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  • Framework of Measuring Engagement with Access Logs Under Tracking Prevention for Affiliate Services

    Motoi IWASHITA  Hirotaka SUGITA  


    E106-D No:9

    In recent years, the market size for internet advertising has been increasing with the expansion of the Internet. Among the internet advertising technologies, affiliate services, which are a performance-based service, use cookies to track and measure the performance of affiliates. However, for the purpose of safeguarding personal information, cookies tend to be regulated, which leads to concerns over whether normal tracking by cookies works as intended. Therefore, in this study, the recent problems from the perspectives of affiliates, affiliate service providers, and advertisers are extracted, and a framework of cookie-independent measuring engagement method using access logs is proposed and open issues are discussed for future affiliate services.

  • Tighter Reduction for Lattice-Based Multisignature Open Access

    Masayuki FUKUMITSU  Shingo HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E104-A No:12

    Multisignatures enable multiple users to sign a message interactively. Many instantiations are proposed for multisignatures, however, most of them are quantum-insecure, because these are based on the integer factoring assumption or the discrete logarithm assumption. Although there exist some constructions based on the lattice problems, which are believed to be quantum-secure, their security reductions are loose. In this paper, we aim to improve the security reduction of lattice-based multisignature schemes concerning tightness. Our basic strategy is combining the multisignature scheme proposed by El Bansarkhani and Sturm with the lattice-based signature scheme by Abdalla, Fouque, Lyubashevsky, and Tibouchi which has a tight security reduction from the Ring-LWE (Ring Learning with Errors) assumption. Our result shows that proof techniques for standard signature schemes can be applied to multisignature schemes, then we can improve the polynomial loss factor concerning the Ring-LWE assumption. Our second result is to address the problem of security proofs of existing lattice-based multisignature schemes pointed out by Damgård, Orlandi, Takahashi, and Tibouchi. We employ a new cryptographic assumption called the Rejected-Ring-LWE assumption, to complete the security proof.

  • Detecting and Understanding Online Advertising Fraud in the Wild

    Fumihiro KANEI  Daiki CHIBA  Kunio HATO  Katsunari YOSHIOKA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  Mitsuaki AKIYAMA  

    PAPER-Network and System Security

    E103-D No:7

    While the online advertisement is widely used on the web and on mobile applications, the monetary damages by advertising frauds (ad frauds) have become a severe problem. Countermeasures against ad frauds are evaded since they rely on noticeable features (e.g., burstiness of ad requests) that attackers can easily change. We propose an ad-fraud-detection method that leverages robust features against attacker evasion. We designed novel features on the basis of the statistics observed in an ad network calculated from a large amount of ad requests from legitimate users, such as the popularity of publisher websites and the tendencies of client environments. We assume that attackers cannot know of or manipulate these statistics and that features extracted from fraudulent ad requests tend to be outliers. These features are used to construct a machine-learning model for detecting fraudulent ad requests. We evaluated our proposed method by using ad-request logs observed within an actual ad network. The results revealed that our designed features improved the recall rate by 10% and had about 100,000-160,000 fewer false negatives per day than conventional features based on the burstiness of ad requests. In addition, by evaluating detection performance with long-term dataset, we confirmed that the proposed method is robust against performance degradation over time. Finally, we applied our proposed method to a large dataset constructed on an ad network and found several characteristics of the latest ad frauds in the wild, for example, a large amount of fraudulent ad requests is sent from cloud servers.

  • Meeting Tight Security for Multisignatures in the Plain Public Key Model

    Naoto YANAI  


    E101-A No:9

    Multisignatures are digital signatures for a group consisting of multiple signers where each signer signs common documents via interaction with its co-signers and the data size of the resultant signatures for the group is independent of the number of signers. In this work, we propose a multisignature scheme, whose security can be tightly reduced to the CDH problem in bilinear groups, in the strongest security model where nothing more is required than that each signer has a public key, i.e., the plain public key model. Loosely speaking, our main idea for a tight reduction is to utilize a three-round interaction in a full-domain hash construction. Namely, we surmise that a full-domain hash construction with three-round interaction will become tightly secure under the CDH problem. In addition, we show that the existing scheme by Zhou et al. (ISC 2011) can be improved to a construction with a tight security reduction as an application of our proof framework.

