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  • An Approach to Specifying Concurrent, Distributed, and Autonomous Object Behaviors Using a High-Level Meta-Object Protocol

    Joon-Sang LEE  Doo-Hwan BAE  

    PAPER-Object Management Architecture/Design Pattern/Frameworks

    E83-B No:5

    To develop distributed applications requires to consider not only functional requirements but also non-functional requirements such as distributions, synchronizations, and scheduling policies. Specifying such non-functional requirements is necessary for supporting on-line capabilities of Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ADS). However, the existing design notations and methods do not address such needs sufficiently enough to develop ADS applications systematically using object-oriented technique. In this paper, we propose an object-oriented design-level support for specifying concurrent, distributed, and autonomous object behaviors in developing dynamic distributed applications. We develop a high-level meta-object protocol called diMOP to deal with object distributions, method synchronizations, and method scheduling policies. In addition, we develop Class Diagram Supporting diMOP (CDSM) and Dynamically Configurable Object Statemachine (DCOS) for specifying non-functional behaviors and dynamic configuration behaviors, by extending the ordinary class diagram and state diagram of UML. A development environment called diMOPer is implemented to support our approach.

  • Design Issues in Multi-Zone Disks Video-on-Demand Systems

    Chin-Hwa KUO  Li-Chun SUNG  Meng-Chang CHEN  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E83-D No:5

    A systematic continuous data placement scheme on distributed multi-zone disks is developed for video on demand. The proposed scheme makes use of constant read time concept, i. e. , each video stream has the same access time in each service round when serving the request. The developed scheme maximizes not only the averaged data transmitted rate, but also the number of simultaneous accesses. The scheme consists of the following components. First we developed an algorithm that reorganizes the multi-zone disk into several logical zones in the sense that the averaged disk throughput is maximum. Second, a sequential data access method was developed that takes disk loading balance into account. Thus, at each service round, the total amount of data transmitted is a constant. Third, we introduce the idle round technique to reduce the buffer size required at the client site for VBR video stream. As a result, admission control is enforced in an efficient manner. Finally we perform experimental tests to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. The results indicate the value of the proposed scheme.

  • A Simulation Study to Analyze Unreliable File Systems with Checkpointing and Rollback Recovery

    Tadashi DOHI  Kouji NOMURA  Naoto KAIO  Shunji OSAKI  


    E83-A No:5

    This paper considers two simulation models for simple unreliable file systems with checkpointing and rollback recovery. In Model 1, the checkpoint is generated at a pre-specified time and the information on the main memory since the last checkpoint is back-uped in a secondary medium. On the other hand, in Model 2, the checkpointing is executed at the time when the number of transactions completed for processing is achieved at a pre-determined level. However, it is difficult to treat such models analytically without employing any approximation method, if queueing effects related with arrival and processing of transactions can not be ignored. We apply the generalized stochastic Petri net (GSPN) to represent the stochastic behaviour of systems under two checkpointing schemes. Throughout GSPN simulation, we evaluate quantitatively the maintainability of checkpoint models under consideration and examine the dependence of model parameters in the optimal checkpoint policies and their associated system availabilities.

  • A Subspace-Based Approach for the Blind Multiuser Detection of DS CDMA Systems

    Yuan-Hwang CHEN  Ann-Chen CHANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E83-B No:5

    This letter presents a subspace-based technique with generalized sidelobe canceler structure, which can be utilized to deal with the desired user's SNR < 0 dB. With an estimate scheme of the desired user code, the proposed method offers more robustness against spreading code mismatch. Computer simulations show that the effectiveness of the proposed detector.

  • Practicability of Autonomous Decentralized Scheduling Method for a Metal Mold Assembly Process

    Hitoshi IIMA  Norihisa ICHIMI  Nobuo SANNOMIYA  Yasunori KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Novel Applications

    E83-B No:5

    In this paper, a new approach is proposed for solving a real scheduling problem in a metal mold assembly process. This process is of a job-shop type, and the problem is large-scale and has complicated constraints. In this problem precedence relations exist not only among operations but also among jobs. The system has several types of single function machines and a type of multi-function machine. Furthermore, the number of machines belonging to each type is not single but plural. Therefore the selection of machine is necessary for executing each operation. An autonomous decentralized scheduling method is applied to this problem. In this method, a number of decision makers called modules cooperate with one another in order to attain the goal of the overall system. They determine the scheduling plan on the basis of their cooperation and the satisfaction of their own objective function levels. Particularly, the practicability of this method is considered through numerical results.

