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IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications

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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E77-B No.2  (Publication Date:1994/02/25)

    Special Issue on Photonic Switching Technologies

    Jun-ichi MIZUSAWA  


  • Impact of Photonic Technology on the Future Communication

    Hiroaki TERADA  



    This paper presents a view on coming photonic network in which machines are potential customer to the network. The network will be providing unlimited number of virtual free spaces in which point to point and broadcasting modes of information interchanges are taking place simultaneously. It is also pointed out that the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) should be evolved to support this type of network by using true photonic switching technology.

  • Ultra Optoelectronic Devices for Photonic ATM Switching Systems with Tera-bits/sec Throughput

    Takeshi OZEKI  



    Photonic ATM switching systems with Terabit/s throughput are desirable for future broadband ISDN systems. Since electronic LSI-based ATM switching systems are planned to have the throughput of 160Gb/s, a photonic ATM switching system should take the role of the highest layer in a hybrid switching network which includes electronic LSI-based ATM switching systems as its sub-system. This report discusses the state-of-the-art photonic devices needed for a frequency-self-routing ATM photonic switching system with maximum throughput of 5Tb/s. This kind of systems seems to be a moderate system for the first phase photonic switching system with no insuperable obstacle for initiating development, even though none of the devices and technologies required have yet been developed to meet the specifications. On the contrary, for realizing further enlarged throughput as the second-phase photonic switching system, there are huge fundamental research projects still remaining for establishing the technology utilizing the spectrum broadened over 120nm and highly-dense FDM technologies based on homodyne coherent detection, if supposing a simple architecture. "Ultra devices" seem to be the photonic devices based on new tailored materials of which gain and refractive index are designed to realize ultra-wide spectrum utilization.

  • Photonic Space-Division Switching Technologies for Broadband Networks

    Masahiko FUJIWARA  Tsuyotake SAWANO  



    The photonic Space-Division (SD) switching network is attractive for constructing flexible broadband networks. This paper first describes possible applications of the network. A broadband STM switching system, Digital Cross-connect System (DCS) and Video signal distribution switch, especially for HDTV signals, are attractive near term applications. Recent activities on photonic SD switching network developments aiming at these application are also reviewed. A 128 line prototype switching system has been developed. This system utilizes LiNbO3 photonic switch matrices, semiconductor traveling wave amplifiers (TWAs) and three dimensional optical interconnections for multi stage switching networks. It is confirmed that the system has been operating in providing 150Mb/s TV phone services and 600Mb/s HDTV distribution services with high stability. An experimental optical Digital Crossconnect System (optical DCS) has also been demonstrated. Line failure restoration operation at 2.4Gb/s has been successfully demonstrated. These experimental demonstrations prove that practical photonic switching systems are feasible with current technologies.

  • Overview of Photonic Switching Systems Using Time-Division and Wavelength-Division Multiplexing




    The demand for large-capacity photonic switching systems will increase as regular broadband ISDN (B-ISDN) spreads and full-motion video terminals replace telephones. Large-scale and economical optical fiber transmission lines have been built based on time-division (TD) multiplexing. To reduce costs, it is important to increase the channel multiplexity of both transmission and switching systems by using TD and wavelength-division (WD) or frequency-division (FD) technologies. We surveyed photonic switching systems' architecture and switching network structures. Switching can be divided into circuit or synchronous transfer mode (STM) switching, and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switching. A variety of photonic STM and ATM switching systems based on the two switching technologies have recently been proposed and demonstrated.

  • Recent Free-Space Photonic Switches

    Masayasu YAMAGUCHI  Ken-ichi YUKIMATSU  



    This paper briefly reviews recent studies on free-space photonic switches, and discusses classifications, applications and technical issues to be solved. The free-space photonic switch is a switch that uses light beam interconnections based on free-space optics instead of guided-wave optics. A feature of the free-space switch is its high-density three-dimensional structure that enables compact large-scale switches to be created. In this paper, the free-space switches are classified by their various attributes such as logical network configuration, path-establishment method, number of physical stages, signal-waveform transmission form, interconnection optics and so on. The logical network configuration (topological geometry or topology) is strongly related to the advantages of the free-space switches over the guided-wave switches. The path-establishment method (path-shifting/branching-and-gating) and the number of physical stages (single-stage/multistage) are related to physical switching characteristics. Signal-waveform transmission form (analog/digital) is related to switch application. Interconnection optics (imaging system/micro-beam system) is related to the density and volume of the switching fabric. Examples of the free-space switches (single-stage, analog multistage, digital multistage and photonic ATM switches) are described. Possible applications for analog switches are subscriber-line concentrators, inter-module connectors, and switching networks for parallel or distributed computer systems. Those for digital switches include multistage space-division switches in time-division circuit-switching or packet switching systems (including asynchronous transfer mode [ATM] switching system) for both communications switching systems and parallel/distributed computer systems. Technical issues of the free-space switches (system, device, assembly technique) must be solved before creating practical systems. In particular, the assembly technique is a key issue of the free-space switches.

