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  • On a Recursive Form of Welch-Berlekamp Algorithm

    Kiyomichi ARAKI  Masayuki TAKADA  Masakatu  MORII  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E76-A No:1

    In this paper a recursive form of Welch-Berlekamp (W-B) algorithm is provided which is a novel and fast decoding algorithm.

  • A Signed Binary Window Method for Fast Computing over Elliptic Curves

    Kenji KOYAMA  Yukio TSURUOKA  


    E76-A No:1

    The basic operation in elliptic cryptosystems is the computation of a multiple dP of a point P on the elliptic curve modulo n. We propose a fast and systematic method of reducing the number of operations over elliptic curves. The proposed method is based on pre-computation to generate an adequate addition-subtraction chain for multiplier the d. By increasing the average length of zero runs in a signed binary representation of d, we can speed up the window method. Formulating the time complexity of the proposed method makes clear that the proposed method is faster than other methods. For example, for d with length 512 bits, the proposed method requires 602.6 multiplications on average. Finally, we point out that each addition/subtraction over the elliptic curve using homogeneous coordinates can be done in 3 multiplications if parallel processing is allowed.

  • Sub-Half Micron Exposure System with Optimized Illumination

    Akiyoshi SUZUKI  Miyoko NOGUCHI  

    INVITED PAPER-Opto-Electronics Technology for LSIs

    E76-C No:1

    New illumination principle for photolithography is investigated. As the optical microlithography approaches its own limit, it becomes apparent that the simple extrapolation of the present technology is not sufficient for the future demands. This paper introduces the new imaging technology that overcomes such a boundary. First, the basic imaging formulae are analyzed and the illumination light is classified into 4 cases. 3-beam case and 2-beam case carry the object information, and the comparison of these 2 cases is carried out theoretically. It can be shown that the 2-beam case has greater depth of focus than that of the 3-beam case, though it has inferior contrast at the best focus. Since this degradation, however, has little effect, the enlargement of the depth of focus can be achieved. In reality, 2-dimensional imaging must be considered. Quadrupole effect can be deduced by the results of the analysis. It shows great improvement in the depth of focus near resolution limit. As it can be applied to the conventional masks, it can be a promising candidate for fhe future lithography. Experimental results are also shown to demonstrate the analysis.

  • A Complementary Optical Interconnection for Inter-Chip Networks

    Hideto FURUYAMA  Masaru NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Integration of Opto-Electronics and LSI Technologies

    E76-C No:1

    A new optical interconnection system suitable for high-speed ICs using a novel complementary optical interconnection technique has been developed. This system uses paired light sources and photodetectors for optical complementary operation, and greatly lowers the power consumption compared with conventional systems. Analyses and experimental results indicate that this system can operate in the gigabit range, and reduces power consumption to less than 20% of that in conventional systems at 1 Gb/s.

  • Diffraction by a Parallel-Plate Waveguide Cavity with a Thick Planar Termination

    Shoichi KOSHIKAWA  Kazuya KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E76-C No:1

    The diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by a parallel-plate waveguide cavity with a thick planar termination is rigorously analyzed for both the E and the H polarization using the Wiener-Hopf technique. Introducing the Fourier transform for the unknown scattered field and applying boundary conditions in the transform domain, the problem is formulated in terms of the simultaneous Wiener-Hopf equations, which are solved exactly in a formal sense via the factorization and decomposition procedure. Since the formal solution involves an infinite number of unknowns and branch-cut integrals with unknown integrands, approximation procedures based on rigorous asymptotics are further presented to yield the approximate solution convenient for numerical computations. The scattered field inside and outside the cavity is evaluated by taking the inverse Fourier transform and applying the saddle point method. Representative numerical examples of the monostatic and bistatic radar cross sections are presented for various physical parameters, and the scattering characteristics of the cavity are discussed in detail.

  • Optimum Mode Field Diameter Region in Thermally-Diffused Expanded Core Fiber

    Mitsuru KIHARA  Tsuyoshi NAKASHIMA  Michito MATSUMOTO  

    LETTER-Optical Communication

    E76-B No:1

    We indicate the existence of optimum expanded mode field diameters in thermally-diffused expanded core (TEC) fiber. The optimum ranges under our experimental conditions were from 14µm to 18µm for both 1.3µm-single-mode fiber and 1.55µm-dispersion-shifted fiber. By applying the TEC fiber fabricated in our experimental conditions to a multifiber connector, the connection loss can be reduced to less than 0.2dB without improving fiber and connector ferrule fabrication accuracy.

