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[Keyword] channel(1697hit)


  • Improved Multi-Cell Joint Channel Estimation for the TD-SCDMA Downlink

    Peng XUE  Ning CAO  Dong Kwan KANG  Duk Kyung KIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:4

    In this paper, a multi-cell joint channel estimation (JCE) method is proposed for the TD-SCDMA downlink. In the proposed multi-cell JCE approach, the received midambles from adjacent cells are jointly processed, rather than being treated as interference as in single cell channel estimation. By jointly processing all the received midambles, the user can simultaneously estimate the channel impulse responses (CIRs) for both its home cell and adjacent cells. If the received signal from adjacent cells has a delay, multi-cell JCE is still operable with slight adjustment in the midamble matrix, and the performance loss is also minor. The performance of multi-cell JCE is analyzed and evaluated by simulations. The results demonstrate that the proposed multi-cell JCE method can significantly improve the channel estimation accuracy. When the signal from each cell has similar power level, the mean square error (MSE) of the estimated CIRs for all cells is lower than 0.01. With more accurate CIRs from multi-cell JCE, multi-cell JD also yields better performance compared with the single cell channel estimation methods.

  • Fair and Collision-Aware Multi-Channel Assignment Based on Game Theory for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks

    Hyun-Ki KIM  Chang-Yeong OH  Tae-Jin LEE  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E92-B No:4

    Equipping wireless routers with multiple radios further improves the capacity by transmitting over multiple radios simultaneously using orthogonal channels. Efficient channel assignment schemes can greatly alleviate the interference effect of nearby transmissions. One of the distinctive features in wireless multi-hop networks is the lack of any central controller, in which each node makes its own decisions. Therefore, fully cooperative behaviors, such as cooperation for increasing link capacity, alleviating interferences for one another, might not be directly applied. In this paper, we aim to present some applications to show how such a framework can be invoked to design efficient channel assignment algorithms in a non-cooperative, topology-blind environment as well as in environments where the competing players share perfect information about channel usage and topology environment and so on. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the algorithms.

  • The Capacity of Downlink Multiuser OFDM with Quality Based CSI Feedback

    Jongin KIM  Dongwoo KIM  Sehun KIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:4

    The capacity of multiuser OFDM systems can be maximized by allocating resources (subcarrier and power) to the user with the highest instantaneous channel gain. This assumes complete channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter, which is achieved by every user reporting its CSI for all subcarriers to the transmitter via feedback channel. In practice, due to the limited capacity of the feedback channel, the completeness of CSI may be severely restricted especially with a large number of users transmitting a large amount of feedback information. In order to reduce the amount of feedback information while preserving the maximal capacity, quality based CSI feedback (QCF) is proposed in this letter. The system capacity is derived with QCF and compared with that of full CSI feedback. The results show that QCF successfully reduces the amount of feedback information with little capacity loss.

  • Low-Complexity Equalizer for OFDM Systems in Doubly-Selective Fading Channels

    Namjeong LEE  Hoojin LEE  Joonhyuk KANG  Gye-Tae GIL  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:3

    In this letter, we propose a computationally effient equalization technique that employs block minimum mean squared error (MMSE) depending on LDLH factorization. Parallel interference cancellation (PIC) is executed with pre- obtained output to provide more reliable symbol detection. In particular, the band structure of the frequency domain channel matrix is exploited to reduce the implementation complexity. It is shown through computer simulation that the proposed technique requires lower complexity than the conventional algorithm to obtain the same performance, and that it exhibits better performance than the conventional counterpart when the same complexity is assumed.

  • Performance Analysis and Power Allocation for Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Networks over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

    Zhaoxi FANG  Xiaojing BAO  Liangbin LI  Zongxin WANG  

    PAPER-Broadcast Systems

    E92-B No:3

    In this paper, we consider a dual-hop wireless cooperative network with amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying. The output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the destination of the AF cooperative networks is in the form of the sum of harmonic mean of the source-relay channel SNR and the relay-destination channel SNR. Instead of deriving the exact probability density function (PDF) of the output SNR, we study the series expansion of this PDF around zero. This result is then applied to evaluate the performance of the AF cooperative systems over Nakagami-m fading channels, and closed-form high-SNR approximations of the average symbol error rate (SER) and the outage probability are derived. Next, we investigate the optimal power allocation (OPA) among the source node and the relays to minimize the approximate SER as well as the outage probability. It is shown that the optimal power allocation depends on the channel m parameters and the ratio of the source-relay channel gain to the relay-destination gain. In addition to the optimal power allocation, we also propose a low complexity sub-optimal power allocation (SubOPA) scheme. The performance improvement with optimal and sub-optimal power allocation is analyzed and validated by numeric results. It is shown that equal power allocation is near optimal when the relays are close to the source, while significant performance improvement is observed by both the optimal and sub-optimal power allocation schemes when the relays are close to the destination.

