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[Keyword] system(3183hit)


  • Capacity Bound of MIMO Systems with MPSK Modulation and Superimposed Pilots

    Yifei ZHAO  Ming ZHAO  Jing WANG  Yong REN  

    PAPER-MIMO System

    E88-A No:10

    The enormous capacity potential of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is based on some unrealistic assumptions, such as the complete channel state information (CCSI) at the receiver and Gaussian distributed data. In this paper, in frequency-flat Rayleigh fading environment, we investigate the ergodic capacity of MIMO systems with M-ary phase-shift keying (MPSK) modulation and superimposed pilots for channel estimation. With linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) channel estimation, the optimal pilots design is presented. For the mathematical tractability, we also derive an easy-computing closed-form lower bound of the channel capacity. Furthermore, the optimal power allocation between the data and pilots is investigated by numerical optimization. It is shown that more power should be devoted to the data in low SNR environments and to the pilots in high SNR environments.

  • On Bit Error Probabilities of SSMA Communication Systems Using Spreading Sequences of Markov Chains

    Hiroshi FUJISAKI  Yosuke YAMADA  


    E88-A No:10

    We study asynchronous SSMA communication systems using binary spreading sequences of Markov chains and prove the CLT (central limit theorem) for the empirical distribution of the normalized MAI (multiple-access interference). We also prove that the distribution of the normalized MAI for asynchronous systems can never be Gaussian if chains are irreducible and aperiodic. Based on these results, we propose novel theoretical evaluations of bit error probabilities in such systems based on the CLT and compare these and conventional theoretical estimations based on the SGA (standard Gaussian approximation) with experimental results. Consequently we confirm that the proposed theoretical evaluations based on the CLT agree with the experimental results better than the theoretical evaluations based on the SGA. Accordingly, using the theoretical evaluations based on the CLT, we give the optimum spreading sequences of Markov chains in terms of bit error probabilities.

  • Blinking Long-Range Connections Increase the Functionality of Locally Connected Networks

    Martin HASLER  Igor BELYKH  


    E88-A No:10

    Information processing with only locally connected networks such as cellular neural networks is advantageous for integrated circuit implementations. Adding long range connections can often enhance considerably their performance. It is sufficient to activate these connections randomly from time to time (blinking connections). This can be realized by sending packets on a communication network underlying the information processing network that is needed anyway for bringing information in and out of the locally connected network. We prove for the case of multi-stable networks that if the long-range connections are switched on and off sufficiently fast, the behavior of the blinking network is with high probability the same as the behavior of the time-averaged network. In the averaged network the blinking connections are replaced by fixed connections with low (average) coupling strength.

  • Code Acquisition in DS/CDMA Systems by Employing a Detector Based on a posteriori Probability Calculation

    M. Tahir Abbas KHAN  Nobuoki ESHIMA  Yutaka JITSUMATSU  Tohru KOHDA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:10

    A detector based on calculation of a posteriori probability is proposed for code acquisition in singleuser direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) systems. Available information is used for decision making, unlike conventional methods which only use a part of it. Although this increases the overhead in terms of additional memory and computational complexity, significant performance improvements are achieved. The frame work is extended to multiuser systems and again mean acquisition time/correct acquisition probability performance is superior to the conventional systems although computational complexity is high. An approximate multiuser method with significantly less complexity is also derived.

  • Towards a Theory of Multi-Swing Transient Instability Problems in Electric Power Systems

    Chia-Chi CHU  


    E88-A No:10

    Multi-swing trajectories, which refer to those trajectories which oscillate several cycles and then become unbounded, has been a nuisance in general simulation programs for power system stability study since the corresponding transient stability is very difficult to access accurately. In this letter, two possible models are developed to explain possible scenarios of such multi-swing behaviors. Theoretical investigation has strongly indicated a close relationship between multi-swing instability problems and chaotic behaviors of the power system.

  • Structure Selection and Identification of Hammerstein Type Nonlinear Systems Using Automatic Choosing Function Model and Genetic Algorithm

    Tomohiro HACHINO  Hitoshi TAKATA  


    E88-A No:10

    This paper presents a novel method of structure selection and identification for Hammerstein type nonlinear systems. An unknown nonlinear static part to be estimated is approximately represented by an automatic choosing function (ACF) model. The connection coefficients of the ACF and the system parameters of the linear dynamic part are estimated by the linear least-squares method. The adjusting parameters for the ACF model structure, i.e. the number and widths of the subdomains and the shape of the ACF are properly selected by using a genetic algorithm, in which the Akaike information criterion is utilized as the fitness value function. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed through numerical experiments.

