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  • Trial for Deep Submicron Track Width Recording

    Hiroaki MURAOKA  Yoshihisa NAKAMURA  


    E78-C No:11

    Extremely narrow track width of deep submicron range is examined in perpendicular magnetic recording. Head field distribution of a single-pole head analyzed by 3-dimensional computer simulation results in a sharp gradient, but relatively large cross-sectional area is required to maintain head field strength. Based on this design concept, a lateral single-pole head is described and proved to attain track width of 0.4 µm. In addition, multilevel partial response appropriate to the new multitrack recording system is proposed.

  • Control Problem of a Class of Pushdown Automata Based on Posets and Its Application to Resolution Deductions

    Susumu YAMASAKI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E78-D No:11

    In this paper, a pushdown automaton, with an infinite set of states as a partially ordered set (poset), is formulated, and its control problem of whether a given configuration can be transferred to another is discussed. For the controllability to be decidable, we take a condition the poset satisfies, that is, a condition that there are only finite number of states under the partial ordering between two given states. The control problem is decidable in polynomial time on condition the length of each pushed stack string is bounded by a constant in a given pushdown automaton. The motivation of considering the control problem comes up from the stack structure in implementing the SLD resolution deductions, in which the leftmost atom in each goal is selected and unified with some procedure name (that is, some head) of a definite clause, with the effect of the procedure name being replaced by the procedure bodies and unifications. Thus, the control problem is applied to describe the SLD resolution deductions of finite steps, by constructing a pushdown automaton model for a set of definite clauses, in which leftmost selection of atom in each goal forms a stack structure and substitutions affecting goals are interpreted as states. When constructing a pushdown automaton model for an SLD resolution deduction, algebraic properties of the idempotent substitution set, which are used in unifications, are examined and utilized. The quotient set of the idempotent substitution set per renamings is adopted to present the automaton model.

  • The Skipping Technique: A Simple and Fast Algorithm to Find the Pitch in CELP Vocoder

    JooHun LEE  MyungJin BAE  Souguil ANN  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:11

    A fast pitch search algorithm using the skipping technique is proposed to reduce the computation time in CELP vocoder. Based on the characteristics of the correlation function of speech signal, the proposed algorithm skips over certain ranges in the full pitch search range in a simple way. Though the search range is reduced, high speech quality can be maintained since those lags having high correlation values are not skipped over and are used for search by closed-loop analysis. To improve the efficiency of the proposed method, we develop three variants of the skipping technique. The experimental results show that the proposed and the modified algorithm can reduce the computation time in the pitch search considerably, over 60% reduction compared with the traditional full search method.

  • Vertical Magnetoresistive/Inductive Head

    Takuji SHIBATA  Munekatsu FUKUYAMA  Norio SAITO  Yoshitaka WADA  Yutaka SODA  


    E78-C No:11

    A vertical magnetoresistive (MR)/inductive head using the current bias technique has been developed for high-density magnetic recording. In this head, the sense current is orthogonal to the air-bearing surface (ABS). The area exposed at the ABS of the MR element is beneath the front lead, and the active area of the sensor is positioned behind that area. The MR element is composed of two permalloy films separated by a thin nonmagnetic material. The easy axis of the films is oriented parallel to the ABS and the films are magnetostatically coupled. The magnetic field created by the sense current is applied in the direction of the easy axis and the MR element is stabilized. In this head structure, no MR-element-stabilizing layer, such as an antiferromagnetic film or a hard magnetic film, is needed. Since the permalloy film beneath the front lead acts as a front flux guide, the signal flux propagates in the sensing area of the MR element behind the ABS. The new vertical MR head has the same electrical performance characteristics as the conventional horizontal MR head. The offtrack signal profile is symmetric against the track center because the magnetization of the two permalloy films rotates symmetrically in the signal-flux direction. The output signal level of this head is independent of the read trackwidth, which favors a narrow trackwidth. The exposed portion at the ABS is only connected to the common lead and is at ground potential. In this design, electrostatic breakdown does not occur and no corrosion is observed. Tests have shown that as the flying height is reduced, the error rate is reduced and noise does not increase. This head structure appears suitable for the near-contact recording of the near future.

