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  • On the Optimal Parameter Choice for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems Using Isogeny

    Toru AKISHITA  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  


    E88-A No:1

    Isogeny for elliptic curve cryptosystems was initially used for efficient improvement of order counting methods. Recently, Smart proposed a countermeasure using isogeny for resisting a refined differential power analysis by Goubin (Goubin's attack). In this paper, we examine a countermeasure using isogeny against zero-value point (ZVP) attack that is generalization of Goubin's attack. We show that some curves require higher order of isogeny to prevent ZVP attack. Moreover, we prove that the class of curves that satisfies (-3/p) = 1 and whose order is odd cannot be mapped by isogeny to curves with a = -3 and secure against ZVP attack. We point out that three SECG curves are in this class. In the addition, we compare some efficient algorithms that are secure against both Goubin's attack and ZVP attack, and present the most efficient method of computing a scalar multiplication for each curve from SECG. Finally, we discuss another improvement for an efficient scalar multiplication, namely the usage of a point (0,y) for a base point of curve parameters. We are able to improve about 11% for double-and-add-always method, when the point (0,y) exists in an underlying curve or its isogeny.

  • Ultra-Dense WDM with over 100% Spectral Efficiency Using Co-polarized 40-Gb/s Inverse-RZ Signals

    Masahiro OGUSU  Kazuhiko IDE  Shigeru OHSHIMA  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E88-B No:1

    An inverse-RZ modulation scheme for dense WDM systems is proposed. Inverse-RZ signals have tolerances to chromatic dispersion and optical bandwidth limitation. The strongly pre-filtered inverse-RZ signals can be adapted to ultra-dense WDM systems, in which the spectral efficiencies are over 1.0 b/s/Hz. We have confirmed the error-free transmission of pre-filtered and co-polarized 40-Gb/s inverse-RZ signals where the channel intervals were 37.5 GHz.

  • Zero-Value Register Attack on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem

    Toru AKISHITA  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  


    E88-A No:1

    Differential power analysis (DPA) might break implementations of elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) on memory constraint devices. Goubin proposed a variant of DPA using a point (0,y), which is not randomized in Jacobian coordinates or in an isomorphic class. This point often exists in standardized elliptic curves, and we have to care this attack. In this paper, we propose zero-value register attack as an extension of Goubin's attack. Note that even if a point has no zero-value coordinate, auxiliary registers might take zero value. We investigate these zero-value registers that cannot be randomized by the above randomization. Indeed, we have found several points P = (x,y) which cause the zero-value registers, e.g., (1) 3x2 + a = 0,(2) 5x4 + 2ax2 - 4bx + a2 = 0,(3) P is y-coordinate self-collision point, etc. We demonstrate the elliptic curves recommended in SECG that have these points. Interestingly, some conditions required for zero-value register attack depend on explicit implementation of addition formulae -- in order to resist this type of attacks, we have to care how to implement the addition formulae. Finally, we note that Goubin's attack and the proposed attack assume that a base point P can be chosen by attackers and a secret scalar d is fixed, so that they are not applicable to ECDSA.

  • On the Vulnerability of Exponent Recodings for the Exponentiation against Side Channel Attacks

    Yasuyuki SAKAI  Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E88-A No:1

    In this paper we propose a new side channel attack, where exponent recodings for public key cryptosystems such as RSA and ECDSA are considered. The known side channel attacks and countermeasures for public key cryptosystems were against the main stage (square and multiply stage) of the modular exponentiation (or the point multiplication on an elliptic curve). We have many algorithms which achieve fast computation of exponentiations. When we compute an exponentiation, the exponent recoding has to be carried out before the main stage. There are some exponent recoding algorithms including conditional branches, in which instructions depend on the given exponent value. Consequently exponent recoding can constitute an information channel, providing the attacker with valuable information on the secret exponent. In this paper we show new algorithms of attack on exponent recoding. The proposed algorithms can recover the secret exponent, when the width-w NAF and the unsigned/signed fractional window representation are used.