  • A New Robust Fuzzy Controller for Nonlinear and Large Dead Time Systems

    Rakesh K. ARYA  Ranjit MITRA  Vijay KUMAR  


    E88-A No:10

    This paper deals with new fuzzy controller for handling systems having large dead time and nonlinearities, via approximations of large rule fuzzy logic controller by simplest fuzzy controller (4 rules). The error between large rule fuzzy controller and simplest fuzzy controller are compensated by proposed compensating factors. These compensating factors are modified to handle large dead time and nonlinear systems. Features of proposed approximations are discussed. The concept of variation of nonlinearity factor of fuzzy controller is also discussed. Various processes from different literatures are utilized to demonstrate the proposed methodology. After doing many simulations it has been found that with proper tuning, overall system handles large dead time and nonlinearity which may be difficult by conventional methods. The processes are also simulated for load disturbances and change of operating point (set point) and it has been found that proposed scheme is robust for long dead times.

  • An Efficient On-Line Electronic Cash with Unlinkable Exact Payments


    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E88-A No:10

    Though there are intensive researches on off-line electronic cash (e-cash), the current computer network infrastructure sufficiently accepts on-line e-cash. The on-line means that the payment protocol involves with the bank, and the off-line means no involvement. For customers' privacy, the e-cash system should satisfy unlinkability, i.e., any pair of payments is unlinkable w.r.t. the sameness of the payer. In addition, for the convenience, exact payments, i.e., the payments with arbitrary amounts, should be also able to performed. In an existing off-line system with unlinkable exact payments, the customers need massive computations. On the other hand, an existing on-line system does not satisfy the efficiency and the perfect unlinkability simultaneously. This paper proposes an on-line system, where the efficiency and the perfect unlinkability are achieved simultaneously.

  • On the Aggregation of Self-Similar Processes

    Gianluca MAZZINI  Riccardo ROVATTI  Gianluca SETTI  


    E88-A No:10

    The problem of aggregating different stochastic process into a unique one that must be characterized based on the statistical knowledge of its components is a key point in the modeling of many complex phenomena such as the merging of traffic flows at network nodes. Depending on the physical intuition on the interaction between the processes, many different aggregation policies can be devised, from averaging to taking the maximum in each time slot. We here address flows averaging and maximum since they are very common modeling options. Then we give a set of axioms defining a general aggregation operator and, based on some advanced results of functional analysis, we investigate how the decay of correlation of the original processes affect the decay of correlation (and thus the self-similar features) of the aggregated process.

  • Optimal Tracking Design for Hybrid Uncertain Input-Delay Systems under State and Control Constraints via Evolutionary Programming Approach

    Yu-Pin CHANG  

    PAPER-Algorithm Theory

    E88-D No:10

    A novel digital redesign methodology based on evolutionary programming (EP) is introduced to find the 'best' digital controller for optimal tracking design of hybrid uncertain multi-input/ multi-output (MIMO) input-delay systems with constraints on states and controls. To deal with these multivariable concurrent specifications and system restrictions, instead of conventional interval methods, the proposed global optimization scheme is able to practically implement optimal digital controller for constrained uncertain hybrid systems with input time delay. Further, an illustrative example is included to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method.

  • Development of Ultra-Wideband Short-Range Impulse Radar System for Vehicular Applications

    Kiyoshi HAMAGUCHI  Hiroyo OGAWA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E88-C No:10

    This paper introduces a state-of-art on an ultra-wideband (UWB) technology in intelligent transport systems (ITS). To examine the detection performance of a UWB short-range radar for vehicular applications, we developed a 26-GHz band short-range UWB radar system with an embedded compact MMIC-based RF module. In this paper, we briefly comment on the current regulatory environment for UWB radar systems by outlining the structure of an international organization involved in examining the regulatory status of these systems. We then describe the principles of detection and system design for impulse radar, the radar system that we developed, and a MMIC-based RF module as well as the performance of these devices. We measured their performance in a series of laboratory experiments and also measured UWB radar cross sections of an automobile. The results of our experiments suggest that our radar system is capable of detecting targets with a range resolution of around 9 cm.

  • Efficient Packet Distribution Scheme in Cluster-Based Active Router

    YoungBae JANG  SeungRyoul MAENG  JungWan CHO  

    LETTER-Computer Systems

    E88-D No:9

    An active network has the advantage of being able to accept new protocols quickly and easily. The cluster-based active router can provide sufficient computing power for customized computations. In the router architecture, load balancing is achieved by the efficient distribution of packets. We present a packet distribution scheme according to estimated processing time.

  • Evaluation of Cell Coverage and System Throughput in Multihop DS-CDMA Cellular Network

    Atsushi FUJIWARA  Shinji TAKEDA  Hitoshi YOSHINO  Narumi UMEDA  


    E88-B No:9

    A multihop connection scheme, where one or more mobile terminals relay transmission signals using the same access scheme between an end user terminal and its destination base station, is a promising approach to overcome reduction in cell size caused by high bit-rate data transmission. In a general radio communication system, the coverage area and system throughput are closely interrelated. In this paper, the performance of a multihop cellular network employing a CDMA access scheme, which is a promising candidate for beyond the third generation, is studied in terms of the coverage area and system throughput by conducting a link level simulation. The results show that a multihop connection expands the coverage area, especially in the case of light traffic, and also has an advantage in system throughput.