  • A Spatially and Temporally Optimal Multi-User Receiver Using an Array Antenna for DS/CDMA

    Minami NAGATSUKA  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E78-B No:11

    The tandem structure of a matched filter (MF) and a maximum likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) using the Viterbi algorithm (VA) has been considered to be an optimal receiver for digital pulse-amplitude sequences in the presence of intersymbol interference (ISI) and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). An adaptive array antenna has the capability of filtering received signals in the spatial domain as well as in the temporal one. In this paper, we propose a receiver structure using an adaptive array antenna, a digital filter and the VA that is spatially and temporally optimal for multi-user detection in a direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) environment. This receiver uses a tapped delay line (TDL) array antenna and the VA, which provides a maximum likelihood sequence estimate from the spatially and temporally whitened matched filter (ST-WMF) output. Performance of the proposed receiver is evaluated by theoretical analysis and computer simulations.

  • Improvement of Performance in DCT and SSKF Image Coding Systems for Negatively-Correlated Signal Input by Signal Modulation

    S. A. Asghar BEHESHTI SHIRAZI  Yoshitaka MORIKAWA  Hiroshi HAMADA  

    PAPER-Source Encoding

    E78-B No:11

    This paper deals with the improvement of performance in the transform and subband image coding systems with negatively-correlated input signal. Using a more general source model than the AR(1) model as an input, the coding performance for the transform and subband coding schemes is evaluated in terms of the coding gain over PCM. The source model used here has such resonant band characteristics that its power spectrum has a peak at some frequency between 0 and π/2 for positive autocorrelation and between π/2 and π for negative autocorrelation. It is shown that coding schemes are classified into two classes; one has the pairwise mirror-image property in their filter banks and performs symmetrically regardless of the sign of the autocorrelation, and the other has no that property and performs asymmetrically with inferior performance for negative autocorrelation. Among the well-known transform and subband coding schemes, the DHT and QMF coding systems belong to the former class and the DCT and SSKF coding systems to the latter. In order to remedy the inferior performance, we propose the method in which one modulates the negatively-correlated signal sequences by the alternating sign signal with unity magnitude (-1)n to convert them into positively-correlated sequences. The algorithms are presented for the DCT and SSKF image coding systems with the adaptive signal modulation. In the DCT coding systems, we are particularly concerned with the DCT-based hierarchical progressive coding mode of operation, since the signal modulation works well for that coding mode. The SSKF image coding system has the regular quad-tree structure with three stages. The simulation results for test images show that our method can successfully be applied to the images with a considerable amount of energy in the frequency range higher than π/2 in horizontal or vertical direction, such as fingerprints and textile patterns sampled at a rate close to the Nyquist rate. The paper closes with a brief introduction to the modification of our DCT-based method.

  • Parameter Insensitive Disturbance-Rejection Problem with Incomplete-State Feedback

    Naohisa OTSUKA  Hiroshi INABA  Kazuo TORAICHI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E78-A No:11

    The disturbance-rejection problem is to find a feedback control law for linear control systems such that the influence of disturbances is completely rejected from the output. In 1970 Wonham and Morse first studied this problem in the framework of the so-called geometric approach. On the other hand, in 1985 Ghosh studied parameter insensitive disturbance-rejection problems with state feedback and with dynamic compensator. In this paper we study the parameter insensitive disturbance-rejection problem with static incomplete-state feedback for linear multivariable systems in the framework of the geometric approach from the mathematical point of view. Necessary conditions and/or sufficient conditions for this problem to be solvable are presented. Finally an illustrative example is presented.

  • On a Problem of Designing a 2-Switch Node Network

    Yoshitsugu TSUCHIYA  Yoshihiro KANEKO  Kazuo HORIUCHI  


    E78-A No:11

    A 2-switch node network is one of the most fundamental structure among communication nets such as telephone networks and local area networks etc. In this letter, we prove that a problem of designing a 2-switch node network satisfying capacity conditions of switch nodes and their link, which we call 2-switch node network problem, is NP-complete.

  • Estimation of Arrival Waves Using an Extended Kalman Filter

    Jinkuan WANG  Tadashi TAKANO  Kojiro HAGINO  


    E78-B No:11

    The technique for estimating the parameters of multiple waves provides a convenient tool for analysis of multiple wave-fields and eventually for actual applications to mobile communications. Several algorithms have been proposed for those purposes. However, the best tactics to resolve multiple wave-fields are still imperfectly understood at present. This paper proposes a new method for estimating the angles and power levels of arrival waves based on the extended Kalman filter. A space-variable model which we call a spatial state equation is derived using array element locations and incident angles. It has been shown that by means of the model, the estimation of incident waves can be transformed into the problem of parameter identification in linear system which can be carried out by the extended Kalman filter conveniently. The algorithm is initiated directly by the signal received at each array element. The detailed procedure of an extended Kalman filter approach is given in the paper. The performance of the proposed approach is examined by a simulation study with two signals model. The simulation results show a good estimate performance, even in the case that two waves arrive from close directions.