  • Representation Learning for Users' Web Browsing Sequences

    Yukihiro TAGAMI  Hayato KOBAYASHI  Shingo ONO  Akira TAJIMA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:7

    Modeling user activities on the Web is a key problem for various Web services, such as news article recommendation and ad click prediction. In our work-in-progress paper[1], we introduced an approach that summarizes each sequence of user Web page visits using Paragraph Vector[3], considering users and URLs as paragraphs and words, respectively. The learned user representations are used among the user-related prediction tasks in common. In this paper, on the basis of analysis of our Web page visit data, we propose Backward PV-DM, which is a modified version of Paragraph Vector. We show experimental results on two ad-related data sets based on logs from Web services of Yahoo! JAPAN. Our proposed method achieved better results than those of existing vector models.

  • A Tightly-Secure Multisignature Scheme with Improved Verification

    Jong Hwan PARK  Young-Ho PARK  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E99-A No:2

    A multisignature (MS) scheme enables a group of signers to produce a compact signature on a common message. In analyzing security of MS schemes, a key registration protocol with proof-of-possession (POP) is considered to prevent rogue key attacks. In this paper, we refine the POP-based security model by formalizing a new strengthened POP model and showing relations between the previous POP models and the new one. We next suggest a MS scheme that achieves: (1) non-interactive signing process, (2) O(1) pairing computations in verification, (3) tight security reduction under the co-CDH assumption, and (4) security under the new strengthened POP model. Compared to the tightly-secure BNN-MS scheme, the verification in ours can be at least 7 times faster at the 80-bit security level and 10 times faster at the 128-bit security level. To achieve our goal, we introduce a novel and simple POP generation method that can be viewed as a one-time signature without random oracles. Our POP technique can also be applied to the LOSSW-MS scheme (without random oracles), giving the security in the strengthened POP model.

  • Key Substitution Attacks on Multisignature Schemes

    Bennian DOU  Hong ZHANG  Chun-Hua CHEN  Chungen XU  


    E96-A No:1

    In this letter, we point out that key substitution attacks should be taken into account for multisignature schemes, which implies that the existing security notions for multisignature schemes are not sufficient. As an example, we show that the multisignature scheme proposed by Boldyreva at PKC'03 is susceptible to key substitution attacks.

  • A Secure Structured Multisignature Scheme Based on a Non-commutative Ring Homomorphism

    Naoto YANAI  Eikoh CHIDA  Masahiro MAMBO  


    E94-A No:6

    Verifying the signing order is sometimes very important in multisignature schemes. A multisignature scheme in which the signing order can be verified is called structured multisignature scheme and many such schemes have been proposed so far. However, there are not many structured multisignature schemes utilizing an algebraic structure of underlying algebraic operation. Ohmori, Chida, Shizuya and Nishizeki have proposed a structured multisignature scheme by utilizing a non-commutative ring homomorphism. Since their scheme does not fully reflect the structure of signers and its rigorous security analysis is not provided, we construct an improved structured multisignature scheme overcoming these problems by utilizing the non-commutative ring homomorphism in a different way and discuss its rigorous security against various attacks, including signer structure forgery, rogue key attack and attack-0 under the discrete logarithm assumption. As far as we know, the scheme in [30], which does not use non-commutative ring homomorphism, guarantees the most rigorous security but the number of signers is restricted in order to prevent attack-0. In contrast, our scheme overcomes attack-0 by virtue of a ring homomorphism and no restriction is imposed on the number of signers.

  • Provably Secure Multisignatures in Formal Security Model and Their Optimality

    Yuichi KOMANO  Kazuo OHTA  Atsushi SHIMBO  Shinichi KAWAMURA  


    E91-A No:1

    We first model the formal security model of multisignature scheme following that of group signature scheme. Second, we prove that the following three probabilistic multisignature schemes based on a trapdoor permutation have tight security; PFDH (probabilistic full domain hash) based multisignature scheme (PFDH-MSS), PSS (probabilistic signature scheme) based multisignature scheme (PSS-MSS), and short signature PSS based multisignature scheme (S-PSS-MSS). Third, we give an optimal proof (general result) for multisignature schemes, which derives the lower bound for the length of random salt. We also estimate the upper bound for the length in each scheme and derive the optimal length of a random salt. Two of the schemes are promising in terms of security tightness and optimal signature length. In appendix, we describe a multisignature scheme using the claw-free permutation and discuss its security.