  • An Efficient, Programmable and Interchangeable Code System: EPICS

    Noritaka OSAWA  Toshitsugu YUBA  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E83-D No:4

    This paper proposes and evaluates a character or symbol code system called EPICS for multilingual information processing. EPICS integrates a variable-length coding system using 16-bit units and a smart virtual machine. EPICS enhances the interchangeability of data. The variable-length coding system provides a huge code space. This huge space can include not only standardized code sets but also non-standardized codes of ancient symbols and user-specific symbols. The smart virtual machine executes inputs as instructions and is dynamically customizable. It allows us to define and modify instructions during runtime and provides us with customization facilities. Customization facilities can be used to specify a sorting order and normalization. Customization also makes it possible for an information producer (sender) to express his intentions or annotations in data and for an information consumer (receiver) to process the data depending on his needs. Moreover, customization enables one to send compressed data and decompression program fragments incrementally and efficiently without predefined decompression algorithms.

  • A 16 kb/s Wideband CELP-Based Speech Coder Using Mel-Generalized Cepstral Analysis


    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E83-D No:4

    We propose a wideband CELP-type speech coder at 16 kb/s based on a mel-generalized cepstral (MGC) analysis technique. MGC analysis makes it possible to obtain a more accurate representation of spectral zeros compared to linear predictive (LP) analysis and take a perceptual frequency scale into account. A major advantage of the proposed coder is that the benefits of MGC representation of speech spectra can be incorporated into the CELP coding process. Subjective tests show that the proposed coder at 16 kb/s achieves a significant improvement in performance over a 16 kb/s conventional CELP coder under the same coding framework and bit allocation. Moreover, the proposed coder is found to outperform the ITU-T G. 722 standard at 64 kb/s.

  • Formalization of Organizational Intelligence for Multiagent System Design

    Behrouz Homayoun FAR  Hassan HAJJI  Shadan SANIEPOUR  Sidi O. SOUEINA  Mahmoud M. ELKHOULY  

    PAPER-Theory and Methodology

    E83-D No:4

    Although there are many projects focusing on multiagent systems, there are only a few focusing on systematic design of large scale multiagent system. In this paper we formalize the knowledge representation and sharing of agents, using symbol structures, define agencies as organizations (i. e. , a coalition of agents), propose a formalism to represent organizational Intelligence, devise a basic configuration for generalized agents (AG), and use them in a large scale multiagent system design. Private knowledge of an AG agent is represented by a symbol structure (SS) and AG agents can share their knowledge using combination, specialization and generalization methods that operate on the SS. Opposite to the other works, organizational knowledge, is defined as a property of at least a pair of AG agents.

  • Wavelet-Based Broadband Beamformers with Dynamic Subband Selection

    Yung-Yi WANG  Wen-Hsien FANG  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E83-B No:4

    In this paper, we present a new approach for the design of partially adaptive broadband beamformers with the generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) as an underlying structure. The approach designs the blocking matrix involved by utilizing a set of P-regular, M-band wavelet filters, whose vanishing moment property is shown to meet the requirement of a blocking matrix in the GSC structure. Furthermore, basing on the subband decomposition property of these wavelet filters, we introduce a new dynamic subband selection scheme succeeding the blocking matrix. The scheme only retains the principal subband components of the blocking matrix outputs based on a prescribed statistical hypothesis test and thus further reduces the dimension of weights in adaptive processing. As such, the overall computational complexity, which is mainly dictated by the dimension of adaptive weights, is substantially reduced. The furnished simulations show that this new approach offers comparable performance as the existing fully adaptive beamformers but with reduced computations.