  • High Density Optical Disk System Using Two-Dimensional Recording

    Koichiro WAKABAYASHI  Hisataka SUGIYAMA  Atsushi SAITO  Takeshi MAEDA  


    E78-C No:11

    A two-dimensional recording method that achieves double recording density by reducing the track pitch is described. This method uses a flat disk and the data are recorded with circular marks on lattice points. Two-dimensional interference consisting of crosstalk and inter-symbol interference is reduced by two-dimensional equalization. To minimize the two-dimensional interference, the optimum equalization coefficients are calculated dynamically with the reproduced signal of the training marks. Reproduction was simulated and this showed that the signal-to-noise ratio of the processed signal was 24.3 dB under ideal conditions and 19.8 dB under worst-case conditions with the usual magneto-optical media using double recording density. These simulation results were checked by a recording/reproduction experiment. The experimental result for the signal-to-noise ratio of the processed signal was 23.6 dB with an areal density of 2.3 Gbit/in2.

  • The Dependence of Bit Error Rate on Lens Tilt and Disk Tilt for Magneto-Optical Heads

    Tsutomu MATSUI  


    E78-C No:11

    Tilt margins for disk and lens for a magneto-optical (MO) head were studied for designing a disk system for use with objective lenses having numerical apertures (NA) of 0.55, 0.60, and 0.65. The tilt margins were examined to determine the aberration characteristics of objective lenses and bit error rate (BER) by recording and reproducing signal. In preparing the optical head for testing disk and lens tilt margins, the aberrations were measured by image processing from the CCD area sensor for the spot image of the focused beam, and BER dependencies on the tilting of lens and disk were obtained at the velocity of the outer diameter of the MO disk at the bit rate of 80-Mbps (1, 7 code modulation) recording. According to the aberration and BER characteristics, the limitation for effective wavefront aberration would be 0.05λ rms, the tilt margins corresponded to BER limitation at the level of 3*10-5. The disk margins for NA=0.55, 0.6, and 0.65 were 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1 degrees. The lens tilt margins for NA=0.55, 0.6, and 0.65 were 0.2, 0.1, and 0.05 degrees.

  • Control of Soft Magnetism of Co-Zr and Co-Zr-Ta Films for Backlayers in Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Media

    Shigeki NAKAGAWA  Masahiko NAOE  


    E78-C No:11

    Co-Zr and Co-Zr-Ta amorphous films were prepared by the Kr sputtering method for use as the backlayers of Co-Cr perpendicular magnetic recording tape media. The effect of the addition of Ta to Co-Zr thin films was also investigated. Lower substrate temperature was required to prepare amorphous Co-Zr films with excellent soft magnetic properties. The relationships among Ta content X, magnetostriction constant λ and magnetic characteristics such as coercivity Hc and relative permeability µr were clarified. A method of evaluating λ of soft magnetic thin films deposited on polymer sheet substrate has been presented. Films with composition of (Co95.7Zr4.3) 100-X TaX at X of 10 at.% possessed sufficiency soft magnetic properties such as low Hc below 80 A/m and high µr above 600. Addition of Ta was effective in changing change the sign of λ from positive to negative. It was found that the negative magnetoelastic energy and the smaller λ caused the soft magnetism.

  • Abstraction and Inheritance of HyperLinks in an Object-Oriented Hypertext Database System TextLink/Gem

    Qing QIAN  Masaaki TANIZAKI  Katsumi TANAKA  

    PAPER-Advanced Applications

    E78-D No:11

    In order to make the hyperling generation mechanism not only dynamic but also systematic, we will mainly describe the use of the querying and abstraction facilities in hypertext database systems. Our work focuses on a dynamic, abstract and systematic link generation mechanism. The prototype system named TextLink/Gem is implemented by taking an object-oriented approach, and the notions of anchor objects, query-pair links, polymorphic links and inheritable links, on which the system is based, and their implementations are described in detail.

  • An HTTP Gateway for Interactive Relational Database Query with Deferred Reply

    Michael BJöRN  Ryosuke HOTAKA  


    E78-D No:11

    As the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) becomes more popular for network communication, network loads in areas with less developed network infrastructures will be an increasing problem. This paper presents a system which extends a WWW-server with a gateway to an RDBMS and a mail program, allowing for interactive query formulation together with return of potentially large query results by e-mail. These results can then be downloaded by the user when network loads are low.

