Technique for Use in Diffraction Problems Described in Terms of Bicomplex Mathematics

    Masahiro HASHIMOTO  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:2

    It is shown from the Hilberts theory that if the real function Π(θ) has no zeros over the interval [0, 2π], it can be factorized into a product of the factor π+(θ) and its complex conjugate π-(θ)(=). This factorization is tested to decompose a real far-zone field pattern having zeros. To this end, the factorized factors are described in terms of bicomplex mathematics. In our bicomplex mathematics, the temporal imaginary unit "j" is newly defined to distinguish from the spatial imaginary unit i, both of which satisfy i2=-1 and j2=-1.

  • Ultrashort Optical Pulse Shaping by Electrooptic Synthesizer

    Dae-Sik KIM  Tattee KHAYIM  Akihiro MORIMOTO  Tetsuro KOBAYASHI  


    E81-C No:2

    We demonstrate an electrooptic synthesis technique for generating arbitrarily shaped short optical pulses from a CW narrow linewidth laser. For the optical pulse shaping, a large-amplitude electrooptic phase modulator is specially fabricated by employing the quasi-velocity-matching. The phase modulated light having sidebands as wide as 1 THz is separated and phase-only-controlled spatially by a liquid crystal modulator array. After composing the light by using a grating, nearly 1. 2 ps of Fourier-transform-limited optical pulses is obtained.

  • The Effect of Sampling-Pulse Pedestals on Temporal Resolution in Electro-Optic Sampling

    Makoto YAITA  Tadao NAGATSUMA  

    PAPER-Femtosecond Pulse Compression, Amplification and Manipulation

    E81-C No:2

    The effect of sampling-pulse pedestals, generated by pulse compression, on the temporal resolution in electro-optic (EO) sampling is studied both theoretically and experimentally. Analysis is made on how the pedestals degrade a measurement bandwidth and a temporal waveform. Based on the analysis, a practical guideline on the suppression of pedestals is also given. Gain-switched laser diode (LD) pulses adiabatically soliton-compressed using a dispersion decreasing fiber are used to confirm the theoretical results, and are successfully applied to high-temporal-resolution (>100 GHz) EO sampling measurements.

  • Noncollinear Phase- and Group-Velocity Matching of Optical Parametric Amplifier for Ultrashort Pulse Generation

    Akira SHIRAKAWA  Takayoshi KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Femtosecond Pulse Compression, Amplification and Manipulation

    E81-C No:2

    An ultra-broadband optical parametric amplification can be attained by a noncollinear phase-matching. The group-velocity matching of the signal and idler reduces the signal-pulse width to 14-fs in an optical parametric amplifier based on a β-BaB2O4 crystal pumped by a second harmonics of a Ti: sapphire regenerative amplifier. This simple novel method shows the potential light source of a tunable sub-10-fs pulse in a visible region.

  • 10 Gbit/s-Soliton Transmission over 5700 km in Dispersion Compensated Standard Fiber Systems

    Hitoshi MURAI  Makoto SHIKATA  Kazuo TANAKA  Hiromi T. YAMADA  Hiroyuki YAMAZAKI  Yukihiro OZEKI  


    E81-C No:2

    The reduction of Soliton-soliton interaction to stabilize the soliton pulse propagation in the periodic dispersion-compensated standard fiber system using optical bandpass filter has been investigated by numerical simulation, and experimentally 10 Gbit/s soliton transmission was realized without fine tuning dispersion management over 5700 km, using appropriate optical bandpass filters and polarization scrambler.

  • Nonlinear Chirped Pulse in a Dispersion Compensated System

    Yuji KODAMA  

    PAPER-Soliton Transmission

    E81-C No:2

    We study nonlinear pulse propagation in an optical transmission system with dispersion compensation. This is particularly important for designing an ultra-fast long-haul communication system in the next generation. There exists a quasi-stationary pulse solution in such a system whose width and chirp are rapidly oscillating with the period of dispersion compensation. This pulse also has several new features such as enhanced power when compared with the soliton case with a uniform dispersion and a deformation from the sech-shape of soliton. We use the averaging method, and the averaged equation to describe the core of the pulse solution is shown to be the nonlinear Schrodinger equation having a nontrapping quadratic potential. Because of this potential, a pulse propagating in such a system eventually decays into dispersive waves in a way similar to the tunneling effect. However in a practical situation, the tunneling effect is estimated to be small, and the decay may be neglected.

