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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Learning of Finite Unions of Tree Patterns with Internal Structured Variables from Queries

    Satoshi MATSUMOTO  Takayoshi SHOUDAI  Tomoyuki UCHIDA  Tetsuhiro MIYAHARA  Yusuke SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Algorithmic Learning Theory

    E91-D No:2

    A linear term tree is defined as an edge-labeled rooted tree pattern with ordered children and internal structured variables whose labels are mutually distinct. A variable can be replaced with arbitrary edge-labeled rooted ordered trees. We consider the polynomial time learnability of finite unions of linear term trees in the exact learning model formalized by Angluin. The language L(t) of a linear term tree t is the set of all trees obtained from t by substituting arbitrary edge-labeled rooted ordered trees for all variables in t. Moreover, for a finite set S of linear term trees, we define L(S)=∪t∈S L(t). A target of learning, denoted by T*, is a finite set of linear term trees, where the number of edge labels is infinite. In this paper, for any set T* of m linear term trees (m ≥ 0), we present a query learning algorithm which exactly identifies T* in polynomial time using at most 2mn2 Restricted Subset queries and at most m+1 Equivalence queries, where n is the maximum size of counterexamples. Finally, we note that finite sets of linear term trees are not learnable in polynomial time using Restricted Equivalence, Membership and Subset queries.

  • Effects of Bragg Scattering on Ultra-Wideband Signal Transmission from Periodic Surfaces

    Hiroaki TSUCHIYA  Navarat LERTSIRISOPON  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E91-B No:2

    In this paper, the effects of Bragg scattering on ultra-wideband (UWB) signal transmission from periodic surfaces are reported. First, the frequency dispersive property of Bragg scattering is theoretically and experimentally confirmed. Next, the transfer function of both specular path and Bragg scattering are extracted. Then direct sequence UWB (DS-UWB) transmission simulations are conducted by using a raised cosine pulse that occupied 3.1 to 10.6 GHz and a Gaussian pulse that occupied 8.75 to 9.25 GHz. Finally, the effects of Bragg scattering on UWB systems are discussed.

  • An Analysis for Fault-Tolerant 3D Processor Arrays Using 1.5-Track Switches

    Tadayoshi HORITA  Yuuji KATOU  Itsuo TAKANAMI  

    PAPER-Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis

    E91-A No:2

    This paper deals with redundant 3D mesh processor arrays using 1.5-track switches, considering track and switch faults together with processor faults. Four variants are defined based on the distributions of spare PEs, and arrays of three variants have the same PE redundancies among them, but the fabrication-time costs are different. We investigate in detail how the reliability of a total system changes according to the reliabilities of tracks and switches as well as PEs, and show the concrete values of Mt and Ms, when the reliability of array are almost the same even if its variant is changed, and when it is not so, respectively, where Mt and Ms are the ratio of the hardware complexities of a PE and a track, and that of a PE and a contact point of a switch, respectively. Other results which are effective basis for the design of fault-tolerant 3D PE arrays using 1.5-TSs are given.

  • Proposal of Receive Antenna Selection Methods for MIMO-OFDM System

    Quoc Tuan TRAN  Shinsuke HARA  Kriangsak SIVASONDHIVAT  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Atsushi HONDA  Yuuta NAKAYA  Kaoru YOKOO  Ichirou IDA  Yasuyuki OISHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:2

    The combination of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technologies gives wireless communications systems the advantages of lower bit error rate (BER) and higher data rate in frequency-selective fading environments. However, the main drawbacks of MIMO systems are their high complexity and high cost. Therefore, antenna selection in MIMO systems has been shown to be an effective way to overcome the drawbacks. In this paper, we propose two receive antenna selection methods for a MIMO-OFDM system with radio frequency (RF) switches and polarization antenna elements at the receiver side, taking into consideration low computational complexity. The first method selects a set of polarization antenna elements which gives lower correlation between received signals and larger received signal power, thus achieves a lower BER with low computational complexity. The second method first selects a set of polarization antenna elements based on the criterion of the first method and another set of polarization antenna elements based on the criterion of minimizing the correlation between the received signals; it then calculates the signal-to-interference-plus-noise power ratio (SINR) of the two sets and selects a set with larger SINR. As a result, the second method achieves a better BER than the first one but it also requires higher computational complexity than the first one. We use the measured channel data to evaluate the performance of the two methods and show that they work effectively for the realistic channel.

