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  • Low Grazing Scattering from a Surface with a Finite Periodic Array of Rectangular Grooves

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  Yasuhiko TAMURA  Kiyoshi TSUTSUMI  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E92-C No:1

    This paper deals with the scattering of a transverse magnetic (TM) plane wave from a perfectly conductive surface with a finite periodic array of rectangular grooves. By use of the method in a previous paper [IEICE TRANS. ELECTRON. VOL.E90-C, no.4, pp.903-906, APRIL 2007], the total scattering cross section is numerically calculated for several different numbers of grooves at a low grazing angle of incidence. It is newly found that, when the corrugation width becomes thousands times of wavelength, the total scattering cross section slightly depends on the groove depth and the period, and becomes almost proportional to square root of the corrugation width with a small correction.

  • Energy Velocity Defined by Brillouin

    Hiroyuki HOSONO  Toshio HOSONO  


    E92-C No:1

    The physical meaning of the energy velocity in lossy Lorentz media is clarified. First, two expressions for the energy velocity, one by Brillouin and another by Diener, are examined. We show that, while Diener's is disqualified, Brillouin's is acceptable as energy velocity. Secondly, we show that the signal velocity defined by Brillouin and Baerwald is exactly identical with the Brillouin's energy velocity. Thirdly, by using triangle-modulated harmonic wave, we show that the superluminal group velocity plays its role as a revelator only after the arrival of the signal traveling at the subluminal energy velocity. In short, nothing moves at the group velocity, and every frequency component of a signal propagates at its own energy velocity.

  • RDFacl: A Secure Access Control Model Based on RDF Triple

    Jaehoon KIM  Seog PARK  

    PAPER-Application Information Security

    E92-D No:1

    An expectation for more intelligent Web is recently being reflected through the new research field called Semantic Web. In this paper, related with Semantic Web security, we introduce an RDF triple based access control model having explicit authorization propagation by inheritance and implicit authorization propagation by inference. Especially, we explain an authorization conflict problem between the explicit and the implicit authorization propagation, which is an important concept in access control for Semantic Web. We also propose a novel conflict detection algorithm using graph labeling techniques in order to efficiently find authorization conflicts. Some experimental results show that the proposed detection algorithm has much better performance than the existing detection algorithm when data size and number of specified authorizations become larger.

  • Global Motion Representation of Video Shot Based on Vector Quantization Index Histogram

    Fa-Xin YU  Zhe-Ming LU  Zhen LI  Hao LUO  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E92-D No:1

    In this Letter, we propose a novel method of low-level global motion feature description based on Vector Quantization (VQ) index histograms of motion feature vectors (MFVVQIH) for the purpose of video shot retrieval. The contribution lies in three aspects: first, we use VQ to eliminate singular points in the motion feature vector space; second, we utilize the global motion feature vector index histogram of a video shot as the global motion signature; third, video shot retrieval based on index histograms instead of original motion feature vectors guarantees the low computation complexity, and thus assures a real-time video shot retrieval. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme has high accuracy and low computation complexity.

  • New Families of Binary Sequences with Low Correlation and Large Size

    Zhengchun ZHOU  Xiaohu TANG  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E92-A No:1

    In this paper, for odd n and any k with gcd(n,k) = 1, new binary sequence families Sk of period 2n-1 are constructed. These families have maximum correlation , family size 22n+2n+1 and maximum linear span . The correlation distribution of Sk is completely determined as well. Compared with the modified Gold codes with the same family size, the proposed families have the same period and correlation properties, but larger linear span. As good candidates with low correlation and large family size, the new families contain the Gold sequences and the Gold-like sequences. Furthermore, Sk includes a subfamily which has the same period, correlation distribution, family size and linear span as the family So(2) recently constructed by Yu and Gong. In particular, when k=1, is exactly So(2).

  • A Variable Error Data Normalized Step-Size LMS Adaptive Filter Algorithm: Analysis and Simulations

    Chee-Hyun PARK  Kwang-Seok HONG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E92-A No:1

    This paper investigates noise reduction performance and performs convergence analysis of a Variable Error Data Normalized Step-Size Least Mean Square (VEDNSS LMS) algorithm. Adopting VEDNSS LMS provides fast convergence at early stages of adaptation while ensuring small final misadjustment. An analysis of convergence and steady-state performance for zero-mean Gaussian inputs is provided. Simulation results comparing the proposed algorithm to existing algorithms indicate its superior performance under various noise and frequency environments.

