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  • Enhancing Scalability of Tree-Based Reliable Multicast by Approximating Logical Tree to Multicast Routing Tree

    Dongman LEE  Wonyong YOON  Hee Yong YOUN  


    E84-B No:10

    Tree-based approach has been proven to be most scalable for one-to-many reliable multicast. It efficiently combines distributed recovery with local recovery over a logical tree of the sender and receivers. It has also been known that the performance of the tree-based protocols heavily depends upon the quality of the logical tree. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end scheme to further enhance the scalability of the tree-based approach. By exchanging packet loss information observed at the end hosts, the scheme constructs and maintains a logical tree congruent with the underlying multicast routing tree even in the presence of session membership and multicast route changes. The scheme also groups the tree nodes and assigns separate multicast addresses to them in order to enable efficient multicast retransmission for reducing both delay and exposure. We compare the proposed scheme with Tree-based Multicast Transport Protocol (TMTP), a static tree-based protocol. Extensive simulations up to 300 node sessions reveal that the proposed scheme reduces implosion and exposure more than 20% and 50%, respectively. The results also indicate that the scheme is highly scalable such that the improvement gets more significant as the size of the session increases.

  • Weatherability of 60 GHz Wave Absorber Using Epoxy-Modified Urethane Rubber Mixed with Carbon Particles

    Tetsu SOH  Kouji WADA  Osamu HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E83-C No:3

    An epoxy-modified urethane rubber mixed with carbon particles is now chosen as the millimeter-wave absorber material in our study. The absorption characteristics of the absorber is measured under temperature changes. The weatherability of our absorber is also clarified based on absorption characteristics, thickness and hardness of the sample. As a result of the temperature characteristics of the absorber, the difference of the maximum absorption frequency under temperature changes is about 1 GHz, however the absorption of 20 dB or more is obtained between 54 and 58 GHz. The result of accelerated artificial exposure test is that 2.8% of the thickness of our sample is shrunk after 1000 hour exposure, and the hardness of rubber is hardened with increasing test time. It is also confirmed that the deterioration of the absorption ranges from 1 to 3 dB, although the absorption of about 20 dB is kept at the frequency range. As a consequence, it is confirmed that the wave absorber using the epoxy-modified urethane rubber mixed with carbon particles has good weatherability including our desired temperature characteristics, and it is suitable for outdoor use.

  • Error Estimation of Microwave Whole-Body Average SAR in an Infinite Cylindrical Model of Man

    Shuzo KUWANO  Kinchi KOKUBUN  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E81-B No:1

    A method is proposed for estimating the error of whole-body average specific absorption rate (SAR) of an infinite-length cylindrical model of man exposed to TM microwave. At high frequencies, the average SAR of the infinite-length cylindrical model is approximately 5% smaller than that of the finite-length cylindrical model.

  • FDTD Analysis of Electromagnetic Interaction between Portable Telephone and Human Head

    Masao TAKI  So-ichi WATANABE  Toshio NOJIMA  


    E79-C No:10

    Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) analysis is performed to evaluate the distributions of specific absorption rate (SAR) in a human head during use of a handheld portable telephone. A heterogeneous head model has been assumed which is comprised of 273 108 cubic cells 2.5 mm on a side, with the electrical properties of anatomical equivalents. A handset model has been assumed to be a metal box with either a quarter-wavelength monopole or a half-wavelength dipole operating at 900 MHz or 1.5 GHz. The maximum local SARs in the head are evaluated under various exposure conditions. The dependence of the maximum local SARs on the difference in the structures or parameters of the model, i.e. the distance between the antenna and the head, the heterogeneity of the head, the antenna type, the volume of the smoothing region of the local SAR value, skin electrical constants, and the presence or absence of auricles, are examined. It is shown that the heterogeneity of the head barely affect the maximum local SAR when the telephone is located sufficiently close to the head. It is also shown that the electrical constants of skin which has lower conductivity provide the lower maximum local SAR in the head while the maximum local SAR within the brain is not significantly affected. The auricle which lies in closest proximity to the antenna is shown to have significant effect on the maximum local SAR. It is suggested that the presence of the auricle enhances the maximum local SAR by a factor that is 1.7-2.4 larger than the model without auricles.

  • SAR Distributions in a Human Model Exposed to Electromagnetic Near Field by a Short Electric Dipole

    So-ichi WATANABE  Masao TAKI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E79-B No:1

    The SAR distributions over a homogeneous human model exposed to a near field of a short electric dipole in the resonant frequency region were calculated with the spatial resolution of 1cm3 which approximated 1g tissue by using the FDTD method with the expansion technique. The dependences of the SAR distribution on the distance between the model and the source and on frequency were investigated. It was shown that the large local SAR appeared in the parts of the body nearest to the source when the source was located at 20cm from the body, whereas the local SAR were largest in the narrow sections such as the neck and legs when the source was farther than 80cm from the model. It was also shown that, for the near-field exposure in the resonant frequency region, the profile of the layer averaged SAR distribution along the main axis of the body of the human model depended little on frequency, and that the SAR distribution in the section perpendicular to the main axis of the human body depended on frequency. The maximum local SAR per gram tissue over the whole body model was also determined, showing that the ratios of the maximum local SAR to the whole-body averaged SAR for the near-field exposure were at most several times as large as the corresponding ratio for the far-field exposure, when the small source located farther than 20cm from the surface of the human model.

