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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Dynamic Heterogeneous Particle Swarm Optimization

    Shiqin YANG  Yuji SATO  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E100-D No:2

    Recently, the Static Heterogeneous Particle Swarm Optimization (SHPSO) has been studied by more and more researchers. In SHPSO, the different search behaviours assigned to particles during initialization do not change during the search process. As a consequence of this, the inappropriate population size of exploratory particles could leave the SHPSO with great difficulties of escaping local optima. This motivated our attempt to improve the performance of SHPSO by introducing the dynamic heterogeneity. The self-adaptive heterogeneity is able to alter its heterogeneous structure according to some events caused by the behaviour of the swarm. The proposed triggering events are confirmed by keeping track of the frequency of the unchanged global best position (pg) for a number of iterations. This information is then used to select a new heterogeneous structure when pg is considered stagnant. According to the different types of heterogeneity, DHPSO-d and DHPSO-p are proposed in this paper. In, particles dynamically use different rules for updating their position when the triggering events are confirmed. In DHPSO-p, a global gbest model and a pairwise connection model are automatically selected by the triggering configuration. In order to investigate the scalability of and DHPSO-p, a series of experiments with four state-of-the-art algorithms are performed on ten well-known optimization problems. The scalability analysis of and DHPSO-p reveals that the dynamic self-adaptive heterogeneous structure is able to address the exploration-exploitation trade-off problem in PSO, and provide the excellent optimal solution of a problem simultaneously.

  • Joint Optimization of Perceptual Gain Function and Deep Neural Networks for Single-Channel Speech Enhancement

    Wei HAN  Xiongwei ZHANG  Gang MIN  Xingyu ZHOU  Meng SUN  

    LETTER-Noise and Vibration

    E100-A No:2

    In this letter, we explore joint optimization of perceptual gain function and deep neural networks (DNNs) for a single-channel speech enhancement task. A DNN architecture is proposed which incorporates the masking properties of the human auditory system to make the residual noise inaudible. This new DNN architecture directly trains a perceptual gain function which is used to estimate the magnitude spectrum of clean speech from noisy speech features. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed speech enhancement approach can achieve significant improvements over the baselines when tested with TIMIT sentences corrupted by various types of noise, no matter whether the noise conditions are included in the training set or not.

  • Resource Allocation in Energy Constrained Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network

    Wenhao JIANG  Wenjiang FENG  Xingcheng ZHAO  Qing LUO  Zhiming WANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E100-B No:2

    Spectrum sharing effectively improves the spectrum usage by allowing secondary users (SUs) to dynamically and opportunistically share the licensed bands with primary users (PUs). The concept of cooperative spectrum sharing allows SUs to use portions of the PUs' radio resource for their own data transmission, under the condition that SUs help the PUs' transmission. The key issue with designing such a scheme is how to deal with the resource splitting of the network. In this paper we propose a relay-based cooperative spectrum sharing scheme in which the network consists of one PU and multiple SUs. The PU asks the SUs to relay its data in order to improve its energy efficiency, in return it rewards the SUs with a portion of its authorized spectrum. However each SU is only allowed to transmit its data via the rewarded channel at a power level proportional to the contribution it makes to the PU. Since energy cost is considered, the SUs must carefully determine their power level. This scheme forms a non-cooperative Stackelberg resource allocation game where the strategy of PU is the bandwidth it rewards and the strategy of each SU is power level of relay transmission. We first investigate the second stage of the sub-game which is addressed as power allocation game. We prove there exists an equilibrium in the power allocation game and provide a sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the equilibrium. We further prove a unique Stackelberg equilibrium exists in the resource allocation game. Distributed algorithms are proposed to help the users with incomplete information achieve the equilibrium point. Simulation results validate our analysis and show that our proposed scheme introduces significant utility improvement for both PU and SUs.