  • RookNet: A Switching Network for High Speed Communication

    Yuji OIE  Yasuhito SASAKI  Hideo MIYAHARA  



    Central switches are expected to operate at the rate of Terabit per second in high speed networks, like the B-ISDN. Photonic switches using lightwave technology based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and frequency division multiplexing (FDM) are promising ones for high speed switching. Such lightwave networks are mainly divided into two groups, according to the number of hops required for packets to arrive at their destinations: single-hop networks such as networks using star coupler and multihop networks such as Manhattan Street Network and ShuffleNet. In this paper we focus our attention on multihop networks and propose a mesh network, referred to as RookNet, for high speed communication. The average transmission delay time and maximum throughput of RookNet is approximately analyzed. It is shown that, as the number of nodes goes to infinity, the maximum throughput aproaches 0.433 and 0.485 when each node is equipped with no internal buffer and internal buffers of infinite capacity for relayed packets, respectively.

  • Comparison of a Novel Photonic Frequency-Based Switching Network with Similar Architectures

    Hans-Hermann WITTE  



    A photonic network with a space- and frequency switching capability is proposed. It provides point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections without internal blocking. The switching network exclusively uses frequency switching stages and a shared-medium architecture. Our proposal is compared with similar published networks which are either also constructed solely from frequency switching stages or from frequency and space switching stages. It is shown that the proposed switching network features fewer optical and opto-electronic components, fewer different types of component/module, lower losses, a higher capacity and an easier expansibility.

  • Photonic Inter-Module Connector Using 88 Optical Switches for Near-Future Electronic Switching Systems

    Akira HIMENO  Ryo NAGASE  Toshio ITO  Kunikaru KATO  Masayuki OKUNO  



    A photonic inter-module connector for near-future electronic switching systems is demonstrated through the use of silica-based 88 optical switches. A small-scale switch matrix is sufficient because the near-future systems will consist of a limited number of modules. If an active module is affected by a fatal fault or accident, a stand-by module must quickly take its place. The experimental photonic inter-module connector can switch 156-Mbit/s photonic interconnections between seven subscriber-line-concentrator modules and eight circuit-switching modules.

  • Analog Free-Space Optical Switch Structure Based on Cascaded Beam Shifters

    Masayasu YAMAGUCHI  Tohru MATSUNAGA  Seiiti SHIRAI  Ken-ichi YUKIMATSU  



    This paper describes a new free-space optical switch structure based on cascaded beam shifters (each consists of a liquid-crystal polarization controller array and a birefringent plate). This structure comprises 2-input, 2-output switching elements that are locally connected by links. It is applicable to a variety of switching networks, such as a Clos network. The switching network based on this structure is an analog switch that is transparent to signal format, bit rate, and modulation type, so it can handle various types of optical signals. Theoretical feasibility studies indicate that compact large-scale switches (i.e., 100-1000 ports) with relay lens systems can be implemented using beam shifters with a 0.4-dB insertion loss and a 30-dB extinction ratio. Experimental feasibility studies indicate that a 1024-cell beam shifter module with a 0.5-dB insertion loss and a 23-dB extinction ratio is possible at present. An alignment-free assembly technique using precise alignment guides is also confirmed. An experimental 8-stage, 1024-input 256-output concentrator shows low insertion loss characteristics (6.8dB on average) owing to the low-loss beam shifters and the alignment-free assembly technique. Practical switching networks mainly require the improvement of the extinction ratio of the beam shifter module and the development of a fiber pig-tailing technique. This switch structure is applicable to transparent switching networks such as subscriber line concentrators and inter-module connectors.