  • Realizing the Menezes-Okamoto-Vanstone (MOV) Reduction Efficiently for Ordinary Elliptic Curves

    Junji SHIKATA  Yuliang ZHENG  Joe SUZUKI  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E83-A No:4

    The problem we consider in this paper is whether the Menezes-Okamoto-Vanstone (MOV) reduction for attacking elliptic curve cryptosystems can be realized for genera elliptic curves. In realizing the MOV reduction, the base field Fq is extended so that the reduction to the discrete logarithm problem in a finite field is possible. Recent results by Balasubramanian and Koblitz suggest that, if l q-1, such a minimum extension degree is the minimum k such that l|qk-1, which is equivalent to the condition under which the Frey-Ruck (FR) reduction can be applied, where l is the order of the group in the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. Our point is that the problem of finding an l-torsion point required in evaluating the Weil pairing should be considered as well from an algorithmic point of view. In this paper, we actually propose a method which leads to a solution of the problem. In addition, our contribution allows us to draw the conclusion that the MOV reduction is indeed as powerful as the FR reduction under l q-1 not only from the viewpoint of the minimum extension degrees but also from that of the effectiveness of algorithms.

  • High Alumina Co-Doped Silica EDFA and Its Gain-Equalization in Long-Haul WDM Transmission System

    Takao NAITO  Naomasa SHIMOJOH  Takafumi TERAHARA  Toshiki TANAKA  Terumi CHIKAMA  Masuo SUYAMA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission

    E83-B No:4

    In an optical submarine cable transmission system, small size, low consumption power, and high reliability are required for inline repeaters. The structure of the inline repeater should be a simple single stage. The design of erbium doped fiber (EDF) itself is very important for the inline repeater to achieve broad bandwidth, high output power, and low noise figure. We designed and developed high alumina co-doped erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) for long-haul, high-capacity WDM transmission systems. We investigated the trade-off relationship between the gain flatness and the output power to optimize the EDF length. We obtained high performance, including a slightly sloped gain flatness of +0.04 dB/nm at 1550 nm, a superior noise figure of 4.7 dB, and a relatively large output power of +11.5 dBm for an EDF length of 5 m using a 1480-nm pumping laser diode. We applied gain-equalizers (GEQs) using Mach-Zehnder type filters with different FSRs to accurately compensate for the EDFAs ' gain-wavelength characteristics. The main GEQs have free-spectral-ranges (FSRs) of 48-nm, which are about 2 times as long as the wavelength difference between a 1558-nm EDFA gain peak and a 1536-nm EDFA gain valley. Using a circulating loop with the above EDFAs and GEQs, we performed the broad wavelength bandwidth. The achieved signal wavelength bandwidth after 5,958-km transmission was 20 nm. We successfully transmitted 700-Gbit/s (66 10.66-Gbit/s) WDM signals over 2,212 km. The combination of high alumina co-doped silica EDFA and large FSR GEQ is attractive for long-haul, high-capacity WDM transmission systems.

  • Pure Green Light-Emitting Diodes Based on High Quality ZnTe Substrates and a Thermal Diffusion Process

    Kenji SATO  Mikio HANAFUSA  Akira NODA  Atsutoshi ARAKAWA  Toshiaki ASAHI  Masayuki UCHIDA  Osamu ODA  


    E83-C No:4

    Pure green ZnTe light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were first realized reproducibly based on high quality ZnTe substrates and a simple thermal diffusion process. This success which overcomes the compensation effect in II-VI materials is due to the use of high quality p-type ZnTe single crystals with low dislocation densities of the level of 2000 cm-2 grown by the vertical gradient freezing (VGF) method and the suppression of as compensating point defects by low temperature annealing with covering the surface of the substrates by the deposition of n-type dopant, Al. The thermal diffusion coefficient and the activation energy of Al were determined from the pn interface observed by scanning electron spectroscopy (SEM). The formation of the intrinsic pn junctions was confirmed from the electron-beam induced current (EBIC) observation and I-V measurement. The bright 550 nm electroluminescence (EL) from these pn-junctions was reproducibly observed under room light at room temperature, with the lifetime exceeding 1000 hrs.