  • A Modular-Multiplication Algorithm Using Lookahead Determination

    Hikaru MORITA  Chung-Huang YANG  


    E76-A No:1

    This paper presents an efficient multi-precision modular-multiplication algorithm which minimizes the calculation RAM space required when implementing public-key schemes with software on general-purpose computers including smart cards and personal computers. Many modular-multiplication algorithms cannot be efficiently realized on small systems due to their high RAM consumption. The Montgomery algorithm, which can rapidly perform modular multiplication, has received a lot of attention. Unfortunately, the Montgomery algorithm is difficult to implement, especially in smart cards which have extremely limited RAM space. Furthermore, when the modulus of modular multiplication is frequently changed, or when the number of permissible repeated modular multiplications is small, pre- and post-processing operations such as conversion from/to the Montgomery space become wasteful. The proposed algorithm avoids these problems because it requires only half the RAM space and no pre- and post-processing operations. The algorithm is a radical extension to the approximation methods that use the most significant bits and our newly proposed lookahead determination method. This paper gives a proof of the completeness of this method, describes implementation results using a smart card, introduces a theory supported by the results, and considers the optimal technique to enhance the speed of this method.

  • Non-metallic Optical Fiber Cable with High Impact Resistant Sceath

    Kazuo HOGARI  Tatsuya HIBI  

    LETTER-Optical Communication

    E76-B No:1

    This letter proposes a non-metallic optical fiber cable which contains fiber ribbons inserted into slots, with a high impact resistant sheath which affords protection against shotgun pellets. The protective performance of the materials is investigated experimentally. Based on the results, non-metallic 100-fiber cable with a high impact resistant sheath was manufactured and its performance was evaluated. It is confirmed that this cable has excellent transmission, mechanical and antiballistic characteristics.

  • Proposed Optoelectronic Cascadable Multiplier on GaAs LSI

    Kazutoshi NAKAJIMA  Yoshihiko MIZUSHIMA  

    PAPER-Integration of Opto-Electronics and LSI Technologies

    E76-C No:1

    An integrated optoelectronic multiplier based on GaAs optoelectronic device technology, is proposed. The key element is an optoelectronic half-adder logic gate, which is composed of only two GaAs metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors (MSM-PD's). It operates with a single clock delay, less than 100 ps. An optoelectronic full-adder and a multiplier are also composed of half-adders and surface-emitting laser-diodes (SEL's). Cascadable gates with optical interconnections are integrated. Utilizing improved device fabrication technology, an optoelectronic high-speed multiplier with a minimum number of gates will be realized in LSI.

  • MASCOTS II: A Dialog Manager in General Interface for Speech Input and Output

    Yoichi YAMASHITA  Hideaki YOSHIDA  Takashi HIRAMATSU  Yasuo NOMURA  Riichiro MIZOGUCHI  


    E76-D No:1

    This paper describes a general interface system for speech input and output and a dialog management system, MASCOTS, which is a component of the interface system. The authors designed this interface system, paying attention to its generality; that is, it is not dependent on the problem-solving system it is connected to. The previous version of MASCOTS dealt with the dialog processing only for the speech input based on the SR-plans. We extend MASCOTS to cover the speech output to the user. The revised version of MASCOTS, named MASCOTS II, makes use of topic information given by the topic packet network (TPN) which models the topic transitions in dialogs. Input and output messages are described with the concept representation based on the case structure. For the speech input, prediction of user's utterance is focused and enhanced by using the TPN. The TPN compensates for the shortages of the SR-plan and improves the accuracy of prediction as to stimulus utterances of the user. As the dialog processing in the speech output, MASCOTS II extracts emphatic words and restores missing words to the output message if necessary, e.g., in order to notify the results of speech recognition. The basic mechanisms of the SR-plan and the TPN are shared between the speech input and output processes in MASCOTS II.

