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  • Multi-Style Shape Matching GAN for Text Images Open Access

    Honghui YUAN  Keiji YANAI  


    E107-D No:4

    Deep learning techniques are used to transform the style of images and produce diverse images. In the text style transformation field, many previous studies attempted to generate stylized text using deep learning networks. However, to achieve multiple style transformations for text images, the methods proposed in previous studies require learning multiple networks or cannot be guided by style images. Thus, in this study we focused on multistyle transformation of text images using style images to guide the generation of results. We propose a multiple-style transformation network for text style transfer, which we refer to as the Multi-Style Shape Matching GAN (Multi-Style SMGAN). The proposed method generates multiple styles of text images using a single model by training the model only once, and allows users to control the text style according to style images. The proposed method implements conditions to the network such that all styles can be distinguished effectively in the network, and the generation of each styled text can be controlled according to these conditions. The proposed network is optimized such that the conditional information can be transmitted effectively throughout the network. The proposed method was evaluated experimentally on a large number of text images, and the results show that the trained model can generate multiple-style text in realtime according to the style image. In addition, the results of a user survey study indicate that the proposed method produces higher quality results compared to existing methods.

  • Inference Discrepancy Based Curriculum Learning for Neural Machine Translation

    Lei ZHOU  Ryohei SASANO  Koichi TAKEDA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E107-D No:1

    In practice, even a well-trained neural machine translation (NMT) model can still make biased inferences on the training set due to distribution shifts. For the human learning process, if we can not reproduce something correctly after learning it multiple times, we consider it to be more difficult. Likewise, a training example causing a large discrepancy between inference and reference implies higher learning difficulty for the MT model. Therefore, we propose to adopt the inference discrepancy of each training example as the difficulty criterion, and according to which rank training examples from easy to hard. In this way, a trained model can guide the curriculum learning process of an initial model identical to itself. We put forward an analogy to this training scheme as guiding the learning process of a curriculum NMT model by a pretrained vanilla model. In this paper, we assess the effectiveness of the proposed training scheme and take an insight into the influence of translation direction, evaluation metrics and different curriculum schedules. Experimental results on translation benchmarks WMT14 English ⇒ German, WMT17 Chinese ⇒ English and Multitarget TED Talks Task (MTTT) English ⇔ German, English ⇔ Chinese, English ⇔ Russian demonstrate that our proposed method consistently improves the translation performance against the advanced Transformer baseline.

  • Hierarchical Detailed Intermediate Supervision for Image-to-Image Translation

    Jianbo WANG  Haozhi HUANG  Li SHEN  Xuan WANG  Toshihiko YAMASAKI  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E106-D No:12

    The image-to-image translation aims to learn a mapping between the source and target domains. For improving visual quality, the majority of previous works adopt multi-stage techniques to refine coarse results in a progressive manner. In this work, we present a novel approach for generating plausible details by only introducing a group of intermediate supervisions without cascading multiple stages. Specifically, we propose a Laplacian Pyramid Transformation Generative Adversarial Network (LapTransGAN) to simultaneously transform components in different frequencies from the source domain to the target domain within only one stage. Hierarchical perceptual and gradient penalization are utilized for learning consistent semantic structures and details at each pyramid level. The proposed model is evaluated based on various metrics, including the similarity in feature maps, reconstruction quality, segmentation accuracy, similarity in details, and qualitative appearances. Our experiments show that LapTransGAN can achieve a much better quantitative performance than both the supervised pix2pix model and the unsupervised CycleGAN model. Comprehensive ablation experiments are conducted to study the contribution of each component.

  • GAN-based Image Translation Model with Self-Attention for Nighttime Dashcam Data Augmentation

    Rebeka SULTANA  Gosuke OHASHI  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E106-A No:9

    High-performance deep learning-based object detection models can reduce traffic accidents using dashcam images during nighttime driving. Deep learning requires a large-scale dataset to obtain a high-performance model. However, existing object detection datasets are mostly daytime scenes and a few nighttime scenes. Increasing the nighttime dataset is laborious and time-consuming. In such a case, it is possible to convert daytime images to nighttime images by image-to-image translation model to augment the nighttime dataset with less effort so that the translated dataset can utilize the annotations of the daytime dataset. Therefore, in this study, a GAN-based image-to-image translation model is proposed by incorporating self-attention with cycle consistency and content/style separation for nighttime data augmentation that shows high fidelity to annotations of the daytime dataset. Experimental results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed model compared with other models in terms of translated images and FID scores. Moreover, the high fidelity of translated images to the annotations is verified by a small object detection model according to detection results and mAP. Ablation studies confirm the effectiveness of self-attention in the proposed model. As a contribution to GAN-based data augmentation, the source code of the proposed image translation model is publicly available at

