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  • An MMIC Variable-Gain Amplifier Using a Cascode-Connected FET with Constant Phase Deviation

    Hitoshi HAYASHI  Masahiro MURAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E81-C No:1

    An MMIC variable-gain amplifier, which improves the transmission phase deviation caused by gain control, is presented. At first, it is shown that by controlling both the common-gate FET's gate bias voltage and the common-source FET's gate bias voltage, the transmission phase deviation caused by gain control of the variable-gain amplifier using a cascode-connected FET is greatly improved. In this case it is not desirable to control both of the gate bias voltages independently, because of the complexity. Thus we propose two simple gate bias voltage control circuits controlling both of the gate bias voltages, in which only one of the two gate bias voltages is controlled independently and the other is controlled dependently. Then we apply these circuits to the 1. 9-GHz-band variable-gain amplifier using the cascode-connected FET. One of the control circuits is the gate bias voltage control circuit using two resistors. It is confirmed that, by applying the newly proposed circuit, phase deviation is suppressed, from between 0and 30to between 3and 5, with 25-dB gain control. The other circuit is the gate bias voltage control circuit using the FET's nonlinear characteristics. It is confirmed that, by applying the newly proposed circuit, phase deviation is suppressed, from between 0and 44to between 6and 3 with 30-dB gain control. This is a promising technique for reducing the transmission phase deviation caused by gain control of the amplifiers used in active phased array antennas.

  • An Address-Based Queue Mechanism for Shared Buffer ATM Switches with Multicast Function

    Hiroshi INAI  Jiro YAMAKITA  

    LETTER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E81-B No:1

    The address-based queues are widely used in shared buffer ATM switches to guarantee the order of the cell delivery. In this paper, we propose an address-based queue mechanism to achieve an efficient use of the shared memory under a multicast service. In the switch, both cells and the address queues share the common memory. Each queue length changes flexibly according to the number of the stored cells. Our approach significantly reduces the cell loss probability as compared with the previously proposed approaches.

  • Oversampling Theorem for Wavelet Subspace

    Wen CHEN  Shuichi ITOH  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:1

    An oversampling theorem for regular sampling in wavelet subspaces is established. The sufficient-necessary condition for which it holds is found. Meanwhile the truncation error and aliasing error are estimated respectively when the theorem is applied to reconstruct discretely sampled signals. Finally an algorithm is formulated and an example is calculated to show the algorithm.

  • Applicability Evaluation of Service Feature Enhancement Using Plug-in Modification Technique

    Keiichi KOYANAGI  Hiroshi SUNAGA  Tetsuyasu YAMADA  Hiromasa IKEDA  

    PAPER-Communication Software

    E81-B No:1

    The Non-stop Service-Enhanceable Software (NOSES) platform was developed as part of our overall plan to establish a communications software platform that can be customized for use by various communications systems, such as STM, ATM and IN. The developed NOSES techniques are call-recovery restart, system file update, and on-line partial file modification, so called "Plug-in"; they were achieved by using dynamic program modification. A system-file update inevitably affects calls in service, despite efforts to save in-service calls by copying the call data from the old file to the new one. We therefore developed a different approach: Plug-in modification. This paper evaluates the applicability of the plug-in mechanism of the NOSES platform. Plug-in is a dynamic partial-file modification technique that does not affect calls in service in a communication switching system. In order to apply plug-in program modification widely, the static and dynamic properties of the modified software must be considered. Therefore, an applicability judgement matrix is introduced. The evaluated applicability of plug-in based on case studies and field data was about 60% for service feature additions and modifications. Thus, plug-in is effective for file maintenance of switching systems from the viewpoint of quick provisioning of new service features and bug fixes.

  • Analysis of Finite Buffer Head-of-the-Line Priority Queues with Push-Out Scheme as Space Priority

    Shuichi SUMITA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:1

    This paper analyzes a finite buffer M/G/1 queue with two classes of customers who are served by a combination of head-of-the-line priority and push-out schemes. This combination gives each class of customers two different types of priorities with respect to both delay and loss. There are two models considered. The first one is that one class of customers has a higher priority over the other class with respect to both delay and loss; the second one is that one class has a higher priority with respect to loss and the other has high-priority with respect to delay. For both of these models, the joint probability distribution of the number of customers of both classes in the buffer is derived by a supplementary variable method. Using this probability distribution, we can easily calculate the loss probabilities of both classes, the mean waiting time for high-priority customers with respect to loss and the upper bound for mean waiting time for low-priority customers with respect to loss. Numerical examples demonstrate an effect of the combination of different types of priorities.