  • On Delay Estimation Error for CDMA in Fast Fading Channels

    Wei CHEN  Erry GUNAWAN  Kah Chan TEH  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:9

    Space-time array manifold model is usually used in a fast fading channel to estimate delay for the radio location. The existing additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) estimation error model significantly overestimates the delay estimation. In this paper, we model the estimation error of the space-time array manifold channel impulse response (CIR) matrix as a correlated AWGN matrix and its performance is shown to be closer to the estimation error of practical systems than the existing model.

  • A Novel Approach for Modeling a Hybrid ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request) Based on the Hidden Markov Model

    Yong Ho KIM  Tae Yong KIM  Young Yong KIM  


    E88-B No:9

    In this letter, we propose a novel approach for use in the analytical modeling of the overall performance of a Hybrid ARQ (type I and II) together with arbitrary channel model, based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Using the combined HMM model developed for involved ARQ protocols with the finite state channel model, such critical performance measure as throughput and delay can be derived in closed form. Analytical results are derived for Stop-and-Wait as well as Go-back-N type together with the type I and type II Hybrid ARQ scheme adopted. We compare the analytical results along with the simulation results in order to check the correctness our model, and show the efficiency of our approach by applying it to realistic environments such as the CDMA IS-95 system with its derived equations.

  • Robust Position Tracking for Underactuated Vehicle by Lyapunov Method

    Yimei CHEN  Zhengzhi HAN  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E88-A No:9

    Robust path following is an issue with practical importance to the ship industry. This paper studies the robust tracking problem for an underactuated navigator. The global robust controller is proposed to force the navigator to follow any smooth time-varying trajectory, despite the existence of the environmental disturbances. It is verified that the tracking errors are ultimately confined to an arbitrarily small ball of the origin.

  • Transient Bit Error Recovery Scheme for ROM-Based Embedded Systems

    Sang-Moon RYU  Dong-Jo PARK  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E88-D No:9

    A new simple recovery scheme for transient bit errors in the RAM of a ROM-based embedded system is presented, which exploits the information stored in the ROM. And a new scrubbing technique suitable to the proposed recovery scheme is also presented. With the proposed recovery scheme and scrubbing technique, the reliability of the RAM against transient bit errors can be improved remarkably with no additional extra memory and scrubbing overhead.

  • The Development of a Computational Environment for Cellular Automata

    Yuhei AKAMINE  Satoshi ENDO  Koji YAMADA  

    PAPER-Automata and Formal Language Theory

    E88-D No:9

    In this paper, we introduce and describe the computational environment that we have developed for cellular automata (CA). CA are powerful methods to understand and simulate the behavior of complex systems such as traffic jams, fluid crosscurrents, and natural disasters. In CA method, modeling of such a system or a phenomenon is to define a transition function, which determines local interactions, so-called "CA rules." However, no systematic method for design of CA rules has been established. We require a CA simulator for "trial and error" in study of modeling based on CA. Furthermore, the CA simulation environment that does not require special knowledge of a user for parallel processing is desired. The purpose of this study is to develop a comprehensive system that enables us to expedite the design of local rules and to accelerate simulations. We have implemented two kinds of simulators differing in their characteristics to improve both design efficiency and execution speed. The major difference between the two simulators is whether a source code is compiled or not. The source code is described in DORA language the authors have designed for the system. DORA language is designed for describing CA rules simply.

  • Knowledge Circulation Framework for Flexible Multimedia Communication Services

    Shintaro IMAI  Takuo SUGANUMA  Norio SHIRATORI  


    E88-D No:9

    We present a design of knowledge circulation framework for quality of service (QoS) control of multimedia communication service (MCS). This framework aims to realizing user oriented and resource aware MCS by enabling effective placement of QoS control knowledge on the network. In this paper, we propose a conceptual design of the framework with knowledge-based multiagent system. In this framework, QoS control knowledge is actively circulated by getting on the agents. We implement a prototype of real-time bidirectional MCS (videoconference system) using this framework, and show initial experiment results using it to evaluate the effectiveness of the framework.

  • Threshold-Type Call Control under the Outage Restriction in a CDMA Cellular System

    Dong-Wan TCHA  Soon-Ho LEE  Go-Whan JIN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:9

    For a CDMA system with a single carrier, we consider a call control policy at each cell, which gives priority to handoff calls over new calls while meeting the overall call quality. New calls are first under the call control of the threshold type, and then receive services together with the handoff calls but under the outage restriction guaranteeing a pre-specified call quality. An optimization model with such quality-guaranteeing constraints is formulated, which is to determine the threshold value for each cell, minimizing the new call blocking probability. We propose a solution heuristic, with which a number of simulations are conducted under a variety of traffic environments. The computational experiments evaluate the usefulness of our call control scheme in that handoff calls are given an appropriate level of priority while the system capacity is effectively utilized.