  • A Proposal of a New Photonic FDM Switching System FAPS--Frequency Assign Photonic Switching System--

    Tadahiko YASUI  Aritomo UEMURA  



    Among various photonic switching technologies, photonic frequency division multiplexing technology is most promising. In this paper a novel photonic FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) system is proposed. The proposed system consists of n (multiplicity of frequencies) independent subnetworks, each of which is identified by a specific frequency, and of which each network topology is identical. When a connection is required by a terminal, the network selects a subnetwork that can afford it, and assigns a frequency representing the selected subnetwork to the terminal. This system eliminates frequency converting devices and traffic concentration equipment, which will reduce the size and cost of the system. A very small sized switching system of very large capacity will be easily realized. In this paper, first we will address the basic concept of the proposed system, and then discuss some technical problems and their solutions concerning network configuration, switch matrix structure, subscriber network configuration, control scheme and frequency multiplicity. Some experimental results are also mentioned.

  • Demand Assign Wavelength Division Multiple Access (DA-WDMA) Hybrid Optical Local Area Network Using Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers

    Takahiro SHIOZAWA  Seigo TAKAHASHI  Masahiro EDA  Akifumi Paulo YAZAKI  Masahiko FUJIWARA  



    A new kind of optical local area network (LAN), using a demand assign wavelength division multiple access (DA-WDMA) scheme, has been proposed. The proposed LAN consists of two parts; an ordinary standardized LAN and an overlaid network using wavelength division (WD) channels. The proposed network can provide bit-rate independent communication channels on the ordinary LAN without limiting the capacities for the other channels. It also exhibits upgrade possibilities from present standardized networks. An access controller, which consists of software in addition to the ordinary LAN controller, a digital signal processor (DSP) etc., was developed for DA-WDMA control. The network node operation has been demonstrated using guided-wave acousto-optic (AO) mode converters as a tunable wavelength add-drop multiplexer (ADM).

  • A Modular Tbit/s TDM-WDM Photonic ATM Switch Using Optical Output Buffers

    Wen De ZHONG  Yoshihiro SHIMAZU  Masato TSUKADA  Kenichi YUKIMATSU  



    The modular and growable photonic ATM switch architecture described in this paper uses both time-division and wavelength-division multiplexing technologies, so the switch capacity can be expanded in both the time and frequency domains. It uses a new implementation of output buffering scheme that overcomes the bottleneck in receiving and storing concurrent ultra fast optical cells. The capacity in one stage of a switch with this architecture can be increased from 32 gigabits per second to several terabits per second in a modular fashion. The proposed switch structure with output channel grouping can greatly reduce the amount of hardware and still guarantee the cell sequence.

  • Electrocapillarity Optical Switch

    Makoto SATO  



    To realize a high performance optical subscriber network a route reconnect switch is desired which has bistability, polarization and wavelength independence and compactness. This paper proposes an electrocapillarity optical (ECO) switch, in which a micro-mirror formed by a mercury droplet is driven by electrocapillarity. This switch has a potential for use in bistable waveguide matrix switches, which are suitable for route reconnection in the optical subscriber network. A theoretical model is presented that the driving force of the electrocapillarity originates in an electrically induced gradient in the surface tension of the mercury-electrolyte interface where an electrical double layer is formed. The experimentally obtained relation between the flow velocity of a mercury droplet and the electric current in an electrocapillary system is well described by this model. A prototype of the ECO switch is made using a resin molded single-mode fiber with a slit sawed in it in which a electrocapillary system is made. Optical switching is demonstrated and possible improvements in switching performance are discussed.

  • 88 Ti:LiNbO3 Waveguide Digital Optical Switch Matrix

    Hideaki OKAYAMA  Masato KAWAHARA  



    The first demonstration of 88 optical switch matrix with low drive voltage digital optical switch elements is reported. A polarization-independent 88 digital optical switch with drive voltage of 40V at 1.3µm wavelength can be realized by assigning proper lengths for switch elements. The average insertion loss of 10dB and polarization independent switching with average crosstalk of -16dB (limited by the middle stage 22 switch) are achieved.