  • LR Parsing with a Category Reachability Test Applied to Speech Recognition

    Kenji KITA  Tsuyoshi MORIMOTO  Shigeki SAGAYAMA  


    E76-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose an extended LR parsing algorithm, called LR parsing with a category reachability test (the LR-CRT algorithm). The LR-CRT algorithm enables a parser to efficiently recognize those sentences that belong to a specified grammatical category. The key point of the algorithm is to use an augmented LR parsing table in which each action entry contains a set of reachable categories. When executing a shift or reduce action, the parser checks whether the action can reach a given category using the augmented table. We apply the LR-CRT algorithm to improve a speech recognition system based on two-level LR parsing. This system uses two kinds of grammars, inter- and intra-phrase grammars, to recognize Japanese sentential speech. Two-level LR parsing guides the search of speech recognition through two-level symbol prediction, phrase category prediction and phone prediction, based on these grammars. The LR-CRT algorithm makes possible the efficient phone prediction based on the phrase category prediction. The system was evaluated using sentential speech data uttered phrase by phrase, and attained a word accuracy of 97.5% and a sentence accuracy of 91.2%

  • A Unification-Based Japanese Parser for Speech-to-Speech Translation

    Masaaki NAGATA  Tsuyoshi MORIMOTO  


    E76-D No:1

    A unification-based Japanese parser has been implemented for an experimental Japanese-to-English spoken language translation system (SL-TRANS). The parser consists of a unification-based spoken-style Japanese grammar and an active chart parser. The grammar handles the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic constraints in an integrated fashion using HPSG-based framework in order to cope with speech recognition errors. The parser takes multiple sentential candidates from the HMM-LR speech recognizer, and produces a semantic representation associated with the best scoring parse based on acoustic and linguistic plausibility. The unification-based parser has been tested using 12 dialogues in the conference registration domain, which include 261 sentences uttered by one male speaker. The sentence recognition accuracy of the underlying speech recognizer is 73.6% for the top candidate, and 83.5% for the top three candidates, where the test-set perplexity of the CFG grammar is 65. By ruling out erroneous speech recognition results using various linguistic constraints, the parser improves the sentence recognition accuracy up to 81.6% for the top candidate, and 85.8% for the top three candidates. From the experiment result, we found that the combination of syntactic restriction, selectional restriction and coordinate structure restriction can provide a sufficient restriction to rule out the recognition errors between case-marking particles with the same vowel, which are the type of errors most likely to occur. However, we also found that it is necessary to use pragmatic information, such as topic, presupposition, and discourse structure, to rule out the recognition errors involved with topicalizing particles and sentence final particles.

  • Predicting the Next Utterance Linguistic Expressions Using Contextual Information

    Hitoshi IIDA  Takayuhi YAMAOKA  Hidekazu ARITA  


    E76-D No:1

    A context-sensitive method to predict linguistic expressions in the next utterance in inquiry dialogues is proposed. First, information of the next utterance, the utterance type, the main action and the discourse entities, can be grasped using a dialogue interpretation model. Secondly, focusing in particular on dialogue situations in context, a domain-dependent knowledge-base for literal usage of both noun phrases and verb phrases is developed. Finally, a strategy to make a set of linguistic expressions which are derived from semantic concepts consisting of appropriate expressions can be used to select the correct candidate from the speech recognition output. In this paper, some of the processes are particularly examined in which sets of polite expressions, vocatives, compound nominal phrases, verbal phrases, and intention expressions, which are common in telephone inquiry dialogue, are created.

  • On the Complexity of Constant Round ZKIP of Possession of Knowledge

    Toshiya ITOH  Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E76-A No:1

    In this paper, we investigate the round complexity of zero-knowledge interactive proof systems of possession of knowledge, and mainly show that if a relation R has a three move blackbox simulation zero-knowledge interactive proof system of possession of knowledge, then there exists a probabilistic polynomial time algorithm that on input x{0,1}*, outputs y such that (x,y)R with overwhelming probability if xdom R, and outputs "" with probability 1 if x dom R. The result above can not be generalized to zero-knowledge interactive proof systems of possession of knowledge with more than four moves, because it is known that there exists a "four" move blackbox simulation perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof system of possession of knowledge for a nontrivial relation R.

