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  • Common Quadratic Lyapunov Function for Two Classes of Special Switched Linear Systems

    Chaoqing WANG  Tielong SHEN  Haibo JI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E97-D No:2

    This paper presents sufficient conditions for the existence of a common quadratic Lyapunov functions for two classes of switched linear systems which possess negative row strictly diagonally dominant and diagonalizable stable state matrices, respectively. Numerical examples will be given to verify the correctness of the proposed theorems.

  • Computer-Aided Formalization of Requirements Based on Patterns

    Xi WANG  Shaoying LIU  

    PAPER-Software System

    E97-D No:2

    Formalizing requirements in formal specifications is an effective way to deepen the understanding of the envisioned system and reduce ambiguities in the original requirements. However, it requires mathematical sophistication and considerable experience in using formal notations, which remains a challenge to many practitioners. To handle this challenge, this paper describes a pattern-based approach to facilitate the formalization of requirements. In this approach, a pattern system is pre-defined to guide requirements formalization where each pattern provides a specific solution for formalizing one kind of function into a formal expression. All of the patterns are classified and organized into a hierarchical structure according to the functions they can be used to formalize. The distinct characteristic of our approach is that all of the patterns are stored on computer as knowledge for creating effective guidance to facilitate the developer in requirements formalization; they are “understood” only by the computer but transparent to the developer. We also describe a prototype tool that supports the approach. It adopts Hierarchical Finite State Machine (HFSM) to represent the pattern knowledge and implements an algorithm for applying it to assist requirements formalization. Two experiments on the tool are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.

  • A CAM-Based Information Detection Hardware System for Fast Image Matching on FPGA

    Duc-Hung LE  Tran-Bao-Thuong CAO  Katsumi INOUE  Cong-Kha PHAM  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E97-C No:1

    In this paper, the authors present a CAM-based Information Detection Hardware System for fast, exact and approximate image matching on 2-D data, using FPGA. The proposed system can be potentially applied to fast image matching with various required search patterns, without using search principles. In designing the system, we take advantage of Content Addressable Memory (CAM) which has parallel multi-match mode capability and has been designed, using dual-port RAM blocks. The system has a simple structure, and does not employ any Central Processor Unit (CPU) or complicated computations.

  • A Novel UWB SRR for Target Velocity Measurement in Gaussian Noise Environment for Automobile Applications

    Purushothaman SURENDRAN  Jong-Hun LEE  Seok-Jun KO  


    E97-B No:1

    In this paper, we propose a time and memory efficient Ultra Wide Band Short Range Radar (UWB SRR) system for measuring relative target velocities of up to 150km/hr. First, for the proposed detector, we select the required design parameters for good performance. The parameters are the number of coherent integrations, non-coherent integrations, and FFT points. The conventional detector uses a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to extract the range and velocity of the target simultaneously. Therefore, it requires high computation effort, high FFT processing time, and a huge amount of memory. However, the proposed pulse radar detector first decides the target range and then computes the target velocity using FFT sequentially for the decided range index. According to our theoretical and simulation analyses, the FFT processing time and the memory requirement are reduced compared to those of the conventional method. Finally, we show that the detection performance of the proposed detector is superior to that of the conventional detector in a background of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN).

  • Automatic Evaluation of Trainee Nurses' Patient Transfer Skills Using Multiple Kinect Sensors

    Zhifeng HUANG  Ayanori NAGATA  Masako KANAI-PAK  Jukai MAEDA  Yasuko KITAJIMA  Mitsuhiro NAKAMURA  Kyoko AIDA  Noriaki KUWAHARA  Taiki OGATA  Jun OTA  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E97-D No:1