  • Assembly Technologies for Integrated Transmitter/Receiver Optical Sub-Assembly Modules Open Access

    Keita MOCHIZUKI  Tadashi MURAO  Mizuki SHIRAO  Yoshiyuki KAMO  Nobuyuki YASUI  Takahiro YOSHIMOTO  Daisuke ECHIZENYA  Masaya SHIMONO  Hidekazu KODERA  Masamichi NOGAMI  Hiroshi ARUGA  


    E100-C No:2

    We have succeeded in developing three techniques, a precise lens-alignment technique, low-loss built-in Spatial Multiplexing optics and a well-matched electrical connection for high-frequency signals, which are indispensable for realizing compact high-performance TOSAs and ROSAs employing hybrid integration technology. The lens position was controlled to within ±0.3 µm by high-power laser irradiation. All components comprising the multiplexing optics are bonded to a prism, enabling the insertion loss to be held down to 0.8 dB due to the dimensional accuracy of the prism. The addition of an FPC layer reduced the impedance mismatch at the junction between the FPC and PCB. We demonstrated a compact integrated four-lane 25 Gb/s TOSA (15.1 mm × 6.5 mm × 5.6 mm) and ROSA (17.0 mm × 12.0 mm × 7.0 mm) using the built-in spatial Mux/Demux optics with good transmission performance for 100 Gb/s Ethernet. These are respectively suitable for the QSFP28 and CFP2 form factors.

  • Throughput Enhancement for SATCOM Systems Using Dynamic Spectrum Controlled Channel Allocation under Variable Propagation Conditions

    Katsuya NAKAHIRA  Jun MASHINO  Jun-ichi ABE  Daisuke MURAYAMA  Tadao NAKAGAWA  Takatoshi SUGIYAMA  

    PAPER-Satellite Communications

    E100-B No:2

    This paper proposes a dynamic spectrum controlled (DSTC) channel allocation algorithm to increase the total throughput of satellite communication (SATCOM) systems. To effectively use satellite resources such as the satellite's maximum transponder bandwidth and maximum transmission power and to handle the propagation gain variation at all earth stations, the DSTC algorithm uses two new transmission techniques: spectrum compression and spectrum division. The algorithm controls various transmission parameters, such as the spectrum compression ratio, number of spectrum divisions, combination of modulation method and FEC coding rate (MODCOD), transmission power, and spectrum bandwidth to ensure a constant transmission bit rate under variable propagation conditions. Simulation results show that the DSTC algorithm achieves up to 1.6 times higher throughput than a simple MODCOD-based algorithm.

  • Automatically Extracting Parallel Sentences from Wikipedia Using Sequential Matching of Language Resources

    Juryong CHEON  Youngjoong KO  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E100-D No:2

    In this paper, we propose a method to find similar sentences based on language resources for building a parallel corpus between English and Korean from Wikipedia. We use a Wiki-dictionary consisted of document titles from the Wikipedia and bilingual example sentence pairs from Web dictionary instead of traditional machine readable dictionary. In this way, we perform similarity calculation between sentences using sequential matching of the language resources, and evaluate the extracted parallel sentences. In the experiments, the proposed parallel sentences extraction method finally shows 65.4% of F1-score.

  • A Wideband Printed Elliptical Monopole Antenna for Circular Polarization

    Takafumi FUJIMOTO  Takaya ISHIKUBO  Masaya TAKAMURA  


    E100-B No:2

    In this paper, a printed elliptical monopole antenna for wideband circular polarization is proposed. The antenna's structure is asymmetric with regard to the microstrip line. The section of the ground plane that overlaps the elliptical patch is removed. With simulations, the relationship between the antenna's geometrical parameters and the antenna's axial ratio of circularly polarized wave is clarified. The operational principle for wideband circular polarization is explained by the simulated electric current distributions. The simulated and measured bandwidths of the 3dB-axial ratio with a 2-VSWR is approximately 88.4% (2.12GHz-5.47GHz) and 83.6% (2.20GHz-5.36GHz), respectively.

