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  • Analyses of Virtual Path Bandwidth Control Effects in ATM Networks

    Hisaya HADAMA  Ken-ichi SATO  Ikuo TOKIZAWA  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E78-B No:6

    This paper presents a newly developed analytical method which evaluates the virtual path bandwidth control effects for a general topology ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) transport network. The virtual path concept can enhance the controllability of path bandwidth. Required link capacity to attain a specified call blocking probability can be reduced by applying virtual path bandwidth control. This paper proposes an analytical method to evaluate the call blocking probability of a general topology ATM network, which includes many virtual paths, that is using virtual path bandwidth control. A method for the designing link capacities of the network is also proposed. These methods make it possible to design an optimum transport network with path bandwidth control. Finally, a newly developed approximation technique is used to develop some analytical results on the effects of dynamic path bandwidth control are provided to demonstrate its effectiveness.

  • Cooperative Spoken Dialogue Model Using Bayesian Network and Event Hierarchy

    Masahiro ARAKI  Shuji DOSHITA  


    E78-D No:6

    In this paper, we propose a dialogue model that reflects two important aspects of spoken dialogue system: to be robust' and to be cooperative'. For this purpose, our model has two main inference spaces: Conversational Space (CS) and Problem Solving Space (PSS). CS is a kind of dynamic Bayesian network that represents a meaning of utterance and general dialogue rule. Robust' aspect is treated in CS. PSS is a network so called Event Hierarchy that represents the structure of task domain problems. Cooperative' aspect is mainly treated in PSS. In constructing CS and making inference on PSS, system's process, from meaning understanding through response generation, is modeled by dividing into five steps. These steps are (1) meaning understanding, (2) intention understanding, (3) communicative effect, (4) reaction generation, and (5) response generation. Meaning understanding step constructs CS and response generation step composes a surface expression of system's response from the part of CS. Intention understanding step makes correspondence utterance type in CS with action in PSS. Reaction generation step selects a cooperative reaction in PSS and expands a reaction to utterance type of CS. The status of problem solving and declared user's preference are recorded in mental state by communicative effect step. Then from our point of view, cooperative problem solving dialogue is regarded as a process of constructing CS and achieving goal in PSS through these five steps.

  • Operation Scheduling by Annealed Neural Networks

    Tsuyoshi KAWAGUCHI  Tamio TODAKA  


    E78-A No:6

    The operation scheduling is an important subtask in the automatic synthesis of digital systems. Many greedy heuristics have been proposed for the operation scheduling, but they cannot find the globally best schedule. In this paper we present an algorithm to construct near optimal schedules. The algorithm combines characteristics of simulated annealing and neural networks. The neural network used in our scheduling algorithm is similar to that proposed by Hellstrom et al. However, while the problems of Refs. [11] and [12] have a single type of constraint, the problem considered in this paper has three types of constraints. As the result, the energy function of the proposed neural network is given by the weighted sum of three energy functions. To minimize the weighted sum of two or more energy functions, conventional methods try to find a good set of weights using a try and error method. Our algorithm takes a different approach than these methods. Results of the experiments show that the proposed algorithm can be used as an alternative heuristic for solving the operation scheduling problem. In addition, the proposed algorithm can exploit the inherent parallelism of the neural network.

  • A Markovian Software Availability Measurement with a Geometrically Decreasing Failure-Occurrence Rate

    Koichi TOKUNO  Shigeru YAMADA  

    PAPER-Reliability and Fault Analysis

    E78-A No:6

    We develop a software availability model incorporating software failure-occurrence and fault-correction times, under the assumption that the hazard rate for software failure-occurrence decreases geometrically with the progress in fault-removal process. Considering that the software system alternates two states, i.e. the operational state that a system is operating and the maintenance state that a system is inoperable due to the fault-correction activity, we model the time-dependent behavior of the system with a Markov process. Expressions for several quantities of software system perfomance are derived from this model. Finally, numerical examples are presented for illustration of software availability measurement.