  • Gaze Point Detection by Computing the 3D Positions and 3D Motion of Face

    Kang Ryoung PARK  Jaihie KIM  

    This paper was deleted on March 10, 2006 because it was found to be a duplicate submission (see details in the pdf file).
    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E83-D No:4

    Gaze detection is to locate the position on a monitor screen where a user is looking. In our work, we implement it with a computer vision system setting a single camera above a monitor and a user moves (rotates and/or translates) her face to gaze at a different position on the monitor. For our case, the user is requested not to move pupils of her eyes when she gazes at a different position on the monitor screen, though we are working on to relax this restriction. To detect the gaze position, we extract facial features (both eyes, nostrils and lip corners) automatically in 2D camera images. From the movement of feature points detected in starting images, we can compute the initial 3D positions of those features by recursive estimation algorithm. Then, when a user moves her head in order to gaze at one position on a monitor, the moved 3D positions of those features can be computed from 3D motion estimation by Iterative Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF) and affine transform. Finally, the gaze position on a monitor is computed from the normal vector of the plane determined by those moved 3D positions of features. Especially, in order to obtain the exact 3D positions of initial feature points, we unify three coordinate systems (face, monitor and camera coordinate system) based on perspective transformation. As experimental results, the 3D position estimation error of initial feature points, which is the RMS error between the estimated initial 3D feature positions and the real positions (measured by 3D position tracker sensor) is about 1.28 cm (0.75 cm in X axis, 0.85 cm in Y axis, 0.6 cm in Z axis) and the 3D motion estimation errors of feature points by Iterative Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF) are about 2.8 degrees and 1.21 cm in rotation and translation, respectively. From that, we can obtain the gaze position on a monitor (17 inches) and the gaze position accuracy between the calculated positions and the real ones is about 2.06 inches of RMS error.

  • An "Interest" Index for WWW Servers and CyberRanking

    Takashi HATASHIMA  Toshihiro MOTODA  Shuichiro YAMAMOTO  


    E83-D No:4

    We describe an index for estimating the level of interest in Web pages. This "time-based interest" (TBI) index combinates an equation reflecting page accesses and an equation reflecting the decrease in interest over time. These equations work simultaneously by using a parameter that is based on the time since the last access. We experimentally estimated the decrease ratio of the TBI index and evaluated the characteristics of the TBI equation. We found that the index follows Zipf's distribution, indicating that reflects the change in popularity. We also introduce an access-log analysis system called CyberRanking that includes TBI analysis. CyberRanking analyzes the access logs of Web servers and presents the results in 2-D or 3-D graph on a Web browser.

  • A False-Sharing Free Distributed Shared Memory Management Scheme

    Alexander I-Chi LAI  Chin-Laung LEI  Hann-Huei CHIOU  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E83-D No:4

    Distributed shared memory (DSM) systems on top of network of workstations are especially vulnerable to the impact of false sharing because of their higher memory transaction overheads and thus higher false sharing penalties. In this paper we develop a dynamic-granularity shared memory management scheme that eliminates false sharing without sacrificing the transparency to conventional shared-memory applications. Our approach utilizes a special threaded splay tree (TST) for shared memory information management, and a dynamic token-based path-compression synchronization algorithm for data transferring. The combination of the TST and path compression is quite efficient; asymptotically, in an n-processor system with m shared memory segments, synchronizing at most s segments takes O(s log m log n) amortized computation steps and generates O(s log n) communication messages, respectively. Based on the proposed scheme we constructed an experimental DSM prototype which consists of several Ethernet-connected Pentium-based computers running Linux. Preliminary benchmark results on our prototype indicate that our scheme is quite efficient, significantly outperforming traditional schemes and scaling up well.

  • Linearizing Datalog Programs with Multiple Bilinear Rules

    Ji-Hoon KANG  Ki-Hyung HONG  Kyu-Young WHANG  Jung-Wan CHO  


    E83-D No:4

    In this paper, we consider linearization of nonlinear datalog programs with multiple bilinear rules and multiple linear rules. If a nonlinear program can be linearized, it is possible to process queries on the program efficiently by using well-known cost-effective techniques for linear programs. We define a transformation, called Right-Linear-First (RLF) transformation, for linearizing such nonlinear programs. A nonlinear program is RLF-linearizable if it is logically equivalent to its RLF-transformed program. We present three sufficient conditions, called LCR-consistency, LCRN1-consistency, and LCRN2-consistency, for identifying such RLF-linearizable programs. These conditions can be tested in polynomial time. Our work presented in this paper extends the work on ZYT-linearizability in a sense that RLF-linearizability considers multiple bilinear rules with multiple linear rules.

