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[Keyword] joint(179hit)


  • An Algorithm for Joint Detection in Fast Frequency Hopping Systems

    Uwe-Carsten G. FIEBIG  


    E79-A No:12

    In this contribution an algorithm for joint detection in fast frequency hopping/multiple frequency shift keying (FFH/MFSK) multiple access (MA) systems is presented. The new algorithm - referred to as REC algorithm - evaluates ambiguities which occur during the decision process and iteratively reduces the number of candidate symbols. The REC algorithm is of low complexity, suitable for every addressing scheme, and effective for both an interference-only channel and a fading channel. For the interference-only channel the REC algorithm enables maximum likelihood (ML) joint detection with low computational effort.

  • Refinements and Evaluations of Line-Based Pose Enumeration from a Single Image

    Takeshi SHAKUNAGA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:9

    This paper proposes robust algorithms for linebased pose enumeration from a single view, and it reports on their evaluations by simulations. The proposed algorithms incorporate two major refinements into the algorithms originally proposed by Shakunaga [1]. The first refinement, introduction of zone-crossing detection to the 1-d search remarkably decreases the rate of overlooking a correct pose. The second refinement, adaptive selection of a PAT pair considerably reduces the average estimation error. Simulation results show that pose estimation precision depends primarily on the precision of line detection. Although the refinements are widely effective, they are more effective for more precise line detection. For 99% of rigid body samples, the algorithm can estimate rotation with an error of less than 2 degrees, and for 99.9% of the samples, the error is less than 10 degrees. Simulation experiments for articulated objects show similar results by using the second algorithm. The effectiveness of the algorithms is verified in an alignment approach by simulations.

  • Trials for Multimedia Communiations

    Akihiro SHIMIZU  


    E79-B No:8

    Many activities are being promoted for the coming multimedia age. In this paper, background information for multimedia communications is followed by an outline of joint tests in multimedia communications with some examples of the projects and applications. These trials are also explained from the aspects of project specifications, which include application classifications and details of multimedia-on-demand offerings, as well as technical issues in experimental environments which mainly include those related to ATM technology.

  • Fault Tolerant Routing in Toroidal Networks*

    Qian-Ping GU  Shietung PENG  

    PAPER-Fault Diagnosis/Tolerance

    E79-D No:8

    In this paper, we study the following node-to-node and node-to-set routing problems in r-dimensional torus Trn with r 2 and n 4 nodes in each dimension: given at most 2r - 1 faulty nodes and non-faulty nodes s and t in Trn, find a fault-free path s t; and given at most 2r - k faulty nodes and non-faulty nodes s and t1,..., tk in Trn, find k fault-free node-disjoint paths s ti, 1 i k. We give an O(r2) time algorithm which finds a fault-free path s t of length at most d(Trn) + 1 for the node-to-node routing, where d(Trn) is the diameter of Trn. For node-to-set routing, we show an O(r3) time algorithm which finds k fault-free node-disjoint paths s ti, 1 i k, of length at most d(Trn) + 1. The upper bounds on the length of the found paths are optimal. From this, Rabin diameter of Trn is d(Trn) + 1.

  • Set-To-Set Fault Tolerant Routing in Hypercudes*

    Qian Ping GU  Satoshi OKAWA  Shietung PENG  


    E79-A No:4

    In this paper, we give an algorithm which, given a set F of at most n-k faulty nodes, and two sets S={s1, , sk} and T = {t1,, tk}, 1kn, of non-faulty nodes in n-dimensional hypercubes Hn, finds k fault-tree node disjoint paths sitje, where (j1, , Jk) is a permutation of (1, , k), of length at most n + k in O(kn log k) time. The result of this paper implies that n disjoint paths of length at most 2n for set-to-set node disjoint path problem in Hn can be found in O(n2 log n) time.