    To help student nurses learn to transfer patients from a bed to a wheelchair, this paper proposes a system for automatic skill evaluation in nurses' training for this task. Multiple Kinect sensors were employed, in conjunction with colored markers attached to the trainee's and patient's clothing and to the wheelchair, in order to measure both participants' postures as they interacted closely during the transfer and to assess the correctness of the trainee's movements and use of equipment. The measurement method involved identifying body joints, and features of the wheelchair, via the colors of the attached markers and calculating their 3D positions by combining color and depth data from two sensors. We first developed an automatic segmentation method to convert a continuous recording of the patient transfer process into discrete steps, by extracting from the raw sensor data the defining features of the movements of both participants during each stage of the transfer. Next, a checklist of 20 evaluation items was defined in order to evaluate the trainee nurses' skills in performing the patient transfer. The items were divided into two types, and two corresponding methods were proposed for classifying trainee performance as correct or incorrect. One method was based on whether the participants' relevant body parts were positioned in a predefined spatial range that was considered ‘correct’ in terms of safety and efficacy (e.g., feet placed appropriately for balance). The second method was based on quantitative indexes and thresholds for parameters describing the participants' postures and movements, as determined by a Bayesian minimum-error method. A prototype system was constructed and experiments were performed to assess the proposed approach. The evaluation of nurses' patient transfer skills was performed successfully and automatically. The automatic evaluation results were compared with evaluation by human teachers and achieved an accuracy exceeding 80%.

  • Key Length Estimation of Pairing-Based Cryptosystems Using ηT Pairing over GF(3n)

    Naoyuki SHINOHARA  Takeshi SHIMOYAMA  Takuya HAYASHI  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  


    E97-A No:1

    The security of pairing-based cryptosystems is determined by the difficulty of solving the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) over certain types of finite fields. One of the most efficient algorithms for computing a pairing is the ηT pairing over supersingular curves on finite fields of characteristic 3. Indeed many high-speed implementations of this pairing have been reported, and it is an attractive candidate for practical deployment of pairing-based cryptosystems. Since the embedding degree of the ηT pairing is 6, we deal with the difficulty of solving a DLP over the finite field GF(36n), where the function field sieve (FFS) is known as the asymptotically fastest algorithm of solving it. Moreover, several efficient algorithms are employed for implementation of the FFS, such as the large prime variation. In this paper, we estimate the time complexity of solving the DLP for the extension degrees n=97, 163, 193, 239, 313, 353, and 509, when we use the improved FFS. To accomplish our aim, we present several new computable estimation formulas to compute the explicit number of special polynomials used in the improved FFS. Our estimation contributes to the evaluation for the key length of pairing-based cryptosystems using the ηT pairing.

  • Double-Layer Plate-Laminated Waveguide Slot Array Antennas for a 39GHz Band Fixed Wireless Access System

    Miao ZHANG  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E97-B No:1

    A point-to-point fixed wireless access (FWA) system with a maximum throughput of 1Gbps has been developed in the 39GHz band. A double-layer plate-laminated waveguide slot array antenna is successfully realized with specific considerations of practical application. The antenna is designed so as to hold the VSWR under 1.5. The antenna input as well as feeding network is configured to reduce the antenna profile as well as the antenna weight. In addition, integrating the antenna into a wireless terminal is taken into account. A shielding wall, whose effectiveness is experimentally demonstrated, is set in the middle of the wireless terminal to achieve the spatial isolation of more than 65dB between two antennas on the H-plane. 30 test antennas are fabricated by diffusion bonding of thin metal plates, to investigate the tolerance and mass-productivity of this process. An aluminum antenna, which has the advantages of light weight and anti-aging, is also fabricated and evaluated with an eye to the future.

  • Security of Multivariate Signature Scheme Using Non-commutative Rings

    Takanori YASUDA  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E97-A No:1

    Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems (MPKC) are candidates for post-quantum cryptography. Rainbow is a digital signature scheme in MPKC, whose signature generation and verification are relatively efficient. However, the security of MPKC depends on the difficulty in solving a system of multivariate polynomials, and the key length of MPKC becomes substantially large compared with that of RSA cryptosystems for the same level of security. The size of the secret and public keys in MPKC has been reduced in previous research. The NC-Rainbow is a signature scheme in MPKC, which was proposed in order to reduce the size of secret key of Rainbow. So far, several attacks against NC-Rainbow have been proposed. In this paper, we summarize attacks against NC-Rainbow, containing attacks against the original Rainbow, and analyze the total security of NC-Rainbow. Based on the cryptanalysis, we estimate the security parameter of NC-Rainbow at the several security level.