  • Band Splitting Permutations for Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes Achieving Asymptotically Optimal Burst Erasure Immunity

    Hiroki MORI  Tadashi WADAYAMA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E100-A No:2

    It is well known that spatially coupled (SC) codes with erasure-BP decoding have powerful error correcting capability over memoryless erasure channels. However, the decoding performance of SC-codes significantly degrades when they are used over burst erasure channels. In this paper, we propose band splitting permutations (BSP) suitable for (l,r,L) SC-codes. The BSP splits a diagonal band in a base matrix into multiple bands in order to enhance the span of the stopping sets in the base matrix. As theoretical performance guarantees, lower and upper bounds on the maximal burst correctable length of the permuted (l,r,L) SC-codes are presented. Those bounds indicate that the maximal correctable burst ratio of the permuted SC-codes is given by λmax≃1/k where k=r/l. This implies the asymptotic optimality of the permuted SC-codes in terms of burst erasure correction.

  • Multi-Beam Massive MIMO Using Constant Modulus Algorithm for QAM Signals Employing Amplitude and Phase Offset Compensation

    Ryotaro TANIGUCHI  Kentaro NISHIMORI  Hideo MAKINO  


    E100-B No:2

    Massive MIMO transmission, whose number of antennas is much larger than the number of user terminals, has been attracted much attention as one of key technologies in next-generation mobile communication system because it enables improvement in service area and interference mitigation by simple signal processing. Multi-beam massive MIMO has proposed that utilizes the beam selection with high power in analog part and blind algorithm such as constant modulus algorithm (CMA) which does not need channel state information (CSI) is applied in digital part. Proposed configuration obtains high transmission efficiency. We have evaluated QPSK signals because the CMA basically focuses on the constant amplitude modulation. In this paper, in order to achieve the further higher transmission rate, the amplitude and phase compensation scheme is proposed when using the CMA with amplitude and phase modulation scheme such as QAM. The effectiveness of proposed method is verified by the computer simulation.

  • Dynamic Ant Colony Optimization for Routing in Mobile Content Oriented Networks

    Shintaro MANOME  Takuya ASAKA  


    E100-B No:2

    A huge amount of content exists on the Internet, and contents from mobile devices are also present. Growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is further accelerating this trend. Content oriented networks have been proposed as a new network architecture that conducts routing using the content's ID instead of an IP address. Content queries are routed on the content name itself instead of a destination address in these content oriented networks. When the content from a mobile device moves somewhere else, all the routing tables are generally re-created with the movement information that the mobile device sends. However, a routing scheme that uses ant colony optimization has attracted attention for supporting this process, but this optimization has a problem in that it cannot cope with moving contents and users sufficiently. In this paper, we propose a scheme that can cope with moving contents sources and users that require contents by using pheromones that are laid by these moving mobile devices. This proposed scheme can be applied to case of not only moving content sources but also the moving request users. Moreover, we conduct simulations to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme.

  • Node Name Routing in Information-Centric Ad-Hoc Network

    Zheng WEN  Di ZHANG  Keping YU  Takuro SATO  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E100-A No:2

    We propose the node name routing (NNR) strategy for information-centric ad-hoc networks based on the named-node networking (3N). This strategy is especially valuable for use in disaster areas because, when the Internet is out of service during a disaster, our strategy can be used to set up a self-organizing network via cell phones or other terminal devices that have a sharing ability, and it does not rely on a base station (BS) or similar providers. Our proposed strategy can solve the multiple-name problem that has arisen in prior 3N proposals, as well as the dead loop problems in both 3N ad-hoc networks and TCP/IP ad-hoc networks. To evaluate the NNR strategy, it is compared with the optimized link state routing protocol (OLSR) and the dynamic source routing (DSR) strategy. Computer-based comprehensive simulations showed that our NNR proposal exhibits a better performance in this environment when all of the users are moving randomly. We further observed that with a growing number of users, our NNR protocol performs better in terms of packet delivery, routing cost, etc.