  • Set-To-Set Fault Tolerant Routing in Star Graphs*

    Qian-Ping GU  Shietung PENG  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E79-D No:4

    In this paper, we give an algorithm which, given a set F of at most (n - 1) - k faulty nodes, and two sets S = {s1,..., sk} and T = {t1,..., tk}, 1 k n - 1, of nonfaulty nodes in n-dimensional star graphs Gn, finds k fault-free node disjoint paths si tji, where (j1,..., jk) is a permutation of (1,..., k), of length at most d(Gn) + 5 in O(kn) optimal time, where d(Gn) = 3(n-1)/2 is the diameter of Gn.

  • Quantitative Evaluation of TMJ Sound by Frequency Analysis

    Hiroshi SHIGA  Yoshinori KOBAYASHI  


    E78-A No:12

    In order to evaluate quantitatively TMJ sound, TMJ sound in normal subject group, CMD patient group A with palpable sounds unknown to them, CMD patient group B with palpable sounds known to them, and CMD patient group C with audible sounds were detected by a contact microphone, and frequency analysis of the power spectra was performed. The power spectra of TMJ sound of normal subject group and patient group A showed patterns with frequency values below 100 Hz, whereas the power spectra of patient groups B and C showed distinctively different patterns with peaks of frequency component exceeding 100 Hz. As regards the cumulative frequency value, the patterns for each group clearly differed from those of other groups; in particular the 80% cumulative frequency value showed the greatest difference. From these results, it is assumed that the 80% cumulative frequency value can be used as an effective indicator for quantitative evaluation of TMJ sound.

  • Linear Time Algorithms for Fault Tolerant Routing in Hypercubes and Star Graphs

    Qian-Ping GU  Shietung PENG  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E78-D No:9

    In this paper, we study the following node-to-node fault tolerant routing problem: In the presence of up to n-1 faulty nodes, find a fault-free path which connects any two non-faulty nodes s and t in an n-connected graph. For node-to-node fault tolerant routing in n-dimensional hypercubes Hn, we give an algorithm which finds a fault-free path s t of length at most in O(n) time, where d(s, t) is the distance between s and t. We also show that a fault-free path s t in Hn of length at most d(s, t)2i, 1i, can be found in time. For node-to-node fault tolerant routing in n-dimensional star graphs Gn, we give an algorithm which finds a fault-free path s t of length at most min{d(Gn)3, d(s, t)6} in O(n) time, where is the diameter of Gn. It is previously known that, in Hn, a fault-free path s t of length at most d(s, t) for d(s, t)n and at most d(s, t)2 for d(s, t)n can be found in O(d(s, t)n) time, and in Gn, a fault-free path s t of length at most min{d(Gn)1, d(s, t)4}can be found in O(d(s, t)n) time. When the time efficiency of finding the routing path is more important than the length of the path, the algorithms in this paper are better than the previous ones.

  • 8-kb/s Low-Delay Speech Coding with 4-ms Frame Size

    Yoshiaki ASAKAWA  Preeti RAO  Hidetoshi SEKINE  


    E78-A No:8

    This paper describes modifications to a previously proposed 8-kb/s 4-ms-delay CELP speech coding algorithm with a view to improving the speech quality while maintaining low delay and only moderately increasing complexity. The modifications are intended to improve the effectiveness of interframe pitch lag prediction and the sub-optimality level of the excitation coding to the backward adapted synthesis filter by using delayed decision and joint optimization techniques. Results of subjective listening tests using Japanese speech indicate that the coded speech quality is significantly superior to that of the 8-kb/s VSELP coder which has a 20-ms delay. A method that reduces the computational complexity of closed-loop 3-tap pitch prediction with no perceptible degradation in speech quality is proposed, based on representing the pitch-tap vector as the product of a scalar pitch gain and a normalized shape codevector.

