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  • Two-Step User Selection Algorithm in Multi-User Massive MIMO with Hybrid Beamforming for 5G Evolution

    Nobuhide NONAKA  Satoshi SUYAMA  Tatsuki OKUYAMA  Kazushi MURAOKA  Yukihiko OKUMURA  


    E104-B No:9

    In order to realize the higher bit rates compared for the fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication system, massive MIMO technologies in higher frequency bands with wider bandwidth are being investigated for 5G evolution and 6G. One of practical method to realize massive MIMO in the high frequency bands is hybrid beamforming (BF). With this approach, user selection is an important function because its performance is highly affected by inter-user interference. However, the computational complexity of user selection in multi-user massive MIMO is high because MIMO channel matrix size excessive. Furthermore, satisfying user fairness by proportional fairness (PF) criteria leads to further increase of the complexity because re-calculation of precoding and postcoding matrices is required for each combination of selected users. To realize a fair and low-complexity user selection algorithm for multi-user massive MIMO employing hybrid BF, this paper proposes a two-step user selection algorithm that combines PF based user selection and chordal distance user selection. Computer simulations show that the proposed two-step user selection algorithm with higher user fairness and lower computational complexity can achieve higher system performance than the conventional user selection algorithms.

  • Realization of Multi-Terminal Universal Interconnection Networks Using Contact Switches

    Tsutomu SASAO  Takashi MATSUBARA  Katsufumi TSUJI  Yoshiaki KOGA  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E104-D No:8

    A universal interconnection network implements arbitrary interconnections among n terminals. This paper considers a problem to realize such a network using contact switches. When n=2, it can be implemented with a single switch. The number of different connections among n terminals is given by the Bell number B(n). The Bell number shows the total number of methods to partition n distinct elements. For n=2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, the corresponding Bell numbers are 2, 5, 15, 52, and 203, respectively. This paper shows a method to realize an n terminal universal interconnection network with $ rac {3}{8}(n^2-1)$ contact switches when n=2m+1≥5, and $ rac {n}{8}(3n+2)$ contact switches, when n=2m≥6. Also, it shows that a lower bound on the number of contact switches to realize an n-terminal universal interconnection network is ⌈log 2B(n)⌉, where B(n) is the Bell number.

  • How Centrality of Driver Nodes Affects Controllability of Complex Networks

    Guang-Hua SONG  Xin-Feng LI  Zhe-Ming LU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E104-D No:8

    Recently, the controllability of complex networks has become a hot topic in the field of network science, where the driver nodes play a key and central role. Therefore, studying their structural characteristics is of great significance to understand the underlying mechanism of network controllability. In this paper, we systematically investigate the nodal centrality of driver nodes in controlling complex networks, we find that the driver nodes tend to be low in-degree but high out-degree nodes, and most of driver nodes tend to have low betweenness centrality but relatively high closeness centrality. We also find that the tendencies of driver nodes towards eigenvector centrality and Katz centrality show very similar behaviors, both high eigenvector centrality and high Katz centrality are avoided by driver nodes. Finally, we find that the driver nodes towards PageRank centrality demonstrate a polarized distribution, i.e., the vast majority of driver nodes tend to be low PageRank nodes whereas only few driver nodes tend to be high PageRank nodes.

  • Video Magnification under the Presence of Complex Background Motions

    Long ZHANG  Xuezhi YANG  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E104-D No:6

    We propose a video magnification method for magnifying subtle color and motion changes under the presence of non-meaningful background motions. We use frequency variability to design a filter that passes only meaningful subtle changes and removes non-meaningful ones; our method obtains more impressive magnification results without artifacts than compared methods.

  • Low-Complexity Training for Binary Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Clipping-Aware Weight Update

    Changho RYU  Tae-Hwan KIM  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E104-D No:6

    This letter presents an efficient technique to reduce the computational complexity involved in training binary convolutional neural networks (BCNN). The BCNN training shall be conducted focusing on the optimization of the sign of each weight element rather than the exact value itself in convention; in which, the sign of an element is not likely to be flipped anymore after it has been updated to have such a large magnitude to be clipped out. The proposed technique does not update such elements that have been clipped out and eliminates the computations involved in their optimization accordingly. The complexity reduction by the proposed technique is as high as 25.52% in training the BCNN model for the CIFAR-10 classification task, while the accuracy is maintained without severe degradation.