  • Microwave Power Absorption in a Cylindrical Model of Man in the Presence of a Flat Reflector

    Shuzo KUWANO  Kinchi KOKUBUN  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E78-B No:11

    This letter describes the power absorption of a cylindrical man model placed near a flat reflector exposed to TE microwave. The numerical results show that the absorption is in some cases an order of magnitude or more greater than that of the man model without a reflector.

  • Researches on Biological and Electromagnetic Environments in RF and Microwave Regions in Japan

    Yoshifumi AMEMIYA  


    E77-B No:6

    This paper surveys the researches on biological and electeromagnetic environments in RF (radio frequency) and microwave regions in Japan. Publicized research reports on biological objectives, evaluation of exposure rate, electromagnetic environments and guideline for the protection from radio wave nuisances are briefly introduced. Some researches on the evaluation of the exposure rate caused by the near field effect of portable radio transceiver are reviewed. Radio frequency exposer protection guidelines in Japan are also described.

  • An Experimental SAR Estimation of Human Head Exposure to UHF Near Fields Using Dry-Phantom Models and a Thermograph

    Toshio NOJIMA  Sadayuki NISHIKI  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E77-B No:6

    An experimental SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) estimation system based upon the thermograph method using a thermograph camera and newly developed homogeneous dry-phantom human models are presented. Experiments are conducted using this system and UHF fields to obtain SAR distributions in the human head irradiated by hand-held portable radios. Experiment results show that the estimated peak SAR's due to the radiation waves from radios of 1W transmitting power are lower than 2W/kg and so conform to the recommendations of the radio-frequency radiation safety guidelines. The developed system enables the surface SAR distributions on the phantom model to be precisely estimated; a function not available with the original system. System parameters required for providing precise estimations are discussed first, and then experiments are conducted to estimate SAR's in the human head exposed to a UHF hand-held portable radio's near field. Finally, estimated data are examined from the viewpoint of radio-frequency exposure safety guidelines.

  • Development of a Technique to Evaluate Human Exposure to Ion-Current Fields Using Boundary Element Method--For Environmental Assessment of High Voltage Transmission Lines--



    E77-B No:6

    To study the biological effects of the ion-current commonly found under ultra-high voltage DC transmission lines, a technique was developed to evaluate the human exposure to the ion-current field. This technique is based on numerical analysis using the boundary element method. The difficulty of handling the space charge in the calculation was overcome by assuming a lumped source ion-current. This technique is applicable to a three-dimensionally complex object such as a human body. In comparison with theoretical values, the accuracy of this technique was evaluated to be satisfactory for our purposes. It was then applied to a human body in an ion-current field. The distribution of the electric field along the body surface was obtained. The general characteristics of the field distribution were essentially the same as in those without space charges. However, it was found that the strength of the field concentration was significantly enhanced by the space charges. Further, the field exposure when a human body was charged by an ion-current was evaluated. As the charged voltage increases, the position of the field concentration moves from a human's head toward his legs. But the shock of micro spark increases. This technique provides a useful tool for the study of biological effects and safety standards of ion-current fields.

  • Frequency Characteristics of Energy Deposition in Human Model Exposed to Near Field of an Electric or a Magnetic Dipole

    Soichi WATANABE  Masao TAKI  Yoshitsugu KAMIMURA  


    E77-B No:6

    The frequency characteristics of whole-body averaged specific absorption rates (SARs) in a human model exposed to a near field of an electric dipole or a magnetic dipole are calculated, using a finite-difference time-domain method. The dependences of the characteristics on the orientation of the dipole and on the distance from the source to the model are investigated. It is shown that the resonant peak of the SAR that appears in the E-polarized far-field exposure is observed only when the source is E-polarized and is located at 80cm, while the peak vanishes or is not noted when the source is located at 40cm and 20cm nor when it is H-polarized. The relationships between the whole-body averaged SARs and the incident electromagnetic field strengths are also investigated. It is suggested that the spatially-averaged value of the dominating component between the electric field and the magnetic field over the space where a human body would occupy provides a relevant measure to estimate the whole-body averaged SAR of a body in the vicinity of a small radiation source.

  • High Speed Electron Beam Cell Projection Exposure System

    Yoshihiko OKAMOTO  Norio SAITOU  Haruo YODA  Yoshio SAKITANI  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E77-C No:3

    An electron beam cell projection system has been developed that can effectively expose the fine, demagnified resultant pattern of repeated and non-repeated patterns such as the 256 Mb DRAM on a semiconductor wafer. Particular attention was given to the beam shaping and deflecting optics, which has two stage deflectors for the cell projection beam selection as well as the beam sizing, and three stage deflectors for objective deflection. The cell mask with a rectangular aperture and multiple figure apertures is fabricated by modified Si wafer processes. A new exposure control data for the cell projection is proposed. This data is fitted for the combination of pattern data for the cell mask projection and pattern data for the variable rectangular shape beam within the divided units of the objective deflection. On this exposure system, selective exposure of the desired pattern becomes possible on the semiconductor wafer while a mounting stage of the wafer is being moved, even if the pattern exposure of the repeated and non-repeated patterns is to be carried out. The total overhead time for selecting a subset of multiple figures and a rectangular aperture of the cell mask is less than 5 seconds/wafer. The estimated throughput of this system is approximately 20 wafers/hour.

  • Usefulness of Spherical Model of Human Head in SAR Calculation for UHF Plane-Wave Exposure

    Osamu FUJIWARA  Koji UNO  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E76-B No:5

    This letter describes the usefulness of a homogeneous spherical model of the isolated human head in SAR calculation for UHF plane-wave exposure. Comparison is made between this SAR and several results that were computed and measured for the homogeneous but realistic whole-body model of the human by other researchers.
