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[Keyword] functional(142hit)


  • Fuzzy Relational Database Induced by Conditional Probability Relations

    Rolly INTAN  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Welfare Engineering

    E86-D No:8

    In 1982, Buckles and Petry proposed fuzzy relational database for incorporating non-ideal or fuzzy information in a relational database. The fuzzy relational database relies on the specification of similarity relation in order to distinguish each scalar domain in the fuzzy database. These relations are reflexive, symmetric, and max-min transitive. In 1989, Shenoi and Melton extended the fuzzy relational database model of Buckles and Petry to deal with proximity relation for scalar domain. Since reflexivity and symmetry are the only constraints placed on proximity relations, proximity relation is considered as a generalization of similarity relation. However, we realized that naturally relation between fuzzy information is not symmetric. Here, we consider using conditional probability relation to represent similarity between two fuzzy data. Related to the properties of conditional probability relation, we introduce an interesting mathematical relation, called weak similarity relation, as generalization of similarity relation as well as proximity relation in which conditional probability relation is regarded as a concrete example of the weak similarity relation. In this paper, we propose design of fuzzy relational database to deal with conditional probability relation for scalar domain. These relations are reflexive and not symmetric. In addition, we define a notion of asymmetric redundant tuple based on two interpretations generalizing the concept of redundancy in classical relational database. In the relation to data querying, we discuss partitioning of domains with the objective of developing similarity class. Finally, we propose a new definition of partial fuzzy functional dependency (PFFD). Fuzzy functional dependency (FFD) as an extension of functional dependency (FD), usually used in design of fuzzy relational database, can be generated by the PFFD. Inference rules that are similar to Armstrong's Axioms for the FFD are both sound and complete.

  • A Hardware/Software Cosynthesis System for Processor Cores with Content Addressable Memories

    Nozomu TOGAWA  Takao TOTSUKA  Tatsuhiko WAKUI  Masao YANAGISAWA  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  


    E86-A No:5

    Content addressable memory (CAM) is one of the functional memories which realize word-parallel equivalence search. Since a CAM unit is generally used in a particular application program, we consider that appropriate design for CAM units is required depending on the requirements for the application program. This paper proposes a hardware/software cosynthesis system for CAM processors. The input of the system is an application program written in C including CAM functions and a constraint for execution time (or CAM processor area). Its output is hardware descriptions of a synthesized processor and a binary code executed on it. Based on the branch-and-bound method, the system determines which CAM function is realized by a hardware and which CAM function is realized by a software with meeting the given timing constraint (or area constraint) and minimizing the CAM processor area (or execution time of the application program). We expect that we can realize optimal CAM processor design for an application program. Experimental results for several application programs show that we can obtain a CAM processor whose area is minimum with meeting the given timing constraint.

  • A High-Resolution CMOS Image Sensor with Hadamard Transform Function

    Kousuke KATAYAMA  Atsushi IWATA  


    E86-A No:2

    This paper proposes a high-resolution CMOS image sensor, which has Hadamard transform function. This Hadamard transform circuit consists of two base generators, an array of pixel circuits, and analog-to-digital converters. In spite of simple composition, a base generator outputs a variety of bases, a pixel circuit calculates a two-dimensional base from one-dimensional bases and outputs values to common line for current addition, and analog-to-digital converter converts current value to digital value and stabilize a common line voltage for elimination of parasitic capacitance. We simulated these circuit elements and optimized using SPICE. Basic operations of this Hadamard transform circuit are also confirmed by simulation. A 256 256 pixel test chip was designed in 4.73 mm 4.73 mm area with 0.35 µm CMOS technology. A fill factor of this chip is 42% and dynamic range is 55.6 [dB]. Functions of this chip are Hadamard transform, Harr transform, projection, obtaining center of gravity, and so on.

  • Collaborative Constraint Functional Logic Programming System in an Open Environment

    Norio KOBAYASHI  Mircea MARIN  Tetsuo IDA  

    PAPER-Cooperation in Distributed Systems and Agents

    E86-D No:1

    In this paper we describe collaborative constraint functional logic programming and the system called Open CFLP that supports this programming paradigm. The system solves equations by collaboration of various equational constraint solvers. The solvers include higher-order lazy narrowing calculi that serve as the interpreter of higher-order functional logic programming, and specialized solvers for solving equations over specific domains, such as a polynomial solver and a differential equation solver. The constraint solvers are distributed in an open environment such as the Internet. They act as providers of constraint solving services. The collaboration between solvers is programmed in a coordination language embedded in a host language. In Open CFLP the user can solve equations in a higher-order functional logic programming style and yet exploit solving resources in the Internet without giving low-level programs of distributions of resources or specifying details of solvers deployed in the Internet.

