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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Autonomous Community Construction Technology to Achieve Service Assurance in ADCS

    Khalid MAHMOOD  Xiaodong LU  Kinji MORI  


    E91-D No:9

    Autonomous Decentralized Community System (ADCS) makes its basis on offering customized and dynamic services to group of end-users having common preferences at specified time and location. Owing to extreme dynamism in the system caused by rapidly varying user's demands, and severe mobility of users, it is quite difficult to assure timely service provision to all community members. This paper presents autonomous decentralized community system construction by autonomous division and integration technologies to procure service assurance under dynamic situations, without involving significant communication overhead. By adopting the concept of size threshold, the proposed technique continuously maintains the appropriate size of community in constantly and rapidly changing operating environment, to deliver optimal quality of service in terms of response time. The effectiveness of proposed technology has been shown through simulation, which reveals remarkable improvement (up to 29%) in response time.

  • Secure Multiparty Computation for Comparator Networks

    Gembu MOROHASHI  Koji CHIDA  Keiichi HIROTA  Hiroaki KIKUCHI  


    E91-A No:9

    We propose a multiparty protocol for comparator networks which are used to compute various functions in statistical analysis, such as the maximum, minimum, median, and quartiles, for example, through sorting and searching. In the protocol, all values which are inputted to a comparator network and all intermediate outputs are kept secret assuming the presence of an honest majority. We also introduce an application of the protocol for a secure (M+1)-st price auction.

  • Conditional Lyapunov Exponent Depending on Spectrum of Input Noise in Common-Noise-Induced Synchronization

    Shin-itiro GOTO  Kazuyuki YOSHIMURA  Peter DAVIS  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Phenomena

    E91-A No:9

    We study the synchronization of dynamical systems induced by common additional external colored noise. In particular, we consider the special case that the external input noise is generated by a linear second-order differential equation forced by Gaussian white noise. So the frequency spectrum of this noise is not constant. In the case that noise-free dynamics is chaotic, we find examples where the synchronization is enhanced when the peak of the input noise is close to the peak of the noise-free dynamics in frequency space. In the case that noise-free dynamics is non-chaotic, we do not observe this phenomenon.

  • Performance of Coherent Receivers for PCTH-Based UWB System with Diversiform Modulation Schemes

    Yun-rui GONG  Di HE  Chen HE  Ling-ge JIANG  

    PAPER-Communications and Sequences

    E91-A No:9

    The performances of a PCTH-based communication UWB system with diversiform modulation schemes are compared on the classic AWGN channel propagation and the realistic IEEE-UWB channel model. By employing different versions of modulation at the transmitters, the performances of an optimal receiver and a Rake receiver with various combining schemes are studied in this paper. The numerical results for several compared cases illustrate the tradeoff between transmitter diversity and receiver complexity. It is shown that the actual performance of the PAM-PCTH scheme can be better in both kinds of channel propagation. We also find that the PCTH-based UWB system with the Rake receiver has better performance than the conventional proposal for overcoming the multipath propagation effects in the UWB indoor environment.

  • Autonomous Decentralized System and Its Strategic Approach for Research and Development

    Kinji MORI  


    E91-D No:9

    Autonomous Decentralized System (ADS) has been making progress in these 31 years since it was proposed in 1977. During these long years in the rapidly advancing computer and communication technologies, the ADS concept has not been changed but its technologies have been growing in accordance with the change and diversity of the social, economical and personal requirements and through the globalization of the market and the restructuring organizations. The ADS technologies are systematized to cover all processes of system design, operation, maintenance and modification. This paper reviews the work done in fields of ADS in past 31 years from not only technological perspectives, but it also encompasses users requirements and value, system design, industrial activity, academic activity and standardization [1]-[26]. Moreover the new directions of the ADS are suggested.

  • Composite Signaling Coded Cooperation for Fast and Slow Fading

    Asaduzzaman  Hyung Yun KONG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:9

    Motivated by the recent works of coded cooperation this letter presents a composite signal structure based coded cooperation technique. Our proposed protocol performs well in both slow and fast fading whereas, conventional coded cooperation is ineffective in fast fading. We develop the bounds on BER and FER of our proposal. Simulations confirm our developed bound and shows that the proposed coded cooperation protocol outperforms direct transmission in both fast and slow fading environments.

  • Enhancing the Performance of UWB-Based WPANs Using Cooperative PNC Relaying

    Peng GONG  Peng XUE  Duk Kyung KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:9

    In this letter, a cooperative Piconet Coordinator (PNC) relay scheme is proposed based on a MB-OFDM system. For time domain diversity, the MB-OFDM UWB system transmits the same symbol twice in different time slots over different bands. Devices (DEVs) that are close to the PNC use it as a relay in the second transmission time. Additionally, a symbol transmission schedule is proposed to provide a sufficient time interval for cooperation. During the first transmission of the symbol, the PNC listens in on the signal from the Source Device (SDEV) to the Destination Device (DDEV) and decodes and re-encodes it with the same data rate. The PNC then transmits the signal in the second transmission as well as the SDEV. Our simulation results demonstrate the proposed cooperative PNC relay scheme can significantly improve the bit error rate (BER) performance, which translates into a power savings capability.