  • Gate Performance in Resonant Tunneling Single Electron Transistor

    Takashi HONDA  Seigo TARUCHA  David Guy AUSTING  


    E81-C No:1

    Gate performance for observing Coulomb oscillations and Coulomb diamonds are compared for two types of gated sub-µm double-barrier heterostructures. The first type of device contains modulation-doped barriers, whereas the second type of device contains a narrower band gap material for the well and no barriers with doped impurities. Both the Coulomb oscillations and Coulomb diamonds are modified irregularly as a function of gate voltage in the first type of device, while in the second type of device they are only systematically modified, reflecting atom-like properties of a quantum dot. This difference is explained in terms of the existence of impurities in the first type of device, which inhomogeneously deform the rotational symmetry of the lateral confining potential as the gate voltage is varied. The absence of impurities is the reason why we observe the atom-like properties only in the second type of device.

  • Generalized Permutation Alphabets and Generating Groups

    The Cuong DINH  Takeshi HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E81-A No:1

    Recently reported multidimensional geometrically uniform signal constellations (L MPSK and Decomposed-Lattice constellations) are joined in the term of Generalized Permutation Alphabets (GPA). Possibility of a binary isometric labeling of GPA's is completely characterized. An algorithm for constructing generating groups of PSK-type GPA is proposed. We show that this concept, when is extended to the lattice, gives rise to a class of new coset codes which perform out best codes listed in [11].

  • Secure Electronic Sealed-Bid Auction Protocol with Public Key Cryptography

    Michiharu KUDO  


    E81-A No:1

    This paper proposes a secure electronic sealed-bid auction protocol (SEAP) that provides an auction service on the Internet by combining three providers: an auction service provider, a key service provider, and a time service provider. The SEAP uses public key cryptography and the concept of a time-key certificate. The most important property of this protocol is that time-dependent security requirements can be strictly satisfied. The SEAP satisfies the following nine security requirements: (a) no one can deny having made a bid; (b) the protocol should be secure against malicious acts; (c) no bidder can act for another bidder; (d) no one can know who else is bidding until the time comes for the bids to be opened; (e) no one can discover the contents of any of the bids until the time comes for the bids to be opened; (f) the successful bid must have been submitted before the bidding deadline; (g) all bidders can verify that the auction policy has been correctly implemented; (h) the successful bidder can be identified without being required to make himself or herself known; and (i) the bidding contents cannot be altered. The protocol consists of three subprotocols: the Registration Subprotocol, the Bidding Subprotocol, and the Auction Subprotocol. The protocol parameters and algorithm are described in detail.

  • VP Control for ATM Networks with Call-Level QoS (Quality of Service) Guarantees

    Kyamakya KYANDOGHERE  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E81-B No:1

    In this paper, a design concept that offers ATM-VP connections with different protection levels is presented. The users have the choice to select the protection level they wish, the network transport service they need, and the worst cell loss they can tolerate at call set up time, and pay accordingly. Besides, an advanced adaptive traffic control scheme that simplifies call and cell processing is also presented. Many important functions such as call admission, VC-bandwidth reservation, cell-level congestion control, etc. are efficiently performed at the boundary of the backbone network. In this way is given a suitable answer to the important question: "How can future telecommunication networks based on ATM provide services with customized availability ?" A platform that outlines the potential interaction between restoration methods and congestion avoidance schemes is also obtained.

  • Collision Search of a Hash Function by Using Random Mapping

    Hikaru MORITA  Hideki ODAGI  Kazuo OHTA  


    E81-A No:1

    This paper proposes to apply random mapping methods of a pseudo random function to find collisions of a hash function. We test a hash function including a block cipher (see ISO/IEC 10118-2) with computers, where users can select its initial vector. In particular, the paper shows that a hash function with multiple stages generates a lot of collision hash values, so our probabilistic consideration of a small model for the hash function well explains the computational results. We show that it's feasible to find collisions between the selected messages in advance for 64-bit-size hash functions with WSs linked via an ordinary LAN (Local Area Network). Thus, it is dangerous to use the hash function -- single block mode -- defined in [6] and [7].