  • New Error Probability Upper Bound on Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation for Intersymbol Interference Channels

    Hiroshi NOGAMI  Gordon L. STÜBER  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E78-A No:6

    A new upper hound on the error probability for maximum likelihood sequence estimation of digital signaling on intersymbol interference channels with additive white Gaussian noise is presented. The basic idea is to exclude all parallel error sequences and to exclude some of the overlapping error events from the union bound. It is shown that the new upper bound can be easily and efficiently computed by using a properly labeled error-state diagram and a one-directional stack algorithm. Several examples are presented that compare the new upper bound with bounds previously reported in the literature.

  • An Objective Measure Based on an Auditory Model for Assessing Low-Rate Coded Speech

    Toshiro WATANABE  Shinji HAYASHI  


    E78-D No:6

    We propose an objective measure from assessing low-rate coded speech. The model for this objective measure, in which several known features of the perceptual processing of speech sounds by the human ear are emulated, is based on the Hertz-to-Bark transformation, critical-band filtering with preemphasis to boost higher frequencies, nonlinear conversion for subjective loudness, and temporal (forward) masking. The effectiveness of the measure, called the Bark spectral distortion rating (BSDR), was validated by second-order polynomial regression analysis between the computed BSDR values and subjective MOS ratings obtained for a large number of utterances coded by several versions of CELP coders and one VSELP coder under three degradation conditions: input speech levels, transmission error rates, and background noise levels. The BSDR values correspond better to MOS ratings than several commonly used measures. Thus, BSDR can be used to accurately predict subjective scores.

  • A Flexible Hybrid Channel Assignment Strategy Using an Artificial Neural Network in a Cellular Mobile Communication system

    Kazuhiko SHIMADA  Masakazu SENGOKU  Takeo ABE  


    E78-A No:6

    A novel algorithm, as an advanced Hybrid Channel Assignment strategy, for channel assignment problem in a cellular system is proposed. A difference from the conventional Hybrid Channel Assignment method is that flexible fixed channel allocations which are variable through the channel assignment can be performed in order to cope with varying traffic. This strategy utilizes the Channel Rearrangement technique using the artificial neural network algorithm in order to enhance channel occupancy on the fixed channels. The strategy is applied to two simulation models which are the spatial homogeneous and inhomogeneous systems in traffic. The simulation results show that the strategy can effectively improve blocking probability in comparison with pure dynamic channel assignment strategy only with the Channel Rearrangement.

  • A Learning Fuzzy Network and Its Applications to Inverted Pendulum System

    Zheng TANG  Yasuyoshi KOBAYASHI  Okihiko ISHIZUKA  Koichi TANNO  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E78-A No:6

    In this paper, we propose a learning fuzzy network (LFN) which can be used to implement most of fuzzy logic functions and is much available for hardware implementations. A learning algorithm largely borrowed from back propagation algorithm is introduced and used to train the LFN systems for several typical fuzzy logic problems. We also demonstrate the availability of the LFN hardware implementations by realizing them with CMOS current-mode circuits and the capability of the LFN systems by testing them on a benchmark problem in intelligent control-the inverted pendulum system. Simulations show that a learning fuzzy network can be realized with the proposed LFN system, learning algorithm, and hardware implementations.

  • Analysis of a High-Speed Slotted Ring with Single Packet Buffers

    Woo Young JUNG  Chong Kwan UN  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:6

    In this paper, we present an analysis of a high-speed slotted ring with a single packet buffer at each station. Assuming that distances between stations affect the network performance only through the sum of themselves (this will be called the "lumpability assumption"), we introduce a model system called the lumped model in which stations are aggregated at a single point on the ring with their relative positions preserved. At the instant when each slot visits the aggregated point of the lumped model, we build a Markov chain by recording the system state of buffers and slots. From the steady state probabilities of the Markov chain, we obtain the mean waiting time and the blocking probability of each station. It will be shown analytically and by simulation that the analysis based on the lumped model yields accurate results for various network conditions.