  • Cheating and Anti-Cheating in Gossip-Based Protocol: An Experimental Investigation

    Xin XIAO  Yuanchun SHI  Yun TANG  Nan ZHANG  


    E91-B No:9

    During recent years, there has been a rapid growth in deployment of gossip-based protocol in many multicast applications. In a typical gossip-based protocol, each node acts as dual roles of receiver and sender, independently exchanging data with its neighbors to facilitate scalability and resilience. However, most of previous work in this literature seldom considered cheating issue of end users, which is also very important in face of the fact that the mutual cooperation inherently determines overall system performance. In this paper, we investigate the dishonest behaviors in decentralized gossip-based protocol through extensive experimental study. Our original contributions come in two-fold: In the first part of cheating study, we analytically discuss two typical cheating strategies, that is, intentionally increasing subscription requests and untruthfully calculating forwarding probability, and further evaluate their negative impacts. The results indicate that more attention should be paid to defending cheating behaviors in gossip-based protocol. In the second part of anti-cheating study, we propose a receiver-driven measurement mechanism, which evaluates individual forwarding traffic from the perspective of receivers and thus identifies cheating nodes with high incoming/outgoing ratio. Furthermore, we extend our mechanism by introducing reliable factor to further improve its accuracy. The experiments under various conditions show that it performs quite well in case of serious cheating and achieves considerable performance in other cases.

  • On Backward-Style Anonymity Verification

    Yoshinobu KAWABE  Ken MANO  Hideki SAKURADA  Yasuyuki TSUKADA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E91-A No:9

    Many Internet services and protocols should guarantee anonymity; for example, an electronic voting system should guarantee to prevent the disclosure of who voted for which candidate. To prove trace anonymity, which is an extension of the formulation of anonymity by Schneider and Sidiropoulos, this paper presents an inductive method based on backward anonymous simulations. We show that the existence of an image-finite backward anonymous simulation implies trace anonymity. We also demonstrate the anonymity verification of an e-voting protocol (the FOO protocol) with our backward anonymous simulation technique. When proving the trace anonymity, this paper employs a computer-assisted verification tool based on a theorem prover.

  • Reduction Optimal Trinomials for Efficient Software Implementation of the ηT Pairing

    Toshiya NAKAJIMA  Tetsuya IZU  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  


    E91-A No:9

    The ηT pairing for supersingular elliptic curves over GF(3m) has been paid attention because of its computational efficiency. Since most computation parts of the ηT pairing are GF(3m) multiplications, it is important to improve the speed of the multiplication when implementing the ηT pairing. In this paper we investigate software implementation of GF(3m) multiplication and propose using irreducible trinomials xm+axk+b over GF(3) such that k is a multiple of w, where w is the bit length of the word of targeted CPU. We call the trinomials "reduction optimal trinomials (ROTs)." ROTs actually exist for several m's and for typical values of w = 16 and 32. We list them for extension degrees m = 97, 167, 193, 239, 317, and 487. These m's are derived from security considerations. Using ROTs, we are able to implement efficient modulo operations (reductions) for GF(3m) multiplication compared with cases in which other types of irreducible trinomials are used (e.g., trinomials with a minimum k for each m). The reason for this is that for cases using ROTs, the number of shift operations on multiple precision data is reduced to less than half compared with cases using other trinomials. Our implementation results show that programs of reduction specialized for ROTs are 20-30% faster on 32-bit CPU and approximately 40% faster on 16-bit CPU compared with programs using irreducible trinomials with general k.

  • A Novel Metric Embedding Optimal Normalization Mechanism for Clustering of Series Data

    Shigeyuki MITSUI  Katsumi SAKATA  Hiroya NOBORI  Setsuko KOMATSU  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E91-D No:9

    Clustering is indispensable to obtain a general view of series data from a number of data such as gene expression profiles. We propose a novel metric for clustering. The proposed metric automatically normalizes data to minimize a logarithmic scale distance between the data series.

  • A Simple Mechanism for Collapsing Instructions under Timing Speculation

    Toshinori SATO  


    E91-C No:9

    The deep submicron semiconductor technologies will make the worst-case design impossible, since they can not provide design margins that it requires. We are investigating a typical-case design methodology, which we call the Constructive Timing Violation (CTV). This paper extends the CTV concept to collapse dependent instructions, resulting in performance improvement. Based on detailed simulations, we find the proposed mechanism effectively collapses dependent instructions.