  • A Constructive Compound Neural Networks. II Application to Artificial Life in a Competitive Environment

    Jianjun YAN  Naoyuki TOKUDA  Juichi MIYAMICHI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science

    E83-D No:4

    We have developed a new efficient neural network-based algorithm for Alife application in a competitive world whereby the effects of interactions among organisms are evaluated in a weak form by exploiting the position of nearest food elements into consideration but not the positions of the other competing organisms. Two online learning algorithms, an instructive ASL (adaptive supervised learning) and an evaluative feedback-oriented RL (reinforcement learning) algorithm developed have been tested in simulating Alife environments with various neural network algorithms. The constructive compound neural network algorithm FuzGa guided by the ASL learning algorithm has proved to be most efficient among the methods experimented including the classical constructive cascaded CasCor algorithm of [18],[19] and the fixed non-constructive fuzzy neural networks. Adopting an adaptively selected best sequence of feedback action period Δα which we have found to be a decisive parameter in improving the network efficiency, the ASL-guided FuzGa had a performance of an averaged fitness value of 541.8 (standard deviation 48.8) as compared with 500(53.8) for ASL-guided CasCor and 489.2 (39.7) for RL-guided FuzGa. Our FuzGa algorithm has also outperformed the CasCor in time complexity by 31.1%. We have elucidated how the dimensionless parameter food availability FA representing the intensity of interactions among the organisms relates to a best sequence of the feedback action period Δα and an optimal number of hidden neurons for the given configuration of the networks. We confirm that the present solution successfully evaluates the effect of interactions at a larger FA, reducing to an isolated solution at a lower value of FA. The simulation is carried out by thread functions of Java by ensuring the randomness of individual activities.

  • Synchronization Model and Resource Scheduling for Distributed Multimedia Presentation Systems

    In-Ho LIN  Bih-Hwang LEE  Chwan-Chia WU  

    PAPER-Man-Machine Systems, Multimedia Processing

    E83-D No:4

    This paper presents an object-oriented model to handle the temporal relationship for all of the multimedia objects at the presentation platform. Synchronization of the composite media objects is achieved by ensuring that all objects presented in the upcoming "manageable" period must be ready for execution. To this end, the nature of overlays is first investigated for various types of objects. Critical overlaps which are crucial in synchronization are also defined. The objective of synchronization is to ensure that the media objects can be initiated precisely at the critical point of the corresponding critical overlap. The concept of manageable presentation interval is introduced and the irreducible media group is defined. The resource scheduling of each presentation group for media object pre-fetch time versus buffer occupancy is also examined. Accordingly, a new model called group cascade object composition Petri-net (GCOCPN) is proposed and an algorithm to implement this temporal synchronization scheme is presented.

  • Shape from Focus Using Multilayer Feedforward Neural Networks

    Muhammad ASIF  Tae-Sun CHOI  

    LETTER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E83-D No:4

    The conventional shape from focus (SFF) methods have inaccuracies because of piecewise constant approximation of the focused image surface (FIS). We propose a more accurate scheme for SFF based on representation of three-dimensional FIS in terms of neural network weights. The neural networks are trained to learn the shape of the FIS that maximizes the focus measure.

  • Generalized Vertex-Colorings of Partial k-Trees

    Xiao ZHOU  Yasuaki KANARI  Takao NISHIZEKI  


    E83-A No:4

    Let l be a positive integer, and let G be a graph with nonnegative integer weights on edges. Then a generalized vertex-coloring, called an l-coloring of G, is an assignment of colors to the vertices of G in such a way that any two vertices u and v get different colors if the distance between u and v in G is at most l. In this paper we give an algorithm to find an l-coloring of a given graph G with the minimum number of colors. The algorithm takes polynomial time if G is a partial k-tree and both l and k are bounded integers.