  • Image-to-Image Translation for Data Augmentation on Multimodal Medical Images

    Yue PENG  Zuqiang MENG  Lina YANG  

    PAPER-Smart Healthcare

    E106-D No:5

    Medical images play an important role in medical diagnosis. However, acquiring a large number of datasets with annotations is still a difficult task in the medical field. For this reason, research in the field of image-to-image translation is combined with computer-aided diagnosis, and data augmentation methods based on generative adversarial networks are applied to medical images. In this paper, we try to perform data augmentation on unimodal data. The designed StarGAN V2 based network has high performance in augmenting the dataset using a small number of original images, and the augmented data is expanded from unimodal data to multimodal medical images, and this multimodal medical image data can be applied to the segmentation task with some improvement in the segmentation results. Our experiments demonstrate that the generated multimodal medical image data can improve the performance of glioma segmentation.

  • Research on Mongolian-Chinese Translation Model Based on Transformer with Soft Context Data Augmentation Technique

    Qing-dao-er-ji REN  Yuan LI  Shi BAO  Yong-chao LIU  Xiu-hong CHEN  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E105-A No:5

    As the mainstream approach in the field of machine translation, neural machine translation (NMT) has achieved great improvements on many rich-source languages, but performance of NMT for low-resource languages ae not very good yet. This paper uses data enhancement technology to construct Mongolian-Chinese pseudo parallel corpus, so as to improve the translation ability of Mongolian-Chinese translation model. Experiments show that the above methods can improve the translation ability of the translation model. Finally, a translation model trained with large-scale pseudo parallel corpus and integrated with soft context data enhancement technology is obtained, and its BLEU value is 39.3.

  • Exploring Hypotactic Structure for Chinese-English Machine Translation with a Structure-Aware Encoder-Decoder Neural Model

    Guoyi MIAO  Yufeng CHEN  Mingtong LIU  Jinan XU  Yujie ZHANG  Wenhe FENG  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E105-D No:4

    Translation of long and complex sentence has always been a challenge for machine translation. In recent years, neural machine translation (NMT) has achieved substantial progress in modeling the semantic connection between words in a sentence, but it is still insufficient in capturing discourse structure information between clauses within complex sentences, which often leads to poor discourse coherence when translating long and complex sentences. On the other hand, the hypotactic structure, a main component of the discourse structure, plays an important role in the coherence of discourse translation, but it is not specifically studied. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel Chinese-English NMT approach that incorporates the hypotactic structure knowledge of complex sentences. Specifically, we first annotate and build a hypotactic structure aligned parallel corpus to provide explicit hypotactic structure knowledge of complex sentences for NMT. Then we propose three hypotactic structure-aware NMT models with three different fusion strategies, including source-side fusion, target-side fusion, and both-side fusion, to integrate the annotated structure knowledge into NMT. Experimental results on WMT17, WMT18 and WMT19 Chinese-English translation tasks demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly improve the translation performance and enhance the discourse coherence of machine translation.

  • Neural Incremental Speech Recognition Toward Real-Time Machine Speech Translation

    Sashi NOVITASARI  Sakriani SAKTI  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E104-D No:12

    Real-time machine speech translation systems mimic human interpreters and translate incoming speech from a source language to the target language in real-time. Such systems can be achieved by performing low-latency processing in ASR (automatic speech recognition) module before passing the output to MT (machine translation) and TTS (text-to-speech synthesis) modules. Although several studies recently proposed sequence mechanisms for neural incremental ASR (ISR), these frameworks have a more complicated training mechanism than the standard attention-based ASR because they have to decide the incremental step and learn the alignment between speech and text. In this paper, we propose attention-transfer ISR (AT-ISR) that learns the knowledge from attention-based non-incremental ASR for a low delay end-to-end speech recognition. ISR comes with a trade-off between delay and performance, so we investigate how to reduce AT-ISR delay without a significant performance drop. Our experiment shows that AT-ISR achieves a comparable performance to the non-incremental ASR when the incremental recognition begins after the speech utterance reaches 25% of the complete utterance length. Additional experiments to investigate the effect of ISR on translation tasks are also performed. The focus is to find the optimum granularity of the output unit. The results reveal that our end-to-end subword-level ISR resulted in the best translation quality with the lowest WER and the lowest uncovered-word rate.