  • Realization of Low Power High-Speed Channel Filters with Stringent Adjacent Channel Attenuation Specifications for Wireless Communication Receivers

    Jimson MATHEW  R. MAHESH  A.P. VINOD  Edmund M-K. LAI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E91-A No:9

    Finite impulse response (FIR) filtering is the most computationally intensive operation in the channelizer of a wireless communication receiver. Higher order FIR channel filters are needed in the channelizer to meet the stringent adjacent channel attenuation specifications of wireless communications standards. The computational cost of FIR filters is dominated by the complexity of the coefficient multipliers. Even though many methods for reducing the complexity of filter multipliers have been proposed in literature, these works focused on lower order filters. This paper presents a coefficient-partitioning-based binary subexpression elimination method for realizing low power FIR filters. We show that the FIR filters implemented using proposed method consume less power and achieve speed improvement compared to existing filter implementations. Design examples of the channel filters employed in the Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System (D-AMPS) and Personal Digital Cellular (PDC) receivers show that the proposed method achieved 23% average reductions of full adder and power consumption and 23.3% reduction of delay over the best existing method. Synthesis results show that the proposed method offers average area reduction of 8% and power reduction of 22% over the best known method in literature.

  • Introduction to Blueweb: A Decentralized Scatternet Formation Algorithm for Bluetooth Ad Hoc Networks

    Chih-Min YU  Chia-Chi HUANG  


    E91-B No:9

    In this letter, a decentralized scatternet formation algorithm called Bluelayer is proposed. First, Bluelayer uses a designated root to construct a tree-shaped subnet and propagates an integer variable k1 called counter limit as well as a constant k in its downstream direction to determine new roots. Then each new root asks its upstream master to start a return connection procedure to convert the tree-shaped subnet into a web-shaped subnet for its immediate upstream root. At the same time, each new root repeats the same procedure as the root to build its own subnet until the whole scatternet is formed. Simulation results show that Bluelayer achieves good network scalability and generates an efficient scatternet configuration for various sizes of Bluetooth ad hoc network.

  • Adaptive Transmission with Mixed Band-AMC and Diversity Modes for Multiuser OFDMA

    Sung Bo SIM  Yun Hee KIM  Kwang Soon KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:9

    In this letter, we propose an adaptive transmission method for an OFDMA system supporting both band-AMC and diversity modes in a frame, simultaneously. In the proposed method, users are classified into the two groups preferring the band-AMC mode or the diversity mode based on their channel parameters. Then the BS performs resource allocation to maximize the throughput. It is observed that the proposed adaptive transmission method can reduce the feedback overhead with negligible performance loss.

  • Highly Accurate Geometric Correction for NOAA AVHRR Data Considering Elevation Effect and Coastline Features

    An Ngoc VAN  Mitsuru NAKAZAWA  Yoshimitsu AOKI  


    E91-B No:9

    In recent years, the images captured by AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) on the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) series of satellites have been used very widely for environment and land cover monitoring. In order to use NOAA images, they need to be accurately transformed from the image coordinate system into map coordinate system. This paper proposes a geometric correction method that corrects the errors caused by this transformation. In this method, the errors in NOAA image are corrected in the image coordinate system before transforming into the map coordinate system. First, the elevation values, which are read from GTOPO30 database, are verified to divide data into flat and rough blocks. Next, in order to increase the number of GCPs (Ground Control Points), besides the GCPs in the database, more GCPs are generated based on the feature of the coastline. After using reference images to correct the missing lines and noise pixels in the top and bottom parts of the image, the elevation errors of the GCP templates are corrected and GCP template matching is applied to find the residual errors for the blocks that match GCP templates. Based on these blocks, the residual errors of other flat and rough blocks are calculated by affine and Radial Basis Function transform respectively. According to the residual errors, all pixels in the image are moved to their correct positions. Finally, data is transformed from image into map by bilinear interpolation. With the proposed method, the average values of the error after correction are smaller than 0.2 pixels on both latitude and longitude directions. This result proved that the proposed method is a highly accurate geometric correction method.

  • A Performance Comparison of the Parallel Preconditioners for Iterative Methods for Large Sparse Linear Systems Arising from Partial Differential Equations on Structured Grids

