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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Blind Compressive Sensing Detection of Watermark Coded by Limited-Random Sequence

    Chao ZHANG  Jialuo XIAO  Yaxin ZHANG  


    E98-A No:8

    Due to the fact that natural images are approximately sparse in Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) or wavelet basis, the Compressive Sensing (CS) can be employed to decode both the host image and watermark with zero error, despite not knowing the host image. In this paper, Limited-Random Sequence (LRS) matrix is utilized to implement the blind CS detection, which benefits from zero error and lower complexity. The performance in Bit Error Rate (BER) and error-free detection probability confirms the validity and efficiency of the proposed scheme.

  • Effect of Load-Balancing against Disaster Congestion with Actual Subscriber Extension Telephone Numbers

    Daisuke SATOH  Hiromichi KAWANO  Yoshiyuki CHIBA  


    E98-A No:8

    We demonstrated that load balancing using actual subscriber extension numbers was practical and effective against traffic congestion after a disaster based on actual data. We investigated the ratios of the same subscriber extension numbers in each prefecture and found that most of them were located almost evenly all over the country without being concentrated in a particular area. The ratio of every number except for the fourth-last digit in the last group of four numbers in a telephone number was used almost equally and located almost evenly all over the country. Tolerance against overload in the last, second-, and third-last single digits stays close to that in the ideal situation if we assume that each session initiation protocol server has a capacity in accordance with the ratio of each number on every single digit in the last group of four numbers in Japan. Although tolerance against overload in double-, triple-, and quadruple-digit numbers does not stay close to that in the ideal situation, it still remains sufficiently high in the case of double- and triple-digit numbers. Although tolerance against overload in the quadruple-digit numbers becomes low, disaster congestion is still not likely to occur in almost half of the area of Japan (23 out of 47 prefectures).

  • Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Using Intra-Beam Superposition Coding and SIC in Base Station Cooperative MIMO Cellular Downlink

    Nobuhide NONAKA  Yoshihisa KISHIYAMA  Kenichi HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:8

    This paper extends our previously proposed non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) scheme to the base station (BS) cooperative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) cellular downlink for future radio access. The proposed NOMA scheme employs intra-beam superposition coding of a multiuser signal at the transmitter and the spatial filtering of inter-beam interference followed by the intra-beam successive interference canceller (SIC) at the user terminal receiver. The intra-beam SIC cancels out the inter-user interference within a beam. This configuration achieves reduced overhead for the downlink reference signaling for channel estimation at the user terminal in the case of non-orthogonal user multiplexing and enables the use of the SIC receiver in the MIMO downlink. The transmitter beamforming (precoding) matrix is controlled based on open loop-type random beamforming using a block-diagonalized beamforming matrix, which is very efficient in terms of the amount of feedback information from the user terminal. Simulation results show that the proposed NOMA scheme with block-diagonalized random beamforming in BS cooperative multiuser MIMO and the intra-beam SIC achieves better system-level throughput than orthogonal multiple access (OMA), which is assumed in LTE-Advanced. We also show that BS cooperative operation along with the proposed NOMA further enhances the cell-edge user throughput gain which implies better user fairness and universal connectivity.

  • Performance of Outer-Loop Control for Adaptive Modulation and Coding Based on Mutual Information in OFDM MIMO SDM

    Teppei EBIHARA  Yasuhiro KUGE  Hidekazu TAOKA  Nobuhiko MIKI  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  


    E98-B No:8

    This paper presents the performance of outer-loop control for selecting the best modulation and coding scheme (MCS) based on mutual information (MI) for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) spatial division multiplexing (SDM). We propose an outer-loop control scheme that updates the measured MI per information bit value for selecting the best MCS from a mapping table that associates the block error rate (BLER) and MI per bit instead of directly updating the MCS selection threshold so that the required BLER is satisfied. The proposed outer-loop control is applicable to continuous data transmission including intermittent transmission with a short blank period. Moreover, we compare the measured BLER and throughput performance for two types of outer-loop control methods: instantaneous block error detection and moving-average BLER detection. In the paper, we use maximum likelihood detection (MLD) for MIMO SDM. Computer simulation results optimize the step size for the respective outer-loop control schemes for selecting the best MCS that achieves the higher throughput and the target BLER simultaneously. Computer simulation results also show that by using the most appropriate step size, the outer-loop control method based on the instantaneous block error detection of each physical resource block is more appropriate than that based on the moving-average BLER detection from the viewpoints of achieving the target BLER more accurately and higher throughput.