  • Experiment on Synchronous Timing Signal Detection from ISDB-T Terrestrial Digital TV Signal with Application to Autonomous Distributed ITS-IVC Network

    Yoshio KARASAWA  Taichi KUMAGAI  Atsushi TAKEMOTO  Takeo FUJII  Kenji ITO  Noriyoshi SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Integrated Systems for Communications

    E92-B No:1

    A novel timing synchronizing scheme is proposed for use in inter-vehicle communication (IVC) with an autonomous distributed intelligent transport system (ITS). The scheme determines the timing of packet signal transmission in the IVC network and employs the guard interval (GI) timing in the orthogonal frequency divisional multiplexing (OFDM) signal currently used for terrestrial broadcasts in the Japanese digital television system (ISDB-T). This signal is used because it is expected that the automotive market will demand the capability for cars to receive terrestrial digital TV broadcasts in the near future. The use of broadcasts by automobiles presupposes that the on-board receivers are capable of accurately detecting the GI timing data in an extremely low carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) condition regardless of a severe multipath environment which will introduce broad scatter in signal arrival times. Therefore, we analyzed actual broadcast signals received in a moving vehicle in a field experiment and showed that the GI timing signal is detected with the desired accuracy even in the case of extremely low-CNR environments. Some considerations were also given about how to use these findings.

  • Increasing Throughput and QoS Using Bandwidth and Region Division with Frequency Overlay over Multicell Environments

    Taegeun OH  Sanghoon LEE  Gye-Tae GIL  


    E92-B No:1

    A cell planning and resource allocation scheme called EBRD (Enhanced Bandwidth and Region Division) is presented for improving channel capacity and for maintaining a proper QoS (Quality of Service) over the downlink OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) system. Through an optimal combination of sectorization and frequency overlay, the EBRD scheme improves both channel capacity and outage probability. In order to analyze the performance of the proposed algorithm, the outage probability is obtained as a closed numerical form. In the simulation, the EBRD scheme outperforms 3-sectorization in terms of throughput and outage probability.

  • Regularization Super-Resolution with Inaccurate Image Registration

    Ju LIU  Hua YAN  Jian-de SUN  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E92-D No:1

    Considering the inaccuracy of image registration, we propose a new regularization restoration algorithm to solve the ill-posed super-resolution (SR) problem. Registration error is used to obtain cross-channel error information caused by inaccurate image registration. The registration error is considered as the noise mean added into the within-channel observation noise which is known as Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). Based on this consideration, two constraints are regulated pixel by pixel within the framework of Miller's regularization. Regularization parameters connect the two constraints to construct a cost function. The regularization parameters are estimated adaptively in each pixel in terms of the registration error and in each observation channel in terms of the AWGN. In the iterative implementation of the proposed algorithm, sub-sampling operation and sampling aliasing in the detector model are dealt with respectively to make the restored HR image approach the original one further. The transpose of the sub-sampling operation is implemented by nearest interpolation. Simulations show that the proposed regularization algorithm can restore HR images with much sharper edges and greater SNR improvement.

  • A New 'On the Fly' Identification Scheme: An Asymptoticity Trade-Off between ZK and Correctness

    Bagus SANTOSO  Kazuo OHTA  

    PAPER-Secure Protocol

    E92-A No:1

    GPS is an efficient identification (ID) scheme based on Schnorr ID scheme designed for applications where low cost devices with limited resources are used and a very-short authentication time is required. Let P and V be a prover and a verifier in GPS and < g > be a multiplicative group. P holds a secret key S∈[0,S) and publishes I=g-s. In each elementary round: (1) P sends to Vx=gr where r is chosen randomly from [0,A), (2) V sends to P a random C∈[0,B), and (3) P sends y=r+cs (no modulus computation). Since there is no modular reduction on y, a key issue is whether GPS leaks information about s. It has been proved that GPS is statistical zero-knowledge, if in asymptotic sense, BS/A is negligible, where is the number of elementary rounds in one complete identification trial. In this paper, first we will show the followings. (1) We can construct a concrete attack procedure which reveals one bit of secret key s from the specified value range of y unless BS/A is negligible. We reconfirm that we must set A extremely large compared to BS. (2) This drawback can be avoided by modifying GPS into a new scheme, GPS+, in which P does not send the value of y in the specified range where y reveals some information about s. GPS+ ensures perfect ZK only by requiring both A > BS and A being a multiple of the order of g, while it allows an honest P to be rejected with probability at most BS/(2A) in one elementary round. Under the standard recommended parameters for 80-bit security where =1, |S|=160, and |B|=35, |A|=275 is recommended for GPS in GPS' paper. On the other hand, GPS+ can guarantee 80-bit security and less than one false rejection on average in 100 identifications with only |A|=210 with the same parameters as above. In practice, this implies 275-210=65 bits (≈24%) reductions on storage requirement. We have confirmed that the reduce of A also reduces approximately 4% of running time for online response using a certain implementation technique for GPS+ by machine experiment.

