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  • Authorization-Limited Transformation-Free Proxy Cryptosystems and Their Security Analyses

    Lihua WANG  Zhenfu CAO  Takeshi OKAMOTO  Ying MIAO  Eiji OKAMOTO  


    E89-A No:1

    In this paper authorization-limited transformation-free proxy cryptosystems (AL-TFP systems) are studied. It is a modification of the original proxy cryptosystem introduced by Mambo et al.[8] in which a ciphertext transformation by the original decryptor is necessary, and also a modification of the delegated decryption system proposed by Mu et al.[10]. In both systems proposed in [8] and [10], the original decryptors have to trust their proxies completely. The AL-TFP system allows the proxy decryptor to do decryption directly without any ciphertext transformation from the original decryptor, so that it can release the original decryptor more efficiently from a large amount of decrypting operations. Moreover, the original decryptor's privacy can be protected efficiently because the authority of proxy decryptor is limited to his duty and valid period. An active identity-based and a directory-based AL-TFP systems from pairings are proposed. Furthermore, an application of directory-based AL-TFP system to electronic commerce is also described. The securities of our schemes introduced are based on the BDH assumption.

  • Radix-r Non-Adjacent Form and Its Application to Pairing-Based Cryptosystem

    Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  David REIS, Jr.  Sung-Ming YEN  Bo-Ching WU  

    PAPER-Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    E89-A No:1

    Recently, the radix-3 representation of integers is used for the efficient implementation of pairing based cryptosystems. In this paper, we propose non-adjacent form of radix-r representation (rNAF) and efficient algorithms for generating rNAF. The number of non-trivial digits is (r-2)(r+1)/2 and its average density of non-zero digit is asymptotically (r-1)/(2r-1). For r=3, the non-trivial digits are {2, 4} and the non-zero density is 0.4. We then investigate the width-w version of rNAF for the general radix-r representation, which is a natural extension of the width-w NAF. Finally we compare the proposed algorithms with the generalized NAF (gNAF) discussed by Joye and Yen. The proposed scheme requires a larger table but its non-zero density is smaller even for large radix. We explain that gNAF is a simple degeneration of rNAF--we can consider that rNAF is a canonical form for the radix-r representation. Therefore, rNAF is a good alternative to gNAF.

  • A Design Method of Parallel Fast RLS Second-Order Adaptive Volterra Filter

    Xueqin ZHAO  Jianming LU  Takashi YAHAGI  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E89-A No:1

    The adaptive Volterra filter (AVF) is attractive in adaptive filtering applications because its expansion is a linear combination of the input and output signals. However, the formidable computational work of AVF is prohibitive for practical applications. In this letter, we present a parallel fast recursive least squares (RLS) second-order adaptive Volterra filter (PAVF) to reduce computational load. Our discussion is based on the approach of the fast RLS AVF [3], by which the computational complexity has been reduced to O(N3) multiplications per time instant, where O(·) denotes "order of," and N is the filter length. Proposed PAVF consists of several subfilters partitioned from the conventional AVF, with parallel implementation, the computational work can be reduced effectively. Several simulation results are presented to validate the proposed method.

  • Efficient Algorithms for Tate Pairing

    Tetsutaro KOBAYASHI  Kazumaro AOKI  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    E89-A No:1

    This paper presents new algorithms for the Tate pairing on a prime field. Recently, many pairing-based cryptographic schemes have been proposed. However, computing pairings incurs a high computational cost and represents the bottleneck to using pairings in actual protocols. This paper shows that the proposed algorithms reduce the cost of multiplication and inversion on an extension field, and reduce the number of calculations of the extended finite field. This paper also discusses the optimal algorithm to be used for each pairing parameter and shows that the total computational cost is reduced by 50% if k = 6 and 57% if k = 8.

  • Efficient Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptosystems Using Theta Divisors

    Masanobu KATAGI  Toru AKISHITA  Izuru KITAMURA  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    E89-A No:1

    It has recently been reported that the performance of hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems (HECC) is competitive to that of elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECC). Concerning the security of HECC, the theta divisors play an important role. The scalar multiplication using a random base point is vulnerable to an exceptional procedure attack, which is a kind of side-channel attacks, using theta divisors. In the case of cryptographic protocols of the scalar multiplication using fixed base point, however, the exceptional procedure attack is not applicable. First, we present novel efficient scalar multiplication using theta divisors, which is the positive application of theta divisors on HECC. Second, we develop a window-based method using theta divisors that is secure against side-channel attacks. It is not obvious how to construct a base point D such that all pre-computed points are theta divisors. We present an explicit algorithm for generating such divisors.