  • Group Cipher System for Intranet Security

    Hiromichi ITO  Seiichi SUSAKI  Masato ARAI  Minoru KOIZUMI  Kazuo TAKARAGI  


    E81-A No:1

    A group-oriented cipher communication method is developed and implemented on a WWW-based (World Wide Web) network system. In this method, a group key common to all entities of the group is generated based on the group name or the identities of entities belonging to the group. The group key, in turn, is used for encrypting the data being shared among the group via the WWW server. The data theft at the WWW cache sites on the intermediate communication line is prevented, establishing a unified feature of the good WWW cache performance and security. A prototype of our method proved the feasibility and the efficiency.

  • Accuracy of the Minimum Time Estimate for Programs on Heterogeneous Machines

    Dingchao LI  Yuji IWAHORI  Naohiro ISHII  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E81-D No:1

    Parallelism on heterogeneous machines brings cost effectiveness, but also raises a new set of complex and challenging problems. This paper addresses the problem of estimating the minimum time taken to execute a program on a fine-grained parallel machine composed of different types of processors. In an earlier publication, we took the first step in this direction by presenting a graph-construction method which partitions a given program into several homogeneous parts and incorporates timing constraints due to heterogeneous parallelism into each part. In this paper, to make the method easier to be applied in a scheduling framework and to demonstrate its practical utility, we present an efficient implementation method and compare the results of its use to the optimal schedule lengths obtained by enumerating all possible solutions. Experimental results for several different machine models indicate that this method can be effectively used to estimate a program's minimum execution time.

  • Security of the Extended Fiat-Shamir Schemes

    Kazuo OHTA  Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  


    E81-A No:1

    Fiat-Shamir's identification and signature scheme is efficient as well as provably secure, but it has a problem in that the transmitted information size and memory size cannot simultaneously be small. This paper proposes an identification and signature scheme which overcomes this problem. Our scheme is based on the difficulty of extracting theL-th roots modn (e. g.L=2 1020) when the factors ofnare unknown. We prove that the sequential version of our scheme is a zero knowledge interactive proof system and our parallel version reveals no transferable information if the factoring is difficult. The speed of our scheme's typical implementation is at least one order of magnitude faster than that of the RSA scheme and is relatively slow in comparison with that of the Fiat-Shamir scheme.

  • Anonymous Public Key Certificates and their Applications

    Kazuomi OISHI  Masahiro MAMBO  Eiji OKAMOTO  


    E81-A No:1

    In this paper a public key certification scheme, which protects privacy of user of the public key certificate, is proposed. In the proposed scheme a certification authority issues anonymous public key certificates, with which a certificate user having his/her own secret key can make use of public key cryptography and a certificate verifier can confirm the authenticity of the cryptographic communication of the certificate user. The anonymity of their users is preserved against the verifier. In general, user's activities should not be linked each other from the viewpoint of privacy protection. The use of the same certificate results in the linkage of the cryptographic communications. So, ideally, a certificate should be used only once, and such a certificate is called a one-time certificate. In the proposed scheme one-time certificates are realized with low cost of communication and computation for the certificate user. Multiple certificates can be issued without interaction between CA and the user. The additional computation of the user to obtain a new anonymous public key certificate is one modular exponentiation. In addition, only one secret key is required for multiple certificates. Therefore, the proposed scheme is useful for applications which require anonymity, unlinkability, and efficiency.

  • Addend Dependency of Differential/Linear Probability of Addition

    Hiroshi MIYANO  


    E81-A No:1

    This letter gives a study of additionY=X+K mod 2w which is used in some cryptosystems as RC5. Our results enables us to express the differential and linear probability of addition as a function of addendK. To detect a good differential characteristics or linear approximation of a cryptosystem in which extended key is used as addend, we need to consider how the characteristics or approximations behave depending upon the value of the addend, which are clarified by our results.

  • Two Types of Adaptive Beamformer Using 2-D Joint Process Lattice Estimator

    Tateo YAMAOKA  Takayuki NAKACHI  Nozomu HAMADA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:1

    This paper presents two types of two-dimensional (2-D) adaptive beamforming algorithm which have high rate of convergence. One is a linearly constrained minimum variance (LCMV) beamforming algorithm which minimizes the average output power of a beamformer, and the other is a generalized sidelobe canceler (GSC) algorithm which generalizes the notion of a linear constraint by using the multiple linear constraints. In both algorithms, we apply a 2-D lattice filter to an adaptive filtering since the 2-D lattice filter provides excellent properties compared to a transversal filter. In order to evaluate the validity of the algorithm, we perform computer simulations. The experimental results show that the algorithm can reject interference signals while maintaining the direction of desired signal, and can improve convergent performance.