  • Link of Data Synchronization to Self-Organizing Map Algorithm

    Takaya MIYANO  Takako TSUTSUI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E92-A No:1

    We have recently developed a method for feature extraction from multivariate data using an analogue of Kuramoto's dynamics for modeling collective synchronization in a network of coupled phase oscillators. In our method, which we call data synchronization, phase oscillators carrying multivariate data in their natural and updated rhythms achieve partial synchronizations. Their common rhythms are interpreted as the template vectors representing the general features of the data set. In this study, we discuss the link of data synchronization to the self-organizing map algorithm as a popular method for data mining and show through numerical experiments how our method can overcome the disadvantages of the self-organizing map algorithm in that unintentional selections of inappropriate reference vectors lead to false feature patterns.

  • Improvement of Plastic Landmine Visualization Performance by Use of Ring-CSOM and Frequency-Domain Local Correlation

    Yukimasa NAKANO  Akira HIROSE  


    E92-C No:1

    The complex-valued self-organizing map (CSOM) realizes an adaptive distinction between plastic landmines and other objects in landmine visualization systems. However, when the spatial resolution in electromagnetic-wave measurement is not sufficiently high, the distinction sometimes fails. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose two techniques to enhance the visualization ability. One is the utilization of SOM-space topology in the CSOM adaptive classification. The other is a novel feature extraction method paying attention to local correlation in the frequency domain. In experimental results, we find that these two techniques significantly improve the visualization performance. The local-correlation method contributes also to the reduction of the number of tuning parameters in the CSOM classification.

  • A Study on Performance Enhancement of Packet Detection in MB-OFDM UWB Systems

    Kyu-Min KANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:1

    This paper presents a high performance and hardware efficient packet detection structure, which employs a cross correlator for the M-sample time delayed correlation operation and a signal power calculator using the received input samples less than or equal to a zero-padded suffix of length M. We investigate the detailed characteristics of the proposed packet detector. In this paper, the performance of a class of packet detection algorithms in the ultra-wideband (UWB) channel environments is also studied. The best packet detection algorithm for the multi-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) UWB transmission is determined through analysis and extensive simulations. The results of analysis show that the proposed packet detection structure has advantages in the hardware complexity as well as performance when compared with the existing packet detection structures. In order to effectively conduct the packet detection before the automatic gain control (AGC) mode, we investigate the effects of both a frequency offset and the initial gain level of a variable gain amplifier (VGA) on the performance of the packet detection. We also suggest a VGA gain control technique to enhance the performance of packet detection.

  • Local Optimal File Delivery Scheduling in a Hop by Hop File Delivery System on a One Link Model

    Hiromi TSURUMI  Takamichi MIYATA  Katsunori YAMAOKA  Yoshinori SAKAI  


    E92-B No:1

    Many content distribution systems such as CDN and P2P file sharing have been developed. In these systems, file-type contents require downloads to be completed before they can be played and they have no value before the download finishes. Therefore, a user's satisfaction depends on the length of the service latency. That is, the length of time from when the user issued a request until the user received an entire file. Reducing the sum of that time is necessary for the whole delivery system to satisfy users and maintain dependability on system performance. We discuss a hop-by-hop file delivery system suitable for delivering file contents whereby the sum of service latency is reduced by using the request conditions. Moreover, we propose a file delivery scheduling algorithm for a one-link model given that the content request frequency is unknown. The algorithm is based on a local optimal strategy. We performed a characteristic analysis by computer simulation. The results showed that our algorithm performs at nearly the theoretical efficiency limit of the hop-by-hop system when the request frequency distribution of each content has a deviation.

  • Dual Two-Dimensional Fuzzy Class Preserving Projections for Facial Expression Recognition

    Ruicong ZHI  Qiuqi RUAN  Jiying WU  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E91-D No:12

    This paper proposes a novel algorithm for image feature extraction-the dual two-dimensional fuzzy class preserving projections ((2D)2FCPP). The main advantages of (2D)2FCPP over two-dimensional locality preserving projections (2DLPP) are: (1) utilizing the fuzzy assignation mechanisms to construct the weight matrix, which can improve the classification results; (2) incorporating 2DLPP and alternative 2DLPP to get a more efficient dimensionality reduction method-(2D)2LPP.