  • Automatic Request for Cooperation (ARC) and Relay Selection for Wireless Networks


    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:3

    Recently, there has been growing interest in the design of wireless cooperative protocol to achieve higher diversity-multiplexing tradeoff among single antenna devices. We propose an automatic request for cooperation (ARC) scheme for wireless networks which can achieve higher order diversity by selecting the best relay. In this scheme, a source transmits a data packet towards a destination and a group of relays. The destination tries to decode the information from the source and if the detection is correct the process will stop. Otherwise, the destination transmits an ARC towards the relays. We utilize this ARC signal for selecting the best relay from the set of relays that have successfully decoded the source packet. The selected relay generates and transmits redundant information for the source packet. The destination combines the two packets received from the source and the best relay to improve the reliability of the packet. We analyze the packet error rate, spectral efficiency and diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of our proposal and compare them with some existing protocols. Analysis shows that our proposal can achieve higher diversity multiplexing tradeoff than conventional cooperative protocols.

  • Corrections to "Carrier Frequency Synchronization for OFDM Systems in the Presence of Phase Noise"

    Yong-Hwa KIM  Jong-Ho LEE  Seong-Cheol KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:3

    This letter corrects some errors on a previous letter concerning the derivation of the covariance matrix of phase noise. This derivation doesn't affect the results of the previous letter.

  • A Study on Channel Estimation Methods for Time-Domain Spreading MC-CDMA Systems

    Atsushi NAGATE  Teruya FUJII  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E92-B No:3

    As a candidate for the transmission technology of next generation mobile communication systems, time-domain spreading MC-CDMA systems have begun to attract much attention. In these systems, data and pilot symbols are spread in the time domain and code-multiplexed. To combat fading issues, we need to conduct channel estimation by using the code-multiplexed pilot symbols. Especially in next generation systems, frequency bands higher than those of current systems, which raise the maximum Doppler frequency, are expected to be used, so that a more powerful channel estimation method is expected. Considering this, we propose a channel estimation method for highly accurate channel estimation; it is a combination of a two-dimensional channel estimation method and an impulse response-based channel estimation method. We evaluate the proposed method by computer simulations.

  • Channel Estimation Scheme for a RAKE Receiver with Fractional Sampling in IEEE802.11b WLAN System

    Yu IMAOKA  Hiroshi OBATA  Yohei SUZUKI  Yukitoshi SANADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:3

    The IEEE802.11b WLAN standard employs direct-sequence/spread-spectrum (DS/SS) modulation. With a fractional sampling RAKE receiver, it is possible to achieve diversity and reduce the BER in DS/SS communication. In order to realize the diversity through fractional sampling, the impulse response of the channel must be estimated. In this paper, a channel estimation scheme for a RAKE receiver with fractional sampling in IEEE802.11b WLAN system is investigated through a computer simulation and an experiment. In order to estimate the impulse response of the channel, a pseudo-inverse matrix with a threshold is employed. Numerical results indicate that the channel can be estimated with an optimum threshold in both the simulation and the experiment.

  • Iterative Channel Estimation in MIMO Antenna Selection Systems for Correlated Gauss-Markov Channel

    Yousuke NARUSE  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:3

    We address the issue of MIMO channel estimation with the aid of a priori temporal correlation statistics of the channel as well as the spatial correlation. The temporal correlations are incorporated to the estimation scheme by assuming the Gauss-Markov channel model. Under the MMSE criteria, the Kalman filter performs an iterative optimal estimation. To take advantage of the enhanced estimation capability, we focus on the problem of channel estimation from a partial channel measurement in the MIMO antenna selection system. We discuss the optimal training sequence design, and also the optimal antenna subset selection for channel measurement based on the statistics. In a highly correlated channel, the estimation works even when the measurements from some antenna elements are omitted at each fading block.