  • A Concurrent Partial Snapshot Algorithm for Large-Scale and Dynamic Distributed Systems

    Yonghwan KIM  Tadashi ARARAGI  Junya NAKAMURA  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E97-D No:1

    Checkpoint-rollback recovery, which is a universal method for restoring distributed systems after faults, requires a sophisticated snapshot algorithm especially if the systems are large-scale, since repeatedly taking global snapshots of the whole system requires unacceptable communication cost. As a sophisticated snapshot algorithm, a partial snapshot algorithm has been introduced that takes a snapshot of a subsystem consisting only of the nodes that are communication-related to the initiator instead of a global snapshot of the whole system. In this paper, we modify the previous partial snapshot algorithm to create a new one that can take a partial snapshot more efficiently, especially when multiple nodes concurrently initiate the algorithm. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm greatly reduces the amount of communication needed for taking partial snapshots.

  • A Method of Parallelizing Consensuses for Accelerating Byzantine Fault Tolerance

    Junya NAKAMURA  Tadashi ARARAGI  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  Shigeru MASUYAMA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E97-D No:1

    We propose a new method that accelerates asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) protocols designed on the principle of state machine replication. State machine replication protocols ensure consistency among replicas by applying operations in the same order to all of them. A naive way to determine the application order of the operations is to repeatedly execute the BFT consensus to determine the next executed operation, but this may introduce inefficiency caused by waiting for the completion of the previous execution of the consensus protocol. To reduce this inefficiency, our method allows parallel execution of the consensuses while keeping consistency of the consensus results at the replicas. In this paper, we also prove the correctness of our method and experimentally compare it with the existing method in terms of latency and throughput. The evaluation results show that our method makes a BFT protocol three or four times faster than the existing one when some machines or message transmissions are delayed.

  • Randomness Leakage in the KEM/DEM Framework

    Hitoshi NAMIKI  Keisuke TANAKA  Kenji YASUNAGA  

    PAPER-Public Key Based Cryptography

    E97-A No:1

    Recently, there have been many studies on constructing cryptographic primitives that are secure even if some secret information leaks. In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing public-key encryption schemes that are resilient to leaking the randomness used in the encryption algorithm. In particular, we consider the case in which public-key encryption schemes are constructed from the KEM/DEM framework, and the leakage of randomness in the encryption algorithms of KEM and DEM occurs independently. For this purpose, we define a new security notion for KEM. Then we provide a generic construction of a public-key encryption scheme that is resilient to randomness leakage from any KEM scheme satisfying this security. Also we construct a KEM scheme that satisfies the security from hash proof systems.

  • Global Asymptotic Stabilization of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems via System Reconfiguration and Lyapunov Equation Utilization

    Ho-Lim CHOI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E97-A No:1

    We introduce a new nonlinear control method to globally asymptotically stabilize a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. First, we provide a system reconfiguration method which reconfigures the nonlinear systems with smooth positive functions. Then, we provide a nonlinear controller design method to globally asymptotically stabilize the reconfigured systems by utilizing Lyapunov equations. As a result, a class of uncertain nonlinear systems which have not been treated in the existing results can be globally asymptotically stabilized by our control method. Examples are given for easy following and illustration.

  • A Novel Low Computational Complexity Power Assignment Method for Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Systems

    Anxin LI  Atsushi HARADA  Hidetoshi KAYAMA  

    PAPER-Resource Allocation

    E97-A No:1

    Multiple access (MA) technology is of most importance for beyond long term evolution (LTE) system. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) utilizing power domain and advanced receiver has been considered as a candidate MA technology recently. In this paper, power assignment method, which plays a key role in performance of NOMA, is investigated. The power assignment on the basis of maximizing geometric mean user throughput requires exhaustive search and thus has an unacceptable computational complexity for practical systems. To solve this problem, a novel power assignment method is proposed by exploiting tree search and characteristic of serial interference cancellation (SIC) receiver. The proposed method achieves the same performance as the exhaustive search while greatly reduces the computational complexity. On the basis of the proposed power assignment method, the performance of NOMA is investigated by link-level and system-level simulations in order to provide insight into suitability of using NOMA for future MA. Simulation results verify effectiveness of the proposed power assignment method and show NOMA is a very promising MA technology for beyond LTE system.