  • Burst-by-Burst Adaptive DF Relay Systems with PSA-CE Methods over Quasi-Static Rayleigh Fading Channels

    Kyunbyoung KO  Sungmook LIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:8

    In this paper, we propose an analytical approach for adaptive decode-and-forward (ADF) relaying schemes consisting of burst data transmission based on pilot symbol assisted-channel estimation (PSA-CE) methods over quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels. At first, we focus on the error-event at relay nodes in which the transmission mode switching is carried out burst by burst, whereas previous studies assumed the transmission mode switching symbol-by-symbol, thus showing lower error rate bound. Under consideration of burst transmission for ADF relay systems, we derive exact error rate expressions which better estimate the performance of actual systems. Then, the average bit and burst error rates are derived in approximated expressions for an arbitrary link signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) related with channel estimation errors. Their accuracy is confirmed by comparison with simulation results. Furthermore, ADF relay systems with PSA-CE schemes are confirmed to select correctly decoded relay nodes without additional signaling between relay nodes and the destination node and it is verified to achieve the performance at a cost of negligible SNR loss.

  • Constrained Weighted Least Square Filter for Chrominance Recovery of High Resolution Compressed Image

    Takamichi MIYATA  Tomonobu YOSHINO  Sei NAITO  


    E98-A No:8

    Ultra high definition (UHD) imaging systems have attracted much attention as a next generation television (TV) broadcasting service and video streaming service. However, the state of the art video coding standards including H.265/HEVC has not enough compression rate for streaming, broadcasting and storing UHD. Existing coding standard such as H.265/HEVC normaly use RGB-YCbCr color transform before compressing RGB color image since that procedure can decorrelate color components well. However, there is room for improvement on the coding efficiency for color image based on an observation that the luminance and chrominance components changes in same locations. This observation inspired us to propose a new post-processing method for compressed images by using weighted least square (WLS) filter with coded luminance component as a guide image, for refining the edges of chrominance components. Since the computational cost of WLS tends to superlinearly increase with increasing image size, it is difficult to apply it to UHD images. To overcome this problem, we propose slightly overlapped block partitioning and a new variant of WLS (constrained WLS, CWLS). Experimental results of objective quality comparison and subjective assessment test using 4K images show that our proposed method can outperform the conventional method and reduce the bit amount for chrominance component drastically with preserving the subjective quality.

  • Estimation of Subjective Image Quality for Combinations of Display Physical Factors Based on the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System

    Yusuke AMANO  Gosuke OHASHI  Shogo MORI  Kazuya SAWADA  Takeshi HOSHINO  Yoshifumi SHIMODAIRA  


    E98-A No:8

    The present study proposes a method for estimation of subjective image quality, for combinations of display physical factors, based on the Mahalanobis-Taguchi system in the field of quality engineering. The proposed method estimates subjective image quality by the estimated equation based on the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System and subjective evaluation experiments using the method of successive categories for images of which parameters are combinations of gamma, maximum luminance and minimum luminance. The estimated image quality is in good agreement with the experimental subjective image quality.