  • On the Interference Alignment Designs for Secure Multiuser MIMO Systems

    Kha HOANG HA  Thanh TUNG VU  Trung QUANG DUONG  Nguyen-Son VO  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E100-A No:2

    In this paper, we propose two secure multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission approaches based on interference alignment (IA) in the presence of an eavesdropper. To deal with the information leakage to the eavesdropper as well as the interference signals from undesired transmitters (Txs) at desired receivers (Rxs), our approaches aim to design the transmit precoding and receive subspace matrices to minimize both the total inter-main-link interference and the wiretapped signals (WSs). The first proposed IA scheme focuses on aligning the WSs into proper subspaces while the second one imposes a new structure on the precoding matrices to force the WSs to zero. In each proposed IA scheme, the precoding matrices and the receive subspaces at the legitimate users are alternatively selected to minimize the cost function of a convex optimization problem for every iteration. We provide the feasible conditions and the proofs of convergence for both IA approaches. The simulation results indicate that our two IA approaches outperform the conventional IA algorithm in terms of the average secrecy sum rate.

  • Integrated-Circuit Approaches to THz Communications: Challenges, Advances, and Future Prospects

    Minoru FUJISHIMA  Shuhei AMAKAWA  


    E100-A No:2

    Frequencies around 300GHz offer extremely broad atmospheric transmission window with relatively low losses of up to 10dB/km and can be regarded as the ultimate platform for ultrahigh-speed wireless communications with near-fiber-optic data rates. This paper reviews technical challenges and recent advances in integrated circuits targeted at communications using these and nearby “terahertz (THz)” frequencies. Possible new applications of THz wireless links that are hard to realize by other means are also discussed.

  • New Estimation Method of Pedestrian's Running Out into Road by Using Pressure Sensor and Moving Record for Traffic Safety

    Tomotaka WADA  Go NAKAGAMI  Susumu KAWAI  


    E100-A No:2

    We have developed Pedestrian-Vehicular Collision Avoidance Support System (P-VCASS) in order to protect pedestrians from traffic accidents and its effectiveness has been verified. P-VCASS is a system that takes into account pedestrian's moving situations. It gives warning to drivers of neighboring vehicles in advance if there is a possibility of collision between vehicles and pedestrians. There are pedestrians to move around. They are dangerous for vehicle drivers because they have high probability of running out into the road suddenly. Hence, we need to take into account the presence of them. In this paper, we propose a new estimation method of pedestrian's running out into road by using pressure sensor and moving record. We show the validity of the proposed system by experiments using a vehicle and a pedestrian terminal in the intersection. As a result, we show that a driver of vehicle is able to detect dangerous pedestrians quickly and accurately.

  • Texture-Based Satellite Visibility Detection for Efficient 3D-Model-Aided GNSS



    E100-A No:2

    Limited satellite visibility, multipath and non-line-of-sight signals reduce the performance of the stand-alone Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver in urban environments. Embedding 3D model of urban structures in the condition of restricted visibility of the GNSS satellites due to urban canyons may improve position measurement accuracy significantly. State-of-the-art methods use raytracing or rasterization techniques applied on a 3D map to detect satellite visibility. But these techniques are computationally expensive and limit their widespread benefits for mobile and automotive applications. In this paper, a texture-based satellite visibility detection (TBSVD) methodology suitable for mobile and automotive grade Graphical Processing Units is presented. This methodology applies ray marching algorithm on a 2D height map texture of urban structures, and it is proposed as a more efficient alternative to 3D raytracing or rasterization methodology. Real road test in the business district of the metropolitan city is conducted in order to evaluate its performance. TBSVD is implemented in conventional ranging-based GNSS solution and the results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

  • Bufferbloat Avoidance with Frame-Dropping Threshold Notification in Ring Aggregation Networks