  • Zero Correlation Distribution of ZCZ Sequences Obtained from a Perfect Sequence and a Unitary Matrix

    Satoshi UEHARA  Shuichi JONO  Yasuyuki NOGAMI  


    E91-A No:12

    A class of zero-correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences constructed by the recursive procedure from a perfect sequence and a unitary matrix was proposed by Torii, Nakamura, and Suehiro [1] . In the reference [1] , three parameters, s.t., the sequence length, the family size and the length of the ZCZ, were evaluated for a general estimate of the performance of the ZCZ sequences. In this letter, we give more detailed distributions of that correlation values are zero on their ZCZ sequence sets.

  • Highly Efficient Comparator Design Automation for TIQ Flash A/D Converter

    Insoo KIM  Jincheol YOO  JongSoo KIM  Kyusun CHOI  

    PAPER-Physical Level Design

    E91-A No:12

    Threshold Inverter Quantization (TIQ) technique has been gaining its importance in high speed flash A/D converters due to its fast data conversion speed. It eliminates the need of resistor ladders for reference voltages generation which requires substantial power consumption. The key to TIQ comparators design is to generate 2n - 1 different sized TIQ comparators for an n-bit A/D converter. This paper presents a highly efficient TIQ comparator design methodology based on an analytical model as well as SPICE simulation experimental model. One can find any sets of TIQ comparators efficiently using the proposed method. A 6-bit TIQ A/D converter has been designed in a 0.18 µm standard CMOS technology using the proposed method, and compared to the previous measured results in order to verify the proposed methodology.

  • Efficient Hybrid Grid Synthesis Method Based on Genetic Algorithm for Power/Ground Network Optimization with Dynamic Signal Consideration

    Yun YANG  Shinji KIMURA  

    PAPER-Physical Level Design

    E91-A No:12

    This paper proposes an efficient design algorithm for power/ground (P/G) network synthesis with dynamic signal consideration, which is mainly caused by Ldi/dt noise and Cdv/dt decoupling capacitance (DECAP) current in the distribution network. To deal with the nonlinear global optimization under synthesis constraints directly, the genetic algorithm (GA) is introduced. The proposed GA-based synthesis method can avoid the linear transformation loss and the restraint condition complexity in current SLP, SQP, ICG, and random-walk methods. In the proposed Hybrid Grid Synthesis algorithm, the dynamic signal is simulated in the gene disturbance process, and Trapezoidal Modified Euler (TME) method is introduced to realize the precise dynamic time step process. We also use a hybrid-SLP method to reduce the genetic execute time and increase the network synthesis efficiency. Experimental results on given power distribution network show the reduction on layout area and execution time compared with current P/G network synthesis methods.

  • On Almost Perfect Nonlinear Functions

    Claude CARLET  


    E91-A No:12

    A function F:F2n F2n is almost perfect nonlinear (APN) if, for every a 0, b in F2n, the equation F(x)+F(x+a)=b has at most two solutions in F2n. When used as an S-box in a block cipher, it contributes optimally to the resistance to differential cryptanalysis. The function F is almost bent (AB) if the minimum Hamming distance between all its component functions v F, v∈F2n {0} (where "" denotes any inner product in F2n ) and all affine Boolean functions on F2n takes the maximal value 2n-1-2. AB functions exist for n odd only and contribute optimally to the resistance to the linear cryptanalysis. Every AB function is APN, and in the n odd case, any quadratic APN function is AB. The APN and AB properties are preserved by affine equivalence: F F' if F'=A1 F A2, where A1,A2 are affine permutations. More generally, they are preserved by CCZ-equivalence, that is, affine equivalence of the graphs of F: {(x,F(xv)) | x∈ F2n} and of F'. Until recently, the only known constructions of APN and AB functions were CCZ-equivalent to power functions F(x)=xd over finite fields (F2n being identified with F2n and an inner product being x y=tr(xy) where tr is the trace function). Several recent infinite classes of APN functions have been proved CCZ-inequivalent to power functions. In this paper, we describe the state of the art in the domain and we also present original results. We indicate what are the most important open problems and make some new observations about them. Many results presented are from joint works with Lilya Budaghyan, Gregor Leander and Alexander Pott.

  • A New Construction Method of Zero-Correlation Zone Sequences Based on Complete Complementary Codes

    Chenggao HAN  Takeshi HASHIMOTO  Naoki SUEHIRO  


    E91-A No:12

    In approximately synchronous CDMA (AS-CDMA) systems, zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences are known as the sequences to eliminate co-channel and multi-path interferences. Therefore, numerous constructions of zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences have been introduced e.g. based on perfect sequences and complete complementary codes etc. However, the previous construction method which based on complete complementary code is lacking for merit figures when none of whose elements are zero. In this paper, a new construction method of ZCZ sequences based on complete complementary codes is proposed. By proposed method, non zero elements ZCZ sequences whose merit figure is greater than 1/2 are constructable.
