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  • Rule-Programmable Multiple-Valued Matching VLSI Processor for Real-Time Rule-Based Systems

    Takahiro HANYU  Koichi TAKEDA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    This paper presents a design of a new multiple-valued matching VLSI processor for high-speed reasoning. It is useful in the application for real-time rule-based systems with large knowledge bases which are programmable. In order to realize high-speed reasoning, the matching VLSI processor can perform the fully parallel pattern matching between an input data and rules. On the based of direct multiple-valued encoding of each attribute in an input data and rules, pattern matching can be described by using only a programmable delta literal. Moreover, the programmable delta literal circuit can be easily implemented using two kinds of floating-gate MOS devices whose threshold voltages are controllable. In fact, it is demonstrated that four kinds of threshold voltages in a practical floating-gate MOS device can be easily programmable by appropriately controlling the gate, the drain and the source voltage. Finally, the inference time of the quaternary matching VLSI processor with 256 rules and conflict resolution circuits is estimated at about 360 (ns), and the chip area is reduced to about 30 percent, in comparison with the equivalent binary implementation.

  • Multiple-Valued Memory Using Floating Gate Devices

    Takeshi SHIMA  Stephanie RINNERT  


    E76-C No:3

    This paper discusses multiple-valued memory circuit using floating gate devices. It is an object of the paper to provide a new and improved analog memory device, which permits the memory of an amount of charges that accurately corresponds to analog information to be stored.

  • Robustness of the Memory-Based Reasoning Implemented by Wafer Scale Integration

    Moritoshi YASUNAGA  Hiroaki KITANO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E76-D No:3

    The Memory-Based Reasoning (MBR) is one of the mainstay approaches in massively parallel artificial intelligence research. However, it has not been explored from the viewpoint of hardware implementation. This paper demonstrates high robustness of the MBR, which is suitable for hardware implementation using Wafer Scale Integration (WSI) technology, and proposes a design of WSI-MBR hardware. The robustness is evaluated by a newly developed WSI-MBR simulator in the English pronunciation reasoning task, generally known as MBRTalk. The results show that defects or other fluctuations of device parameters have only minor impacts on the performances of the WSI-MBR. Moreover, it is found that in order to get higher reasoning accuracy, the size of the MBR database is much more crucial than the computation resolution. These features are proved to be caused by the fact that MBR does not rely upon each single data unit but upon a bulk data set. Robustness in the other MBR tasks can be evaluated in the same manner as discussed in this paper. The proposed WSI-MBR processor takes advantage of benefits discovered in the simulation results. The most area-demanding circuits--that is, multipliers and adders--are designed by analog circuits. It is expected that the 1.7 million processors will be integrated onto the 8-inch silicon wafer by the 0.3 µm SRAM technology.

  • Text-Independent Speaker Recognition Using Neural Networks

    Hiroaki HATTORI  

    PAPER-Speech Processing

    E76-D No:3

    This paper describes a text-independent speaker recognition method using predictive neural networks. For text-independent speaker recognition, an ergodic model which allows transitions to any other state, including selftransitions, is adopted as the speaker model and one predictive neural network is assigned to each state. The proposed method was compared to quantization distortion based methods, HMM based methods, and a discriminative neural network based method through text-independent speaker identification experiments on 24 female speakers. The proposed method gave the highest identification rate of 100.0%, and the effectiveness of predictive neural networks for representing speaker individuality was clarified.

  • The Capacity of Sparsely Encoded Associative Memories

    Mehdi N. SHIRAZI  


    E76-D No:3

    We consider an asymptotically sparsely encoded associative memory. Patterns are encoded by n-dimensional vectors of 1 and 1 generated randomly by a sequence of biased Bernoulli trials and stored in the network according to Hebbian rule. Using a heuristic argument we derive the following capacities:c(n)ne/4k log n'C(n)ne/4k(1e)log n'where, 0e1 controls the degree of sparsity of the encoding scheme and k is a constant. Here c(n) is the capacity of the network such that any stored pattern is a fixed point with high probability, whereas C(n) is the capacity of the network such that all stored patterns are fixed points with high probability. The main contribution of this technical paper is a theoretical verification of the above results using the Poisson limit theorems of exchangeable events.

  • On the Performance of Multivalued Integrated Circuits: Past, Present and Future

    Daniel ETIEMBLE  


    E76-C No:3

    We examine the characteristics of the past successful m-valued I2L and ROMs that have been designed and we discuss the reasons of their success and withdraw. We look at the problems associated with scaling of m-valued CMOS current mode circuits. Then we discuss the tolerance issue, the respective propagation delays of binary and m-valued ICs and the interconnection issue. We conclude with the challenges for m-valued circuits in the competition with the exponential performance increase of binary circuits.