  • A Novel Filter Construction Utilizing HTS Reaction-Type Filter to Improve Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio of Mobile Communication Systems

    Shunichi FUTATSUMORI  Takashi HIKAGE  Toshio NOJIMA  Akihiko AKASEGAWA  Teru NAKANISHI  Kazunori YAMANAKA  


    E92-C No:3

    We propose a new band selective stop filter construction to decrease the out of band intermodulation distortion (IMD) noise generated in the transmitting power amplifier. Suppression of IMD noise directly improves the adjacent channel leakage power ratio (ACLR). A high-temperature superconducting (HTS) device with extremely high-Q performance with very small hybrid IC pattern would make it possible to implement the proposed filter construction as a practical device. To confirm the effectiveness of the HTS reaction-type filter (HTS-RTF) in improving ACLR, investigations based on both experiments and numerical analyses are carried out. The structure of a 5-GHz split open-ring resonator is investigated; its targets include high-unload Q-factor, low current densities, and low radiation. A designed 5-GHz HTS-RTF with 4 MHz suppression bandwidth and more than 40 dB MHz-1 sharp skirt is fabricated and experimentally investigated. The measured ACLR values are improved by a maximum of 12.8 dB and are constant up to the passband signal power of 40 dBm. In addition, to examine the power efficiency improvement offered by noise suppression of the HTS-RTF, numerical analyses based on measured results of gallium nitride HEMT power amplifier characteristics are conducted. The analyzed results shows the drain efficiency of the amplifier can be improved to 44.2% of the amplifier with the filter from the 15.7% of the without filter.

  • The Sum-Rate Capacity of Strong Interference Channels with Correlated Messages

    Suhan CHOI  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E92-B No:3

    The transmission of correlated messages over strong interference channels is examined. The result is the proposal of a single-letter characterization of the sum-rate capacity of strong interference channels with correlated messages. It is shown that if the messages are independent, the sum-rate capacity is equal to that of [1] obtained by Costa and El Gamal. However, it can be larger than that of [1] if the messages are correlated. It is also shown that, in terms of the sum-rate, the achievable rate region in [2] is indeed the sum-rate capacity.

  • Turbo Equalization of Nonlinear TDMA Satellite Signals

    Yen-Chih CHEN  Yu Ted SU  

    PAPER-Satellite Communications

    E92-B No:3

    In this paper, we investigate a coded solution to compensate for the nonlinear distortion of TDMA satellite waveforms. Based on a Volterra-type channel model and the turbo principle, we present a turbo-like system that includes a simple rate-1 encoder at the transmit side in addition to a conventional channel encoder; the receive side iteratively equalizes the nonlinear channel effect and decodes the received symbols. Some other design alternatives are also explored and computer simulated performance is presented. Numerical results show that significant improvement over conventional approaches can be achieved by the proposed turbo system.

  • Routing with Load-Balancing in Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks

    Anh-Ngoc LE  Dong-Won KUM  You-Ze CHO  Chai-Keong TOH  


    E92-B No:3

    This paper addresses the interference and load imbalance problems in multi-radio infrastructure mesh networks where each mesh node is equipped with multiple radio interfaces and a subset of nodes serve as Internet gateways. To provide backbone support, it is necessary to reduce interference and balance load in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). In this paper, we propose a new Load-Aware Routing Metric, called LARM, which captures the differences in transmission rates, packet loss ratio, intra/inter-flow interference and traffic load in multi-radio mesh networks. This metric is incorporated into the proposed load-balancing routing, called LBM, to provide load balancing for multi-radio mesh network. Simulation results show that LARM provides better performance compared to WCETT and hop-count routing metrics in LBM routing protocol.

  • Channel Model on Various Frequency Bands for Wearable Body Area Network

    Norihiko KATAYAMA  Kenichi TAKIZAWA  Takahiro AOYAGI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Huan-Bang LI  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E92-B No:2

    Body Area Network (BAN) is considered as a promising technology in supporting medical and healthcare services by combining with various biological sensors. In this paper, we look at wearable BAN, which provides communication links among sensors on body surface. In order to design a BAN that manages biological information with high efficiency and high reliability, the propagation characteristics of BAN must be thoroughly investigated. As a preliminary effort, we measured the propagation characteristics of BAN at frequency bands of 400 MHz, 600 MHz, 900 MHz and 2400 MHz respectively. Channel models for wearable BAN based on the measurement were derived. Our results show that the channel model can be described by using a path loss model for all frequency bands investigated.