  • Document-Level Neural Machine Translation with Associated Memory Network

    Shu JIANG  Rui WANG  Zuchao LI  Masao UTIYAMA  Kehai CHEN  Eiichiro SUMITA  Hai ZHAO  Bao-liang LU  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E104-D No:10

    Standard neural machine translation (NMT) is on the assumption that the document-level context is independent. Most existing document-level NMT approaches are satisfied with a smattering sense of global document-level information, while this work focuses on exploiting detailed document-level context in terms of a memory network. The capacity of the memory network that detecting the most relevant part of the current sentence from memory renders a natural solution to model the rich document-level context. In this work, the proposed document-aware memory network is implemented to enhance the Transformer NMT baseline. Experiments on several tasks show that the proposed method significantly improves the NMT performance over strong Transformer baselines and other related studies.

  • Rapid Recovery by Maximizing Page-Mapping Logs Deactivation

    Jung-Hoon KIM  

    LETTER-Software System

    E104-D No:6

    As NAND flash-based storage has been settled, a flash translation layer (FTL) has been in charge of mapping data addresses on NAND flash memory. Many FTLs implemented various mapping schemes, but the amount of mapping data depends on the mapping level. However, the FTL should contemplate mapping consistency irrespective of how much mapping data dwell in the storage. Furthermore, the recovery cost by the inconsistency needs to be considered for a faster storage reboot time. This letter proposes a novel method that enhances the consistency for a page-mapping level FTL running a legacy logging policy. Moreover, the recovery cost of page mappings also decreases. The novel method is to adopt a virtually-shrunk segment and deactivate page-mapping logs by assembling and storing the segments. This segment scheme already gave embedded NAND flash-based storage enhance its response time in our previous study. In addition to that improved result, this novel plan maximizes the page-mapping consistency, therefore improves the recovery cost compared with the legacy page-mapping FTL.

  • Korean-Vietnamese Neural Machine Translation with Named Entity Recognition and Part-of-Speech Tags

    Van-Hai VU  Quang-Phuoc NGUYEN  Kiem-Hieu NGUYEN  Joon-Choul SHIN  Cheol-Young OCK  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E103-D No:4

    Since deep learning was introduced, a series of achievements has been published in the field of automatic machine translation (MT). However, Korean-Vietnamese MT systems face many challenges because of a lack of data, multiple meanings of individual words, and grammatical diversity that depends on context. Therefore, the quality of Korean-Vietnamese MT systems is still sub-optimal. This paper discusses a method for applying Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging to Vietnamese sentences to improve the performance of Korean-Vietnamese MT systems. In terms of implementation, we used a tool to tag NER and POS in Vietnamese sentences. In addition, we had access to a Korean-Vietnamese parallel corpus with more than 450K paired sentences from our previous research paper. The experimental results indicate that tagging NER and POS in Vietnamese sentences can improve the quality of Korean-Vietnamese Neural MT (NMT) in terms of the Bi-Lingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) and Translation Error Rate (TER) score. On average, our MT system improved by 1.21 BLEU points or 2.33 TER scores after applying both NER and POS tagging to the Vietnamese corpus. Due to the structural features of language, the MT systems in the Korean to Vietnamese direction always give better BLEU and TER results than translation machines in the reverse direction.

  • Leveraging Neural Caption Translation with Visually Grounded Paraphrase Augmentation

    Johanes EFFENDI  Sakriani SAKTI  Katsuhito SUDOH  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E103-D No:3

    Since a concept can be represented by different vocabularies, styles, and levels of detail, a translation task resembles a many-to-many mapping task from a distribution of sentences in the source language into a distribution of sentences in the target language. This viewpoint, however, is not fully implemented in current neural machine translation (NMT), which is one-to-one sentence mapping. In this study, we represent the distribution itself as multiple paraphrase sentences, which will enrich the model context understanding and trigger it to produce numerous hypotheses. We use a visually grounded paraphrase (VGP), which uses images as a constraint of the concept in paraphrasing, to guarantee that the created paraphrases are within the intended distribution. In this way, our method can also be considered as incorporating image information into NMT without using the image itself. We implement this idea by crowdsourcing a paraphrasing corpus that realizes VGP and construct neural paraphrasing that behaves as expert models in a NMT. Our experimental results reveal that our proposed VGP augmentation strategies showed improvement against a vanilla NMT baseline.