  • A Sequential Iterative Resource Allocation Scheme for a 2-hop OFDMA Virtual Cellular Network

    Gerard Jimmy PARAISON  Eisuke KUDOH  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:8

    Multi-hop networks have been proposed to increase the data transmission rate in wireless mobile networks, and consequently improve the quality of experience of cell-edge users. A successive resource allocation scheme (SAS) has been proposed for a 2-hop virtual cellular network (VCN). In a multi-cell environment, the performance of SAS degrades because of intra-cell and inter-cell interference. In order to alleviate the effect of intra-cell and inter-cell interference and consequently increase the channel capacity of the VCN, this paper proposes the sequential iterative allocation scheme (SIS). Computer simulation results show that, compared to SAS, SIS can improve the fairness, the ergodic, and the outage channel capacity per mobile terminal (MT) of the VCN in a multi-cell environment. This paper also analyzes the performance of the VCN compared to that of the single hop network (SHN) when SIS is applied in a multi-cell environment. Using SIS, VCN can provide higher ergodic channel capacity, and better degree of fairness than SHN in a multi-cell environment. The effect of the number of wireless ports (WPs) in the VCN is also investigated, and the results suggest that adding more WPs per virtual cell in the VCN can enhance the outage channel capacity per MT and the degree of fairness of the VCN.

  • Compressive Channel Estimation Using Distribution Agnostic Bayesian Method

    Yi LIU  Wenbo MEI  Huiqian DU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:8

    Compressive sensing (CS)-based channel estimation considerably reduces pilot symbols usage by exploiting the sparsity of the propagation channel in the delay-Doppler domain. In this paper, we consider the application of Bayesian approaches to the sparse channel estimation in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Taking advantage of the block-sparse structure and statistical properties of time-frequency selective channels, the proposed Bayesian method provides a more efficient and accurate estimation of the channel status information (CSI) than do conventional CS-based methods. Moreover, our estimation scheme is not limited to the Gaussian scenario but is also available for channels that have non-Gaussian priors or unknown probability density functions. This characteristic is notably useful when the prior statistics of channel coefficients cannot be precisely estimated. We also design a combo pilot pattern to improve the performance of the proposed estimation scheme. Simulation results demonstrate that our method performs well at high Doppler frequencies.

  • NOCOA+: Multimodal Computer-Based Training for Social and Communication Skills

    Hiroki TANAKA  Sakriani SAKTI  Graham NEUBIG  Tomoki TODA  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E98-D No:8

    Non-verbal communication incorporating visual, audio, and contextual information is important to make sense of and navigate the social world. Individuals who have trouble with social situations often have difficulty recognizing these sorts of non-verbal social signals. In this article, we propose a training tool NOCOA+ (Non-verbal COmmuniation for Autism plus) that uses utterances in visual and audio modalities in non-verbal communication training. We describe the design of NOCOA+, and further perform an experimental evaluation in which we examine its potential as a tool for computer-based training of non-verbal communication skills for people with social and communication difficulties. In a series of four experiments, we investigated 1) the effect of temporal context on the ability to recognize social signals in testing context, 2) the effect of modality of presentation of social stimulus on ability to recognize non-verbal information, 3) the correlation between autistic traits as measured by the autism spectrum quotient (AQ) and non-verbal behavior recognition skills measured by NOCOA+, 4) the effectiveness of computer-based training in improving social skills. We found that context information was helpful for recognizing non-verbal behaviors, and the effect of modality was different. The results also showed a significant relationship between the AQ communication and socialization scores and non-verbal communication skills, and that social skills were significantly improved through computer-based training.

  • Improvement of the Solving Performance by the Networking of Particle Swarm Optimization

    Tomoyuki SASAKI  Hidehiro NAKANO  Arata MIYAUCHI  Akira TAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E98-A No:8

    This paper presents a particle swarm optimization network (PSON) to improve the search capability of PSO. In PSON, multi-PSOs are connected for the purpose of communication. A variety of network topology can be realized by varying the number of connected PSOs of each PSO. The solving performance and convergence speed can be controlled by changing the network topology. Furthermore, high parallelism is can be realized by assigning PSO to single processor. The stability condition analysis and performance of PSON are shown.

