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  • A Media Synchronization Mechanism for a Distributed Multimedia System with Interactive Control

    Ryuichi OHNO  Hitoshi AIDA  Tadao SAITO  


    E78-B No:7

    Synchronization of media streams is recognized as an important requirement not only in media retrieval such as a video on-demand service but also in groupware such as a remote conferencing system. In a remote conferencing system, synchronization is more complicated because Live Media Streams (LMS) such as the live raw voice of some participants must be taken into consideration as well as Retrieved Media Streams (RMS) such as media streams retrieved from video equipment. In this paper, we propose a mechanism to synchronize RMSs and LMSs in a remote conferencing system DMSIC (Distributed Multimedia System with Interactive Control) which has been implemented on UNIX workstations connected by Ethernet. In this mechanism, synchronization among RMSs (we call it R & R synchronization) is kept by maintaining the Current Presentation Positions (CPP) on Media Buffers (MB) close to the Ideal Presentation Position (IPP). Synchronization among RMSs and LMSs (we call it R & L synchronization) is kept by adjusting the IPPs among multiple nodes. We have implemented the synchronization mechanism in DMSIC to confirm the effectiveness of it.

  • A Next-Generation Database System for Advanced Multimedia Applications

    Hiroshi ISHIKAWA  Koki KATO  Miyuki ONO  Naomi YOSHIZAWA  Kazumi KUBOTA  Akiko KONDO  


    E78-B No:7

    New multimedia applications have emerged on top of information infrastructures, such as on-demand services, digital libraries and museums, online shopping, information Q & A, concurrent engineering, document management, and desktop program production, which require new databases. That is, next-generation database systems must enable users to efficiently and flexibly develop and execute such advanced multimedia applications. Moreover, in some applications, there is no existent data; in others, there are databases or files to be integrated. This requires both top-down and bottom-up database development. To this end, we focus on development of a database system which enables flexible and efficient acquisition, storage, access and retrieval, and distribution and presentation of large amounts of heterogeneous media data. In particular, we propose a multimedia data model as an integration of structural, temporal, spatial, and control functionality. That is, we take an approach based on an object-oriented database, which is more suitable for description of media structures and operations than a traditional relational database. And we extend the object-oriented approach by providing temporal and spatial operators, and control of distributing computing and QOS (quality of service). In this paper, we describe a multimedia data model and its efficient implementation.

  • Identification of P-Fuzzy Switching Functions

    Hiroaki KIKUCHI  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge

    E78-A No:7

    A P-Fuzzy Switching Function is a meaningful class of fuzzy switching functions that is representable by a logic formula consisting of prime implicants. This paper aima at extracting knowledge represented as prime implicants from a given learning data. The main results are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the learning data to be representable with P-fuzzy switching functions, and to be determined by unique logic formula.

  • Uniform and Non-uniform Normalization of Vocal Tracts Measured by MRI Across Male, Female and Child Subjects

    Chang-Sheng YANG  Hideki KASUYA  


    E78-D No:6

    Three-dimensional vocal tract shapes of a male, a female and a child subjects are measured from magnetic resonance (MR) images during sustained phonation of Japanese vowels /a, i, u, e, o/. Non-uniform dimensional differences in the vocal tract shapes of the subjects are quantitatively measured. Vocal tract area functions of the female and child subjects are normalized to those of the male on the basis of non-uniform and uniform scalings of the vocal tract length and compared with each other. A comparison is also made between the formant frequencies computed from the area functions normalized by the two different scalings. It is suggested by the comparisons that non-uniformity in the vocal tract dimensions is not essential in the normalization of the five Japanese vowels.

  • A Formal Verification Algorithm for Pipelined Processors

    Toru SHONAI  Tsuguo SHIMIZU  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E78-A No:5

    We describe a formal verification algorithm for pipelined processors. This algorithm proves the equivalence between a processor's design and its specifications by using rewriting of recursive functions and a new type of mathematical induction: extended recursive induction. After the user indicates only selectors in the design, this algorithm can automatically prove processors having more than 10(1010) states. The algorithm is manuary applied to benchmark processors with pipelined control, and we discuss how data width, memory size, and the numbers of pipeline stages and instructions influence the computation cost of proving the correctness of the processors. Further, this algorithm can be used to generate a pipeline invariant.