    E100-B No:2

    In recent years, the reduced cost and increased capacity of memory have resulted in a growing number of buffers in switches and routers. Consequently, today's networks suffer from bufferbloat, a term that refers to excess frame buffering resulting in high latency, high jitter, and low throughput. Although ring aggregation is an efficient topology for forwarding traffic from multiple, widely deployed user nodes to a core network, a fairness scheme is needed to achieve throughput fairness and avoid bufferbloat, because frames are forwarded along ring nodes. N Rate N+1 Color Marking (NRN+1CM) was proposed to achieve per-flow fairness in ring aggregation networks. The key idea of NRN+1CM is to assign a color that indicates the dropping priority of a frame according to the flow-input rate. When congestion occurs, frames are selectively discarded based on their color and the frame-dropping threshold. Through the notification process for the frame-dropping threshold, frames are discarded at upstream nodes in advance, avoiding the accumulation of a queuing delay. The performance of NRN+1CM was analyzed theoretically and evaluated with computer simulations. However, its ability to avoid bufferbloat has not yet been proven mathematically. This paper uses an M(n)/M/1/K queue model to demonstrate how bufferbloat is avoided with NRN+1CM's frame-dropping threshold-notification process. The M(n)/M/1/K queue is an M/M/1/K queuing system with balking. The state probabilities and average queue size of each ring node were calculated with the model, proving that the average queue size is suppressed in several frames, but not in the most congested queue. Computer simulation results confirm the validity of the queue model. Consequently, it was logically deducted from the proposed M(n)/M/1/K model that bufferbloat is successfully avoided with NRN+1CM independent of the network conditions including the number of nodes, buffer sizes, and the number and types of flows.

  • Asymmetric ZCZ Sequence Sets with Inter-Subset Uncorrelated Sequences via Interleaved Technique

    Longye WANG  Xiaoli ZENG  Hong WEN  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E100-A No:2

    An uncorrelated asymmetric ZCZ (UA-ZCZ) sequence set is a special version of an asymmetric ZCZ (A-ZCZ) sequence set, which contains multiple subsets and each subset is a typical ZCZ sequence set. One of the most important properties of UA-ZCZ sequnence set is that two arbitrary sequences from different sequence subsets are uncorrelated sequences, whose cross-correlation function (CCF) is zeros at all shifts. Based on interleaved technique and an uncorrelated sequence set, a new UA-ZCZ sequence set is obtained via interleaving a perfect sequence. The uncorrelated property of the UA-ZCZ sequence sets is expected to be useful for avoiding inter-cell interference of QS-CDMA systems.

  • Simultaneous Optimal Design Method of Primary Radiator and Main Reflector for Shaped Beam Antennas

    Takashi TOMURA  Michio TAKIKAWA  Yoshio INASAWA  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  


    E100-B No:2

    Shaped beam reflector antennas are widely used because they can achieve a shaped beam even with a single primary feed. Because coverage shapes depend on service areas, optimum primary radiators and reflector shapes are determined by the service areas. In this paper, we propose a simultaneous optimal design method of the primary radiator and reflector for the shaped beam antenna. Particle swarm optimization and the conjugate gradient method are adopted to optimize the primary radiator and reflector. The design method is applied to Japan coverage to verify its effectiveness.

  • GDOP and the CRB for Positioning Systems

    Wanchun LI  Ting YUAN  Bin WANG  Qiu TANG  Yingxiang LI  Hongshu LIAO  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E100-A No:2

    In this paper, we explore the relationship between Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP) and Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) by tracing back to the original motivations for deriving these two indexes. In addition, the GDOP is served as a sensor-target geometric uncertainty analysis tool whilst the CRB is served as a statistical performance evaluation tool based on the sensor observations originated from target. And CRB is the inverse matrix of Fisher information matrix (FIM). Based on the original derivations for a same positioning application, we interpret their difference in a mathematical view to show that.

  • Direction Finding of Noncircular Coherently Distributed Sources for Centrosymmetric Array

    Zheng DAI  Weimin SU  Hong GU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:2

    In this letter, we propose an algorithm for the 2-dimensional (2D) direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of noncircular coherently distributed (CD) sources using the centrosymmetric array. For a centrosymmetric array, we prove that the angular signal distributed weight (ASDW) vector of the CD source has a symmetric structure. To estimate azimuth and elevation angle, we perform a 2D searching based on generalized ESPRIT algorithm. The significant superiority of the proposed algorithm is that, the 2D central directions of CD sources can be found independently of deterministic angular distributed function (DADF). Simulations results verify the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.