  • Geometric Algorithms for Linear Programming

    Hiroshi IMAI  


    E76-A No:3

    Two computational-geometric approaches to linear programming are surveyed. One is based on the prune-and-search paradigm and the other utilizes randomization. These two techniques are quite useful to solve geometric problems efficiently, and have many other applications, some of which are also mentioned.

  • A New Class of the Universal Representation for the Positive Integers

    Takashi AMEMIYA  Hirosuke YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E76-A No:3

    A new class of the universal representation for the positive integers is proposed. The positive integers are divided into infinite groups, and each positive integer n is represented by a pair of integers (p,q), which means that n is the q-th number in the p-th group. It is shown that the new class includes the message length strategy as a special case, and the asymptotically optimal representation can easily be realized. Furthermore, a new asymptotically and practically efficient representation scheme is proposed, which preserves the numerical, lexicographical, and length orders.

  • High Speed MOS Multiplier and Divider Using Redundant Binary Representation and Their Implementation in a Microprocessor

    Shigeo KUNINOBU  Tamotsu NISHIYAMA  Takashi TANIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    We are presenting a high-speed MOS multiplier and divider, which is based on a redundant binary representation (using the digits 1, 0, 1), and their implementation in a 64-bit RISC microprocessor. The multiplier uses a redundant binary adaptation of the Booth algorithm and a redundant binary adder tree. We compared it to a multiplier using a two bit version of the Booth algorithm and a Wallace tree and found that the former multiplier is useful in VLSI because of its high-speed operation, small number of transistors, and good regularity. We also found that the divider performed by Newton's iteration using the multiplier is useful in VLSI. Implementing the multiplier and divider in a highly integrated 64-bit RISC microprocessor, we obtained a high-speed microprocessor.

  • Architecture of a Parallel Multiple-Valued Arithmetic VLSI Processor Using Adder-Based Processing Elements

    Katsuhiko SHIMABUKURO  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  


    E76-C No:3

    An adder-based arithmetic VLSI processor using the SD number system is proposed for the applications of real-time computation such as intelligent robot system. Especially in the intelligent robot control system, not only high throughput but also small latency is a very important subject to make quick response for the sensor feedback situation, because the next input sample is obtained only after the robot actually moves. It is essential in the VLSI architecture for the intelligent robot system to make the latency as small as possible. The use of parallelism is an effective approach to reduce the latency. To meet the requirement, an architecture of a new multiple-valued arithmetic VLSI processor is developed. In the processor, addition and subtraction are performed by using the single adderbased processing element (PE). More complex basic arithmetic operations such as multiplication and division are performed by the appropriate data communications between the adder-based PEs with preserving their parallelism. In the proposed architecture, fine-grain parallel processing at the adder-based PE level is realized, and all the PEs can be fully utilized for any parallel arithmetic operations according to adder-based data dependency graph. As a result, the processing speed will be greatly increased in comparison with the conventional parallel processors having the different kinds of the arithmetic PEs such as an adder, a multiplier and a divider. To realize the arithmetic VLSI processor using the adder-based PEs, we introduce the signed-digit (SD) number system for the parallel arithmetic operations because the SD arithmetic has the advantage of modularity as well as parallelism. The multiple-valued bidirectional currentmode technology is also used for the implementation of the compact and high-speed adder-based PE, and the reduction of the number of the interconnections. It is demonstrated that these advantges of the multiple-valued technology are fully used for the implementation of the arithmetic VLSI processor. As a result, the latency of the proposed multiple-valued processor is reduced to 25% that of the binary processor integrated in the same chip size.

  • Multiple-Valued VLSI Image Processor Based on Residue Arithmetic and Its Evaluation

    Makoto HONDA  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    The demand for high-speed image processing is obvious in many real-world computations such as robot vision. Not only high throughput but also small latency becomes an important factor of the performance, because of the requirement of frequent visual feedback. In this paper, a high-performance VLSI image processor based on the multiple-valued residue arithmetic circuit is proposed for such applications. Parallelism is hierarchically used to realize the high-performance VLSI image processor. First, spatially parallel architecture that is different from pipeline architecture is considered to reduce the latency. Secondly, residue number arithmetic is introduced. In the residue number arithmetic, data communication between the mod mi arithmetic units is not necessary, so that multiple mod mi arithmetic units can be completely separated to different chips. Therefore, a number of mod mi multiply adders can be implemented on a single VLSI chip based on the modulus-slice concept. Finally, each mod mi arithmetic unit can be effectively implemented in parallel structure using the concept of a pseudoprimitive root and the multiple-valued current-mode circuit technology. Thus, it is made clear that the throughout use of parallelism makes the latency 1/3 in comparison with the ordinary binary implementation.