  • Improved Approximation Algorithms for Item Pricing with Bounded Degree and Valuation

    Ryoso HAMANE  Toshiya ITOH  

    PAPER-Approximation Algorithms

    E91-D No:2

    When a store sells items to customers, the store wishes to decide the prices of the items to maximize its profit. If the store sells the items with low (resp. high) prices, the customers buy more (resp. less) items, which provides less profit to the store. It would be hard for the store to decide the prices of items. Assume that a store has a set V of n items and there is a set C of m customers who wish to buy those items. The goal of the store is to decide the price of each item to maximize its profit. We refer to this maximization problem as an item pricing problem. We classify the item pricing problems according to how many items the store can sell or how the customers valuate the items. If the store can sell every item i with unlimited (resp. limited) amount, we refer to this as unlimited supply (resp. limited supply). We say that the item pricing problem is single-minded if each customer j ∈ C wishes to buy a set ej ⊆ V of items and assigns valuation w(ej) ≥ 0. For the single-minded item pricing problems (in unlimited supply), Balcan and Blum regarded them as weighted k-hypergraphs and gave several approximation algorithms. In this paper, we focus on the (pseudo) degree of k-hypergraphs and the valuation ratio, i.e., the ratio between the smallest and the largest valuations. Then for the single-minded item pricing problems (in unlimited supply), we show improved approximation algorithms (for k-hypergraphs, general graphs, bipartite graphs, etc.) with respect to the maximum (pseudo) degree and the valuation ratio.

  • A Scalable and Practical Authentication Protocol in Mobile IP

    Yong Lee   Goo-Yeon LEE  Hwa-Jong KIM  


    E91-B No:2

    Due to the proliferation of mobile devices connected to the Internet, implementing a secure and practical Mobile IP has become an important goal. A mobile IP can not work properly without authentication between the mobile node (MN), the home agent (HA) and the foreign agent (FA). In this paper, we propose a practical Mobile IP authentication protocol that uses public key cryptography only during the initial authentication. The proposed scheme is compatible with the conventional Mobile IP protocol and provides scalability against the number of MN's. We also show that the proposed protocol offers secure operation.

  • A Broadcast Scheme for MIMO Systems with Channel State Information at the Transmitter

    Insoo HWANG  Cheolwoo YOU  Dongho KIM  Yungsoo KIM  Vahid TAROKH  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:2

    We propose a new broadcast strategy for a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system with N transmit antennas at the transmitter and M≤N single antenna receivers. The proposed method, based on dirty-paper coding (DPC), spatially separates the M users but does not suffer from the power loss of classical spatial division multiple access (SDMA). For the special case of M=N=2 and when the two single antenna receivers are assumed to be co-located, the proposed scheme produces a 2 transmit, 2 receiver antenna MIMO transmission system that doubles the symbol rate of MIMO space-time block code (STBC) systems from one to two symbol per transmission time. It is proved theoretically and experimentally that the proposed scheme provides the same performance level as that of MIMO STBC systems (i.e., the Alamouti scheme) for the first symbol, and the same performance as the Bell labs layered space-time (BLAST) system for the second symbol. When compared to the BLAST system, the proposed scheme has the same symbol rate, but achieves significantly better performance, since it provides 2 level diversity per symbol on the first symbol while the BLAST system does not provide any diversity.

  • Image Restoration for Quantifying TFT-LCD Defect Levels

    Kyu Nam CHOI  No Kap PARK  Suk In YOO  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E91-D No:2

    Though machine vision systems for automatically detecting visual defects, called mura, have been developed for thin flat transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) panels, they have not yet reached a level of reliability which can replace human inspectors. To establish an objective criterion for identifying real defects, some index functions for quantifying defect levels based on human perception have been recently researched. However, while these functions have been verified in the laboratory, further consideration is needed in order to apply them to real systems in the field. To begin with, we should correct the distortion occurring through the capturing of panels. Distortion can cause the defect level in the observed image to differ from that in the panel. There are several known methods to restore the observed image in general vision systems. However, TFT-LCD panel images have a unique background degradation composed of background non-uniformity and vignetting effect which cannot easily be restored through traditional methods. Therefore, in this paper we present a new method to correct background degradation of TFT-LCD panel images using principal component analysis (PCA). Experimental results show that our method properly restores the given observed images and the transformed shape of muras closely approaches the original undistorted shape.

