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  • High-Speed LiTaO3 Optical Polarization Modulator Using Traveling-Wave Electrode and Double Periodic Poling Structure

    Hiroshi MURATA  Asuka TAKAHASHI  Yasuyuki OKAMURA  


    E92-C No:2

    A new LiTaO3 electro-optic polarization modulator utilizing traveling-wave electrodes and a double periodic poling structure is proposed. Utilizing the double periodic poling structure, both quasi-phase matching between TE and TM guided-modes, and quasi-velocity matching between a lightwave and a modulation microwave are obtainable at modulation frequencies over 10 GHz.

  • Device, Circuit, and System Considerations for 60 GHz CMOS

    Ali M. NIKNEJAD  Ehsan ADABI  Babak HEYDARI  Mounir BOHSALI  Bagher AFSHAR  Debopriyo CHOWDHURY  Patrick REYNAERT  


    E92-A No:2

    This paper highlights seven years of research at the Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC) related to mm-wave electronics. Active and passive device design and layout, circuit approaches, and system architecture for short range mm-wave communication links will be discussed. The design of several key building blocks in a receiver front-end will be highlighted.

  • Computational Complexities of University Interview Timetabling

    Naoyuki KAMIYAMA  Yuuki KIYONARI  Eiji MIYANO  Shuichi MIYAZAKI  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  


    E92-D No:2

    This paper introduces a new timetabling problem on universities, called interview timetabling. In this problem, some constant number, say three, of referees are assigned to each of 2n graduate students. Our task is to construct a presentation timetable of these 2n students using n timeslots and two rooms, so that two students evaluated by the same referee must be assigned to different timeslots. The optimization goal is to minimize the total number of movements of all referees between two rooms. This problem comes from the real world in the interview timetabling in Kyoto University. We propose two restricted models of this problem, and investigate their time complexities.

  • High-Speed, Low-Driving-Voltage Dual-Drive InP-Based Mach-Zehnder Modulator Open Access

    Nobuhiro KIKUCHI  Ken TSUZUKI  Takeshi KUROSAKI  Yasuo SHIBATA  Hiroshi YASAKA  


    E92-C No:2

    We present a dual traveling-wave electrode InP-based Mach-Zehnder (MZ) modulator with an n-i-n waveguide structure. An electrical input/output interface placed on one side of the chip helps us to drive the modulator in a push-pull configuration. This configuration provides the modulator with great advantages such as reduced driving voltage amplitude, chirp-free operation, and the ability to support advanced modulation formats. The fabricated modulator exhibits good performance. A 40 Gb/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signal is successfully generated with a low driving of 1.3 Vpp. In addition, a 10-Gb/s optical duobinary (DB) signal is successfully generated and transmitted over a 240-km single-mode fiber (SMF). We also developed a wavelength tunable transmitter hybrid integrated with a modulator with a wavelength tunable laser. Full C-band 10-Gb/s operation and a 100-km SMF transmission with a low power penalty are confirmed.

  • Self-Stabilization in Dynamic Networks

    Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  


    E92-D No:2

    A self-stabilizing protocol is a protocol that achieves its intended behavior regardless of the initial configuration (i.e., global state). Thus, a self-stabilizing protocol is adaptive to any number and any type of topology changes of networks: after the last topology change occurs, the protocol starts to converge to its intended behavior. This advantage makes self-stabilizing protocols extremely attractive for designing highly dependable distributed systems on dynamic networks. While conventional self-stabilizing protocols require that the networks remain static during convergence to the intended behaviors, some recent works undertook the challenge of realizing self-stabilization in dynamic networks with frequent topology changes. This paper introduces some of the challenges as a new direction of research in self-stabilization.

  • Downlink Beamforming Throughput Maximization for Multi-Cell Environment in the Presence of the Channel Uncertainty

    Janghoon YANG  Dong Ku KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    In this letter, an equivalent uplink problem formulation is developed in the multi-cell environment such that the downlink beamforming throughput is maximized under the assumption that base station (BS) can only use the estimated receive signal to interference plus noise power ratio (SINR) of mobile station (MS) in computing beam vectors because of channel estimation error and delay feedback. Numerical results show that the proposed downlink beamforming throughput maximization offers noticeable improvement of 5% outage and average throughput over conventional minimum mean squared error (MMSE) beamforming in the presence of channel uncertainties whereas the performance degradation in the environment of the nominal channel uncertainty is significant compared to the case of no uncertainty.