  • Implementation and Performance Evalution of a Distributed Paged-Object Storage Server

    Guangyi BAI  Akifumi MAKINOUCHI  


    E78-D No:11

    In this paper, we describe a distributed paged-object server to efficiently support the storage management for new generation database management systems. This storage server is based on distributed client/server architecture, and allows clients to directly map database files onto distributed shared virtual memory (DSVM). In this architecture, there is a server at each site and the server only supports the clients in the same site. This improves performance utilizing client machine resources and offloading the shared resourcer server machine and the network. Therefore, this architecture may avoid drawbacks such as bottleneck in a traditional centralized client/server architecture, and also may reduces network traffic and improve performance efficiency of remote file access using Net File System (NFS). Moreover, this architecture allows distributed shared objects to reside and execute anywhere and to be used by any clients on the network. A prototype system (called WAKASHI/D) is implemented under the Mach operating system. The distributed, shared, and transactional virtual memory that the system supports is either volatile or persistent and they can be accessed by user applications in a uniform way. This paper also presents a performance evaluation and analysis of WAKASHI/D to compare its centralized version WAKASHI/C and demonstrates that the distributed server has substantial performance benefits.

  • Generating Realistic Calligraphy Words

    Qinglian GUO  


    E78-A No:11

    An interactive painting system for generating calligraphy words is developed. Its significant advantage lies in effective rendering functions that synthesize kasure and nijimi textures due to the effects of brush and absorbent painting paper. The system enables users to generate high quality and realistic calligraphy words.

  • A Clock-Feedthrough and Offset Compensated Fully-Differential Switched-Current Circuit

    Hyeong-Woo CHA  Kenzo WATANABE  


    E78-A No:11

    A fully-differential switched-current (SI) circuit provided with clock-feedthrough (CFT) and common mode rejection and offset compensation schemes is described. Different from a conventional SI memory cell, it takes the difference between two differential inputs to deliver the balanced differential currents. Transistor level simulations and error analyses are given to demonstrate its performance.

  • A New Approach to Rule Learning Based on Fusion of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks

    Rui-Ping LI  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E78-D No:11

    A new method is developed to generate fuzzy rules from numerical data. This method consists of two algorithms: Algorithm 1 is used to identify structures of the given data set, that is, the optimal number of rules of system; Algorithm 2 is used to identify parameter of the used model. The former is belonged to unsupervised learning, and the latter is belonged to supervised learning. To identify parameters of fuzzy model, we developed a neural network which is referred to as Unsymmetrical Gaussian Function Network (UGFN). Unlike traditional fuzzy modelling methods, in the present method, a) the optimal number of rules (clusters) is determinde by input-output data pairs rather than by only output data as in sugeno's method, b) parameter identification of ghe present model is based on a like-RBF network rather than backpropagation algorithm. Our method is simple and effective because it integrates fuzzy logic with neural networks from basic network principles to neural architecture, thereby establishing an unifying framework for different fuzzy modelling methods such as one with cluster analysis or neural networks and so on.

  • A Block Management Mechanism for Multimedia Files

    Tae Il JEONG  Sung Jo KIM  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E78-D No:11

    In general, multimedia files are much larger than ordinary text files because they consist of multiple monomedia. In order to process large multimedia files in real time, the file system must be able to store and access files efficiently. In th UNIX s5 file system, a multimedia file may be scattered into many disk blocks over the entire disk space, and accessing a multimedia file requires a considerable amount of time for random disk head movement. This paper proposes the internal structure of a multimedia file and its inode which is modified from UNIX s5 file system's. Also, we propose a mechanism for allocating and deallocating contiguous disk blocks for large multimedia files using the bitmap tree and compares its performance with that of the UNIX s5 file system. Our results show that the proposed mechanism reduces considerably the number of disk I/Os required to allocate and deallocate contiguous disk blocks. It also reduces the total access time for large multimedia files by approximately 95% due to the contiguous allocation of disk spaces.

  • A Subband Adaptive Filter with the Optimum Analysis Filter Bank

    Hiroshi OCHI  Yoshito HIGA  Shigenori KINJO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:11

    Conventional subband ADF's (adaptive digital filters) using filter banks have shown a degradation in performance because of the non-ideal nature of filters. To solve this problem, we propose a new type of subband ADF incorporating two types of analysis filter bank. In this paper, we show that we can design the optimum filter bank which minimizes the LMSE (least mean squared error). In other words, we can design a subband ADF with less MSE than that of conventional subband ADF's.