  • High Performance NAND Flash Memory System with a Data Buffer

    Jung-Hoon LEE  Bo-Sung JUNG  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E96-A No:12

    The objective of this research is to design a high-performance NAND flash memory system with a data buffer. The proposed buffer system in the NAND flash memory consists of two parts, i.e., a fully associative temporal buffer for temporal locality and a fully associative spatial buffer for spatial locality. We propose a new operating mechanism for reducing overhead of flash memory, that is, erase and write operations. According to our simulation results, the proposed buffer system can reduce the write and erase operations by about 73% and 79% for spec application respectively, compared with a fully associative buffer with two times more space. Futhermore, the average memory access time can improve by about 60% compared with other large buffer systems.

  • Improved Color Barycenter Model and Its Separation for Road Sign Detection

    Qieshi ZHANG  Sei-ichiro KAMATA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E96-D No:12

    This paper proposes an improved color barycenter model (CBM) and its separation for automatic road sign (RS) detection. The previous version of CBM can find out the colors of RS, but the accuracy is not high enough for separating the magenta and blue regions and the influence of number with the same color are not considered. In this paper, the improved CBM expands the barycenter distribution to cylindrical coordinate system (CCS) and takes the number of colors at each position into account for clustering. Under this distribution, the color information can be represented more clearly for analyzing. Then aim to the characteristic of barycenter distribution in CBM (CBM-BD), a constrained clustering method is presented to cluster the CBM-BD in CCS. Although the proposed clustering method looks like conventional K-means in some part, it can solve some limitations of K-means in our research. The experimental results show that the proposed method is able to detect RS with high robustness.

  • Scheduling Algorithm with Multiple Feedbacks for Supporting Coordinated Multipoint Operation for LTE-Advanced Systems

    Masayuki HOSHINO  Yasuaki YUDA  Tomohumi TAKATA  Akihiko NISHIO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:11

    In this study, we investigate the use of scheduling algorithms to support coordinated multipoint (CoMP) operation for Long Term Evolution (LTE)-Advanced systems studied in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). CoMP, which improves cooperative transmission among network nodes (transmission points: TPs) and reduces or eliminates interTP interference, enabling performance improvements in cell edge throughputs. Although scheduling algorithms in LTE systems have been extensively investigated from the single cell operation perspective, those extension to CoMP where each user equipment (UE) has multiple channel state information (CSI) feedbacks require further consideration on proportional fairness (PF) metric calculation while maintaining PF criteria. To this end, we propose to apply a scaling factor in accordance with the number of CSI feedbacks demanded for the UE. To evaluate the benefits of this scaling factor, multicell system-level simulations that take account of channel estimation errors are performed, and the results confirmed that our improved algorithm enables fairness to be maintained.

  • Analytic Ldi/dt Effect Model Based on Float Ground in Plasma Display Panel Driver System

    Xiaoying HE  Weifeng SUN  Guohuan HUA  Shen XU  Shengli LU  

    PAPER-Electronic Displays

    E96-C No:11

    An Ldi/dt effect model based on float ground in a plamsa display panel (PDP) driver system is established in this paper. The model is to analyze the noise which appears in power supply and float ground pins of driver integrated circuits. Considering printed circuit board wiring and switching parasitic parameters, firstly Ldi/dt effect due to integrated circuits transition, is explained on the entire float-ground circuit operation. Then an analytic model is deduced and validated, and good agreement is obtained with experimental results. Based on the model, sensitivity analyses of key parameters are done. Finally, design optimisations to prevent the Ldi/dt effect based on float ground are proposed and verified in a PDP system.