  • Joint Timing and Channel Estimation for Ultra-Wideband Signals

    Tao LIU  Shihua ZHU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    This paper is concerned with timing synchronization of high rates UWB signals operating in a dense multipath environment, where access must tackle inter-frame interference (IFI), inter-symbol interference (ISI) and even multi-user interference (MUI). A training-based joint timing and channel estimation scheme is proposed, which is resilient to IFI, ISI, MUI and pulse distortion. A low-complexity detection scheme similar to transmit-reference (TR) scheme comes out as a by-product. For saving the training symbols, we further develop an extended decision-directed (DD) scheme. A lower bound on the probability of correct detection is derived which agrees well with the simulated result for moderate to high SNR values. The results show that the proposed algorithm achieves a significant performance gain in terms of mean square error and bit error rate in comparison to the "timing with dirty templates" (TDT) algorithms.

  • A Neural Network Based Algorithm for Particle Pairing Problem of PIV Measurements

    Achyut SAPKOTA  Kazuo OHMI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E92-D No:2

    Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a widely used tool for the measurement of the different kinematic properties of the fluid flow. In this measurement technique, a pulsed laser light sheet is used to illuminate a flow field seeded with tracer particles and at each instance of illumination, the positions of the particles are recorded on digital CCD cameras. The resulting two camera frames can then be processed by various techniques to obtain the velocity vectors. One such techniques involve the tracking of the individual particles so as to identify the displacement of the every particles present in the flow field. The displacement of individual particles thus determined gives the velocity information if divided by known time interval. The accuracy as well as efficiency of such measurement systems depend upon the reliability of the algorithms to track those particles. In the present work, a cellular neural network based algorithm has been proposed. Performance test has been carried out using the standard flow images. It performs well in comparison to the existing algorithms in terms of reliability, accuracy and processing time.

  • Hybrid Authentication and Key Distribution Scheme for Wireless Mobile Multi-Hop Networks

    Yong Lee   Goo-Yeon LEE  Hwa-Jong KIM  Choong-Kyo JEONG  


    E92-B No:2

    In this letter, we propose a hybrid authentication algorithm to alleviate the latent security problems of mobile multi-hop networks. The proposed scheme uses centralized authentication when a node first joins the network, and uses distributed authentication for the hop-by-hop authentication among multi-hop nodes. We also analyze performance of the proposed scheme.

  • All-Optical Demultiplexing from 160 to 40/80 Gb/s Using Mach-Zehnder Switches Based on Intersubband Transition of InGaAs/AlAsSb Coupled Double Quantum Wells Open Access

    Ryoichi AKIMOTO  Guangwei CONG  Masanori NAGASE  Teruo MOZUME  Hidemi TSUCHIDA  Toshifumi HASAMA  Hiroshi ISHIKAWA  


    E92-C No:2

    We demonstrated all-optical demultiplexing of 160-Gb/s signal to 40- and 80-Gb/s by a Mach-Zehnder Interferometric all-optical switch, where the picosecond cross-phase modulation (XPM) induced by intersubband excitation in InGaAs/AlAsSb coupled double quantum wells is utilized. A bi-directional pump configuration, i.e., two control pulses are injected from both sides of a waveguide chip simultaneously, increases a nonlinear phase shift twice in comparison with injection of single pump beam with forward- and backward direction. The bi-directional pump configuration is the effective way to avoid damaging waveguide facets in the case where high optical power of control pulse is necessary to be injected for optical gating at repetition rate of 40/80 GHz. Bit error rate (BER) measurements on 40-Gb/s demultiplexed signal show that the power penalty is decreased slightly for the bi-directional pump case in the BER range less than 10-6. The power penalty is 1.3 dB at BER of 10 - 9 for the bi-directional pump case, while it increases by 0.3-0.6 dB for single pump cases. A power penalty is influenced mainly by signal attenuation at "off" state due to the insufficient nonlinear phase shift, upper limit of which is constrained by the current low XPM efficiency of 0.1 rad/pJ and the damage threshold power of 100 mW in a waveguide facet.

