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  • Survivability Analysis of VM-Based Intrusion Tolerant Systems

    Junjun ZHENG  Hiroyuki OKAMURA  Tadashi DOHI  


    E98-D No:12

    Survivability is the capability of a system to provide its services in a timely manner even after intrusion and compromise occur. In this paper, we focus on the quantitative analysis of survivability of virtual machine (VM) based intrusion tolerant system in the presence of Byzantine failures due to malicious attacks. Intrusion tolerant system has the ability of a system to continuously provide correct services even if the system is intruded. This paper introduces a scheme of the intrusion tolerant system with virtualization, and derives the success probability for one request by a Markov chain under the environment where VMs have been intruded due to a security hole by malicious attacks. Finally, in numerical experiments, we evaluate the performance of VM-based intrusion tolerant system from the viewpoint of survivability.

  • Device-Parameter Estimation with Sensitivity-Configurable Ring Oscillator

    Shoichi IIZUKA  Yuma HIGUCHI  Masanori HASHIMOTO  Takao ONOYE  

    PAPER-Device and Circuit Modeling and Analysis

    E98-A No:12

    The RO (Ring-Oscillator)-based sensor is one of easily-implementable variation sensors, but for decomposing the observed variability into multiple unique device-parameter variations, a large number of ROs with different structures and sensitivities to device-parameters is required. This paper proposes an area efficient device parameter estimation method with sensitivity-configurable ring oscillator (RO). This sensitivity-configurable RO has a number of configurations and the proposed method exploits this property for reducing sensor area and/or improving estimation accuracy. The proposed method selects multiple sets of sensitivity configurations, obtains multiple estimates and computes the average of them for accuracy improvement exploiting an averaging effect. Experimental results with a 32-nm predictive technology model show that the proposed averaging with multiple estimates can reduce the estimation error by 49% or reduce the sensor area by 75% while keeping the accuracy. Compared to previous work with iterative estimation, 23% accuracy improvement is achieved.

  • A New Attack on RSA with Known Middle Bits of the Private Key

    Shixiong WANG  Longjiang QU  Chao LI  Shaojing FU  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:12

    In this paper, we investigate the security property of RSA when some middle bits of the private key d are known to an attacker. Using the technique of unravelled linearization, we present a new attack on RSA with known middle bits, which improves a previous result under certain circumstance. Our approach is based on Coppersmith's method for finding small roots of modular polynomial equations.

  • A Novel Class of Zero-Correlation Zone Sequence Set Having a Low Peak-Factor and a Flat Power Spectrum

    Takafumi HAYASHI  Yodai WATANABE  Anh T. PHAM  Toshiaki MIYAZAKI  Shinya MATSUFUJI  Takao MAEDA  


    E98-A No:12

    The present paper introduces a novel method for the construction of a class of sequences that have a zero-correlation zone. For the proposed sequence set, both the cross-correlation function and the side lobe of the auto-correlation function are zero for phase shifts within the zero-correlation zone. The proposed scheme can generate a set of sequences of length 8n2 from an arbitrary Hadamard matrix of order n and a set of 2n trigonometric-like function sequences of length 4n. The proposed sequence construction can generate an optimal zero-correlation zone sequence set that satisfies the theoretical bound on the number of members for the given zero-correlation zone and sequence period. The auto-correlation function of the proposed sequence is equal to zero for all nonzero phase shifts. The peak factor of the proposed sequence set is √2, and the peak factor of a single trigonometric function is equal to √2. Assigning the sequences of the proposed set to a synthetic aperture ultrasonic imaging system would improve the S/N of the obtained image. The proposed sequence set can also improve the performance of radar systems. The performance of the applications of the proposed sequence sets are evaluated.