  • Supply and Removal Characteristics of Oil in Optical Waveguide for Automated Optical Main-Distributing-Frame System

    Naoyuki TAMARU  Mitsuhiro MAKIHARA  Shuichiro INAGAKI  Akira NAGAYAMA  Kunihiko SASAKURA  



    We studied the supply and removal of oil to and from a thin groove and the consequent insertion loss, aiming at matrix optical waveguide switches that utilize optical reflection and transmission effects at the groove. A robot precisely controlled the position of the removal nozzle and the supply needle by a vision servo. The optimum position for the removal nozzle was at the entrance of the groove to a circular oil pool, and the positioning margin was 10-15µm around the optimum position. The on-off ratio of the switching light power at the optimum position was about 30dB. The removal time was proportional to the kinetic viscosity of the oil, and the optimum height of the removal nozzle was independent of the kinetic viscosity of the oil. An analysis of the insertion loss revealed that the main factor in the loss at the reflection is the tilt of the groove wall.

  • Regular Section
  • The Capacity Comparison and Cost Analyses for SONET Self-Healing Ring Networks

    Ching-Chir SHYUR  Ying-Ming WU  Chun-Hsien CHEN  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service


    The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) technology offers technical possibilities to build high speed transport networks and enables the operator to react quickly to the customers' capacity requirements. Furthermore the advanced SONET equipment, with standardized control and operation features, provides opportunities for new services, such as broadband services, and cost-effective ways to enhance existing services, such as network survivability improvement. But SONET technology can also create a certain degree of complexity in building cost-efficient network, especially in case of SONET Self-Healing Ring (SHR). It is a challenge for network planner to find an effective way to select the most economical SONET ring, or combination of rings, for given demands between a set of nodes that are supposed to be connected in a certain type of ring configuration. Three types of ring are standard today: path unidirectional, 2-fiber line protection bidirectional and 4-fiber line protection bidirectional. For a given network, the choosing of ring architecture based on economical considerations involves two major factors. They are capacity requirement and equipment cost. Capacity requirements of different SONET ring architectures depend upon different conditions. While facility line rate, which is a key factor in deciding what kind self-healing ring can be deployed economically on these requirements. Routing decisions play a key role in deciding the ring capacities required, especially for bidirectional rings. In the paper, we will make the economic study on how SONET SHR architecture works out with a variety of demand patterns, to find criteria for ring selection. We first present two efficient demand loading algorithms for BSHR capacity calculation, and then analyze the results from their application on a variety of demand patterns. The economic study for SONET SHR networks based on different architectures are also discussed.

  • Eye-Contact Technique Using a Blazed Half-Transparent Mirror (BHM)

    Makoto KURIKI  Hitoshi ARAI  Kazutake UEHIRA  Shigenobu SAKAI  

    PAPER-Communication Terminal and Equipment


    An eye-contact technique using a blazed half-transparent mirror (BHM) is developed. This half-transparent mirror (HM) consists of an in-line array of many slanting micro-HMs. We fabricated a prototype system and confirmed the principle of this technique. The resolution of an image reflected by a BHM was simulated to determine how to improve the image quality and the factors degrading the resolution were clarified.

  • Seamless Image-Connection Technique for a Multiple-Sensor Camera

    Kazutake UEHIRA  Kazumi KOMIYA  

    PAPER-Communication Terminal and Equipment


    An HDTV still-picture camera that uses four PAL CCD sensors has been developed for use as a high-speed, high-resolution image reader. The CCD sensors are optically coupled to a single lens by a pyramidal mirror. Each CCD sensor reads a quarter of the image and the four quarter-images are combined into one HDTV picture. Discontinuities at the lines where the four images join can be eliminated by white- and dark-level correction and gamma correction. Moreover, smoothing processing using a weighted-mean method is performed to produce a seamless picture. With this processing the camera can consistently produce seamless pictures.

  • Ice Depolarization Characteristics on Ka-Band Satellite-to-Ground Path in Stratus Type Rainfall Events

    Yasuyuki MAEKAWA  Nion Sock CHANG  Akira MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation


    Ice depolarization characteristics are discussed using cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) observations of the CS-2 beacon signal (19.45GHz, right-hand circular polarization, elevation angle of 49.5) in the stratus type rainfall events, which show a clear bright band in the simultaneous X-band radar observations. Both amplitude and phase of the mean ice depolarizations are deduced in each rainfall event by subtracting theoretical rain depolarizations from the observed values. In spite of the difference in rainfall rates on the ground, the inferred depolarizations indicate much the same amplitude and phase as those directly obtained in pure ice depolarization events without appreciable rain depolarizations. The origin of the ice depolarizations in the stratus type events, as well as in the pure ice events, seems to be ice crystals near the cloud top which are not very much concerned with the ground rainfall rates. Compared with the radar measurements above the bright band, the ice depolarizations are approximately proportional to the vertical length of the ice region at least up to 3km above the bright band. This result yields the equivalent "specific depolarization" per unit path length: |Ci|610-3km-1 (44dB in XPD) for the mean ice depolarizations in each event. Using this coefficient, the ice effects (XPD), which refer to the deviations of the observed depolarizations from the theoretical rain depolarization, are well described as a function of the height ratio of the ice region to the rain region in the stratus type events. Finally, the ice effects (XPD) are calculated against vertical lengths of the ice region in the case of specific rain heights of 2-4 km. These calculations are performed for various rainfall rates of 2-15mm/h in view of ground-based rain observations.