  • Simple Power Analysis on Fast Modular Reduction with Generalized Mersenne Prime for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

    Yasuyuki SAKAI  Kouichi SAKURAI  

    LETTER-Side Channel Analysis

    E89-A No:1

    We discuss side channel leakage from modular reduction for NIST recommended domain parameters. FIPS 186-2 has 5 recommended prime fields. These primes have a special form which is referred to as generalized Mersenne prime. These special form primes facilitate especially efficient implementation. A typical implementation of efficient modular reduction with such primes includes conditional reduction. A conditional reduction in modular reduction can constitute an information channel on the secret exponent. Several researchers have produced unified code for elliptic point addition and doubling in order to avoid a simple power analysis (SPA). However, Walter showed that SPA still be possible if Montgomery multiplication with conditional reduction is implemented within the unified code. In this paper we show SPA on the modular reduction with NIST recommended primes, combining with the unified code for elliptic point operations. As Walter stated, our results also indicate that even if the unified codes are implemented for elliptic point operations, underlying field operations should be implemented in constant time. The unified approach in itself can not be a countermeasure for side channel attacks.

  • Limiting the Holding Time Considering Emergency Calls in Mobile Cellular Phone Systems during Disasters

    Kazunori OKADA  


    E89-B No:1

    During devastating natural disasters, numerous people want to make calls to check on their families and friends in the stricken areas, but many call attempts on mobile cellular systems are blocked due to limited radio frequency resources. To reduce call blocking and enable as many people as possible to access mobile cellular systems, placing a limit on the holding time for each call has been studied [1],[2]. However, during a catastrophe, emergency calls, e.g., calls to fire, ambulance, or police services are also highly likely to increase and it is important that the holding time for these calls is not limited. A method of limiting call holding time to make provision for emergency calls while considering the needs of ordinary callers is proposed. In this method, called the HTL-E method, all calls are classified as emergency calls or other according to the numbers that are dialed or the terminal numbers that are given in advance to the particular terminals making emergency calls, and only the holding time of other calls is limited. The performance characteristics of the HTL-E method were evaluated using computer simulations. The results showed that it reduced the rates of blocking and forced call termination at handover considerably, without reducing the holding time for emergency calls. The blocking rate was almost equal for emergency and other calls. In addition, the HTL-E method handles fluctuations in the demand for emergency calls flexibly. A simple method of estimating the holding-time limit for other calls, which reduces the blocking rate for emergency and other calls to the normal rate for periods of increased call demand is also presented. The calculated results produced by this method agreed well with the simulation results.

  • Analysis of EM Environment for DSRC System on Express Highway with Wave Absorbers on Sidewalls and Pavement

    Ramesh K. POKHAREL  Osamu HASHIMOTO  Makoto TOYOTA  


    E89-C No:1

    Electromagnetic (EM) wave absorbers have been used for improving the EM environment of an electronic toll collection (ETC) system on an express highway or a wireless local area network (LAN) system in an indoor environment. In this paper, an efficient multi-ray propagation model, which uses 3D geometry and image techniques to trace multiple signal rays from transmitter to receiver, is employed to analyze the EM environment of a dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) system on an express highway. The validity of the model employed is discussed by the comparison with the results obtained by an experiment on the highways. The analysis shows that the possible undesired communications between onboard equipment that acts as a receiver and DSRC beacon which transmits the radio signals, is improved by increasing the EM wave-absorption capability of the sidewalls and the pavement of the highway. Another advantage of the employed model is that it is effective for investigating the location of wave absorbers to be set up on the highway, and it takes only a fraction of a minute for computation.

  • A Construction of Public-Key Cryptosystem Using Algebraic Coding on the Basis of Superimposition and Randomness

    Masao KASAHARA  

    PAPER-Public Key Cryptography

    E89-A No:1

    In this paper, we present a new class of public-key cryptosystem (PKC) using algebraic coding on the basis of superimposition and randomness. The proposed PKC is featured by a generator matrix, in a characteristic form, where the generator matrix of an algebraic code is repeatedly used along with the generator matrix of a random code, as sub-matrices. This generator matrix, in the characteristic form, will be referred to as K-matrix. We show that the K-matrix yields the following advantages compared with the conventional schemes: (i) It realizes an abundant supply of PKCs, yielding more secure PKCs, (ii) It realizes a short public key.

  • Designing a Web-CAI System Incorporated with MATHEMATICA

    Changqing DING  Mitsuru SAKAI  Hiroyuki HASE  Masaaki YONEDA  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E88-D No:12

    This paper describes an approach to extending the learning experience using a Web-CAI system incorporated with MATHEMATICA, which is an advanced calculating software widely used in science and engineering fields. This approach provides the possibility of extending access to the courses that students have learned at school. We can use variables in mathematical formulas so that different problems can be shown to students. At the same time, we can also use algebraic formulas. In addition, applying MATHEMATICA to the given process for the answer automatically makes the answer of the problem. And two types of the answer expressions are acceptable which are filling in text by keyboard and selecting by click. This paper presents the design for the system and its specific implementation, and the technical solving scheme. At the end of this paper, the learning evaluations and the problem-editing interface design are discussed.

