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  • Limited Feedback for Cooperative Multicell MIMO Systems with Multiple Receive Antennas

    Yating WU  Tao WANG  Yanzan SUN  Yidong CUI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:8

    Multicell cooperation is a promising technique to mitigate the inter-cell interference and improve the sum rate in cellular systems. Limited feedback design is of great importance to base station cooperation as it provides the quantized channel state information (CSI) of both the desired and interfering channels to the transmitters. Most studies on multicell limited feedback deal with scenarios of a single receive antenna at the mobile user. This paper, however, applies limited feedback to cooperative multicell multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems where both base stations and users are equipped with multiple antennas. An optimized feedback strategy with random vector quantization (RVQ) codebook is proposed for interference aware coordinated beamforming that approximately maximizes the lower bound of the sum rate. By minimizing the upper-bound on the mean sum-rate loss induced by the quantization errors, we present a feedback-bit allocation algorithm to divide the available feedback bits between the desired and interfering channels for arbitrary number of transmit and receive antennas under different interfering signal strengths. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme utilizes the feedback resource effectively and achieves sum-rate performance reasonably close to the full CSI case.

  • Deduplication TAR Scheme Using User-Level File System

    Young-Woong KO  Min-Ja KIM  Jeong-Gun LEE  Chuck YOO  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E97-D No:8

    In this paper, we propose a new user-level file system to support block relocation by modifying the file allocation table without actual data copying. The key idea of the proposed system is to provide the block insertion and deletion function for file manipulation. This approach can be used very effectively for block-aligned file modification applications such as a compress utility and a TAR archival system. To show the usefulness of the proposed file system, we adapted the new functionality to TAR application by modifying TAR file to support an efficient sub-file management scheme. Experiment results show that the proposed system can significantly reduce the file I/O overhead and improve the I/O performance of a file system.

  • Precoding Scheme for Distributed Antenna Systems with Non-Kronecker Correlation over Spatially Correlated Channel

    Xiang-bin YU  Ying WANG  Qiu-ming ZHU  Yang LI  Qing-ming MENG  


    E97-B No:8

    In this paper, a low-complexity precoding scheme for minimizing the bit error rate (BER) subject to fixed power constraint for distributed antenna systems with non-Kronecker correlation over spatially correlated Rayleigh fading channels is presented. Based on an approximated BER bound and a newly defined compressed signal-to-noise ratio (CSNR) criterion, closed-form expressions of power allocation and beamforming matrix are derived for the developed precoding scheme. This scheme not only has the calculation of the power allocation less than and also obtain the BER performance close to that of the existing optimal precoding scheme. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can provide BER lower than the equal power allocation and single mode beamforming scheme, has almost the same performance as the existing optimal scheme.

  • An Immersive and Interactive Map Touring System Based on Traveler Conceptual Models

    Hadziq FABROYIR  Wei-Chung TENG  Yen-Chun LIN  


    E97-D No:8

    Digital map systems can be categorized, based on the support they provide, into map navigation systems and map touring systems. Map navigation systems put more focus on helping travelers finding routes or directions instantly. By contrast, map touring systems such as Google Maps running on desktop computers are built to support users in developing their routes and survey knowledge before they go for travel. In this paper, traveler conceptual models are proposed as an interaction paradigm to enhance user immersion and interaction experience on map touring systems. A map touring system, MapXplorer, is also introduced as a proof of concept with its system design and implementation explained in detail. Twenty participants were invited to join the user study that investigates users' performance and preferences on navigation and exploration tasks. The results of experiments show that the proposed system surpasses traditional map touring systems on both navigation and exploration tasks for about 50 percent on average, and provides better user experience.

  • A Queueing Model of a Multi-Service System with State-Dependent Distribution of Resources for Each Class of Calls



    E97-B No:8

    This paper presents a new, accurate multi-service model of a queueing system with state-dependent distribution of resources for each class of calls. The analysis of the considered queueing system was carried out at both the microstate and macrostate levels. The proposed model makes it possible to evaluate averaged parameters of queues for individual classes of calls that are offered to the system. In addition, the paper proposes a new algorithm for a determination of the occupancy distribution in the queueing system at the microstate level. The results of the calculations are compared with the results of a digital simulation for multi-service queueing systems with state-independent distribution of resources.