  • Parallel Peak Cancellation Signal-Based PAPR Reduction Method Using Null Space in MIMO Channel for MIMO-OFDM Transmission Open Access

    Taku SUZUKI  Mikihito SUZUKI  Kenichi HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:5

    This paper proposes a parallel peak cancellation (PC) process for the computational complexity-efficient algorithm called PC with a channel-null constraint (PCCNC) in the adaptive peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction method using the null space in a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel for MIMO-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals. By simultaneously adding multiple PC signals to the time-domain transmission signal vector, the required number of iterations of the iterative algorithm is effectively reduced along with the PAPR. We implement a constraint in which the PC signal is transmitted only to the null space in the MIMO channel by beamforming (BF). By doing so the data streams do not experience interference from the PC signal on the receiver side. Since the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and inverse FFT (IFFT) operations at each iteration are not required unlike the previous algorithm and thanks to the newly introduced parallel processing approach, the enhanced PCCNC algorithm reduces the required total computational complexity and number of iterations compared to the previous algorithms while achieving the same throughput-vs.-PAPR performance.

  • A Fast Chroma Intra-Prediction Mode Decision Algorithm Based on Texture Characteristics for VVC

    Zhi LIU  Yifan SU  Shuzhong YANG  Mengmeng ZHANG  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E104-D No:5

    Cross-component linear model (CCLM) chromaticity prediction is a new technique introduced in Versatile Video Coding (VVC), which utilizes the reconstructed luminance component to predict the chromaticity parts, and can improve the coding performance. However, it increases the coding complexity. In this paper, how to accelerate the chroma intra-prediction process is studied based on texture characteristics. Firstly, two observations have been found through experimental statistics for the process. One is that the choice of the chroma intra-prediction candidate modes is closely related to the texture complexity of the coding unit (CU), and the other is that whether the direct mode (DM) is selected is closely related to the texture similarity between current chromaticity CU and the corresponding luminance CU. Secondly, a fast chroma intra-prediction mode decision algorithm is proposed based on these observations. A modified metric named sum modulus difference (SMD) is introduced to measure the texture complexity of CU and guide the filtering of the irrelevant candidate modes. Meanwhile, the structural similarity index measurement (SSIM) is adopted to help judging the selection of the DM mode. The experimental results show that compared with the reference model VTM8.0, the proposed algorithm can reduce the coding time by 12.92% on average, and increases the BD-rate of Y, U, and V components by only 0.05%, 0.32%, and 0.29% respectively.

  • A Satisfiability Algorithm for Synchronous Boolean Circuits

    Hiroki MORIZUMI  


    E104-D No:3

    The circuit satisfiability problem has been intensively studied since Ryan Williams showed a connection between the problem and lower bounds for circuit complexity. In this letter, we present a #SAT algorithm for synchronous Boolean circuits of n inputs and s gates in time $2^{nleft(1 - rac{1}{2^{O(s/n)}} ight)}$ if s=o(n log n).

  • Quantitative Evaluation of Software Component Behavior Discovery Approach

    Cong LIU  


    E104-D No:1

    During the execution of software systems, their execution data can be recorded. By fully exploiting these data, software practitioners can discover behavioral models describing the actual execution of the underlying software system. The recorded unstructured software execution data may be too complex, spanning over several days, etc. Applying existing discovery techniques results in spaghetti-like models with no clear structure and no valuable information for comprehension. Starting from the observation that a software system is composed of a set of logical components, Liu et al. propose to decompose the software behavior discovery problem into smaller independent ones by discovering a behavioral model per component in [1]. However, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is not fully evaluated and compared with existing approaches. In this paper, we evaluate the quality (in terms of understandability/complexity) of discovered component behavior models in a quantitative manner. Based on evaluation, we show that this approach can reduce the complexity of the discovered model and gives a better understanding.

  • Complex Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor Codes Based on Polyphase Sequences Open Access

    Tomoko K. MATSUSHIMA  Shoichiro YAMASAKI  


    E103-A No:10

    The direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) technique is widely used in various communication systems. When adopting orthogonal variable spreading factor (OVSF) codes, DS-CDMA is particularly suitable for supporting multi-user/multi-rate data transmission services. A useful property of OVSF codes is that no two code sequences assigned to different users will ever interfere with each other, even if their spreading factors are different. Conventional OVSF codes are constructed based on binary orthogonal codes, called Walsh codes, and OVSF code sequences are binary sequences. In this paper, we propose new OVSF codes that are constructed based on polyphase orthogonal codes and consist of complex sequences in which each symbol is represented as a complex number. Construction of the proposed codes is based on a tree structure that is similar to conventional OVSF codes. Since the proposed codes are generalized versions of conventional OVSF codes, any conventional OVSF code can be presented as a special case of the proposed codes. Herein, we show the method used to construct the proposed OVSF codes, after which the orthogonality of the codes, including conventional OVSF codes, is investigated. Among the advantages of our proposed OVSF codes is that the spreading factor can be designed more flexibly in each layer than is possible with conventional OVSF codes. Furthermore, combination of the proposed code and a non-binary phase modulation is well suited to DS-CDMA systems where the level fluctuation of signal envelope is required to be suppressed.