  • Off-Grid DOA Estimation Based on Analysis of the Convexity of Maximum Likelihood Function

    Liang LIU  Ping WEI  Hong Shu LIAO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E98-A No:12

    Spatial compressive sensing (SCS) has recently been applied to direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation, owing to its advantages over conventional versions. However the performance of compressive sensing (CS)-based estimation methods degrades when the true DOAs are not exactly on the discretized sampling grid. We solve the off-grid DOA estimation problem using the deterministic maximum likelihood (DML) estimation method. In this letter, on the basis of the convexity of the DML function, we propose a computationally efficient algorithm framework for off-grid DOA estimation. Numerical experiments demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed methods in terms of accuracy, robustness and speed.

  • Using Correlated Regression Models to Calculate Cumulative Attributes for Age Estimation

    Lili PAN  Qiangsen HE  Yali ZHENG  Mei XIE  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:12

    Facial age estimation requires accurately capturing the mapping relationship between facial features and corresponding ages, so as to precisely estimate ages for new input facial images. Previous works usually use one-layer regression model to learn this complex mapping relationship, resulting in low estimation accuracy. In this letter, we propose a new gender-specific regression model with a two-layer structure for more accurate age estimation. Different from recent two-layer models that use a global regressor to calculate cumulative attributes (CA) and use CA to estimate age, we use gender-specific ones to calculate CA with more flexibility and precision. Extensive experimental results on FG-NET and Morph 2 datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method over other state-of-the-art age estimation methods.

  • A Flexible Direct Attached Storage for a Data Intensive Application

    Takatsugu ONO  Yotaro KONISHI  Teruo TANIMOTO  Noboru IWAMATSU  Takashi MIYOSHI  Jun TANAKA  

    PAPER-Storage System

    E98-D No:12

    Big data analysis and a data storing applications require a huge volume of storage and a high I/O performance. Applications can achieve high level of performance and cost efficiency by exploiting the high I/O performance of direct attached storages (DAS) such as internal HDDs. With the size of stored data ever increasing, it will be difficult to replace servers since internal HDDs contain huge amounts of data. Generally, the data is copied via Ethernet when transferring the data from the internal HDDs to the new server. However, the amount of data will continue to rapidly increase, and thus, it will be hard to make these types of transfers through the Ethernet since it will take a long time. A storage area network such as iSCSI can be used to avoid this problem because the data can be shared with the servers. However, this decreases the level of performance and increases the costs. Improving the flexibility without incurring I/O performance degradation is required in order to improve the DAS architecture. In response to this issue, we propose FlexDAS, which improves the flexibility of direct attached storage by using a disk area network (DAN) without degradation the I/O performance. A resource manager connects or disconnects the computation nodes to the HDDs via the FlexDAS switch, which supports the SAS or SATA protocols. This function enables for the servers to be replaced in a short period of time. We developed a prototype FlexDAS switch and quantitatively evaluated the architecture. Results show that the FlexDAS switch can disconnect and connect the HDD to the server in just 1.16 seconds. We also confirmed that the FlexDAS improves the performance of the data intensive applications by up to 2.84 times compared with the iSCSI.

  • Improved Estimation of Direction-of-Arrival by Adaptive Selection of Algorithms in Angular Spread Environments

    Tomomi AOKI  Yasuhiko TANABE  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E98-B No:12

    This paper proposes a novel direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation method that can reduce performance degradation due to angular spread. Some algorithms previously proposed for such estimation make assumptions about the distributions of amplitude and phase for incident waves because most DOA estimation algorithms are sensitive to angular spread. However, when the assumptions are inaccurate, these algorithms perform poorly as compared with algorithms without countermeasures against angular spread. In this paper, we propose a method for selecting an appropriate DOA estimation algorithm according to the channel vector of each source signal as estimated by independent component analysis. Computer simulations show that the proposed method can robustly estimate DOA in environments with angular spread.