  • Neural Machine Translation with Target-Attention Model

    Mingming YANG  Min ZHANG  Kehai CHEN  Rui WANG  Tiejun ZHAO  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E103-D No:3

    Attention mechanism, which selectively focuses on source-side information to learn a context vector for generating target words, has been shown to be an effective method for neural machine translation (NMT). In fact, generating target words depends on not only the source-side information but also the target-side information. Although the vanilla NMT can acquire target-side information implicitly by recurrent neural networks (RNN), RNN cannot adequately capture the global relationship between target-side words. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a novel target-attention approach to capture this information, thus enhancing target word predictions in NMT. Specifically, we propose three variants of target-attention model to directly obtain the global relationship among target words: 1) a forward target-attention model that uses a target attention mechanism to incorporate previous historical target words into the prediction of the current target word; 2) a reverse target-attention model that adopts a reverse RNN model to obtain the entire reverse target words information, and then to combine with source context information to generate target sequence; 3) a bidirectional target-attention model that combines the forward target-attention model and reverse target-attention model together, which can make full use of target words to further improve the performance of NMT. Our methods can be integrated into both RNN based NMT and self-attention based NMT, and help NMT get global target-side information to improve translation performance. Experiments on the NIST Chinese-to-English and the WMT English-to-German translation tasks show that the proposed models achieve significant improvements over state-of-the-art baselines.

  • Block Level TLB Coalescing for Buddy Memory Allocator Open Access

    Jae Young HUR  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E102-D No:10

    Conventional TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) coalescing schemes do not fully exploit the contiguity that a memory allocator provides. The conventional schemes accordingly have certain performance overheads due to page table walks. To address this issue, we propose an efficient scheme, called block contiguity translation (BCT), that accommodates the block size information in a page table considering the Buddy algorithm. By fully exploiting the block-level contiguity, we can reduce the page table walks as certain physical memory is allocated in the contiguous way. Additionally, we present unified per-level page sizes to simplify the design and better utilize the contiguity information. Considering the state-of-the-art schemes as references, the comparative analysis and the performance simulations are conducted. Experiments indicate that the proposed scheme can improve the memory system performance with moderate hardware overheads.

  • Preordering for Chinese-Vietnamese Statistical Machine Translation

    Huu-Anh TRAN  Heyan HUANG  Phuoc TRAN  Shumin SHI  Huu NGUYEN  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E102-D No:2

    Word order is one of the most significant differences between the Chinese and Vietnamese. In the phrase-based statistical machine translation, the reordering model will learn reordering rules from bilingual corpora. If the bilingual corpora are large and good enough, the reordering rules are exact and coverable. However, Chinese-Vietnamese is a low-resource language pair, the extraction of reordering rules is limited. This leads to the quality of reordering in Chinese-Vietnamese machine translation is not high. In this paper, we have combined Chinese dependency relation and Chinese-Vietnamese word alignment results in order to pre-order Chinese word order to be suitable to Vietnamese one. The experimental results show that our methodology has improved the machine translation performance compared to the translation system using only the reordering models of phrase-based statistical machine translation.

  • Improving Thai Word and Sentence Segmentation Using Linguistic Knowledge


    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E101-D No:12

    Word boundary ambiguity in word segmentation has long been a fundamental challenge within Thai language processing. The Conditional Random Fields (CRF) model is among the best-known methods to have achieved remarkably accurate segmentation. Nevertheless, current advancements appear to have left the problem of compound words unaccounted for. Compound words lose their meaning or context once segmented. Hence, we introduce a dictionary-based word-merging algorithm, which merges all kinds of compound words. Our evaluation shows that the algorithm can accomplish a high-accuracy of word segmentation, with compound words being preserved. Moreover, it can also restore some incorrectly segmented words. Another problem involving a different word-chunking approach is sentence boundary ambiguity. In tackling the problem, utilizing the part of speech (POS) of a segmented word has been found previously to help boost the accuracy of CRF-based sentence segmentation. However, not all segmented words can be tagged. Thus, we propose a POS-based word-splitting algorithm, which splits words in order to increase POS tags. We found that with more identifiable POS tags, the CRF model performs better in segmenting sentences. To demonstrate the contributions of both methods, we experimented with three of their applications. With the word merging algorithm, we found that intact compound words in the product of topic extraction can help to preserve their intended meanings, offering more precise information for human interpretation. The algorithm, together with the POS-based word-splitting algorithm, can also be used to amend word-level Thai-English translations. In addition, the word-splitting algorithm improves sentence segmentation, thus enhancing text summarization.