  • Prospects of Multiple-Valued VLSI Processors

    Takahiro HANYU  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    Rapid advances in integrated circuit technology based on binary logic have made possible the fabrication of digital circuits or digital VLSI systems with not only a very large number of devices on a single chip or wafer, but also high-speed processing capability. However, the advance of processing speeds and improvement in cost/performance ratio based on conventional binary logic will not always continue unabated in submicron geometry. Submicron integrated circuits can handle multiple-valued signals at high speed rather than binary signals, especially at data communication level because of the reduced interconnections. The use of nonbinary logic or discrete-analog signal processing will not be out of the question if the multiple-valued hardware algorithms are developed for fast parallel operations. Moreover, in VLSI or ULSI processors the delay time due to global communications between functional modules or chips instead of each functional module itself is the most important factors to determine the total performance. Locally computable hardware implementation and new parallel hardware algorithms natural to multiple-valued data representation and circuit technologies are the key properties to develop VLSI processors in submicron geometry. As a result, multiple-valued VLSI processors make it possible to improve the effective chip density together with the processing speed significantly. In this paper, we summarize several potential advantages of multiple-valued VLSI processors in submicron geometry due to great reduction of interconnection and due to the suitability to locally computable hardware implementation, and demonstrate that some examples of special-purpose multiple-valued VLSI processors, which are a signed-digit arithmetic VLSI processor, a residue arithmetic VLSI processor and a matching VLSI processor can achieve higher performance for real-world computing system.

  • Method for Measuring Glossiness of Plane Surfaces Based on Psychological Sensory Scale

    Seiichi SERIKAWA  Teruo SHIMOMURA  

    PAPER-Human Communication

    E76-A No:3

    Although the perception of gloss is based on human visual perception, some methods for measuring glossiness, in contrast to human ability, have been proposed involving plane surfaces. Glossiness defined in these methods, however, does not correspond with psychological glossiness perceived by the human eye over the wide range from relatively low gloss to high gloss. In addition, the change in the incident angle causes a deviation in the measurement of glossiness. A new method for measuring glossiness is proposed in this study. For the new definition of glossiness Gd, the brightness function is utilized. We also extract the value of smoothness of the object's surfaces for use as a factor of glossiness. The measuring equipment consists of a light source, an optical system and a personal computer. Glossiness Gd of paper and plastics is measured with the use of this equipment. In all samples, a strong correlation, with a correlation coefficient of more than 0.97, has been observed between Gd and psychological glossiness Gph. The variance of measured glossiness due to the change in the incident angle of light is small in comparison with that of conventional methods. Based on these findings, it has been found that this method is useful for measuring glossiness of plane objects in the range from relatively low gloss to high gloss.

  • A Synthesis of Complex Allpass Circuits Using the Factorization of Scattering Matrices--Explicit Formulae for Even-Order Real Complementary Filters Having Butterworth or Chebyshev Responses--



    E76-A No:3

    Low-sensitivity digital filters are required for accurate signal processing. Among many low-sensitivity digital filters, a method using complex allpass circuits is well-known. In this paper, a new synthesis of complex allpass circuits is proposed. The proposed synthesis can be realized more easily either only in the z-domain or in the s-domain than conventional methods. The key concept for the synthesis is based on the factorization of lossless scattering matrices. Complex allpass circuits are interpreted as lossless digital two-port circuits, whose scattering matrices are factored. Furthermore, in the cases of Butterworth, Chebyshev and inverse Chebyshev responses, the explicit formulae for multiplier coefficients are derived, which enable us to synthesize the objective circuits directly from the specifications in the s-domain. Finally design examples verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Bifurcation Set of a Modelled Parallel Blower System

    Hideaki OKAZAKI  Tomoyuki UWABA  Hideo NAKANO  Takehiko KAWASE  


    E76-A No:3

    Global dynamic behavior particularly the bifurcation of periodic orbits of a parallel blower system is studied using a piecewise linear model and the one-dimensional map defined by the Poincare map. First several analytical tools are presented to numerically study the bifurcation process particularly the bifurcation point of the fixed point of the Poincare map. Using two bifurcation diagrams and a bifurcation set, it is shown how periodic orbits bifurcate and leads to chaotic state. It is also shown that the homoclinic bifurcations occur in some parameter regions and that the Li & Yorke conditions of the chaotic state hold in the parameter region which is included in the one where the homoclinic bifurcation occurs. Together with the above, the stable and unstable manifolds of a saddle closed orbit is illustrated and the existence of the homoclinic points is shown.