  • Study on Snow Attaching to the TACAN Antenna

    Yoshihiko KUWAHARA  Naohito OSHIDA  Yoshihiko MATSUZAWA  Mitsuo KATO  

    PAPER-Electronic and Radio Applications


    The TACAN is located where there is no obstruction to its line-of-sight coverage. When it snows, its radome, particularly its windward side is covered with snow. This partial snow attaching on the radome causes azimuth error of the TACAN. In this paper, a simple computer simulation for estimation of the azimuth error caused by such snow attaching is proposed. Then we checked the simulation results against the test results of the azimuth error due to pseudo ice/snow layer and the results of measurements in the fields. Finally, we propose a spherical radome to alleviate this problem and its test results are presented. We think that this study is also applicable for radar antennas.

  • Application of DBF Technique to Radar Systems

    Shin'ichi TAKEYA  Mitsuyoshi SHINONAGA  Yoshitaka SASAKI  Hiroshi MIYAUCHI  Masanori MATSUMURA  Tasuku MOROOKA  

    PAPER-Electronic and Radio Applications


    This paper describes a DBF (Digital Beamforming) technique as a spatial filtering in the radar systems. DBF for a beamformer and an adaptive processor are discussed. An architecture for the beamformer is proposed. The beamformer discussed consists of systolic arrays that can form beams arbitrarily. Antenna radiation patterns measured in an open site are shown. For the adaptive processor, Gram-Schmidt transformation method is attained by using systolic arrays. Proposed is a means to prevent target signals from being suppressed in cells of the systolic arrays and to achieve the convergent characteristics independent of the magnitude of undesired signal power. In order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed processor, a test model of the adaptive processor was developed and tested in multiple undesired signal environment. Test results are indicated.

  • A Study on Customer Complaint Handling System

    Masashi ICHINOSE  Hiroshi TOKUNAGA  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service


    From the viewpoint of customer's satisfaction, precise information and rapid action are very important when complaints about call connection failures or service quality deterioration come from customers. It is indispensable to the propose that operators are supported by an operation system which stores and processes each customer's information, their complaint's histories, network failure status and call connection detail data. This paper shows functions and Human Machine Interface (HMI) of Customer Complaint Handling System (CCHS). This system can handle a customer's complaint by an electric ticket and necessary information is automatically collected and shown on the ticket.

  • Channel-Grouping Methods on Go-Back-N ARQ Scheme in Multiple-Parallel-Channel System

    Chun-Xiang CHEN  Masaharu KOMATSU  Kozo KINOSHITA  

    LETTER-Communication Theory


    We consider a communication system in which a transmitter is connected to a receiver through parallel channels, and the Go-Back-N ARQ scheme is used to handle transmission errors. A packet error on one channel results in retransmission of packets assigned to other channels under the Go-Back-N ARQ scheme. Therefore, the channel-grouping (a grouped-channel is used to transmit the same packet at a time), would affect the throughput performance. We analyze the throughput performance, and give a tree-algorithm to efficiently search for the optimal channel-grouping which makes the throughput to become maximum. Numerical results show that the throughput is largely improved by using the optimal channel-grouping.

  • Development of I/Q Sampling Technology

    Takuya WADA  Shin'ichi TAKEYA  Mitsuyoshi SHINONAGA  Hiroshi MIYAUCHI  Masanori MATSUMURA  Tasuku MOROOKA  

    LETTER-Electronic and Radio Applications


    For IF direct sampling phase detection method (IFSM) which realizes the arithmetical operations with digital filters by direct A/D (Analog to Digital) conversion of IF (Intermediate Frequency) signal, the method to eliminate DC offset is proposed and developed by using the gate array. A principle of the proposed method and the results of the measurement are shown.