  • A Note on the Random Oracle Methodology

    Mototsugu NISHIOKA  Naohisa KOMATSU  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E91-A No:2

    Canetti et al. [5] showed that there exist signature and encryption schemes that are secure in the random oracle (RO) model, but for which any implementation of the RO (by a single function or a function ensemble) results in insecure schemes. Their result greatly motivates the design of cryptographic schemes that are secure in the standard computational model. This paper gives some new results on the RO methodology. First, we give the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a signature scheme that is secure in the RO model but where, for any implementation of the RO, the resulting scheme is insecure. Next, we show that this condition induces a signature scheme that is insecure in the RO model, but that there is an implementation of the RO that makes the scheme secure.

  • Pathological Voice Detection Using Efficient Combination of Heterogeneous Features

    Ji-Yeoun LEE  Sangbae JEONG  Minsoo HAHN  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E91-D No:2

    Combination of mutually complementary features is necessary to cope with various changes in pattern classification between normal and pathological voices. This paper proposes a method to improve pathological/normal voice classification performance by combining heterogeneous features. Different combinations of auditory-based and higher-order features are investigated. Their performances are measured by Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and a classification and regression tree (CART) method. The proposed classification method by using the CART analysis is shown to be an effective method for pathological voice detection, with a 92.7% classification performance rate. This is a noticeable improvement of 54.32% compared to the MFCC-based GMM algorithm in terms of error reduction.

  • Estimating TCP Packet Loss Ratio from Sampled ACK Packets

    Yasuhiro YAMASAKI  Hideyuki SHIMONISHI  Tutomu MURASE  


    E91-B No:2

    The advent of various quality-sensitive applications has greatly changed the requirements for IP network management and made the monitoring of individual traffic flows more important. Since the processing costs of per-flow quality monitoring are high, especially in high-speed backbone links, packet sampling techniques have been attracting considerable attention. Existing sampling techniques, such as those used in Sampled NetFlow and sFlow, however, focus on the monitoring of traffic volume, and there has been little discussion of the monitoring of such quality indexes as packet loss ratio. In this paper we propose a method for estimating, from sampled packets, packet loss ratios in individual TCP sessions. It detects packet loss events by monitoring duplicate ACK events raised by each TCP receiver. Because sampling reveals only a portion of the actual packet loss, the actual packet loss ratio is estimated statistically. Simulation results show that the proposed method can estimate the TCP packet loss ratio accurately from a 10% sampling of packets.

  • Survey Propagation as "Probabilistic Token Passing"

    Ronghui TU  Yongyi MAO  Jiying ZHAO  

    LETTER-Algorithm Theory

    E91-D No:2

    In this paper, we present a clean and simple formulation of survey propagation (SP) for constraint-satisfaction problems as "probabilistic token passing". The result shows the importance of extending variable alphabets to their power sets in designing SP algorithms.

  • Dual Thresholds Method for Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation in EPON

    Man-Soo HAN  

    LETTER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E91-B No:2

    We suggest a dual thresholds method for the dynamic bandwidth allocation in EPON. In the suggested method, a buffer in ONU has two thresholds and ONU generates a normal request and a greedy request based on the two thresholds. Also, OLT estimates the overall traffic load and grants the greedy request when estimated traffic is light. We study upstream channel resource wastage and show the suggested method decreases the upstream channel resource wastage. Using simulation, we validate the dual thresholds method is superior to the existing methods in the mean delay.

  • On the Generative Power of Multiple Context-Free Grammars and Macro Grammars

    Hiroyuki SEKI  Yuki KATO  

    PAPER-Formal Language Theory

    E91-D No:2

    Several grammars of which generative power is between context-free grammar and context-sensitive grammar were proposed. Among them are macro grammar and tree adjoining grammar. Multiple context-free grammar is also a natural extension of context-free grammars, and is known to be stronger in its generative power than tree adjoining grammar and yet to be recognizable in polynomial time. In this paper, the generative power of several subclasses of variable-linear macro grammars and that of multiple context-free grammars are compared in details.