  • Improvements of Addition Algorithm on Genus 3 Hyperelliptic Curves and Their Implementation

    Masaki GONDA  Kazuto MATSUO  Kazumaro AOKI  Jinhui CHAO  Shigeo TSUJII  

    PAPER-Public Key Cryptography

    E88-A No:1

    Genus 3 hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems are capable of fast-encryption on a 64-bit CPU, because a 56-bit field is enough for their definition fields. Recently, Kuroki et al. proposed an extension of the Harley algorithm, which had been known as the fastest addition algorithm of divisor classes on genus 2 hyperelliptic curves, on genus 3 hyperelliptic curves and Pelzl et al. improved the algorithm. This paper shows an improvement of the Harley algorithm on genus 3 hyperelliptic curves using Toom's multiplication. The proposed algorithm takes only I + 70M for an addition and I + 71M for a doubling instead of I + 76M and I + 74M respectively, which are the best possible of the previous works, where I and M denote the required time for an inversion and a multiplication over the definition field respectively. This paper also shows 2 variations of the proposed algorithm in order to adapt the algorithm to various platforms. Moreover this paper discusses finite field arithmetic suitable for genus 3 hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems and shows implementation results of the proposed algorithms on a 64-bit CPU. The implementation results show a 160-bit scalar multiplication can be done within 172 µs on a 64-bit CPU Alpha EV68 1.25 GHz.

  • Mobile Telecommunication Systems and Generalized Erlang Loss Formula

    Fumiaki MACHIHARA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E88-B No:1

    This paper studies a cellular system with mobile customers. The network system consists of cells, the tagged cell and the adjacent cells which surround the tagged one. Each cell has a finite number of channels that give calls to the mobile customers. The service (holding) time distribution of the calls is general. Customers in the adjacent cells inflow into the tagged cell according to a Poisson process. The sojourn time distribution of each customer in the tagged cell is general. Each customer without call in progress generates his call according to a Poisson process. It is proved that the steady state distribution in the tagged cell is the generalized Erlang loss formula which is the joint distribution of the number of customers with calls and the number of customers without calls. The distribution depends on the service time distribution and the sojourn time distribution only through their means.

  • A Collaborative Role-Based Access Control for Trusted Operating Systems in Distributed Environment

    Hyung-Chan KIM  R.S. RAMAKRISHNA  Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E88-A No:1

    The research communitiy has shown considerable interest in studying access control in single Trusted Operating Systems (TOS). However, interactions among multiple TOSs have attracted relatively little attention. In this paper, we propose a Collaborative Role-Based Access Control (C-RBAC) model for distributed systems in which accesses across system domain boundaries are allowed. Access entities in a TOS vary in time. The changes in the organizational structure of the access entities in one system may influence other cooperating systems. In addition, policy-freeness, domain and rule conflicts are possible. These problems restrict the flexibility and scalability of coordination. We propose drafting a meta-component to play the role of a coordinator in multi-domain role-based access control. It is then possible to impart flexibility and scalability in a secure fashion. Experimental studies of the proposed model with the Network File System and SELinux system support our conclusion.

  • Maintaining System State Information in a Multiagent Environment for Effective Learning

    Gang CHEN  Zhonghua YANG  Hao HE  Kiah-Mok GOH  

    PAPER-Distributed Cooperation and Agents

    E88-D No:1

    One fundamental issue in multiagent reinforcement learning is how to deal with the limited local knowledge of an agent in order to achieve effective learning. In this paper, we argue that this issue can be more effectively solved if agents are equipped with a consistent global view. We achieve this by requiring agents to follow an interacting protocol. The properties of the protocol are derived and theoretically analyzed. A distributed protocol that satisfies these properties is presented. The experimental evaluations are conducted for a well-known test-case (i.e., pursuit game) in the context of two learning algorithms. The results show that the protocol is effective and the reinforcement learning algorithms using it perform much better.

  • Performance of Adaptive Multistage Fuzzy-Based Partial Parallel Interference Canceller for Multi-Carrier CDMA Systems

    Yung-Fa HUANG  

    PAPER-Interference Canceller

    E88-B No:1

    In this paper, we propose an adaptive multistage fuzzy-based partial parallel interference cancellation (FB-PPIC) multiuser detector for multi-carrier direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) communication systems over frequency selective fading channels. The partial cancellation tries to reduce the cancellation error in parallel interference cancellation (PIC) schemes due to the wrong interference estimations in the early stages and thus outperforms the conventional PIC (CPIC) under the heavy load for MC-CDMA systems. Therefore, in this paper, the adaptive cancellation weights are inferred from a proposed multistage fuzzy inference system (FIS) to perform effective PPIC multiuser detection under time-varying frequency selective fading channels in MC-CDMA systems. Simulation results show that the proposed adaptive four-stage FB-PPIC scheme outperforms both CPIC and constant weight PPIC (CW-PPIC) schemes, especially in near-far environments.