  • Measurement of High-Speed Devices and Integrated Circuits Using Electro-Optic Sampling Technique

    Tadao NAGATSUMA  

    INVITED PAPER-Opto-Electronics Technology for LSIs

    E76-C No:1

    Recent progress in high-speed semiconductor devices and integrated circuits (ICs) has outpaced the conventional measuring and testing instruments. With advent of ultrashort-pulse laser technology, the electro-optic sampling (EOS) technique based on the Pockels effect has become the most promising solution way of overcoming the frequency limit, whose bandwidth is approaching a terahertz. This paper reviews recent progress on the research of the EOS technniques for measuring ultrahigh-speed electronic devices and ICs. It describes both the principle of the EOS and the key technologies used for noncontact probing of ICs. Internal-node measurements of state-of-the-art high-speed ICs are also presented.

  • Optical Interconnections as a New LSI Technology

    Atsushi IWATA  Izuo HAYASHI  

    INVITED PAPER-Integration of Opto-Electronics and LSI Technologies

    E76-C No:1

    This paper was written for LSI engineers in order to demonstrate the effect of optical interconnections in LSIs to improve both the speed and power performances of 0.5 and 0.2 µm CMOS microprocessors. The feasibilities and problems regarding new micronsize optoelectronic devices as well as associated electronics are discussed. Actual circuit structures clocks and bus lines used for optical interconnection are discussed. Newly designed optical interconnections and the speed power performances are compared with those of the original electrical interconnection systems.

  • Phase-Shifting Technology for ULSI Patterning

    Tsuneo TERASAWA  Shinji OKAZAKI  

    INVITED PAPER-Opto-Electronics Technology for LSIs

    E76-C No:1

    Fabrication of 0.2 to 0.3 µm features is vital for future ultralarge scale integration devices. An area of particular concern is whether optical lithography can delineate such feature sizes, i.e., less than the exposure wavelength. The use of a phase shift mask is one of the most effective means of improving resolution in optical lithography. This technology basically makes use of the interference between light transmitting through adjacent apertures of the mask. Various types of phase shift masks and their imaging characteristics are discussed and compared with conventional normal transmission masks. To apply these masks effectively to practical patterns, a phase shifter pattern design tool and mask repair method must be established. The phase shifting technology offers a potential to fabricate 0.3 µm features by using the current i-line stepper, and 0.2 µm features by using excimer laser stepper.

  • The Sibling Intractable Function Family (SIFF): Notion, Construction and Applications

    Yuliang ZHENG  Thomas HARDJONO  Josef PIEPRZYK  


    E76-A No:1

    This paper presents a new concept in cryptography called the sibling intractable function family (SIFF) which has the property that given a set of initial strings colliding with one another, it is computationally infeasible to find another string that would collide with the initial strings. The various concepts behind SIFF are presented together with a construction of SIFF from any one-way function. Applications of SIFF to many practical problems are also discussed. These include the hierarchical access control problem which is a long-standing open problem induced by a paper of Akl and Taylor about ten years ago, the shared mail box problem, access control in distributed systems and the multiple message authentication problem.

  • 5-Move Statistical Zero Knowledge

    Kaoru KUROSAWA  Masahiro MAMBO  Shigeo TSUJII  


    E76-A No:1

    We show that, if NP language L has an invulnerable generator and if L has an honest verifier standard statistical ZKIP, then L has a 5 move statistical ZKIP. Our class of languages involves random self reducible languages because they have standard perfect ZKIPs. We show another class of languages (class K) which have standard perfect ZKIPs. Blum numbers and a set of graphs with odd automorphism belong to this class. Therefore, languages in class K have 5 move statistical ZKIPs if they have invulnerable generators.

  • Electrical Characteristics of Silicon Devices after UV-Excited Dry Cleaning

    Yasuhisa SATO  Rinshi SUGINO  Masaki OKUNO  Toshiro NAKANISHI  Takashi ITO  

    PAPER-Opto-Electronics Technology for LSIs

    E76-C No:1

    Breakdown fields and the charges to breakdown (QBD) of oxides increased after UV/Cl2 pre-oxidation cleaning. This is due to decreased residual metal contaminants on silicon surfaces in the bottom of the LOCOS region after wet cleaning. Treatment in NH4OH, H2O2 and H2O prior to UV/Cl2 cleaning suppressed increases in surface roughness and kept leakage currents through the oxides after UV/Cl2 cleaning as low as those after wet cleaning alone. The large junction leakage currents--caused by metal contaminants introduced during dry etching--decreased after UV/Cl2 cleaning which removes the contaminated layer.