  • An HMM State Duration Control Algorithm Applied to Large-Vocabulary Spontaneous Speech Recognition

    Satoshi TAKAHASHI  Yasuhiro MINAMI  Kiyohiro SHIKANO  


    E78-D No:6

    Although Hidden Markov Modeling (HMM) is widely and successfully used in many speech recognition applications, duration control for HMMs is still an important issue in improving recognition accuracy since a HMM places no constraints on duration. For compensating this defect, some duration control algorithms that employ precise duration models have been proposed. However, they suffer from greatly increased computational complexity. This paper proposes a new state duration control algorithm for limiting both the maximum and the minimum state durations. The algorithm is for the HMM trellis likelihood calculation, not for the Viterbi calculation. The amount of computation required by this algorithm is only order one (O(1)) for the maximum state duration n; that is, the computation amount is independent of the maximum state duration while many conventional duration control algorithm require computation in the amount of order n or order n2. Thus, the algorithm can drastically reduce the computation needed for duration control. The algorithm uses the property that the trellis likelihood calculation is a summation of many path likelihoods. At each frame, the path likelihood that exceeds the maximum likelihood is subtracted, and the path likelihood that satisfies the minimum likelihood is added to the forward probability. By iterating this procedure, the algorithm calculates the trellis likelihood efficiently. The algorithm was evaluated using a large-vocabulary speaker-independent spontaneous speech recognition system for telephone directory assistance. The average reduction in error rate for sentence understanding was about 7% when using context-independent HMMs, and 3% when using context-dependent HMMs. We could confirm the improvement by using the proposed state duration control algorithm even though the maximum and the minimum state durations were not optimized for the task (speaker-independent duration settings obtained from a different task were used).

  • Characteristics of High-Tc Superconducting Flux Flow Transistors

    Kazunori MIYAHARA  Koji TSURU  Shugo KUBO  Minoru SUZUKI  

    INVITED PAPER-Three terminal devices and Josephson Junctions

    E78-C No:5

    High-Tc superconducting flux flow transistors were fabricated with co-evaporated thin films of YBaCuO. The vortex flow channels (2 µm in width) and the device patterns were formed by Ar ion milling. The three-terminal characteristics, vortex flow characteristics, transresistance, and current gain of the device were measured. The AC input-output characteristics of the device with an Au load resistor were also measured. The measured flow voltage, transresistance and current gain are discussed in relation to these AC input-output measurements.

  • High-Tc Superconducting Quantum Interference Device with Additional Positive Feedback

    Akira ADACHI  Ken'ichi OKAJIMA  Youichi TAKADA  Saburo TANAKA  Hideo ITOZAKI  Haruhisa TOYODA  Hisashi KADO  

    PAPER-SQUID sensor and multi-channel SQUID system

    E78-C No:5

    This study shows that using the direct offset integration technique (DOIT) and additional positive feedback (APF) in a high-Tc dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) improves the effective flux-to-voltage transfer function and reduces the flux noise of a magnetometer, thus improving the magnetic field noise. The effective flux-to-voltage transfer function and the flux noise with APF were measured at different values of the positive feedback parameter βa, which depends on the resistance of the APF circuit. These quantities were also compared between conditions with and without APF. This investigation showed that a βa condition the most suitable for minimizing the flux noise of a magnetometer with APF exists and that it is βa=0.77. The effective flux-to-voltage transfer function with APF is about three times what it is without APF (93 µV/Φ0 vs. 32 µV/Φ0). The magnetic field noise of a magnetometer with APF is improved by a factor of about 3 (242 fT/Hz vs. 738 fT/Hz).