    Sangback MA  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E91-A No:9

    In this paper we compare various parallel preconditioners such as Point-SSOR (Symmetric Successive OverRelaxation), ILU(0) (Incomplete LU) in the Wavefront ordering, ILU(0) in the Multi-color ordering, Multi-Color Block SOR (Successive OverRelaxation), SPAI (SParse Approximate Inverse) and pARMS (Parallel Algebraic Recursive Multilevel Solver) for solving large sparse linear systems arising from two-dimensional PDE (Partial Differential Equation)s on structured grids. Point-SSOR is well-known, and ILU(0) is one of the most popular preconditioner, but it is inherently serial. ILU(0) in the Wavefront ordering maximizes the parallelism in the natural order, but the lengths of the wavefronts are often nonuniform. ILU(0) in the Multi-color ordering is a simple way of achieving a parallelism of the order N, where N is the order of the matrix, but its convergence rate often deteriorates as compared to that of natural ordering. We have chosen the Multi-Color Block SOR preconditioner combined with direct sparse matrix solver, since for the Laplacian matrix the SOR method is known to have a nondeteriorating rate of convergence when used with the Multi-Color ordering. By using block version we expect to minimize the interprocessor communications. SPAI computes the sparse approximate inverse directly by least squares method. Finally, ARMS is a preconditioner recursively exploiting the concept of independent sets and pARMS is the parallel version of ARMS. Experiments were conducted for the Finite Difference and Finite Element discretizations of five two-dimensional PDEs with large meshsizes up to a million on an IBM p595 machine with distributed memory. Our matrices are real positive, i.e., their real parts of the eigenvalues are positive. We have used GMRES(m) as our outer iterative method, so that the convergence of GMRES(m) for our test matrices are mathematically guaranteed. Interprocessor communications were done using MPI (Message Passing Interface) primitives. The results show that in general ILU(0) in the Multi-Color ordering and ILU(0) in the Wavefront ordering outperform the other methods but for symmetric and nearly symmetric 5-point matrices Multi-Color Block SOR gives the best performance, except for a few cases with a small number of processors.

  • Transient Stability Enhancement of Power Systems by Lyapunov- Based Recurrent Neural Networks UPFC Controllers

    Chia-Chi CHU  Hung-Chi TSAI  Wei-Neng CHANG  

    PAPER-Control and Optimization

    E91-A No:9

    A Lyapunov-based recurrent neural networks unified power flow controller (UPFC) is developed for improving transient stability of power systems. First, a simple UPFC dynamical model, composed of a controllable shunt susceptance on the shunt side and an ideal complex transformer on the series side, is utilized to analyze UPFC dynamical characteristics. Secondly, we study the control configuration of the UPFC with two major blocks: the primary control, and the supplementary control. The primary control is implemented by standard PI techniques when the power system is operated in a normal condition. The supplementary control will be effective only when the power system is subjected by large disturbances. We propose a new Lyapunov-based UPFC controller of the classical single-machine-infinite-bus system for damping enhancement. In order to consider more complicated detailed generator models, we also propose a Lyapunov-based adaptive recurrent neural network controller to deal with such model uncertainties. This controller can be treated as neural network approximations of Lyapunov control actions. In addition, this controller also provides online learning ability to adjust the corresponding weights with the back propagation algorithm built in the hidden layer. The proposed control scheme has been tested on two simple power systems. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed control strategy is very effective for suppressing power swing even under severe system conditions.

  • Matrix Order Reduction by Nodal Analysis Formulation and Relaxation-Based Fast Simulation for Power/Ground Plane

    Tadatoshi SEKINE  Yuichi TANJI  Hideki ASAI  

    PAPER-Analysis, Modelng and Simulation

    E91-A No:9

    This paper describes the matrix order reduction method by the nodal analysis formulation and the application of relaxation-based simulation technique to interconnect and plane networks. First, the characteristics of the power/ground plane networks are considered. Next, the formulation of the plane network by nodal analysis (NA) method is suggested. Furthermore, application and estimation results of the relaxation-based numerical analyses are shown. Finally, it is confirmed that the relaxation-based methods improved by the suggested formulation are much more efficient than the conventional direct-based methods.

  • Fine-Grain Multiple-Valued Reconfigurable VLSI Using Series-Gating Differential-Pair Circuits and Its Evaluation

    Nobuaki OKADA  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  


    E91-C No:9

    A fine-grain reconfigurable VLSI for various applications including arithmetic operations is developed. In the fine-grain architecture, it is important to define a cell function which leads to high utilization of a logic block and reduction of a switch block. From the point of view, a universal-literal-based multiple-valued cell suitable for bit-serial reconfigurable computation is proposed. A series-gating differential-pair circuit is effectively employed for implementing a full-adder circuit of Sum and a universal literal circuit. Therefore, a simple logic block can be constructed using the circuit technology. Moreover, interconnection complexity can be reduced by utilizing multiple-valued signaling, where superposition of serial data bits and a start signal which indicates heading of one-word is introduced. Differential-pair circuits are also effectively employed for current-output replication, which leads to high-speed signaling to adjacent cells The evaluation is done based on 90 nm CMOS design rule, and it is made clear that the area of the proposed cell can be reduced to 78% in comparison with that of the CMOS implementatiuon. Moreover, its area-time product becomes 92% while the delay time is increased by 18%.