  • A Stochastic Associative Memory Using Single-Electron Tunneling Devices

    Makoto SAEN  Takashi MORIE  Makoto NAGATA  Atsushi IWATA  


    E81-C No:1

    This paper proposes a new associative memory architecture using stochastic behavior in single electron tunneling (SET) devices. This memory stochastically extracts the pattern most similar to the input key pattern from the stored patterns in two matching modes: the voltage-domain matching mode and the time-domain one. In the former matching mode, ordinary associative memory operation can be performed. In the latter matching mode, a purely stochastic search can be performed. Even in this case, by repeating numerous searching trials, the order of similarity can be obtained. We propose a circuit using SET devices based on this architecture and demonstrate its basic operation with a simulation. By feeding the output pattern back to the input, this memory retrieves slightly dissimilar patterns consecutively. This function may be the key to developing highly intelligent information processing systems close to the human brain.

  • Learning Algorithms Using Firing Numbers of Weight Vectors for WTA Networks in Rotation Invariant Pattern Classification

    Shougang REN  Yosuke ARAKI  Yoshitaka UCHINO  Shuichi KUROGI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E81-A No:1

    This paper focuses on competitive learning algorithms for WTA (winner-take-all) networks which perform rotation invariant pattern classification. Although WTA networks may theoretically be possible to achieve rotation invariant pattern classification with infinite memory capacities, actual networks cannot memorize all input data. To effectively memorize input patterns or the vectors to be classified, we present two algorithms for learning vectors in classes (LVC1 and LVC2), where the cells in the network memorize not only weight vectors but also their firing numbers as statistical values of the vectors. The LVC1 algorithm uses simple and ordinary competitive learning functions, but it incorporates the firing number into a coefficient of the weight change equation. In addition to all the functions of the LVC1, the LVC2 algorithm has a function to utilize under-utilized weight vectors. From theoretical analysis, the LVC2 algorithm works to minimize the energy of all weight vectors to form an effective memory. From computer simulation with two-dimensional rotated patterns, the LVC2 is shown to be better than the LVC1 in learning and generalization abilities, and both are better than the conventional Kohonen self-organizing feature map (SOFM) and the learning vector quantization (LVQ1). Furthermore, the incorporation of the firing number into the weight change equation is shown to be efficient for both the LVC1 and the LVC2 to achieve higher learning and generalization abilities. The theoretical analysis given here is not only for rotation invariant pattern classification, but it is also applicable to other WTA networks for learning vector quantization.

  • A New Algorithm forp-Collection Problem on a Tree-Type Flow Network

    Shuji TSUKIYAMA  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E81-A No:1

    For given integerp, a flow networkNwithn vertices, and sources inN, a problem of finding location ofp sinks inN which maximize the value of maximum flow from sources to sinks is calledp-collection problem. This problem is NP-hard even if a given network is a tree, but a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm is possible for such a network. This paper proposes a new pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for a tree-type network, which is simpler and more efficient than the previous algorithm, and has time complexity of O(p2n2Cc min {Cc,Cd}), whereCc andCd are the maximum edge capacity and the maximum vertex weight, respectively.

  • The Best Differential Characteristic Search of FEAL

    Kazumaro AOKI  Kunio KOBAYASHI  Shiho MORIAI  


    E81-A No:1

    This paper presents the results of the best differential characteristic search of FEAL. The search algorithm for the best differential characteristic (best linear expression) was already presented by Matsui, and improvements on this algorithm were presented by Moriai et al. We further improve the speed of the search algorithm. For example, the search time for the 7-round best differential characteristic of FEAL is reduced to about 10 minutes (Pentium/166 MHz), which is about 212. 6 times faster than Matsui's algorithm. Moreover, we determine all the best differential characteristics of FEAL for up to 32 rounds assuming all S-boxes are independent. As a result, we confirm that the N-round (7N32) best differential characteristic probability of FEAL is 2-2N, which was found by Biham. For N=6, we find 6-round differential characteristics with a greater probability, 2-11, than that previously discovered, 2-12.