  • Functional Safety Assessment of Safety-Related Systems with Non-perfect Proof-Tests

    Hitoshi MUTA  Yoshinobu SATO  

    PAPER-Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis

    E97-A No:8

    The second edition of the international standard of IEC 61508, functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related system (SRS), was published in 2010. This international standard adopts a risk-based approach by which safety integrity requirements can be determined. It presents a formula to estimate the hazardous event rate taking account of non-perfect proof-tests. But it is not clear how to derive the formula. In the present paper, firstly, taking account of non-perfect proof-tests, the relationship between the dangerous undetected failure of SRS, the demand on the SRS and hazardous event is modeled by a fault tree and state-transition diagrams. Next, the hazardous event rate is formulated by use of the state-transition diagrams for the determination of the safety integrity requirements. Then, a comparison is made between the formulas obtained by this paper and given in the standard, and it is found that the latter does not always present rational formulation.

  • Effects of Conversational Agents on Activation of Communication in Thought-Evoking Multi-Party Dialogues

    Kohji DOHSAKA  Ryota ASAI  Ryuichiro HIGASHINAKA  Yasuhiro MINAMI  Eisaku MAEDA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E97-D No:8

    This paper presents an experimental study that analyzes how conversational agents activate human communication in thought-evoking multi-party dialogues between multi-users and multi-agents. A thought-evoking dialogue is a kind of interaction in which agents act to provoke user thinking, and it has the potential to activate multi-party interactions. This paper focuses on quiz-style multi-party dialogues between two users and two agents as an example of thought-evoking multi-party dialogues. The experimental results revealed that the presence of a peer agent significantly improved user satisfaction and increased the number of user utterances in quiz-style multi-party dialogues. We also found that agents' empathic expressions significantly improved user satisfaction, improved user ratings of the peer agent, and increased the number of user utterances. Our findings should be useful for activating multi-party communications in various applications such as pedagogical agents and community facilitators.

  • Bounded Strong Satisfiability Checking of Reactive System Specifications

    Masaya SHIMAKAWA  Shigeki HAGIHARA  Naoki YONEZAKI  

    PAPER-Software System

    E97-D No:7

    Many fatal accidents involving safety-critical reactive systems have occurred in unexpected situations that were not considered during the design and test phases of development. To prevent such accidents, reactive systems should be designed to respond appropriately to any request from an environment at any time. Verifying this property during the specification phase reduces development reworking. This property of a specification is commonly known as realizability. Realizability checking for reactive system specifications involves complex and intricate analysis. The complexity of realizability problems is 2EXPTIME-complete. To detect typical simple deficiencies in specifications efficiently, we introduce the notion of bounded strong satisfiability (a necessary condition for realizability), and present a method for checking this property. Bounded strong satisfiability is the property that, for all input patterns represented by loop structures of a given size k, there is a response that satisfies a given specification. We report a checking method based on a satisfiability solver, and show that the complexity of the bounded strong satisfiability problem is co-NEXPTIME-complete. Moreover, we report experimental results showing that our method is more efficient than existing approaches.

  • Reliable Decentralized Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems Using the Conjunctive Architecture

    Takashi YAMAMOTO  Shigemasa TAKAI  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E97-A No:7

    In this paper, we study conjunctive decentralized diagnosis of discrete event systems (DESs). In most existing works on decentralized diagnosis of DESs, it is implicitly assumed that diagnosis decisions of all local diagnosers are available to detect a failure. However, it may be possible that some local diagnosis decisions are not available, due to some reasons. Letting n be the number of local diagnosers, the notion of (n,k)-conjunctive codiagnosability guarantees that the occurrence of any failure is detected in the conjunctive architecture as long as at least k of the n local diagnosis decisions are available. We propose an algorithm for verifying (n,k)-conjunctive codiagnosability. To construct a reliable conjunctive decentralized diagnoser, we need to compute the delay bound within which the occurrence of any failure can be detected as long as at least k of the n local diagnosis decisions are available. We show how to compute the delay bound.

  • An Empirical Study of Bugs in Software Build System

    Xin XIA  Xiaozhen ZHOU  David LO  Xiaoqiong ZHAO  Ye WANG  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E97-D No:7

    A build system converts source code, libraries and other data into executable programs by orchestrating the execution of compilers and other tools. The whole building process is managed by a software build system, such as Make, Ant, CMake, Maven, Scons, and QMake. Many studies have investigated bugs and fixes in several systems, but to our best knowledge, none focused on bugs in build systems. One significant feature of software build systems is that they should work on various platforms, i.e., various operating systems (e.g., Windows, Linux), various development environments (e.g., Eclipse, Visual Studio), and various programming languages (e.g., C, C++, Java, C#), so the study of software build systems deserves special consideration. In this paper, we perform an empirical study on bugs in software build systems. We analyze four software build systems, Ant, Maven, CMake and QMake, which are four typical and widely-used software build systems, and can be used to build Java, C, C++ systems. We investigate their bug database and code repositories, randomly sample a set of bug reports and their fixes (800 bugs reports totally, and 199, 250, 200, and 151 bug reports for Ant, Maven, CMake and QMake, respectively), and manually assign them into various categories. We find that 21.35% of the bugs belong to the external interface category, 18.23% of the bugs belong to the logic category, and 12.86% of the bugs belong to the configuration category. We also investigate the relationship between bug categories and bug severities, bug fixing time, and number of bug comments.