  • Power Systems for Telecommunications in the IT Age

    Hiroaki IKEBE  Takashi YAMASHITA  


    E87-B No:12

    Public telephone network have been dramatically changing to IP (Internet Protocol) based network. This paper starts with an overview of the present status of the telecommunications network and the rapid evolution of iDCs (internet Data Centers) now underway. Next, we focus on the existing configurations and the characteristics of power systems for IP equipment and iDCs, and then clarify the cutting-edge technologies for highly reliable powering systems and the advantages of DC power systems. Finally, the paper demonstrates energy-saving activities, and the prospected issues to be solved in the field of power systems for the coming full-fledged IT Age.

  • Coupling-Driven Data Bus Encoding for SoC Video Architectures

    Luca FANUCCI  Riccardo LOCATELLI  Andrea MINGHI  

    PAPER-System Level Design

    E87-A No:12

    This paper presents the definition and implementation design of a low power data bus encoding scheme dedicated to system on chip video architectures. Trends in CMOS technologies focus the attention on the energy consumption issue related to on-chip global communication; this is especially true for data dominated applications such as video processing. Taking into account scaling effects a novel coupling-aware bus power model is used to investigate the statistical properties of video data collected in the system bus of a reference hardware/software H.263/MPEG-4 video coder architecture. The results of this analysis and the low complexity requirements drive the definition of a bus encoding scheme called CDSPBI (Coupling Driven Separated Partial Bus Invert), optimized ad-hoc for video data. A VLSI implementation of the coding circuits completes the work with an area/delay/power characterization that shows the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in terms of global power saving for a small circuit area overhead.

  • Stand-Alone Hybrid Power Supply System Composed of Wind Turbine and Photovoltaic Modules for Powering Radio Relay Stations

    Satoshi TANEZAKI  Toshio MATSUSHIMA  Seiichi MUROYAMA  

    PAPER-Power System Architecture

    E87-B No:12

    We describe a simulation method and design for a stand-alone hybrid power supply system composed of a wind turbine generator and photovoltaic modules. The system has been developed to supply power for telecommunications equipment in areas with no commercial power sources. We also report a comparison of the simulation results with actual measured data. The results show that the hybrid system can function effectively as a power supply for telecommunications equipment.

  • A Zero-Voltage-Switching Bidirectional Converter for PV Systems

    Hajime SHIJI  Kazurou HARADA  Yoshiyuki ISHIHARA  Toshiyuki TODAKA  Guillermo ALZAMORA  

    PAPER-DC/DC Converters

    E87-B No:12

    This paper presents a novel ZVS bidirectional 1 kW class DC-DC converter used for a photovoltaic (PV) system. The proposed circuit is based on a boost&buckboost converter, which consists of a boost converter and a buckboost converter. Bidirectional soft switching is realized by using of coupled inductors and auxiliary switches in the circuit. From the analysis of the circuit operation, ZVS conditions of the switches are derived. In the experiment, the maximum efficiency of the proposed converter during forward power flow was 97.1% on output power of 320 W.

  • Optimum Radio Channel Allocation Taking Account of Both Frequency and Power Constraints for Wide-Area Wireless Access Systems

    Satoshi KONISHI  Yoji KISHI  Shinichi NOMOTO  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E87-B No:12

    In wide-area wireless access systems such as satellite communications systems and stratospheric platform systems, electric power supplies for radio communications are realized using solar photovoltaic cells and/or fuel cells. However, the on-board weight limits restrict the number of cells that can be equipped. In addition, the transmission power of such systems is limited taking account of issues and regulations on sharing the same frequency band with other systems. Hence, both the frequency band and electric power is limited, which are crucial radio resources for those systems. Although radio channel allocation methods taking account of the frequency constraint only or the power constraint only have been proposed, radio channel allocation methods taking account of both constraints simultaneously have been insufficiently studied. This paper proposes a radio channel allocation method that provides global optimum allocation results by utilizing the linear programming method. The proposed method has features such that the method first allocates radio channels in proportion to the traffic demand distributed over the service coverage area and then maximizes the total radio channels allocated to systems. Numerical results are presented for a stratospheric platform system that covers an area of Japan, as an example, to demonstrate that the proposed method optimally allocates radio channels taking account of both constraints while efficiently allocating excess resources. In addition, whether a system reaches either the frequency or power limit can be estimated, by investigating the radio channel allocation results. Furthermore, enhanced linear programming models based on a method aiming at practical use of the radio channel allocation results in operation are also introduced. The enhanced model is demonstrated to work effectively to avoid unbalanced radio channel allocations over geographical areas. The proposed method and linear programming models are useful not only for making pre-plans but also for determining the amount of necessary frequency and power resources in designing systems.