  • Advanced Photonic Switching Technology for Communications

    Masahiko FUJIWARA  


    E78-B No:5

    With the foreseen growth of communication capacity, further capacity and flexibility enhancements are required for future transport networks. Photonic switching is expected to be a key technology to solve the potential bottleneck, which could be found in transport network nodes. This paper first explains the "Optical Fiber Freeway" concept, as an example of future transport networks. Following this, the possible optical transport network structure using photonic switching technologies, for realizing the Optical Fiber Freeway concept, is explained. An Optical CrossConnect (OXC) and optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (ADM) are key components. Examples of recent development of photonic switching systems toward these targets are also reviewed. An OXC using photonic Space-Division (SD) switching technology has been proposed and demonstrated. This type of OXC will realize flexible reconfiguration and optical hitless switching, and it can meet the introduction of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technique. Line failure restoration operation at 2.4Gb/s has been successfully demonstrated. An optical packet network with a slotted ring/bus structure using a wavelength address technique has been proposed as a packet/cell based optical ADM. The experimental system employs a practical media access control system as well as a fast-wavelength switched transmitter suppressing thermally induced wavelength drift. Cell communication at 622Mb/s has been demonstrated with the experimental system. These results show that hardware technologies have been developed steadily. With a future study on an all optical network management scheme, a high capacity and flexible optical network would be realized.

  • XPM Effect in Coherent FDM Systems Using FSK and Heterodyne Detection Scheme

    Katsuhiko KUBOKI  Yusuke UCHIDA  


    E78-B No:5

    Cross-phase modulation (XPM) induced by residual intensity modulation in coherent optical frequency-shift-keying (FSK) frequency division multiplexing (FDM) transmission systems that use dispersion-shifted fibers is evaluated theoretically and experimentally in terms of spectral profile deformation. The bit-error rate is measured in a 2.5-Gbit/s 4-channel 40-km dispersion-shifted fiber transmission experiment, and we confirm experimentally and theoretically that the power penalty in the presence of residual intensity modulation of over 4 mWp-p exceeds 1dB. Experimental results show that the penalty due to XPM is large even when the power of the newly generated lights caused by four-wave mixing is 20-dB less than that of signals. This confirms that residual intensity modulation must be reduced in continuous-phase (CP)-FSK-FDM systems even though they are designed to avoid generating four-wave mixing.

  • Optical Path Cross-Connect Node Architecture Offering High Modularity for Virtual Wavelength Paths

    Atsushi WATANABE  Satoru OKAMOTO  Ken-ichi SATO  


    E78-B No:5

    Recent technical advances in WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technologies suggest that their practical application is imminent. By adopting WDM technologies in the transport network, a bandwidth abundant B-ISDN could be realized cost-effectively. This requires the introduction of WDM technologies, especially into the path layer. This paper explores optical path cross-connect (OPXC) nodes that offer very high levels of expandability because existing traffic demands, which are rather limited, must be efficiently supported while permitting easy step-wise expansion in capacity. This paper highlights modularity with regard to incoming/outgoing links. The OPXC architecture that offers the highest modularity is elaborated, and its transmission characteristics, optical loss and switching power consumption are evaluated. This paper also examines OPXC architecture considering the interface needed to connect electrical path cross-connects. The proposed OPXC architectures provide flexibility and minimum investment to encourage the early introduction of B-ISDN and also supports incremental network growth to match traffic demand. The design of OPXC parameters in terms of transmission performance is shown to ensure the applicability of the proposed OPXC architecture to long-haul optical fiber transmission networks. This is made possible with the low optical component losses offered by the OPXC. The proposed OPXC architectures will, therefore, be applied not only to regional networks, but also to global area networks. Thus they will play a key role in realizing the optical path infrastructure for the future bandwidth abundant B-ISDN.