  • A Novel Test Data Compression Scheme for SoCs Based on Block Merging and Compatibility

    Tiebin WU  Hengzhu LIU  Botao ZHANG  


    E97-A No:7

    This paper presents a novel test data compression scheme for SoCs based on block merging and compatibility. The technique exploits the properties of compatibility and inverse compatibility between consecutive blocks, consecutive merged blocks, and two halves of the encoding merged block itself to encode the pre-computed test data. The decompression circuit is simple to be implemented and has advantage of test-independent. In addition, the proposed scheme is applicable for IP cores in SoCs since it compresses the test data without requiring any structural information of the circuit under test. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique can achieve an average compression ratio up to 68.02% with significant low test application time.

  • Maximally Permissive Similarity Enforcing Supervisors for Nondeterministic Discrete Event Systems under Event and State Observations

    Katsuyuki KIMURA  Shigemasa TAKAI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E97-A No:7

    In this paper, we consider a similarity control problem for plants and specifications, modeled as nondeterministic automata. This problem requires us to synthesize a nondeterministic supervisor such that the supervised plant is simulated by a given specification. We assume that a supervisor can observe not only the event occurrence but also the current state of the plant. First, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a complete supervisor, which is a solution to the similarity control problem. Then, we present a method for synthesizing a maximally permissive similarity enforcing supervisor when the existence condition is satisfied.

  • Efficient Linear Time Encoding for LDPC Codes

    Tomoharu SHIBUYA  Kazuki KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E97-A No:7

    In this paper, we propose a new encoding method applicable to any linear codes over arbitrary finite field whose computational complexity is O(δ*n) where δ* and n denote the maximum column weight of a parity check matrix of a code and the code length, respectively. This means that if a code has a parity check matrix with the constant maximum column weight, such as LDPC codes, it can be encoded with O(n) computation. We also clarify the relation between the proposed method and conventional methods, and compare the computational complexity of those methods. Then we show that the proposed encoding method is much more efficient than the conventional ones.

  • Paging out Multiple Clusters to Improve Virtual Memory System Performance

    Woo Hyun AHN  Joon-Woo CHOI  Jaewon OH  Seung-Ho LIM  Kyungbaek KIM  

    LETTER-Software System

    E97-D No:7

    Virtual memory systems page out a cluster of contiguous modified pages in virtual memory to a swap disk at one disk I/O but cannot find large clusters in applications mainly changing non-contiguous pages. Our proposal stores small clusters at one disk I/O. This decreases disk writes for paging out small clusters, thus improving page-out performance.

  • Optical Network Management System for Instant Provisioning of QoS-Aware Path and Its Software Prototyping with OpenFlow

    Masashi TAKADA  Akira FUKUSHIMA  Yosuke TANIGAWA  Hideki TODE  


    E97-B No:7

    In conventional networks, service control function and network control function work independently. Therefore, stereotypical services are provided via fixed routes or selected routes in advance. Recently, advanced network services have been provided by assortment of distributed components at low cost. Furthermore, service platform, which unifies componentized network control and service control in order to provide advanced services with flexibility and stability, has attracted attention. In near future, network management system (NMS) is promising, which replies an answer quickly for such advanced service platforms when route setting is requested with some parameters: quality of service (QoS), source and destination addresses, cost (money) and so on. In addition, the NMS is required to provide routes exploiting functions such as path computation element (PCE) actually. This paper proposes scalable network architecture that can quickly reply an answer by pre-computing candidate routes when route setting is requested to a control unit like an Autonomous System (AS). Proposed architecture can manage network resources scalably, and answer the availability of the requested QoS-aware path settings instantaneously for the forthcoming service platform that finds an adequate combination of a server and a route. In the proposed method, hierarchical databases are established to manage the information related to optical network solution and their data are updated at fewer times by discretized states and their boundaries with some margin. Moreover, with multiple and overlapped overlay, it pre-computes multiple candidate routes with different characteristics like available bandwidth and the number of hops, latency, BER (bit error rate), before route set-up request comes. We present simulation results to verify the benefits of our proposed system. Then, we implement its prototype using OpenFlow, and evaluate its effectiveness in the experimental environment.