  • Parallel Connected Twin SIS Junctions for Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Mixers: Analysis and Experimental Verification

    Takashi NOGUCHI  Sheng-Cai SHI  Junji INATANI  

    INVITED PAPER-Microwave devices

    E78-C No:5

    A Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) mixer using two junctions connected in parallel through a stripline inductance has been studied. The essential point of the two-junctions device is that the capacitance of the junctions was tuned out by the inductance to obtain a broadband operation without mechanical tuning elements. It has been shown by theoretical analysis that the performance of this type of device is excellent and nearly quantum-limited performance of the mixer can be obtained. It has been demonstrated that the double sideband (DSB) noise temperature of a receiver employing this type of device was less than 40 K over the bandwidth of 90-120 GHz and that the lowest receiver noise temperature of 18 K, which is only 3.2 times as large as the quantum limited photon noise was obtained around 118 GHz. Junctions used in the two-junctions device have significantly larger area, i.e. larger capacitance, and smaller normal resistance than conventional ones. In order to obtain a good impedance match between the source and the junctions, an impedance transformer made of a superconductiong stripline was integrated with the junctions. This type of two-junctions device can easily be scaled to submillimeter frequency without using submicron-sized SIS junctions.

  • Reduction of Surface Clutter by a Polarimetric FM-CW Radar in Underground Target Detection

    Toshifumi MORIYAMA  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Masakazu SENGOKU  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E78-B No:4

    This paper presents an experimental result of polarimetric detection of objects buried in a sandy ground by a synthetic aperture FM-CW radar. Emphasis is placed on the reduction of surface clutter by the polarimetric radar, which takes account of full polarimetric scattering characteristics. First, the principle of full polarimetric imaging methodology is outlined based on the characteristic polarization states for a specific target together with a polarimetric enhancement factor which discriminates desired and undesired target echo. Then, the polarimetric filtering technique which minimizes a surface reflection is applied to detect a thin metallic plate embedded in a sandy ground, demonstrating the potential capability of reducing surface clutter which leads to an improvement of underground radar performance, and validating the usefulness of FM-CW radar polarimetry.

  • Rate Envelope Multiplexing and Rate Sharing in B-ISDN

    James W. ROBERTS  


    E78-B No:4

    This paper discusses two approaches to statistical multiplexing: rate envelope multiplexing, allowing resource sharing with small delays for low peak rate connections, and rate sharing, based on the use of large multiplexer buffers to ensure high link utilization for high speed data traffic. We argue that the weighted fair queueing scheduling algorithm provides an efficient means for combining both kinds of multiplexing in the B-ISDN. A feasible implementation known as Virtual Spacing is outlined. We illustrate the flexibility of the proposed scheme by showing how different service categories could be provided.

  • Adapt Dynamic Evolution in a Reflective Object-Oriented Computer Language

    Issam A. HAMID  Mohammed ERRADI  Gregor v. BOCHMANN  Setsuo OHSUGA  

    PAPER-Software Theory

    E78-D No:4

    This paper describes the design of the reflective concurrent object-oriented specification language RMondel. RMondel is designed for the specification and modeling of distributed systems. It allows the development of executable specifications which may be modified dynamically. Reflection in RMondel is supported by two fundamental features that are: Structural Reflection (SR) and Behavioral Reflection (BR). Reflection is the capability to monitor and modify dynamically the structure and the behavior of the system. We show how the features of the language are enhanced using specific meta-operations and meta-objects, to allow for the dynamic modification of types (classes) and instances using the same language. RMondel specification can be modified by adding or modifying types and instances to get a new adapted specification. Consistency is checked dynamically at the type level as well as at the specification level. At the type level, structural and behavioral constrations are defined to preserve the conformance of types. At the specification level, a transaction mechanism and a locking protocol are defined to ensure the consistency of the whole specification.

  • Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Resolution and QOS Control Schemes for Integrated VBR Video and Data Communications

    Yutaka ISHIBASHI  Shuji TASAKA  


    E78-B No:4

    This paper studies congestion control schemes for integrated variable bit-rate (VBR) video and data communications, where the quality of service (QOS) of each medium needs to be satisfied. In order to control congestion, we exert here either dynamic resolution control or QOS control. The dynamic resolution control scheme in this paper dynamically changes the temporal or spatial resolution of video according to the network loads. The QOS control scheme here assigns a constant capacity of buffer to each connection and determines the video resolution in order to guarantee the QOS of each medium at the connection establishment. The performance of these schemes is evaluated through simulation in terms of throughput, video frame delay probability distribution, and video frame loss rate. We also examine the effects of priority scheduling and packet discarding on the performance. Numerical results indicate that both dynamic resolution and QOS control attain low delay jitters as well as large video and data throughput. In particular, the QOS control is shown to be more suitable for integrated VBR video and data communications.