  • Outage Probability of Incremental Selection AF Relaying Scheme in Half-Duplex Cooperative Relay Networks

    Jeehoon LEE  Minjoong RIM  Kiseon KIM  


    E98-B No:12

    An incremental relaying protocol is a promising scheme for preventing the inefficient use of resources in half-duplex cooperative relay networks. In particular, the incremental selection amplify-and-forward (ISAF) relaying scheme is a well-designed protocol under the condition that the source-to-destination (SD) link is static during the two transmission phases. However, from a practical viewpoint, the SD link is not static but varies with time, and thus the ISAF relaying scheme may not work well in the field. In this work, we first show that the outage performance of the ISAF relaying scheme may decrease when the SD link is not static during the two transmission phases. We then propose a modified version of the ISAF relaying scheme which overcomes such a limitation of the ISAF relaying scheme under time-varying environments. Finally, numerical and simulation results are provided to support our findings.

  • Rapid Converging M-Max Partial Update Least Mean Square Algorithms with New Variable Step-Size Methods

    Jin LI-YOU  Ying-Ren CHIEN  Yu TSAO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E98-A No:12

    Determining an effective way to reduce computation complexity is an essential task for adaptive echo cancellation applications. Recently, a family of partial update (PU) adaptive algorithms has been proposed to effectively reduce computational complexity. However, because a PU algorithm updates only a portion of the weights of the adaptive filters, the rate of convergence is reduced. To address this issue, this paper proposes an enhanced switching-based variable step-size (ES-VSS) approach to the M-max PU least mean square (LMS) algorithm. The step-size is determined by the correlation between the error signals and their noise-free versions. Noise-free error signals are approximated according to the level of convergence achieved during the adaptation process. The approximation of the noise-free error signals switches among four modes, such that the resulting step-size is as close to its optimal value as possible. Simulation results show that when only a half of all taps are updated in a single iteration, the proposed method significantly enhances the convergence rate of the M-max PU LMS algorithm.

  • Contact Duration-Aware Epidemic Broadcasting in Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networks Open Access

    Kohei WATABE  Hiroyuki OHSAKI  


    E98-B No:12

    DTNs (Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networks) composed of mobile nodes in low node-density environments have attracted considerable attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose a CD-BCAST (Contact Duration BroadCAST) mechanism that can reduce the number of message forwardings while maintaining short message delivery delays in DTNs composed of mobile nodes. The key idea behind CD-BCAST is to increase the probability of simultaneous forwarding by intentionally delaying message forwarding based on the contact duration distribution measured by each node. Through simulations, we show that CD-BCAST needs substantially less message forwardings than conventional mechanisms and it does not require parameter tuning under varieties of communication ranges and node densities.

  • Propagation Channel Interpolation for Fingerprint-Based Localization of Illegal Radios

    Azril HANIZ  Gia Khanh TRAN  Ryosuke IWATA  Kei SAKAGUCHI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Daisuke HAYASHI  Toshihiro YAMAGUCHI  Shintaro ARATA  


    E98-B No:12

    Conventional localization techniques such as triangulation and multilateration are not reliable in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environments such as dense urban areas. Although fingerprint-based localization techniques have been proposed to solve this problem, we may face difficulties because we do not know the parameters of the illegal radio when creating the fingerprint database. This paper proposes a novel technique to localize illegal radios in an urban environment by interpolating the channel impulse responses stored as fingerprints in a database. The proposed interpolation technique consists of interpolation in the bandwidth (delay), frequency and spatial domains. A localization algorithm that minimizes the squared error criterion is employed in this paper, and the proposed technique is evaluated through Monte Carlo simulations using location fingerprints obtained from ray-tracing simulations. Results show that utilizing an interpolated fingerprint database is advantageous in such scenarios.

  • Parallel Geospatial Raster Data I/O Using File View

    Wei XIONG  Ye WU  Luo CHEN  Ning JING  

    LETTER-Storage System

    E98-D No:12

    The challenges of providing a divide-and-conquer strategy for tackling large geospatial raster data input/output (I/O) are longstanding. Solutions need to change with advances in the technology and hardware. After analyzing the reason for the problems of traditional parallel raster I/O mode, a parallel I/O strategy using file view is proposed to solve these problems. Message Passing Interface I/O (MPI-IO) is used to implement this strategy. Experimental results show how a file view approach can be effectively married to General Parallel File System (GPFS). A suitable file view setting provides an efficient solution to parallel geospatial raster data I/O.