  • A Theoretical Analysis of Neural Networks with Nonzero Diagonal Elements

    Masaya OHTA  Yoichiro ANZAI  Shojiro YONEDA  Akio OGIHARA  


    E76-A No:3

    This article analyzes the property of the fully interconnected neural networks as a method of solving combinatorial optimization problems in general. In particular, in order to escape local minimums in this model, we analyze theoretically the relation between the diagonal elements of the connection matrix and the stability of the networks. It is shown that the position of the global minimum point of the energy function on the hyper sphere in n dimensional space is given by the eigen vector corresponding the maximum eigen value of the connection matrix. Then it is shown that the diagonal elements of the connection matrix can be improved without loss of generality. The equilibrium points of the improved networks are classified according to their properties, and their stability is investigated. In order to show that the change of the diagonal elements improves the potential for the global minimum search, computer simulations are carried out by using the theoretical values. In according to the simulation result on 10 neurons, the success rate to get the optimum solution is 97.5%. The result shows that the improvement of the diagonal elements has potential for minimum search.

  • Associative Neural Network Models Based on a Measure of Manhattan Length

    Hiroshi UEDA  Yoichiro ANZAI  Masaya OHTA  Shojiro YONEDA  Akio OGIHARA  


    E76-A No:3

    In this paper, two models for associative memory based on a measure of manhattan length are proposed. First, we propose the two-layered model which has an advantage to its implementation by using PDN. We also refer to the way to improve the recalling ability of this model against noisy input patterns. Secondly, we propose the other model which always recalls the nearest memory pattern in a measure of manhattan length by lateral inhibition. Even if a noise of input pattern is so large that the first model can not recall, this model can recall correctly against such a noisy pattern. We also confirm the performance of the two models by computer simulations.

  • Design of a Multiple-Valued Cellular Array

    Naotake KAMIURA  Yutaka HATA  Kazuharu YAMATO  


    E76-C No:3

    A method is proposed for realizing any k-valued n-variable function with a celluler array, which consists of linear arrays (called input arrays) and a rectangular array (called control array). In this method, a k-valued n-variable function is divided into kn-1 one-variable functions and remaining (n1)-variable function. The parts of one-variable functions are realized by the input arrays, remaintng the (n1)-variable function is realized by the control array. The array realizing the function is composed by connecting the input arrays with the control array. Then, this array requires (kn2)kn-1 cells and the number is smaller than the other rectangular arrays. Next, a ternary cell circuit and a literal circuit are actually constructed with CMOS transistors and NMOS pass transistors. The experiment shows that these circuits perform the expected operations.

  • Multiple-Valued Static Random-Access-Memory Design and Application

    Zheng TANG  Okihiko ISHIZUKA  Hiroki MATSUMOTO  


    E76-C No:3

    In this paper, a general theory on multiple-valued static random-access-memory (RAM) is investigated. A criterion for a stable and an unstable modes is proved with a strict mathematical method and expressed with a diagrammatic representation. Based on the theory, an NMOS 6-transistor ternary and a quaternary static RAM (SRAM) cells are proposed and simulated with PSPICE. The detail circuit design and realization are analyzed. A 10-valued CMOS current-mode static RAM cell is also presented and fabricated with standard 5-µm CMOS technology. A family of multiple-valued flip-flops is presented and they show to have desirable properties for use in multiple-valued sequential circuits. Both PSPICE simulations and experiments indicate that the general theory presented are very useful and effective tools in the optimum design and circuit realization of multiple-valued static RAMs and flip-flops.

  • VLSI-Oriented Multiple-Valued Current-Mode Arithmetic Circuits Using Redundant Number Representations

    Shoji KAWAHITO  Yasuhiro MITSUI  Tetsuro NAKAMURA  


    E76-C No:3

    This paper presents a VLSI-oriented arithmetic design method using a radix-2 redundant number representation with digit set {0, 1, 2} and multiple-valued current-mode (MVCM) circuit technology. We propose a carry-propagation-free (CPF) parallel addition method with redundant digit set {0, 1, 2} which is suitable for the design with MVCM circuits. Several types of CPF parallel adders are compared and the proposed CPF parallel adder with MVCM circuits offers the best total performance with respect to speed, complexity, and power dissipation. The designed basic arithmetic circuits has sufficient noise immunity to the supply voltage fluctuation which is important for stable operations of the VLSI circuits. The CPF parallel adder is effectively used as the reduction scheme of partial products in a high-speed compact multiplier. For example, the designed 3232 bit multiplier reduces the number of active elements to two-third and the number of interconnections to one-fifth of the corresponding binary Wallace tree multiplier, where the speed is almost the same. The structure is simple and regular. The static power dissipation of the designed 32-bit multiplier is estimated to be the mean value of 212 mW and the worst case of 708 mW. The total power including dynamic power dissipation would not be so large compared with that of the 32-bit binary CMOS multiplier reported under 10 MHz operation.