  • An Adaptive Zero Forcing Maximum Likelihood Soft Input Soft Output MIMO Detector

    Igor JELOVAN  Gorazd KANDUS  Toma JAVORNIK  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    An adaptive zero forcing maximum likelihood soft input soft output (AZFML-SISO) detector for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless systems is presented. Its performance in an iterative MIMO receiver is analyzed. The AZFML-SISO detector calculates the soft outputs, applying the ML approach to the list that contains only those signal vectors limited by a hypersphere around the zero forcing (ZF) solution. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated on a communication system based on the standard for single carrier broadband wireless communication IEEE 802.16, with three transmit and three receive antennas. It is shown by computer simulation that the computational complexity in an average sense of the receiver running the AZFML-SISO algorithm is reduced by 90% at the SNR values of 30 dB and by 50% for SNR values of 15 dB in comparison to the receiver with an ML detector, while the system performance degrades by less than 1 dB.

  • Data Gathering Scheme Using Chaotic Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks for Wireless Sensor Networks

    Hidehiro NAKANO  Akihide UTANI  Arata MIYAUCHI  Hisao YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E92-A No:2

    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted a significant amount of interest from many researchers because they have great potential as a means of obtaining information of various environments remotely. WSNs have a wide range of applications, such as natural environmental monitoring in forest regions and environmental control in office buildings. In WSNs, hundreds or thousands of micro-sensor nodes with such resource limitations as battery capacity, memory, CPU, and communication capacity are deployed without control in a region and used to monitor and gather sensor information of environments. Therefore, a scalable and efficient network control and/or data gathering scheme for saving energy consumption of each sensor node is needed to prolong WSN lifetime. In this paper, assuming that sensor nodes synchronize to intermittently communicate with each other only when they are active for realizing the long-term employment of WSNs, we propose a new synchronization scheme for gathering sensor information using chaotic pulse-coupled neural networks (CPCNN). We evaluate the proposed scheme using computer simulations and discuss its development potential. In simulation experiments, the proposed scheme is compared with a previous synchronization scheme based on a pulse-coupled oscillator model to verify its effectiveness.

  • An Improved Local Search Learning Method for Multiple-Valued Logic Network Minimization with Bi-objectives

    Shangce GAO  Qiping CAO  Catherine VAIRAPPAN  Jianchen ZHANG  Zheng TANG  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E92-A No:2

    This paper describes an improved local search method for synthesizing arbitrary Multiple-Valued Logic (MVL) function. In our approach, the MVL function is mapped from its algebraic presentation (sum-of-products form) on a multiple-layered network based on the functional completeness property. The output of the network is evaluated based on two metrics of correctness and optimality. A local search embedded with chaotic dynamics is utilized to train the network in order to minimize the MVL functions. With the characteristics of pseudo-randomness, ergodicity and irregularity, both the search sequence and solution neighbourhood generated by chaotic variables enables the system to avoid local minimum settling and improves the solution quality. Simulation results based on 2-variable 4-valued MVL functions and some other large instances also show that the improved local search learning algorithm outperforms the traditional methods in terms of the correctness and the average number of product terms required to realize a given MVL function.

  • Spurious Reduction Techniques for DDS-Based Synthesizers

    Jianming ZHOU  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E92-C No:2

    This paper analyzes the spurious sources in DDS synthesizers and deduces the simple model of DDS output signal. The method of feeding pseudo-random noise into the phase accumulator for spurious reduction is discussed. A new method for spurious reduction by compensating for DAC integer nonlinearity is proposed with two DACs and a power combiner. One DAC generates the error signal to compensate for the other DAC INL. The factor how the amplitude error and the phase error between the two combined signals affect the spurious level is also analyzed. The experiment shows that the spurious reduction can be improved by at least 18 dB, which proves the validity of the DAC INL compensation method for the spurious reduction.