  • RTOS-Centric Cosimulator for Embedded System Design

    Shinya HONDA  Takayuki WAKABAYASHI  Hiroyuki TOMIYAMA  Hiroaki TAKADA  

    PAPER-System Level Design

    E87-A No:12

    With the growing design complexity of contemporary embedded systems, real-time operating systems (RTOSs) have become one of important components of such complex embedded systems. This paper presents an RTOS-centric hardware/software cosimulator which we have developed for embedded system design. One of the most remarkable features in our cosimulator is that it has a complete simulation model of an RTOS which is widely used in industry, so that application tasks including RTOS service calls are natively executed on a host computer. Our cosimulator also features cosimulation with functional simulation models of hardware written in C/C++ and cosimulation with HDL simulators. A case study with a JPEG decoder application demonstrates the effectiveness of our cosimulator.

  • State Dependent Dwell Time Switching for Discrete-Time Stable Systems

    Jung-Su KIM  Tae-Woong YOON  Claudio DE PERSIS  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E87-A No:12

    A switched nonlinear system is considered, and the interval between two consecutive switchings is assumed to be greater than a value called "the dwell time." When switching among nonlinear systems, using a constant dwell time generally fails to lead to stability. In this letter, a state dependent dwell time function with convergence guarantees is presented for discrete-time stable nonlinear systems.

  • FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Adaptive FEC

    Kazunori SHIMIZU  Jumpei UCHIDA  Yuichiro MIYAOKA  Nozomu TOGAWA  Masao YANAGISAWA  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  

    PAPER-System Level Design

    E87-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose a reconfigurable adaptive FEC system. In adaptive FEC schemes, the error correction capability t is changed dynamically according to the communication channel condition. If a particular error correction capability t is given, we can implement an FEC decoder which is optimal for t by taking the number of operations into consideration. Thus, reconfiguring the optimal FEC decoder dynamically for each error correction capability allows us to maximize the throughput of each decoder within a limited hardware resource. Based on this concept, our reconfigurable adaptive FEC system can reduce the packet dropping rate more efficiently than conventional fixed hardware systems. We can improve data transmission throughput for a reliable transport protocol. Practical simulation results are also shown.

  • MPEG-4 Video Frame-Based Bit-Rate Control Using 2D History Pool and Sliding Window

    Gwang-Hoon PARK  Yoon-Jin LEE  Intae RYOO  

    LETTER-Terminals for Communications

    E87-B No:12

    This paper introduces a new frame-based bit-rate control scheme for bandwidth-adaptive video coding. Proposed method can accurately adapt to the rapid varying scene characteristics by reducing the number of occurrences of the extrapolations while updating the rate-distortion model used for determine the appropriate quantization steps.

  • A High Time-Resolution Traffic Monitoring System

    Takahiro MUROOKA  Masashi HASHIMOTO  Toshiaki MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Traffic Measurement and Analysis

    E87-D No:12

    This innovative traffic-monitoring-system makes it possible to observe data-communication traffic on an oscilloscope-style display. It provides an efficient way of evaluating streaming-data quality. The monitoring system has a high time-resolution traffic value sampling function and a real-time data representation/recording mechanism that operate in synchrony. The user can directly evaluate the traffic shape with the monitoring system. In this paper, after describing the concept of the traffic monitoring system, we will describe a prototype built with programmable network equipment called A-BOX. We will then review a performance evaluation and other experimental results to prove that our monitoring system is suitable for video streaming.

  • Digital Calibration Techniques for Pipelined ADCs

    Jeongpyo KIM  Yongchul SONG  Beomsup KIM  

    LETTER-Analog Signal Processing

    E87-A No:12

    This paper describes a technique for background digital multistage calibration in the removal of nonlinearities caused by design limitations in pipelined analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Foreground initialization reduces the calibration time. Furthermore, an improved background skip-and-fill method enables the ADC to trace environmental changes. This method uses a least mean square adaptive algorithm that is digitally implemented with a significantly reduced number of tap coefficients.