  • Link Capacity Assignment in Packet-Switched Network with Existing Network Consideration

    Suwan RUNGGERATIGUL  Weiping ZHAO  Yusheng JI  Akiko AIZAWA  Shoichiro ASANO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:5

    When communication network planning-design is performed, especially in a short-term case, it is important to utilize existing facilities in the construction of the new network. In this paper, link capacity assignment problem (CA problem) for packet-switched networks is investigated with the consideration of the existing network. To deal with this, per-unit cost of existing link capacity is thought to be less than that of newly installed capacity and a link cost function is modeled by a non-linear, non-differentiable one which is composed of two portions of capacity cost. After formulating the CA problem, two optimum algorithms derived from Lagrange multiplier method are presented and a modified algorithm is used for solving the CA problem in order to reduce the computation time. Some numerical results show that according to the values of link traffic flows, there will be links whose capacities must be set equally to the existing values. Moreover, when link cost difference is introduced in the CA problem, the number of links that the capacities of which have to be changed from existing values is less than that of linear cost function case, i.e., the case without consideration of the cost difference in link capacity.

  • A Recursive Matrix-Calculation Method for Disjoint Path Search with Hop Link Number Constraints

    Eiji OKI  Naoaki YAMANAKA  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:5

    A new approximation calculation method, named the Recursive Matrix-calculation (RM) method, is proposed. It uses matrix calculation to determine the number of link disjoint paths under a hop link number constraint, i.e. hop limit. The RM method does not overestimate the number of link disjoint paths. When networks are designed by this method, network reliability is perfectly guaranteed. Moreover, the RM method is based on matrix calculation, so CPU time can be reduced by using super-computers equipped with vector processors. Simulation results confirm that the RM method yields rapid approximations that are conservative. Thus the proposed method is very useful for designing reliable multimedia networks.

  • The Multicast Tree Based Routing for The Complete Broadcast Multipoint-to-Multipoint Communications

    Vorawut PRIWAN  Hitoshi AIDA  Tadao SAITO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:5

    This paper studies routing methods for the complete broadcast multipoint-to-multipoint communication. For a Z-node (Z-site) of the participants of the connection, each site transmits one signal and receives Z-1 signals. The routing method based on connecting each participant by multiple directed point-to-point circuits uses wasteful bandwidth that the source-to-destination data may be duplicated needlessly. We propose routing methods that the connection approach is based on setting multicast tree routes that each participant (site) has one own multicast tree connecting to the other participants under two constraints: the delay-bounded constraint of source-destination path and the available constrained bandwidth for the service of links. For this routing approach, we propose both heuristic algorithm finding approximate solution and search enumeration based algorithm finding optimal solution, and compare the approximate solution with the optimal solution. This approach can lower costs for the subscribers and conserves bandwidth resources for the network providers.

  • On a Ring of Chaotic Circuits Coupled by Inductors

    Yoshifumi NISHIO  Akio USHIDA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E78-A No:5

    In this study, a ring of simple chaotic circuits coupled by inductors is investigated. An extremely simple three-dimensional autonomous circuit is considered as a chaotic subcircuit. By carrying out circuit experiments and computer calculations for two, three or four subcircuits case, various synchronization phenomena of chaos are confirmed to be stably generated. For the three subcircuits case, two different synchronization modes coexist, namely in-phase synchronization mode and three-phase synchronization mode. By investigating Poincar map, we can see that two types of synchronizations bifurcate to quasi-synchronized chaos via different bifurcation route, namely in-phase synchronization undergoes period-doubling route while three-phase synchronization undergoes torus breakdown. Further, we investigate the effect of the values of coupling inductors to bifurcation phenomena of two types of synchronizations.

  • Evaluation of Self-Organized Learning in a Neural Network by Means of Mutual Information

    Toshiko KIKUCHI  Takahide MATSUOKA  Toshiaki TAKEDA  Koichiro KISHI  


    E78-A No:5

    We reported that a competitive learning neural network had the ability of self-organization in the classification of questionnaire survey data. In this letter, its self-organized learning was evaluated by means of mutual information. Mutual information may be useful to find efficently the network which can give optimal classification.