  • Optimization of Multicast Delivery for Threshold Secret Shared Content

    Nagao OGINO  Yuto NAKAMURA  Shigehiro ANO  


    E98-B No:12

    A threshold secret sharing scheme can realize reliable delivery of important content using redundant routes through a network. Furthermore, multicast delivery of threshold secret shared content can achieve efficient resource utilization thanks to the application of multicast and network coding techniques to multiple pieces of the content. Nevertheless, a tradeoff exists between reliability and efficiency if multicast content delivery uses network coding. This paper proposes a flexible multicast delivery scheme for threshold secret shared content that can control the tradeoff between reliability and efficiency. The proposed scheme classifies all the pieces obtained from the original content into multiple groups, and each group is subjected to network coding independently. An optimization procedure is proposed for the multicast delivery scheme, which involves two different heuristic delivery route computation methods applicable to large-scale networks. Evaluation results show that the optimized multicast delivery scheme adopting an appropriate grouping method and classifying the pieces into a suitable number of groups can minimize the required link bandwidth while satisfying a specified content loss probability requirement.

  • Soft-Output Decoding Approach of 2D Modulation Codes in Bit-Patterned Media Recording Systems


    PAPER-Storage Technology

    E98-C No:12

    The two-dimensional (2D) interference is one of the major impairments in bit-patterned media recording (BPMR) systems due to small bit and track pitches, especially at high recording densities. To alleviate this problem, we introduced a rate-4/5 constructive inter-track interference (CITI) coding scheme to prevent the destructive data patterns to be written onto a magnetic medium for an uncoded BPMR system, i.e., without error-correction codes. Because the CITI code produces only the hard decision, it cannot be employed in a coded BPMR system that uses a low-density parity-check (LDPC) code. To utilize it in an iterative decoding scheme, we propose a soft CITI coding scheme based on the log-likelihood ratio algebra implementation in Boolean logic mappings in order that the soft CITI coding scheme together with a modified 2D soft-output Viterbi algorithm (SOVA) detector and a LDPC decoder will jointly perform iterative decoding. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides a significant performance improvement, in particular when an areal density (AD) is high and/or the position jitter is large. Specifically, at a bit-error rate of 10-4 and no position jitter, the proposed system can provide approximately 1.8 and 3.5 dB gain over the conventional coded system without using the CITI code at the ADs of 2.5 and 3.0 Tera-bit per square inch (Tb/in2), respectively.

  • Postcopy Live Migration with Guest-Cooperative Page Faults

    Takahiro HIROFUCHI  Isaku YAMAHATA  Satoshi ITOH  

    PAPER-Operating System

    E98-D No:12

    Postcopy live migration is a promising alternative of virtual machine (VM) migration, which transfers memory pages after switching the execution host of a VM. It allows a shorter and more deterministic migration time than precopy migration. There is, however, a possibility that postcopy migration would degrade VM performance just after switching the execution host. In this paper, we propose a performance improvement technique of postcopy migration, extending the para-virtualized page fault mechanism of a virtual machine monitor. When the guest operating system accesses a not-yet-transferred memory page, our proposed mechanism allows the guest kernel to defer the execution of the current process until the page data is transferred. In parallel with the page transfer, the guest kernel can yield VCPU to other active processes. We implemented the proposed technique in our postcopy migration mechanism for Qemu/KVM. Through experiments, we confirmed that our technique successfully alleviated performance degradation of postcopy migration for web server and database benchmarks.