  • An Efficient Algorithm Finding Simple Disjoint Decompositions Using BDDs

    Yusuke MATSUNAGA  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis

    E85-A No:12

    Functional decomposition is an essential technique of logic synthesis and is important especially for FPGA design. Bertacco and Damiani proposed an efficient algorithm finding simple disjoint decomposition using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). However, their algorithm is not complete and does not find all the decompositions. This paper presents a complete theory of simple disjoint decomposition and describes an efficient algorithm using BDDs.

  • Fidelity of Near-Field Intensity Distribution of Surface Plasmon on Slightly Rough Surfaces

    Tetsuya KAWANISHI  


    E85-C No:12

    Near-fields of electromagnetic waves scattered by slightly rough metal surfaces which support the surface plasmon mode at optical frequencies were studied theoretically by using the stochastic functional approach. Fidelity of near-field intensity images, defined by the correlation coefficient between the surface profile and the intensity of the scattered wave field, was investigated in order to discuss field distributions of the surface plasmon on complicated structures. We show that the fidelity strongly depends on the incident wavenumber and polarization when the incident wave corresponds to the surface plasmon mode.

  • Implementation of a DRAM-Cell-Based Multiple-Valued Logic-in-Memory Circuit

    Hiromitsu KIMURA  Takahiro HANYU  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  


    E85-C No:10

    This paper presents a multiple-valued logic-in-memory circuit with real-time programmability. The basic component, in which a dynamic storage function and a multiple-valued threshold function are merged, is implemented compactly by using charge storage and capacitive coupling with a DRAM-cell-based circuit structure under a 0.8-µm CMOS technology. The pass-transistor network using these basic components makes it possible to realize any multiple-valued-inputs binary-outputs logic circuits compactly. As a typical example, a fully parallel multiple-valued magnitude comparator is also implemented by using the proposed DRAM-cell-based pass-transistor network. Its execution time and power dissipation are reduced to about 11 percent and 29 percent, respectively, in comparison with those of a corresponding binary implementation. A prototype chip is also fabricated to confirm the basic operation of the proposed DRAM-cell-based logic-in-memory circuit.

  • An Extension of Shortcut Deforestation for Accumulative List Folding

    Kazuhiko KAKEHI  Robert GLUCK  Yoshihiko FUTAMURA  

    PAPER-Theory and Models of Software

    E85-D No:9

    Deforestation is a well-known program transformation technique which eliminates intermediate data structures that are passed between functions. One of its weaknesses is the inability to deforest programs using accumulating parameters. We show how certain kinds of intermediate lists produced by accumulating parameters can be deforested. In this paper we introduce an accumulative variant of foldr, called rdlof, and show the composition of functions defined by foldr and rdlof. As a simplified instance of foldr and rdlof, we then examine dmap, an accumulative extension of map, and give the corresponding fusion rules. While the associated composition rules cannot capture all deforestation problems, they can handle accumulator fusion of fold- and map-style functions in a simple manner. The rules for accumulator fusion presented here can also be viewed as a restricted composition scheme for attribute grammars, which in turn may help us to bridge the gap between the attribute and functional worlds.

  • Multiplexed Holography with Monolithic Photorefractive Trimer

    Tetsuya AOYAMA  Emi TAKABAYASHI  Yadong ZHANG  Hiroyuki SASABE  Tatsuo WADA  

    PAPER-Optoelectronics and Photonics

    E85-C No:6

    Angle-multiplexed holography using four-wave mixing (4WM) was demonstrated with a monolithic photorefractive carbazole trimer. We measured the diffraction efficiency as a function of incident angle of the read beam. The cross-talk was almost negligible at the Bragg angle mismatch of 1. Two figure images were recorded with the different incident angle of the reference beam in the photorefractive carbazole trimer film, and were read out independently by illuminating with the read beam which counter-propagated to the corresponding reference beam.