  • Simple Derivation of the Lifetime and the Distribution of Faces for a Binary Subdivision Model

    Yukio HAYASHI  

    LETTER-Graphs and Networks

    E98-A No:8

    The iterative random subdivision of rectangles is used as a generation model of networks in physics, computer science, and urban planning. However, these researches were independent. We consider some relations in them, and derive fundamental properties for the average lifetime depending on birth-time and the balanced distribution of rectangle faces.

  • Utility-Based Distributed Association Control Scheme with User Guidance for IEEE802.11 Wireless LANs

    Takahiro IWAMI  Irda ROSLAN  Yumi TAKAKI  Kyoko YAMORI  Chikara OHTA  Hisashi TAMAKI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E98-B No:8

    At present, wireless local area networks (WLANs) based on IEEE802.11 are widely deployed in both private premises and public areas. In a public environment offering several access points (APs), a station (STA) needs to choose which AP to associate with. In this paper, we propose a distributed association control scheme with user guidance to increase users' utility based on uplink and downlink throughputs of individual stations. As part of the scheme, we also present a simple throughput estimation method that considers physical data rate, traffic demand, and frame length in both uplink and downlink. Basically, in the proposed scheme, an AP selects a user and suggests that the user moves to another AP if certain conditions are met. The user then decides whether to accept the suggestion or not in a self-interested manner or in a voluntary manner for the benefit of all users including the user's own self. Through simulations under this condition, we confirm that our distributed association control scheme can improve user utility and fairness even though the channel quality of the new AP is unknown in advance.

  • Dominating Sets in Two-Directional Orthogonal Ray Graphs

    Asahi TAKAOKA  Satoshi TAYU  Shuichi UENO  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E98-D No:8

    A 2-directional orthogonal ray graph is an intersection graph of rightward rays (half-lines) and downward rays in the plane. We show a dynamic programming algorithm that solves the weighted dominating set problem in O(n3) time for 2-directional orthogonal ray graphs, where n is the number of vertices of a graph.

  • 5G Radio Access: Requirements, Concept and Experimental Trials Open Access

    Takehiro NAKAMURA  Anass BENJEBBOUR  Yoshihisa KISHIYAMA  Satoshi SUYAMA  Tetsuro IMAI  


    E98-B No:8

    Currently, many operators worldwide are deploying Long Term Evolution (LTE) to provide much faster access with lower latency and higher efficiency than its predecessors 3G and 3.5G. Meanwhile, the service rollout of LTE-Advanced, which is an evolution of LTE and a “true 4G” mobile broadband, is being underway to further enhance LTE performance. However, the anticipated challenges of the next decade (2020s) are so tremendous and diverse that there is a vastly increased need for a new generation mobile communications system with even further enhanced capabilities and new functionalities, namely a fifth generation (5G) system. Envisioning the development of a 5G system by 2020, at DOCOMO we started studies on future radio access as early as 2010, just after the launch of LTE service. The aim at that time was to anticipate the future user needs and the requirements of 10 years later (2020s) in order to identify the right concept and radio access technologies for the next generation system. The identified 5G concept consists of an efficient integration of existing spectrum bands for current cellular mobile and future new spectrum bands including higher frequency bands, e.g., millimeter wave, with a set of spectrum specific and spectrum agnostic technologies. Since a few years ago, we have been conducting several proof-of-concept activities and investigations on our 5G concept and its key technologies, including the development of a 5G real-time simulator, experimental trials of a wide range of frequency bands and technologies and channel measurements for higher frequency bands. In this paper, we introduce an overview of our views on the requirements, concept and promising technologies for 5G radio access, in addition to our ongoing activities for paving the way toward the realization of 5G by 2020.

  • Locally Important Pattern Clustering Code for Pedestrian Classification

    Young Chul LIM  Minsung KANG  


    E98-A No:8

    In this letter, a local pattern coding scheme is proposed to reduce the dimensionality of feature vectors in the local ternary pattern. The proposed method encodes the ternary patterns into a binary pattern by clustering similar ternary patterns. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the previous methods.