  • New Carrier Frequency Assignments for Minimizing Intermodulation Products in Two-Level SCPC Systems

    Sang M. LEE  Sung Chan KO  Hyung Jin CHOI  

    PAPER-Satellite Communication

    E78-B No:3

    In this paper, we propose an efficient method (called DIRIC algorithm) to allocate carrier frequencies so as to minimize intermodulation products in two-level SCPC systems in which Hub station and many Remote stations communicate each other through satellite transponder. We also present a very efficient method to evaluate intermodulation products with substantially reduced CPU time in two-level SCPC systems. We compare and analyze the performance of several frequency allocation methods to extend DELINS-INSDEL algorithm (which is proposed by Okinaka) to two-level SCPC systems. When the proposed algorithm is applied to systems with modulated carrier, it is verified that this algorithm has the same efficiency as the unmodulated carrier. It is also shown heuristically that certain initial assignment algorithms perform better than random assignment.

  • Network Hierarchies and Node Minimization

    Robert K. BRAYTON  Ellen M. SENTOVICH  

    INVITED PAPER-Logic Synthesis

    E78-D No:3

    Over the last decade, research in the automatic synthesis and optimization of combinational logic has matured significantly; more recently, research has focused on sequential logic. Many of the paradigms for combinational logic have been extended and applied in the sequential domain. In addition, promising new directions for future research are being explored. In this paper, we survey some of the results of combinational synthesis and some recent results for sequential synthesis and then use these to view possible avenues for future sequential synthesis research. In particular we look at two related questions: deriving a set of permissible behaviors and using a minimizer to select the best behavior according to some optimization criteria. We examine these two issues in increasingly complex situations starting with a single-output function, and proceeding to a single multiple-output function, a network of single-output functions, a network of multiple-output functions, and then similar questions where function" is replaced by a finite state machine (FSM). We end with a discussion of a network of finite state machines and the problem of deriving the set of permissible FSM's and choosing a representative minimum one.

  • Design and Implementations of a Learning T-Model Neural Network

    Zheng TANG  Okihiko ISHIZUKA  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E78-A No:2

    In this letter, we demonstrate an experimental CMOS neural circuit towards an understanding of how particular computations can be performed by a T-Model neural network. The architecture and a digital hardware implementation of the learning T-Model network are presented. Our experimental results show that the T-Model allows immense collective network computations and powerful learning.

  • Finding All Solutions of Piecewise-Linear Resistive Circuits Containing Nonseparable Transistor Models

    Kiyotaka YAMAMURA  Osamu MATSUMOTO  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Self-Validation

    E78-A No:2

    An efficient algorithm is given for finding all solutions of piecewise-linear resistive circuits containing nonseparable transistor models such as the Gummel-Poon model or the Shichman-Hodges model. The proposed algorithm is simple and can be easily programmed using recursive functions.

  • Roles and Problems of LISN in Noise Measurement

    Shuichi NITTA  


    E78-B No:2

    This paper describes, based on generation mechanism of conductive noise, that the real conductive noise on AC-mains can't be measured by LISN and 50 Ω-input impedance instrument specified by regulations such as CISPR. Second, it is pointed out that one of the causes of poor reproducibility in radiated emission measurement is the difference among line impedances of AC-mains. Finally, it is insisted that the apparatus such as LISN is necessary for stable measurement of radiated emission, and what improvement on LISN characteristics for higher frequency range should be done is introduced.