  • The Shortest KLM Ti:Sapphire Laser Pulse Started by a Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror (SESAM)

    Dirk H. SUTTER  Isabella D. JUNG  Nicolai MATUSCHEK  Francois MORIER-GENOUD  Franz X. KARTNER  Ursula KELLER  Volker SCHEUER  Markus TILSCH  Theo TSCHUDI  


    E81-C No:2

    This paper summarizes our recent efforts in modelocking Ti:sapphire lasers with semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs). We present the shortest optical pulses ever generated directly from a laser. The modelocking build-up time (T BU) of 60 µs is, to our knowledge, the shortest reported for a passively modelocked KLM laser to date.

  • Voice Communication on Multimedia ATM Network Using Shared VCI Cell

    Toshihiro MASAKI  Yasuhiro NAKATANI  Takao ONOYE  Nariyoshi YAMAI  Koso MURAKAMI  

    PAPER-ATM switch interworking

    E81-B No:2

    This paper presents novel multimedia ATM networks which are capable of transmitting voice data efficiently and unify the switching methods among heterogeneous traffic. Fully ATMized multimedia networks are using fellow cell switches. The proposed assembly method can pack plural calls which have different virtual channel connection (VCC) into one cell. Every call in cells is able to be dynamically rearranged by the fellow cell switch to achieve an efficient use of network resources. The switching functions are supported by shared virtual channel identifier (VCI) cells and fellow cells in it. The fellow cell switch for 622 Mbps links is integrated into a single chip. The multimedia ATM networks including voice transmission can be constructed by the fellow cell switches being attached to the standard ATM switches.

  • Comparative Evaluation of Photonic ATM Switch Architectures

    Yoshihiro NAKAHIRA  Hideki SUNAHARA  Yuji OIE  

    PAPER-Advanced technologies for ATM system

    E81-B No:2

    In this paper, we discuss configurations of photonic ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) switches and their advantages in terms of the number of optical switching devices to be implemented on the system, the number of wavelengths, throughput, broadcast function etc. In particular, we focus on photonic ATM switch architectures which can be built in the near future; that is, with presently available optical and electrical devices. For example, we assume the optical devices such as optical gate switches with 40 dB on/off ratio. In this context, we evaluate 17 types of photonic ATM switches; they are 6 types of input buffer type switches, 6 types of output buffer type switches, 4 types of shared buffer switches, and 1 proposed type. From our evaluation, for cell switching, wavelength division switching technologies are desirable compared with space division switching technologies in the sense that the former enables us to build a photonic ATM switch with the less number of optical gate switches. Furthermore, we propose a switch architecture equipped with optical delay line buffers on outputs and electric buffers on inputs. We show that our switch architecture is superior in the number of required optical gate switch elements under the given conditions.

  • A Simulation Scheme for Estimating Deadline of Real-Time Task Modeled in Timed Petri Net

    Won-Ho CHUNG  Hyunsoo YOON  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E81-A No:2

    Estimating the deadline of a real-time task is a necessary prerequisite to the applications that have strict timing constraints, such as real-time systems design. This paper shows how Monte-Carlo simulation can be used as a space-efficient way of analyzing Timed Petri nets to predict whether the system specified can satisfy its real-time deadlines. For the purpose, Extended Timed Petri Net (XTPN), an extension of conventional Timed Petri net, and its execution rule, using Monte-Carlo technique, are newly defined. A simple simulation scheme with less memory space is presented as a way of estimating the deadline of a real-time task modeled in XTPN. And the comparison between the analytical and simulation results is given. The problem addressed here is to find the probabilities of meeting given deadlines.