  • Information Centric Networking for Disaster Information Sharing Services

    Zheng WEN  Di ZHANG  Keping YU  Takuro SATO  


    E98-A No:8

    Information Centric Networking (ICN) had merits in terms of mobility, security, power consumption and network traffic. When a large-scale disaster occurred, the current communication system might be fragile and the server based network service might be unavailable due to the damages, network congestions, and power failure, etc. In this paper, we proposed an ICN based Disaster Information Sharing Service (DISS) [1], [2] system. DISS could provide robust information sharing service. Users could publish disaster information as a content message with the help of our DISS. In addition, by utilizing DISS's message naming strategy, users could retrieve disaster information even without a server connection. The ICN based DISS could reduce the probability of network congestion when a large number of simultaneous connections occurring. It could provide server-less service in poor network condition. DISS allows users retrieve disaster information from terminals or ICN nodes. During disasters, sharing information timely and effective could protect people from disaster, ensure people's safety.

  • Maintenance of Communication Carrier Networks against Large-Scale Earthquakes

    Yoshikazu TAKAHASHI  Daisuke SATOH  


    E98-A No:8

    The network operations center of a communication carrier play an important and critical role in the early stage of disaster response because its function is the maintenance of communication services, which includes traffic control and restoration of services. This paper describes traffic control and restoration of services affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. This paper discusses challenges on traffic congestion and restoration for future large-scale disasters.

  • Interference Reduction Characteristics by Circular Array Based Massive MIMO in a Real Microcell Environment

    Ryochi KATAOKA  Kentaro NISHIMORI  Ngochao TRAN  Tetsuro IMAI  Hideo MAKINO  


    E98-B No:8

    The concept of massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) has recently been proposed. It has been reported that using linear or planar arrays to implement massive MIMO yields narrow beams that can mitigate the interference signal even if interference cancellation techniques such as zero forcing (ZF) are not employed. In this work, we investigate the interference reduction performance achieved by circular array implemented massive MIMO in a real micro cell environment. The channel state information (CSI) is obtained by using a wideband channel sounder with cylindrical 96-element array in the 2-GHz band in an urban area. Circular arrays have much larger beamwidth and sidelobe level than linear arrays. In this paper, when considering the cylindrical array, the interference reduction performance between ZF and maximum ratio combining is compared when one desired user exists in the micro cell while the interference user moves around the adjacent cell. We show that ZF is essential for reducing the interference from the adjacent cell in the circular array based massive MIMO. The required number of antennas in the vertical and horizontal planes for the interference reduction is evaluated, in order to simplify the burden of signal processing for the ZF algorithm in massive MIMO. Because there are elements with low signal to noise power ratio (SNR) when considering cylindrical 96-element array, it is shown that the degradation of the signal to noise plus interference power ratio (SINR) when the number of antennas is reduced is smaller than that by ideal antenna gain reduction with a linear array. Moreover, we show that the appropriate antennas should be selected when a limited number of antennas is assumed, because the dominant waves arrive from certain specific directions.

  • Robust Moving Object Extraction and Tracking Method Based on Matching Position Constraints

    Tetsuya OKUDA  Yoichi TOMIOKA  Hitoshi KITAZAWA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:8

    Object extraction and tracking in a video image is basic technology for many applications, such as video surveillance and robot vision. Many moving object extraction and tracking methods have been proposed. However, they fail when the scenes include illumination change or light reflection. For tracking the moving object robustly, we should consider not only the RGB values of input images but also the shape information of the objects. If the objects' shapes do not change suddenly, matching positions on the cost matrix of exclusive block matching are located nearly on a line. We propose a method for obtaining the correspondence of feature points by imposing a matching position constraint induced by the shape constancy. We demonstrate experimentally that the proposed method achieves robust tracking in various environments.