  • Fair Exchange of Signatures with Multiple Signers

    Yuichi KOMANO  


    E90-A No:5

    Chen et al. introduced a new notion of a concurrent signature scheme for a fair exchange of signatures with two parties. Chen et al. also proposed a concrete scheme and proved its security under the assumption of discrete logarithm problem. Recently, Hiwatari and Tanaka extended the concept of concurrent signature to many-to-one setting. Hiwatari and Tanaka also proposed a concrete scheme; however, it requires some strong assumption to achieve the fair exchange and it is not efficient. This paper gives another construction of concurrent signature for many-to-one setting with multisignature scheme. Hereafter, we call it (n,1) concurrent signature scheme. The proposed scheme is more efficient than the scheme of Hiwatari and Tanaka in computation complexity and signature size, and achieves the fair exchange without the assumption required for the scheme of Hiwatari and Tanaka. This paper also gives a construction for the fair exchange of signatures in many-to-many setting, called (n,m) concurrent signature scheme, in appendix.

  • Provably Secure Untraceable Electronic Cash against Insider Attacks

    Yoshikazu HANATANI  Yuichi KOMANO  Kazuo OHTA  Noboru KUNIHIRO  


    E90-A No:5

    Although a great deal of research has been done on electronic cash schemes with blind multisignatures to prevent an insider attack, there is no discussion of a formal security model in the literature. Firstly we discussed the security model of e-cash schemes based on the blind multisignature scheme against a (restricted) attack model and proposed a concrete scheme proven to be secure in the model [1]; however, this attack model disallows an attacker from corrupting an issuing bank and shops in the forgery game. In this paper, first, we reconsider the security model to remove the restriction of the attack model. Second, we propose a new untraceable e-cash scheme with a blind multisignature scheme and prove that the proposed scheme is secure against the (non-restricted) attacks under the DDH assumption in the random oracle model.

  • An ID-SP-M4M Scheme and Its Security Analysis

    Lihua WANG  Eiji OKAMOTO  Ying MIAO  Takeshi OKAMOTO  Hiroshi DOI  


    E90-A No:1

    ID-SP-M4M scheme means ID-based series-parallel multisignature schemes for multi-messages. In this paper, we investigate series-parallel multisignature schemes for multi-messages and propose an ID-SP-M4M scheme based on pairings in which signers in the same subgroup sign the same message, and those in different subgroups sign different messages. Our new scheme is an improvement over the series-parallel multisignature schemes introduced by Doi et al.[6]-[8] and subsequent results such as the schemes proposed by Burmester et al.[4] and the original protocols proposed by Tada [20],[21], in which only one message is to be signed. Furthermore, our ID-SP-M4M scheme is secure against forgery signature attack from parallel insiders under the BDH assumption.

  • A General Model of Structured Multisignatures with Message Flexibility

    Dan YAMAMOTO  Wakaha OGATA  


    E90-A No:1

    Multisignature schemes enable us to integrate multiple signatures into a single short signature. In 2001, Mitomi and Miyaji proposed a general model of multisignatures, in which signed messages are flexible and the signing order is verifiable and flexible. Several schemes that satisfy these properties have been proposed, but to the best of our knowledge, their verifiable orders are limited to only sequential structures unlike some order-verifiable (but not message-flexible) multisignatures. We define a signing structure as a labeled tree, which can represent any natural signing order including series-parallel graphs, and formalize a general model of multisignatures that makes good use of our structure. We present a security model for such signatures, give the construction based on the general aggregate signature developed by Boneh et al., and provide a security proof in the random oracle model.

  • Multiparty DSA Signature Generation without Simultaneous User Operations

    Yoshiki SAMESHIMA  Hideaki SAISHO  Kazuko OYANAGI  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Application Information Security

    E87-D No:8

    The authors present a multiparty signature generation (MSG) scheme of the Digital Signature Algorithm (FIPS 186-1). The scheme is based on a simple idea, however, it is much more convenient in usability in the real world than existing MSGs. The scheme has the following properties: (1) valid signatures are generated with odd n split private keys, (2) broadcast messages between the key holders are hidden from them, so that the n key holders do not need to process signature generation simultaneously, (3) even if up to t (= ) split keys are stolen, the adversary can get no information on the private key, (4) the scheme is as secure as the original signature algorithm against chosen message attack, and (5) the scheme is efficient in the sense that an implementation on smart card has demonstrated practical performance for interactive use with human user.