  • Sum-Rate Evaluation of Multi-User MIMO-Relay Channel

    Huan SUN  Sheng MENG  Yan WANG  Xiaohu YOU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    In this paper, the multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) relay channel is investigated, where the source node provides multi-beams to multi-users via a multi-antenna relay node. In this scenario, linear processing matrix at the relay node is designed around block diagonal (BD) scheme to improve the system sum-rate. Compared with the traditional linear processing matrix with zero-forcing (ZF) scheme at the relay node, the proposed matrix based on BD scheme can not only eliminate the multi-user interference to the same extent as the ZF scheme, but also realize optimal power allocation at the relay node. Numerical simulations demonstrate the BD scheme outperforms the ZF scheme and can significantly improve the sum-rate performance.

  • A Linear Processing Scheme in Multiuser Downlink MIMO Broadcasting Channel with Fixed Relays

    Jie XU  Ling QIU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    In this letter, we propose a novel singular value decomposition zero-forcing beamforming (SVD-ZFBF) relaying scheme in the multiuser downlink MIMO broadcasting channel with fixed relays. Based on the processing scheme, we apply SUS [5] to select users at the relay station (RS) and develop a joint power allocation strategy at the base station (BS) and RS. By increasing the power at RS or selecting active users to obtain more multiuser diversity, SVD-ZFBF can approach an upper bound and outperform SVD-ZFDPC [1] with much lower complexity. Moreover, we show that the noise power ratio of RS to users significantly impacts the performance.

  • A High-Speed Power-Line Communication System with Band-Limited OQAM Based Multi-Carrier Transmission

    Naohiro KAWABATA  Hisao KOGA  Osamu MUTA  Yoshihiko AKAIWA  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E92-B No:2

    As a method to realize a high-speed communication in the home network, the power-line communication (PLC) technique is known. A problem of PLC is that leakage radiation interferes with existing systems. When OFDM is used in a PLC system, the leakage radiation is not sufficiently reduced, even if the subcarriers corresponding to the frequency-band of the existing system are never used, because the signal is not strictly band-limited. To solve this problem, each subcarrier must be band-limited. In this paper, we apply the OQAM based multi-carrier transmission (OQAM-MCT) to a high-speed PLC system, where each subcarrier is individually band-limited. We also propose a pilot-symbol sequence suitable for frequency offset estimation, symbol-timing detection and channel estimation in the OQAM-MCT system. In this method, the pilot signal-sequence consists of a repeated series of the same data symbol. With this method, the pilot sequence approximately becomes equivalent to OFDM sequence and therefore existing pilot-assisted methods for OFDM are also applicable to OQAM-MCT system. Computer simulation results show that the OQAM-MCT system achieves both good transmission rate performance and low out-of-band radiation in PLC channels. It is also shown that the proposed pilot-sequence improves frequency offset estimation, symbol-timing detection and channel estimation performance as compared with the case of using pseudo-noise sequence.

  • Investigation of the AGA Effect on Performance Analysis of an MPIC

    Dongju KIM  Myonghee PARK  Jeongho PARK  Kyunbyoung KO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    The authors present an accurate analysis for multicode code division multiple access (CDMA) systems equipped with a multipath interference canceler (MPIC) over multipath fading channels. This letter verifies that the previous analysis has used the additional Gaussian approximation (AGA) for multipath interferences so that there is the performance mismatch between the previous analysis and simulations. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the proposed analysis, which does not use AGA, provides an analytical bound.

  • Average BER Analysis for Multicode 64-QAM CDMA Systems with an MPIC

    Dongju KIM  Kyunbyoung KO  Jeongho PARK  Daesik HONG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    This letter presents an analytical method for 64-QAM CDMA systems equipped with a multipath interference canceler (MPIC) over multipath fading channels. Numerical results obtained from the proposed analysis indicate that an MPIC is required in order to mitigate the effects of multipath interference and to effectively increase the system capacity.