  • Non-Closure Properties of Multi-Inkdot Nondeterministic Turing Machines with Sublogarithmic Space

    Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Makoto SAKAMOTO  

    LETTER-complexity theory

    E103-A No:10

    This paper investigates the closure properties of multi-inkdot nondeterministic Turing machines with sublogarithmic space. We show that the class of sets accepted by the Turing machines is not closed under concatenation with regular set, Kleene closure, length-preserving homomorphism, and intersection.

  • Complexity-Reduced Adaptive PAPR Reduction Method Using Null Space in MIMO Channel for MIMO-OFDM Signals Open Access

    Taku SUZUKI  Mikihito SUZUKI  Yoshihisa KISHIYAMA  Kenichi HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E103-B No:9

    This paper proposes a computational complexity-reduced algorithm for an adaptive peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction method previously developed by members of our research group that uses the null space in a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel for MIMO-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals. The proposed algorithm is an extension of the peak cancellation (PC) signal-based method that has been mainly investigated for per-antenna PAPR reduction. This method adds the PC signal, which is designed so that the out-of-band radiation is removed/reduced, directly to the time-domain transmission signal at each antenna. The proposed method, referred to as PCCNC (PC with channel-null constraint), performs vector-level signal processing in the PC signal generation so that the PC signal is transmitted only to the null space in the MIMO channel. We investigate three methods to control the beamforming (BF) vector in the PC signal, which is a key factor in determining the achievable PAPR performance of the algorithm. Computer simulation results show that the proposed PCCNC achieves approximately the same throughput-vs.-PAPR performance as the previous method while dramatically reducing the required computational cost.

  • Linear Complexity of n-Periodic Cyclotomic Sequences over 𝔽p Open Access

    Qiuyan WANG  Yang YAN  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E103-A No:5

    Periodic sequences, used as keys in cryptosystems, plays an important role in cryptography. Such periodic sequences should possess high linear complexity to resist B-M algorithm. Sequences constructed by cyclotomic cosets have been widely studied in the past few years. In this paper, the linear complexity of n-periodic cyclotomic sequences of order 2 and 4 over 𝔽p has been calculated, where n and p are two distinct odd primes. The conclusions reveal that the presented sequences have high linear complexity in many cases, which indicates that the sequences can resist the linear attack.

  • Stronger Hardness Results on the Computational Complexity of Picross 3D

    Kei KIMURA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E103-A No:4

    Picross 3D is a popular single-player puzzle video game for the Nintendo DS. It presents a rectangular parallelepiped (i.e., rectangular box) made of unit cubes, some of which must be removed to construct an object in three dimensions. Each row or column has at most one integer on it, and the integer indicates how many cubes in the corresponding 1D slice remain when the object is complete. Kusano et al. showed that Picross 3D is NP-complete and Kimura et al. showed that the counting version, the another solution problem, and the fewest clues problem of Picross 3D are #P-complete, NP-complete, and Σ2P-complete, respectively, where those results are shown for the restricted input that the rectangular parallelepiped is of height four. On the other hand, Igarashi showed that Picross 3D is NP-complete even if the height of the input rectangular parallelepiped is one. Extending the result by Igarashi, we in this paper show that the counting version, the another solution problem, and the fewest clues problem of Picross 3D are #P-complete, NP-complete, and Σ2P-complete, respectively, even if the height of the input rectangular parallelepiped is one. Since the height of the rectangular parallelepiped of any instance of Picross 3D is at least one, our hardness results are best in terms of height.