  • A Hardware-Trojans Identifying Method Based on Trojan Net Scoring at Gate-Level Netlists

    Masaru OYA  Youhua SHI  Noritaka YAMASHITA  Toshihiko OKAMURA  Yukiyasu TSUNOO  Satoshi GOTO  Masao YANAGISAWA  Nozomu TOGAWA  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis, Test and Verification

    E98-A No:12

    Outsourcing IC design and fabrication is one of the effective solutions to reduce design cost but it may cause severe security risks. Particularly, malicious outside vendors may implement Hardware Trojans (HTs) on ICs. When we focus on IC design phase, we cannot assume an HT-free netlist or a Golden netlist and it is too difficult to identify whether a given netlist is HT-free or not. In this paper, we propose a score-based hardware-trojans identifying method at gate-level netlists without using a Golden netlist. Our proposed method does not directly detect HTs themselves in a gate-level netlist but it detects a net included in HTs, which is called Trojan net, instead. Firstly, we observe Trojan nets from several HT-inserted benchmarks and extract several their features. Secondly, we give scores to extracted Trojan net features and sum up them for each net in benchmarks. Then we can find out a score threshold to classify HT-free and HT-inserted netlists. Based on these scores, we can successfully classify HT-free and HT-inserted netlists in all the Trust-HUB gate-level benchmarks and ISCAS85 benchmarks as well as HT-free and HT-inserted AES gate-level netlists. Experimental results demonstrate that our method successfully identify all the HT-inserted gate-level benchmarks to be “HT-inserted” and all the HT-free gate-level benchmarks to be “HT-free” in approximately three hours for each benchmark.

  • Parameterization of High-Dimensional Perfect Sequences over a Composition Algebra over R

    Takao MAEDA  Yodai WATANABE  Takafumi HAYASHI  


    E98-A No:12

    To analyze the structure of a set of high-dimensional perfect sequences over a composition algebra over R, we developed the theory of Fourier transforms of the set of such sequences. We define the discrete cosine transform and the discrete sine transform, and we show that there exists a relationship between these transforms and a convolution of sequences. By applying this property to a set of perfect sequences, we obtain a parameterization theorem. Using this theorem, we show the equivalence between the left perfectness and right perfectness of sequences. For sequences of real numbers, we obtain the parameterization without restrictions on the parameters.

  • SP-MAC: A Media Access Control Method Based on the Synchronization Phenomena of Coupled Oscillators over WLAN

    Hiroyasu OBATA  Ryo HAMAMOTO  Chisa TAKANO  Kenji ISHIDA  

    PAPER-Wireless System

    E98-D No:12

    Wireless local area networks (LANs) based on the IEEE802.11 standard usually use carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) for media access control. However, in CSMA/CA, if the number of wireless terminals increases, the back-off time derived by the initial contention window (CW) tends to conflict among wireless terminals. Consequently, a data frame collision often occurs, which sometimes causes the degradation of the total throughput in the transport layer protocols. In this study, to improve the total throughput, we propose a new media access control method, SP-MAC, which is based on the synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillators. Moreover, this study shows that SP-MAC drastically decreases the data frame collision probability and improves the total throughput when compared with the original CSMA/CA method.

  • Top-Down Visual Attention Estimation Using Spatially Localized Activation Based on Linear Separability of Visual Features

    Takatsugu HIRAYAMA  Toshiya OHIRA  Kenji MASE  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:12

    Intelligent information systems captivate people's attention. Examples of such systems include driving support vehicles capable of sensing driver state and communication robots capable of interacting with humans. Modeling how people search visual information is indispensable for designing these kinds of systems. In this paper, we focus on human visual attention, which is closely related to visual search behavior. We propose a computational model to estimate human visual attention while carrying out a visual target search task. Existing models estimate visual attention using the ratio between a representative value of visual feature of a target stimulus and that of distractors or background. The models, however, can not often achieve a better performance for difficult search tasks that require a sequentially spotlighting process. For such tasks, the linear separability effect of a visual feature distribution should be considered. Hence, we introduce this effect to spatially localized activation. Concretely, our top-down model estimates target-specific visual attention using Fisher's variance ratio between a visual feature distribution of a local region in the field of view and that of a target stimulus. We confirm the effectiveness of our computational model through a visual search experiment.