  • E- and W-Band High-Capacity Hybrid Fiber-Wireless Links



    E97-B No:7

    In this paper we summarize the work conducted in our group in the area of E- and W-band optical high-capacity fiber-wireless links. We present performance evaluations of E- and W-band mm-wave signal generation using photonic frequency upconversion employing both VCSELs and ECLs, along with transmission over different type of optical fibers and for a number of values for the wireless link distance. Hybrid wireless-optical links can be composed of mature and resilient technology available off-the-shelf, and provide functionalities that can add value to optical access networks, specifically in mobile backhaul/fronthaul applications, dense distributed antenna systems and fiber-over-radio scenarios.

  • A Note on Cooperating Systems of One-Way Alternating Finite Automata with Only Universal States

    Tatsuya FUJIMOTO  Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Makoto SAKAMOTO  


    E97-A No:6

    A cooperating system of finite automata (CS-FA) has more than one finite automata (FA's) and an input tape. These FA's operate independently on the input tape and can communicate with each other on the same cell of the input tape. For each k ≥ 1, let L[CS-1DFA(k)] (L[CS-1UFA(k)]) be the class of sets accepted by CS-FA's with k one-way deterministic finite automata (alternating finite automata with only universal states). We show that L[CS-1DFA(k+1)] - L[CS-1UFA(k)] ≠ ∅ and L[CS-1UFA(2)] - ∪1≤k<∞L[CS-1DFA(k)] ≠ ∅.

  • An Information Security Management Database System (ISMDS) for Engineering Environment Supporting Organizations with ISMSs

    Ahmad Iqbal Hakim SUHAIMI  Yuichi GOTO  Jingde CHENG  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E97-D No:6

    Information Security Management Systems (ISMSs) play important roles in helping organizations to manage their information securely. However, establishing, managing, and maintaining ISMSs is not an easy task for most organizations because an ISMS has many participants and tasks, and requires many kinds of documents. Therefore, organizations with ISMSs demand tools that can support them to perform all tasks in ISMS lifecycle processes consistently and continuously. To realize such support tools, a database system that manages ISO/IEC 27000 series, which are international standards for ISMSs, and ISMS documents, which are the products of tasks in ISMS lifecycle processes, is indispensable. The database system should manage data of the standards and documents for all available versions and translations, relationship among the standards and documents, authorization to access the standards and documents, and metadata of the standards and documents. No such database system has existed until now. This paper presents an information security management database system (ISMDS) that manages ISO/IEC 27000 series and ISMS documents. ISMDS is a meta-database system that manages several databases of standards and documents. ISMDS is used by participants in ISMS as well as tools supporting the participants to perform tasks in ISMS lifecycle processes. The users or tools can retrieve data from all versions and translations of the standards and documents. The paper also presents some use cases to show the effectiveness of ISMDS.

  • Performance Evaluation and Link Budget Analysis on Dual-Mode Communication System in Body Area Networks

    Jingjing SHI  Yuki TAKAGI  Daisuke ANZAI  Jianqing WANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:6

    Wireless body area networks (BANs) are attracting great attention as a future technology of wireless networks for healthcare and medical applications. Wireless BANs can generally be divided into two categories, i.e., wearable BANs and implant BANs. However, the performance requirements and channel propagation characteristics of these two kinds of BANs are quite different from each other, that is, wireless signals are approximately transmitted along the human body as a surface wave in wearable BANs, on the other hand, the signals are transmitted through the human tissues in implant BANs. As an effective solution for this problem, this paper first introduces a dual-mode communication system, which is composed of transmitters for in-body and on-body communications and a receiver for both communications. Then, we evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance of the dual-mode communication system via computer simulations based on realistic channel models, which can reasonably represent the propagation characteristics of on-body and in-body communications. Finally, we conduct a link budget analysis based on the derived BER performances and discuss the link parameters including system margin, maximum link distance, data rate and required transmit power. Our computer simulation results and analysis results demonstrate the feasibility of the dual-mode communication system in wireless BANs.

  • On the Greatest Number of Paths and Maximal Paths for a Class of Directed Acyclic Graphs

    Shinsuke ODAGIRI  Hiroyuki GOTO  


    E97-A No:6

    For a fixed number of nodes, we focus on directed acyclic graphs in which there is not a shortcut. We find the case where the number of paths is maximized and its corresponding count of maximal paths. Considering this case is essential in solving large-scale scheduling problems using a PERT chart.