  • An Optimum Logical-Design Scheme for Flexible Multi-QoS ATM Networks Guaranteeing Reliability

    Eiji OKI  Naoaki YAMANAKA  


    E78-B No:7

    An optimum design scheme for logical network topologies on a Flexible Multi-QoS Logical ATM Network, named Full-Net, is proposed. Full-Net offers high-quality Virtual-Path (VP) networks and controls end-to-end QoS only at the VP-network's access points. To develop the optimum network topology for multimedia traffic in a single ATM network, a logically con figured Virtual Channel Handler (VCH) interconnection network is associated with each QoS class. Many logical networks can be mapped at the same time on the same network, because mapping is independent of the network's physical implementation. To achieve an optimum design scheme for logical networks, the number of disjoint routes is introduced as the parameter used to optimize logical network topology. The number of disjoint routes is chosen so as to maximize total network efficiency. The optimum number of disjoint routes depends on the required QoS, VC-traffic characteristics, and traffic demand. By choosing the relevant cost characteristics, the network operator can easily maximize network efficiency and provide customers with the QoS they request at minimum cost. The proposed optimum multi-QoS network design scheme on a Full-Net architecture is an efficient solution to implementing multi-QoS control in an ATM network.

  • A Recursive Matrix-Calculation Method for Disjoint Path Search with Hop Link Number Constraints

    Eiji OKI  Naoaki YAMANAKA  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:5

    A new approximation calculation method, named the Recursive Matrix-calculation (RM) method, is proposed. It uses matrix calculation to determine the number of link disjoint paths under a hop link number constraint, i.e. hop limit. The RM method does not overestimate the number of link disjoint paths. When networks are designed by this method, network reliability is perfectly guaranteed. Moreover, the RM method is based on matrix calculation, so CPU time can be reduced by using super-computers equipped with vector processors. Simulation results confirm that the RM method yields rapid approximations that are conservative. Thus the proposed method is very useful for designing reliable multimedia networks.

  • Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness: Effects Due to Gap Size and Angle of Cut

    Behzad D. MOTTAHED  Souran MANOOCHEHRI  


    E78-B No:2

    Effects of various joint configurations and gap sizes on the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness (SE) are evaluated to provide guidelines for best design of joints in order to increase the value of SE. Four different joint geometries are presented. A sharp decrease on SE with larger gap size for simple joints is observed. Addition of bends in the joint geometry has strong positive effect on the value of the SE. Increasing the angle of cut, which increases the effective length of the joint were also demonstrated to have increasing effect on the shielding performance.

  • High Tc Superconductor Joint with Low Loss and High Strength

    Naobumi SUZUKI  Osamu ISHII  Osamu MICHIKAMi  


    E77-C No:8

    This paper describes a new method for joining BiSrCaCuO superconductors (BSCCO) which realizes low microwave loss and high mechanical strength. This method consists of two processes. In the first the BSCCO surface is metallized with Ag and in the second a joint is formed by using thermally curable Ag paste. With this method, we obtained a joint with a loss of 0.3 dB around 1.1 GHz with the co-axial cavity techniques. Furthermore, the mechanical strength of the joint was greater than that of the BSCCO sample. From the results of DC resistance measurements and SEM observations, we attribute this good performance to the adhesion and continuity of the metallized Ag with the BSCCO surface.

  • Stochastic Signal Processing for Incomplete Observations under the Amplitude Limitations in Indoor and Outdoor Sound Environments Based on Regression Analysis

    Noboru NAKASAKO  Mitsuo OHTA  Hitoshi OGAWA  


    E77-A No:8

    A specific signal in most of actual environmental systems fluctuates complicatedly in a non-Gaussian distribution form, owing to various kinds of factors. The nonlinearity of the system makes it more difficult to evaluate the objective system from the viewpoint of internal physical mechanism. Furthermore, it is very often that the reliable observation value can be obtained only within a definite domain of fluctuating amplitude, because many of measuring equipment have their proper dynamic range and the original random wave form is unreliable at the end of amplitude fluctuation. It becomes very important to establish a new signal processing or an evaluation method applicable to such an actually complicated system even from a functional viewpoint. This paper describes a new trial for the signal processing along the same line of the extended regression analysis based on the Bayes' theorem. This method enables us to estimate the response probability property of a complicated system in an actual situation, when observation values of the output response are saturated due to the dynamic range of measuring equipment. This method utilizes the series expansion form of the Bayes' theorem, which is applicable to the non-Gaussian property of the fluctuations and various kinds of correlation information between the input and output fluctuations. The proposed method is newly derived especially by paying our attention to the statistical information of the input-output data without the saturation operation instead of that on the resultantly saturated observation, differing from the well-known regression analysis and its improvement. Then, the output probability distribution for another kind of input is predicted by using the estimated regression relationship. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is experimentally confirmed too by applying it to the actual data observed for indoor and outdoor sound environments.