  • Refining Behavioral Specification for Satisfying Non-functional Requirements of Stakeholders

    Haruhiko KAIYA  Kenji KAIJIRI  


    E85-D No:4

    System specifications should be refined to meet stakeholders' requirements as much as possible, because the first specification does not satisfy all stakeholders in general. This paper presents a procedure to refine behavioral specification to satisfy stakeholders. Non-functional requirements are used for checking stakeholders' satisfaction. With this procedure, stakeholder-dissatisfaction can be reduced and new possibilities to satisfy or dissatisfy other stakeholders can be found, since a modification to cancel dissatisfaction can sometimes influence the satisfaction of the others.

  • Dynamic-Storage-Based Logic-in-Memory Circuit and Its Application to a Fine-Grain Pipelined System

    Hiromitsu KIMURA  Takahiro HANYU  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  

    PAPER-Low-Power Technologies

    E85-C No:2

    A new logic-in-memory circuit is proposed for a fine-grain pipelined VLSI system. Dynamic-storage elements are distributed over a logic-circuit plane. A functional pass gate is a key component, where a linear summation and threshold function are merged compactly using charge-storage and charge-coupling effect with a DRAM-cell-based circuit structure. The use of dynamic logic based on pass-transistor network using functional pass gates makes it possible to realize any logic circuits compactly with small power dissipation. As a typical example, a 54-bit pipelined multiplier is implemented by using the proposed circuit technology. Its power dissipation and chip area are reduced to about 63 percent and 72 percent, respectively, in comparison with those of a corresponding binary CMOS implementation under 0.35-µm CMOS technology.

  • A Novel Rough Neural Network and Its Training Algorithm

    Sheng-He SUN  Xiao-Dan MEI  Zhao-Li ZHANG  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E85-D No:2

    A novel rough neural network (RNN) structure and its application are proposed in this paper. We principally introduce its architecture and training algorithms: the genetic training algorithm (GA) and the tabu search training algorithm (TSA). We first compare RNN with the conventional NN trained by the BP algorithm in two-dimensional data classification. Then we compare RNN with NN by the same training algorithm (TSA) in functional approximation. Experiment results show that the proposed RNN is more effective than NN, not only in computation time but also in performance.

  • A 200-Channel Imaging System of Muscle Oxygenation Using CW Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

    Masatsugu NIWAYAMA  Katsuyuki YAMAMOTO  Daisuke KOHATA  Kosuke HIRAI  Nobuki KUDO  Takafumi HAMAOKA  Ryotaro KIME  Toshihito KATSUMURA  

    PAPER-Optical Imaging

    E85-D No:1

    We have developed a 200-channel imaging system that enables measurement of changes in oxygenation and blood volume and that covers a wider area (45 cm 15 cm) than that covered by conventional systems. This system consisted of 40 probes of five channels, a light-emitting diode (LED) driver, multiplexers and a personal computer. Each probe was cross-shaped and consisted of an LED, five photo diodes, and a current-to-voltage (I-V) converter. Lighting of the LEDs and acquisition of 200-channel data were time-multiplexed. The minimum data acquisition time for 200 channels, including the time required for calculation of oxygenation and monitoring of a few traces of oxygenation on a computer display, was about 0.2 s. We carried out exercise tests and measured the changes in oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin concentrations in the thigh. Working muscles in exercises could be clearly imaged, and spatio-temporal changes in muscle oxygenation during exercise and recovery were also shown. These results demonstrated that the 200-channel imaging system enables observation of the distribution of muscle metabolism and localization of muscle function.

  • A General Framework to Use Various Decomposition Methods for LUT Network Synthesis

    Shigeru YAMASHITA  Hiroshi SAWADA  Akira NAGOYA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E84-A No:11

    This paper presents a new framework for synthesizing look-up table (LUT) networks. Some of the existing LUT network synthesis methods are based on one or two functional (Boolean) decompositions. Our method also uses functional decompositions, but we try to use various decomposition methods, which include algebraic decompositions. Therefore, this method can be thought of as a general framework for synthesizing LUT networks by integrating various decomposition methods. We use a cost database file which is a unique characteristic in our method. We also present comparisons between our method and some well-known LUT network synthesis methods, and evaluate the final results after placement and routing. Although our method is rather heuristic in nature, the experimental results are encouraging.