  • An Equivalence Checking Method for C Descriptions Based on Symbolic Simulation with Textual Differences

    Takeshi MATSUMOTO  Hiroshi SAITO  Masahiro FUJITA  

    PAPER-Simulation and Verification

    E88-A No:12

    In this paper, an efficient equivalence checking method for two C descriptions is described. The equivalence of two C descriptions is proved by symbolic simulation. Symbolic simulation used in this paper can prove the equivalence of all of the variables in the descriptions. However, it takes long time to verify the equivalence of all of the variables if large descriptions are given. Therefore, in order to improve the verification, our method identifies textual differences between descriptions. The identified textual differences are used to reduce the number of equivalence checkings among variables. The proposed method has been implemented in C language and evaluated with several C descriptions.

  • A Practical Approach to the Scheduling of Manufacturing System Using Fuzzy Optimization Technique

    Seung Kyu PARK  Kwang Bang WOO  

    LETTER-Computation and Computational Models

    E88-D No:12

    This paper presents a fuzzy optimization based scheduling method for the manufacturing systems with uncertain production capacities. To address the uncertainties efficiently, the fuzzy optimization technique is used in defining the scheduling problem. Based on the symmetric approach of fuzzy optimization and Lagrangian relaxation technique, a practical fuzzy-optimization based algorithm is developed. The computational experiments based on the real factory data demonstrate that the proposed method provides robust scheduling to hedge against uncertainties.

  • A Binary Tree Based Methodology for Designing an Application Specific Network-on-Chip (ASNOC)

    Yuan-Long JEANG  Jer-Min JOU  Win-Hsien HUANG  

    PAPER-VLSI Architecture

    E88-A No:12

    In this paper, a methodology based on a mix-mode interconnection architecture is proposed for constructing an application specific network on chip to minimize the total communication time. The proposed architecture uses a globally asynchronous communication network and a locally synchronous bus (or cross-bar or multistage interconnection network MIN). First, a local bus is given for a group of IP cores so that the communications within this local bus can be arranged to be exclusive in time. If the communications of some IP cores should be required to be completed within a given amount of time, then a non-blocking MIN or a crossbar switch should be made for those IP cores instead of a bus. Then, a communication ratio (CR) for each pair of local buses is provided by users, and based on the Huffman coding philosophy, a process is applied to construct a binary tree (BT) with switches on the internal nodes and buses on the leaves. Since the binary tree system is deadlock free (no cycle exists in any path), the router is just a relatively simple and cheap switch. Simulation results show that the proposed methodology and architecture of NOC is better on switching circuit cost and performance than the SPIN and the mesh architecture using our developed deadlock-free router.

  • A Coordinator for Workflow Management Systems with Information Access Control

    Shih-Chien CHOU  Chien-Jung WU  

    PAPER-Application Information Security

    E88-D No:12

    This paper proposes a coordinator for workflow management systems (WFMSs). It is a basic module for developing WFMSs. It is also a coordinator to coordinate multiple WFMSs. The coordinator provides functions to facilitate executing workflows and to ensure secure access of workflow information. Facilitating workflow execution is well-known, but ensuring secure access of workflow information is identified as important only recently. Although many models ensure secure workflow information access, they fail to offer the features we need. We thus developed a new model for the control. This paper presents the coordinator its access control model.

  • A Coalition Formation Framework Based on Transitive Dependence

    Bo AN  Chunyan MIAO  Daijie CHENG  


    E88-D No:12

    Coalition formation in multi-agent systems (MAS) is becoming increasingly important as it increases the ability of agents to execute tasks and maximize their payoffs. Dependence relations are regarded as the foundation of coalition formation. This paper proposes a novel dependence theory namely transitive dependence theory for dynamic coalition formation in multi-agent systems. Transitive dependence is an extension of direct dependence that supports an agent's reasoning about other social members during coalition formation. Based on the proposed transitive dependence theory, a dynamic coalition formation framework has been worked out which includes information gathering, transitive dependence based reasoning for coalition partners search and coalition resolution. The nested coalitions and how to deal with incomplete knowledge while forming coalitions are also discussed in the paper.