  • Computing the Expected Maximum Number of Vertex-Disjoint s-t Paths in a Probabilistic Basically Series-Parallel Digraph

    Peng CHENG  Shigeru MASUYAMA  

    PAPER-Graphs, Networks and Matroids

    E76-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose a polynomial time algorithm for computing the expected maximum number of vertex-disjoint s-t paths in a probabilistic basically series-parallel directed graph and a probabilistic series-parallel undirected graph with distinguished source s and sink t(st), where each edge has a mutually independent failure probability and each vertex is assumed to be failure-free.

  • Solder Joint Inspection Using Air Stimulation Speckle Vibration Detection Method and Fluorescence Detection Method

    Takashi HIROI  Kazushi YOSHIMURA  Takanori NINOMIYA  Toshimitsu HAMADA  Yasuo NAKAGAWA  Shigeki MIO  Kouichi KARASAKI  Hideaki SASAKI  


    E76-D No:10

    The fast and highly reliable method reported here uses two techniques to detect all types of defects, such as unsoldered leads, solder bridges, and misalignes leads in the minute solder joints of high density mounted devices. One technique uses external force applied by an air jet that vibrates or shifts unsoldered leads. The vibration and shift is detected as a change in the speckle pattern produced by laser illumination of the solder joints. The other technique uses fluorescence generated by short-wavelength laser illumination. The fluorescence from a printed circuit board produces a silhouette of the solder joint and this image is processed to detect defects. Experimental results show that this inspection method detects all kinds of defects accurately and with a very low false alarm rate.

  • Effects of Air Gaps on Butt-Joints between Isotropic and Anisotropic Planar Waveguides

    Masashi HOTTA  Masahiro GESHIRO  Katsuaki KANOH  Haruo KANETAKE  


    E76-C No:8

    Power transmission properties are investigated for a butt-joint which contains an air gap between an isotropic planar waveguide and an anisotropic one whose optical axis is lying in the plane defined by the propagation axis and the normal of the waveguide surface. New transmission coefficients are introduced for estimating the optical-power which is launched out into the gap from the incoming waveguide. Wave propagation through the gap is analyzed on the basis of the BPM concept. And the power transmitted across the interface between the gap and the outgoing waveguide is evaluated by means of the overlap integral of the field profiles. The effects of the air gap and the refractive index of filling liquid as well as axial displacement and angular misalignment are discussed on the basis of numerical results.

  • A Minimum Path Decomposition of the Hasse Diagram for Testing the Consistency of Functional Dependencies

    Atsuhiro TAKASU  Tatsuya AKUTSU  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E76-D No:2

    An optimal algorithm for decomposing a special type of the Hasse diagram into a minimum set of disjoint paths is described. It is useful for testing the consistency of functional dependencies.

  • A Design Method of SFS and SCD Combinational Circuits

    Shin'ichi HATAKENAKA  Takashi NANYA  


    E75-D No:6

    Strongly Fault-Secure (SFS) circuits are known to achieve the TSC goal of producing a non-codeword as the first erroneous output due to a fault. Strongly Code-Disjoint (SCD) circuits always map non-codeword inputs to non-codeword outputs even in the presence of faults so long as the faults are undetectable. This paper presents a new generalized design method for the SFS and SCD realization of combinational circuits. The proposed design is simple, and always gives an SFS and SCD combinational circuit which implements any given logic function. The resulting SFS/SCD circuits can be connected in cascade with each other to construct a larger SFS/SCD circuit if each interface is fully exercised.