  • Syntax-Based Context Representation for Statistical Machine Translation

    Kehai CHEN  Tiejun ZHAO  Muyun YANG  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E101-D No:12

    Learning semantic representation for translation context is beneficial to statistical machine translation (SMT). Previous efforts have focused on implicitly encoding syntactic and semantic knowledge in translation context by neural networks, which are weak in capturing explicit structural syntax information. In this paper, we propose a new neural network with a tree-based convolutional architecture to explicitly learn structural syntax information in translation context, thus improving translation prediction. Specifically, we first convert parallel sentences with source parse trees into syntax-based linear sequences based on a minimum syntax subtree algorithm, and then define a tree-based convolutional network over the linear sequences to learn syntax-based context representation and translation prediction jointly. To verify the effectiveness, the proposed model is integrated into phrase-based SMT. Experiments on large-scale Chinese-to-English and German-to-English translation tasks show that the proposed approach can achieve a substantial and significant improvement over several baseline systems.

  • A Unified Neural Network for Quality Estimation of Machine Translation

    Maoxi LI  Qingyu XIANG  Zhiming CHEN  Mingwen WANG  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E101-D No:9

    The-state-of-the-art neural quality estimation (QE) of machine translation model consists of two sub-networks that are tuned separately, a bidirectional recurrent neural network (RNN) encoder-decoder trained for neural machine translation, called the predictor, and an RNN trained for sentence-level QE tasks, called the estimator. We propose to combine the two sub-networks into a whole neural network, called the unified neural network. When training, the bidirectional RNN encoder-decoder are initialized and pre-trained with the bilingual parallel corpus, and then, the networks are trained jointly to minimize the mean absolute error over the QE training samples. Compared with the predictor and estimator approach, the use of a unified neural network helps to train the parameters of the neural networks that are more suitable for the QE task. Experimental results on the benchmark data set of the WMT17 sentence-level QE shared task show that the proposed unified neural network approach consistently outperforms the predictor and estimator approach and significantly outperforms the other baseline QE approaches.

  • Data Recovery Aware Garbage Collection Mechanism in Flash-Based Storage Devices

    Joon-Young PAIK  Rize JIN  Tae-Sun CHUNG  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E101-D No:9

    In terms of system reliability, data recovery is a crucial capability. The lack of data recovery leads to the permanent loss of valuable data. This paper aims at improving data recovery in flash-based storage devices where extremely poor data recovery is shown. For this, we focus on garbage collection that determines the life span of data which have high possibility of data recovery requests by users. A new garbage collection mechanism with awareness of data recovery is proposed. First, deleted or overwritten data are categorized into shallow invalid data and deep invalid data based on the possibility of data recovery requests. Second, the proposed mechanism selects victim area for reclamation of free space, considering the shallow invalid data that have the high possibility of data recovery requests. Our proposal prohibits more shallow invalid data from being eliminated during garbage collections. The experimental results show that our garbage collection mechanism can improve data recovery with minor performance degradation.

  • A Unified Analysis of the Signal Transfer Characteristics of a Single-Path FET-R-C Circuit Open Access

    Tetsuya IIZUKA  Asad A. ABIDI  


    E101-C No:7

    A frequently occurring subcircuit consists of a loop of a resistor (R), a field-effect transistor (FET), and a capacitor (C). The FET acts as a switch, controlled at its gate terminal by a clock voltage. This subcircuit may be acting as a sample-and-hold (S/H), as a passive mixer (P-M), or as a bandpass filter or bandpass impedance. In this work, we will present a useful analysis that leads to a simple signal flow graph (SFG), which captures the FET-R-C circuit's action completely across a wide range of design parameters. The SFG dissects the circuit into three filtering functions and ideal sampling. This greatly simplifies analysis of frequency response, noise, input impedance, and conversion gain, and leads to guidelines for optimum design. This paper focuses on the analysis of a single-path FET-R-C circuit's signal transfer characteristics including the reconstruction of the complete waveform from the discrete-time sampled voltage.