  • A DFT Controller for Instruction-Based Functional Test

    Hong-Sik KIM  Yong-Chun KIM  Sungho KANG  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E84-A No:8

    This paper presents a DFT controller called as a TCU (Test Control Unit), which considerably improves the efficiency of the instruction-based functional test. Internal program/data buses are completely controllable and observable by the TCU during the test cycle. Diverse test modes of the TCU can increase the test efficiency and also provide complete access to program/data memories for functional test.

  • Circuit and System for Quantum Functional Devices

    Tadashi AE  Hiroyuki ARAKI  


    E84-C No:8

    We believe the quantum functional device to be a future perspective device, if we solve the problems that it has nowadays. We will summarize such problems with several discussions from the viewpoint of circuit and system.

  • Functional Decomposition with Application to LUT-Based FPGA Synthesis

    Jian QIAO  Kunihiro ASADA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E84-A No:8

    In this paper, we deal with the problem of compatibility class encoding, and propose a novel algorithm for finding a good functional decomposition with application to LUT-based FPGA synthesis. Based on exploration of the design space, we concentrate on extracting a set of components, which can be merged into the minimum number of multiple-output CLBs or LUTs, such that the decomposition constructed from these components is also minimal. In particular, to explore more degrees of freedom, we introduce pliable encoding to take over the conventional rigid encoding when it fails to find a satisfactory decomposition by rigid encoding. Experimental results on a large set of MCNC91 logic synthesis benchmarks show that our method is quite promising.

  • A 32-bit RISC Microprocessor with DSP Functionality: Rapid Prototyping

    Byung In MOON  Dong Ryul RYU  Jong Wook HONG  Tae Young LEE  Sangook MOON  Yong Surk LEE  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E84-A No:5

    We have designed a 32-bit RISC microprocessor with 16-/32-bit fixed-point DSP functionality. This processor, called YD-RISC, combines both general-purpose microprocessor and digital signal processor (DSP) functionality using the reduced instruction set computer (RISC) design principles. It has functional units for arithmetic operation, digital signal processing (DSP) and memory access. They operate in parallel in order to remove stall cycles after DSP or load/store instructions, which usually need one or more issue latency cycles in addition to the first issue cycle. High performance was achieved with these parallel functional units while adopting a sophisticated five-stage pipeline structure. The pipelined DSP unit can execute one 32-bit multiply-accumulate (MAC) or 16-bit complex multiply instruction every one or two cycles through two 17-b 17-b multipliers and an operand examination logic circuit. Power-saving techniques such as power-down mode and disabling execution blocks allow low power consumption. In the design of this processor, we use logic synthesis and automatic place-and-route. This top-down approach shortens design time, while a high clock frequency is achieved by refining the processor architecture.

  • Highly-Parallel Stereo Vision VLSI Processor Based on an Optimal Parallel Memory Access Scheme

    Masanori HARIYAMA  Seunghwan LEE  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E84-C No:3

    In a real-time vision system, parallel memory access is essential for highly parallel image processing. The use of multiple memory modules is one efficient technique for parallel access. In the technique, data stored in different memory modules can be accessed in parallel. This paper presents an optimal memory allocation methodology to map data to be read in parallel onto different memory modules. Based on the methodology, a high-performance VLSI processor for three-dimensional instrumentation is proposed.

  • CAM Processor Synthesis Based on Behavioral Descriptions

    Nozomu TOGAWA  Tatsuhiko WAKUI  Tatsuhiko YODEN  Makoto TERAJIMA  Masao YANAGISAWA  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  

    PAPER-Co-design and High-level Synthesis

    E83-A No:12

    CAM (Content Addressable Memory) units are generally designed so that they can be applied to variety of application programs. However, if a particular application runs on CAM units, some functions in CAM units may be often used and other functions may never be used. We consider that appropriate design for CAM units is required depending on the requirements for a given application program. This paper proposes a CAM processor synthesis system based on behavioral descriptions. The input of the system is an application program written in C including CAM functions, and its output is hardware descriptions of a synthesized processor and a binary code executed on it. Since the system determines functions in CAM units and synthesizes a CAM processor depending on the requirements of an application program, we expect that a synthesized CAM processor can execute the application program with small processor area and delay. Experimental results demonstrate its efficiency and effectiveness.