  • Broadband Equivalent Circuit Modeling of Self-Complementary Bow-Tie Antennas Monolithically Integrated with Semiconductors for Terahertz Applications

    Hiroto TOMIOKA  Michihiko SUHARA  Tsugunori OKUMURA  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E92-C No:2

    We identify a broadband equivalent circuit of an on-chip self-complementary antenna integrated with a µm-sized semiconductor mesa structure whose circuit elements can be interpreted by using closed-form analysis. Prior to the equivalent circuit analysis, an electromagnetic simulation is done to investigate frequency independency of the input impedance for the integrated self-complementary antenna in terahertz range.

  • Linear-Time Recognizable Classes of Tree Languages by Deterministic Linear Pushdown Tree Automata

    Akio FUJIYOSHI  


    E92-D No:2

    In this paper, we study deterministic linear pushdown tree automata (deterministic L-PDTAs) and some variations. Since recognition of an input tree by a deterministic L-PDTA can be done in linear time, deterministic L-PDTAs are applicable to many kinds of applications. A strict hierarchy will be shown among the classes of tree languages defined by a variety of deterministic L-PDTAs. It will be also shown that deterministic L-PDTAs are weakly equivalent to nondeterministic L-PDTAs.

  • Modeling of Localization Error in Wireless Sensor Network

    Jinwon CHOI  Jun-Sung KANG  Yong-Hwa KIM  Seong-Cheol KIM  


    E92-B No:2

    This letter presents the variation of localization error to network parameters, the number of range estimation results from anchor nodes (ANs) and average distance between ANs in centralized Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). In sensor network, ANs estimate the relative range to Target Node (TN) using Time-Of-Arrival (TOA) information of Ultra WideBand (UWB) radio and a fusion center determines the final localization of TN based on estimation results reported. From simulation results, the variation of localization error, which is defined as the difference between localization result of TN and its actual location, is represented as the function of number of estimation results to average distance between ANs. The distribution of localization error is matched to the Rician distribution whose K-factor value is given by the proposed formula as well. Finally, the normalized error function for the efficient localization network design is characterized.

  • A Linear Processing Scheme in Multiuser Downlink MIMO Broadcasting Channel with Fixed Relays

    Jie XU  Ling QIU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    In this letter, we propose a novel singular value decomposition zero-forcing beamforming (SVD-ZFBF) relaying scheme in the multiuser downlink MIMO broadcasting channel with fixed relays. Based on the processing scheme, we apply SUS [5] to select users at the relay station (RS) and develop a joint power allocation strategy at the base station (BS) and RS. By increasing the power at RS or selecting active users to obtain more multiuser diversity, SVD-ZFBF can approach an upper bound and outperform SVD-ZFDPC [1] with much lower complexity. Moreover, we show that the noise power ratio of RS to users significantly impacts the performance.

  • Computationally Efficient Joint Frequency Synchronization for OFDM-Based DVB-T

    Young-Hwan YOU  Sung-Jin KANG  Hyoung-Kyu SONG  

    LETTER-Broadcast Systems

    E92-B No:1

    This letter proposes a computationally efficient way of jointly estimating the residual frequency offset (RFO) and sampling frequency offset (SFO) by using a continual pilot (CP) defined in OFDM-based DVB-T system. In order to devise an unbiased joint frequency estimator in the current DVB-T system, a CP subset is selected to offset the effects of RFO and SFO simultaneously.

  • A Variable Step Size Algorithm for Speech Noise Reduction Method Based on Noise Reconstruction System

    Naoto SASAOKA  Masatoshi WATANABE  Yoshio ITOH  Kensaku FUJII  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E92-A No:1

    We have proposed a noise reduction method based on a noise reconstruction system (NRS). The NRS uses a linear prediction error filter (LPEF) and a noise reconstruction filter (NRF) which estimates background noise by system identification. In case a fixed step size for updating tap coefficients of the NRF is used, it is difficult to reduce background noise while maintaining the high quality of enhanced speech. In order to solve the problem, a variable step size is proposed. It makes use of cross-correlation between an input signal and an enhanced speech signal. In a speech section, a variable step size becomes small so as not to estimate speech, on the other hand, large to track the background noise in a non-speech section.