  • A Secure Multisignature Scheme with Signing Order Verifiability

    Mitsuru TADA  

    PAPER-Symmetric Ciphers and Hash Functions

    E86-A No:1

    In an order-specified multisignature scheme, one can verify not only a set of signers who have signed the message but also its signing order. Though we have seen several schemes with such properties proposed, none of them is given the security proof against active adversaries. The scheme can be easily modified to be an order-specified multisignature scheme, but still has the restriction that the possible signing orders are only ones of the type of serial signing. In this paper, we propose the first order-specified multisignature scheme, which is shown to be secure against adaptive chosen-message insider attacks in the random oracle model, and which allows the signing orders to form like any series-parallel graphs. The security is shown by using ID-reduction technique, which reduces the security of multisignature schemes to those of multi-round identification schemes. Furthermore, we discuss the efficiency of the proposed scheme and the upper bound of the possible number of participating signers.

  • A General Model of Multisignature Schemes with Message Flexibility, Order Flexibility, and Order Verifiability

    Shirow MITOMI  Atsuko MIYAJI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E84-A No:10

    Multisignature scheme realizes that plural users generate the signature on a message, and that the signature is verified. Various studies on multisignature have been proposed. They are classified into two types: RSA-based multisignature, and discrete logarithm problem (DLP) based multisignature, all of which assume that a message is fixed beforehand. In a sense, these schemes do not have a feature of message flexibility. Furthermore all schemes which satisfy with order verifiability designate order of signers beforehand. Therefore these protocols have a feature of order verifiability but not order flexibility. For a practical purpose of circulating messages soundly through Internet, a multisignature scheme with message flexibility, order flexibility and order verifiability should be required. However, unfortunately, all previous multisignature do not realize these features. In this paper, we propose a general model of multisignature schemes with flexibility and verifiability. We also present two practical schemes based on DLP based message recover signature and RSA signature, respectively.

  • Highly Sensitive OBIRCH System for Fault Localization and Defect Detection

    Kiyoshi NIKAWA  Shoji INOUE  

    PAPER-Beam Testing/Diagnosis

    E81-D No:7

    We have improved the optical beam induced resistance change (OBIRCH) system so as to detect (1) a current path as small as 10-50 µA from the rear side of a chip, (2) current paths in silicide lines as narrow as 0. 2 µm, (3) high-resistance Ti-depleted polysilicon regions in 0. 2 µm wide silicide lines, and (4) high-resistance amorphous thin layers as thin as a few nanometers at the bottoms of vias. All detections were possible even in observation areas as wide as 5 mm 5 mm. The physical causes of these detections were characterized by focused ion beam and transmission electron microscopy.

  • Ti Salicide Process for Subquarter-Micron CMOS Devices

    Ken-ichi GOTO  Tatsuya YAMAZAKI  Yasuo NARA  Tetsu FUKANO  Toshihiro SUGII  Yoshihiro ARIMOTO  Takashi ITO  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E77-C No:3

    Using Ti self-aligned silicide (salicide) process, we fabricated subquarter-micron complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices, and studied the mechanism of increasing resistivity of TiSi2 on poly-Si gates from 0.075 to 20 µm long and 10 µm wide. In the gates less than 0.1 µm long, we found that agglomeration of TiSi2 takes place during low temperature annealing at 675 for 30 seconds leading to discontinuous TiSi2 lines. The discontinuity of TiSi2 abruptly increases the gate resistance, and remarkably reduces the circuit speed of CMOS ring oscillators. On the other hand, Raman spectroscopy reveals that the phase transition from high-resistivity C49 to low-resistivity C54 occurs in plane TiSi2 by annealing at 800 for 30 seconds, while it does not occur in TiSi2 gates less than 5 µm long. From these results we found that the gate sheet resistance can not be reduced to less than 5 Ω/sq by conventional Ti salicide technology in gates shorter than 0.4 µm due to increase in gate resistance caused by agglomeration and lack of phase transition.