  • Design and Implementation of Energy-Collection-Based Low Complexity IR-UWB Receiver

    Soon-Woo LEE  Young-Jin PARK  Kwan-Ho KIM  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E91-A No:2

    In this paper, an energy-collection-based non-coherent IR-UWB receiver allowing low complexity and low power consumption is proposed for short range data communication. The proposed receiver consists of an on-the-fly integrator, a 1-bit digital sampler, a pre-processor and a digital symbol synchronizer. The on-the-fly integrator for energy collection and the 1-bit digital sampler reduce complexity of IR-UWB system. Furthermore, with a simple digital filter in the pre-processing unit, SNR and robustness of the receiver against time-varying channel are enhanced. Also the receiver complexity is diminished by a simple scheme of symbol synchronization based on rough time information about incoming pulses, not requiring exact timing information. The performance of the proposed receiver is simulated based on IEEE 802.15.4a channel model and the algorithms are implemented and verified on a FPGA.

  • Linear Precoding of Unitary Space-Time Code for GLRT Decoder

    Yongliang GUO  Shihua ZHU  Zhonghua LIANG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E91-A No:2

    For unitary space-time code (USTC), the impact of spatial correlation on error performance is investigated. A tighter and simpler upper bound is derived for generalized likelihood ratio test decoder. We establish that the spatial correlation does not change the diversity gain, whereas it degrades the error performance of USTC. Motivated by the precoding of space-time block code, we designed a precoder for USTC to handle the case of the joint transmit-receive correlation. Numerical results show that the degradation in performance due to spatial correlation can be considerably compensated by the proposed algorithm.

  • An Enhanced Route Recovery Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    Sangkyung KIM  Noyeul PARK  Changhwa KIM  Seung-sik CHOI  


    E91-B No:2

    In case of link failures, many ad hoc routing protocols recover a route by employing source-initiated route re-discovery, but this approach can degrade system performance. Some use localized route recovery, which may yield non-optimal paths. Our proposal provides a mechanism that can enhance the overall routing performance by initiating route recovery at the destination node. We elucidate the effects through simulations including comparisons with AODV and AODV with local repair.

  • Acceleration of ADI-FDTD Method by Gauss-Seidel Relaxation Approach

    Yuya NAKAZONO  Hideki ASAI  


    E91-A No:2

    This report describes an application of relaxation technique to the alternating direction implicit finite-difference time-domain (ADI-FDTD) method. The ADI-FDTD method is quite stable even when the CFL condition is not satisfied. However, the ADI-FDTD method is computationally more complicate than the conventional FDTD method and this method requires to solving the tri-diagonal matrix equation. Thus, this method may require more computational cost than the standard FDTD method due to the large scale tri-diagonal matrix solution corresponding to a large number of meshes. In this report, relaxation-based solution technique is discussed for the matrix solution and a simple numerical example is shown. As a result, it is confirmed that ADI-FDTD method with the relaxation technique is useful for the acceleration of the electromagnetic field simulation.

  • Dynamic Resource Adjustment to Provide Seamless Streaming Services on Multimedia Mobile Cellular Networks

    Chow-Sing LIN  Fang-Zhi YEN  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E91-B No:2

    With the rapid advances in wireless network communication, multimedia presentation has become more applicable. However, due to the limited wireless network resource and the mobility of Mobile Host (MH), QoS for wireless streaming is much more difficult to maintain. How to decrease Call Dropping Probability (CDP) in multimedia traffic while still keeping acceptable Call Block Probability (CBP) without sacrificing QoS has become an significant issue in providing wireless streaming services. In this paper, we propose a novel Dynamic Resources Adjustment (DRA) algorithm, which can dynamically borrow idle reserved resources in the serving cell or the target cell for handoffing MHs to compensate the shortage of bandwidth in media streaming. The experimental simulation results show that compared with traditional No Reservation (NR), and Resource Reservation in the six neighboring cells (RR-nb), and Resource Reservation in the target cell(RR-t), our proposed DRA algorithm can fully utilize unused reserved resources to effectively decrease the CDP while still keeping acceptable CBP with high bandwidth utilization.

  • A Secure and Efficient Handover Authentication Based on Light-Weight Diffie-Hellman on Mobile Node in FMIPv6

    Jaeduck CHOI  Souhwan JUNG  


    E91-B No:2

    This letter proposes a secure and efficient handover authentication scheme that requires a light-weight Diffie-Hellman operation at mobile nodes. Our scheme provides more enhanced securities like the PFS, PBS, and so on than the existing security-context-transfer schemes. Also, the mobile node delegates the exponent operation for the DH to the access router to reduce computational cost on it.