  • Generalized Register Context-Free Grammars

    Ryoma SENDA  Yoshiaki TAKATA  Hiroyuki SEKI  


    E103-D No:3

    Register context-free grammars (RCFG) is an extension of context-free grammars to handle data values in a restricted way. In RCFG, a certain number of data values in registers are associated with each nonterminal symbol and a production rule has the guard condition, which checks the equality between the content of a register and an input data value. This paper starts with RCFG and introduces register type, which is a finite representation of a relation among the contents of registers. By using register type, the paper provides a translation of RCFG to a normal form and ϵ-removal from a given RCFG. We then define a generalized RCFG (GRCFG) where an arbitrary binary relation can be specified in the guard condition. Since the membership and emptiness problems are shown to be undecidable in general, we extend register type for GRCFG and introduce two properties of GRCFG, simulation and progress, which guarantee the decidability of these problems. As a corollary, these problems are shown to be EXPTIME-complete for GRCFG with a total order over a dense set.

  • Synthesis of a Complex Prototype Ladder Filter Excluding Inductors with Finite Transmission Zeros Suitable for Fully Differential Gm-C Realization Open Access

    Tatsuya FUJII  Kohsei ARAKI  Kazuhiro SHOUNO  

    LETTER-Analog Signal Processing

    E103-A No:2

    In this letter, an active complex filter with finite transmission zeros is proposed. In order to obtain a complex prototype ladder filter including no inductors, a new circuit transformation is proposed. This circuit is classified into the RiCR filter. It is shown that it includes no negative capacitors when it is obtained through a frequency transformation. The validity of the proposed method is confirmed through computer simulation.

  • Sparse Time-Varying Complex AR (TV-CAR) Speech Analysis Based on Adaptive LASSO

    Keiichi FUNAKI  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E102-A No:12

    Linear Prediction (LP) analysis is commonly used in speech processing. LP is based on Auto-Regressive (AR) model and it estimates the AR model parameter from signals with l2-norm optimization. Recently, sparse estimation is paid attention since it can extract significant features from big data. The sparse estimation is realized by l1 or l0-norm optimization or regularization. Sparse LP analysis methods based on l1-norm optimization have been proposed. Since excitation of speech is not white Gaussian, a sparse LP estimation can estimate more accurate parameter than the conventional l2-norm based LP. These are time-invariant and real-valued analysis. We have been studied Time-Varying Complex AR (TV-CAR) analysis for an analytic signal and have evaluated the performance on speech processing. The TV-CAR methods are l2-norm methods. In this paper, we propose the sparse TV-CAR analysis based on adaptive LASSO (Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) that is l1-norm regularization and evaluate the performance on F0 estimation of speech using IRAPT (Instantaneous RAPT). The experimental results show that the sparse TV-CAR methods perform better for a high level of additive Pink noise.

  • Natural Gradient Descent of Complex-Valued Neural Networks Invariant under Rotations

    Jun-ichi MUKUNO  Hajime MATSUI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E102-A No:12

    The natural gradient descent is an optimization method for real-valued neural networks that was proposed from the viewpoint of information geometry. Here, we present an extension of the natural gradient descent to complex-valued neural networks. Our idea is to use the Hermitian extension of the Fisher information matrix. Moreover, we generalize the projected natural gradient (PRONG), which is a fast natural gradient descent algorithm, to complex-valued neural networks. We also consider the advantage of complex-valued neural networks over real-valued neural networks. A useful property of complex numbers in the complex plane is that the rotation is simply expressed by the multiplication. By focusing on this property, we construct the output function of complex-valued neural networks, which is invariant even if the input is changed to its rotated value. Then, our complex-valued neural network can learn rotated data without data augmentation. Finally, through simulation of online character recognition, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

  • On the Distribution of p-Error Linear Complexity of p-Ary Sequences with Period pn

    Miao TANG  Juxiang WANG  Minjia SHI  Jing LIANG  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:12

    Linear complexity and the k-error linear complexity of periodic sequences are the important security indices of stream cipher systems. This paper focuses on the distribution of p-error linear complexity of p-ary sequences with period pn. For p-ary sequences of period pn with linear complexity pn-p+1, n≥1, we present all possible values of the p-error linear complexity, and derive the exact formulas to count the number of the sequences with any given p-error linear complexity.

  • 2-Adic Complexity of Two Classes of Generalized Cyclotomic Binary Sequences with Order 4

    Xiaoni DU  Liping ZHAO  Zhihua NIU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:11

    Pseudo-random sequences with good statistical property, such as low autocorrelation, high linear complexity and 2-adic complexity, have been widely applied to designing reliable stream ciphers. In this paper, we explicitly determine the 2-adic complexities of two classes of generalized cyclotomic binary sequences with order 4. Our results show that the 2-adic complexities of both of the sequences attain the maximum. Thus, they are large enough to resist the attack of the rational approximation algorithm for feedback with carry shift registers. We also present some examples to illustrate the validity of the results by Magma programs.