  • Relationships among Nonlinearity Criteria of Boolean Functions

    Shouichi HIROSE  Katsuo IKEDA  

    PAPER-Information Security and Cryptography

    E78-A No:2

    For symmetric cryptosystems, their transformations should have nonlinear elements to be secure against various attacks. Several nonlinearity criteria have been defined and their properties have been made clear. This paper focuses on, among these criteria, the propagation criterion (PC) and the strict avalanche criterion (SAC), and makes a further investigation of them. It discusses the sets of Boolean functions satisflying the PC of higher degrees, the sets of those satisfying the SAC of higher orders and their relationships. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for an n-input Boolean function to satisfy the PC with respect to a set of all but one or two elements in {0,1}n{(0,...,0)}. From this condition, it follows that, for every even n 2, an n-input Boolean function satisfies the PC of degree n 1 if and only if it satisfies the PC of degree n. We also show a method that constructs, for any odd n 3, n-input Boolean functions that satisfy the PC with respect to a set of all but one elements in {0,1}n{(0,...,0)}. This method is a generalized version of a previous one. Concerned with the SAC of higher orders, it is shown that the previously proved upper bound of the nonlinear order of Boolean functions satisfying the criterion is tight. The relationships are discussed between the set of n-input Boolean functions satisfying the PC and the sets of those satisfying the SAC.

  • Finding All Solutions of Piecewise-Linear Resistive Circuits Containing Sophisticated Transistor Models

    Kiyotaka YAMAMURA  Nobuo SEKIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Self-Validation

    E78-A No:1

    An efficient algorithm is presented for finding all solutions of piecewise-linear resistive circuits containing sophisticated transistor models such as the Gummel-Poon model or the Shichman-Hodges model. When a circuit contains these nonseparable models, the hybrid equation describing the circuit takes a special structure termed pairwise-separability (or tuplewise-separability). This structure is effectively exploited in the new algorithm. A numerical example is given, and it is shown that all solutions are computed very rapidly.

  • Unification-Failure Filter for Natural Language

    Alfredo M. MAEDA  Hideto TOMABECHI  Jun-ichi AOE  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E78-D No:1

    Graph unification is doubtlessly the most expensive process in unification-based grammar parsing since it takes the vast majority of the total parsing time of natural language sentences. A parsing time overload in unification consists in that, in general, no less than 60% of the graph unifications performed actually fail. Thus one way to achieve unification time speed-up is focusing on an efficient, fast way to deal with such unification failures. In this paper, a process, prior to unification itself, capable of filtering or stopping a considerably high percentage of graphs that would fail unification is proposed. This unification-filtering process consists of comparison of signatures that correspond to each one of the graphs to be unified. Unification-filter (hereafter UF) is capable of stopping around 87% of the non-unifiable graphs before unification itself takes place. UF takes significantly less time to detect graphs that do not unify and discard them than it would take to unification to fail the attempt to unify the same graphs. As a result of using UF, unification is performed in an around 71% of the time for the fastest known unification algorithm.

  • One-Way Functions over Finite Near-Rings

    Eikoh CHIDA  Hiroki SHIZUYA  Takao NISHIZEKI  


    E78-A No:1

    A near-ring is an extended notion of a usual ring. Therefore a ring is a near-ring, but the converse does not necessarily hold. We investigate in this paper one-way functions associated with finite near-rings, and show that if there exists a one-way group homomorphism, there exists a one-way non-ring near-ring homomorphism (Theorem 1); if there exists a one-way ring homomorphism (Theorem 2). Further, we introduce a discrete logarithm problem over a finite near-ring, and show that the integer factoring is probabilistic polynomial-time Turing equivalent to a modified version of this problem (Theorem 3). Theorem 1 implies that under some standard cryptographic assumption, there is an affirmative but trivial solution to the extended version of the open question: Is there an encryption function f such that both f(x+y) and f(xy) are efficiently computed from given f(x) and f(y) ?

  • A Telecommunications Management Integration Network

    Masahiko MATSUSHITA  Tetsuo OKAZAKI  Makoto YOSHIDA  


    E78-B No:1

    Telecommunications management activities have mostly been supported by operators; however, machines are gradually playing more important roles in the management arena by utilizing computing technology. Additionally, management systems can now be networked by using standard interface specifications. The study of human and machine integration is thus essential for achieving the sophisticated management objectives of telecommunications. This paper proposes the principles for a telecommunications management integration network (TMIN), which integrates human and machine management networks, and proposes a source text description method for transferring management communication knowledge from human to machine. First, reference models are proposed for the management process and management communication. These models cover network management activities of both humans and machines. Second, the contents of the source text are clarified. Source text presents human management knowledge in a form suitable for machine-machine communication. Third, an efficient source text description method is proposed that reduces redundancy and proliferation. Finally, a means of harmonizing management information definitions with TMIN is suggested to facilitate human-machine cooperation.