  • A Theoretical Analysis of Quantum Noise in Semiconductor Lasers Operating with Self-Sustained Pulsation

    Minoru YAMADA  

    PAPER-Quantum Electronics

    E81-C No:2

    The semiconductor lasers operating with self-sustained pulsation are under developing to be lasers which are less disturbed by the optical feedback from a surface of optical disk. Structures setting saturable absorbing regions utilizing the multi-layer configuration become popularly used for giving stronger pulsation. However, the quantum (intensity) noise in these lasers tends to be enhanced. The ridge stripe structure, of which almost self-sustained pulsation lasers consist, seems to give a leak current flowing along plane of the cladding region. Such leak current also increases the quantum noise. In this paper, theoretical calculations of operating characteristics, such as the self-sustained pulsation, the optical output, the quantum noise as well as the transverse filed profile, are theoretically analyzed by including the above mentioned several phenomena.

  • New Formulas on Orthogonal Functionals of Stochastic Binary Sequence with Unequal Probability

    Lan GAO  Junichi NAKAYAMA  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E81-A No:2

    This paper deals with an orthogonal functional expansion of a non-linear stochastic functional of a stationary binary sequence taking 1 with unequal probability. Several mathematical formulas, such as multivariate orthogonal polynomials, recurrence formula and generating function, are given in explicit form. A formula of an orthogonal functional expansion for a stochastic functional is presented; the completeness of expansion is discussed in Appendix.

  • ATM Based Broadband Access System Using Bearer Connection Control

    Hideki KASAHARA  Shinichiro CHAKI  Hiroaki SATO  Hiromi UEDA  

    PAPER-ATM switching architecture

    E81-B No:2

    This paper discusses an ATM based access system for a broadband access network that provides flexible and cost effective multimedia services for mass consumption including households. The access system proposed herein uses ATM-PDS subscriber transmission technologies, thus enabling multiple users to share a single fiber resource while transmitting or receiving multimedia information within the broadband network. The system also has virtual channel concentration function by using the bearer connection control protocol being studied for VB5. 2 interface in the ITU-T. We show that the virtual channel concentration function reduces the access cost per user. We also discuss multiple QoS control methods in the system to provide multiple services efficiently. This paper evaluates two methods to handle ABR class and UBR class traffic: shared bandwidth with preferred ABR method, and guaranteed bandwidth with overriding method. The result indicates that when using the shared bandwidth with preferred ABR method for the access system, ABR throughput and UBR throughput per VC depend on the proportion of the number of ABR-VC connections to the total active VCs and on the each buffer size in the access system. And it is difficult to control ABR-VC and UBR-VC throughputs in the access network by using the shared bandwidth with preferred ABR method, which simple mechanism. With the guaranteed bandwidth with overriding method, while ABR-VC throughput and UBR-VC throughput also depend on the proportion of ABR-VCs to the total VCs and on the buffer size, it can offer the minimum guaranteed throughput to the UBR traffic. The result shows the method is effective for easy service provisioning.

  • A Novel Broad-Band MMIC VCO Using an Active Inductor

    Hitoshi HAYASHI  Masahiro MURAGUCHI  


    E81-A No:2

    This paper proposes a novel broad-band MMIC VCO using an active inductor. This VCO is composed of a serial resonant circuit, in which the capacitor is in series with an active inductor that has a constant negative resistance. Since the inductance value of this active inductor is inversely proportional to the square of the transconductance and can vary widely with the FETs gate bias control, a broad-band oscillation tuning range can be obtained. Furthermore, since this active inductor can generate a constant negative resistance of more than 50Ω, the proposed VCO can oscillate against a 50Ω output load immediately without using additional impedance transformers. We have fabricated the VCO using a GaAs MESFET process. A frequency tuning range of more than 50%, from 1.56 to 2.85 GHz, with an output power of 4.41.0 dBm, was obtained. With a carrier of 2. 07 GHz, the phase noise at 1-MHz offset was less than -110 dBc/Hz. The chip size was less than 0. 61 mm2, and the power consumption was 80 mW. This broad-band analog design can be used at microwave frequencies in PLL applications as a compact alternative to other types of oscillator circuits.