  • An Improvement of Communication Environment for ETC System by Using Transparent EM Wave Absorber

    Hiroshi KURIHARA  Yoshihito HIRAI  Koji TAKIZAWA  Takeo IWATA  Osamu HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E88-C No:12

    When a large-size car exists on the ETC lane (Electronic Toll Collection System), there is the possibility that the interference on the adjacent lane occurs by the scattering waves from one. In this paper, we propose a new improvement method which the transparent EM wave absorber is placed between the ETC lane and the adjacent one in order to suppress the scattering waves from a large-size car. Therefore, we design the transparent EM wave absorber which consists of the transparent resistive and conductive films. Then, this absorber is produced, and its reflection and transmission coefficients are evaluated. In addition, its transmittance in optics is evaluated. As the results, the reflectivity of this absorber is obtained lower than -20 dB in the oblique incident angle from 0to 30at 5.8 GHz circular polarized wave, abbreviated as CP wave, and also the transmittivity is obtain lower than -27 dB in the oblique incident angle from 0to 70, respectively. On the other hand, the transmittance in optics is obtained higher than 60%. Moreover, we study experimentally on the ETC system with placing this absorber between the ETC lane and the adjacent one. We measured the distribution of receiving power on the adjacent lane, when a water sprinkler existed on the ETC lane. As a result, it is confirmed that the receiving power on the adjacent lane could be realized lower than -70.5 dBm, and then a new improvement method has proven to be very useful in the ETC system.

  • Rejuvenating Communication Network System under Burst Arrival Circumstances

    Hiroyuki OKAMURA  Satoshi MIYAHARA  Tadashi DOHI  

    PAPER-Traffic Issues

    E88-B No:12

    Long running software systems are known to experience an aging phenomenon called software aging, one in which the accumulation of errors during the execution of software leads to performance degradation and eventually results in failure. To counteract this phenomenon a proactive fault management approach, called software rejuvenation, is particularly useful. It essentially involves gracefully terminating an application or a system and restarting it in a clean internal state. In this paper, we evaluate dependability performance of a communication network system with the software rejuvenation under the assumption that the requests arrive according to a Markov modulated Poisson process (MMPP). Three dependability measures, steady-state availability, loss probability of requests and mean response time on tasks, are derived through the hidden Markovian analysis based on the time-based software rejuvenation scheme. In numerical examples, we investigate the sensitivity of some model parameters to the dependability measures.

  • The Design of Diagnosis System in Maglev Train

    Zhigang LIU  


    E88-D No:12

    The diagnosis system of Maglev Train is one of most important parts, which can obtain kinds of status messages of electric and electronic devices in vehicle to ensure the whole train safety. In this paper, diagnosis system structure and diagnosis method are analyzed and discussed in detail. The disadvantages of diagnosis system are described. In virtue of the theory of ADS, some basic ideas of ADS are applied in new diagnosis system. The structure, component parts and diagnosis method of new diagnosis system are proposed, designed and discussed in detail. The analysis results show that new diagnosis not only embodies some ADS' ideas but also better meets the demands of Maglev Train Diagnosis System.

  • Primitive Inductive Theorems Bridge Implicit Induction Methods and Inductive Theorems in Higher-Order Rewriting

    Keiichirou KUSAKARI  Masahiko SAKAI  Toshiki SAKABE  

    PAPER-Computation and Computational Models

    E88-D No:12

    Automated reasoning of inductive theorems is considered important in program verification. To verify inductive theorems automatically, several implicit induction methods like the inductionless induction and the rewriting induction methods have been proposed. In studying inductive theorems on higher-order rewritings, we found that the class of the theorems shown by known implicit induction methods does not coincide with that of inductive theorems, and the gap between them is a barrier in developing mechanized methods for disproving inductive theorems. This paper fills this gap by introducing the notion of primitive inductive theorems, and clarifying the relation between inductive theorems and primitive inductive theorems. Based on this relation, we achieve mechanized methods for proving and disproving inductive theorems.

  • Autonomous Decentralized Systems Based Approach to Object Detection in Sensor Clusters


    PAPER-Ad hoc, Sensor Network and P2P

    E88-B No:12

    This work deploys Autonomous Decentralized System (ADS) based formulation to cluster of networked visual sensors. The goal is to utilize and integrate the sensing and networking capabilities of the sensors with the systematic and autonomous features of ADS to perform visual surveillance through object detection in the covered areas of interest. In the proposed approach, several cells are distributed through an area of interest called Autonomous Observer Cell. The decentralized subsystems detect and track moving objects present on the scene by looking through a camera embedded in each sensor. These subsystems form a cluster and each cluster sends information to an Autonomous Analysis Cell that determines if an object of interest is present. The Autonomous Observer Cells share a common data field and a cluster-head works as a gateway between the cluster and the Autonomous Analysis Cell.