  • Hardware Implementation of a Real-Time MEMS IMU/GNSS Deeply-Coupled System

    Tisheng ZHANG  Hongping ZHANG  Yalong BAN  Kunlun YAN  Xiaoji NIU  Jingnan LIU  

    PAPER-Navigation, Guidance and Control Systems

    E96-B No:11

    A deeply-coupled system can feed the INS information into a GNSS receiver, and the signal tracking precision can be improved under dynamic conditions by reducing tracking loop bandwidth without losing tracking reliability. In contrast to the vector-based deep integration, the scalar-based GNSS/INS deep integration is a relatively simple and practical architecture, in which all individual DLL and PLL are still exist. Since the implementation of a deeply-couple system needs to modify the firmware of a commercial hardware GNSS receiver, very few studies are reported on deep integration based on hardware platform, especially from academic institutions. This implementation-complexity issue has impeded the development of the deeply-coupled GNSS receivers. This paper introduces a scalar-based MEMS IMU/GNSS deeply-coupled system based on an integrated embedded hardware platform for real-time implementation. The design of the deeply-coupled technologies is described including the system architecture, the model of the inertial-aided tracking loop, and the relevant tracking errors analysis. The implementation issues, which include platform structure, real-time optimization, and generation of aiding information, are discussed as well. The performance of the inertial aided tracking loop and the final navigation solution of the developed deeply-coupled system are tested through the dynamic road test scenarios created by a hardware GNSS/INS simulator with GPS L1 C/A signals and low-level MEMS IMU analog signals outputs. The dynamic tests show that the inertial-aided PLL enables a much narrow tracking loop bandwidth (e.g. 3Hz) under dynamic scenarios; while the non-aided loop would lose lock with such narrow loop bandwidth once maneuvering commences. The dynamic zero-baseline tests show that the Doppler observation errors can be reduced by more than 50% with inertial aided tracking loop. The corresponding navigation results also show that the deep integration improved the velocity precision significantly.

  • Discriminative Approach to Build Hybrid Vocabulary for Conversational Telephone Speech Recognition of Agglutinative Languages

    Xin LI  Jielin PAN  Qingwei ZHAO  Yonghong YAN  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E96-D No:11

    Morphemes, which are obtained from morphological parsing, and statistical sub-words, which are derived from data-driven splitting, are commonly used as the recognition units for speech recognition of agglutinative languages. In this letter, we propose a discriminative approach to select the splitting result, which is more likely to improve the recognizer's performance, for each distinct word type. An objective function which involves the unigram language model (LM) probability and the count of misrecognized phones on the acoustic training data is defined and minimized. After determining the splitting result for each word in the text corpus, we select the frequent units to build a hybrid vocabulary including morphemes and statistical sub-words. Compared to a statistical sub-word based system, the hybrid system achieves 0.8% letter error rates (LERs) reduction on the test set.

  • A Robust Speech Communication into Smart Info-Media System

    Yoshikazu MIYANAGA  Wataru TAKAHASHI  Shingo YOSHIZAWA  


    E96-A No:11

    This paper introduces our developed noise robust speech communication techniques and describes its implementation to a smart info-media system, i.e., a small robot. Our designed speech communication system consists of automatic speech detection, recognition, and rejection. By using automatic speech detection and recognition, an observed speech waveform can be recognized without a manual trigger. In addition, using speech rejection, this system only accepts registered speech phrases and rejects any other words. In other words, although an arbitrary input speech waveform can be fed into this system and recognized, the system responds only to the registered speech phrases. The developed noise robust speech processing can reduce various noises in many environments. In addition to the design of noise robust speech recognition, the LSI design of this system has been introduced. By using the design of speech recognition application specific IC (ASIC), we can simultaneously realize low power consumption and real-time processing. This paper describes the LSI architecture of this system and its performances in some field experiments. In terms of current speech recognition accuracy, the system can realize 85-99% under 0-20dB SNR and echo environments.