  • Current-Mode Active RC Filters Using Current Followers

    Mitsuo OKINE  Noriaki KATSUHARA  


    E81-A No:2

    In this letter, a realization of current-mode active filter using current followers as active element is described. We show the constructions of second-order lowpass, highpass and bandpass filters. The high-order filters can be realized by a cascade connection of these second filters. As examples, the second-order lowpass and highpass filters are designed for frequency of 5 MHz. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through SPICE simulation.

  • New Dimensions in T-Ray Imaging

    Stefan HUNSCHE  Daniel M. MITTLEMAN  Martin KOCH  Martin C. NUSS  

    PAPER-THz Wave Generation and Applications

    E81-C No:2

    The development of a far-infrared imaging system based on ultrafast THz time-domain spectroscopy has opened a new field of applications of femtosecond technology. We describe the principle of this new imaging technique and report recent progress to augment the possibilities of "T-ray" imaging. These include sub-wavelength-resolution near-field imaging and three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction of a samples refractive index profile.

  • Fiber Dispersion and Amplifier Output Power Design for Soliton Transmission Systems

    Kazuhiro SHIMOURA  Shigeyuki SEIKAI  


    E81-C No:2

    If the fiber dispersion of soliton transmission line is optimized, the amplifiers output power becomes almost constant for different amplifier spacing and pulse width. Numerical simulations indicate the optimal dispersion can be determined, as the ratio of amplifier spacing to dispersion length is about 0. 8 for uniform dispersion line.

  • A Clock Distribution Technique with an Automatic Skew Compensation Circuit

    Hiroki SUTOH  Kimihiro YAMAKOSHI  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E81-C No:2

    This paper describes a low-skew clock distribution technique for multiple targets. An automatic skew compensation circuit, that detects the round-trip delay through a pair of matched interconnection lines and corrects the delay of the variable delay lines, maintains clock skew and delay from among multiple targets below the resolution time of the variable delay lines without any manual adjustment. Measured results show that the initial clock skew of 900 ps is automatically reduced to 30 ps at a clock frequency of up to 250 MHz with 60 ps of clock jitter. Moreover, they show that the initial clock delay of 1500 ps is cancelled and 60 ps of clock delay can be achieved. The power dissipation is 100 mW at 250 MHz.

  • A Comparative Study of Eight Learning Algorithms for Artificial Neural Networks Based on a Real Application

    Yadira SOLANO  Hiroaki IKEDA  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E81-A No:2

    The aim of this study is to offer additional experimental evaluation on learning algorithms for artificial neural networks by testing and comparing the normalized backpropagation algorithm (NBP), previously proposed by the authors, and six other alternatives based on a particular application to financial forecasting. The algorithms are the original backpropagation (OBP), the NBP, backpropagation with momentum (two versions), the delta-bar-delta, the superSAB, the rprop and the quickprop algorithm.

  • Electroabsorption Modulators for High Speed Ultrashort Pulse Generation and Processing

    Martin GUY  Stanislav CHERNIKOV  Roy TAYLOR  


    E81-C No:2

    Electroabsorption modulators are high speed devices that are rapidly being commercialised and finding applications in a number of areas, particularly in telecommunications. A CW laser diode modulated by an electroabsorption modulator constitutes an extremely stable, robust and simple source of high quality, high repetition rate ultrashort optical pulses. In this paper we describe the capabilities and limitations of such pulse sources, and present nonlinear pulse compression and manipulation techniques that allow one to overcome these limitations. We also present the design of a new class of comb-like dispersion-profiled fibre compressor. Such a compressor is easily fabricated from commercially available fibres and represents a simple yet powerful way of extending the range of pulse durations available. As the electroabsorption modulator is essentially a high speed switch it is also applicable to optical processing problems, and we report the application of such a device to demultiplexing.
